WiW4 Tests Audioscript

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Tests 4 audio script

Josh: Hi Miranda. I don’t know. What does it involve?

WIDGB4_Utest_ 1_Dictation Miranda: Getting everyone involved in recycling
here at school and coming up with some activities and
competitions to encourage students. You’re good at that.
Fitting in to a new country can be very difficult. When we Josh: Am I? Well, why not? When is it? I can’t do
arrived here as immigrants, we were lucky enough to Wednesdays or Thursdays though, ’cos that’s football
meet local people who wanted to learn more about our practice.
culture. Our neighbours were very welcoming and we Miranda: That’s not a problem. It’s on Mondays
now have many new friends. after school, in the science room. Erm sorry, I meant the
library. We’ve had to change it this term.
WIDGB4_Utest_ 1_Listening Josh: Okay. See you there.

Dan: Hi Nina. How’re we getting on with this year’s
challenge competition? Josh: Miranda, the school council’s holding an election
Nina: Well, as you know, each class has to come up next month. Why don’t you become a student councillor?
with an exciting challenge for the whole school to You’d be great.
participate in. Miranda: Oh, I’m not sure. It’s a lot of extra work,
Dan: Yeah. Have they got any good ideas yet? isn’t it? And I’m really busy with my studies this year.
Nina: Actually they have, although they’ve still got the Josh: It’s a bit of extra work, but it would really help
next month to come up with a challenge for other our recycling campaign if you were a councillor.
students. Miranda: Maybe you’re right. When do I have to
Dan: So what are they? put my name forward by?
Nina: Well, Class 1A suggested challenging other Josh: You’ve got to do it by 4 pm on Friday this week.
classes to have one day off social media a week for a Miranda: That soon? Look, I’ll think about it.
whole term. I think most of us will find that very difficult. Josh: We’ll all vote for you if you do it.
Dan: I think you’re right, but it sounds like a good
idea. Any more? 3
Nina: Class 3C want people to push themselves to do
something that really scares them, such as rock climbing Josh: Grandma, did you use to recycle things when
or sky diving. you were a teenager?
Dan: I like that idea. Grandma: We didn’t have much money in those
Nina: The one I really like is Class 2D’s. They days so we made things last, especially clothes. I used to
suggested challenging the whole school to raise money have one dress, one pair of shoes, a couple of cardigans
to build a school in Africa. There are schemes online and that was it. I hadn’t even heard the word ‘recycling’
where schools can get involved and then some of the until I was thirty, but even then people weren’t really
students go out to Africa to help with the building once interested.
the money’s been raised. Josh: But you recycle everything now.
Dan: That sounds great. So how do we go about Grandma: Of course. I hate wasting anything.
entering the competition officially? Josh: Mum’s very good too. She makes beautiful
Nina: Once the class decides on their idea, they clothes out of things people have thrown away.
complete the suggestion form online by the end of the Grandma: Yes, she does.
month. We’ve also got to create a poster to advertise the
challenge to the school. That’s got to be attached to the WIDGB4_Utest_ 3_Dictation
suggestion form. Classes who come up with the most
popular three challenges will then have to present their
I’ve just bought a checked shirt to go with my jeans and
challenges to the whole school, so that all the students
some new jewellery: a necklace made of glass beads and
can decide which one is the winner.
some huge earrings. I’ve also got a pretty woollen scarf
Dan: Come on, let’s get back to class and see what
and a pink leather jacket. Now I’m going to get a new
ideas we can come up with.
WIDGB4_Utest_ 2_Dictation WIDGB4_Utest_ 3_Listening
I’ve joined the school environment club. Our campaign for
a cleaner school environment is great. One project is to Interviewer: Today I’m talking to Jake and Maria
throw away less food. We’re asking everyone to suggest about fashion and clothes. First of all, Maria, how often
ways to improve the lunch menu. Another is to encourage
do you buy new clothes?
students to use renewable energy.
Maria: Well, I’d like to buy new things every week, but I
WIDGB4_Utest_ 2_Listening can’t afford it so it’s usually once a month. Some rich
people buy clothes every day, but I wouldn’t enjoy that.
Miranda: Hi Josh do you want to sign up as a Interviewer: So you enjoy shopping for clothes?
member of our recycling club?

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Tests 4 audio script

Maria: I love it. I usually meet my friends in town at the

weekends so that we can look at the clothes shops and WIDGB4_Utest_ 4_Listening
see what’s trendy and what’s not.

