Nand Flash Memory ECC Engine

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Novotný et al., J Inform Tech Softw Eng 2015, 5:1
Journal of

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7866.1000139

l of Inform

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Information Technology & Software Engineering

J g
ISSN: 2165-7866

Research Article Open Access

NAND Flash Memory Organization and Operations

Novotný R*, Kadlec J and Kuchta R
Brno University of Technology, Technická 3058/10, 616 00 Brno, The Czech Republic

NAND flash memories are well known for their uncomplicated structure, low cost, and high capacity. Their typical
characteristics include architecture, sequential reading, and high density. NAND flash memory is a non-volatile type
of memory and has low power consumption. The erasing of NAND Flash memory is based on a block-wise base.
Since cells in a flash chip will fail after a limited number of writes, limited write endurance is a key characteristic of
flash memory. There are many noise causes such as read or program disturbs, retention process, charge leakage,
trapping generation, etc. Preferably, all errors in the storage would be adjusted by the ECC algorithm. The conclusion
of all mentioned parasitic factors creates a set of external and internal influences which affects variable behaviour of
memory in time. To prepare a review of all the important factors that affect the reliability and life-cycle endurance of
NAND flash memories and was our main motivation for this paper.

Keywords: Flash memory; Non-volatile; Bit error rate; Error NOR Flash memories. In NAND flash, cells are connected in series,
correction code; Architecture; Reliability resembling a NAND gate. In NOR flash, cells are connected in parallel
to the bit lines. Due to the non-volatile nature of this storage media,
Introduction there is a high demand for it in the mobile communication industry.
Flash memory has been an important driving force due to the Flash memory has become the most popular choice for mobile devices.
increasing popularity of mobile devices with large storage requirements. NAND Flash memory is commonly found in portable or embedded
Flash memory is respected in many applications as a storage media due memory for computers, digital cameras, mobile phones, MP3 players
to its high access speed, non-volatile type of storage (Figure 1), and low- and other devices where data is generally written or read sequentially
power consumption. There is a wide range of non-volatile memories, [5].
and they all give various characteristics based on the complexity of
array organization and structure of the selected cell type [1]. Flash
memories are becoming widely deployed in many applications such MEMORY:: TYPE: SUB-TY
as solid state drives (SSDs) for embedded controllers and traditional Dynam
computing storage. NAND Flash memories are becoming more SDRAM
memory (retain
and more popular due to their usage as Solid-State Drives (SSDs) data for small
time periiod)
[2] and USB Flash drives which are in general called Flash storage
devices. Another area of application is as the non-volatile memory (loss data
in systems, which allow system reconfiguration, software updates, when power Staticc SRAM
is off) memorry
changing of stored identification codes, or frequent updating of stored
(retain data as
information (i.e. smart cards). Electrically erasable and programmable long as poower
read-only memories (EEPROM’s), which are electrically erasable and Types of is on)
programmable, will be produced only for specific applications, because memories
they use larger chip areas and are more expensive (Figure 1). Flash
memories as a type of memory device characterized by non-volatility. One-tim
me Mask
programmmable prograammable
Following on from these advantages, the manufacturers of memories Nonvolatile ROM
started to consider the role of flash memories for a new range of (retains data
regardless of
applications. These include hard disk caches, solid-state drives, mobile power supply) Programm
mable NAND Flash
sensor networks, and data-centric computing. Many microcontrollers memory (data
have integrated flash memory for non-volatile data storage. Flash written many times)
t NOR Flash
memory is also used in many applications where data retention in
power-off situations and reliability are crucial requirements, such as in
Figure 1: Flash memories as a type of memory device characterized by
embedded computers or wireless communication systems. Nowadays,
flash memory is one of the most popular, reliable, and flexible non-
volatile memories to store constant data values and software code.
NAND Flash architecture and NOR Flash architecture (Figure 2)
dominates the non-volatile Flash market [3] because NAND Flash is *Corresponding author: Novotný R, Brno University of Technology, Technická
not byte addressable it is rarely used as the main memory of the system. 3058/10, 616 00 Brno, The Czech Republic, Tel: +420541141111; E-mail:
As a result, there must be a controller to access data which is important
in order to manage all the essential tasks of accessing NAND Flash Received August 26, 2014; Accepted January 20, 2015; Published January 30,
device effectively [4]. The major differences between NAND and NOR 2015

flash memory (Table 1 and Figure 2). The cell structure of NOR and Citation: Novotný R, Kadlec J, Kuchta R (2015) NAND Flash Memory Organization
NAND Memory is shown in Figure 2. The structure of NAND Flash and Operations. J Inform Tech Softw Eng 5: 139. doi:10.4172/2165-7866.1000139

cell is depicted in ( Figure 3). Bold lines in this figure capture current Copyright: © 2015 Novotný R, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
path (with or without wires). Depending on how memory cells are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
interconnected, it is possible to make a distinction between NAND and original author and source are credited.

