Overcoming Toxicity-Induced Stage IV Cancer

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Overcoming Toxicity-Induced Stage IV Cancer

Guest: Dr. Charles Majors

The contents of this presentation are for informational

purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
This presentation does not provide medical advice,
diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your
physician or other qualified health provider with any
questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Dr. Hardick: Welcome back to The Detox Project. This is Dr. B.J. Hardick. I’m
so thrilled that you’re following through this entire series. Again, my website is
drhardick.com My ebook is Real Detox. I’m so thrilled that you’ve joined us.
And I’m very excited for the guest whom I am about to interview.

Dr. Charles Majors has devoted over 20 years studying health and healing to
prevent and reverse diseases through natural methods. Dr. Majors is the
coauthor of two books, Maximized Living Makeover and Cruise Ship or Nursing
Home. Dr. Majors graduated from the University of Illinois with a Bachelor’s of
Science and went on to receive his doctorate degree from Palmer College of
Chiropractic. In less than ten years he has opened seven chiropractic clinics.
He’s a highly sought after speaker.

And Dr. Majors has given hundreds of live lectures in the past ten years. Now
in September, 2010, he was diagnosed with an incurable bone marrow cancer
that metastasized to his brain. Really, with only weeks to live, Dr. Major’s left
conventional medicine and applied the same principles he had been teaching
for years to reverse his own cancer and not only survive but now thrive and
teach others how to prevent and reverse their diseases.

Because of this experience, Dr. Majors cowrote his third book, The Cancer
Killers: the Cause is the Cure. And, Dr. Majors, as someone whom I deeply

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respect and as a good friend, I’m thrilled to have you on The Detox Project.
How are you doing?

Dr. Majors: Great. I’m excited to get started.

Dr. Hardick: Obviously your health crisis and your health history can be a
summit in itself. But just introduce our audience to what exactly went on,
now, close to six years ago when you were diagnosed with the cancer.

Dr. Majors: Definitely. So I was having some severe migraine headaches. And
I’d been a chiropractor for years. So the problem, when we’re dealing with
patients and taking care of everyone else, we kind of put ourselves last. And
that’s basically what happened. I was definitely taking care of everyone else
more than taking care of myself, staying very, very busy.

And after getting severe migraine headaches, they weren’t sure what it was. I
had done different testing. They thought it was Lyme disease. I was diagnosed
with Lyme. Then the Lyme was cleared out. I was still having severe
headaches. Finally somebody said, “You need an MRI.” I didn’t want an MRI. I
knew something was wrong. I had an MRI at around, I want to say, three or
four in the afternoon. I can’t really remember the timing on that.

Usually they take a day or two to get back to you. Within an hour and a half,
my wife and my oldest son are crying on top of me. I woke up, thought
someone had died. And she said, “We have to go immediately to Northwestern
Hospital,” which is downtown Chicago. They found four tumors in your brain,
pushing your brain stem. And they don’t how much longer you’re going to
make it, it’s pushing on the brain stem so hard.

So long story short, we headed to Northwestern. They drilled a hole down into
my head to get rid of a lot of the spinal fluid, cerebral spinal fluid, that was in
there that was just building up, causing all the headaches. And I’ll tell you, I
never felt better. I’ve never had a headache ever since they drilled that in

But they pulled the fluid out of there. I think the number two or number three
neurosurgeon in the world was looking at it. And he said, “Oh, this is all
benign. You’re young. You’re healthy. It’ll take about an eight-hour surgery,
and you’ll be fine.” So I went through all the testing. They actually did the
surgery. He got up there. And on his first cut, he cut the first tumor, and it
started bleeding all over my brain. And he knew right then he should not have
been up there. It was not a benign tumor or tumors. He found out it was
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cancer. He shut me up, came into the room, and told my wife and family and
friends and other doctors that he didn’t know if I would actually wake up
because the tumors were swelling in the brain.

And I woke up with the tubes down my throat. I could barely function, move. I
thought they got all the tumors out of there. No one told me anything. Finally,
days later, they said, “The bad news is it’s cancer. The worse news is, it’s
coming from somewhere in your body and metastasized to the brain.”

So I didn’t have brain cancer. I had cancer that was somewhere in the body.
They weren’t sure. And it spread to the brain. So they did probably four days
of testing, couldn’t find it anywhere. Finally they found a majority of my bone
marrow was producing cancer. I was diagnosed with a multiple myeloma,
which is an immune cancer. And it had been there spreading. And it spread
all the way up into my brain.

