Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
The adult heart weighs about 300 g and holds approximately 500 ml of blood.
The heart is located obliquely in the lower portion of thoracic cavity between the
lungs. The myocardium receives its oxygen supply from the right and left main
coronary arteries which arise from the aortic sinuses just above and behind the aortic
valve leaflets. The two coronary arteries give rise to branch that run along the outer
(epicardial) surface of the heart.
The left and right coronary arteries arise from the left and right coronary artery
sinuses, just distal to the aortic valve. Within 2.5 cm of its origin the left main
coronary divides into the left anterior descending artery (LAD), which runs in the
anterior interventricular groove, and the left circumflex artery (CX), which runs
posterior in the atrioventricular groove. The LAD gives branches to supply the
anterior part of the septum (septal perforators) and the anterior wall and the apex of
the left ventricle. The CX gives marginal branches that supply the lateral, posterior
and inferior segment of the left ventricle.
The right coronary artery (RCA) runs in the right atrioventricular groove,
giving branches that supply the right atrium, right ventricle and inferio-posterior
aspect of the left ventricle. The posterior descending artery run in the posterior
interventricular groove and supplies the back of the heart. This vessel is a branch of
the RCA in approximately 90% of people (dominant right system) and supplied by the
CX in the remainder (dominant left system) .The exact coronary anatomy varies
greatly from person to person and there are many normal variants. (Davidson, 2012)
The normal coronary blood flow is about 0.6 to 0.8 ml/min/g of myocardium.
With exercise or pharmacologic stress, however, both coronary flow and the cardiac
output may increase four to six-fold. Myocardial blood flow is greatest during diastole
because at this time the blood flows fastest through vessels that are not being
constricted by the surrounding cardiac muscle. When the narrowing of a coronary
vessel diameter is less than 50% of the diameter of the vessel, the effect on blood flow
generally is clinically significant. As diameter narrowing approaches 70%, the lesions
become much more haemodynamically significant; particularly during exercise.
Coronary blood flow brings oxygen to myocytes and removes waste products
such as carbondioxide , lactic acid , and hydrogen ions.The heart has a tremendously
high metabolic requirement ; although it account for only 0.3% of body weight, it is
responsible for 70% of the bodys resting oxygen consumption. Cellular ischaemia
occurs when there is either increased demand for oxygen relative to maximal arterial
supply or an absolute reduction in oxygen supply. Although situation of increased
demand such as thyrotoxicosis and aortic stenosis can cause myocardial ischaemia,
most clinical cases are due to decreased oxygen supply. Reduced oxygen supply can
rarely arise from decreased oxygen content in blood – such as occurs in carbon
monoxide poisoning or anaemia – but more commonly stems from coronary artery
abnormalities, particularly atherosclerotic disease. Myocardial ischaemia may arise
from a combination of increased demand and decreased supply.
Atherosclerosis of large coronary arteries remains the predominant cause of
angina and myocardial infarction. Raised fatty streaks, which appear as yellow spots
or streaks in the vessel walls, are seen in coronary arteries in almost all members of
population by 20 years of age. They are found mainly in areas exposed to increased
shear stress such as bending points and bifurcation and are thought to arise from
isolated macrophage foam cells migrating into area of minimal chronic intimal
injury . In many people this process progress, with additional migration of foam cell,
smooth muscle cell proliferation, and extra cellular fat and collagen deposition. The
extent and incidence of these advanced lesions vary among persons in different
geographic regions and ethnic groups.
The heart receives its energy primarily from ATP generated by oxidative
phosphorylation of free fatty acids, although glucose and other carbohydrate can be
utilized. Within 60s after coronary artery occlusion, myocardial oxygen tension in
affected cells falls essentially to zero. Cardiac stores of high energy phosphates are
rapidly depleted, and the cell shift rapidly to anaerobic metabolism with consequent
lactic acid production. Dysfunction of myocardial relaxation and contraction occurs
within seconds, even before depletion of high- energy phosphates occur.
The biochemical basis of this abnormality is not known. If perfusion is not
restored within 40-60 min, an irreversible stage of injury characterized by diffuse
mitochondrial swelling, damaged to cell membrane and marked depletion of glycogen
begins. The exact mechanism by which irreversible damage occurs is not clear, but
severe ATP depletion, increased extracellular calcium concentration, lactic acidosis,
and free radicals have all been postulated as possible causes. In experimental
preparations, if ischaemic myocardium is perfused within 5 min, systolic function
returns promptly where as diastolic abnormalities may take up to 40 min to normalize.