J Inform Tech Softw Eng Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000139

ISSN: 2165-7866 JITSE, an open access journal
Citation: Novotný R, Kadlec J, Kuchta R (2015) NAND Flash Memory Organization and Operations. J Inform Tech Softw Eng 5: 139. doi:10.4172/2165-

Page 2 of 8

Memory cell arrangements (Figure 2) Cells are arranged in series with the adjacent cells sharing Cells are arranged in parallel with all the source node of the cells
source and drain. connected to the bit line.
Capacity Tens of Gbits, mass data storage. Several Gbits, code storage.
Non-volatile Yes, extremely high cell densities. Yes, larger chip area per cell.
Interface I/O interface Full memory interface
High-speed access Yes, random access. Yes, serial access.
Access method Sequential Random byte level access
Page mode data access Yes, organized into pages and erased on a block basis. No, organized on a byte or word basis.
Performance Fast read (serial access cycle) Fast read (random access)
Fast write Slow write
Fasted erase Slow erase
Price Lower cost per bit Higher cost per bit
Life Span 105-106 104-105
Write cycles 106 106
Advantages Fast programing and erasing Random access, possible byte programing
Disadvantages Slow random access, difficult byte programing Slow programing, slow erasing
Typical uses and applications Storage, file (disk) applications, voice, data, video recorder Networking device memory, replacement of EPROM, applications
and any large sequential data archiving executed directly from non-volatile memory
Table 1: The major differences between NAND and NOR flash memory.


FLASH: Bit Line FLASH: Bit Line
Independent Flash
Bit Line Selecct Word line 0 Column decode

Word line 0 Source Line block n NAND Adress

block 2 I/O I/O
I/O I/O Row and
Word line 1 Cell Cell block 1 I/O I/O
I/O I/O Flash decode
Word line 1 Control
I/O I/O I/O I/O Array
Source Line page
Word line n page
Word line 2 page
Ground Selecct Data Register I/O
Source Line
Source Line 16 or 8
Figure 2: NAND Flash and NOR Flash memory cells arrangement.

Figure 4: Architecture of the NAND Flash Device.

Bit Lines (BL)





Figure 3: The structure of NAND Flash cell.

NAND Overview: Flash Array and Architecture Source Lines (SL)
The overall architecture of the NAND flash device is shown in Figure 5: Example of NAND Example of flash array configuration.
Figure 4. The figure shows the NAND Flash Controller which gives
interface to application processors. The page register is a critical
data holding area in NAND operations. The register is incorporated or the whole chip [4]. Therefore data can be written only to one page
in order to receive new data while the data register simultaneously at once. As shown in Figure 5, a page is defined as cells linked with
programs the NAND Flash array. Unlike most memory technologies, the same word line. This is the smallest programmable unit physically
NAND flash is ordered in pages which are written and read as a unit. made up of a row of cells. The page size is typically 2 or 4 Kbytes,
The elementary unit of operation for a NAND Flash device is one page while a block contains of 32 or 64 pages [6]. Figure 5 is an example of
of data with control commands of the whole block (multiple pages) a flash array configuration. The word line (WL) is the horizontal line

J Inform Tech Softw Eng Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000139

ISSN: 2165-7866 JITSE, an open access journal
Citation: Novotný R, Kadlec J, Kuchta R (2015) NAND Flash Memory Organization and Operations. J Inform Tech Softw Eng 5: 139. doi:10.4172/2165-

