CSSBI S17-2017:: Guide Specification For Steel Building Systems

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Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute September 2017

CSSBI S17-2017:
Guide Specification for Steel Building Systems
Copyright © September 2017 All rights reserved. This publication, nor any part thereof, may be
reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

SPEC NOTE: DESCRIPTION: This Section specifies performance Threaded Rod 60 000 PSI Tensile
criteria for Steel Building Systems. For some components, Strength.
materials and finishes other Sections may be added. Avoid .2 ASTM A529/A529M-14, Standard
conflicts between specified performance criteria and prescriptive
Specification for High-Strength Carbon-
statements in other Sections.
Manganese Steel of Structural Quality.
.3 ASTM A653/A653M-15e1, Standard
1. GENERAL Specification for Steel Sheet,
1.1 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron
1.1.1 Section [01330 - Submittal Procedures]. Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-
Dip Process.
1.1.2 Section [01355 - Waste Management and .4 ASTM A792/A792M-10(2015), Standard
Disposal]. Specification for Steel Sheet, 55%
Aluminum-Zinc Alloy-Coated by the Hot-
1.1.3 Section [[______] [______] Insulation]. Dip Process.
.5 ASTM A1011/A1011M-17, Standard
1.1.4 Section [08110 - Steel Doors and Frames]. Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip,
Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-
1.1.5 Section [[______] [Glazing] [Windows]]. Strength-Low Alloy and High-Strength
Low-Alloy with Improved Formability, and
1.1.6 [List Other] Ultra High-Strength.
.6 ASTM A992/A992M -11(2015), Standard
1.2 SCOPE OF WORK FOR STEEL BUILDING Specification for Structural Steel Shapes
SYSTEM .7 ASTM A36/A36M-14, Standard
Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
1.2.1 The work shall include the following: .8 ASTM A475-03(2014), Standard
.1 Structural design of steel building system Specification for Zinc Coated Steel Wire
primary and secondary framing. Strand
.2 Design of anchor bolts (quantity and .9 ASTM F3125/3125M-15a, Standard
diameter only). Specification for High Strength Structural
.3 Design of metal cladding and roofing. Bolts, Steel and Alloy Steel, Heat Treated,
.4 Preparation of shop drawings. 120 ksi (830 MPa) and 150 ksi (1040
.5 Supply of steel building system primary MPa) Minimum Tensile Strength, Inc and
and secondary framing. Metric Dimensions
.6 Reinforcement and framing required by
mechanical penetrations and projections, 1.3.2 Canadian Institute of Steel Construction/
and doors and windows. Canadian Paint Manufacturers Association
.7 Drawings for the steel building system (CSIC/CPMA)
shall bear the seal of a professional .1 CISC/CPMA 1-73a. Quick Drying, One-
engineer registered in the province the Coat Paint for use on Structural Steel.
work is to take place in.
1.3.3 Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute
SPEC NOTE: Edit to suit standards specified in project .1 CSSBI 30M-17, Standard for Steel
specification. Building Systems.
1.3.1 American Society for Testing and Materials .2 CSSBI C1-17, Certification of Design and
(ASTM) Manufacturing Conformance with NBC
.1 ASTM A307-14e1, Standard Specification 2015
for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, and
652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 2 September 2017
.3 CSSBI S8-2017, Quality & Performance 1.5.1 Standards:
Specification for Prefinished Sheet Steel .1 Design to conform to the National
Used for Building Products. Building Code of Canada [2010] [2015]
.4 CSSBI Fact Sheet #3, Care and and applicable Provincial and local
Maintenance of Prefinished Sheet Steel Codes.
Building Products. .2 Design structural steel to CAN/
1.3.4 Canadian Standards Association (CSA) .3 Design cold formed steel sections to
.1 CSA-A660-10 (R2014), Certification of CAN/CSA-S136-16.
Manufacturers of Steel Building Systems. .4 Fabricators shall be certified by the
.2 CAN/CSA-G40.20-04/G40.21-13, General Canadian Welding Bureau to the
Requirements for Rolled or Welded requirements of CSA Standard W47.1-09
Structural Quality Steel/Structural Quality (R2014), Division 1 or 2.1.
Steel. .5 Companies performing field welding
.3 CAN/CSA-S16-14, Design of Steel shall be certified by the Canadian
Structures. Welding Bureau to the requirements of
.4 CAN/CSA-S136-16, North American CSA Standard W47.1-09 (R2014).
Specification for the Design of Cold- .6 Erect to the CISC Code of Standard
Formed Steel Structural Members. Practice.
.5 CSA-W47.1-09 (R2014), Certification of .7 Building manufacturer shall be certified to
Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel CAN/CSA-A660-10 (R2014).
.6 CSA-W59-13, Welded Steel Construction
(Metal Arc Welding). 1.5.2 Design Criteria:
.1 Main column spacing shall be as
1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION indicated on the plans.
.2 Wind columns on the building ends shall
1.4.1 Type: [rigid frame] [beam and column] be as indicated on the plans.
[truss frame] [self-framing] with vertically .3 The minimum clear internal height of the
braced bays as indicated. building shall be as indicated on the
1.4.2 Roof slope: minimum [______]. .4 The main building frames shall be
designed as steel moment-resisting
1.4.3 Wall system: [[through fastened] [concealed frames. The base of the frames shall be
fastener] single skin] [sandwich][thermal wall] assumed to act as pinned. Frames to be
panels. designed by the bare frame method and
not use composite stiffness.
1.4.4 Roof system: [standing seam] [lapped .5 Provide diagonal bracing perpendicular
seam] [[through fastened] [concealed to main building frames and in building
fastener] single skin] [sandwich] [thermal end walls. Locate bracing in bays
wall] panels. designated on the drawings where
SPEC NOTE: Delete 1.4.5 if not applicable. .6 Design building walls and roof to allow
for thermal movement of component
1.4.5 Self-framing truss type roof system: [lapped materials caused by ambient temperature
seam parallel chord truss] [bow string range of [___] [75] deg C without causing
truss] [pitched truss] consisting of roof and buckling, failure of joint seals, undue
ceiling panels connected with diagonal web stress on fasteners or other detrimental
members. effects.
.7 Ensure total absence of condensation on
1.5 DESIGN the interior surfaces under following
SPEC NOTE: Design to NBCC or relevant codes, also minimum condition:
conform to relevant CSSBI standards. Use 1.5.1 for every i) Interior: 22 deg C, [__] [30] % relative
project, edit following paragraphs to select optional criteria humidity, (RH), still air.
applicable for project conditions. ii) Exterior: [minus [__] [40]] deg C, [__]
[25] km/h wind.

