Programming Paradigms CSI2120: Jochen Lang EECS, University of Ottawa Canada

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Jochen Lang
EECS, University of Ottawa
Arithmetic Expressions and I/O

• Arithmetic Expressions
– Built-in operators
– Unification with numbers
– Recursive calculations
– Looping with repeat
– Generator
• Input and output: Streams
– Reading and writing to console
– Reading and writing to file
– Character i/o

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Numbers in Prolog

• Prolog recognizes numbers

– integers and floating point
• Number constants
5 1.75 0 1.345e-10 -27 -3.4 42
• Rules about arithmetic expressions use
– number constants
– arithmetic operators
– arithmetic variables

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Arithmetic Expressions

• Prolog supports common operators as built-ins including

X // Y %integer division
X mod Y
• Mathematical functions, e.g.,

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions

• Special predicate “is” in order to treat variables and

operators as relating to mathematical operations
?- 1+2 = 1+2.
?- 3 = 1+2.
?- 1+2 = 2+1.
?- 3 is 1+2.
?- X is 1+2, X is 2+1.
X = 3.

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Unification with Arithmetic
• Careful with expressions and unification
– Unification of 1+2 and 3 fails.
• 3 is a number, while 1+2 is a term.
– Evaluation of arithmetic expression is not part of the regular
unification algorithm and does not happen automatically

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Infix Comparison Operators

• Comparisons
X =:= Y % X equals Y
X =\= Y % X not equals Y
X < Y
X =< Y
X > Y
X >= Y
• The operators are applied after calculations, e.g.,
?- 1+2 =:= 2+1.

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example: Roman Emperors

% Roman Nervan-Antonian dynasty according to

% Wikipedia
reigns(nerva, 96, 98 ).

emperor(Name,Year) :- reigns(Name,X,Y),

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example: Body Mass Index

bmi(Person, Index) :- weight(Person,P),
Index is P/(T*T).

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example: Min Predicate

min(X,Y,X) :- X<Y.
min(X,Y,Y) :- X>=Y.
• What queries can we ask?
?- min(5,7,X).
?- min(5,X,7). % false
?- min(X,5,7). % false
?- min(X,Y,7). % error – why?

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Predicates using Recursion: power

• Positive Powers
– boundary case for power to 1
pow( X, 1, X ).
– recursion to calculate the product
pow( X, Y, Z ) :- Y > 1,
Y1 is Y - 1,
pow( X, Y1, Z1 ),
Z is X * Z1.

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Predicates using Recursion: factorial

• Factorial
– boundary case for factorial of zero
fact(0, 1).
– recursion to calculate the product via the next smaller
fact(N, F) :- N > 0,
N1 is N – 1,
fact(N1, F1),
F is F1 * N.

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Predicates using Recursion: gcd

• Greatest common divisor

– Boundary condition
• gcd of 0 and any number is the number itself
– Recursive clause based on Euclid’s algorithm
• modulo divisions until remainder is 0 at which point we
found a divisor for all intermediate divisors and the original
gcd(U,V,W) :- V>0, R is U mod V,
• Alternative implementation of Euclid’s algorithm
gcd(A,B,GCD):- A<B, NB is B-A, gcd(A,NB,GCD).
gcd(A,B,GCD):- A>B, NA is A-B, gcd(NA,B,GCD).

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Animation of Euclid’s Algorithm

gcd(1071,462,W) :-
462>0, 147 is 1071 mod 462,
gcd(462,147,W) :-
147>0, 21 is 462 mod 147,
gcd(147,21,W) :-
21>0, 0 is 147 mod 21,

W = 21.

Image source: Wikimedia Commons, CC 3.0, Author: Proteins

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Predicates using Recursion: fibonacci

• Fibonacci numbers
– a series of numbers 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 …
– Recursive clause based on Fibonacci’s algorithm
• fib(N) = fib(N-1) + fib(N-2)
fib(N,F):- N>1,
N1 is N-1,
N2 is N-2,
F is F1+F2.
– Two boundary conditions are needed.

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example with Crossed Recursions

Predicate to test if a positive number is even

odd(N) :- N>0,
M is N-1,
even(N):- N>0,
M is N-1,

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

A Last Example

• Interval test to see if X is in the interval between L and H

intervalTest(X,L,H):- X>=L, X=<H.
Simple but cannot generate numbers between L and H, i.e.,
?- intervalTest(X,1,5).
will produce an error.
• Generative predicate (or Generator)
interval(X,X,H):- X=<H.
interval(X,L,H):- L<H,
L1 is L+1,
– Now we can ask
?- interval(X,1,5).

