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Administrative access
Events monitoring
Correlation rules
Enrichment rules
Table lists
Event processing monitor
System management
Access rights
Dashbored + Systems> Notifications | notification related changes on assets , tasks , events for all groups (ex: dima solutions a
Dashbored + Assets > assets + statistics | you can see the all assets and statistics of certain customer group
Dashbored + Events | you can see all events related of the certain customer group
Dashbored + Incidents > incidents + tasks + statistics | you can see all incidents and incident tasks related of the certain custom
Dashbored + Data collection > Trasports | you can see the list of transports and edit it
Dashbored + Data collection > Tasks | you can see all tasks for all agents also you can create a new task for all agents !!!!!!!!!
Dashbored + Data collection >Source monitor| you can monitore the sources and forwarders for certain customer group
Dashbored + Data collection > Infrastructure | you can see all infrastructures for all customers but you can not edit or delete the
Dashbored + Data collection > Referances | you can see a list of referances and you can create a new referance also you can
Dashbored + Data collection > credentials | you ca see all creds. Also you can add a new one and delete other if you want .
Dashbored + Data collection > Profiles| you see a list of profiles that you can edit it or create a new one or delete one
Dashbored + Data collection > Correlation rule | you can see a Correlation rule list , you can not stop or run one
Dashbored + Data collection > Enrichment rule | you can see a Enrichment rule list , you can not stop or run one
Dashbored + Data collection > Tabular lists| you can see a Tabular lists
Dashbored + system >Event processing monitor | you can see Event processing monitor (collection , normalization and correla
Dashbored | just a dashbored you can rename it or add another dashbored delete related certain customer group
Dashbored + system > System management | you can see all agents , KB update or not ans about the system info.
Dashbored + system > Users | you can see all Users list and you have a privilage to edit them and connect them with certain cu
Dashbored + system > Reports| you can cretae a report based on standard and certain customer group for events , incidents a
Dashbored | just a dashbored you can rename it or add another dashbored delete related certain customer group | in progress

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