Technology Essay

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Human history has proven that the discovery and development of technology

are attainable for we always strive to improve the troubles we face. One of the
innovations that emerged thanks to technology advancement is the internet. It
generated the advancement of information and communication technology
which created a massive impact on society. Although there is a part of the
population who are against this revolution due to some fallacious utilization of
these technologies, it would be more sensible if we disposed to be more overt in
understanding and accepting the presence of technology that provides
exceptionally beneficial merits to our daily lives and sustainability including
unlimited communication and information access, higher-order literacy skills
and knowledge development, and the improvement of economic and business

Friedman (2006) stated that the growth of technology made the world “flat”.
This means that technology expansion had digitally united individuals around
the world regardless of their distances and provide access to its users to
unlimited information. Furthermore, in these times we can achieve what stated
above through our smartphones which makes it even more effortless. This
unlimited information access makes technology also capable of affecting
society’s knowledge.

Schmidt and Vendewater (2008) reported that the usage of computer for
learning purposes have positive influences on student’s cognitive skills and
school accomplishment. However, this study also examined a mutual concern
that the use of technology may be related to attention issues in children and
adolescents which might have a negative effect on learning, but there was no
noteworthy relationship between lack of attention hyperactivity disorder
analysis and media use. Research from the national “HomeNet” study
conducted in America also revealed that parents consider communication
technology to be more desirable and useful than spending time watching
television. These research results show that technology advancements may
result in higher-order literacy skills and knowledge

Technology progression can also improve productivity in the economic business

world. According to Basri (2006), the world’s economy has been experiencing a
revolution due to technology development. In the early 1980s, the fundamental
economic alteration as a result of the rapid advancement of communication
technology which affects the transportation and tourism industry is referred to
as the “triple-T’ revolution. This transformation improves the mobility of
products and services and other production factors everywhere in the world.

Technology advancement has proven to be one of the most significant factors of

human life improvement and sustainability. It is very important to comprehend
the potential it can provide us for our future. With a proper and prudent manner
of utilizing these advancements, we would be able to maximize their benefits
and resolve our future problems. Now, we know that technology is giving us
unlimited communication and information access and improve the world’s
economic activities. Who knows what kind of advancement we will experience
in the future.

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