652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 3 September 2017
.8 Building shall be weather tight. shall be applied in accordance with the
.9 Provide for positive drainage to exterior NBCC.
of condensation occurring within wall .3 Wind load shall be in accordance with
construction and water entering at joints. NBCC [2010] [2015]. Wind exposure
.10 Design building enclosure elements factor Ce shall be 1.0.
to accommodate, by means of .4 Dead load shall be the self-weight of the
expansion joints, any movement in Steel Building System, and all specified
element itself and between elements permanent loads from supported floors,
and building structure caused by walls, and roofs.
structural movements without .5 Collateral gravity load shall be as follows:
permanent distortion, damage to infills, i) Lighting, piping, suspended ceilings,
racking of joints, breakage of seals, wiring, sprinkler runs and miscellaneous
water penetration or glass breakage. mechanical loads: ____ kPa
.11 Provide sub-framing for all openings, ii) Refer to structural drawings for
indicated on the plans. additional requirements.
(iii) Crane loads
1.5.3 Loading Definitions: Type __________________________________________
.1 Dead loads shall include the self-weight (top-running) (under-running) (jib)
of the structure and all permanent Capacity _________________________________ (tonnes)
materials of the building construction. Wheel base ___________________________________ (m)
.2 Collateral loads shall include mechanical Maximum static, vertical wheel load ____________ (kN)
and electrical equipment, sprinkler Vertical impact factor _____________________________
systems, suspended ceilings and all other Lateral factor __________________ (%)
removable parts of the structure. Lateral wheel load _________________________ (kN)
.3 Live loads shall include superimposed Longitudinal factor ______________(%)
loads on the structure due to the Maximum longitudinal load___________________ (kN/side)
i) Use and occupancy loads. 1.5.6 Deflection Limitations:
ii) Snow, rain, and ice effects. .1 Building load resisting frames: lateral drift
iii) Maintenance and construction loads. shall not exceed [1/60][1/80] [1/100]
iv) Wind loads. [1/300] of the height measured at the
v) Earthquake loads. eave, under wind loads or applicable
vi) Thermal loads. lateral cranes loads.
vii) Differential foundation settlement. SPEC NOTE: A deflection limit of 1/300 may be required for
viii) Crane loads. the proper functioning of cranes or to prevent damage to
brittle finishes such as brick and glass.
1.5.4 Climatic Data: .2 Roof framing: [1/180] [1/240] of the clear
.1 Snow load:Ground Snow Load Ss___ kPa span under full specified roof live load.
Rain Load Sr___ kPa .3 Wall Cladding and girts: [1/180] of the
.2 Hourly Wind Pressures: clear span under full specified wind
1/10 year probability ___ kPa effects.
1/50 year probability ___ kPa .4 Maintain tolerance for the building
.3 Seismic Data: structure and enclosure elements as
Sa(0.2) _____ Sa(0.5) _____ Sa(1.0) _____ follows or per CAN/CSA-A660 whichever
Sa(2.0) _____ Fa _____ Fv _____ IE _____ is more restrictive:
.4 Specified Rain Load (one day rain) i) maximum variation from plane or
___ mm location shown on shop drawings.
.5 Specified Rain Load (15 min rain) for ii) 3 mm/3m of length to 6mm/30m
downspout design ___mm maximum.