Interviewer: And, Jake, what about you? Elle: Hi there. My name’s Elle Galleano.
Jake: Probably not as often as Maria, but, yes, clothes Peter: Hi. You’re the girl who started her own jewellery
are important to me. I usually look for clothes online, but I business when you were only thirteen, aren’t you?
always buy them in the shop after trying them on.
Elle: That’s right. And you are?
Interviewer: Maria, do you ever buy clothing online?
Peter: Peter Benning.
Maria: I’ve tried it a couple of times, but the clothes
never fit properly so I’ve given up, but, like Jake, I do my Elle: Oh yes. The guy who’s got his own fashion line.
research online first. However, I do buy accessories like Peter: That’s me.
jewellery and bags online.
Elle: I love your designs, they’re really cool. Quite a
Interviewer: Do your clothes express who you are few famous people wear them, don’t they? I’ve seen
or how you feel? photos in magazines of actors wearing your designs. But
Maria: Absolutely! If I feel happy, I’ll probably wear you don’t like being in photos or giving interviews, do
brighter and more colourful clothes than when I’m feeling you?
depressed or miserable. Peter: No. I prefer to hide behind my clothes. Anyway,
Interviewer: And you, Jake? the interviewer always changes what you say, so I’d
rather say nothing.
Jake: I don’t think they express how I’m feeling, but
they reflect who I am. I play the guitar in a band so I Elle: I know.
usually wear the type of clothes that I see my favourite Peter: You don’t seem to mind, though.
musicians wearing.
Elle: I love it - probably because I started by
Interviewer: Jake, I also see you’ve got a lot of presenting my products online in videos and writing
piercings. What do your parents think about those? blogs, so it’s not a problem.
Jake: They weren’t too happy when I got my nose Peter: I can see that. You’ve been in TV adverts, too,
pierced, but they were fine about the ear piercings. haven’t you?
Maria: My parents were really angry when they saw my Elle: Yes, but I find those embarrassing because they
ears. They won’t let me get any more until I’m older. change the way I look so much. I’ve just read your book. I
Interviewer: Why do you think people have such a thought the section on presenting yourself for job
reaction to piercings? interviews was really helpful. So many young people
don’t realise how important this is.
Jake: I think it’s because in the past it was probably
associated with criminals or something like that, but now Peter: Exactly! It’s the first impression someone gets of
lots of people have them. you. My company now employs over fifty people and I’ve
interviewed most of them. They were very surprised to
Maria: I agree. It was different when my mum was a find a teenager interviewing them. Do you interview job
teenager. Her parents wouldn’t let her get any piercings. applicants?
Actually, my parents are quite cool about the way I look.
They understand it’s how I express myself. Elle: No, actually. My business is still pretty small and
we‘ve kept it in the family: Dad does the finance, Mum
Jake: You’re lucky, my dad keeps telling me to tidy up
and wear jeans without any holes in them. He doesn’t does the administration and my two older brothers work
understand that’s the fashion. He thinks I look scruffy. in production. There’s also a cousin of my dad’s, so there
was no formal interview.
WIDGB4_Utest_ 4_Dictation Peter: Don’t you find it difficult to work with family?
Families usually argue with each other.

Young people should have the opportunity to gain work Elle: I know, but we don’t. We’ve all got the same
experience before leaving school. When they apply for goal. We love working together.
permanent positions, it can show future employers if they
can work in teams and get on with colleagues.
Companies need people with many skills.

