AD PR Syllabus
AD PR Syllabus
AD PR Syllabus
The principal objectives of the Institute as set out in its Memorandum are:
— To organise training and research in the use and development of media, mass communication with special reference to the
requirements of socio-economic growth in the country.
— To provide training to the Information and Publicity personnel of Central and State Governments; to make available
facilities for training and research to meet the information and publicity needs of the public and private sector industries.
— To arrange lectures, seminars and symposia on problems related tos mass communication, information and publicity in
collaboration with universities, educational and research institutions as well as trade and industry.
— To organise refresher courses and workshops and invite mass communication experts and research scholars from within
the country and abroad for delivering lectures.
Course Objectives
To provide basic and emerging concepts and principles in relation to better decision making in the areas of advertising &
allied fields, public relations, government & corporate communication.
To enable the students to integrate various functions with organizational goals and strategies.
To sensitize students on various gender/ social communication issues in the light of emerging concepts.
To provide hands-on training on planning and production of brand and social campaigns.
To provide skills on various relevant software especially in Media Planning and production of campaigns.
1. The program will commence on 1 August, 2016, and conclude on May 31, 2017. The academic session will be divided
into two semesters, followed by industry attachment for a period of one month in May 2017.
2. In the first term (August-December) elements and concepts of various papers will be taken up along with practical/field
work wherever required. In this term major emphasis will be on conceptual inputs.
3. In the second term (January – May) students will be working individually and in groups to learn hands-on-skills in various
areas of the curriculum. The term also includes one-month industry attachment.
a) Project Study: Under the Paper X viz Advertising, PR & Marketing Research, the students will learn various research
techniques and methodologies. Based on their interest and aptitude, they will be required to identify a subject from
any one area of the course curriculum and work on a Research Project Study. The students will be adjudged on the
basis of the application of research, gathering on insights and presentation of the Project Study.
b) Group Campaign: The class for this is divided into small groups and briefed to suggest an area of their interest for a
360 degree campaign planning and production. The aim is to synergise the learning of various papers. The students work
from client brief to production of campaign that broadly includes research to gather consumer insights, development
of creatives, media plans, suggest PR strategies, media engagement to budgeting and production. Clients are involved
at all stages of campaign work. Ad/PR agency environment within the group is encouraged to enable students to work
on areas of their aptitude and interest. An effort is made to make the students understand group dynamics and team
effort. The campaigns are presented to a galaxy of industry experts and concerned client organization for evaluation.
4. Attachment: To relate the concepts with practice, the students will look for attachments to advertising agencies/public
relations consultancies/government/corporate sector/NGOs, in the month of May 2017.
5. A fair balance of theoretical input and practicals has been maintained in the teaching of the Course.
6. Social relevance of Advertising and Public Relations has been given due weightage. Apart from preparing full campaigns
on social issues, relevant segments have been included in the papers on marketing, public relations and advertising to
sensitize the students about social responsibilities of advertising and public relations practitioners. Special emphasis will
be given on gender sensitivity in communication.
7. In examination and evaluation, a certain proportion of the total marks will be assigned to external faculty experts.
8. The students are advised to learn the use of computer, various software, including multi-media and internet during their
stay at the Institute.
10. While the institute has computer labs and limited number of still and video cameras which can be used by students, those
who can afford, are encouraged to have their personal laptops and professional digital camera.
11. The institute has the best library in the country in the field of Mass Communication. Students are encouraged to visit
library regulary in their free time and in the periods assigned for library work.