And that morning, I remember the diagnosis, they said, “There’s no hope.
There’s no cure. We can do a high dose of chemotherapy, radiation, or bone
marrow transplant. That’ll buy you some time. But there’s nothing we can do.”
Even if it wasn’t in my brain there’s no cure. But it was already in the brain.
And they’ve never seen anyone who’s come back from this. That’s where I was.

Dr. Hardick: And when I was going through my seven years of school, I
remember learning that multiple myeloma was completely incurable. So I
remember when you were going through this crisis just about everybody you
knew was thinking you were done. Wasn’t it also that even some of the
conventional doctors that were seeing you in those two hospitals, even the
people within conventional medicine, didn’t some of them right away
acknowledge that there can be toxicity causes of this type of cancer? What
were they telling you?

Dr. Majors: Absolutely. So if you really look at causes, they’ll always say kind
of unknown causes. That’s almost every cancer. They really don’t know what
causes it because they don’t study causes. Medicine studies the symptom.
They study the cancer. The cancer’s secondary. The cells are responding to the

So they said a lot of times they see benzene. One of them talked about
mercuries. One of them talked about different toxins. They weren’t always
definite on it. But they said, “Yeah, that could be affected.” But again, they
didn’t know how to check for it. And if they did they were going to do it wrong.
And they also didn’t know how to get rid of it even if they found it. Their job
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was to minimize the tumor load. And that was it. But yeah, it was definitely
interesting that they said that.

And so my goal was… I didn’t want a cure. I needed to find out what caused it.
I knew that I was sick. I’d been sick for years. That’s how you get cancer.
You’ve been sick for years, then you get cancer. So if I just eliminate the
cancer, I’m still going to have the sick body or worse that caused it. I knew
you couldn’t poison me back to health. That’s where I was.

And so I knew I had to get out of there. And within two hours we actually left
the hospital. I got on a plane. And I flew to Dr. Forsythe in Reno, Nevada, to
begin the journey.

Dr. Hardick: What were some of the other experiences with potential sources
of toxicity that maybe people might not have suspected in your case because
you, obviously, as a natural health care provider, people think that you have
this perfect life and perfect background. What were some of your other
potentially toxic experiences that through your research you have learned may
have contributed to some of your past illness?

Dr. Majors: Okay, so I know when we touch on toxicity, for me it’s an immune
cancer. So whenever I’m doing a cancer consultation, I need to figure out what
caused it. Remember, I have too many myelocytes being produced, which are
your plasma cells, your immunoglobulins. I have too many.

So I want to look at why would my body be producing so many extra plasma

cells. Your body’s never dumb. It’s always doing the right thing at the right
time. So if you look and say, “What are the major reasons why your body
produces extra immunity?” it’s toward toxicity. So I had to begin to do all the
testing to figure out what was going on. So yes, I found benzene. We found
mercury. I had 12 mercury fillings in my mouth.

Dr. Hardick: Wow.

Dr. Majors: Twelve. I had 12 mercury fillings. Now remember, just mercury
fillings isn’t enough. Just benzene in my blood wasn’t enough. All cancers are
multi system, multi factorial failures. It’s this perfect storm of things that
came together. I had root canals, which obviously, to me, that’s toxic tooth. In
one sense it’s toxic.

I was looking at infections. We had lived in three brand new homes in three
homes. Obviously, most people know, in new homes there are so many toxins,
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from the glues to the paints to the flooring to the carpeting, you name it.
These things are exposing so many more toxins and chemicals. Now some
people have no problem detoxing it. My issue was I have an MTHFR mutation.
I don’t detox as well as someone else. So even though my wife lived in the
three homes I lived in, she doesn’t have cancer. But her body was better able
to detox it faster than I was.

Dr. Hardick: Why don’t you clarify for our audience exactly what is the
MTHFR mutation because I think that’s a very key point that you just raised
about your ability to detox more so than just the exposure than you have.
What is MTHFR?

Dr. Majors: Okay, so I’m going to dumb this down. I like to dumb it down for
myself because I think it’s easier to understand it. Whenever a toxin comes
into our body, it’s foreign. As soon as a toxin comes in, our brain recognizes it.
It’s going to send an immune response to handle that. The liver’s going to have
to increase the glutathione. The liver’s job is to detox us.

And so methylation means that that’s the way our liver helps us eliminate and
flush things out. MTHFR creates what’s called hypomethylation, which means
even the ability to break down hormones is hard to do. The ability to break
down toxins is hard to do. So with me, my liver doesn’t work as well as
someone else’s does when it comes to detoxing. That’s probably the easiest,
quickest way to explain it. I don’t want to get into the specifics of it.