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Tests 4 audio script

WIDGB4_Utest_ 5_Dictation
WIDGB4_Utest_ 6_Dictation
Some people believe that it would be exciting to be an
astronaut, flying through Earth’s atmosphere and on into
Many people suffer from hay fever in the summer. They
space. However, the length of time we can stay in space
are allergic to something in the air. They can have itchy
is not enough to let us to live on another planet
eyes, a sore throat, a runny nose, a headache and a
temperature. Luckily they can get medicines from the
chemist’s to help.
WIDGB4_Utest_ 5_Listening
WIDGB4_Utest_ 6_Listening
My name’s Mark Vanden and I’m going to talk to you
about what it’s really like living on a space station.
Hi. I’m Sarah Macy and I’m a kite-surfer. Why do I kite
Everyone knows there’s no gravity in space, so that’s the surf? Because it’s the best sport in the world and it’s
first thing you have to get used to: floating around all the great for your general health and fitness. The feeling of
time unless you tie yourself down. And, believe me, it excitement is amazing and it gets the blood pumping
makes the most simple tasks really difficult. round your body and makes your muscles strong. Surfing
over the waves with the help of a huge kite is so exciting.
For example, it’s almost impossible to have a shower in
People ask me if it is dangerous and I tell them it’s no
space. So we have to use a wet cloth to put the soap on
more dangerous than crossing the road or driving your
our bodies and then to clean it off. But the worst thing is
car. But it’s much more fun! You never know what will
what the environment does to your body. If you don’t
happen next. For example you could be jumping five feet
exercise regularly, you’ll lose muscle strength, especially
or thirty-five feet in the air, flying like a bird and then
in the legs which usually carry our bodies on Earth, but in
sailing along the water at great speed. If you keep to the
space they don’t have to do that so the muscles and legs
rules of not going kite-surfing alone and knowing what to
become weak.
do if the wind gets too strong, you should be okay. But I
And another strange thing is that the blood and water in recommend taking a proper course first so you know how
our bodies moves to the upper part of the body and head. to do it properly before going out on the water.
The brain then stops the body making any more liquid,
It never gets boring because weather conditions are
which can be dangerous. That’s another good reason for
always changing so there’s always a new challenge. I
regular exercise.
started five years ago when I left university and went to
Then people often ask me about eating in space. Well, Mexico on holiday. And from that moment I didn’t want to
we have packets of food that you add water to to make a do anything else. When I returned home to England, I
meal. All of them have the minerals and vitamins we became very stressed trying to find a job. One day, I just
need. The funniest thing for me was the salt and pepper. woke up and thought: ‘the only time I was really happy
It has to be in liquid form because it might go into the was when I was kite-surfing. That’s what I’ve got to do.’
equipment or our eyes and damage them if it wasn‘t
A few months later I left for Brazil and my new life kite-
surfing. My friends thought I was mad to leave everything
We worked twelve-hour shifts and we did a lot of scientific I knew, but as soon as I arrived in Brazil I knew I’d made
experiments. But we also had to keep the space station the right decision. I did a course to teach kite-surfing and
clean so we had to do quite a lot of cleaning every day. then got a job. It doesn’t pay much, but I’m happy and
Then we had to check the support systems and update that’s all that matters.
the computers, just like at home, really.
Probably the worst experience I’ve ever had was when I
The most exciting part is the spacewalks. These are very was quite far out at sea and saw two sharks circling
important and most of us have done at least one. We around me. I headed back to the shore and tried to keep
wear suits with many different layers to keep us the right calm, but they weren’t interested in me, thank goodness!
temperature. But the worst part was waiting in an airlock,
breathing oxygen for four hours before we were allowed
outside. This meant that we usually didn’t stay outside the WIDGB4_Utest_ 7_Dictation
station for too long. In fact the longest recorded walk
lasted nearly nine hours and was in 2001. But it was truly
Adverts are created to attract a target audience to spend
money on a particular brand. They are found in

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Tests 4 audio script

magazines and newspapers, and on billboards and TV. The characters in the film are very complicated. Most of
Commercials inform millions about a product and are like the scenes take place inside a dark building where
short films which can be very impressive. portraits of unusual people suddenly come to life. It was a
disappointing film and was quite different from the graphic
WIDGB4_Utest_ 7_Listening

WIDGB4_Utest_ 8_Listening

John had never given a speech before and was very

Fiona: Hi, Steve, what are you doing here in my
nervous when he had to give one in his new job. He
discovered SpeechFun courses online and learned how
to do it well. After his first speech he immediately got a Steve: Hi, Fiona. Have you forgotten? We’ve got the
promotion. Try free for one week only, now. first meeting about the art exhibition that’s going to be
held in our school during the summer holidays. You and I
offered to help, remember?
Want to learn a new language quickly? Try the
Fiona: Oh, sorry, I completely forgot. We went to the
FastSpeak method which teaches you how to
gallery in town this afternoon and saw the pop art
communicate in languages such as Chinese or English in
exhibition there.
only a few weeks. Our customers say it’s the fastest and
the best ever. Join now and get the first two weeks free. Steve: Was it any good?