12. The syllabus reflects SUGGESTED READINGS under various papers. Page 23 reflects MUST READ BOOKS.
ALISON ALEXANER, W. JAMES POTTER: (Ed) Communication Research (Publisher: Sage, 2001)
ANDERS HANSEN ETAL: Mass Communication Research Method (New York. University Press, 2004)
ARMAND MATTERLART: Theory and Practice Theories of Communication 1998 (Sage Publications)
BRYANT, JENNINGS: Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research (New Jersey: Lawrence Evibaum Publishers, 2002)
COX ROBERT: Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere (SAGE Publications, USA & India, 2010)
CRAGAN J F SHELDS D C, 1981: Applied Communication Research (Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press)
CHOUDHARY RAJAT K: Research Methods in Mass Communication (Pearl Books, 2007)
JETHWANEY JAISHRI: Social Sector Communication in India, Concepts, Principles and Case Studies,( SAGE, New Delhi),
J OHN SUMSER: A Guide to Empirical Research in Communication (Sage Publications, 2000, ISBN: 0761922229,
MCQUAIL DENIS: Mass Communication Theory (New Delhi, Sage Publication, 2007)
Australian Journal of Communication
Communication Research Trends
ATANTON WILLIAM J & OTHERS: Marketing Management, (New York 1989, McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1990)
BRIAN SHEEHAN: Online Marketing, (Switzerland : An AVA Books, 2010)
BIRD DRAYTON: Common Sense Direct & Digital Marketing (Kogan Page India Ltd, 2008)
JOEL R EVANS & BARRY BERMAN: Marketing (Collien Macmillan)
KERIN, ROSER: Strategic Marketing Problems Case Studies ( New Jersey)
KOTLER PHILIP: Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (Oxford Focal Press, 1999)
KOTLER PHILIP: Social Marketing (The free press, New York, 1989)
PETER J PAUL & OLSON JERRY C: Consumer Behaviour- Marketing Strategy Perspective
(Illinois: Richard Irwin Inc, 1987)
ROB DONOVAN: Social Marketing: An International Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2010)
RYAN DAMIAN, CLVIN JONES: Understanding Digital Marketing (2 Edition)(Replica Press Pvt. Ltd. India, 2012)
S SHAJAHAN: Strategic Marketing: Text and Cases, (Viva, 2010)
Encyclopaedia of Strategic Marketing Management (Jaico Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005)
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Research
Harvard Business Review
Business India
Business World
Business Today
Brand Management: builds brands – including Digital ecosystem and the
zz The evolution of Branding in today’s world integration of digital channels
zz Understanding Brand Management zz Brand Audit – inventory and exploratory and tracking,
zz Various theories and models in brand management, co-branding/licensing, luxury brands, B2B brands
zz Brand prism model, perceptual mapping,
zz The making of Indian & global brands
zz Brand purchasing under dissonance reduction, brand
zz Leveraging secondary brand associations to build
name spectrum,
brand equity
zz Product Research—Important tools and analysis
zz Brand anatomy, strategy and structure, brand- zz Digital brand building: The FLIRT Model
positioning, personality zz What is a global brand? How can Indian brands become
zz Image, brand extensions - advantages & pitfalls global?
zz Brand Architecture zz Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET)
zz How Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) zz Various Case Studies
BHATIA K.TEJ: Advertising and Marketing in Rural India (Macmillan India Ltd. 2007)
CLIFTON RITA & JOHN SIMMONS: Brands and Branding (Profile Books Ltd. UK, 2011)
DOROTHY, COHEN: Advertising, (USA: Scott. Forsmon and Co. 1988)
ELLIOTT RICHARD: Strategic Advertising Management (NTC Business Book, USA, 2009)
GELDER SICCO VAN: Global Brand Strategy (Kogan Page, UK, 2004)
GHOSAL, SUBHASH: Making of Advertising (McMillan 2002)
HAIG,MATT: Brand Failures (Kogan Page India, 2008)
HALVE ANAND: Darwin’s Brands, Adapting for Success (Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2012)
JETHWANEY JAISHRI & JAIN SHRUTI: Advertising Management, second edition, 2011 (Oxford University Press)
KEVIN LANE KELLER: Strategic Brand Management - 3rd edition (Prentice Hall Financial Times, 2008)
KAPFERER JEAN-NOEL: Strategic Brand Management- Creating & Sustaining Brand Equity (Kogan Page, 2009).