So for me I knew I had to increase what’s called phase 2 liver detoxing more
than other people. I had to increase more methylation, so MSMs. I had to take
methylated B12. I had to increase glutathione. So I had to do a lot more with
my liver. And I still do to this day because at any time I could retoxify myself

Now, I’ve also eliminated 12 mercury fillings. I’ve eliminated the root canals. I
fixed almost all the toxicities. I recheck it. I get chelation challenge testing
done once a year to make sure that I’m clear. I just got it done again about
seven weeks ago, and it looked pretty good. I only had a few things on it. But I
also do a lot of chelating. So I get chelation done, EDTA chelation done, to
make sure that I’m holding it off.

I know we’re going to get to the point where how did I detox it. One was I had
to speed up the liver. I had to speed up the liver for detoxing. That was
increasing all the methylation in my body because mine isn’t as good as
someone else’s. I had to increase that phase 2 liver detoxing. Sweating, for me,
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because remember, I want to make sure all my elimination pathways are
open, kidneys. I’m sweating, obviously urinating, defecating, breathing, just
being able to flush out as fast as possible.

So sweating, for me, I want to say that almost the first two years after being
diagnosed I was probably in an infrared sauna, which is one of the best ways
because it’s infrared, goes about two to four inches deeper into the skin and
pulls out a lot more toxins. Sweat can pull out things that even can’t come out
through the urine.

And when I pull it out through sweating, it won’t damage my kidneys as much
either. With myeloma, most people end up on dialysis for their kidneys
because their kidneys are taking a very big toll, not only because these plasma
cells are being released, higher amounts of proteins in urines, but I knew I
had to at least sweat an hour a day. And I did that for years. Now I’m about
two or three days a week in there. Once I knew I had this, I had to speed up
more of detox than I had to do almost anything else for a while.

Dr. Hardick: Wow. You have kids. Let’s talk a little bit about children’s
cancers because those are now off the charts. And you’ve researched this
more than anyone I know. Let’s also talk about maybe how that relates to kids
because there’s been a lot of evidence now that our kids are more toxic than
we are just because of the chemicals that are being introduced into homes,
plastics, toys. Their bodies are smaller. They can absorb this stuff easier. So
what do we know about cancer, toxicity, and kids?

Dr. Majors: Well, one of the things that we hear all the time now, this is the
first generation of children who are going to die before their parents. And why
is that? Because never in history were we bombarded with more toxins than
ever. By far nothing compares to what’s going on now.

So you have to quit saying, “I ate those things growing up, and I’m fine.” You
have to quit saying, “We never ate organic, and we’re fine. We never got
cancers. We never got sick.” You have to quit saying, “I don’t detox. We never
detoxed. We didn’t need supplements when I was younger, and I’m fine.” You
can’t say that anymore. The way our foods alone are now, the way our
government regulations are, what they allow in our foods, GMOs... that’s just
a whole other topic.

But that, to me, is a major toxin. These are foods that the DNA sequencing of
the food is completely different. It is a toxicity to the body. And whenever
there’s a toxicity, whether it’s a GMO or even mercury -- I hate to put those in
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the same category, but either way, the body goes and attacks it. The immune
system says, “I don’t know what this is. This isn’t corn. This isn’t the fruit I’m
supposed to normally eat. These are genetically modified. There’s something
wrong with this.” And it goes in; it creates this massive inflammation, immune
inflammation. And that’s the start of almost every disease. So we can’t keep
saying we’re okay.

In 2005, and you’ll hear this study a lot from people, probably even during
this summit, the American Red Cross took samples of the fecal cord from ten
newborns. Now think about this. This was over ten years ago. They found 287
chemicals: dioxins; phthalates, which come from all the plastics; pesticides;
Teflon; flame retardants, from just sitting on your couch; you’re breathing in,
laying on your beds. Almost all of these things, I’m talking about these higher
ones, are carcinogenic, which means they create and cause cancers.

So why is cancer increasing faster? We have 30 to 50,000 more toxic

chemicals in our body than actually our grandparents had, 30,000 to 50,000
more toxic chemicals. So now you look at why. You look at the most common
childhood cancers.

Number one, leukemia, let’s talk about that. What is leukemia? It’s an
increase of leukocytes, which is part of the immune system defending against
foreign invaders. What I find in leukemia is these children have massive
amounts of leukocytes being produced. Because the body’s doing the right
thing at the right time, the leukocytes are responding to keep the body in
check, to keep the body in balance, to keep you alive. It’s always a survival
mechanism. The body doesn’t ever do the wrong thing.

