Volatile Constituents of Benzoin Gums: Siam and Sumatra. Part 1
Volatile Constituents of Benzoin Gums: Siam and Sumatra. Part 1
Volatile Constituents of Benzoin Gums: Siam and Sumatra. Part 1
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5 authors, including:
Christine Perichet
Robertet Group
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ABSTRACT: The volatile extract composition of two different benzoin gums, Siam and Sumatra, were analysed
by GC–MS. Twenty components representing more than 99.1% of the oil from Siam and 29 components representing
more than 97.4% of the oil from Sumatra were analysed. The major components were benzyl benzoate (76.1–80.1%)
for the two oils and benzoic acid (12.5%), methyl benzoate (1.5%) and allyl benzoate (1.5%) for Siam, and styrene
(2.3%), cinnamic acid (3.5%) and benzyl cinnamate (3.3%) for Sumatra. Volatile compounds of oils and crushed
benzoins were also studied using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) employing carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane and
carbowax/divinylbenzene fibres. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS: benzoin gum Siam; benzoin gum Sumatra; balsam; GC–MS; benzyl benzoate; benzoic and cin-
namic acids; solid phase microextraction (SPME)
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2003; 18: 328–333
Volatile compounds of oils and crushed benzoin gums vial closed by a PTFE/silicone septum (Supelco, Cata-
were also studied by SPME. logue No. 27121-u). The containers were allowed to
stand overnight before any SPME sampling of the head-
space occurred. After exposure, the fibre was injected
Experimental into the gas chromatograph and left in the injection port
(equipped with a 0.75 mm i.d. inlet liner) for 4 min. The
Material injector temperature was set at 250 °C and operated in
the splitless mode for 4 min unless otherwise stated.
Benzoin gum Siam (from Styrax tonkinensis Craib) was After 4 min at 60 °C, the temperature was increased at a
collected in north Laos and graded as Benzoin Gum Siam rate of 2 °C min to 230 °C and then heated at 230 °C for
Grade 3, and was purchased in early 2001; Sumatra 45 min. Before sampling, each fibre was reconditioned
(from Styrax benzoin Dryander) was collected in Indone- for 15 min in the GC injection port at 230 °C.
sia and graded as Benzoin Gum Sumatra Grade B and
was purchased in early 2001.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2003; 18: 328–333
Table 1. Chemical composition of the volatile extracts of Siam and Sumatra benzoin gums
Compoundsa RI Siam benzoin Sumatra benzoin
this technique for volatile flavour analysis.13–15 Several other sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. On the other hand,
fibres are available in accordance with compounds to SPME analyses are not able to identify low volatile
studied and Bicchi’s works show that the most effective compounds such as benzyl cinnamate, cinnamyl benzoate
fibres for head-space-SPME are those consisting of two or cinnamyl cinnamate. The ratios obtained are not sig-
components, a liquid (PDMS) for the less polar compo- nificant and are dependent only on compound affinities
nents and a solid (DVB or CAR) polymer coating for the with the fibre.
more polar compounds.16 Compounds found here in benzoin volatile extracts
In this work, we have selected two fibres: carboxen/ from Laos and Indonesia are in good agreement with
polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) and carbowax/divinyl- those found in the previously published work for aro-
benzene (CW/DVB). CAR/PDMS fibre is recommended matic esters and acids.2 However, we do not observe the
for low molecular weight compounds17 and has been presence of benzyl alcohol, nevertheless described as
described as the best fibre to characterize volatile com- very abundant in Moyler’s works.2 This observation can
pounds such as menthol.18 The mixed coating CW/ be explained by the procedure used to obtained the vola-
DVB was tried, as it was considered suitable for the tile fractions. We also observe that volatile fractions
analysis of polar semivolatiles.19 Compounds present obtained do not contain vanillin, which has nevertheless
in oil with these two fibres are listed in Table 2. Due been described as present at trace level among the vola-
to fibre selectivity and the low volatility of benzyl tile compounds of Siam and Sumatra benzoin gums.2,6
benzoate, SPME studies lead to the identification of To check the presence of benzyl alcohol and vanillin
new compounds in oil such as ethanol, toluene, α- and in benzoin gums, we performed SPME analyses on
β-pinene, linalool oxide, terpinen-4-ol, α-ylangene and crushed Siam and Sumatra benzoin gums with CAR/
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2003; 18: 328–333
PDMS and CW/ DVB fibres. Several sorption times were tities of these compounds in benzoin gums, we performed
tested (10, 15, 30 and 45 min) and the best results were static HS–GC titrations of these compounds. We found a
obtained with a time of 30 min. Compounds present in quantity of 10 ppm toluene in Siam benzoin and trace
the headspace of Siam and Sumatra crushed benzoin level (< 1 ppm) in Sumatra benzoin. We found a quan-
gums are listed in Table 3. SPME analyses to crushed tity of 800 ppm styrene in Sumatra benzoin and a trace
Siam and Sumatra benzoin gum were able to identify level in Siam benzoin. These results show that these large
new volatile constituents in analogy of essential oil such quantities observed for toluene in Siam benzoin and
as benzyl alcohol, vanillin, acetic and propanoic acid, styrene in Sumatra benzoin was due to the high affinity
ethylbenzene and phenol. of these compounds with the CAR/PDMS fibre in oper-
Studies of head space with CAR/PDMS fibre gum ating conditions. The CAR/PDMS fibre represents a very
lead to the identification of a large quantity of toluene useful fibre for the detection of non polar hydrocarbon
(> 65%) in Siam benzoin and styrene (> 90%) in Sumatra compounds, but it is not recommended for qualitative
benzoin, in all our analyses. To determine the real quan- study of benzoin gums.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2003; 18: 328–333
Compounds are listed in order of their elution from a HP1 column.
Carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane fibre (75 µm).
Carbowax/divinylbenzene fibre (65 µm).
See Table 1.
tr, trace (< 0.1%).
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2003; 18: 328–333
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Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2003; 18: 328–333