KAPFERER J.N & BASTIEN V: The Luxury Strategy (2 Edition) (Kogan Page, New Delhi, 2012)
LEPLA, JOSEPH F: Integrated Branding (London Kogan Page 2002)
LOKEN BARBARA ,ET.AL: Brands and Brand Management, Contemporary Research Perspectives (Psychology press New
York, 2010)
MANUKONDA R.: Advertising Promotions and News Media (DPS Publishing House India, 2013)
MARIEKE DE MOOIJ: Consumer Behavior and Culture: Consequences for Global Marketing & Advertising (Sage Publication
New Delhi, 2011 )
MARTIN LINDSTROM: Brand Sense (Kogan Page Publishers, 2005)
MELISSA DAVIS: The Fundamentals of Branding (AVA Pub., 2009)
MUELLER, BARBARA: Dynamics of International Advertising: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives (New York: Peter
Lang, 2006)
MONLEY LEE, JOHNSON CARLA: Principles of Advertising: A Global Perspective (Viva Books, New Delhi, 2007)
NAOMI KLEIN: No Logo (Macmillan, 2003)
NIRMALAYA KUMAR: India’s Global Powerhouses (Harvard Business Press, 2009)
OGILVY DAVID: Ogilvy on Advertising (London, Prion Books. 1997)
RUSSEL, THOMAS J: Kleppner’s Advertising Procedure: ( USA Pentice Hall, 2002)
SCUDSON, MICHAEL: Advertising, the Uneasy Persuasion (London: Routledge, 1993)
SCHROEDER E. JONATHAN, MIRIAM SALZER-MORLING: Brand Culture (New York: Routledge, 2010)
SHITOLE G.Y &BAGESHREE P.B.B: Social Advertising and Youth (Adhyayan Publications and Distributions, 2011)
VILANILAM J. V. & VERGHESE A.K: Advertising Basics (Sage Publications, India, 2012)
Advertising Age
Brand Reporter
Brand Equity (Economic Times)
International Journal of Advertising
Unit VII zz Media Costs
Media Buying zz Media Buying Problems
zz Media Buying Process : Structure, Roles and zz Considerations in Planning and Buying
zz Media buying and planning for Digital Media
zz Steps in Buying Process and Objectives of a Media
zz New Trends in Media Buying, Problems in Media Unit VIII
Buying, Evaluating Media Buys, Media Planning Software
zz Media negotiations and strategies IRS, BARC, MAP, RAM, AdEx
BERMAN MARGO: The Copywriter’s Toolkit ( Blackwell Publishing West Sussex UK, 2012)
BONNIE L DREWNIANY: Creative Strategy in Advertising (USA: WordsworthCengage, 2011)
BURTENSHAW, KEN ET.AL: The Fundamentals of Creative Advertising (Switzerland: An AVA Publishing, 2006)
FELTON GEORGE: Advertising: Concept and Copy (New Jersey: Printice Hall, 1994) –
FENNIS BOB M. & STROEBE WOLFGANG: The Psychology of Advertising ( Psychology Press, UK, 2010)
IND, NICHOLAL AS: Great Advertising Campaigns (London Kogan Page, 1993)
JIM AITCHISON / NEIL FRENCH: Cutting Edge Advertising: How to Create the World’s Best Brands in the 21st Century
(Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004)
LUKE SULLIVAN: Hey Whipple, Squeeze This (John Wiley and Sons, 2008)
RICE E.RONALD & CHARLES K. ATKIN: Public Communications Campaign (Sage Publications, INC. US, 2013)
ROSE CHRIS: How to win Campaigns (USA: Earthscan, 2007)
PRAHALAD CK: The New Age of Innovation, (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008)
SCHULTZ DON E: Strategic Advertising Campaigns (USA: NTC Business Books, 1996)
STOBART PAUL, ED: Brand Power (London MacMillan Press, 1994)
SENGUPTA SUBRATO: Brand Positioning: Strategies for Competitive Advantage (New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Co. 1990)
TAG R. NANCY: Ad Critique ( Sage Publications, US 2012)
TOM LEVENSON: Bill Bernbach’s Book: A History of Advertising that Changed the History of Advertising - (Villard 1987)
VALLADARES(JA): The Craft of Copy Writing ( Sage Publications, Asia Pascific, New Delhi, 2000)
Advertising Age
Journal of current issues and research in Advertising
Marks: Theory 50, Practical 50
Unit II Unit VI
PR Practice and Process Corporate Communication Strategies and Tools:
zz In house PR- Structure, Scope, Role & Function Applications
zz PR Consultancy- Structure, Role, Scope & Function zz Corporate Governance
zz Difference between In-house PR and a PR Consultancy zz Crisis communication
zz PR Campaigns- Briefs, Pitch, Working on the Account, zz Corporate Reputation management
Client-Agency Relationship zz Corporate Identity
zz The PR process: Research, Strategy, Measurement, zz Events, Sponsorships, Trade Shows