Page 3 of 8

and the correspondent bit line (BL) is the vertical line. When a large
number of a floating gate cells need to be operated in the NAND array
Page 1 (Block x) Spare
it is necessary to consider that one floating gate cell is located at every
Page 1 (Block .) Spare
crossing point of word lines and bit lines. Therefore on each NAND
Page 1 (Block .) Spare
string, the bit lines are connected through the string select transistor to .
Page 1 (Block 3) Spare
a number of memory transistors in series [7] Control gates are linked ..
Page 1 (Block
. 2) Spare
to the word line, where the decoded address is applied. The source line ..
Page 1 (Block
. . 1) Spare PAGES
connects the sources to common grounds, and bit lines connect the ..
drains together and represent data buses. The voltage concurrence ..
applied to the bit line and word line determines an operation-reading, . .Page n
. .
erasing or programming [8]. NAND Flash devices could be considered .Page n
Block .
as large page and small page devices [4]. There are overall 528 bytes Page n
(264 words) per small page. For enormous capacities, typically 1 Gbit Page n
and more, a large page is used. A large page device usually has 2048 Page n BLOCKS
bytes of data and 64 bytes of spare data per page (Figure 6) while a Page n
small page device has 512 bytes of data and 16 bytes of spare data Figure 7: NAND flash blocks, made up of pages.
per page. Main stream devices today have 128/256 pages per block
and 8 k/16 k bytes per page. The commands sequence for large page
and small page devices are different so the controller must be aware is separated into several blocks, where a block is the smallest erasable
of which kind of device is being used. As shown in (Figure 6), cells unit of storage (Figure 7) [10]. The reason for this is that all the NAND
are organized in pages, and each page is divided into a data area, also strings share the same group of word lines that are erased together.
named as a “Cell Array” page area, and a redundant area as a spare area Each block involves a set of addressable pages, where MLC typically
for system overhead functions, also named as a “Spare Cell Array” page has 128 pages per block and SLC has 64 pages per block [11]. The
area. Spare blocks are set apart from the flash storage for remapping basic unit of operation for a NAND Flash device is one page of data
bad sectors. This solution prolongs the useful life and reliability of the with some commands influencing the whole block. However, unlike
flash storage device. The spare columns are fully addressable by the user block oriented disk drives, pages must be erased in units of erase
and are typically used for storing Error Correction Code (ECC), wear- blocks comprising many pages that have previously been re-written.
leveling, and other organization of information in order to improve In a block erase operation, a group of consecutive pages is erased in
data integrity. In operation, bytes from the spare area are equivalent to a particular operation. Erase operates on entire blocks and sets all
bytes from the data area and can be used to store the user’s data. The the bits in the block to “1”. Flash devices write in full blocks, which
spare area is not physically different from the rest of the page (Figure 6). means, that in order to write to a block that may already hold some
The 2-Gbit NAND device is ordered as 2048 blocks, with 64 pages per data the flash controller must move the existing data in the block and
block. Each page contains 2112 bytes total, covered of a 2048-byte data combine it with the new data and write all the data back to the flash
area and a 64-byte spare area [9]. Before programming, a page must memory. Read and write are both accomplished in two separate stages,
be erased which sets all data bits to “1”. Then only the value “0” can containing the transfer of data over the bus to or from the data register,
be programmed into each cell. An erased, blank page of NAND flash and the transfer between the data register and the flash array. In order
has no charges stored in any of its floating gates. Unlike block-oriented to perform read, program, and erase further circuits are necessary
disk drives, nevertheless, pages must be erased in units of erase blocks (Figure 7). As the NAND die must be placed in a package with a defined
including multiple pages (typically 32 to 128) before being re-written. size, it is essential to define a floor plan. The NAND Flash memory
is composed of the blocks of pages, which could be grouped into a
NAND Flash device: some aspects related to the page, block flash plane. Depending on the kind of device, planes are in principal
and plane mutually independent. A single plane covers local buffering for read
and program data, and can process operations in parallel. Each plane,
A NAND Flash device is composed by the memory array, which
involves a set of blocks made up of 64 (SLC) or 128 (MLC) pages. NAND
Flash devices can contain independent flash planes, characteristically
for storing odd and even blocks, allowing concurrent operations for
better performance. On the vertical direction a bit line is highlighted,
Block erasing
~ 2ms while a word line is shown in the horizontal direction. All bit lines are
linked to the sense amplifiers. The purpose of the sense amplifiers is to
NAND Block transform the current sank of the memory cell to a digital signal. The
1 Block = 64 pages
2048 Blocks
per 2Gb device
Row Decoder placed among the planes appropriately bias all the word
I/O: 16-bit
word or 8-bit
lines belonging to the particular NAND string. In the peripheral part of
byte the NAND Flash device there are voltage regulators and charge pumps,
Page reading
(25 μs) logic circuits, and redundancy structures [12].
NAND Page 2112 Bytes
Page Flash translation layer, wear leveling and garbage collection
programming Data Area Spare Area
(~ 300 μs/page) (2048 Bytes) (64 Bytes)
Serial Output Flash Translation Layer (FTL) is a software layer, which is between
(x16 or x8)
Serial Input
the NAND Flash storage physical media access layer and the File
(x16 or x8) PAGE REGISTER System layer. The FTL is the part of the NAND controller and performs
30 ns (max clk)
2112 Bytes a logical to physical address translation (data locations are represented
30 ns (max clk)
by their physical addresses), a wear leveling mechanism to prevent the
Figure 6: Nand memory array.
early wear out of block, bad block management, ECC and interleaving

J Inform Tech Softw Eng Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000139

