Waterdeep City Encounters v1.2 PDF
Waterdeep City Encounters v1.2 PDF
Waterdeep City Encounters v1.2 PDF
Bring the City of Splendors to life with over a hundred short encounters
in this companion supplement for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.
Lead Design: Will Doyle
Design: Alan Patrick, Cindy Moore, Greg Marks,
James Introcaso, M.T. Black, Robert Adducci, Shawn
Merwin, Travis Woodall, Will Doyle
Development and Editing: Will Doyle
Layout and Graphic Design: Rich Lescouflair
Cover and Interior Art: Jason Juta William O'Connor,
Craig J. Spearing, Additional art provided by Wizards of
the Coast and used with permission
Cartography: Jared Blando
Special Thanks: Chris Lindsay, Wizards of the Coast,
and the DMs Guild Adepts
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is ©2018 and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Foreword Overview
’ve always been a bit of a city boy. My Waterdeep: City Encounters presents over a hundred
upbringing in London and Tokyo taught me short encounters to bring the City of Splendors to life
to appreciate urban life for its diversity and at your gaming table. The supplement comprises the
unpredictable edge. It’s no surprise that my first following sections:
Dungeons and Dragons campaigns took place in • Random City Encounters. Dozens of random
imaginary cities. encounters for every ward in the city.
Waterdeep represents everything I love about city life: • Location Encounters. An encounter for almost every
boundless opportunity, rich history, communal pride, location mentioned in the city guide of Waterdeep:
and the constant sense of danger just around the corner. Dragon Heist.
Chapter 9 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist paints a vivid • Appendix 1. Waterdeep Weather. Tables for
picture of this legendary metropolis, providing all the determining the weather in Waterdeep for all four
background you need to begin your own adventures in seasons.
the city. With Waterdeep: City Encounters, I hoped to • Appendix 2. Monster & NPC Statistics. Statistics
bring the city to life on your gaming table with over a for creatures listed in Volo’s Guide to Monsters or
hundred short encounters you can pull at any time as Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.
your group explores.
Waterdeep: City Encounters requires use of the D&D
For this endeavor, I recruited my own gang from the
fifth edition core rulebooks (Player’s Handbook, Dungeon
ranks of the Guild Adepts and let them loose on the wards
Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual). When a creature’s
of Waterdeep. I think you’ll like what they found.
name appears in bold type, that’s a reference to its stat
Will Doyle block in the Monster Manual. If the creature is listed in
September 2018 Volo’s Guide to Monsters or Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, its
stat block is reproduced with permission in appendix 2.
Part One: Random City Encounters
andom encounters can occur at any time Most encounters occur during business hours, which
while exploring the city. Such encounters run late in most wards. No tables are provided for the
add mystery, intrigue, and danger to dead of night, as the city sleeps during these hours and
exploration, reinforcing the impression that the streets are empty save for lamplighters and City
the characters are never truly alone, and Watch patrols. All encounters are reusable if rolled more
that urban life continues around them. than once.
Roll for random encounters as often as you like. Good This section also includes four randomized tables:
times to roll are when the characters move between Random Factions, Random Guilds, Random Goods,
locations, or each time they enter a new ward. The and Waterdeep Rumors. Use these as directed by the
encounters here are balanced for characters of levels 1-4, text, or as needed to add color and flavor to your own
but dangerous outliers do feature. Players be warned! adventures.
Fleeing Cutpurse Silandra (sun elf mage), Tala Furryfoot (lightfoot
A fleeing cutpurse (a spy) slips a stolen gem worth 50 gp halfling priest of Cyrrollalee), and Ruc Brokentusk
into a character’s pocket. Any character in the group with (half-orc berserker). Ruc is particularly grief-stricken
a passive Perception score of 11 or higher sees the thief and is looking for a fight. His friends try to stop him
plant the gem. from coming to blows with the characters but come
A few moments after the gem is planted, a patrol of four to his aid if combat ensues.