Evaluation and Impact zz Corporate Advertising
zz CC/PR in Brand Building
UNIT III zz Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainable
PR and Media Development
The Role and Importance of Media in PR zz Financial Markets and Communication
zz PR as a Source of News zz Investor Relations
zz Tools of Media Relations - Press conferences, Press zz Trade Media and its relevance in CC
Unit VII Press Information Bureau (PIB), Indian Institute of
Government Information System Mass Communication (IIMC), Directorate of Film
zz Government Information System : Overview, Festivals (DFAI), Films Division (FD), Central Board
Functioning, Scope and Significance at the Centre and of Film Certification, Children’s Film Society, India,
State Governments’ level
Film and Television Institute of India, Pune (FTII),
zz Government Relations /Public affairs
Film Certification Appellate Tribunal, National
zz Role and Function of various Media units of the
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Film Archive of India (NFAI) Satyajit Ray Film
zz Prasar Bharati, AIR, Doordarshan, Directorate of and Television Institute (SRFTI), National Film
Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP), Directorate Development Corporation
of Field Publicity, Photo Division, Publications zz Government Campaigns through Ad Deconstruction
Division, Research Reference & Training Division, and Case Studies
Song & Drama Division, Office of the Registrar of zz RTI Act –Scope and Significance
Newspapers for India (RNI), Press Council of India, zz Elections and the Growing Role of PR
CHRISTENSEN, LARS THOGER: Corporate Communications: Convention, Complexity, and Critique ( New Delhi: Sage
Publications, 2010)
CORNELISSEN JOEP: Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice, 3rd edition (Sage Publication, India, 2011)
GOODMAN, MICHAEL B: Corporate Communication: Strategic Adaptation for Global Practice ( New York: Peter lang, 2010)
GREGORY ANNE: Public Relations in Practice (2 edition) (Kogan Page India Pvt. Ltd. 2008)
JETHWANEY JAISHRI & N N SARKAR: Public Relations Management, 2015
JETHWANEY JAISHRI: Corporate Communication ( ND: OUP) 2010.
JETHWANEY JAISHRI: Social Sector Communication in India - Concepts, Practices and Case Studies, (Sage, New Delhi) 2016.
JOHNSTON, JANE (Ed): Public Relations: Theory and Practice ( Australia: Allen & Unwin, 2010)
L’ETANG JACQUIE: Public Relations, Concepts, Practice and Critique (Sage Publications India, 2008)
MOSS DANNY & BARBARA DESANTO: Public Realtions A Managerial Perspective (Sage Publications, London, 2011)
MALLA PRAVEEN B: Corporate Governance ( New Delhi: Routledge, 2010)
PARSONS, PATRICIA J: Ethics in Public Relations: A Guide to Best Practice ( London: Kogan Page, 2005)
SMITH D. RONALD: Becoming A Public Relations Writer ( 4 edition) (Routledge New York, 2012)
THEAKER ALISON : The Public Relations Handbook ( 4 Edition) (Routledge, UK, 2012)
THEAKER ALISON, YAXLEY HEATHER: The Public Relations Strategic Toolkit (New York: Routledge, 2013)
ULMER ROBERT R: Effective Crisis Communication, (Sage Publication, India, 2011)
CARROLL E CRAIG: The Sage Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation, 1st ed. (Sage Publication , 2016)
पंत एन.सी. : जनसंपर्क, विज्ञापन एवं प्रसार माध्यम (तक्षशिला प्रकाशन, नई दिल्ली, 2004)
जेठवानी जयश्री, रविशंकर, नरे न्द्र नाथ सरकार : विज्ञापन और जनसंपर्क (सागर प्रकाशन, नई दिल्ली, 2000)
PR Quarterly,
Journal of Public Relations,
Public Relations review
PR Strategist
The Communicator
Business India
Business World
Business Today
Business Standard
The Economic Times
The Financial Express
The Business Standard
Unit II Unit VI
New Media and the Emerging Trends Employee Communication in Digital Age
zz The Evolution of Media zz Introduction and Genesis
zz Old Media vs. New Media zz Various New Media for Internal Communication
zz The New Media Landscape (Social networking sites, intranet, blogosphere, portals,
zz The Changing Mass Media Audience and the YouTube, Google Hangouts, Skype and Webcasts ,
Emergence of Social Media (Blogs, Facebook, Twitter Organization’s intranet etc)
YouTube etc) and its Impact on Society.
