Acute Limb Ischemia-Much More Than Just A Lack of Oxygen: Molecular Sciences
Acute Limb Ischemia-Much More Than Just A Lack of Oxygen: Molecular Sciences
Acute Limb Ischemia-Much More Than Just A Lack of Oxygen: Molecular Sciences
Molecular Sciences
Acute Limb Ischemia—Much More Than Just a Lack
of Oxygen
Florian Simon 1, * ID , Alexander Oberhuber 1 , Nikolaos Floros 1 , Albert Busch 2 ,
Markus Udo Wagenhäuser 1,3 ID , Hubert Schelzig 1 and Mansur Duran 1
1 Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Heinrich-Heine-University Medical Center Düsseldorf,
40225 Düsseldorf, Germany; (A.O.); (N.F.); (M.U.W.); (H.S.); (M.D.)
2 Department for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Klinikum Rechts der Isar Technical University,
81675 Munich, Germany;
3 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +49-211-385-428-133; Fax: +49-211-81-190-91
Abstract: Acute ischemia of an extremity occurs in several stages, a lack of oxygen being the primary
contributor of the event. Although underlying patho-mechanisms are similar, it is important to
determine whether it is an acute or chronic event. Healthy tissue does not contain enlarged collaterals,
which are formed in chronically malperfused tissue and can maintain a minimum supply despite
occlusion. The underlying processes for enhanced collateral blood flow are sprouting vessels from
pre-existing vessels (via angiogenesis) and a lumen extension of arterioles (via arteriogenesis).
While disturbed flow patterns with associated local low shear stress upregulate angiogenesis
promoting genes, elevated shear stress may trigger arteriogenesis due to increased blood volume.
In case of an acute ischemia, especially during the reperfusion phase, fluid transfer occurs into the
tissue while the vascular bed is simultaneously reduced and no longer reacts to vaso-relaxing factors
such as nitric oxide. This process results in an exacerbative cycle, in which increased peripheral
resistance leads to an additional lack of oxygen. This whole process is accompanied by an inundation
of inflammatory cells, which amplify the inflammatory response by cytokine release. However,
an extremity is an individual-specific composition of different tissues, so these processes may vary
dramatically between patients. The image is more uniform when broken down to the single cell stage.
Because each cell is dependent on energy produced from aerobic respiration, an event of acute hypoxia
can be a life-threatening situation. Aerobic processes responsible for yielding adenosine triphosphate
(ATP), such as the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria, suffer
first, thus disrupting the integrity of cellular respiration. One consequence of this is irreparable
damage of the cell membrane due to an imbalance of electrolytes. The eventual increase in net fluid
influx associated with a decrease in intracellular pH is considered an end-stage event. Due to the
lack of ATP, individual cell organelles can no longer sustain their activity, thus initiating the cascade
pathways of apoptosis via the release of cytokines such as the BCL2 associated X protein (BAX).
As ischemia may lead to direct necrosis, inflammatory processes are further aggravated. In the case
of reperfusion, the flow of nascent oxygen will cause additional damage to the cell, further initiating
apoptosis in additional surrounding cells. In particular, free oxygen radicals are formed, causing
severe damage to cell membranes and desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). However, the increased tissue
stress caused by this process may be transient, as radical scavengers may attenuate the damage.
Taking the above into final consideration, it is clearly elucidated that acute ischemia and subsequent
reperfusion is a process that leads to acute tissue damage combined with end-organ loss of function,
a condition that is difficult to counteract.
damaged tissue; elderly people are more likely to have collaterals as a residual blood reserve
than younger patients, who do not form biological bypasses, as their acute ischemia is not
plaque-related [17].
While oxygen is a necessary requirement for the creation and sustenance of life, it can also cause
serious damage, as seen in ischemia and reperfusion. Irrespective of the various pathophysiological
processes underlying ischemia, the end-stage remains the same: a sudden lack of oxygen in the
tissue, accumulation of metabolites, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and an inflammatory
reaction in conjunction with tissue swelling. Acute ischemia of the extremities can lead to consequential
damage of varying severity with a loss of limb tissue and function. The loss of light touch sensation,
accompanied by severe pain, followed by skin numbness and paralysis of the musculature are
indicative of irreversible tissue loss [16]. Therefore, a sudden interruption of blood supply to a limb is
a medical emergency that threatens with the possibility of limb loss and even death. Clinical symptoms
of an acute limb ischemia are provided in Table 1 described by Pratt as the 6 Ps [18].
6 Ps Symptom Explanation
1. Paleness Paleness of the Skin
2. Pain Aggravating ischemic pain
3. Paresthesia Ascending paresthesia of the skin
4. Pulselessness Absence of pulse
5. Paralysis Ascending paralysis of the muscles
6. Prostration Fatigue, shock, agitation
2. Collaterals
Healthy tissue does not contain enlarged collaterals, which are formed in chronically
under-oxygenated tissue. In the case of an acute arterial occlusion of an extremity, it is crucial
to distinguish between healthy tissue without collaterals and pre-damaged tissue with biological
bypasses, since collaterals may ensure a minimal oxygen supply of the extremity despite the occlusion.
