Computers and Structures: Adam Wosatko, Jerzy Pamin, Maria Anna Polak
Computers and Structures: Adam Wosatko, Jerzy Pamin, Maria Anna Polak
Computers and Structures: Adam Wosatko, Jerzy Pamin, Maria Anna Polak
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The paper presents numerical simulations of punching shear in a reinforced concrete slab-column con-
Received 23 December 2013 figuration formerly tested in the laboratory. A brief description of the test program at the University of
Accepted 11 January 2015 Waterloo is reported. For the simulation, a symmetric quarter of the test configuration is employed. Full
three-dimensional finite element discretized geometry is considered together with elastic–plastic
reinforcement embedded as truss elements in concrete. Two regularized numerical models of concrete,
Keywords: formulated within elastic–plastic-damage theories, are applied. The first one, called gradient damage,
FEM simulation
is refined by an additional averaging equation where gradient enhancement involves an internal length
Punching shear
scale. In the second one, called rate-dependent damaged plasticity model, a viscoplastic strain rate is
Damage introduced. The results for the first model implemented in FEAP and the second model from ABAQUS
Plasticity are discussed in detail. Different issues of numerical simulation to properly predict punching shear
Regularization behaviour in the slab-column configuration are presented.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0045-7949/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
74 A. Wosatko et al. / Computers and Structures 151 (2015) 73–85
studies can be a useful source of information on slabs behaviour, The specimen in the test frame is shown in Fig. 1(a). The flexural
complementing experimental investigations. Moreover, such mod- reinforcement was formed by 10 M bars of nominal cross-section
els can be used for extensive parametric studies addressing differ- area Ar ¼ 100 mm2. The bars in the tension mat had the spacing
ent aspects of punching shear effects in flat RC slabs. of 100 mm and 90 mm for the upper and lower orthogonal layers
This paper outlines finite element studies on punching shear in in order to produce almost identical bending capacities in the
slabs using damage–plasticity finite element (FE) models. The two directions. The reinforcement bars on the compression side
presented simulations are performed for the slabs tested by formed a grid with 200 mm spacing. The column segments were
[11] with the goal to provide adequate predictions of the slabs reinforced with four 20 M bars.
behaviour, calibrate the models and include rational discussion The full test program consisted of six specimens, two of which
on the material parameters influencing the FE predictions. The had openings constructed near the column. The control slab SB1
problem of punching shear is not trivial to simulate, since the had no shear reinforcement and failed by punching shear in brittle
interaction between flexural and shear failure, while localized manner. All other specimens were strengthened using an increas-
fracture zones in a slab evolve, needs to be addressed. Some ing number of 9.5 mm diameter bolts symmetrically placed in con-
numerical simulations of punching shear are presented in [12– centric rows around the column. They showed substantial ductility
16]. The simulations done herein utilize two constitutive formula- and failed in flexure or combination of flexure and shear., cf. [11].
tions for concrete; namely gradient enhanced damage coupled to However, for all specimens, the flexural cracks initiated at column
plasticity and so-called damaged plasticity, which is available in corners and propagated radially towards the slab edges. In this
commercial FE program ABAQUS [17] and allows an extension paper only slab SB1, without shear reinforcement, is used for the
to viscosity-dependence. For the enhanced damage–plasticity, FE studies. The concrete compressive strength was 44 MPa and
the code developed by [18] is applied. This damage model which the measured tensile strength was 2.13 MPa. Flexural reinforce-
had first been proposed in [19] was developed and implemented ment yield strength was 455 MPa.
into the open-source code FEAP [20]. Although the problem of The results in terms of deflections, strains and crack widths
proper simulation of the localized failure seems to be not severe were monitored. The experimental load–deflection diagram for
in reinforced structures, it has been decided to employ a regular- SB1 is reproduced further in figures together with numerical
ized continuum description to minimize the effects of pathologi- results. The final experimental crack pattern, as seen from the ten-
cal mesh sensitivity and numerical instabilities. Continuum sion side, is presented in Fig. 1(b).
models contain various regularization methods, which are also
called localization limiters [21]. Such a limiter can be included
in many ways, for example: a certain variable averaged by a gra- 3. Review of employed constitutive models
dient operator is incorporated in the formulation [19,22–27]; or
an additional rate-dependent term like viscosity is enclosed in Two inelastic constitutive models have been used in the sim-
the constitutive equation [28–33]. ulations. They both assume that concrete is initially an isotropic
In the presented analysis linear kinematics is assumed. elastic material, described by elastic constants: Young modulus E
and Poisson ratio m. The oldest approach to fracture modelling
called smeared cracking originated in [34] and was further
2. Test program at the University of Waterloo developed for concrete fracture simulations in the eighties, for
an overview of those efforts the reader is referred e.g. to [35–37].
