No Item Unit Quantity Unit Price (Euro) Total Price (Euro) I Preconstruction Works

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No Item Unit Quantity Unit Price [euro] Total Price [euro]

I Preconstruction works
Setting up of the construction site and transport of the construction
1 lump sum 1 1.00 1.00
equipment to the site
Cleaning the constuction site from threes and bushes and transporting the
2 lump sum 1 1.00 1.00
waste to the dump site at maximum distance of 5 km
Site testing of anchors with length of L=15 m, 20 m and 25 m as per EN
1573, inlcuding procurement and installation of the anchors as well as
3 piece 3 1.00 3.00
interpretation of the established results in a form of single report for all
tested anchors
Geodetic marking of the construction lines of the duide wall diaphragm
4 lump sum 1 1.00 1.00
wall on site before commencement of the construcion works
Providing, curing and laboratory testing of concrete samples during the

5 construction of the driaphragm wall. The total number of concrete samples lump sum 1 1.00 1.00

will be determined as per national standard

Providing and laboratory testing of steel reinforcement during the
6 construction of the driaphragm wall The total number of test samples will lump sum 1 1.00 1.00
be determined as per national standard
Preparation of concrete mix design (for guide wall and diaphragm wall) and

7 method statement based on the requirements noted in the Design on lump sum 1 1.00 1.00

construction of diaphragm wall

Subtotal Preconstruction works 9.00
II Eartworks and installation of anchors
Mapping of the excavated soil material during execution of the excavation
1 works for construction of the diaphragm wall and preparation of the lump sum 1 1.00 1.00
excavation log
Mechanical excavation of soil material (clay, sand and fill material) for
forming of working platform for construction of the diaphragm wall
2 including transport of the excavated material to the dump site at m3 1 1.00 1.00
maximum distance of 5 km. The cost for transport of the rig for excavation
of the diaphragm wall sections is included in item I.1 and IV.2
Mechanical excavation of soil material (clay, sand and gravel) for forming
of narrow trench for construction of concrete guide wall including
3 transport of the excavated material to the dump site at maximum distance m3 1 1.00 1.00
of 5 km. The cost for transport of the excavation equipment is included in
item I.1 and IV.2
Mechanical excavation of soil material (clay, sand and gravel) for
construction of the diaphragm wall panels as per the design and the
method statement submited by the Contractor including procurament,
preparation and placing of bentonite slurry for stabilization of the
4 excavation, installation of edge stop panels and transport of the excavated piece 1 1.00 1.00
material to the dump site at maximum distance of 5 km. The size of the
diaphragm wall sections are 0,6x2,5 m and depth of 14 m. The cost for
transport of the rig for excavation of the diaphragm wall sections is
included in item I.1 and IV.2
Procurament and transport of the DYWIDUCK anchors, couplings, nuts,
anchor plates and anchor bites to the site and installation of the passive
self-driling anchors with anchor rod diameter of 38 mm and drilling
5 diameter of 70 mm including procurament, transport to the site, piece 1 1.00 1.00
preparation of the grout mixture and grouting of the anchors. The cost for
transport of the anchor installation rig and grouting station is included in
item I.1 and IV.2
Subtotal Eartworks and installation of anchors 5.00
III Concrete and reinforcement works
Procurament and transport to the site of concrete C25/30 including
1 m3 0 0.00 0.00
concreting of guide wall
Procurament and transport to the site of concrete C25/30 with waterproof
2 m3 0 0.00 0.00
admixtures including concreting of diaphragm wall.
Procurament, transport to the site, cutting, bending, forming of
reinforcement cages and placing of reinforcement cages with maximum
length of 14 m into the excavation for the diaphagm wall sections. The cost
3 kg 0 0.00 0.00
for transport of the eqipment for cutting and bending of reinforcement
bars as well as forming and placing of the reinforcement cages is included
in item I.1 and IV.
Subtotal Concrete and reinforcement works 0.00
IV Other works
Removing of the concrete guide wall after construction of the diaphragm
wall and transport of the concrete waste material to the dump site at
1 m3 1 1.00 1.00
maximum distance of 5 km. The cost for transport of the eqipment for
removing of the concrete guide wall is included in item I.1
Transport of the construction equipment off the site (the temporary
2 facilities for the Contractor will remain at the construction site until lump sum 1 1.00 1.00
completion of all construction works)
Subtotal Other works 2.00
I. Preconstruction works 9.00
II. Eartworks and installation of anchors 5.00
III. Concrete and reinforcement works 0.00
IV. Other works 0.00
Total 14.00
Total including VAT 16.52
Drawing description
Drawing No
Layout and sections

Layout of the structure showing:

- position of the guide wall;
1 - position of the diaphragm wall;
* note: the position of the construction joints and other detailes will not be
shown since the scale of the this drawing is not appropirate for showing small
details of the structures

Separate longitudinal profile of each section of the guide wall showing:

- elevation of the crest of the wall and wall foundation;
2.1 - position of guide wall in respect to the diaphragm wall;
- position of the construction joints;
- notes related to the ground and structures (including characteristics of
construction materials);

Separate longitudinal profile of each section of the diaphragm wall showing:

- elevation of the crest of the wall and bottom of the wall;
- position of the diaphragm wall in respect to the guide wall;
- position of the construction joints;
- position of the anchors;
- designation of diaphragm wall panels
- designation of the anchors;
2.2 - notes related to the ground and structures (including characteristics of
construction materials);
- ground profile;
- list of anchors showing anchor position, anchor lenght (lenght of the section
in ground and the section in the retaining structure), designation of each
anchor and etc.
- list of diaphragm wall panels showing panel position, panel lenght,
designation of each panel and etc.

Cross sections of the guide wall and diaphragm wall showing:

- ground profile;
3 - position of the anchors;
- notes related to the ground and structures (including characteristics of
construction materials);

Construction details

Construction details of the guide wall showing:

- construction sequences;
- construction joints details;
- 3D model of one section of the wall;
- notes related to the ground and structures (including characteristics of
construction materials);

Construction details of the diaphragm wall showing:

- construction sequences;
4.2 - construction joints details;
- 3D model of one section of the wall;
- construction details of the cap beam
- notes related to the ground and structures (including characteristics of
construction materials);
Construction details of the anchors showing:
4.3 - anchor segments;
Left side

Section Height of Height of the slope over Length of I row of Length of II row Maximum Maximum shear
Foundation level
diaphragm wall the wall crest anchors of anchors bending moment force
[m] [m] [m] [m] [kNm/m'] [kN/m']

A-A 5,90 16,0 0,0 / / 326 95

B-B 5,50 16,0 1.75 / / 326 95
C-C 6,30 16,0 1,75 / / 355.5 100
D-D 7,70 16,0 0,45 20,0 / 165 107
E-E 7,70 16,0 0,45 20,0 / 165 107
F-F 4,65 10,0 0,45 / / 124 51
G-G 7,70 16,0 0,45 20,0 / 165 107

Right side

Section Height of Height of the slope over Length of I row of Length of II row Maximum Maximum shear
Foundation level
diaphragm wall the wall crest anchors of anchors bending moment force
[m] [m] [m] [m] [kNm/m'] [kN/m']

A-A 7,70 16,0 0,45 20,0 / 165 107

B-B 5,50 16,0 0,0 / / 326 95
C-C 5,50 16,0 0,0 / / 326 95
D-D 5,90 16,0 0,0 / / 326 95
E-E 5,90 16,0 0,0 / / 326 95
F-F 2,95 6.5 0,0 / / 25 18
G-G 5,90 16,0 0,0 / / 326 95

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