As mentioned above, the underlying mechanisms for the formation of this enhanced collateral blood
flow are sprouting vessels from pre-existing vessels (via angiogenesis) and lumen extension of the
arterioles (via arteriogenesis) [15]. While disturbed flow patterns with associated local low shear stress
upregulate angiogenesis-promoting genes, elevated shear stress may trigger arteriogenesis due to
increased blood volume [19]. Specifically, the formation of collateral vessels is stimulated by hypoxic
conditions intermittently caused in bouts of ambulation. During ambulation, stenoses in conduit
arterial vessels do not permit the body from fulfilling its demands for oxygen supply. As a result, this
acts as a stimulus for the formation of collateral vessels. This exercise-induced formation of collateral
networks is further enhanced by the release of growth factors from mechanically stressed tissue to
improve blood delivery [17,20].
Angiogenesis is a complex process that can be further divided into several sub-processes that
can run simultaneously: Sprouting angiogenesis is characterized by the proliferation of endothelial
cells forming the structural foundation of new capillaries from pre-existing vessels. Secondly, the
enlargement of capillaries that should be distinguished from angiogenesis discussed below and
lastly the splitting of vessels into smaller ones, called intussusceptive angiogenesis [21–23]. As briefly
mentioned earlier, a driving force in angiogenesis is the undersupply of oxygen to tissue, which results
in the release of different growth factors such as FGF (fibroblast growth factor), VEGF (vascular
endothelial growth factor), and HIF (hypoxia inducible factor) [24,25]. HIF-1α plays an important role
in this context as a barometric marker for measuring relative O2 pressure (pO2 ) in the tissue. In the event
of lowered pO2 , HIF-1α mRNA is upregulated and, besides increasing erythropoiesis and glycolysis by
erythopoietin, induces the transcription of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene [26].
The basal membrane and surrounding tissue are macerated by proteases. A rudimentary
extracellular matrix (ECM) is created as the permeability for plasma proteins increases in the tunica
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intima. Next, endothelial cells and pericytes proliferate and migrate by lateral movement into
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 16
this preliminary matrix. The accumulation of further cells and alignment of the cell groups along
a gradient
intima.ofNext,ephrin and semaphorin
endothelial cells and (partly
proliferate and migrate and partly secreted
by lateral movement proteins) result in
into this
a capillary sprout,matrix.
preliminary continuously increasing of
The accumulation in further
diameter andand
cells length and ultimately
alignment of the cellforming
groups aalong
lumen a [27].
a stabilization
of ephrinphase, the activation
and semaphorin (partlyofmembrane-bound
protease inhibitors such as
and partly TIMPproteins)
secreted (tissue inhibitors
result in of
a capillary sprout,
metalloproteinases) and continuously increasing activator
PAI-1 (plasminogen in diameter and length leads
inhibitor-1) and ultimately forming of
to the formation a lumen
new basal
[27]. After a stabilization phase, the activation of protease inhibitors
membranes and cell-to-cell contacts [23]. Despite the formation of new capillaries, the prevention ofsuch as TIMP (tissue inhibitors
of metalloproteinases) and PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1) leads to the formation of new
an acute ischemia is not possible, since flow resistance in the smallest vessels is several times higher
basal membranes and cell-to-cell contacts [23]. Despite the formation of new capillaries, the
than in the conduit vessels. Only the tissue surrounding the capillary can be supplied by angiogenesis,
prevention of an acute ischemia is not possible, since flow resistance in the smallest vessels is several
as a much higher demand of capillaries may be required to prevent complete tissue ischemia [28].
times higher than in the conduit vessels. Only the tissue surrounding the capillary can be supplied
by angiogenesis,is asan effective
a much method
higher demand ofofforming
capillariesbiological bypasses
may be required toand is characterized
prevent complete tissue by the
lumen expansion
ischemia [28]. of preexisting vessels. This enlargement of arterioles accommodates for the transport
of blood volume severalismagnitudes
Arteriogenesis greater of
an effective method than thosebiological
forming of unenlarged
bypasses arterioles [29,30]. Under
and is characterized by thehealthy
lumen these
conditions, expansionvesselsof preexisting
play only avessels.
marginal Thisroleenlargement
for sufficient of arterioles
blood supply accommodates
to major for the
However, of blood volume
if gradually progressiveseveral magnitudes greater
atherosclerotic than those
narrowing of a of unenlarged
conduit vessel arterioles
occurs, [29,30].
blood flow
Under healthy
is increasingly conditions,
diverted into these
thesevessels play only
arterioles. Thisa marginal
increased role for sufficient
supply of blood blood supplyincreases
volume to major the
extremities. However, if gradually progressive atherosclerotic narrowing of a conduit vessel occurs,
shear forces on the glycocalyx receptors of the endothelium, activating calcium ion channels and
blood flow is increasingly diverted into these arterioles. This increased supply of blood volume
stimulating phospholipase activity. In response, the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate
increases the shear forces on the glycocalyx receptors of the endothelium, activating calcium ion
(cAMP) and the release of prostaglandins enhance phosphatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate 3-kinase
channels and stimulating phospholipase activity. In response, the production of cyclic adenosine
(PI3K) activity
monophosphate and subsequently
(cAMP) and trigger endothelial
the release nitric oxideenhance
of prostaglandins synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation.