ISSN: 2165-7866 JITSE, an open access journal
Citation: Novotný R, Kadlec J, Kuchta R (2015) NAND Flash Memory Organization and Operations. J Inform Tech Softw Eng 5: 139. doi:10.4172/2165-

Page 4 of 8

operations. The operating system can write to the memory on a page block device and whether features such as a cache mode or two plane
basis without worrying about the details of its physical address space programming are applied. During programming, the ready/busy signal
[7]. Due to the nature of NAND flash, wear out is unavoidable when (R/B) is low to indicate that the device is in the busy state. The R/B-
writing to a NAND flash. A related problem is to write to the same signal is low when the NAND chip operates a program, read or erase
address space and create uneven wear of the memory block. The blocks command and signalizes if the NAND flash device is ready for other
keeping often-updated data are stressed with a large number of write/ operations.
erase cycles, while the blocks keeping data updated infrequently are
much less stressed. The endurance of the NAND Flash memory can be Erase a block
significantly enhanced taking advantage of wear leveling mechanism Flash memory allows only two states: erased and non-erased. A
which is able to distribute the memory usage uniformly over the given bit of data can only be written when the media is in an erase state.
memory blocks array [13]. Wear leveling is a process that spreads out When data is written into, the bit is considered dirty and unusable for
the load of frequently rewritten memory blocks over the NAND Flash other write operations. A write operation in any type of flash device can
array as much as possible. When the host application needs an update only be accomplished on an erased unit and so a write operation must
of the same (logical) sector, the NAND controller dynamically maps be preceded by an erase operation. In order to must be erased. During
the data into a different (physical) sector, keeping track of the mapping. era recover the bit to the erase state, a meaningful large block of flash
With regard to the need to minimize the impact on performance, called an erase block, also called as an erase zone, sure operation all
garbage collection process is executed in background [7]. There are cells on the same bit string are erased. In the erase state, a byte can be
two types of wear leveling algorithms: dynamic wear leveling and static either all zeroes or all ones depending on the kind of flash device. As a
wear leveling. In case of dynamic wear leveling algorithm the NAND result, the flash technology does not allow the changing of individual
controller internally maintains a map which links the logical block bits or bytes from a non-erased state back to an erased state.
addresses with their corresponding physical Flash memory addresses.
The NAND controller then assigns for every write operation a new Read a page
empty page and links the new page to the original address. In static Bits in a flash cell are read by changing the voltages on rows and
wear leveling mode, rarely updated static data are kept in “static” blocks columns of cells followed by assessing the results. In a page read
while low usage cells are relocated to a new page what results to almost operation, a page is moved from memory into the output data register.
the same number of rewrite cycles [14]. Wear leveling techniques NAND Flash devices are read by shifting in the address and command.
assume that there is the availability of free sectors. When the number of Once the command and address are shifted in, it requires a few tenths
free sectors falls below a critical threshold value, there is an algorithm of a micro second to open a page. After a page is opened, data can
for sector back-up “compaction” and copying the last valid replication be lifted out of the device by using the read (RD) command signal.
which allows that the obsolete copies can be deleted. Garbage collection Certain devices support cache read mode and some of them support
prevents erasing a block with valid data and optimizes a process of random data read within a page functionality. NAND Flash memory
cleaning the memory. Cleaning policies are set according to criteria reads and writes in high-speed, sequential mode, handling data in
used to pick up the block to be erased for garbage collection purposes pages. Differences such as cache programming, random programming
[7]. NAND Flash memory is free from complex scheduling of the and two plane programming are enabled only by some NAND Flash
overhead like hard drive disk scheduling, but is affected by the garbage devices.
collection issue [15].
Merging log blocks with blocks containing stale data
Program and Erase of NAND Memory Array
When units smaller than an erase block are mapped, stale data can
NAND Flash memory is controlled using set of commands, these remain there. Then the pages affected by the stale data are not accessible
sets of commands differ from memory to memory. There are many for new data. In the limited case of hybrid Flash Translation Layers
commands, some are universal to all NAND Flash manufacturers (FTL), the used process consists of merging log blocks with blocks
while some commands are manufacture specific and supported only by containing stale data, and programming the result into one or more free
a few devices. According to the Open NAND Flash Interface (ONFI) blocks [16]. Merge operation can be one of the following three types
Standard there is a list of the basic mandatory command set. The most (full, partial, and switch merge) [17]. A switch merge is applied during
common commands are ´program´, ´read data´, ´erase´, ´reset´, sequential writing. The log block contains a sequence of pages precisely
´program confirmation´, ´read status´ and ´read ID´. Device specific replacing an existing data block, and may replace it without any further
commands contain ´random read´, ´page cache read´, ´random write´, operation. This means that the old block can then be erased. A partial
´page cache write´, ´internal data move´, ´two-planes write´, ´two merge duplicates valid pages from a data block to the log block, after
planes read´, and some others [4]. NAND flash devices carry out three which these two may be substituted. A full merge is desirable when data
basic operations: program a page, erase a block, and read a page. In a in the log block is out of order. Valid pages from the log block and the
NAND Flash device read and program operations take place on a page related data block are copied together into a different free block. The
basis rather than on a byte or word basis like NOR Flash. This dictates original data block and log block are then both erased [5].
the need to have the size of data I/O register equal to the page size.
NAND Flash Memory Characteristics
Program a page
Development of NAND Flash memories has been driven by a
NAND Flash devices are programmed on a page by page basis. gradual progress in novel cell structures and architectural solutions
During the page program operation, a page is written into the data oriented to both reducing cell size and upgrading product functions.
register and then programmed into the memory array. First the page The NAND flash memory has become an indispensable component
address and the command word are moved into the device followed in embedded systems for its flexible features. Applications may need
by the programming data. The programming steps of a NAND Flash lesser or greater erase counts, different error correction capabilities,
device differ depending on whether it is a small block or a large and a range of storage longevity requirements. NAND flash devices

