PowerTest Advanced-EN-V2.30
PowerTest Advanced-EN-V2.30
PowerTest Advanced-EN-V2.30
Advanced Modules
VERSION: PowerTest Advanced-AE-2.30
DATE : 16/01/2017
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PowerTest Advanced Modules
1. Advanced differential……….. 3
a) Wiring for the test…………. 4
b) Set group settings………… 4
c) Set group parameters……. 4
d) Set assessment criterion… 6
e) Configure binary inputs….. 6
f) Add test point…………….. 6
g) Set test parameters……… 7
2. Advanced TransPlay (4V,3I)… 8
a) Input COMTRADE file……. 8
b) Channel select……………. 9
c) Sample rate………………. 10
d) Edit………………………… 11
3. R/X characteristic sweep….. 13
a) Set group parameters…… 14
b) Configure binary input…… 15
4. Synchronizer…………………. 16
a) Concept of
synchronization…………… 17
b) Set group settings………… 17
c) Set group parameters……. 18
d) Configure binary output….. 18
e) Wiring diagram……………. 19
f) Test items…………………. 19
g) Set test parameters……… 20
h) Test report example……… 23
PowerTest Advanced Modules
1. Advanced Differential
With this module we can search out the Ir/Id
PowerTest Advanced Modules
Prefault time setting
Fault time setting
CB Sim.
When optional Circuit Breaker Simulator is
used we can need to select Yes here.
Set group settings
Open Time
Click button to enter into group Related to CB Sim.
setting page
Close Time
Group setting page is shown bellow Related to CB Sim.
Note: Please contact the manufacture for
more information about the optional Circuit
Breaker Simulator and its application
Ih/Iref(HV) matching factor for HV side
Im/Iref(MV) matching factor for MV side ----------------------------------------------
Il/Iref(LV) matching factor for LV side
PowerTest Advanced Modules
PowerTest Advanced Modules
For dichotomic mode this resolution setting In this example any tripping from A, B, or C will
will be used to assess the current tripping point. terminate the test process.
If the difference between the output value of
the current tripping point and the value of the
last un-tripping point is less than this setting Example: AND logic
then the current tripping point will be
In this example when tripping for A, B, or C all
Note: We can set a bigger resolution to comes then test process will be terminated
reduce the test time. But this may bring bigger and the tripping time for all three phased will
error in the test result. be recorded.
Quick Add
Example: OR logic
PowerTest Advanced Modules
Then we can see the following display window At this time the newly added test point has the
same name and parameters as the last one
PowerTest Advanced Modules
2.Advanced TransPlay(4V,3I)
This module is used to play back the COMTRADE format file.
The standard COMTRADE format includes normally the following two parts.
CFG describe the recording channels, including signal names, sampling frequencies, etc
When a COMTRADE file is opened we can see the waveform and parameters in the display
Channel select
PowerTest Advanced Modules
• • •
I a ' = ( I a − I b) / 3
• • •
I b' = ( I b − I c ) / 3
• • •
I c' = ( I c − I a) / 3
Configure channels
PowerTest Advanced Modules
PowerTest Advanced Modules
This time defines the start time from where we
Note: The prefault data is defined by the count the time.
first section of repetition.
---------------------------------------------- This happens when we have set prefault data
to play first. In that case we can count time
only from the point when data for the fault is
PowerTest Advanced Modules
PowerTest Advanced Modules
This module is used to map out the characteristic boundary of the impedance relay.
During the test process a series of shots will be generated to search out the boundary along this
shot line. Then next shot at a different angle will be generated. In this way we can then find out the
boundary at different angles.
PowerTest Advanced Modules
fixed angle
PowerTest Advanced Modules
∣K0∣, Phi(K0)
∣Z0∣, Phi(Z0)
Search Mode
Here we define the search mode for searching
the boundary along one shot line.
To simplify the wiring operation and reduce the
There are two methods available preparation time before the test we have
Dichotomic assigned each binary input here to a dedicated
Linear purpose.