The slab specimens analyzed in this work were tested by [11]. In this paper the authors decided to employ two versions of
These were full-scale models representing interior slab-column coupled inelastic models involving damage and plasticity. They
connections with the column stub of 150 150 mm cross section are both based on the concept of effective stress acting on the
and simply supported along the edges with corners restricted from undamaged skeleton of the material and involve permanent strains
lifting. The overall dimensions of slab-specimens were when a yield limit is reached.
1800 1800 120 mm and they were supported along the The first approach is the gradient-enhanced damage–plasticity
1500 1500 square perimeter placed on neoprene pads. The spec- model described in [38,39] and implemented by the authors in
imens represented portions of a slab-column continuous system, FEAP. This model involves a simplified representation of cracked
bounded by the lines of contraflexure around the column. concrete based on a single scalar damage parameter, but it is non-
The specimens were loaded downwards through the column local and removes the pathological discretization sensitivity com-
until failure. Note that the experimental configuration was in an monly encountered when standard continuum models are used
upside down position in comparison with the real structural case. to simulate softening related to damage. The model incorporates
Fig. 1. RC slab-column connection. Experimental setup and final crack patterns for slabs SB1 visible from the tension side. Photos quoted from [11].
A. Wosatko et al. / Computers and Structures 151 (2015) 73–85 75
The damage x is a function of a damage history parameter jd where r^_ follows from Eq. (8) and the rate of damage during its
and grows from zero to one as jd grows from damage threshold ) is computed as:
evolution (jd ¼ ~
jd0 to some ultimate value. @ x @ ~
Next, we define a damage function which limits the elastic (or x_ ¼ _ ð10Þ
@ jd @
elasto–plastic) behaviour of the material in the strain space:
During unloading we have x _ ¼ 0. This leads to the linearized
F d ¼ ~ jd ¼ 0 ð2Þ constitutive relation for the coupled model:
where ~ is an equivalent strain measure. During the damage evolu- dx @ ~
r_ ¼ ð1 xÞ Dep r
^ _ ð11Þ
tion the history parameter jd ¼ max jd0 ; ~ . djd @
The equivalent strain measure ~ is defined in a form suitable for
Now, the theory is made gradient-dependent [38] in order to
a quasi-brittle material, taking into account the difference between ensure that numerical simulations of strain localization give mean-
its tensile and compressive strength, cf. [44,45]. Here, the so-called ingful results. In the gradient-enhanced formulation the plasticity
modified von Mises definition of the equivalent strain measure theory remains standard and the damage theory is made nonlocal.
[45] is employed: It is emphasized that in this combination the unstable material
~ J 2 ; I1 ; m; r ct ¼ 0 ð3Þ behaviour is caused by damage (the plasticity model in the effec-
tive stress space is hardening).
where J2 and I1 are standard invariants of the (elastic) strain tensor, Following [19], the damage evolution is governed by the follow-
m is Poisson’s ratio, rct is a ratio of uniaxial compressive strength f c ing damage loading function:
and uniaxial tensile strength f t . Alternatively, Mazars definition
[44,46] can be used. F d ¼ jd ¼ 0 ð12Þ
Although damage and plastic processes can be coupled, plastic where the nonlocal strain measure satisfies the averaging
flow occurs in the undamaged ’’skeleton’’ of the body, so we can equation:
write the elastic constitutive relation between the effective
stresses and elastic strains as follows: cr2 ¼ ~ ð13Þ
76 A. Wosatko et al. / Computers and Structures 151 (2015) 73–85
3.2. Damaged plasticity model (ABAQUS) 3.3. Short comparison of employed models
The damaged plasticity model in the commercial FE program It is stressed that although the two employed models use
ABAQUS incorporates the influence of moderate confining pressure similar concepts of coupled plasticity and damage, cf. e.g.