With prolong episodes of ischaemia up to 1 hour –it may take upto 1 month to restore
ventricular function. When the heart demonstrate this prolong period of decreased
function despite normal perfusion, the myocardium is said to be “stunned”. The
biochemical basis for stunning is poorly understood. If perfusion occurs later or not at
all, systolic function often will not return to the affected area. (Stephen et al, 2006)
The causes of coronary artery disease (ischemic heart disease) are as follow:
The basic for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease is history of angina pectoris,
myocardial infarction, cardiac failure, or arrhythmia. Non-specific abnormalities such
as increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and a polymorphonuclear
leucocytosis may occur in the first few days following myocardial infarction.
Enlarged heart size (increased cardiothoracic ratio) and calcification in the
cardiovascular system can be seen on the postero-anterior and lateral chest X-rays.
Various invasive and non-invasive diagnostic modalities have been used to detect
abnormalities in coronary circulation, degree of myocardial ischemia, and
1. Cardiac enzymes
5. Echocardiography
6. Cardiac scintigraphy (Radionuclide study)
8. CT scanning.
9. Coronary angiography.
This is a technique to assess the cardiac response to exercise. The EKG is recorded
while the patient is walking or running on a motorized treadmill machine or cycles on
a stationary cycle ergometer.
3.3.5 Echocardiography
In MRI, a powerful magnetic field is used to line-up the protons in the hydrogen
atoms of the body, each of which can be thought of as a tiny magnet. A
radiofrequency emission distorts this line-up, but when the radiowaves are turned off,
the atoms return to their previous position and gives off energy. This energy can be
reconstituted as an image. MRI of the heart is complicated because the heart is a
moving structure, but the technique is already finding clinical application for imaging
vascular structures.
This is useful for imaging the chamber of the heart, the great vessels, the pericardium
and surrounding structures. In practice it is most useful for imaging the aorta in
suspected aortic dissection.
The major techniques used in nuclear cardiology can be categorized as: first pass
angiocardiography, multigated blood pool imaging, myocardial perfusion imaging and
receptor and metabolic imaging. The data derived from these studies can be used for
diagnosis, prognosis, treatment monitoring and assessment of viability in heart
diseases, particularly in coronary artery disease.
1. Planar imaging
3. PET Planar imaging
Most gamma camera are interfaced to a computer. Digital computers are necessary to
acquire, analyze, store and display a great deal of complex information. The x, y and z
pulses, which are sent to CRT in an analog camera ,are directed to the computer
interface, an analog to digital converter (ADC), which converts the pulses to digital
A gamma camera with a large field of view and a 3/8 inch thick crystal is used
for tomographic imaging. Recently, multi-detector camera systems have been
introduced with advanced electronics and significantly improved sensitivity,
resolution, and overall image quality. A high-resolution, parallel-hole collimator is
used to assure higher counting statistics. Energy window is the same as acquired on
computer disk or magnetic tape for data processing. The acquisition is usually
performed on a 128×128 matrix for tomographic imaging.
In SPECT imaging, the scintillation camera rotates around the heart in an 180◦
arc. Detector orbits can be elliptical or circular. Elliptical orbits are characterized by
having the detector closer to the patient during rotation, preserving spatial resolution
as the detector is far from the patient during image acquisition. However, there is
more regional non-uniformity with elliptical orbits, which can create image artifacts.
(Allman, 2002).
Gated acquisition using eight time frames per cardiac cycle was done when
possible using the patient's average R-R interval ± 40%. Reconstruction of the raw
data was performed using a Butterworth (Elscint, Boston, MA) filter without
attenuation correction with a cutoff frequency of 0.4cycle/pixel and an order of 5.
After acquisition, the images are reconstructed by using a Cedar – Sinai Quantitative
Gated SPECT processing software. Images were immediately reviewed by a licensed
nuclear cardiologist, with each study read as being normal, abnormal, or equivocal by
visual qualitative and quantitative analysis.
1. Improved resolution
Certain errors can influence the quality of the PET scintigrams. They include
positional changes between transmission and emission images, low count statistics,
partial volume effect, and activity spillover. Corrections for the partial-volume effect
leading to underestimation of true tracer tissue concentrations can be made with
knowledge of regional wall thickness. Radiopharmaceuticals
The ideal tracer for the assessment of myocardial perfusion imaging would
possess the following properties:
• Efficient myocardial extraction from the blood on the first passage through the
• Ready availability,
• Good imaging characteristics (short half life, high photon flux, energy
between 100 and 200 keV, low radiation burden to the patient) (Pennell DJ, ed al
The radiopharmaceuticals used to evaluate heart disease fall into four main
groups: (1) perfusion agents (SPECT and PET) for evaluation of coronary artery
blood flow and ischemia, (2) blood pool agents for evaluating heart function, (3)
infarct-avid agents for assessing MI, and (4) metabolism agents for assessing
myocardial viability.