So you’ve got to imagine, these kids are bombarded with vaccine after vaccine,
which are full of chemicals. The immune system has to react. And that’s part
of a vaccine anyway. They’re trying to stimulate an immune response. Plus
you’re putting in dead viruses, live attenuated viruses. These immune systems
are being bombarded. Then we take the foods these kids are eating. We take
all the nonorganic foods that are full of thousands of chemicals. So the
immune system is just overbombarded. And now we wonder how they end up
with leukemia.

Let’s look at brain. Brain is one of the faster growing cancers in children. We
see it all the time. Why? Well what’s one of the only things that can pass the
blood brain barrier and get up to the brain in? It’s toxicity. We look at
lymphoma, whether it’s Hodgkin’s or non-Hodgkin’s. Remember, lymphoma

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are lymphocytes, increase of lymphocytes, which is part of the immunity
which helps filter out what? Waste and toxins.

So these toxins are coming in. The lymphatic system is getting overrun,
overbombarded. And now we wonder how a person ends up with lymphoma.
Wilms’ tumor’s becoming very big in children, which starts in the kidneys.
Well, how do we detox most of these toxins? Through our kidneys. We look at
liver cancer, which was never heard of in children. The common age for liver
cancer used to be 40 years old.

Now, we’re seeing it at two and three years old because what’s the purpose of
the liver? To filter harmful substances from the blood that can be passed from
the body into the stools and into the urine. So again, we look at the top five
cancers, all five of those have a major, major cause being what? Toxicity.

So we can’t go anymore saying, “I’m going to be okay. My kids are okay.”

They’re not anymore. And, again, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news. I
really don’t want to be the bearer of bad news. But this is reality. I didn’t think
it was going to happen to me. But it does. It does. And it happens to you. The
key is, we can stop this. We can protect ourselves. We don’t have to end up
like this.

Dr. Hardick: Charles, when you go on about the different sources of

chemicals and toxicities, almost now getting to speaking about chemotherapy,
I don’t want to say it’s a joke, but obviously people know that chemotherapy is
very toxic. However, still often out there there is the argument made in
conventional medicine that well, even if it’s toxic, it’s a sacrifice your body has
to go through because that’s the only thing that’s going to give your body any
type of chance.

So there can be multiple reasons why someone might want to stay away from
chemotherapy or radiation. First, what can you tell us that you’ve learned
specifically related to the toxicity of each of these treatments? I know that you
turned them away.

And I know that you made a very sound decision for yourself. Maybe it wasn’t
an easy decision. I don’t know. But what did you learn about chemotherapy
and radiation? And what are some of the reasons why you chose to opt out of

Dr. Majors: Yeah, so one of the things is—and I know, Dr. B.J., you’re the
same way, like listen, I’m not against anything. I’m not against chemo
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radiation. When a patient comes to me and says, “Hey, I want to do chemo,” I
say, “On a scale of one to ten, where are you?” And they say, “Well, I’m a ten.”
“Well, then you’re going to need to do chemo, I guess,” right? Because one
thing that we don’t talk about enough is toxic thoughts.

Dr. Hardick: Yes.

Dr. Majors: Right? It’s toxic thoughts. The treatment is not as powerful as the
belief in the treatment. And that’s a fact. So your belief in the treatment is
more powerful than the treatment alone. So in my case, do I want to put
chemotherapy, this high dose of chemotherapy, in me, which I know is very,
very toxic to the body?

For me it’s a zero. There’s no way I could put it in me because I would’ve had
every side effect there was. And I probably wouldn’t have made it. Now
knowing that, if you’re going to do something like that, if you’re going to do
chemo, number one is I wrote a huge protocol with Dr. Raymond [inaudible]
MD, a medical doctor from Malaga, Spain. We wrote a whole thing on how to
protect the body, how to minimize side effects and maximize it.

But again, why do we say maximize it, minimize it? You’ve got to minimize the
side effects. Chemotherapy can kill fast rapidly growing cells, which is
necessary for a fast rapidly growing cancer. Here’s the problem. Not every
cancer is fast rapidly growing, especially in my case. Mine’s a myeloma.
Myelomas are not that fast rapidly growing. So chemotherapy doesn’t respond
as well to that.

Why does chemo work very well with, let’s say, colon cancer? It has a better
effect on some cancers because the colon lining, you get a new colon every 24
to 48 hours. There are very fast rapidly growing cells in here. But also,
chemotherapy will damage those fast rapidly growing cells.

So even though you may minimize some of the tumor load, you’re going to
damage the colon. You’re going to damage the bone marrow, which is
producing all of your blood cells every second. It damages the immune system.
So now I’m left with this colon, which is producing 70 to 80 percent of my
immunity. I can’t digest foods because my colon’s damaged after chemo. This
is why you see a lot of people get kitaxic or they become very, very weak after
chemo. They look like they have cancer.