and irreversible damage, focusing on failure mechanisms charac- [38,40,43,53], they approach concrete behaviour from different
teristic for quasi-brittle materials, in particular concrete. Certainly, viewpoints. As a result, they represent concrete cracking and fail-
different response is predicted in tension and compression with ure in a different way.
respect to yield strengths (in tension understood as elasticity The former model, implemented in FEAP, is focused on model-
limit), hardening/softening and stiffness degradation. Stiffness ling of regularized material damage, while the plastic counterpart
evolution during cyclic loading and rate sensitivity are included is an upgrade allowing for a better representation of the elastic
in the model. It is based on Eqs. (5) and (7), but the isotropic dam- stiffness degradation which otherwise would be exaggerated. The
age parameter x is here the function of the effective stress and two latter model, available in ABAQUS, is based on the concept of con-
hardening parameters for tension and compression, c.f. [40,41]: crete plasticity and hence yield and plastic potential functions are
used to represent material failure, while damage variables are
jt merely an upgrade of the model, relevant especially for cyclic load-
x ¼ xðr^ ; jÞ; j ¼ ð14Þ
jc ing to represent properly the elastic stiffness degradation upon
unloading. Therefore, similar model parameters can have different
which are derived from the rate hardening law in the form: values in the two approaches (an example is the dilatancy angle).
_ r Another difference between the two models is the manner in
j_ ¼ khð ^ ; jÞ ð15Þ
which regularization is introduced to prevent the loss of well-
The yield function in the effective stress space is now an posedness of the mathematical model caused by strain softening
upgraded version of the Burzyński–Drucker–Prager (BDP) surface and to avoid pathological discretization sensitivity of numerical
[17]: simulation results.
A. Wosatko et al. / Computers and Structures 151 (2015) 73–85 77
strongly non-local models [54], appropriate for both statics and Elastic constants Young’s modulus (GPa) Poisson’s ratio
dynamics. As explained in Section 3.1, an internal length scale Concrete 34.4 0.2
must be specified in addition to the standard material model Steel 205 0.3
parameters. It is noted that the determination of the internal
length parameter for a material is an open issue. It can sometimes Concrete strength (MPa)
be computed from quantities directly measured at the microscopic Tensile, f t 2.13 Compressive, f c 20 f t
level, see e.g. [25]. Otherwise, it must be determined from experi-
Reinforcement Spacing Cover (to axis) Section area Yield strength
ments via an inverse analysis or derived theoretically from
(mm) (mm) (mm2) (MPa)
In slab:
The extension of the ABAQUS damaged plasticity model for con-
Tensile 100 24 100 455
crete towards viscosity-dependence is a natural upgrade in the Compressive 200 24 100 455
context of dynamic simulations. It assures then that the equations
In column:
of motion remain hyperbolic in the presence of softening, cf. Bars 25 300 455
[29,55]. However, viscosity also provides regularization in the Ties 50 455
static limit as shown for instance by [52,56].
compression linear damage growth is assumed until c2 ¼ 0:2. In the whole equilibrium path is not representative. It should be
both cases, when damage reaches 0.9 it is subsequently held con- noted that larger values of internal length result in a larger damage
stant to preserve a residual stiffness and strength. The other model zone. The smoothing effect for l ¼ 20 mm is quite strong and an
parameters are defaults suggested in ABAQUS documentation [17]. unrealistic crack pattern is predicted in a large part of the slab.