The principle agents used in SPECT imaging are 99mTc-labeled red blood
cells for blood pool studies and 201Tl-thallos chloride, 99mTc-sestamibi, and 99mTc-
tetrofosmin for myocardial perfusion studies.18F-fludeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) is the
main PET agent used for myocardial viability studies. Its reasonably long half-life
allows it to be available from regional PET nuclear pharmacies. The other agents used
in PET imaging are 82Rb-rubidium chloride, 15O-water, 13N-ammonia for perfusion
studies and 11C-acetate and 11C-palmitate of metabolism studies. These agents,
because of their very short half-lives, are primarily used at facilities that have their
own cyclotron and radiochemistry laboratories. Infarct-avid agents for localization
MI, such as 99mTc-pyrophosphate, are now infrequently used; however, newer agents
are being developed for this application. (Richard J. Kowalsky, Steve W. Falen;
Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Pharmacy and Nuclear Medicine: 2nd edition)
1. Stress Echocardiography
The 2 most widely studied protocols for assessing viability in the presence of an
inconclusive result on initial stress/ redistribution imaging involve 201Tl reinjection
and late redistribution imaging. The presence of a severe 201Tl defect after
reinjection identifies areas with a very low probability of improvement in function.
Although the 99mTc-based tracers sestamibi and tetrofosmin do not share the
redistribution properties of 201Tl, their performance characteristics for predicting
improvement in regional function after revascularization appear to be similar to those
seen with 201Tl.
The sensitivity of SPECT imaging for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease
was 90% with either thallium-201 or technetium-99m. The specificity of SPECT
myocardial perfusion scan was 60 to 70%. The normalcy rate with <5% likelihood of
coronary artery disease was 90% or better. (Frans J.Th.Wacker, 1996)
1. Isonitriles group
3. Diphosphine compounds Isonitriles Group
In 1984, Holman et al. presented the first human 99mTc perfusion imaging
studies, done with 99mTc-tertiary butyl isonitrile (TBI). The clinical usefulness of
this agent was hampered by persistently high hepatic and lung activity. To minimize
the uptake of TBI in liver and lung relative to myocardium, a number of other
isonitriles were investigated.99mTc-carboxyl isopropyl isonitrile (CPI) and 99mTc-
hexakis-2-methoxy-2-isobutyl isonitrile (HEXAMIBI), were tested in human subjects.
CPI showed prompt hepatobiliary clearance, minimal lung uptake, and faster lung
clearance and gave reasonably good myocardial images with high myocardial-to-
background ratios. However, its liver uptake is appreciably high.
Nitrates have been used in rest studies to enhance the ability of MPI to detect
viable myocardium because they decrease myocardial oxygen demand and improve
flow to ischemic areas (by directly dilating stenosed coronary arteries feeding the
ischemic myocardium or by redistributing collateral flow to the ischemic
myocardium). In positron emission tomography (PET) studies, pre-treatment with
nitrates increased tracer uptake in the ischemic myocardium compared with that in the
nonviable myocardium, resulting in improved viability detection. Pre-treatment with
nitrates improved detection of viable myocardium and predicted post-
revascularization recovery in different studies that used resting MPI with the
technetium-labeled tracers (tetrofosmin, sestamibi) and with thallium-201. In patients
with ischemic cardiomyopathy, the prognostic value of SPECT MPI after nitrate was
comparable to that of PET imaging. (J Am Coll Cardio; 2008)
3.4.3 PET
Positron tracers of blood flow and metabolism have been extensively studied
for evaluation of myocardial viability. The most commonly used PET protocol
involves evaluation of myocardial glucose metabolism with 18F-FDG in conjunction
with PET or SPECT examination of MBF with 13N ammonia or 99mTc-sestamibi,
respectively. This approach appears to have slightly better overall accuracy for
predicting recovery of regional function after revascularization than do single-photon
techniques. The magnitude of improvement in heart failure symptoms after
revascularization in patients with LV dysfunction correlates with the preoperative
extent of 18F-FDG “mismatch” pattern.