City Watch guards arrives on the scene. If the character Gang War
has the gem in hand, the guards spot it and approach
Violence is imminent. Two rival factions face off against
with cudgels bared! Convincing the guards of the
each other in the street, or one group prepares to ambush
character’s innocence requires surrendering the gem and
the other. Either way, things are about to get bloody!
a successful DC 13 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion)
Roll twice on the Random Factions table to determine
check. Otherwise, the character must surrender the gem
who's involved (reroll if the pairing seems unlikely).
and pay a fine of 50 gp to avoid hard punishment.
Most groups consist of 2d4 members: either acolytes,
If you roll this encounter again, the characters spot a
apprentice wizards (see appendix 2), bandits, bandit
different cutpurse dashing through the crowds, and no
captains, cultists, cult fanatics, druids, goblins, guards,
gem is planted.
kobolds, nobles, priests, scouts, spies, thugs, or
Funeral wererats as appropriate.
A funeral is taking place here. Roll a d3 to determine Ghost
what’s happening:
Rumors abound of the spirit of a young child wandering
1. The funeral is for a City Watch officer who was killed the City of the Dead. As the characters move through
while trying to arrest a drunken adventurer. 3d6 the cemetery, they encounter this spirit manifesting as
commoners, 3d6 guards, 1d6 veterans and one a ghost. Speaking an archaic form of Chondathan, the
priest are in attendance. Anyone who looks like an child is oblivious of being dead and the circumstances
adventurer is met with scorn and disgust. surrounding their death. The child cries for their mother
2. A group of gangsters pose as a funeral party to "Shafkii." The spirit is unable to leave the graveyard
exhume the grave of former comrade for the treasure and disappears an hour after appearing. No amount of
map and 100gp ring she was buried with. A master searching official records finds the name anywhere.
thief watches while 1d6 thugs dig. If you reroll this encounter, the characters encounter the
3. An adventuring company called the Sons of the same spirit again. If the spirit has been destroyed or laid
North commemorate their fallen comrade with a few to rest, the characters encounter a different ghost of your
bottles of wine. The remaining members of the group own choosing.
comprise: Sir Humphren Boldblade (human knight),
Shortly after Wents leaves, five guards from the City High Stakes Gamblers
Watch stop the characters and search them for the Two berserkers and a gladiator are playing a dangerous
candle. If they find it, they charge the characters with dice game. If a character shows interest, the gamblers
burglary unless the characters can prove that Wents is offer them a chair but warn that the stakes are high.
the real culprit. If you reroll this encounter, the characters Whomever scores lowest in each game must chop off
spot Wents again in the crowd. their own left hand, while the highest-scoring player gets
Haywire Experiment to keep the pot. The gladiator carries a potion of greater
healing to prevent the loser from bleeding to death.
An unforeseen accident causes the release of a dreadful
If a character joins the game but later decides not
creation from the House of Inspired Hands. The haywire
to play or refuses the punishment, the three gamblers
experiment rages through the streets, chased by 1d4
angrily decide to teach them a lesson. If you reroll this
acolytes! Roll a d4 to determine what it is
encounter, the characters encounter the same group, but
1. A helmed horror is intent on causing as much this time they’re all missing their hands and are playing
damage as possible. Its armor is white hot, having for their feet instead.
just emerged from the forges. Any creature that
strikes the helmed horror with a melee attack takes 3 Hue and Cry
(1d6) fire damage. The nearby citizens erupt into a "hue and cry": a
2. A shield guardian is marching in a straight line communal effort to hunt down a criminal by shouting,
towards a random location in the Trades Ward, banging drums, and searching together until the City
regardless of what stands in its way; people, carts, Watch arrives. If the characters join the mob, they can
houses, walls. One of the acolytes clutches its broken attempt a DC 12 group Intelligence (Investigation)
control amulet in its hands. check to locate the criminal. Use the "Wanted Criminal"
3. Four gargoyles swoop around the neighborhood, encounter to determine who their quarry is. If they locate
grabbing passersby and dropping them from height, the crook, 2d10 angry commoners accompany them into
cackling all the while. any confrontation.
