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International Journal of Research and Review

www.gkpublication.in E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Review Article

A Review on Studies and Research on Crystallization

Sunil J. Kulkarni

Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Received: 14/10/2015 Revised: 29/10/2015 Accepted: 29/10/2015


Crystallization is a chemical solid–liquid separation technique. In this, mass transfer of a solute from the
liquid solution to a pure solid crystalline phase occurs. For crystallization, supersaturation and
temperature are two important factors. Crystallization finds major application in food and pharmaceutical
industry. Silicon crystal wafer production, powder salt for food, production of sucrose from sugar beet is
few industrial applications. Many investigators have carried out research on crystal size, growth and
structure, factor affecting crystal growth and other important aspects of crystallization. The present paper
summarizes research carried out on various aspects of crystallization

Key words: supersaturation, temperature crystal growth, morphology.

INTRODUCTION combination of both. The pharmaceutical

The mass transfer operations are and food industries find wide application of
divided based on the state of the material. crystallization. Various investigators have
These classes of mass transfer are solid carried out investigation on various aspects
liquid, solid gas, liquid gas, liquid liquid, of crystallization. The current review
gas gas and solid solid. The liquid gas summarizes research carried out on
applications include gas absorption, crystallization.
humidification. Extraction is example of
liquid liquid operation. These two categories RESEARCH AND STUDIES ON
are most important and find wide CRYSTALLIZATION
application. Adsorption is solid liquid and Wellen carried out investigation on
solid gas separation. These mass transfer effect of polystyrene on poly (Ethylene
operations find wide application in chemical Terephthalate) crystallization. [‎9] He
industries and wastewater treatment. [‎1-‎5] For compounded blends of poly (ethylene
recovery and regeneration also these unit terephthalate) (PET) and polystyrene (PS)
operations are important. In waste gas with PS content ranging from 0% to 60% by
treatment absorption and adsorption weight in a laboratory internal mixer,
methods are widely used. [‎6-‎8] Crystallization followed by quenching into iced water.
is solid liquid separation based on Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was
supersaturation of solution. The solution is used for analysis of blend morphology. He
supersaturated by evaporation or cooling or observed that SEM micrographs showed a