The equilibrium paths for the two considered meshes are also plot-
ted for the cases with smaller l (l ¼ 4 mm or 8 mm) in Fig. 3. For the
4.2. Results for gradient-enhanced damage–plasticity case with l ¼ 4 mm and mesh 2 the computations diverge when
the load reaches about 250 kN, similarly to the experimental load
The presentation of the results obtained with the gradient dam- carrying capacity. For the other cases computations diverge earlier.
age model begins with the diagrams of applied load denoted by P If l ¼ 8 mm is adopted, in the final stage a change of stiffness is
versus the maximum deflection of the slab denoted by w (in fact noticed into small softening.
it is the vertical displacement used for load control, but since the The deformation of the slab at the final stage is depicted in Fig. 4
column is very stiff, it is approximately equal to the slab deflection for l ¼ 4 mm and the two adopted meshes. It is visible that for both
at the center). In Fig. 3 the diagrams of the load–displacement meshes the slab is not cut directly at the column and the deformed
curves for gradient damage and three values of internal length elements do not form a clear shear crack as is seen in experiments.
are shown together with the experimental equilibrium path. In Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate the simulated averaged strain patterns
the initial elastic phase the numerical diagram exhibits a too large for the case l ¼ 4 mm and both meshes. The contour plots are made
slope. Most probably the original initial stiffness of the specimen is for the bottom face of the slab and for the cross section along the
affected by precracking due to shrinkage. Moreover, in the numer- vertical symmetry plane (called shortly ’’side view’’). Side views
ical simulation it is implicitly assumed that the support system of of averaged strain distributions show that the simulated slab is
the experimental setup is infinitely stiff while in reality it is not. cracked near the connection, although the shear cone is repro-
After cracking, for deflection w > 1 mm, the slope of the dia- duced in a smeared way. However, for the small value of the inter-
grams is similar to the one observed in the experiment. The peak nal length parameter, many flexural cracks are initiated at column
for pure gradient damage and l ¼ 20 mm occurs too early and corners and propagate radially. We can conclude that the averaged
strain distributions poorly simulate circular cracks at some dis-
tance from the column, hence the punching shear fracture along
inclined cone-shaped surface is rather not clearly reproduced.
The best case is for l ¼ 4 mm and mesh 2, where contour plots
can be interpreted as flexural and punching failure. Fig. 7 presents
the bottom and side views for l ¼ 8 mm. It was expected that the
slightly more regularized model would make the results more cor-
rect and that circular cracks would be reproduced properly
together with radial ones. It turns out that introducing a little
stronger non-locality, which corresponds to about two elements
in the mesh, does not improve the results. Of course the localiza-
tion zone is wider, but l ¼ 8 mm results in dominating averaged
strains closer to the column than it is for l ¼ 4 mm.
In Fig. 8 the diagrams for 3 versions of the gradient damage
Fig. 3. Load–displacement diagrams, influence of internal length scale, gradient model and mesh 2 are presented. The equilibrium path obtained
damage (without plasticity). for damage–plasticity (modified von Mises and coupling with
Fig. 4. Deformation (magnification factor is 10) of slab for two different meshes, gradient damage, l ¼ 4 mm.
Fig. 5. Contour plots of averaged strain for mesh 1, gradient damage, l ¼ 4 mm, deflection w 5:5 mm.
A. Wosatko et al. / Computers and Structures 151 (2015) 73–85 79
Fig. 6. Contour plots of averaged strain for mesh 2, gradient damage, l ¼ 4 mm, deflection w 9:5 mm.
Fig. 7. Contour plots of averaged strain for mesh 2, gradient damage, l ¼ 8 mm, deflection w 6:75 mm.
We start the presentation of the results for this model with dia- 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
grams obtained for the coarse mesh 1 compared with the experi-
mental response. In Fig. 9 four options are considered. The Deflection w [mm]
diagrams denoted as Gf ;t and 2Gf ;t use the parameters described Fig. 9. Load–displacement diagrams, influence of tensile softening parameters for
in Section 4.1 (with either Gf ;t or 2Gf ;t as fracture energy value the model without viscosity, mesh 1.
for tension). For these analyses the divergence occurs for deflection
ForceP [kN]
ForceP [kN]
Experiment Experiment
150 150
modified von Mises 3
100 and coupling with plasticity 100
modified von Mises 2 2G f t
50 50
Gf t
Mazars definition
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Deflection w [mm] Deflection w [mm]
Fig. 8. Load–displacement diagrams, mesh 2, l ¼ 4 mm, different versions of Fig. 10. Load–displacement diagrams, influence for viscous enhancement,
gradient damage. l ¼ 0:001, mesh 1.
