Test 1 - Audio Transcript: Richmond Practice Tests For Flyers

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Cambridge Young Learners English

Richmond Practice Tests for Flyers

Test 1 • Audio Transcript
doesn’t he?
Track 1 • CD3 Adult: Yes, he does. Who’s the one that’s going to
post a letter?
Richmond Listening Practice Test 1 Child: Oh, that’s my younger brother.
Adult: What’s his name?
Part 1 Child: Nick.
Adult: He’s very little. I don’t think he can do it!
Look at Part 1. Now look at the picture. Listen, and Child: No, he’s too short!
look. There is one example. Adult: Maybe you should help him.
Adult: This is a great carnival. Child: OK. Bye!
Child: Yes. Everyone’s got different clothes on. Adult: See you later.
Adult: Do you know the children? Now listen to part 1 again. That is the end of part 1.
Child: Yes, there are my friends from school.
Adult: Who’s that boy with the red nose?
That’s Ben. Look at his big shoes.
Yes! He’s very funny.
Track 2
Can you see the line? This is an example. Now you Part 2. Listen and look. There is one example.
listen, and draw lines.
Man: Hello Mary. Your children play tennis don’t
Adult: Who’s that girl with a drink in her hand? they?
Child: Do you mean the one dressed as a fireman? Mary: Yes, they love it.
Adult: No, I mean the one between the pirate and Man: What’s the name of the club they go to? My
the astronaut. She’s got dirty hands and a son Michael wants to go to it.
dirty face. Mary: Yes, it’s called the Treetops Tennis Club.
Child: Oh, that’s Emma. I think she’s a mechanic. Man: Can I ask you a few questions about it?
Adult: I think so too. Mary: Yes, of course.
Child: Can you see my friend Sarah? She’s dressed
Can you see the answer? Now you listen, and write.
as a nurse.
Adult: Yes, she’s helping the girl who’s crying. I Man: Where is it? Is it in the centre of town?
think she has hurt her leg. Mary: It’s not in the centre, but it’s not far. It’s
Child: That’s not Sarah! That really is a nurse opposite the swimming pool.
helping the witch. Sarah’s not wearing a Man: Oh yes, I know where you mean. And can
white uniform; she’s wearing a light blue the children use it every day?
uniform. Mary: No, children can use it from Thursday to
Adult: Oh, she’s the one that’s dancing. Saturday.
Child: That’s right. Who do you think looks the Man: Well, 3 days is ok. What about times – when
best? I think Alex is dressed the best. I like does it open, and close?
her dark blue jacket. Can you see her? Mary: It opens at half past 9, and closes at 10 at
Adult: No, where is she? night. No, sorry, I mean half past 10.
Child: She has just bought a new hat. She’s Man: Oh, that’s great. Just two more questions.
outside the clothes shop. Do they have classes?
Adult: Yes, she looks great. Mary: You mean with a teacher? Yes, on Fridays.
Child: And she will look better with the new hat. Man: And what’s the name of the teacher?
Adult: Yes, I think you’re right. And who’s the boy Mary: Tony. I think his surname’s Summer.
with the music? Man: How do you spell that?
Child: Oh, I think you mean Harry. Mary: S-U-M-M-E-R.
Adult: He’s dressed up as a fireman. Man: Great. Just one more thing – have you got
Child: Yes, definitely, that’s him. He looks good, the club’s telephone number?
Mary: Yes, let me see... here it is. 569002.
Man: Thanks very much. Robert: I told him I like music. He said he wanted
Mary: That’s OK. Maybe we’ll see you there! to buy me some CDs but the shop was
closed. He went to a bookshop and found
Now listen to Part 2 again. That is the end of Part 2.
a book about my favourite pop group. I’ve
read some of it already. It’s got some great
photos in it too.
Track 3
Now listen to Part 3 again. That is the end of Part 3.
Part 3. Listen, and look. There is one example.