Even though I’ll have a patient in stage four, they’re in a stage IV, they look
better than they did in stage I or II. That’s because they can no longer absorb
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any nutrients. I don’t care how much they juice. They can juice eight times a
day. If they don’t repair the damage they’ve done... so chemotherapy, without
a doubt, has major damage. It is definitely a poison to the body.

And for me, where I was, I needed to get myself healthy again. I did need to
minimize my tumor load, absolutely. I’d be dead right now if I didn’t minimize
my tumor load. So in Reno, Nevada, I was doing, obviously, more safer,
specific techniques to lower my tumor load. And all those things, all they d o is
buy you time. They really do. Even chemotherapy radiation will help buy
someone time in some cases so they can work on getting the causes.

And that’s the key, because chemotherapy radiation can minimize the tumor
load. It can get rid of all your tumor. But it doesn’t get rid of why the tumor
was there in the first place. The cells are responding to the environment. If the
environment is still the same, you’re still toxic. You still have this weak or
damaged immune system. You have all these other issues going on. The
cancer comes back in, what, the majority of all cases.

Dr. Hardick: I recall back when Cancer Killers was being written four or five
years ago now that you acknowledged that probably 80 or 90 percent of people
reading the book the Cancer Killers likely would have already incorporated
some aspects of conventional medicine because that’s what most people would

One thing that we often hear in conventional medicine is that if you are indeed
going through chemotherapy, you would want to stop all of your other natural
health practices. I can’t tell you how often a patient or a friend or a colleague
has said, “I’m going to go through chemotherapy. So I’ve been told to stop all
of my immune supplements. I’m supposed to stop detoxing.” What are your
thoughts on that?

Dr. Majors: Well, what’s real important when going through chemotherapy,
number one is you have to keep your elimination pathways all open. You have
to, regardless of that. There is no argument from conventional oncologists that
says you can’t keep the pathways open.

And they’re not that hard. Coffee enemas are very good. I still do coffee
enemas. Coffee enemas are one of the fastest ways to raise glutathione in the
liver. It increases glutathione almost 10,000 times, which helps detox the
body. Also, colonics, things that are going to be obviously safer. What
medicine or conventional doctors don’t like during chemo is when you do
antioxidants because chemotherapy is a pro oxidant, which means it kills the
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cancer by pro oxidizing it. That’s the best way to put it. And they’re afraid that
an antioxidant would protect the cancer cell from being oxidized. Can you
imagine that, that this little vitamin C I’m taking is going to protect me from
this million dollar chemotherapy that’s so dangerous that I have to wear a
mask and gloves? I can’t even let it drip on my hands. Do you know what I

Dr. Hardick: Right.

Dr. Majors: Now, research shows, it is all over, just Google it, go to PubMed,
go all over, high dose of antioxidants during chemotherapy will protect the
healthy cells and help maximize chemo and minimize the side effects. That is
the new research. That’s all over. It’s high dose. When someone does low dose,
so if they’re just going to take a little bit of vitamin C, it actually doesn’t do as
good. It can do more harm than a high dose. That’s interesting. That’s the new
research out there.

If you guys really want to know, if your doctor’s arguing about you doing any
alternative, University of Iowa now is doing a lot of chemotherapy with a high
dose IV vitamin C and seeing amazing results. So I love, on their days off, that
they’re doing IV vitamin Cs. I love that they’re doing infrared saunas
throughout the whole thing. I love that when someone’s doing chemotherapy
they’re following the right diet.

I like when they’re doing some IF fasting before they go in to do their chemo
because we know that the lower the blood sugar is before their chemo… now
again, you don’t have to starve before you go into chemo because they don’t
like that. You can do nutritional types of ketosis.

But when you have low blood sugar before you get the chemo, the cancer cells
become very, very weak and very, very sensitive to the chemo because they’re
starving. There’s no sugar. And when they’re starving, whatever you introduce
next they will usually take in as fuel because they’re so hungry. So definitely
there are so many ways that if someone is going to do it to minimize the side
effects and maximize any of the benefits that are there.

Dr. Hardick: That’s just a great list. I will never forget when you and I hosted
a live event. And you were going through your story. And even after going
through all of this, someone in the audience assumed that you would still be
completely anti chemotherapy. And I remember your answer basically said,
“Hey, I’m not anti chemotherapy at all. I just said that somebody’s long-term
survival has a lot less to do with whether or not they get chemotherapy but
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more all the other practices they need to incorporate.” And that’s why I like
that list that you just went through.