The resultant
biphosphate production
3-kinase of nitricactivity
(PI3K) oxide leads to smooth muscle
and subsequently trigger cell relaxation
endothelial andoxide
nitric ultimately
synthase lumen
(eNOS)[31,32]. Furthermore,
phosphorylation. The with lumen
resultant expansion,
production the pressure
of nitric oxide leadson the vessel walls
to smooth muscleforcescell the
arterioles and ultimately
to become permeable lumen toexpansion [31,32]. Furthermore,
plasma proteins with lumen
[33]. The incipient expansion,
reaction is verythesimilar
pressureto the
on the vessel walls forces the arterioles to become permeable to
above-mentioned mechanism of angiogenesis meaning that arteriogenesis employs the expression of plasma proteins [33]. The incipient
reaction is very
metalloproteinases similar which
(MMPs), to the decompose
above-mentioned the basal mechanism
membranes of angiogenesis
and collagenmeaning fibers and that
arteriogenesis employs the expression of metalloproteinases (MMPs), which decompose the basal
the tissue, thus providing new space. This process is further enhanced by recruited inflammatory cells
membranes and collagen fibers and soften the tissue, thus providing new space. This process is
that displace surrounding cells. However, the recruited inflammatory cells also release cytokines such
further enhanced by recruited inflammatory cells that displace surrounding cells. However, the
as MCP-1 (monocytes chemoattractant protein 1) that stimulate migration and proliferation of smooth
recruited inflammatory cells also release cytokines such as MCP-1 (monocytes chemoattractant
muscle cells.1)The
protein thatresultant
migrationorganization and re-consolidation
and proliferation of smooth muscle of cells.
theseThe newresultant
cell groupsclusterallows
the vessel to withstand
organization increased pressure
and re-consolidation levels
of these new celland simultaneously
groups allows the vessel increase the diameter
to withstand increasedof the
pressureby up to 20
levels andtimes [34]. An overview
simultaneously increase theof arteriogenesis
diameter of theisarterioles
provided byinupFigure 1. Changes
to 20 times [34]. Anin the
overview of arteriogenesis is provided in Figure 1. Changes in the
number and organization of endothelial cells and fibroblasts also contribute to vascular remodeling. number and organization of
endothelial cells and fibroblasts also contribute to vascular remodeling.
The pulsatile pressure on the vessel wall is an appropriate stimuli for not only an increase in the The pulsatile pressure on the
arteriole wall is anbut
diameter appropriate
also in cellstimuli
massfor not only The
[35,36]. an increase
increase in the
in arteriole
diameter diameter
and lengthbut alsoofinarterioles
mass [35,36]. The increase in diameter and length of arterioles associated with arteriogenesis causes
associated with arteriogenesis causes substantial distortions, often referred to as corkscrew collaterals
substantial distortions, often referred to as corkscrew collaterals on angiograms. However, these
on angiograms. However, these morphological distortions do not prevent a sufficient delivery of blood
morphological distortions do not prevent a sufficient delivery of blood over long distances to hypoxic
over long
tissues, distances to hypoxic
thus ensuring tissues,
a minimum thus
level ensuring
of oxygen a minimum level of oxygen supply.
Figure 1. Slow progressive narrowing of a conduit vessel increases the shear forces and blood volume,
Figure 1. Slow progressive narrowing of a conduit vessel increases the shear forces and blood volume,
resulting in collateral formation.
resulting in collateral formation.
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3. Edema
In the case of an acute ischemia, and especially during the reperfusion phase, malfunctions in
membrane integrity and membrane potential lead to altered intracellular electrolyte levels. Intracellular
acidosis and cellular degeneration occur. The venous pH-value continuously falls and equilibrates to
the intracellular pH-value level after approximately 2 h [37]. Fluid transfer into the tissue is caused
by disrupted cellular homeostasis in hypoxic cells. Albumin enters the interstitium and accelerates
the formation of tissue edema due to its hydrophilic properties. In this manner, edema contributes
to impaired perfusion and reduction of oxygen exchange due to the extended diffusion distances
in the tissue. Depending on the extent of perfusion reduction, the edema can be severe and lead to
a further deterioration of blood flow via compression of the arteries, further causing a loss of volume
into the tissue [38]. While the vascular bed is reduced by increasing pressure, it loses sensitivity
to vaso-relaxing factors such as nitric oxide. This results in a cyclic process furthered by increased
peripheral resistance leading to additional lack of oxygen. The most affected tissue is the musculature
that atrophies following the loss of myosin [39]. When pressure in the muscle increases, the capillaries
collapse, the tissue becomes pale, and muscle cells and neurons both suffer irreversible damage from
cell death 4–6 h after the onset of ischemia [40]. The re-establishment of sufficient arterial blood flow
during reperfusion aggravates edema in the musculature and causes further swelling in pre-defined
compartments. This condition, in which the pressure within the fascia lodge exceeds systolic blood
pressure levels, is known as compartment syndrome and leads to irreversible ischemic damage of the
tissue, contributing to a renewed deterioration of blood circulation [41].