J Inform Tech Softw Eng Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000139

ISSN: 2165-7866 JITSE, an open access journal
Citation: Novotný R, Kadlec J, Kuchta R (2015) NAND Flash Memory Organization and Operations. J Inform Tech Softw Eng 5: 139. doi:10.4172/2165-

Page 5 of 8

differs in many parameters and characteristics that include cell types, organization, which removes much of the decoding overhead found in
architectural, performance, timing parameters and command set. The other memory technologies.
following chapter provides an overview of the typical characteristics.
Restricted write endurance
Architecture, Sequentially reading, and high density
Since cells in a flash chip will fail after a limited number of writes
NAND Flash architecture based on independent blocks was limited write endurance is a key characteristic of flash memory [19].
introduced by Toshiba in 1989. In the NAND-flash, unit cells are Infrequently cycled blocks will have longer retention and often cycled
linked sequentially, where the cells resemble a NAND gate. This layout blocks will have shorter retention. It is highly important to employ a
and architecture inhibits cells from being read and programmed wear leveling mechanism, which ensures equal memory block load
independently. These cells must be read in series. Due to their excellent rather than cycling and potentially destroying the same block. Wear
scalability and performances, NAND Flash has achieved very high leveling is necessary on MLC (multi-level cell) devices where blocks
density in terms of bits per mm2 and feature size scaling. can normally support less than 10,000 erase program cycles and offers
additional advantages on SLC (single-level cell) devices where blocks
Flash memory non-volatility and low power consumption can offer up to 100,000 erase-program cycles.
Flash memory is non-volatile, which implies that it retains data
Some extended features
even without being powered-of. Non-volatility comes from the types
of transistors used which are floating gate transistors. Since stored data There are some extended features offered in addition to those
stays even when the memory device is not electrically powered it does basic ones:
not need power to maintain its data. NAND flash is the only memory,
• Device operation status read and manufacturer ID read,
which offers both GB density and non-volatility.
• One-time-programmable area (OTP area) to keep vendor
NAND Flash memory programming and erasing based on unique data such as serial number,
block-wise base
• Locking or unlocking the blocks to avert data loss on
Flash memory has the ability to be programmed and erased unintended software performance,
electrically, hence combining the advantages of EPROMs and
EEPROMs. They increased flexibility compared to electrically • Internal movement of the block into another memory location
programmable read only memories (EPROM’s), which are electrically escaping time consuming data relocations from and back to
programmable but erasable via ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The chip (copy-back),
dissimilarity between the Flash Memory and EEPROM lies in the fact, • Only a portion of a page may be programmed at a time and the
that EEPROM erases and rewrites its content byte by byte. Since flash rest may be programmed at some other time, avoiding block
memory erases or writes its data in entire blocks, this makes it very erasing (partial page programming),
fast in comparison with EEPROM. A single cell could be electrically
programmable and a large amount of cells (block, sector, or page) • Boot-like feature, page 0 is loaded into data register
are electrically erasable almost at the same time. Since NAND flash automatically after reset or power-on,
does not offer a random-access external address bus the required data • Supplementary cache register (cache operation) for read
are read on a block-wise basis (also termed as page access), where operation or pipe-lined program (Figure 8).
each block keeps hundreds to thousands of bits, similar to a kind of
sequential data access. Error Correction Code in NAND Flash Memories
Serial storage properties In digital communication, the quantity of bit errors is the number
of received bits of a data stream sent over a communication channel
From the system designer’s perspective, the biggest difference
that have been changed due to interference, noise, bit synchronization
is that the NAND Flash is a serial storage device whereas most other
errors or distortion. The bit error rate or bit error ratio (BER) is
memories are random access memory (RAM). Serial storage device
the number of bits that have errors divided by the total quantity of
requires longer access times for obtaining data. The effect is that NAND
flash as a serial storage device does not give a random-access external
address bus and needs a special NAND Flash controller to access data
and therefore is hardly ever used as the main memory of the system. Bit
System designers must reflect these differences when interfacing the error 64 Gb TLC
end system with the NAND Flash device. Since most microprocessors rate
and microcontrollers require byte-level random access this is one of (BER)
the main explanations why NAND-flash is inappropriate to replace the
RAM memory. The speed at which the DRAM or SRAM may access 32 Gb MLC
data and also their capability to address at byte level is incomparable
with the Flash memory. 8 Gb SLC