Dr. Majors: Absolutely. I don’t care how you get rid of it. I just want you alive
in 20 years. I believe there’s only integrative. I believe that there’s never one
approach. I believe that we need to do testing. We don’t want to guess what’s
going on. We want to know exactly what’s happening with somebody, what’s
causing it. We want to monitor the causes. We want to change the
environment. We also want to make sure the cancer’s minimizing. And again,
with the three steps I teach in the book, number one is stop making the

Dr. Hardick: Yes.

Dr. Majors: You can live 60 more years, however, depending on your age. You
don’t have to get rid of it. You just quit making it worse. Make sure it doesn’t
get any worse than that. So stop making it. Do all the testing. Find out what’s
causing it. And then step two is, yeah, you have to kill it. Depending on what
stage you’re in, what type of cancer, fast rapidly growing, you may have to kill

That’s up to you how you do it. Do you know what I mean? If somebody’s
going to do it naturally, I’m going to show them how. If somebody wants to do
it through chemotherapy and radiation or surgery, we’ve got to help protect
their body. Whatever they do, we need to help them so they’re alive 60, 70
years later. I am not for or against any of that.

And then step three is we’ve got to stimulate the immune system back up. If
we went back 20 years ago, if I was doing this, we probably wouldn’t be
talking about toxicity that much. This day more than ever, I would say that is
probably number one when I’m doing a cancer consult, is I need to find out
everything on toxicity.

Dr. Hardick: So what are the starting toxicity tests that you would
recommend, maybe not a cancer patient but really anybody, to look at doing if
they just want to get a baseline level for what their body’s different levels of
toxicities are, so they get a starting point?

Dr. Majors: Well for me, I don’t know if I necessarily like hair that much. I
don’t like blood that much. I know what’s showing up in the blood sometimes
the body’s getting rid of. Now, there can be over excess. If there’s so much of
it, it could show up in the blood eventually. Or if you have an acute trauma it
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could show up in the blood or hair, if they’re taking a piece that’s been there
six months. If you have an over excess of stuff, I think it’s good feedback. It
can tell us a little bit what’s going on. I don’t think it’s 100 percent accurate.
For me what’s accurate is chelation challenge.

So my last one I got to the clinic. I urinated. Sorry, the night before I couldn’t
eat anything after ten o’clock. I did the first morning urine. Nothing went into
my body. And then I had to take a chelating substance. So my first urine was
there, pre urine, let’s call it, or pre challenge. And then actually I did an
injection of EDTA. They injected me. I waited about a half hour. And th en I
urinated the second time, which is a post challenge. And then we compared
the two.

And it’s amazing to see how the first one looked awesome. If I would’ve just
done urine, I would’ve been like, “Oh, my God, I’m great.” The second one, it
was a little scarier. Even this time it was a little scarier. So you’ll see things on
a post challenge that you won’t see on a pre challenge. And the reason why is
because a lot of toxins will bury themselves in your cells, especially fat cells.

And they won’t come out. You can’t pull it out of there. That’s what happens
when these toxins bury themselves into a cell. The immune system then
recognizes and says, “Hey, this is foreign.” It doesn’t understand there’s also a
healthy cell there. So it starts attacking it. That’s why we also create… if you
look at autoimmunity, when I’m running an autoimmune on someone,
someone comes in with autoimmunity, toxicity’s the first thing, especially,
gosh, MS. It’s almost every time.

I see a lot of MS. A lot of my nurses, you’ll see the ones who are getting lots of
vaccines, things like that. You’ll see a lot of movement in MS. A lot of that is
severe toxicity. The immune system’s smart. The immune system’s doing what
it does. The immune system’s not dumb. It’s doing what it does. And it’s
attacking the body because there are toxins there that are more dangerous.

Dr. Hardick: Yeah. In the time that we have left, I want to talk about your
daily practices, your daily diet, your daily habits. Now, I know that you were
diagnosed with a stage IV cancer. Some would say that some of your health
practices had to be a little bit more extreme than what might be recommended
for family members.

I remember being with you the first time you had a strawberry, which is one of
the lowest sugar fruits in the world, the first time you had a strawberry in four

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years. Can you just hit on that real quick? Why is eliminating sugar such a
vital piece, whether you’re dealing with cancer or just preventing cancer?

Dr. Majors: Well when we’re talking about the topic of toxicity, sugar’s a toxin.
It is. We’re labeling mercury here and everything else. But let’s talk about
what somebody right now listening to this is putting in their body. They’re
putting a toxin in. If you have a certain amount, you have teaspoons in your
blood vessels, say 4 to 8 to 12, whatever it is, the number, you could die if you
have too much sugar at one time. We know that. We know a diabetic, if they’re
not controlling their insulin, they die. They could go into a coma and die. So
sugar is a toxin.