zz Interactivity and Active Audiences Unit VII
zz Digitalization and Convergence Corporate Reputation Management
zz The Power of New Media zz Introduction
zz Hands on skills – Various Modes and Usages of Social zz Reputation in the Net age
Media. zz Corporate Reputation Management Imperatives
zz Building Corporate Identity
Unit III zz Corporate Advertising
Digital PR
zz PR in the age of Digital Media: Scope, Challenges and Unit VIII
Opportunities Financial Communication in the Digital Age
zz Changing Trends and Leveraging the Potential of zz Role of Digital Media in effective Investor Relations
Digital Media zz Handling CRM digitally
zz PR Tools of the Internet – Uses and their Online zz Case studies
Application (online Media relations, online media
releases) Unit IX
zz Social Media –Platforms, Analytics and Campaigns Issue Management and Crisis Communication
zz Online PR strategies zz Managing Issues online
zz Relationship Building in an Internet Age - How zz Crisis Communication on Digital Media and lessons
organizations use websites, social networking sites learnt
and other digital platforms to communicate with their zz Case studies
stakeholders and media
zz Blogging Role, Scope and Influence on Image Unit X
Management. Corporate Communication Channels
zz Corporate Website
Unit IV zz Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube accounts
Digital PR in Marketing and Brand Promotions zz Corporate Blog
zz Use of Digital Media in the overall Marketing Mix zz Building Online Corporate Community
BROWN ROB: Public Relations & the Social Web, (Kogan Page, 2009)
CARPENTER PHIL: eBrands (Harvard Business School Press, US, (2000)
CARROLL CRAIG E: Corproate Reputation and the New Media (US: Taylor and Francis, 2011)
FLEW TERRY: New Media an Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2002)
HINTON SAM & HJORTH LARISSA: Understanding Social Media (Sage Publications India, 2013)
HOLTZ SHEL: Public Relations on the Net, Winning Strategies to Inform & Influence the Media, the Investment Community,
the Government, the Public, & More! (Amacon, USA, 1999)
LISTER MARTIN, DOVEY JON, GIDDINGS SETH et. al. : New Media: A Critical Introduction (Routledge Taylor & Francis
Group, London & New York, 2003 ed.)
SRIVASTAVA KM: Public Relations in the Digital Era (Pilgrims Publishing, Varanasi, 2007)
SANDRA C DUHE: New Media and Public Relations (Peter Lang, 2007)
TIM JORDAN: Hacking: Digital Media and Society Series (UK Polity Press 2008)
VINCE JOHN AND EARNSHAW RAE (Eds): Digital Convergence: The Information Revolution (Springer –Verlag London
Limited 1999)
ALBERT BOOK AND DENNES SCHIE: Fundamentals of Copy & Layout (USA: National Text Book Company, 1997)
BARR WILLIAM MO: Culture and the Ad (Western Press, 1994)
BOYCE (JIM): Adobe Photo Shop 5.0: Classroom in Book (New Delhi, Techmedia, 1998)
BHATIA ARUN: Visual Communication (India: Rajat Publishing, 2005)
CORAY JASO: Audio Production and Critical Listing, Technical Ear Training (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2010)
DEVITO JOSEPH A: Essentials of Oral Communication (USA: Pearson Custom Publishing, 1999)
SARKAR NN: Art and Print Production (India: Oxford Publications, 2008)
HELLER STEVEN: Genius Moves- 100 Icons of Graphic Designs (North Light Books 2002)
KLEPNER L. MICHAEL: The Handbook of Digital Publishing (Pentice Hall 2000)
LANDA, ROBIN: Advertising by Design (John Wiley & Sons 2000)
LESTER, PAUL MARTIN: Visual Communication, Images with Messages (Australia: Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2000)
PARMAR SHYAM (DR): Traditional Folk Media in India (Research Press, 1995)
RICHARD SCHLEMMER: Handbook of Advertising Art and Production (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1990)
SARKAR NN: Designing Print Communication (New Delhi: Sagar Publication, 1998)
SHERR LESLIE H & DAVID J KAJD: Design for Response, (Rockport Publishers 1998)
WAGNER JON: Images of Information (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1979
ALBERT BOOK & DENNES SCHIEL: Fundamentals of Copy & Layout (USA: National Text Book Company, 1997)