Noise in the reading process

In the NAND flash the only way to access the discrete cell for either
reading or writing is across the other cells in its bit line. This enhances E/P/R Cycles
noise related to the read process [18], and also needs attention during
writing to ensure that adjacent cells in the string are not disturbed. Figure 8: Bit error rate versus Erase/Program/Read cycles for
Micron NAND flash.
Many of the more difficult characteristics of NAND flash are due to this

J Inform Tech Softw Eng Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000139

ISSN: 2165-7866 JITSE, an open access journal
Citation: Novotný R, Kadlec J, Kuchta R (2015) NAND Flash Memory Organization and Operations. J Inform Tech Softw Eng 5: 139. doi:10.4172/2165-

Page 6 of 8

transmitted bits throughout a given time interval. BER is a unit less   SLC MLC
measure, frequently formulated as a percentage. The raw bit error rate NAND Process 70/60/50 nm 40/30 nm 70/60 nm 50 nm 40/30 nm
relates to the probability of a bit error occurring in an individual bit ECC required 1-bit 4-bit 4-bit 4 ~ 8 bit 12 ~ 24 bit or more
cell on a flash device [20]. Figure 8 shows that the bit error rate (BER) Erase Cycle 100 K per 100 K per 10 K per 5 K~ 10 K 3 K ~ 5 K per
is much worse in parts that have consumed erase, program, read cycles, block block block per block block
and is different for SLC, MLC and TLC NAND Flash technology. Data Retention 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 5 years
Table 2: Error correction for MLC flash and for SLC flash.
Noise sources in NAND flash and the bit error rate (BER)
There are many noise causes existing in NAND flash, such as
random noise, cell-to-cell interference (inter-cell interference), read or
write disturb, programming errors, retention process (retention errors),
random-telegraph noise, background-pattern noise, charge leakage
and trapping generation, etc. [21]. Such noise sources considerably
shrink the storage reliability of flash memory. Over time the quantity of ECC
affected cells increases (Figure 9). This figure shows that Read Disturb
Error Rate is empirically much worse in devices that have consumed
erase, program and read cycles than in uncycled devices [22]. Quality of
data retention for uncycled or cycled devices is a natural consequence 72 nm 50 nm 34 nm 25 nm
of the memory cell limited life (Figure 9). Bit errors are a natural NAND Scaling
consequence of uncertainty when executing any data storage and
must be moderated by software or hardware so that the integrity of the Figure 10: The drawbacks of NAND scaling: decreasing endurance,
original information is not compromised [20]. For NAND flash, this increasing ECC.
is implemented by using protecting groups of bits with a higher-level
error correction algorithm. To reduce possible errors, Error Correcting
Codes (ECC) are widely used in NAND memories. Through ECC it is 100 100,000
possible to fill the discrepancy between the error probability offered P/E Cycles P/E
cycles ECC
by the memory and the desired error probability. ECC algorithm (thousands) 80
Requirements 24-bit
takes care of the failures during the life of the device and improves the ECC
reliability of the read operation in the customer final application [7]. 15-bit
8-bit ECC
Preferably, all errors in the storage would be adjusted [23]. In reality the 40 4-bit
algorithm protects against a range of errors that are probable to happen ECC