80 A. Wosatko et al. / Computers and Structures 151 (2015) 73–85
of w 1:6 mm. It should be observed that the numerical response diagrams in Fig. 9 are for the cases when tensile response after
does not change significantly when the additional ductility is intro- cracking is modelled by stress–strain diagrams with the residual
duced via artificially increased fracture energy 2Gf ;t . The other two strength rres
t ¼ 0:1 f t or 0:2 f t . In these two cases, the numerical
0 01
200 = 0.005
ForceP [kN]
Experiment 0 002
0 001
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Deflection w [mm]
Fig. 11. Load–displacement diagrams, influence of viscosity parameter l for Fig. 12. Load–displacement diagrams, influence of viscosity parameter l for
residual tensile strength rres
t ¼ 0:2f t , mesh 1. residual tensile strength rres
t ¼ 0:2f t , mesh 3.
Fig. 13. Equivalent tensile plastic strain and deformation for mesh 1, deflection w 1:5 mm, for point 1 in Fig. 9, case with single value of Gf ;t .
Fig. 14. Equivalent tensile plastic strain and deformation for mesh 1, w 7:5 mm, for point 2 in Fig. 10, case with single value of Gf ;t and l ¼ 0:001.
A. Wosatko et al. / Computers and Structures 151 (2015) 73–85 81
response is more realistic with the maximum deflection w reaching Fig. 12 presents a similar comparison for mesh 3. The response
almost 6 mm and the maximum load P 180 kN. This type of of the numerical model is slightly more ductile than for the coarser
modelling approach of postcracking behaviour is a starting point meshes, the predicted load carrying capacity grows with the
in the following calculations. increase of l, but the results for l ¼ 0:01 now underestimate it.
The diagrams in Fig. 10 show the influence of the viscous The next series of figures presents the insight into the behaviour
enhancement on the previous computations. For l ¼ 0:001 a con- of the numerical model for selected states marked in load–deflec-
siderable increase of ductility is observed, involving moderate soft- tion diagrams (cf. Figs. 9–12). The results for the coarse mesh 1 are
ening. The diagrams obtained for rres t ¼ 0:1 f t or 0:2 f t approximate shown first. The distribution of the equivalent tensile plastic strain
much better the experimental response. (PEEQT) is monitored in the vertical symmetry plane (called side
In Fig. 11 the sensitivity of the simulation to the value of time view), in the vertical diagonal cross-section and at the bottom sur-
relaxation parameter (viscosity) is verified. The best prediction of face of the slab. Moreover, the displacement mode is shown.
load-carrying capacity is obtained for l ¼ 0:01, while the lack of According to [17] cracking is monitored at sampling points where
viscous regularization results in premature divergence. On the the equivalent tensile plastic strain is larger than zero.
other hand, for l ¼ 1:0 the solution is artificially stiff and unac- The results for the basic set of material parameters are shown in
ceptable. Analogical behaviour as for gradient damage is also Fig. 13 for deflection w 1:5 mm, just before the analysis diverges,
observed – the lack of regularization does not permit one to i.e. for state marked 1 in Fig. 9. The flexural fracture mode is visible
simulate punching shear while too strong non-locality leads to in the slab next to the column with some damage zones propagat-
completely diffuse crack pattern. ing at the bottom of the slab. The distributions of PEEQT for the
Fig. 15. Equivalent tensile plastic strain and deformation for mesh 1, w 12:5 mm, for point 3 in Fig. 10, case with residual strength rres
t ¼ 0:1f t and l ¼ 0:001.
Fig. 16. Equivalent tensile plastic strain and deformation for mesh 1, w 12:5 mm, for point 4 in Fig. 11, case with residual strength rres
t ¼ 0:2f t and l ¼ 0:01.
