Anima Siddhi in Practical World
Anima Siddhi in Practical World
Anima Siddhi in Practical World
If a person is capable to channelize his or her vital energy to any particular subject or work is Anima
Siddhi. They will gradually reach its subtlest ( atomic ) level and will be a master on they all.
If a student is investing his or her time and energy in studies, he or she will reach at the state of a
performing student ,just because of he or she is reaching the minutest level of knowledge.
If a lover is understand each and every corners of the mood and mind of his or her beloved, then we can
say they both understand each other at subtle level or Animal level. Such an affair will only continue
In sports a cricketer, a football player and in all types of sports he or she invest his time and energy by
understanding and practicing the particular sports at its all aspects is called he or she is at the Anima
level of particular sport.
If a person's field is Art and music , he or she invested his or her time long and continuous , they will
reach at a state of great mastery in their particular subject of fine art.
If a politician is understanding each and every aspects of people's need and the socio economic aspects
of the particular place where he is working, he will have a minutest understanding of his field.
If a practitioner is investing his or her whole being in the path of Vedanta, Yoga and other spiritual
practices under a proper system and master, he or she will reach at its highest state of manifestations
with Siddhis and life fortunes.
If a person has worked on his/her passion center by understanding its deepest level with the help of
tantric texts and right master, he or she will be an expert on Kama Kala.
Such like these all subjects we discussed, Anima siddhi has role in all universal subjects and science.
How much we are working with dedication, such much the result will happen in us soon.
Yes my dear students, we can pray and invest our maximum energy and time for our particular subject
to reach at its Anima level and which will boon us all other 7 siddhis as a continuation of real practice
and understanding.
For reaching at Anima Siddhi, we have to do Tapas ( continuous work on our Subject ) Swadyaya
( Contemplating in our subject and understanding much in our own way what we got through study and
experience.) It is also a up-to-date process of subjects what we understood in practical world. Then we
need also Iswara Pranidhaana ( Worshiping the Iswara ). Following the Iswara.
To understand Iswara Pranidhaana , we have to know who is Iswara. Patanjali speaks about Iswara this
like. " Who is beyond all tensions of actions, and working at the present moment at simultaneous and
dynamic way without thinking much on the subject and reaching at perfect goal is Iswara. He can have
the ability to protect and guide who is following him. His world is Pranava ( Om Kara ). Here we can see
that Iswara is a person who is reached at ultimate success in this world without fall.
To reach at Anima Siddhi, we have to follow Kriya ( practice ) Yoga - in our subject. ( Tapas, Swadyaaya ,
Iswara Pranidhaanaani Kriyayoga: - Pathanjali Yoga Sutra - Sadhana Pada 1st Sutra ) Let us try to do
tapas on our subject and Goddess Anima bless us by sitting inside us to reach the goal of life.