What presents did each of Robert’s friends give him Track 4

for his birthday?
Part 4. Listen, and look. There is one example.
Mum: That was a good birthday party Robert.
What presents did everyone give you?
What did Peter study at school today?
Robert: It was a great birthday party mum. Grandpa
got me a great present. He went to a sports Adult: Hello Peter. How was your first day at your
shop to get me something. He looked for new school?
a volleyball, but they didn’t have one. But Peter: Yes, it was OK, but we didn’t study music.
they did have a basketball. So he bought Adult: I’m sure you will do that later in the week.
me that. I’m happy, because I like basketball Did you do Maths? That’s my favourite
too. subject.
Peter: No, I’ve got Maths tomorrow. But we did do
Can you see the letter ‘C’? Now you listen, and
Geography, which was very interesting.
write a letter in each box.
Can you see the tick? Now you listen, and tick the
Mum: What about your eldest sister, what did she
get you?
Robert: You know Sarah, she always says how
1. How does Peter go to school?
important it is to study. So she bought me
something for school. It’s a dark blue school Adult: Is the school near your house?
bag, with sections to put pens and pencils. I Peter: No, not really.
can put all my books and my pencil case in it. Adult: How do you go to school then? Do you use
Mum: And what about your brothers? your bike?
Robert: Well, Nick got me a great present. It’s a silver Peter: No, it’s too far to go by bike. My dad takes
watch. It’s made of metal and glass, and me in the car.
you can wear it underwater, so I can take Adult: Isn’t there a school bus?
it to the swimming pool with me. The best Peter: Yes, there is, but it doesn’t stop near my
thing is, it can tell you the time in different house.
countries! Look, I’m wearing it now.
Mum: And your other brother Michael, did he get 2. Where is Peter’s school?
you something you like? Adult: Is the school in the town centre?
Robert: Yes he did. Look at this! I took photos of Peter: No, it’s in the north of town.
the party with it. But it’s not a camera – it’s Adult: Oh, is it the school next to the cinema?
a mobile phone that you can use to take Peter: No, it isn’t that one. Do you know the sports
photos. Now I can telephone you if I’m centre?
going to be home late from school! I think Adult: Yes.
it’s my favourite present. Peter: Well, it’s opposite the sports centre.
Mum: I know your little sister went to the shops Adult: But there’s a supermarket opposite the
yesterday. What did she get you? sports centre.
Robert: Helen got me some clothes. We went to Peter: That’s right; it’s next to the supermarket.
the shops together, and she let me choose
what I wanted. We saw this fantastic belt; it’s 3. What time does Peter start school?
perfect, because I need one for my jeans. I Adult: What time do you start school?
can’t wear them because they’re too big for Peter: I arrive at school at 8.30.
me. Adult: Wow, that’s early!
Mum: Your uncle was here at the party. Did he get Peter: Yes, but school doesn’t start until 9.
you something you wanted? Adult: Why do you arrive so early?

Peter: Because my dad starts work at 8.45, so he Betty: Yes! I can see them through the windows.
has to leave me at school early. Adult: Well, look at the man reading the
4. What does Peter have to take to school
Betty: Yes, shall I colour his beard yellow?
Adult: Alright.
Adult: I see you are getting your school bag
ready. What do you have to take to school 2.
tomorrow? Betty: What else shall I colour?
Peter: Well the teacher said we have to take a Adult: Can you see the girl with her grandpa in the
pencil, a rubber and a ruler. middle of the picture?
Adult: Don’t you have to take a pen? Betty: Yes, they’re carrying suitcases.
Peter: No, the teacher doesn’t want us to use a Adult: That’s right. Can you colour the smaller
pen in the lesson. She says that when you one?
make a mistake with a pen, you can’t use a Betty: Yes. What colour?
rubber. Adult: You choose.
Adult: And what about paper? Betty: OK, I’ll colour it blue.
Peter: No, we have to take books. I’ve written in Adult: That’s nice.
one of them already.
5. What does Peter like best about his new school? Adult: Now, would you like to draw something?
Adult: So, what do you like best about your new Betty: Yes, I like drawing.
school? Adult: Can you see the empty plate?
Peter: Well, the computer room is great because Betty: Yes, it’s on the table. Can I draw some food
it’s new. on it?
Adult: Oh, I thought you would say the music Adult: Yes, draw a sausage on it.
room. Betty: Great! There it is.
Peter: Music is my favourite subject, but the music
room is very old. They need to paint it. And 4.
I like the library too. It’s very big, and it’s Betty: Shall I draw something else?
got lots of books. I think the library is my Adult: No, now I would like you to write something
favourite place. for me.
Betty: OK, what shall I write?
Now listen to Part 4 again. That is the end of Part 4. Adult: Can you see the man in uniform?
Betty: Yes, there’s another man buying a ticket
from him.
Track 5 Adult: That’s right. Well, there’s a board above the
man with the word ‘ticket’ on it. Write the
Part 5. Listen and look at the picture. There is one word ‘train’ on the board.
example. Betty: Where shall I write that?
Adult: At the top. Above the word ‘ticket’.
Adult: Hello Betty. Do you like this picture? Betty: OK.
Betty: Yes I do. Can I colour it?
Adult: Yes of course. What would you like to colour 5.
first? Betty: Can I colour one more thing?
Betty: The woman’s handbag. Adult: Yes. Why don’t you colour the dog that’s
Adult: Which one? There are two women with sitting near the man.
handbags. Betty: Oh no. Can I colour the dog that’s sitting
Betty: The woman standing at the table. I’m going under the table?
to colour her handbag red. Adult: OK. What colour are you going to make him?
Adult: Good idea. Betty: I think brown is a good colour for a dog.
Can you see the woman’s red handbag? This is an Adult: Me too.
example. Now you listen and colour and draw and Betty: Well, there it is. The picture looks much
write. better now.
Adult: Yes, it does.
Betty: What shall I colour now? Now listen to Part 5 again. This is the end of
Adult: Let’s see. Can you see the people on the train? Listening Practice Test 1.

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