1.5.5 Design Loads: 1.6 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL

.1 Building Importance Category [Low]
[Normal] [High] [Post-disaster] 1.6.1 Provide certification that the steel building
.2 Snow load shall be determined in system manufacturer is certified to
accordance with NBCC [2010] [2015]. CSA-A660.
Cb shall be 0.8. The wind exposure factor
Cw shall be 1.0 [0.75]. Load combinations

652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 4 September 2017
1.7 SHOP DRAWINGS 1.9.2 Handle and protect metallic coated
SPEC NOTE: Edit following paragraphs to select optional materials from damage to metallic coating.
criteria applicable for project. During storage space surfaces of metallic
coated materials to permit free circulation of
1.7.1 Submit shop drawings in accordance with air.
Section [01340 – Shop Drawings, Product
Data, Samples and Mock-ups] [01330 – 1.9.3 Provide protection from weather to all
Submittal Procedures]. primary and secondary steel components
if stored on site by means of properly
1.7.2 Submit shop drawings bearing stamp and secured tarps. Components should be
signature of professional engineer registered prevented from prolonged contact with the
in [Canada] [[Province] [Territory] of [_______]] ground by means of adequately spaced
in which work takes place. blocking.

1.7.3 Submit the following documents in 2. PRODUCTS

accordance with CSSBI 30M, para 13: 2.1 MATERIALS
Erection drawings showing foundation loads, 2.1.1 Structural steel: to [CAN/CSA-G40.21]
anchor bolt setting details part numbers, [ASTM A992/A992M], [340 MPa (50 ksi)]
connections and assembly details. minimum yield strength, [shop primed] [hot
dipped zinc coated to CAN/CSA-G164 to
1.7.4 Indicate plans and grid lines, structural [____] g/m2] [ unprotected].
members and connection details, bearing
and anchorage details, roof cladding, wall 2.1.2 Bolts: to [ASTM A307 for secondary
cladding, framed openings, accessories, structural connections] ASTM F3125 for
schedule of materials and finishes, loads and primary structural connections, minimum
reaction forces, fasteners and field welds, 12mm diameter, [plain] [galvanized] complete
sealant locations and details. with nuts and washers.

1.7.5 Indicate shop and erection details including 2.1.3 Welding materials: to CSA-W59.
cuts, copes, connections, holes, threaded
fasteners, rivets and welds. Indicate welds 2.1.4 Shop primer paint: to [CISC/CPMA 1-73a,
by CSA welding symbols. [1.5 to 2] mils film thickness].

1.7.6 Indicate on erection shop drawings related 2.1.5 Anchor [rods] [bolts]: to [ASTM F1554]
provisions required for mechanical, electrical [ASTM A36]
and other work, when such information can
be supplied to building manufacturer at time 2.1.6 Purlins & girts: [hot rolled sheet steel
of initial order. conforms to [CSA-G40.21] [ASTM A1011/
A1011M], 340 MPa (50 ksi) minimum
1.8 CERTIFICATES yield], [high strength ductile steel in
conformance with requirements of CAN/
1.8.1 Submit CSA-A660 Certificate of Design CSA-S136, with minimum yield strength
and Manufacturing Conformance with of 380 MPa (55 ksi)], [zinc coated
NBC, [2010] [2015] stating design criteria (galvanized) to Z275 per ASTM A653M],
used and loads assumed in design. [55% aluminum-zinc alloy coated to AZM150
Certificate shall be signed and sealed by per ASTM A792M], [shop primed].
a professional engineer registered in
[Canada] [[Province] [Territory] of [_______]] in 2.1.7 Rod: to [CSA-G40.21] [ASTM A992/A992M],
which work takes place. [300 MPa(44ksi)] [340MPa (50 ksi)]] [ASTM
A36 (36ksi)] minimum yield, shop primed.
2.1.8 Cable: Galvanized strand to [ASTM A475
1.9.1 Protect prefinished steel sheet during Class A coating] [CSA G12]. Design strength
fabrication, transportation, site storage and based on manufacturer’s published breaking
installation in accordance with CSSBI Fact strengths.
Sheet #3.

