Reflection Paper Write A Short Reflection On The Topic. "How Does Global Migration Benefit The Philippines? Will Your Answer Be The Same On Account of The New Development On COVID-19 Pandemic?

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Reflection Paper

Write a short reflection on the topic. "How does Global Migration Benefit the
Philippines? Will your answer be the same on account of the new development
on COVID-19 pandemic?
Global migration is at the core of economic and social development in the Philippines. In this
context, the Philippines is among the largest migrant countries of origin in the world. Over the
past decades, outward migration has shaped Philippine society in many ways. Initially intended
as a temporary measure to catalyzed economic development, migration is now a major
contributing economic force. A more coherent policy agenda requires that policy makers avoid
operating in silos and do more to integrate migration into the Philippines’ national development
strategies. This involves not only adopting specific initiatives focused on migration and
development, but also including migration in the design, implementation and evaluation of all
relevant sectoral policies.

Philippine migration has both its positive and negative aspects. It has already been mentioned
that remittances sent back to the country strongly contribute to the economy as well as help ease
unemployment and underemployment. However, there are also the social costs of migration both
for the migrants and the families they leave behind. Among these is the breakdown of
relationships between spouses, as with parents and their children.  Most migrants and their
families back in the Philippines lament the loneliness, anxieties and emotional aches and
longings from long-term separation, their inability to be present in the day-to-day lives of their
spouses and children and to physically share moments of joy, grief, disappointments and

With the pandemic happening right now I don’t think it is safe to migrate to other countries. But
if things go back to normal I think for me in the future, migration is a good choice. Overall, the
report concludes that migration can benefit the country’s economic and social development, but
its potential is not yet fully realized. To make the most of migration, policy makers should aim to
create an environment where Filipinos migrate by choice, and where those who migrate can
positively contribute to the development of both the Philippines and their countries of
Prove or Contradict
Does United Nations hold authority over China on the COVID-19 pandemic
The outbreak of novel coronavirus, now officially known as COVID-19, continues to grow. UN
agencies continue to coordinate globally in order to help countries prepare and contain the
escalating outbreak, and mitigate damage to vital industries. It is using its international network
of labs to assist in detection of COVID-19 around the world, a vital step in controlling spread of
the outbreak. The World Health Organization (WHO), other UN agencies, country governments,
and local health officials are all working closely together to try and prevent, detect, and contain
the COVID-19 outbreak and ensure the public is getting accurate, up-to-date information. Health
officials globally are urging people to prepare for the chance COVID-19 could come to your
community, but not panic. WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
are both encouraging schools, businesses, and other institutions to review their preparedness
plans and ensure transparent communications with their communities.

WHO and the broader UN system are working diligently to ensure that global cooperation is the
bedrock of the response to this novel coronavirus. We know that diseases don’t respect borders.
We also know, thanks to a recent UN report, that the world is long overdue and unfortunately
woefully under-prepared to handle a global disease pandemic. In the face of emerging disease
threats like this novel coronavirus, global cooperation is key to ensuring people stay healthy and
safe. It’s critical to have a strong, well-supported global system of cooperation. No country can
face disease outbreaks like 2019-n-COV alone, and organizations like WHO and the UN are vital
to ensuring the right people and resources are available to try and contain these illnesses and
keep people safe. Diseases move across borders in an instant, and our only hope to rapidly fight
back is to work together to ensure the health and well-being of everyone around the world. As
the outbreak continues, it will be imperative to rely on global solidarity and collective action in
order to stop this virus, as well as prepare our world to better handle future global health threats.
The pandemic and its aftermath could be a game-changer for poorer countries with limited
resources and means of recovery.
Write an essay on the following topic:
“I am citizen of the world, I am a global Filipino". Connect/relate this to the
present COVID-19 pandemic issue.
Global citizenship is not simply defined as one thing; it is a large array of various definitions.
The basis of it is global citizenship is being a responsible and active member of the global
community. To me a global citizen is a citizen of the world. As a global citizen you have to
support and care for humankind as a whole. No matter your definition of global citizenship it all
comes down to the same thing, and that is being a part of a community on a global level. To be a
global citizen we have to be somewhat intercultural. Part of this means being able to
communicate and understand what is going on. As a global citizen we have to be able to
communicate with one another to solve problems as a whole. If there are intensive language
barriers we won’t be able to work together. As global citizens we have to work with one another
to make the world a better world. More and more of us are becoming global Filipinos. For some
of us, it is our family history that made us "global": Filipinos with non-Filipino ancestry;
naturalized Filipinos who were formerly foreigners; and dual citizens from birth. For others, it is
the choices we have made in our lifetimes that have made us "global": these are the documented
and undocumented OFWs; permanent residents of another country; former Filipinos who
renounced but subsequently reacquired Filipino citizenships. As we become more global, we
must learn to challenge our own narrow conceptions of Filipino-ness, and learn to fully embrace
each and every Filipino. Beyond the legalistic definition of Filipino, we can also speak of
Filipino identity, which is even broader and more inclusive.
And with the outbreak of a pandemic, it is our duty as a global citizen to help tackle the COVID-
19 crisis, and there are many things we can do to help. Research to understand the disease and to
develop new treatments and a vaccine. Determine the right policies, both for public health and
the economic response. Slow the spread through testing & isolating cases, as well as mass
advocacy to promote social distancing and other key behaviors, buying us more time to do the
above. We also need to keep society functioning through the progression of the pandemic.
Everyone can help stem the spread of COVID-19 by practicing proper hygiene and staying at
home whenever possible and practice social distancing.

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