Local blood flow (LBF) is characterized by the difference of arterial pressure (PA) and the venous
pressure (PV) divided by vascular resistance (R).
Due to the swelling of the musculature, arterial vessels are compressed and react to this additional
mechanical irritation with a pronounced vasospasm. In such a situation, surgical pressure release via
the incision of the fascia may relieve the tissue pressure and drain the edema [42]. In order to protect
blood vessels from thrombosis, occlusions, and dangerous intraluminal pressure levels, a number of
antithrombotic factors is expressed by the healthy endothelium. These factors include prostacyclin,
nitric oxide, thrombomodulin, and plasminogen activators. Furthermore, because the glycocalyx of
the luminal side of the endothelium is highly negatively charged, negatively charged platelets are
repelled from the vessel wall. The specific degree of negative charge on glycocalyces varies among
vessels, thus regulating which molecules can pass through the barrier and enter interstitial space.
However, this barrier can be damaged by ischemia and reperfusion, impairing the ability to protect the
tissue against severe fluid influx. Cell-to-cell connections, formed by occludins, adhesion molecules,
cadherins, and gap-junctions, along with integrin receptors such as fibronectin, also play a vital role
in regulating the fluid influx into the tissue [43,44]. When maximum tissue tolerance to occlusion is
exceeded, thrombus formation is increased, and subsequent shedding of the gycocalyx exacerbates
leukocyte and platelet adhesion, in turn further increasing fluid influx and thrombus formation [45,46].
The same processes can occur during reperfusion. Since this coagulation preferably takes place in small
vessels, immediate removal of the occlusion can neither restore perfusion to the oxygen-consuming
tissue nor completely eliminate the edema [47].
4. Inflammation
The ischemic and reperfusion (I/R) process is accompanied by the recruitment of inflammatory
cells, which enhance inflammation through the release of various cytokines. Many inflammatory
cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, and thromboxane B2, are released into systemic circulation.
Concomitantly, other inflammatory responses, such as the adhesion and migration of leukocytes from
the endothelium into underlying tissue, occur in the venules. Once initiated, systemic inflammation is
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aggravated by complementary cascades, which can be activated through three pathways: the classical
pathway via activation of the C1-complex, the alternative pathway via spontaneous C3 hydrolysis,
and the lectin pathway via pathogen binding by mannose-binding lectin (MBL). In the classical
pathway, circulating IgM binds to C1q on the surface of ischemic cells, leading to the cleavage of C3
into C3a and C3b by C3 convertase. The deposition of C3b eventually leads to the formation of the
C5b-9 membrane attack complex (MAC), causing cell destruction by perforation of the cell membrane.
In conjunction with this degradation, recruited macrophages release prostaglandin E2, and neutrophils
release interleukins and leukotrienes. The activated cleaved complement proteins then adhere to the
endothelium of the capillaries and serve as chemoattractants for recruitment of additional leukocytes.
In addition, reactive oxygen species (ROS) that damage cell membranes by lipid peroxidation enhance
inflammation through further neutrophil activation [48,49]. These activated neutrophils then release
three major types of granules which serve different functions: primary granules, also known as
azurophilic granules, which contain myeloperoxidase (MPO), elastase, and proteases, secondary
granules, also known as specific granules, which contain collagenase and apolactoferrin, and tertiary
granules, which contain gelatinase. Some components of these granules are directly involved in
furthering a self-perpetuating complement cascade activation circuit [50–52]. Neutrophils also contain
other types of granules, such as secretory vesicles, which release proteins that are capable of damaging
the surrounding cells during an inflammatory response [53].
ROS particularly plays an important role during the early reperfusion period, as their levels are
even aggravated by the recruitment and subsequent activation of leukocytes [54]. The production of
radicals and the migration of local mast cells and macrophages into the surrounding tissue further
enhance the inflammatory response to the I/R [55]. However, free radicals not only execute their
damaging potential at the intracellular stage, but also immensely disturb the balance between ROS and
major physiological scavengers such as nitric oxide (NO). In the presence of ROS, freely available NO
is limited. This causes disruption of the regulation of vascular tone, since NO is a major vasodilator
produced by the endothelium. Under normal conditions, the production of NO exceeds the formation
of radicals, protecting the cell from severe damage and thus adequately regulating the vascular tone to
prevent thrombosis. In ischemically damaged arterioles, however, the endothelial-mediated relaxation
no longer reacts to NO. The result is a constriction of the vessels and a substantial reduction of oxygen
supply to the tissue [56].