652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 5 September 2017
2.1.9 Eye bolts: Forged, [ASTM 1030 carbon weathertight installation. Cut ends of
steel], [hot-dip galvanized]. Design strengths sheets square and clean.
based on manufacturers published breaking .2 Exterior corners-wall: of material to match
strengths. finish, thickness [and profile] of adjacent
cladding material, shop cut and brake
2.1.10 Screws: corrosion resistant purpose made, formed to correct angle.
head colour to match attached sheet. .3 Accessories to exterior wall cladding:
brake or bend to shape, of material and
2.1.11 Insulation and tape: as per Section 07213. finish to match wall cladding [comprising
cap flashings], [drip flashings], [internal
2.1.12 Insulation adhesive; purpose made for corner flashings], [copings and closures
insulation type and steel liner sheet, for [head] [jamb] [sill] corners].
incombustible after initial set. .4 Interior liner sheet-wall: factory preformed
steel sheet, minimum ¬¬¬[___] mm base
2.1.13 Vapour barrier and sealing tape: as steel thickness, [zinc coated] [55%
recommended by insulation manufacturer. aluminum-zinc alloy-coated], prefinished
of manufacturer’s standard profile
2.1.14 Sealants: [in accordance with Section [indicated], with interlocking side lap.
[07900 – Joint Sealers]] [as recommended by Install sealant material in interlocking lap
sealant manufacturer]. for vapour barrier applications. Cut ends
of sheets square and clean.
2.2 FABRICATION .5 Sub-girts and clips: factory preformed
steel sheet minimum [___] mm base steel
2.2.1 Fabricate structural members in accordance thickness, [zinc coated] [55% aluminum-
with shop drawings and to CAN/CSA-S16. zinc alloy-coated].
Tolerance not to exceed those specified in
CAN/CSA-S16. 2.3.2 Roof System
.1 Exterior sheet-roof: factory preformed
2.2.2 Provide holes for attachment of other work, steel sheet, minimum [___] mm base steel
as indicated. thickness,[zinc coated] [55% aluminum-
zinc alloy-coated], [prefinished]
2.2.3 Reinforce openings to maintain design [unpainted] from manufacturer’s standard
strength. profiles. Include closures, gaskets,
caulking, flashing and fasteners to effect
2.2.4 All structural steel shall be new un-used weathertight installation. Cut ends of
steel free of loose mill scale, rust, dirt, oil, sheet square and clean.
and other deleterious matter. .2 Accessories to roof cladding: brake
or bend to shape, of material and finish
2.2.5 All framing members shall be shop to match roof cladding or wall cladding
fabricated for bolted field assembly. Cutting, where applicable, comprising [cap
drilling, or welding in the field shall be flashings], [drip flashings], [coping and
minimized, and when required shall be closures for [corners], [fascia] and [soffit]].
clearly noted on the shop drawings. .3 Sub-purlins and clips: factory preformed
steel sheet minimum base steel thickness
2.2.6 All members and sections shall be closely [___] mm, [zinc coated] [55% aluminum-
fitted and finished true to line. zinc alloy-coated].
.4 Interior sheet-ceiling: factory preformed
2.3 COMPONENTS steel sheet, minimum ¬¬¬[___] mm base
steel thickness, [zinc coated] [55%
2.3.1 Wall System aluminum-zinc alloy-coated], prefinished
.1 Exterior sheet-wall: factory preformed of manufacturer’s standard profile
steel sheet, minimum [___] mm base steel [indicated], with interlocking side lap.
thickness, [zinc coated] [55% aluminum- Install sealant material in interlocking lap.
zinc alloy-coated], [prefinished] Cut ends of sheets square and clean.
[unpainted] from manufacturer’s standard
profiles. Include closures, gaskets,
caulking, flashing and fasteners to effect

652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 6 September 2017
.5 Diagonal web members: factory conform to the Occupational Health and
preformed steel sheet minimum [___] mm Safety Regulations and in no case shall
base steel thickness, [zinc coated], [55% have a safety factor less than 4.
aluminum-zinc alloy-coated] shop cut .5 All erection bolts shall be shipped with
and formed to profile [indicated] from the first delivery of steel in appropriate
manufacturer’s standard. containers.
.6 Gussets, lateral spacers: factory .6 One copy of the master shipping list shall
preformed steel sheet, minimum [___] be transmitted by the Contractor in a
mm base steel thickness, [zinc coated] waterproof package with each shipment
[55% aluminum-zinc alloy-coated] shop of steel. One copy shall be mailed to the
cut and formed to profile from field office the same day the steel leaves
manufacturer’s standard. the shop.