(Figure 10). The drawbacks of NAND scaling: decreasing endurance, 20 10,000 5,000 3,000 1,000
increasing ECC [24]. Over time NAND flash has augmented storage cycles cycles cycles cycles

density by storing more bits per cell and moving to smaller geometries. 5x mm 3x mm 2x mm 3-bit per
As NAND Flash memory moves towards more progressive process
nodes, the cost of devices is decreasing, but the cells become more Figure 11: ECC and a life cycle comparison of NAND flash by process node.
vulnerable [25]. The quantity of bits kept per cell is increasing, and
bit values are represented by smaller voltage ranges, generating more
uncertainty in the value stored in the bit cell due to more ambiguity in the integrity of the data on the flash device, the new technology needs
the amount of charge [20]. As the bit cells get smaller, the individual more Error Correction Code (Deal, Hamming, RS, BCH, LDPC) [26].
cells are more vulnerable to failure brought by high-voltage stress The accepted uncertainty upsurges the probability for data to be stored
because fewer electrons can be trapped in the floating gates. The effect or read incorrectly, requiring higher levels of error correction for MLC
is to narrow the valid voltage ranges for a given value, increasing the flash than for SLC flash [20] (Table 2). Devices using NAND flash must
probability for program and read disturbances. Since this solution integrate very high levels of error correction in order to guarantee
requires higher levels of error correction mechanism in order to ensure support for next generation flash devices (Figure 10). A one-bit ECC
algorithm is capable of correcting one failure bit per 512 bytes. SLC
flash is able to work with single-bit correction over 512 byte sectors
because the individual bit error rate is really low (Table 2) [24].
errors Multi-Level Cell (MLC) flash has required more powerful
Cycled 1.0 x spec correction algorithms capable of correcting four to eight bits to
manage the higher bit error rates arising from the greater uncertainty
of charging and to detect the various voltage ranges in a single bit cell
(Figure 11) [20]. For example the industry has started to deploy LDPC
(low-density parity-check) in SSD controllers in order to improve error
correction capability [27] (Figure 11). ECC and a life cycle comparison
Uncycled of NAND flash by process node: increase in correction capability is not
enough to maintain endurance of the cell [28].

Number of read Error detection and correction in NAND Flash Memories

The error correction code (ECC) permits data that is being read or
Figure 9: Bit errors versus number of reads.
transmitted to be checked for errors and, when necessary, corrected.

J Inform Tech Softw Eng Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000139

ISSN: 2165-7866 JITSE, an open access journal
Citation: Novotný R, Kadlec J, Kuchta R (2015) NAND Flash Memory Organization and Operations. J Inform Tech Softw Eng 5: 139. doi:10.4172/2165-