BOYCE (JIM): Adobe Photo Shop 5.0: Classroom in Book (New Delhi, Techmedia, 1998)
GERLACH BARBARA & JOHN: Digital Wildlife Photography (Focal Press, UK, 2013)
LANIER LEE: Digital Compositing with Nuke (Focal Press, UK, 2013)
AMYES TIM: Audio Post Production (India: Focal Press. 1999)
BERSTEIN STEVEN: Film Production (Focal Press, 1994)
DAWKINS STEVE AND WYAND IAN: Video Production (US: Dawkins, Steve and Ian Wynd, 2010)
HIRSCH ROBERT: Light and Lens: Photography in The Digital Age (Oxford: Focal Press is an imprint of Elsevier, 2008)
HELLER STEVEN: Genius Moves- 100 Icons of Graphic Designs (North Light Books 2002)
INGLEDEW JOHN: The Creative Photographer ( New York: Harry N Abrams, 2005)
KLEPNER L. MICHAEL: The Handbook of Digital Publishing (Pentice Hall 2000)
LANDA ROBIN: Advertising by Design (John Wiley & Sons 2000)
LANGFORD MICHAEL: Langford’s Basic Photography: The Guide for Serious Photographers (Ed9th London: Focal Press
is an imprint of Elsevier, 2010)
LESTER PAUL MARTIN: Visual Communication, Images with Messages (Australia: Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2000)
SARKAR NN: Art and Print Production, (Oxford University Press 2013)
SCHLEMMER RICHARD: Handbook of Advertising Art and Production (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1990)
SHERR LESLIE H & KAJD DAVID J : Design for Response, (Rockport Publishers 1998)
WAGNER JON: Images of Information (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1979)
MAANEN JV: Qualitative Methodology (New Delhi: Sage, 1985)
MONIPPALLY MMAND PAWAR A S: Academic Writing- A Guide for Management Students and Researchers (New Delhi:
Response Books 2010 )
MORRISON A. MARGARET ET.AL: Using Qualitative Research in Advertising, Strategies, Techniques and Applications
(Sage Publications INC. US, 2012)
zz ANDERSON CHRIS: The Long Tail (US, Hyperion New York, 2006)
zz BERGH JOERI VAN DEN & BEHRER MATTIAS: How Cool Brands Stay Hot, Branding to Generation Y ( Kogan
Page, US, 2011)
zz BONO DE EDWARD: Six Thinking Hats (US, Little, Brown and Company, 1986)
zz BUCKINGHAM P. IAN: Brand Champions, How superheros bring brands to life. (Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 2011)
zz DUBNER J STEPHEN, LEVITT D STEVEN: Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of
Everything (US, HarperCollins Publishers, 2009)
zz FREIBERG JACKIE, FREIBERG KEVIN: Nuts! Southwest Airline’s Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal
Success (US, Bard Press, 1996)
zz GODIN SETH: Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable (US, Penguin Group, 2003)
zz GLADWELL MALCOLM: The Tipping Point (US, Little, Brown and Company, 2000)
zz GLADWELL MALCOLM: What the dog saw ( US, Woodstock, Vermont, 2010)
zz GODIN SETH: All Marketers Are Liars (US, Penguin Group, 2009)
zz GERSTNER V. LOUIS, JR: Who Says Elephant’s Can’t Dance? (US, HarperCollins, 2002)
zz HALVE ANAND, SARKAR ANITA: Adkatha ( India: Centrum Charitable Trust, 2011)
zz HARFORD TIM: The logic of life (US, Random House 2009; UK Little Brown, 2009)
zz HEATH DAN & HEATH CHIP: Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
(US, Random House Publishing Group 2007, 2008)
zz OGILVY DAVID: Ogilvy on Advertising (US, Random House Publishing Group, 1983)
zz ISAACSON WALTER: Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography (US, Little, Brown Book Group 2011)
zz KIM CHAN. W, MAUBORGNE RENEE : Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and
Make Competition Irrelevant (US, Harvard Business Review Press, 2005)
zz SCHMIDT ERIC & COHEN JARED: The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business
(New York,Alfred A Knopf, 2013)
zz WELCH JACK, BYRNE A JOHN: Straight from the Gut (US, Grand Central Publishing, 2001)
zz WALKER ROB: Buying In: The Secret Dialogue Between What We Buy and Who We Are
(US, Random House Publishing Group, 2008)
zz WANG JING: Brand New China (Harvard University Press, London, 2000)
IIMC Board Nos : 011-2674 2920, 2674 2920, 2674 1987, 2674 2940, 2674 2239