investments? This will only drive away investments overseas n starve Indian start ups. @NITIAayog n
MoF r failing young entrepreneurs n even killing jobs
What are the legal things behind this? Do they need proof (or serious suspicions) before or they can
just give “randomly” a reason and force you to give them all of your data?
They still say 28% slab in GST is only for ‘luxury’ and ‘sin’ goods, while cement is still under 28% slab.
What’s luxury or sin in cement?
Dear chief marshal sir, you think as we all are fool ? Rafael is never in question. Nither anyone wants
the cancellation of deal. There are 2 points only - 1- why modi reduced no. to 36 from 126 ? 2 - How
prices escalated multiple fold.
Heard people asking #Modi buying #Rafale jet is gold coated one or what ,if even gold coated it may
not come this price 526 cr to 1600 cr .....Approx 1000 cr increase Recently #Kerala build an airport for
2200 crore
I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us and we change
5300 crores on Publicity +2000 crores on Foreign
7300 crores in last 1664 days. Modiji's expenditure
using taxpayers hard-earned money !! Decide
whether you want this PM ? Vote wisely in
So they will explain: See our feku has purchased it 3 times higher price We grab from HAL and given
to everyone's favourite Anil Ambani Instead of 125 we bought 36 only we gave false affidavit in SC I
dont know but who will buy their analogy?
Knowing not what SC will now decide on 2nd Jan on the AG's application. Who knows the
judgement could change
All CMs of their respective states going for demonstration on other states city why? Their own states
voters don't buy their logics or don't trust them?
Areh what target bhai log. You guys have lied in the SC. You have tried to hide your massive
corruption in the Rafale deal by by misleading the SC. BJP should be target of massive corruption.
Kyu theek hai nah bhai saffronites?
If BJP has no fear then institute JPC . This PC in 70 cities , shows BJP does not want to face
Will they also explain that fresh affidavit filed by yhe govt in th SC..... ???
t what cost ? Three times with same configuration, delivered after 3 years (its called urgent), made in
France(to hell with make in India) , helping debt ridden novice businessman, without sovereign
guarantee ..... enough ?
Rahul Gandhi's 10mini one PC forced BJP to hold so much PC...?? Now everyone knows who is
pappu.... Finally "Chowkidar chor hai"
My company Christmas party tonight. Two goals: 1. Keep the bar tab under $15k 2. No one does
anything that will get me sued.
Absolute mockery of judiciary!! Typo error??? Oh God! Kis anpad ne document type kiya, kaun hai
woh param bakth..
t needs real guts to be open and go b4 JPC , u fear only when u goof up the things in your
favour.Can u believe such vocal Modi didn't speak a word on Rafale in rally had it been clean n fair
So, is the FM saying that People's Representative forming the Parliament "CANNOT" be "TRUSTED"
with running the country???
hy entire BJP is afraid of JPC when SC has cleared the case , still afraid that burried details of scam
will surface out clear. When Bofors case had JPC why can't Rafale which is crystal clear as per entire
BJP shouting
This is different case which will expose how Modi n Shah bypassed all departments even CAG and
PAC without applying brain. Fake report put to SC will be exposed when set of documents will b put
b4 joint Committee
o Mr Jaitley why not go for CBI enquiry under the direct supervision of a sitting SC judge
Modi sarkar has made every govt institution into a big joke be it CBI, RBI, ED, SC.....BJP is worse than
even Congress
You did press conference with defence minister @nsitharaman on Rafael and didn't mention the
mistake which is there in the SC judgement.@RahulGandhi revealed the truth about the judgement.
Now who will apologize? You can only blame others.
He talks about everything except relevant issues Only speaks at rallies No press conference yet We
definitely don't need a prime minister who makes fool of his own people by irrelevant issues .
Unfortunate to have a pm like this.
resent govt deliberately submitted false affidavit in SC . Didn't appointed lokpal, gave amenesty to
black money hoarders and tax chor
We want to know what you have done in last 4.5 years? Enough of Nehru-Gandhi and Congress.
60% of the current voter will not understand what he is referring to.
Hamesha ka rona..inki sui atak gai hai..dusro par ungli dikhane ke bajai apne kaam ka hisaab do
Sure , Hindus have progressed tremendously in every respect during Congress times & made a
reputation as modern ppl with deep cultural roots. Only recently they are being branded as bigots.
Bring back Congress.
1000+ years of Foreign rule could not touch Hinduism. But 5 years of Modi-Shah have put so much
Terror in some Hindus that they fear for Hinduism without rule of uneducated scamsters bought by
Remittances are at an all time high you know why - over 3 crore Indians like me took the step to
move abroad if the blame game continues like this many are just waiting to jump the queue and
move out
Mr FM this tag of cleanest Govt should come from ppl &you can't self certify it.This self certification
itself is a proof that you want to hide many things under the carpet.