Fiona: Much better than I expected. I didn’t think I was

going to enjoy it, but some of the pieces were amazing.
You ought to go. It finishes next week.
Chinese might be difficult to learn, but with our translation
Steve: Well, I don’t think I’ll have time. We’ve got a lot
app you will have no problems. If you‘ve got business in
to do to organise the exhibition.
China, or are studying Chinese at school or university,
our app will help you progress faster than you can Fiona: It won’t take long, will it? It’s just for students,
imagine. Buy now and save 15%. isn’t it?
4 Steve: Ermm, not exactly. The Art head says it’s for all
local painters, not just us.
Holiday with us in Beijing and learn to cook Chinese food
with top chefs. Anyone who loves this food will enjoy this Fiona: Really?
chance to learn how the best Chinese chefs create their
Steve: Yes, the school thinks it’s a good way to get the
delicious meals. You don’t have to speak Chinese, as
local community involved.
English is spoken the whole time.
Fiona: Where’s it going to take place? I bet it’ll be in the
main hall.
Improve relationships with people from different cultures
Steve: I think she suggested the gym, actually. They’re
by learning how to read facial expressions and
going to have some concerts in the main hall during the
understand body language used around the world. This
online course uses informative and amusing videos to
explain everything. Book now and enjoy the first unit free. Fiona: Really, that sounds a strange place to show
Steve: A bit. So we’ve got a lot of work to do if we don’t
Fancy eating a Chinese, Indian, Thai or Italian meal this
want it to look like a gym once the paintings are up.
evening but not at a restaurant? Then buy our app which
offers thousands of simple recipes for foods of many Fiona: Are they having pop concerts?
cultures. It’s easy to use and even tells you where you
Steve: ’Fraid not. The local orchestra’s playing classical
can buy the ingredients for the meals near your location.
music. Not the sort of thing we usually listen to.

Fiona: Oh, pity. Now, how many of us are involved in

WIDGB4_Utest_ 8_Dictation the exhibition planning?

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Tests 4 audio script

Steve: There are another six students so that makes Jorge: Oh yes. We also advise people to wear closed
eight of us altogether and the three art teachers. shoes, because if they have sandals on, their feet could
get hurt.
Fiona: It’s going be a lot of extra work this term doing
this. Presenter: And when does the throwing start?

Steve: Yes, but it’ll look great on our CVs. You want to Jorge: The tradition is that it doesn’t start until someone
study art, don’t you? And I’ve got a great idea to advertise climbs up a pole covered in soap to reach a ham at the
the exhibition. top. But people often can’t wait so the fight often starts
before that. Trucks of tomatoes arrive mid-morning and
Fiona: Go on then, tell me.
people on the trucks usually throw the first tomatoes.
Steve: I know a journalist who works for the local paper
Presenter: How long does this fight last?
and he said he could write an article about it.
Jorge: Only about a couple of hours because then
Fiona: That’s a really good idea.
everyone involved has to clean up the town. Everything is
covered in bits of tomato and becomes completely red,
WIDGB4_Utest_ 9_Dictation but by mid afternoon it’s all clean again.

Presenter: Are there any rules?

It’s a public holiday tomorrow to celebrate Independence Jorge: Oh, yes. People mustn’t bring bottles or hard
Day. This year it’s especially important as it’s a hundred objects and they’re not allowed to pull each other’s
years since independence. It has become a huge cultural clothes. And, most importantly, they must squash the
festival and people are putting up decorations around the tomatoes before they throw them so they’re not too hard
town. Many people will be wearing traditional costume. when they hit someone.

WIDGB4_Utest_ 9_Listening Presenter: I must get tickets for next year’s


Presenter: Today I’m talking to Jorge Benito about

La Tomatina, the Spanish festival where people throw WIDGB4_EoYtest_Listening1
tomatoes at each other. Jorge, how did this festival start?