5. Molecular Mechanisms
The molecular processes underlying ischemia are more clearly visible when broken down to
the single cell stage. Because each cell is dependent on energy produced from aerobic respiration,
an event of acute hypoxia can be a life-threatening situation. Under ischemic conditions, xanthine
dehydrogenase localized in the endothelial cells of skeletal muscle vessels is converted to xanthine
oxidase utilizing the electron carrier nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NAD+ ), which is reduced
to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen (NADH) in turn [57]. Deposited xanthine oxidase
produces highly oxidizing species such as superoxide anion (O2 − ) and hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ),
which is catalyzed by the myeloperoxidase (MPO) in conjunction with the oxidation of chloride ions
to hypochlorous acid (HOCl). These in turn increase membrane permeability and produce more
ROS [58,59]. Although HOCl is a non-radical oxidant, it can react with H2 O2 to produce singlet oxygen
1 O , causing lipid peroxidation in membranes and subsequent membrane leaking [60]. When oxygen
is consumed by ongoing metabolism in cells, new oxygen radicals can only be produced during
reperfusion when new molecular oxygen is provided by the bloodstream [61]. HOCl can also react with
superoxide and ferrous iron (Fe2+ ) to form hydroxyl radicals, which also cause lipid peroxidation and
DNA damage [59,62]. Another oxidase, the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)
oxidase, is also a major source of ROS in endothelial cells, causing, together with accumulating lactate
and H+ , further damage to the endothelium and leading to tissue necrosis [63,64]. Aerobic processes
responsible for yielding ATP, such as the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation in
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the mitochondria, suffer first, thus disrupting the integrity of cellular respiration. As a consequence,
cells with high-energy consumption such as neurons are rendered vulnerable. This causes irreversible
damage, which manifests in severe pain and the loss of light touch sensation. In addition, damage to the
cell membrane
Int. J. Mol. Sci.results
2018, 19, in an PEER
x FOR imbalance
REVIEWof electrolytes in the cytoplasm, such as intracellular potassium 7 of 16
and calcium levels, causing increased inflow of fluid and a consequent decrease in intracellular pH.
the cytoplasm,
Other damaging such as intracellular
effects may include potassium and induced
cell death calcium levels, causing mitochondrial
by defective increased inflowpermeability
of fluid
and a pores
transition consequent decrease
(mPTPs). in intracellular
These pores are pH.non-specific and permeable to molecules smaller than
1.5 kDa. Other They damaging
allow entry effectsinto
include cell mitochondrial
inner death induced bymembrane
defective mitochondrial
during calciumpermeability
transition pores (mPTPs). These pores are non-specific and permeable to molecules smaller than 1.5
the depletion of ATP, the elevation of phosphate levels, or oxidative stress, all of which appear
kDa. They allow entry into the inner mitochondrial membrane during calcium overload, the
during ischemia and reperfusion [65]. While they may not have specialized functions in healthy
depletion of ATP, the elevation of phosphate levels, or oxidative stress, all of which appear during
ischemia they and may be responsible
reperfusion for cell
[65]. While death
they may in the
haveof severe cell damage
specialized functions[66].
the context
of severely damaged cells, the open mPTPs allow protons to pass through the
mitochondria, they may be responsible for cell death in the case of severe cell damage [66]. In the inner membrane, causing
a dissipation of the H + gradient. This results in reduced ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation,
context of severely damaged cells, the open mPTPs allow protons to pass through the inner
and inmembrane,
turn, malfunctioncausing a of the energy-dependent
dissipation ion channels,
of the H+ gradient. This results endangering
in reduced ATP metabolic homeostasis
production by
oxidative phosphorylation,
and promoting cell death through andactivation
in turn, ofmalfunction of the nucleases,
phospholipases, energy-dependent ion channels,
and proteases [67–69].
In the setting metabolic homeostasis
of programmed and
cell promoting
death, cell death
commonly through
known asactivation
apoptosis, of phospholipases,
mPTPs play a role
nucleases, and proteases [67–69].
in the rupture of the mitochondria from increased colloid osmotic pressure. The opening of mPTPs
In the setting of programmed cell death, commonly known as apoptosis, mPTPs play a role in
causes a colloid osmotic pressure between the inner compartment of the mitochondrium and the
the rupture of the mitochondria from increased colloid osmotic pressure. The opening of mPTPs
cytosol so that fluid will pass inside the open mPTPs (Figure 2). This swelling can be compensated to
causes a colloid osmotic pressure between the inner compartment of the mitochondrium and the
a certain
so that by fluid
the folding
will passofinside
the inner membrane.
the open However,
mPTPs (Figure when
2). This excess
swelling can pressure is exerted
be compensated to on
the outer membrane,
a certain extent bythe themitochondria ruptures,
folding of the inner causing
membrane. an efflux
However, of mitochondrial
when excess pressurecomponents
is exerted on such
as cytochrome C and apoptosis
the outer membrane, inducing ruptures,
the mitochondria factor (AIF). AIF,aninefflux
causing combination with cyclophilin
of mitochondrial components A,such
a matrix
protein, then penetrates
as cytochrome C andthe cell nucleus
apoptosis inducingandfactor
causes DNA
(AIF). AIF,fragmentation.