2.3.3 Gutters & Downspouts 3.1.2 Storage
.1 Form gutters and downspouts from At the site all units shall be stored off the
minimum [___] mm base steel thickness, ground on blocking or skids, with
material and finish to match wall cladding identification marks readily visible, so that
material to size and profile with outlets as materials are protected from damage,
indicated. Provide: deterioration, and corrosion.
i) Support straps and fastenings,
ii) Flute fillers and sealants, 3.2 ERECTION
iii) Leaf screens and dams for outlets.
iv) [Snow guards] 3.2.1 Do work in accordance with CSSBI 30M,
Standard for Steel Building Systems except
2.4 FINISHES where specified otherwise.

2.4.1 Clean, prepare surfaces and shop prime 3.2.2 Erect structural frame in accordance with
structural steel to CISC/CPMA 1-73a shop drawings and to CAN/CSA-S16.
[except where members are zinc coated or Erection tolerances not to exceed those
55% aluminum-zinc alloy coated or are to be specified in CSSBI 30M.
encased in concrete].
3.2.3 Structural bolts at connections subject to
2.4.2 Where pre-finished steel is specified, roof tension loads to be tightened by turn-of-nut
panels, wall panels, liner panels and method and bolts are to be marked to
accessories to be pre-finished as per CSSBI indicate completion of procedure
S8 specification using the [Perspectra series]
[10000 series] [___] paint system. 3.2.4 Contractor shall be responsible for the
stability of the structure during its erection.
Temporary bracing and guys shall be used
3. EXECUTION to maintain structural integrity and to keep
3.1 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING the structural members plumb and true
during erection.
3.1.1 Delivery and Handling
.1 Before delivery, mark building pieces 3.2.5 Prepare galvanized structural steel surfaces
clearly with substantial tags indicating for field welding by removing zinc before
the erection drawing number and other welding. After welding, chip away flux and
information required for identification. prime with [CGSB 1-GP-178-Ma]. Touch up
Mark long members at each end. All welded areas with a zinc rich primer or
products shall be suitably packaged and similar.
adequately braced for shipment.
.2 All items shall be protected and handled 3.2.6 Obtain written permission of [Engineer]
so that they will not be over-stressed, [Consultant] prior to field cutting or altering
bent, broken, deformed or otherwise of structural members.
damaged before and during delivery.
.3 Care shall be taken to avoid damage to 3.2.7 Touch up with shop primer [bolts], welds and
protective coating finishes. burned or scratched surfaces where
.4 All lifting devices and rigging shall exposed at completion of erection.

652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute 7 September 2017
3.2.8 Install wall cladding assemblies ensuring a 3.3.4 Prior to inspection & testing by the
completed installation. Inspection and Testing Company the
structural steel erection contractor will carry
3.2.9 Secure roof-cladding sheets to structural out an inspection of the work and make
[purlins] [beams]. Terminate sheet ends over the inspection results available to the
structural supports. Engineer/Architect and the Inspection
and Testing Company. The inspection
3.2.10 Install roof assemblies ensuring a completed report will identify the areas or work
installation. inspected, deficiencies identified and
measures taken to correct the deficiencies.
3.2.11 Install interior [ceiling] [and] [wall liner] panels
to ensure continuous [vapour] [air] [dust-
proof] barrier.
3.2.12 Install all necessary closures, gaskets,
caulking sealants and flashings.

3.2.13 Install insulation and vapour retarder to

maintain continuity of thermal and moisture
protection to building elements and spaces.

3.2.14 Fit insulation closely around and behind

electrical boxes, pipes, ducts, frames and
other objects in or passing through

3.2.15 Keep insulation away from hot surfaces,

chimneys and gas vents.

3.2.16 Do not compress insulation to fit into


3.2.17 For roof system, apply insulation in ceiling to

form continuous thermal barrier.


3.3.1 Inspection and testing of materials and

workmanship will be carried out by an
Inspection and Testing Company designated
by the [Engineer] [Architect].

3.3.2 The Inspection and Testing Company

will carry out vertical and horizontal
alignment checks inspection of bolt
installation, and inspection of representative
connection welds.

3.3.3 Contractor will pay costs of inspection and

testing from the cash allowance as specified
in Section 01021 – Allowances. Costs for
any re-inspections and/or re-testing as a
result of deficient work will be paid for by the

652 Bishop St. N., Unit 2A, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 4V6 · Telephone (519) 650-1285 · Fax (519) 650-8081 · www.cssbi.ca

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