2.1.1 Flash Memory: 2.1.2 Comparison Between Floating 2.1 High-K Gate Stacks 2.1 High-K Gate Stacks
2.1.1 Flash Memory: 2.1.2 Comparison Between Floating 2.1 High-K Gate Stacks 2.1 High-K Gate Stacks
2.1.1 Flash Memory: 2.1.2 Comparison Between Floating 2.1 High-K Gate Stacks 2.1 High-K Gate Stacks
Figure 2.2: Basic scheme of a flash memory cell. Depending on the charge stored in the
floating gate one bit SLC or multiple bits MLC can be saved.
Figure 2.3: Schemes of the basic circuits for NAND and NOR flash memory devices. NOR
In NOR gate flash memory each cell consists of a standard MOSFET with two gates instead of one. The top
gate is the so called Control Gate (CG), which is used like a normal MOSFET gate. The second gate below
is called Floating Gate (FG) Fig. 2.2. The FG is insulated by a surrounding oxide. Electrons in the FG are
trapped and will retain in there for many years, if there is no manipulation from outside. A charge stored in the
FG will (partially) screen the electric field from the CG. Thus the threshold voltage
of the cell is modified.
During the read-out, a voltage, sufficiently low to preserve the amount of charge in the FG, but high enough to
distinguish between a charged and uncharged FG is applied to the CG. Depending on the amount of charge in
the FG the MOSFET will stay insulating or become conducting at the chosen CG voltage. The current
through the channel is sensed as binary information and represents in combination with the other cells the
stored data. In cells which are able to store more than one bit, instead of just sensing if there is current, the
amount of current is mapped to a corresponding bit pattern.
This flash type is called ''NOR flash``, because it behaves like a NOR gate Fig. 2.3. If one of the word lines
is brought high, the related floating gate transistor pulls the output bit line low. SLC NOR flash cells are in
their default state logically equivalent to binary ''1``, because by applying a moderate voltage to the control
gate current will flow.
The following steps are needed to write or program a NOR flash cell to ''0``:
applying an elevated voltage to control gate (typically above
assuming an NMOS transistor, the channel is now turned on so electrons can flow from the source to
the drain
if the source to drain current is sufficiently high, there will be some high energy electrons able to jump
from the channel through the insulating layer into the floating gate. This process is called hot-electron
now there is charge trapped in the floating gate and thus the threshold voltage
is shifted due to the
partial cancelation of the electric field from the control gate.
Erasing a NOR flash cell, setting it to logically ''1``, works as follows:
a large voltage of the opposite polarity is applied between gate and source
the generated large electrical field pulls the electrons out of the floating gate via quantum-mechanical
Up-to-date NOR flash chips split their memory into erase segments (also known as blocks or sectors).
Erasing can only be performed on a block-wise basis, while the write procedure can be performed on a
single byte or word at a time basis. NAND
In a NAND flash memory the transistors are connected in series (Fig. 2.3). Only if all word lines are pulled
high (above the transistors ), the bit line is pulled low. This resembles a NAND gate. These groups are
connected via some additional transistors to a NOR-style bit line array. For reading, all word lines except the
one to read, are set to a voltage above
of a programmed bit, while the bit line for reading is set just over
of an erased bit. The series group will conduct only (and pull the bit line low), if the selected bit has
not been programmed. Regardless of the aditionall transistors, NAND flash allows a denser layout, due to the
reduced bit lines and ground wires. Additionally, NAND flash is usually allowed to exhibit a certain number
of faults, while NOR flash is expected to be fault free (e.g. for use in a BIOS ROM).
NAND flash writing operates with tunnel injection and tunnel release for erasing.
... memory2.1
due to their operation as logic NAND and NOR
Next: 2.1.2 Comparison Between Floating Up: 2.1 High-k Gate Stacks Previous: 2.1 High-k Gate Stacks
T. Windbacher: Engineering Gate Stacks for Field-Effect Transistors