in combinationInwith addition, AIF interacts
cyclophilin A, a
with the protein, then penetrates
simultaneously the cell nucleus
released endonuclease G, and causes DNA
activating another fragmentation. In addition,apoptosis
caspase-independent AIF
interacts with the simultaneously released endonuclease G, activating another
pathway. Due to the lack of ATP, cell organelles can no longer sustain their activity and initiate apoptosis caspase-independent
of theapoptosis
cell by the pathway.
release Dueof to the lack of
cytokines ATP,
such ascell organelles
BAX. Instead, cancytochrome
no longer sustain their activity
C, together and
with proteins
initiate apoptosis of the cell by the release of cytokines such as BAX. Instead, cytochrome C, together
apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (APAF-1), procaspase-9, and dATP, forms a complex called an
with proteins apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (APAF-1), procaspase-9, and dATP, forms a
apoptosome, which triggers apoptosis by activating caspase-3. This process is further accelerated by
complex called an apoptosome, which triggers apoptosis by activating caspase-3. This process is
the release
furtherof the second
accelerated byderived
the releasemitochondria
of the second activator of caspase/direct
derived mitochondria activatorIAP binding protein
of caspase/direct IAP with
low plbinding
(Smac/DIABLO) and the mitochondrial serine protease high temperature
protein with low pl (Smac/DIABLO) and the mitochondrial serine protease high temperature requirement protein
A2 (Omi/HtrA2), as they both block caspase-3 inhibitors [68–71].
requirement protein A2 (Omi/HtrA2), as they both block caspase-3 inhibitors [68–71].
Figure 2. Activation
2. Activation of mitochondrialpermeability
of mitochondrial permeability transition
transition pores
poresresulting in swelling
resulting of the
in swelling ofinner
the inner
compartment and loss of membrane function.
compartment and loss of membrane function.
Another vulnerable organelle is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which performs in its lumen
post-translational modifications of the amino acid strands during protein biosynthesis. This process
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 374 8 of 16
Another vulnerable organelle is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which performs in its lumen
post-translational modifications
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, of the amino acid strands during protein biosynthesis. This8process
19, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 16
can come to a halt during ischemic damage caused by, e.g., disturbance of Ca concentration, 2+
can come to a halt during ischemic damage caused by, e.g., disturbance of Ca2+ concentration,
oxidative radicals, and the loss of ATP, which result in mis-modulated proteins that no longer function
oxidative radicals, and the loss of ATP, which result in mis-modulated proteins that no longer
properly. The result is an accumulation of nonfunctional proteins, as well as stress-related proteins.
function properly. The result is an accumulation of nonfunctional proteins, as well as stress-related
While stress-related proteins serve to have a protective effect on the cell, they are also capable of further
proteins. While stress-related proteins serve to have a protective effect on the cell, they are also
capable theofcell [72–74].
further Therefore,
damaging it is[72–74].
the cell important for theitcell
Therefore, to cope with
is important thiscell
for the situation
to copeso thatthis
with either
protein biosynthesis
situation is suspended
so that either until the cell
protein biosynthesis has recovered
is suspended or iscell
until the completely abolished
has recovered in an act of
or is completely
apoptosis to reduce damage to the organism. This so-called unfolded protein
abolished in an act of apoptosis to reduce damage to the organism. This so-called unfolded proteinresponse (UPR) affects
the cell in several ways (Figure 3).
response (UPR) affects the cell in several ways (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Unfolded protein response initiated by stimuli such as ATP depletion, loss of calcium, and
Figure 3. Unfolded protein response initiated by stimuli such as ATP depletion, loss of calcium, and free
free radicals. ER: endoplasmic reticulum; PERK: protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum
radicals. ER: endoplasmic reticulum; PERK: protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase;
kinase; GRP 78: glucose regulated protein 78; ATF6: activating transcription factor 6; IRE1: inositol-
GRP 78: glucose regulated protein 78; ATF6: activating transcription factor 6; IRE1: inositol-requiring
requiring enzyme 1; XBP-1: X-box binding protein 1; eIF2: eukaryotic initiation factor 2; CHOP: C/EBP
enzyme 1; XBP-1: X-box binding protein 1; eIF2: eukaryotic initiation factor 2; CHOP: C/EBP homology
homology protein; SERCA2b: sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2b; : increase;
protein; SERCA2b: sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2b; ↑: increase; ↓: decrease.