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms


• Write to the screen or to a file

• Read from the keyboard or from a file
• Writing terms with the built-in predicate write/1
– write(X). adds the value of X to the currently active
output stream (by default the console).
– Example:
• write(1+2) outputs 1+2
– nl is the new line command, i.e.,
• writeln(X) :- write(X), nl.
– tab(N) outputs N spaces

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

More Output Commands

• write/1 vs. display/1

– Both, write and display output to the current streams
– write displays operators as operators
– displays ignores all operator definitions
– Example:
write(3+4), nl, display(3+4), nl.
• Output:

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms


• Reading terms:
• read/1 is for input from the currently open stream.
– The term has to be followed by a . (dot) and return at which
point the read goal will succeed and X will be instantiated to
the entered characters.
– The prompt is system dependent, e.g., a : (colon).
• Example :
?- read(X).
|: a(1,2).
X = a(1,2)

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Interactive Example

age(X, Y) :- ?- age(teddy, 22).

write('Give the age of Give the age of
teddy: 23.
write(X), write(': '), ?- read(abc).
read(Y). :23.
?- age(teddy, Z). No
Give the age of teddy: ?- read(X + Y).
22. :2 + 3.
X = 2
Z = 22
Y = 3
Yes Yes

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Repeat Predicate (built-in)

• The built-in predicate repeat is a way to generate multiple

solution through backtracking.
• Definition
repeat :- repeat.
• Example
test :- repeat,
write('Answer to everything? (num)'),

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Calculator Example:

• Read an arithmetic expression from a stream

• Calculate result
• Exit on end
calculator :- repeat, % loop forever
read(X), % read expression
eval(X,Y), % our evaluation
write(Y), nl, % output result
Y = end, !. % stopping condition

eval(end, end) :- !. % end evaluates to itself

eval(X, Y) :- Y is X. % otherwise calculate

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Control of Backtracking in Calculator

• Calculator
– if end test fails, we backtrack until repeat succeeds again
• The “Cut “ ! stops backtracking across it
– More details in the next lecture
• Calculator
– if end succeeds, we don’t backtrack across it to find more

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Opening and Closing a File

• Predicate open/3
– argument 1: Filename
– argument 2: File mode: write, append or read
– argument 3: Instantiated with the name of the stream (file
handle) that must be used to manipulate the stream status
(close, set_input, etc.)
• Modes for writing:
– write mode opens the file and puts the stream marker at
the beginning of the file.
• existing content is overwritten
– append mode puts the stream marker at the end of the file
• Predicate close/1
– takes a file handle and closes the stream

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Reading and Writing

• The current input and output stream can be set, affecting all
input and output commands (e.g., read, write, etc.)
– set_input(X)
• user_input is the keyboard
• Query with current_input(X)
– set_output(X)
• user_output is the console
• Query with current_output(X)
• All the read and write predicates can take an extra
parameter for the file handle
– write(X, Y). X is the file handle (as above)
– read(X,Y) get(X, Y) get0(X,Y)

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example: Write to File

Write X to file
writeFile(X):- open('test.txt', append, F),
write(F, X), nl(F),

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Default Input and Output Stream

• Alternative (simpler) ways to set the current input and

output stream
– see(Filename). Filename becomes the current output
stream; opens file in write mode
– seen. Closes current output stream and reverts back to the
– tell(Filename). Filename becomes the current input
– told. Closes current input stream and reverts back to the

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Character Input and Output

• put_char(Character) puts a character code into the

current stream
– character can either be an integer (e.g., ASCII_Code) or a
character,e.g., ‘a’
– put(ASCII_Code) also exists as a non-ISO primitive
• get_char(Character) gets a character into the current
– Non-iso primitives
• get0(X) unifies the variable X with the ASCII code
character entered .
• get(X) is the same as get0 but skips spaces.

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms


start :- write('The capitals of Canada'),nl,


askP :- write('Province? '), read(Province),


answer(stop) :- write('Exiting'),nl.
answer(Province) :- capital(Province,City),
write(City),write(' is the capital of '),

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms


• Arithmetic Expressions
– Built-in operators
– Unification with numbers
• Recursive calculations
• power, factorial, gcd, fibonacci
• crossed recursion
• Generator
• Looping with Repeat
• Input and output: Streams
– Reading and writing to console
– Reading and writing to file
– Character i/o

CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

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