Section 6 - Local Effects 6.2 Drifting at Projections and Obstructions
Section 6 - Local Effects 6.2 Drifting at Projections and Obstructions
Section 6 - Local Effects 6.2 Drifting at Projections and Obstructions
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(1) In windy conditions drifting of snow can occur on any roof which has obstructions as these cause areas of aerodynamic shade
in which snow accumulates.
(2) The snow load shape coefficients and drift lengths for quasi-horizontal roofs should be taken as follows (see Figure 6.1), unless
specified for local conditions:
μ1 = 0,8
μ2 = γh/sk → μ2 ∈ [0,8; 2,0] (γ = 2 kN/m3 is the weight density of snow).
Note Where permitted by the National Annex, Annex B may be used to determine the load case due to drifting.
ls ls
h= 2.00 m
b= 6.00 m
μLR μ1 μ2,min = 0.80 [-]
b < ls b ≥ ls μ2,max = 2.00 [-]
h = 2.00 m
γ= 2.00 kN/m³
Weight density of snow:
b < ls
b = 6.00 m sk = 1.50 kN/m²
Case b) Case a) Characteristic value of snow L. on the ground.
μ2 = γh/sk = 2.00 x 2.00/1.50 = 2.67 [-] μ2 = 2.00 [-] μ1 = 0,8 [-] [Case Applicable]
with the limits: μ2 ∈[0.80; 2.00] Used for calculations.
µ LR =
( µ 2 − µ 1 ) ⋅ ( ls − b ) + µ (2.00 − 0,8) x (5.00 − 6.00)
1 = + 0,8 [Case Not Applicable]
μ2 = 2.00 [-]
(2) The design of those parts of a roof cantilevered out beyond the walls should take account of snow overhanging the edge of the
roof, in addition to the load on that part of the roof. The loads due to the overhang may be assumed to act at the edge of the roof
and may be calculated as follows:
Depth of the snow layer on the roof (see Figure 6.2): d= 0.90 m
JOB NO.: ??
d = 0.90 m
se = 16.00 kN/m
(per metre lenght due to the overhang).
(1) Under certain conditions snow may slide down a pitched or curved roof. The coefficient of friction between the snow and the
roof should be assumed to be zero. For this calculation the force Fs exerted by a sliding mass of snow, in the direction of slide,
per unit length of the building should be taken as:
Fs = s∙b∙sinα.
Most onerous undrifted load case (see 5.2 and 5.3): s= 2.50 kN/m²
(snow could slide).
Pitch of the roof, measured from the horizontal: α= 30.00 ° = rad 0.5236
b = 4.00 m
α = 30°
Fs = 5.00 kN/m
(per unit length of the building).