: decrease.
the the glucose
glucose regulated
regulated protein7878(GRP78)
protein (GRP78) dissociates
dissociates from
ER-transmembrane effector
proteins like the protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK),
proteins like the protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK), inositol-requiring inositol-requiring
enzyme 1 (IRE1),
1 (IRE1), andand
thethe activatingtranscription
activating transcription factor
factor 66 (ATF6)
numbers and binds
and the the
“unfolded proteins” located in the ER lumen to keep the proteins in line for folding. In the case of a
“unfolded proteins” located in the ER lumen to keep the proteins in line for folding. In the case
heavily misfolded protein, GRP78 initiates the ubiquitination of the protein, labeling it for
of a heavily misfolded protein, GRP78 initiates the ubiquitination of the protein, labeling it for
degradation in the proteasome [73]. This process may lead to the accumulation of misfolded proteins
in the ER in during
the proteasome
ischemia, [73]. This process
suppressing may
protein lead to by
synthesis thereducing
tRNAof misfolded
levels. proteins
In parallel,
in the ER during ischemia, suppressing protein synthesis by reducing tRNA
transcription factors are activated to modulate downstream signaling of target genes involved levels. In parallel,
protein biosynthesis [75]. Thus, the recovery process to regain full ER functionality is contingent on in
factors are activated to modulate downstream signaling of target genes involved
the biosynthesis
availability of[75]. Thus,
GRP78. In the
more recovery process toGRP78
detail, dissociated regaininduces
full ER translocation
to the on
the availability of GRP78.
golgi membrane, whereIn more detail, dissociated
it is further processed and GRP78 induces translocation
subsequently of the
translocates to ATF6 to the to
nucleus golgi
upregulate transcription of more GRP78, as well as apoptotic proteins [76]. The second
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 374 9 of 16
membrane, where it is further processed and subsequently translocates to the nucleus to upregulate
transcription of more GRP78, as well as apoptotic proteins [76]. The second transmembrane protein,
IRE1, which is activated by the dissociation of GRP78, produces, via several mRNA-splicing and
ligation steps, the active product XBP-1, which has overlapping antiapoptotic effects with ATF6 in the
nucleus but is also capable of inducing pro-apoptotic Caspase-12 [77,78].
Another component of the UPR is the C/EBP homology protein (CHOP), a cytosolic protein
that is expressed in healthy cells only at low levels. In the case of ER stress, it is upregulated and
may either induce apoptosis or promote cell survival. CHOP accumulates in the nucleus where it
regulates the downstream signaling of certain target genes. In particular, the phosphorylation of
the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2α) by the kinase PERK inhibits protein biosynthesis and
activates transcription factor ATF4 and CHOP, which in turn produces both pro- and anti-apoptotic effects.
While, at first sight, this expression of both pro- and anti-apoptotic factors seems to be counterproductive,
the net ratio between these factors ultimately dictates which pathway the cell may undergo.
6. Systemic Reactions
During I/R, metabolites of the affected extremity are released into circulation so that non-ischemic
organs such as the kidney and lungs become involved in inflammation, even though they are
not primarily affected [79,80]. Ultimately, an unrestrained post-ischemic reaction can even lead to
multi-organ failure and death. This is due to exhaustion caused by continuous energy-consuming
processes in the cells. When there is an acute interruption of blood flow, the tissues of these organs limit
their energy consumption, switching from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. Nevertheless, ischemic
organs of the extremities, such as the musculature, remain the most affected. Of the molecules that
are abundantly released by ischemic muscle tissue, creatinine phosphokinase, myoglobin, lactate
dehydrogenase, and, most importantly, potassium interfere with the entire organism and contribute
to inflammatory responses. As mentioned earlier, inflammation occurs in the entire organism and
initiates a generalized activation of the complement cascade. Activated components of this cascade
bind to the endothelium of the capillaries and lead via chemotaxis to an additional accumulation of
leukocytes. These processes are associated with an increased production of oxygen radicals [48].
However, not only mesenchymal organs but also the vessels themselves react to systemic
inflammation by disrupting the auto-regulation of vasodilatation and vasoconstriction. The result
is a vasospasm that strongly contracts the peripheral arterial vessels and represents an excessive
vasoconstrictorial reaction of a vessel to a stimulus. The increase of hydrostatic pressure when changing
from a supine to an upright standing position may be as high as 100 mmHg, which is why the
body physiologically reacts with vasoconstriction in resistance vessels. This vasoconstriction reduces
capillary perfusion by up to 70% and limits capillary leakage, thus preventing tissue edema [81].
In the case of acute hypoxia, this regulatory system is disturbed, which leads to an inadequate
end-organ oxygen supply.
Some organs are more frequently affected than others. A severe complication during reperfusion
is crush kidney. The pathophysiology of crush kidney starts with rhabdomyolysis resulting from
muscle degradation along with consecutive leakage of, e.g., myoglobin and creatine phosphokinase.
Excess levels of plasma myoglobin lead to occlusion of arterioles in the glomerula of the kidney.