82 A. Wosatko et al. / Computers and Structures 151 (2015) 73–85
ductility of the model increased, i.e. for other options shown in increased to l ¼ 0:01. The experimental load-carrying capacity is
Fig. 9, monitored at the final analysis step, are quite similar. then approximated very well. However, as can be seen in Fig. 16
In Fig. 14 the monitored fields are shown for the regularized (point 4 in Fig. 11), there is no significant change in the distribution
model with l ¼ 0:001. The analysis can then be continued – the of equivalent tensile plastic strain. This an example of situation in
plots are made for w 7:5 mm (point 2 in Fig. 10). The deforma- which an acceptable simulation of the experimental load–displace-
tion mode and the PEEQT distribution exhibit a distributed dam- ment diagram does not guarantee proper results in terms of
age zone, triangular in cross-section, with the largest values in predicted failure mode.
the middle of the slab, at the column. However, no clear punching From the results presented so far we have concluded that too
cone is formed and the experimental load-carrying capacity is not large values of the relaxation parameter should be avoided. We
reproduced. With the additional ductility, where rres t ¼ 0:1f t , the also suspected that the adopted discretization is too coarse, espe-
limit load is predicted much better, together with a softening cially along the depth of the slab. Using mesh 2 with 10 elements
stage, but for w 12:5 mm (point 3) the inelastic deformation along the depth and intermediate value of l ¼ 0:002 we have
mode does not seem to represent punching (see Fig. 15), it is obtained the results in Fig. 17. The failure mode then exhibits an
rather localized at the bottom surface of the slab next to the inclined fracture zone. However, the flexural crack still seems
column. dominant, the inclination of the crack band at the column is too
The plots of PEEQT for the larger residual strength rres
t ¼ 0:2f t small and the band seems to follow the main reinforcement plane
and w ¼ 12:5 mm are almost the same. As shown in Fig. 11 the as it propagates into the slab, suggesting a mesh bias caused by the
softening final stage is delayed when the viscosity parameter is proportions of element dimension.
Fig. 17. Equivalent tensile plastic strain and deformation for mesh 2, w 12:5 mm, residual strength rres
t ¼ 0:2f t and l ¼ 0:002.
Fig. 18. Equivalent tensile plastic strain and deformation for mesh 3, w 12:5 mm, for point 5 in Fig. 12, case with residual strength rres
t ¼ 0:2f t and l ¼ 0:002.
A. Wosatko et al. / Computers and Structures 151 (2015) 73–85 83
Force P [kN]
without damage
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Deflection w [mm]
(b) Deformation.
(a) Load-displacement diagrams.
Fig. 19. Results for mesh 3, case with residual strength rres
t ¼ 0:2f t , viscosity parameter l ¼ 0:002 and active damage component. Comparison of diagrams for deflection
w 12:5 mm: deformation, distributions of equivalent tensile plastic strain (PEEQT), damage for tension xt .
With these results still not satisfactory, we densify the mesh illustrated in Fig. 18. We can observe that the contour plots of
also in plane and the load–displacement curves for this series of the equivalent tensile plastic strain (PEEQT) and damage for ten-
computations are shown in Fig. 12. The equivalent tensile plastic sion xt look almost the same. The multiple diagonal cracks visible
strain distribution in Fig. 18 finally seem to represent a realistic for ’’side views’’ seem to remind punching shear failure, even
fracture mode, although the respective load–displacement diagram though the flexural crack is not excluded.
underestimate the experimental load-carrying capacity (softening
occurs about w ¼ 10 mm). To improve this, we can increase the 5. Final remarks and future work
viscosity parameter, although there is a risk involved of distribut-
ing the process into one triangular fracture zone. The crack at the In the paper two regularized numerical models for concrete,
’’side view’’ (Fig. 18(b)) looks similar to the results obtained for formulated within elastic–plastic-damage theories, have been
gradient damage (Figs. 5(b) and 6(b)). employed in the three-dimensional FE analysis of punching shear
In Fig. 19 the results for mesh 3 are again presented, but for this in the slab-column configuration formerly examined in the labora-
case the damage (stiffness degradation) is additionally activated. tory [11]. The interest has been limited to the simulation of static
The load–displacement diagrams are compared in Fig. 19(a). response of monotonically increasing imposed displacement of the
Although the equilibrium paths are similar, with damage influence column. In particular, the gradient damage model implemented by
the deformations and the internal variable distributions show dif- the authors in FEAP and the rate-dependent damaged plasticity
ferent crack patterns in comparison to the case with no damage model from ABAQUS have been used.
84 A. Wosatko et al. / Computers and Structures 151 (2015) 73–85
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