When sugar comes into the body, it creates this massive amount of hormonal
issues. So it’s going to spike up the insulin levels. It’s going to create an
increase of insulin growth factors. Insulin, insulin growth factors, these things
alone will increase inflammation. Inflammation’s the underlying cause of every
disease, let alone cancer.

But also, we know that cancer cells use up to 16 times more sugar than a
normal healthy cell does. And that’s because its metabolism is clearly
different. The mitochondria are damaged inside of cancer cells. They cannot
use oxygen like normal cells do. A normal cell uses oxygen. And it can use
sugar. It’s called oxidative phosphorylation. But a cancer cell, because its
mitochondria, which means the way it gets its energy; every cell needs energy
-- the way it gets its energy is completely damaged.

And the only thing it can bring in is sugar. It has 16 times more receptor sites
for sugar. And so that’s why they do PET scans and everything to find it
because it eats sugar quickly. Now what else turns to sugar? Proteins. Too
much protein converts to sugar. So that’s why you have to be very careful
even if you’re following a diet. Don’t be eating pounds and pounds of meat
because that’s going to be bad on you.

Now, fruit directly doesn’t feed cancer. It’s a left spin molecule. But fruit, for
me, because I follow a ketogenic diet -- this is the first time in six years,
almost six years, I’ve been off of it, but for almost five and a half years I was
on ketogenic -- even fruit will increase my insulin levels, which will create me
to move out of ketosis. I need to stay in ketosis with my type of cancer
throughout it.

Dr. Hardick: So what does a typical eating plan look like for a family that is
just starting out? They realize the awareness of toxicity. They want to look at a
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breakfast, lunch, dinner for their family. What’s a good model to follow?

Dr. Majors: So number one, my kids wake up with a shake, no matter what.
They can eat something if they want. They wake up with their morning shake.
They’re going to get their healthy whey protein. If my kids have any issues
with dairy, or somebody has a dairy sensitivity, just do a plant protein.

They’re going to use coconut milk or almond milk. They’re going to do

awesome greens inside of there. We put their greens in there. So they’re
getting a lot of nutrients there. We put in lots of coconut oil. And we all kno w
the benefits of coconut oil.

We put in all different healthy different berries, Noni, gojis. Now, this is their
shake. I don’t do a lot of berries. They’ll do blueberries. They’ll do a little bit of
strawberries. Now, for them, they can handle that fruit, especially in the
morning. They’re going to burn it off. So we start their morning off with an
amazing shake. We get everything inside of there.

From the greens alone you’re getting so many different nutrients in greens.
Our greens help us just in detoxing alone, increase our glutathione, things
like that. Then from there they start detoxing. They do chlorella. My kids do
chlorella. They do two chlorella every morning. And we know how amazing
chlorella is, the chlorophyll. It helps us detox and binds to toxins. They have a
detox formula they use in the morning. They’ll do vitamin C. They do their
vitamin D. And they may do one other one. So we get them ready for their

Now, if they want to eat something, my son likes oatmeal. He won’t do a lot
because it’s a lot of sugar. But he’ll do like a half a thing of oatmeal. Obviously
it’s gluten free. My wife makes a lot of that stuff. My wife may make coconut
meal, everything from your books and all your stuff, Dr. B.J. But she’ll make a
lot of different healthy breakfasts for them one or two days a week. Sometimes
they’ll do eggs, things like that. But they start off their morning, everything’s
always organic unless we’re out to eat. It is what it is. Sometimes we get it.
But everything’s organic.

And for lunch, what’s interesting is even if they go to school for lunch, there’s
never bread. Our kids have never brought bread with them. Bread is just
useless, one hundred percent useless. It’s just all sugar. I don’t care if it’s
gluten free or not. It’s all sugar. It’s even worse. So when our kids go to school,
they’ll do different lunch wraps. My wife makes it fun and interesting. They’ll
take their healthier meat, turkey, whatever it is, lunchmeat.
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And then she’ll make it wraps. She’ll wrap it up. And then they eat it like in
rolls and things like that. We always make sure they have a vegetable. And
then they’ll do a healthier snack with them as well. And then if they’re home,
most of the time we juice every lunch hour. I juice a lot more than they do.
They juice every lunch hour when they’re home, especially in the summer,
right now.

And their lunch is always healthy fats, healthy carbs. That’s going to be
usually from greens and vegetables, things like that. And then it’s going to be
a healthy protein. And that’s the same with dinner. So we don’t do many carbs
at all ever. We don’t have that on our plates. The only carbs our children get
will be raw nuts, seeds. Or it’s going to come from vegetables. That’s it.