Jorge: No one really knows why but we know the first

Sarah: Jack, what have you found about doing extreme
one was in 1944 or 45. Some people say it was a food
sports? It seems really dangerous as far as I can see.
fight between friends and others that a lorry carrying
tomatoes tipped over and people collected the damaged Jack: Well, that’s not totally true, Sarah.
tomatoes and started throwing them at each other. It’s a
Sarah: What do you mean?
mystery really.
Jack: Accidents happen when people don’t learn how
Presenter: Where does it take place?
to do it properly and if they take unnecessary risks.
Jorge: Although many towns have festivals, this festival
Sarah: Unnecessary risks?
only happens in Buñol near Valencia on the last
Wednesday in August and people come from all over the Jack: Yes. What I mean is that a lot of people think
world to take part. In fact over 40,000 people used to visit they’ll never have an accident and then they try
the small town. However, since 2013 we’ve had to sell something too difficult. They love the excitement so much
tickets so there are no more than 20,000 visitors, that they keep doing more dangerous things.
because it’s too dangerous with so many people.
Sarah: Yes, I read that somewhere too. It’s like my
Presenter: What happens on the day of the mum’s friend. She started going to the gym last year and
festival? now she spends hours every day exercising and can’t or
doesn’t want to stop. If she doesn’t go every morning, she
Jorge: At 9 a.m. people gather in the main square and
feels ill. That’s not healthy, surely?
can have breakfast, which is provided by the town hall.
Then, before the tomatoes arrive mid-morning, residents Jack: I agree. I think some people can exercise too
throw buckets of water over the people waiting in the much, but it’s not always a bad thing. I found one really
square. interesting story about a man who did 401 marathons in
401 days.
Presenter: I suppose it’s a good idea to wear old
clothes then? Sarah: Wow, that’s amazing. But why?

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Tests 4 audio script

Jack: He was raising money for charity. He ran 2

marathons around the UK and, although he had to stop
Julia: What should I practise for a job interview?
because of some injuries, he made up the extra miles
when he recovered. So, he still did the equivalent of 401 Mike: Body language is very important. Don’t forget to
marathons in 401 days. look the interviewer in the eye when you’re answering
questions. And your posture. Make sure you sit up
Sarah: I bet he was exhausted when he finished.
Jack: Yeah. I think he was. What stories have you
Julia: That’s a lot to remember while I’m answering
difficult questions.
Sarah: Well, I kept reading about how many people
Mike: They won’t be difficult if you’ve prepared
have died doing an extreme sport. That’s really scary and
properly. You need to find out as much as you can about
yet more and more people are doing it.
the job and the company. Have you done any research
Jack: I know. But I think it’s the danger they love. yet?

Sarah: I guess so. One story I liked was about a guy Julia: Not really. Where do I start?
who saw free-running on TV in 2005 when he was
Mike: Let’s look at their website. Where did you find
fourteen years old. It inspired him to try it himself. He
the vacancy? Online? Newspaper?
studied videos online and then practised what he’d seen.
After two years he entered his first free-running race and Julia: No, in the student magazine.
discovered that his training programme had been just as
Mike: Look, here’s all the information on the website.
good as or even better than the people who were experts.
At eighteen he made the finals of a world championship 3
and came third, and his career as a free runner started.
Interviewer: Miss Jennings, thank you for coming to
Jack: I didn’t know you could make it into a job. the interview for office assistant. As this is your first job,
can you tell us something about yourself, please?
Sarah: You can with any sport if you can find someone
or a company to sponsor you. Miss Jennings: Erm, well, I’m very organised and I’ve
got good computer skills. I also like meeting new people
Jack: So we’ve got quite a lot for our project. I hope
and I keep calm in stressful situations.
you found some great photos too …
Interviewer: Can you give us an example of that,
Miss Jennings: Of course. I helped arrange the school
prom last year and, at the last minute, the band couldn’t
1 come. We couldn’t have a party without a band so I
phoned a friend who plays in a band and they came
Rob: Hi, Eve, what’re you up to today?
immediately. The event was a great success.
Eve: Well. I haven’t got any plans really. I’m going to
Interviewer: Thank you, Miss Jennings. Now, why
visit the local shops.
do you want this job?
Rob: What, shopping again?
Eve: No. I can’t afford anything at the moment. I was
Sue: Hi, Phil. How was your holiday job?
thinking about looking for a summer job. Some of the
local shops might have part-time vacancies over the Phil: Really good. I was an assistant cook in the Red
summer. Café but it was very hard work. I had no idea how hard
chefs work.
Rob: That’s a good idea. I’ve got a job for the summer
in the Red Café as a waiter. I start the day after school Sue: Didn’t you? I did tell you before you took the job.
Phil: I know you did. I started at eight every morning
Eve: So you’re not having any holiday, then? and checked we had all the necessary ingredients. Then I
prepared all the vegetables. But before all that I had to
Rob: Well, we’re planning a camping holiday in
make sure that the equipment was clean. The chef got
France when the job finishes. My mum’s cousins live
really angry if it wasn’t.
there so we thought we’d visit them.

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Tests 4 audio script

Sue: Was he like those chefs on TV who shout at


Phil: Not really. But it’s a very stressful job. He helped

me and I learned a lot from him.

Sue: Are you still planning to be a chef when you

finish school?

Phil: I’m not so sure now.

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