International Journal of Research & Review (www.gkpublication.in) 615

Vol.2; Issue: 10; October 2015
two-phase structure made up with spherical a-Si with a thin Al metal layer reduced to
PS particles dispersed in a PET matrix. It around 340°C and 3.3 eV, respectively.
was also found that crystallization of PET McMahon et.al. purified and crystallized
was affected by the heating rate and by the Ranasmurfin, a previously uncharacterized
addition of even small amounts of PS. _13 kDa blue protein found in the nests of
Pisponen et.al. investigated morphological the frog polypedates leucomystax. [‎14] The
parameters of lactose crystals during analysis indicated the presence of a dimer in
crystallization at low temperatures, using the asymmetric unit. In the fluorescent scan
rapid and extra rapid cooling. [‎10] They they observed a peak at 9.676 keV,
carried out studies on three temperatures (2, indicating that the protein binds zinc and
6 and 12°C) for crystallization of lactose. suggesting a route for structure solution.
They used pure lactose for reference in their Lawton et.al. carried out an
studies. They observed that Ricotta whey investigation on the continuous
components reduce crystal size, and linked crystallization of a model active
with low crystallization temperature; modify pharmaceutical ingredient (API)using a
the shape of crystals faces. Chung and Ryu continuous oscillatory baffled crystallizer
analyzed the effect of the addition of Li2O3, (COBC). According to their
TiO2, and Fe2O3 on the crystallization investigation, continuous crystallization
behavior of P2O5–CaO–SiO2–K2O glasses offered significant advantages in terms of
and the effect of the crystallization behavior process, operation and costs. It delivered the
on the roughness and hydrophobicity of the isolation of the model API in just over 12
coated surface. [‎11] Their investigations min compared to the 9 h and 40 min in a
confirmed that the intensity of the batch process. Rupp et.al. carried out an
diffraction peaks increases at high investigation on crystallization of
temperatures and with increasing Li2O3 amorphous ceria solid solutions. [‎16] Their
content. It was also observed that the studies were aimed at correlating the self-
increase in surface roughness, correlated to limited grain growth kinetics in ceria solid
the crystallization of the glass frit, increases solutions with the microstructural evolution
hydrophobicity of the surface. Newman during the transformation of the amorphous
et.al. carried out an investigation in order to state to the fully crystallized state. They
combine sparse-matrix screening with found that, in the micrographs, grains with a
systematic screening in a minimum number globular shape without any preferred
of crystallization conditions. [‎12] They tried orientation as well as amorphous materials
to maximize the coverage of crystallization were visible after spray pyrolysis deposition
parameter space with no redundancy. They and crystallization by heat treatment. An
combined the screening strategy with investigation was carried out on
nanolitre-volume dispensing hardware along crystallization of biological macromolecules
with a small but practical experiment- by Smatanova. [‎17] His studies were mainly
tracking system. An investigation was focused on properties and crystal structures
carried out by her and Chen, aimed at of proteins. He used stereomicroscope for
studying the crystallization kinetics of the examination of the crystallization trials.
ultrathin a-Si induced by Al under thermal Prasad and Srilalitha carried out research on
annealing and pulsed laser irradiation. [‎13] crystallization process of Fe78Tm2B20 and
They observed that, under thermal Fe76Tm4B20 alloys. [‎18] The SEM patterns
annealing, the crystallization temperature indicated that cast samples are amorphous
and activation energy for crystallization of and the samples are completely crystallized
International Journal of Research & Review (www.gkpublication.in) 616
Vol.2; Issue: 10; October 2015
when heated to 10000C. Kaldybayeva Adsorbent-Batch and Column Studies,
studied aluminums cast iron crystallization. International Journal of Chemical
[‎19] Engineering Research,2014, 6.1, 27-37.
He studied the composition and structure
of high-alloyed aluminum cast iron. He 3. Kulkarni Sunil1, Kaware Jayant,
applied High-alloyed materials as the heat- Adsorption for Phenol Removal-A
Review, International Journal of
resistant materials. According to him in Scientific Engineering and Research
present time, ability of the aluminum cast (IJSER), 2013,1(2), 88-96.
iron is being not used sufficiently. Heeley 4. A. K. Goswami, S. J. Kulkarni, S. K.
et.al. carried out an investigation on Dharmadhikari, Adsorption of Copper
morphology and crystallization kinetics of (II) ions from Synthetic Waste Water By
polyethylene/long alkyl-chain substituted Teak Leaves, International Journal of
polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes Scientific Research in Science,
(poss) nanocomposite blends. [‎20] They Engineering and Technology
blended POSS molecules with long linear (ijsrset.com), 2013, 2(6),1356-1359.
alkyl-chain substituent. To elucidate the 5. Sunil J. Kulkarni, Modeling for
effect that POSS and its substituent groups Adsorption Columns for Wastewater
Treatment: a Review, International
have on the dispersal and crystallization Journal of Innovative Research in
kinetics of the host polymer, they used time- Engineering & Multidisciplinary
resolved small- and wide-angle x-Ray Physical Sciences, 2014, 2(2), 7-11.
scattering (SAXS/WAXS) and thermal 6. Sunil Jayant Kulkarni, Ajaygiri
techniques. They observed that the Kamalgiri Goswami, Adsorption For
miscibility and dispersal of the POSS Waste Gas Treatment: A Short Review,
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alkyl-chain length substituent. Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (Ijraset), Vol.
CONCLUSION 2,No.12,pp.513-514, December 2014.
7. Sunil J. Kulkarni, Nilesh L. Shinde, A
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Review On Hydrogen Sulphide
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roughness increases hydrophobicity. The Technology, 2014, 1(4), 187-189.
analysis can be carried out by scanning 8. Sena Yasyerli, Irfan Ar, Guls ¸En
electron microscopy and energy dispersed X Dogua, Timur Dogu,Removal Of
ray. It was also observed that temperature Hydrogen Sulfide By Clinoptilolite In A
and addition of impurities are important Fixed Bed Adsorber, Chemical
factors in crystallization. Engineering And Processing, 2002,41,
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How to cite this article: Kulkarni SJ. A review on studies and research on crystallization. Int J Res
Rev. 2015; 2(10):615-618.


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Vol.2; Issue: 10; October 2015

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