Page 7 of 8

ECC is a worthy way to recover the incorrect value from the residual In convolutional codes the information bits are spread along the
good data bits [4]. Error detection and correction or error control sequence [32] Hamming codes, Bose-Chaudur-Hocquenghem (BCH)
includes techniques that permit reliable transfer of digital data by the codes [33], Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, and Low-density parity check
detection of errors and reconstruction of the original, corrected error- (LDPC) codes are most notable block codes and have been widely used
free data. If the ECC cannot correct the error throughout read, it may in communication, optical, and other systems [22]. The choice of the
still detect the error. The application of ECC is used with NAND flash most effective correction code is a compromise between the number
parts to compensate bits that could fail during device operation. On- of symbol errors that need to be corrected and the additional storage
chip error correction code resolves many supposed complications of requests for the generated parity data. Early designs implementing
working with a NAND solution [29]. On chip ECC techniques have SLC NAND used either no error correction or marginally correcting
rarely been adopted [30], NAND controller includes a hardware that Hamming codes which offer single error correct and double error
supports ECC calculations. Currently the error correction is an integral detect capabilities [20]. Given the low bit error rates of early flash, this
part of the NAND flash that guarantees data integrity. Up to now, was satisfactory to correct the sporadic bit error that arose. As bit error
more error correction has been required for MLC NAND technology, rates enlarged with each successive generation of both SLC and MLC
whereas SLC NAND has characteristically required only 1-bit ECC for flash, designers progressed to more complex cyclic codes such as Reed-
densities up to 4 Gbits fabricated at 43 nm [25]. Current trends in the Solomon (R/S) or Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) algorithms
NAND flash market resulting to changes that must be made in the error to increase the correction capability [20]. While both of the algorithms
correction algorithms to preserve the integrity of data stored in next- are similar, R/S codes execute correction over multi-bit symbols while
generation NAND flash devices [20]. The SLC NAND Flash devices, BCH makes correction over single-bit symbols (Table 4). Number of
fabricated at 32 nm or 24 nm, require 4-bit or 8-bit ECC, respectively, bits required for various ECC correction strengths [34]. Here is how it
per 512 bytes [25]. works for data storage: when any k-bit data is written to flash memory,
an encoder circuit makes the parity bits, adds these parity bits to the
NAND Flash ECC Algorithms k-bit data and creates an n-bit code-word [22] Parity bits form a code
NAND Flash devices need appropriate error correction algorithms that refers to the bit sequence in the word and is stored along with the
to diminish errors that occur during the programming and read unit of data. The routinely computed ECC, i.e. the whole code-word,
operations [20]. The Life span of NAND Flash could be prolonged is kept in the spare area of the page to which it relates. Throughout
without more ECC bits due to the especially proposed operation the reading operation, a decoder circuit examines errors in a code-
algorithm. Error detection is usually realized using an appropriate word, and corrects the mistaken bits within its error capability, thereby
hash function or checksum algorithm. A hash function adds a recovering the code-word [22]. When the unit of data is demanded for
fixed-length tag to a data, which can be whenever recalculated and reading, a code for the stored and about-to-be-read word is calculated
verified (Table 3). The basic system of ECC theory is to enlarge some using the algorithm. ECC´s are again calculated, and these values are
redundancy for protection. The redundancy permits the receiver to compared to the ECC values held in the spare area. If the codes match,
detect a limited number of errors that may happen anywhere in data, the data is free of errors. The outcome of this assessment yields an ECC
and usually to correct these errors without retransmission. Different “syndrome” that shows whether errors occurred, how many bits are in
ECC techniques are necessary in various types of flash memory. Error error, and, if the errors are recoverable, the bit position of incorrect bits.
correction codes are typically divided into two classes: block codes and If the codes do not match, the missing or incorrect bits are determined
convolution codes. The difference between these codes is the encoding through the code comparison and the bit or bits are corrected or
principle [31]. Block coding works with messages of fixed length. In supplied. The additional information represent redundancy added by
the block codes, the information bits are followed by the parity bits. the code is recycled by the receiver to recover the original data. The
decoding phase can reduce read performance as well as the memory
response time. A typical ECC will correct a one-bit error in each 2048
Datasheet ECC 1-bit ECC per 528 12-bit ECC per 60-bit ECC per 1146
bits (256 bytes) using 22 bits of ECC code, or a one-bit error in each
Requirement bytes of data 539 bytes of data bytes of data 4096 bits (512 bytes) using 24 bits of ECC code. However, as raw BER
Bit Error Rate 0.02% 0.28% 0.65% increases, 2-bit error correction BCH code becomes a desired level of
Suggested ECC SEC/DEC ECC. Next generation flash devices will move to smaller geometries
Hamming Code
BCH Algorithms
Low Density Parity and increased number of bits per cell, features that will increase the
or Reed-Solomon Check (LDPC) Codes underlying bit error rate [20].
Table 3: ECC recommendations. Summary
Today, flash memory is one of the most popular, reliable, and
Error Correction Bits Required in the NAND Flash Spare Area
Level flexible non-volatile devices to store data. NAND flash memory has
Hamming Reed-Solomon BCH
become very popular for usage in various applications where a large
1 13 18 13
amount of data has to be stored. This article discusses important
2 N/A 36 26
aspects related to the NAND Flash memory, storage reliability and the
3 N/A 54 39
actual bit error rate.
4 N/A 72 52
5 N/A 90 65 A NAND Flash device is composed by the memory array, which
6 N/A 108 78 is separated into several blocks. In general it performs three basic
7 N/A 126 91 operations: program a page, erase a block, and read a page. There are
8 N/A 144 104 many noise sources that exist in NAND flash, which considerably
9 N/A 162 117 shrink the storage reliability of flash memory [35]. The paper presents
10 N/A 180 130 a preliminary technology review, which was conducted in connection
Table 4: Number of bits required for various ECC correction strengths. with the preparation of an experiment for evaluating the reliability of

J Inform Tech Softw Eng Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000139

ISSN: 2165-7866 JITSE, an open access journal
Citation: Novotný R, Kadlec J, Kuchta R (2015) NAND Flash Memory Organization and Operations. J Inform Tech Softw Eng 5: 139. doi:10.4172/2165-

Page 8 of 8

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affecting the reliability for potential usage of the methodology of a Processing in Flash Memory.
statistical planned experiment (DOE, Design of Experiments) [36]. 22. Heidecker J (2012) NAND Flash Qualification Guideline. In 3rd NASA Electronic
However, after considering all aspects, it has been realized that this Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program Electronic Technology Workshop USA.
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cycle and reliability testing using the Weibull analysis method [37]. Correction in MLC NAND Flash Memories. In Very Large Scale Integration
(VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on 20: 2302-2314.
24. How to handle the increasing ECC requirements of the latest NAND Flash
This research has been supported by the European ARTEMIS Industry memories in your Industrial Design (2013)
Association by the project 7H12002 “Interactive Power Devices for Efficiency in
Automotive with Increased Reliability and Safety” and by the CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0068 25. Deal E (2011) Hamming, RS, BCH LDPC-The Alphabet Soup of NAND ECC
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ISSN: 2165-7866 JITSE, an open access journal

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