Dr. Hardick: I know you’re a big fan of fasting and intermittent fasting. How
does this contribute to liver detoxification and everything else you’re trying to
achieve with eliminating waste from the system?

Dr. Majors: Well, yeah, one of the keys to longevity and living longer is eating
less. We know that based upon all the cultures who live way longer than we
do. They just don’t eat as much as we do because the key is eating more
nutrient dense foods. For example, 25 bowls of oatmeal is the equivalent of
one bowl of kale. That’s in your book. So that’s really interesting to know.

So my children can do their shake in the morning. They’re getting more

nutrition in that shake than a child would get in a month by doing a bowl of
oatmeal every day. And my kids aren’t doing a high amount of calories. None
of my children are even close to overweight. I would bet there’s barely any fat
on my kids. You know what I mean? It’s not like every day we exercise 45
minutes a day.

No offense, most children are overweight because of major, major eating, too
much eating, hormones are out of balance, everything else is going on. It’s not
because they’re not exercising most of the time. But my kids are getting a lot
of their nutrients in the morning. So I would say when you talk about fasting,
my kids don’t fast. They don’t need to. My wife does. I do. My wife will do
Monday through Friday. She does a lot of IF fasting. It gives the body that
rest. So it’s a 16-hour window of not eating at all.

Dr. Hardick: So when’s lunch? When’s dinner?

Dr. Majors: So for her, she’ll eat lunch at 11 or 12. She makes her shake in
the morning with the kids. She puts that in the refrigerator. And then she
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goes and does her workouts and stuff because working out without eating is
the best thing you can ever do. I know it’s hard. She cried, I think, for the first
week. She was like, “I can’t do this.”

But then the body began to kick into ketosis. It kicks in this energy. And your
body begins to go into fat burning. In the beginning your body’s so used to
burning this toxic sugar, it doesn’t know how to burn fat. You’re such a sugar
burner all the time. Well my wife finally switched over into this fat burner. And
she’ll go until 2:00 some days -- I can’t believe it -- without eating. But she
normally eats around 11 or 12, her shake. She’ll do a light lunch at 2:00 or

She eats dinner with us at 6:30, 7:00. And then she’s done until the next day.
The best, easiest fasting is never eat after 7:00. The worst thing you could ever
do to cause sickness, disease, inflammation is to eat after 7:00 because you’re
going to go to sleep in about two or three hours. You’re not going to move at
all. And your body’s not going to be able to break down. And your body needs
to go through healing and repair at night, not go through trying to digest your

Dr. Hardick: Awesome. Charles, any final words of encouragement or advice

for our audience, some of whom have severe health challenges, some of whom
are just looking to prevent illness long term? You’ve already provided so much.

Dr. Majors: It’s like I say to my patients, yesterday a woman came in with
stage IV cancer, just frail, no hope at all. Doctors had given her no hope, sent
her home. And I looked at her. And I said, “If I cut your arm right now, Mary,
what would happen to that cut?” And she said, “Well, it would heal.” And I
said, “So if your brain can heal that cut, it can heal the rest of this body.”

And for the first time you kind of saw her perk up. And her daughter, who was
there, who emailed me last night, said, “I think it was the first time she
realized there’s hope.” Because without hope, without realizing there’s hope,
you’ll never search for the answers. You’ll never do what it takes. So when a
doctor tells you there’s no hope or no cure, all that means is that doctor’s
knowledge of this is limited. It’s time to go somewhere else for help.

Dr. Hardick: Wow, this has been tremendous. I’ve made a few notes on some
really key points that I just wanted to recap. Charles really emphasized even
that things like sugar are toxins. For our audience, we’ve spent a lot of the
summit focusing on these noxious chemicals in the environment. But don’t
forget, sugar itself is a toxin. Dr. Majors also emphasized that bread is one of
© TheDetoxProject.com. All rights reserved. 17
those sugars. And according to Dr. Majors, bread is useless, one hundred
percent useless. When thinking about testing, remember, we want to look at
some other key tests, like an MTHFR mutation test, to determine how
functional is your body’s ability to detox.

And remember, sometimes hair and blood and urine samples, they don’t
always tell us just exactly how much toxicity we’re dealing with. Things like
chelation challenges are obviously going to take us a lot further. Chlorella,
nutrient dense foods, doing these every single day will increase the speed of
our liver.

We want to do everything we possibly can to just perpetually sweat, increase

whatever elimination pathways we have to give our body the best chance of
detoxing, overcome illness, fight disease, and live great, healthy, quality lives.
So Dr. Charles Majors, thank you so much for being with us today.

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