Bin. In1
Bin. In2 TripB
Bin. In3 TripABC
Bin. In4 Reclose
Bin. In5
Bin. In6
Bin. In7
Bin. In8 Reclose
1234 Select to use binary
Trip Sel
5678 1234 or 5678
PowerTest Advanced Modules
This module is used to check synchronizing relay.
PowerTest Advanced Modules
Principle of synchronizer
PowerTest Advanced Modules
Leading Angle some relays may need Vs->Va,Vg->Vb use Va as system side
to set this setting here. voltage, use Vb as
generator side voltate
Leading Time we can set the time
here for our Vs->Va,Vg->Vbc use Va as system side
assessment use voltage, use Vbc as
generator side voltage
dv permissible voltage
difference setting
Vs->Vabc,Vg->Vz use Vabc as system
df permissible frequency side voltage, use Vz as
difference setting generator side voltage
Trans. Connect
The PT (potential transformer) use for system
side and generator side may have different
vector group. And the phase shift caused by
Vsnom this vector group difference must be
Nominal voltage for system side considered. We need to select the vector
group based on the actual situation.
Nominal frequency for system side Tsynmax
Here we define the maximum allowed time
Vgnom duration for synchronizing process.
Nominal voltage for generator side
Out4 Mode
PowerTest Advanced Modules
For some synchronizing relays they require a Wiring diagram for Vs->Vabc,Vg->Vz mode
external contact to start the synchronizing
process. Two types of contact are available
pulse ef
continuous aew
Related to Out4 Mode setting.
Test items
Out1, Out2, Out3
If required we can also select binary output 1-3 By default 6 test items are added in the test list
here. when module is opened.
Wiring diagram
Click button to view the wiring diagram
under different Sel Vg selections.
V-Value check voltage difference
Wiring diagram for Vs->Va,Vg->Vb mode F-Value check frequency difference
Leading Time test leading time
Auto auto-check
Vadj-PulseWidth test pulse width for voltage
Fadj-PulseWidth test pulse width for
frequency adjustment
PowerTest Advanced Modules
Since the frequency difference is set within the Fg Step step for frequency to change
allowed setting the voltage difference will be
the only factor to influence the synchronizing
action. Test process:
The voltage will change one step for each Since the voltage difference is set within the
cycle (0-360 deg). The test will terminate when allowed setting the frequency difference will be
circuit breaker close command from the only factor to influence the synchronizing
synchronizing relay is sensed by test set. action.
PowerTest Advanced Modules
dv/dt dv/dt for controlling voltage to change Fg the setting here should ensure that
when receiving the voltage control Fs-Fg is larger than allowed
command from synchronizing relay. frequency difference setting
df/dt df/dt for controlling frequency to dv/dt dv/dt for controlling voltage to change
change when receiving the frequency when receiving the voltage control
control command from synchronizing command from synchronizing relay.
df/dt df/dt for controlling frequency to
change when receiving the frequency
Test process: control command from synchronizing
Since the voltage difference is set within the
allowed setting the frequency difference will be
the only factor to influence the synchronizing Test process:
The voltage and frequency will change with a
The frequency will change with a speed set by speed set by dv/dt and df/dt when receiving
df/dt when receiving the frequency control voltage and frequency control command from
command from synchronizing relay. The synchronizing relay. The duration for voltage
duration for frequency to change is determined and frequency to change will be determined by
by the frequency control pulse width. the voltage and frequency pulse width
PowerTest Advanced Modules
Note: The Fg must be set in the way that
Fs-Fg is not equal to zero.
PowerTest Advanced Modules
Test Object
Substation:Ponovo Bay:Testing Laboratory
Device:XXX Type:cccc
Manufacture:China SN:P0408389
Tested by:XXX Date:05/06/2008 17:44
Leading Angle=0.500Deg dF=0.200Hz
Leading Time=0.500S Vadj. Cycle=10.000S
dV=2.000V Fadj. Cycle=15.000S
Vsnom=100.000V Fsnom=50.000Hz
Vgnom=100.000V Sel Vg:Vs->Va,Vg->Ub
Ref. Phase:Ua Trans. Connect:Y/Y-12