Eyebrow Reconstruction Using Composite Graft and Microsurgical Transplant
Eyebrow Reconstruction Using Composite Graft and Microsurgical Transplant
Eyebrow Reconstruction Using Composite Graft and Microsurgical Transplant
Technical Note
A. Vachiramon1, B. Aghabeigi2,
Eyebrow reconstruction using St-John Crean3
Private Practice, Bangkok, Thailand;
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Abstract. The pivotal role that eyebrows play in facial expression and aesthetics is
widely accepted, along with the difficulties faced by surgeons in reconstructing
defects in this area.The case study presented demonstrates reconstruction of a
traumatic eyebrow defect using a post-auricular composite graft in combination Key words: eyebrow; hair follicle; composite
graft; microsurgery; micrograft; hair
with a microfollicular hair transplant technique. The advantage of the combined transplantation.
approach is discussed with reference to the fine tuning of the adjoining areas
between reconstructed and undamaged hair-bearing regions. The advantages of Accepted for publication 6 November 2003
this technique in control of the direction of hair growth and preservation of hair
density are emphasised. Available online 6 February 2004
The eyebrows play an important role Case report and the wound consisted of loss of hair,
in conveying human emotions such as skin and subcutaneous tissue. In sections,
anger, sadness, happiness and surprise. A 17-year-old boy presented to the A&E the orbicularis occuli muscle was visible.
Loss of eyebrow, partial or complete, department of the Royal Free Hospital, The wound was meticulously cleaned
may produce varying degrees of facial London. He had been involved in a road with normal saline and all foreign mate-
disfigurement, easily recognised by traffic accident and had sustained an rial removed. Arrangements were then
onlookers, much to the annoyance of the avulsion wound of his right eyebrow, made for the patient to be treated under
sufferer. Although female patients are having hit his head on the car dash- endotracheal anesthesia. The patient was
prepared to sacrifice eyebrow tissue for board, snagging his eyebrow on the consented for a post-auricular skin graft
the sake of fashion, males on the whole manufacturer’s badge. and microfollicular transplant.
prefer their eyebrows thick and full. For He was assessed by the A&E staff Under endotracheal anesthesia, the
all patients suffering eyebrow loss, sur- under the advanced trauma life support margins of the wound were excised to
geons should focus on the disturbance protocol, during which he maintained a leave a symmetrical four-sided defect.
in facial symmetry, as well as have a Glasgow coma scale of 15 and displayed The dimensions of the excised areas
clear understanding of the complex no other signs of life threatening injury. were measured using a tin foil template.
anatomy of the eyebrow with respect At this stage, he was referred to the The template was then transposed to
to hair quality, density and growth pat- maxillofacial surgeons. the right post-auricular hair bearing area
tern. On examination, both clinically and and used to provide the dimensions of
Many techniques have been described radiographically, no facial skeletal frac- a composite hair bearing skin graft
in the literature. However, we would tures were noted. The only obvious (Fig. 2). This was performed by dissec-
like to present the first reported case of external injury was a 1:5 cm 2:5 cm tion through the fibro-fatty layers of the
a combination of composite hair skin avulsion injury of the middle third portion scalp down to the galea. This ensured
grafts and microfollicular hair transplant of the right eyebrow (Fig. 1A and B). The complete and safe elevation of the hair
techniques. margins were noted to be very irregular follicles. The composite graft (Fig. 3)
0901-5027/050504 + 05 $30.00/0 # 2004 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Eyebrow reconstruction using a combination technique 505
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