The result is acute renal failure indicated by the absence of urine production. This effect is further
exacerbated by hypovolemia and aciduria [79,82]. Another highly vulnerable mesenchymal organ
is the lungs, which respond to systematic inflammation with increased vascular permeability,
thus causing pulmonary edema. Functionally, this is indicated by impaired gas exchange and reduced
lung compliance. During recruitment of neutrophils as part of the general inflammatory response,
activation of the complement cascade results in the release of major inflammatory cytokines such
as TNF-α, leukocyte adhesion molecules (LAMs), and P-selectin into the circulation. In the process,
basal membranes and other membrane proteins can be destroyed, resulting in respiratory stress
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 374 10 of 16
syndrome (ARDS) and alveolar edema. Thus, severe damage to the interstitial tissue critically impairs
lung function [80,83–86].
Apart from the kidney and lungs, the heart should be considered as a potentially involved
organ for a number of reasons. During the reperfusion of previously ischemic muscle tissue,
plasma hyperkalemia results from the excess potassium released from destroyed muscle cells.
A well-established complication resulting from this is arrhythmia. Techniques that have been used to
limit this adverse effect of reperfusion include hyperventilation, membrane stabilization with calcium
or magnesium, ion buffers, and i.v. glucose in combination with insulin [87]. The same phenomenon
accounts for elevated lactate levels, which may cause reduced contractility of the heart. Other effects
include acidosis, which interferes with the effects of catecholamines and cytokines such as TNF-α,
thus decreasing both diastolic and systolic heart function [88–90]. Ultimately, each organ can be affected
by the systemic reaction following the local I/R of an extremity.
7. Treatment Options
The treatment of acute limb ischemia is based upon the Rutherford classification, a clinical staging
system for describing the severity of peripheral ischemia (Table 2) [8]. While patients in Class I may
suffer from minor symptoms, their severity and number increases in higher classes. According to this
classification, end-stage patients (Class III) need immediate revascularization and major amputations
may ultimately be considered. There are numerous surgical and interventional approaches to treat
acute peripheral ischemia, and most recent advances have further improved patient outcomes.
Large lumen catheters are utilized to perform a manual aspiration thrombectomy (MAT).
An effective MAT uses dynamic catheter withdrawal maintaining continuous negative pressure to
aspirate the thrombus using a 50 mL syringe. This procedure can be combined with local thrombolysis.
Despite a high technical success rate and a considerable cost-effectiveness, MAT has not become widely
used [96,97].
Several different techniques are summarized under the term “mechanical thrombectomy.”
For instance, a fast-spinning head driven by a helix rotating inside the catheter is used for “mechanical
thrombus fragmentation.” The fragments can be aspirated by ports located behind the catheter
head. The technique delivers high technical success and low complication rates, but additional local
thrombolysis may be necessary in specific cases [98,99].
Another mechanical thrombectomy is the so-called “rheolytic thrombectomy.” The method uses
a double-lumen device to sequentially fragment and aspirate the thrombus. A saline solution can
be administrated in combination with a thrombolytic agent through the first lumen, causing the
fragmentation of the clot. Thereafter, the second lumen induces a negative pressure of up to 600 mmHg,
enabling the aspiration of the liquidized clot debris. Several studies have reported apparently
successful outcomes when applying this method in different clinical settings such as thrombosis,
thrombosed stents, and occluded surgical bypasses [100–103].
Despite general issues with interventional applications, there are method-specific complications.
In particular, the high velocity jets can mechanically destroy erythrocytes. The hemolysis may cause
severe side effects such as pancreatitis, renal insufficiency, hypotension, and arrhythmia [104–106].
A technically more advanced device combines the rheolytic thrombectomy with a non-manual
aspiration thrombectomy catheter. Combining these two catheters allows an adequate blood circulation
immediately after recanalization, thus not causing hemolysis. That being said, the method is feasible
for patients with contraindications such as hepatic failure.
In summary, these techniques demonstrate that recent advances have caused a paradigm shift
towards endovascular therapies for peripheral ischemia. Endovascular techniques provide new
therapeutic options for patients with multimorbidity, and predicted methodological improvements
in the nearer future will likely expand their application range. Despite promising reports within the
last decade, large-scale prospective studies are still pending to evidently prove the effectiveness of
these therapies.
8. Conclusions
Acute ischemia of an extremity is a vascular emergency characterized by pain, swelling and loss
of function of the limb, and consecutive tissue necrosis and apoptosis. The degree of tissue damage is
contingent on the outreach of the collateral network. Severe tissue destruction do not only manifest
in consequences for the affected limb, but also in effects endangering the whole body. Considering
that parts of the underlying patho-mechanisms have previously been published over the last century,
it can be understood that this disease involves a convoluted network of regulatory mechanisms,
many of which are particularly difficult to mitigate. Innovations and methodological advances have
recently caused a paradigm shift towards less invasive endovascular therapies in the treatment of
acute ischemia.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Soumajit Kundu for insightful revisions and language oversight of
the manuscript.
Author Contributions: Florian Simon, Alexander Oberhuber, Nikolaos Floros, Albert Busch, Markus Udo
Wagenhäuser, Hubert Schelzig and Mansur Duran wrote and critically reviewed the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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