4. A rug of smothering slithers between the Illegal Duel
storefronts, attempting to scoop up and carry as
Two nobles prepare to fight an illegal duel in the street.
many objects as possible. The rug mercilessly
Roll a d4 to determine the circumstances of their feud:
smothers any creature that gets in the way of its
work, from horses through pedestrians. 1. The nobles duel for the heart of a maiden they
both desire, who watches in horror from a nearby
Random Goods
d100 Goods d100 Goods
01-02 Armor or weapons 49-50 Jewelry
03-04 Backpacks or sacks 51-52 Leather goods
05-06 Baskets 53-56 Vegetables
07-08 Bricks 57-60 Fruit
09-10 Books 61-62 Dirty laundry
11-12 Cloth 63-64 Religious artefacts
13-16 Meat or salted fish 65-66 Perfume
17-18 Chests and crates 67-68 Water
19-20 Common clothes 69-70 Lye
21-22 Travelers clothes 71-72 Cloth
23-24 Fine clothes 73-74 Musical instruments
25-26 Cooking utensils 75-76 Pewter items
27-28 Baked goods 77-78 Rope
29-30 Bread 79-80 Saddles & Tack
31-32 Cheese 81-82 Rare silks
33-34 Glass or ceramics 83-86 Oats or grain
35-36 Herbs 87-88 Furniture
37-40 Ale or mead 89-90 Wine or spirits
41-42 Spices 91-94 Spell components
43-44 Tanned hides 95-96 Songbirds
45-46 Craft Tools 97-98 Livestock
47-48 Inks 99-00 Cloth
4. A nervous servant is scoping out adventurers to aid 2. A female halfling in leather armor juggles knives,
his master. He says that strange occurrences are daggers, and shortswords. A volunteer from the
happening in the family's crypt in the City of the audience tosses vegetables into the spinning mass,
Dead. If the characters investigate, they discover that which the juggler slices in half with her weapons.
the crypt is haunted by a specter. 3. An elf recites an epic poem about the construction
of Waterdeep. His audience consists mostly of older
Street Performer aged men and woman, who occasionally shout
The characters encounter a street performer. If the corrections to the poor orator.
characters join the crowd of onlookers, they have a 50% 4. A trio of minstrels play to a crowd that is clapping
chance of triggering the “Pickpocket” encounter. along and dancing.
Roll a d4 to determine the nature of the act:
1. A man dressed in brightly colored clothing spins
plates on a series of poles. His balance and skill
impress the small crowd gathered around him.
Castle Ward City of the Dead Sea Ward North Ward
1. Blackstaff Tower 11. Warrior's Monument 16 Field of Triumph 26. Holyhands House
2. Castle Waterdeep 12.Head of Headstones 17 House of Heroes 27. Hospice of St. Laupsenn
3. Font of Knowledge 13. Tombs of the Anagrammed Nobles 18. House of Wonder
4. Halls of Justice 19. Sculpture Garden Southern Ward
5. Mirt's Mansion 20. Tower of Luck 28. Helm's Hall
6. New Olamn's Academy Dock Ward 21. House of the Moon 29. Jade Dancer
7. Palace of Waterdeep 14. Aurora's Realms Shop 22. House of Inspired Hands
8. Spires of the Morning 23. Temple of Beauty Trades Ward
9. Temple of the Seldarine Field Ward 24. Shrines to Nature 30. House of Light
10. Yawning Portal Tavern 15 Endshift Tavern 25. Heroes' Garden 31. Court of the White Bull
22 Part One | Random City Encounters
Part Two: Location Encounters
he encounters below introduce Cassalanter family, believe that the orb is magical and
complications at specific locations within confers on its wielder a connection to the infernal magic
Waterdeep. Use them when your group of the underworlds.
visits one of the locations numbered on the While the orb is magical, it’s not what anyone thinks. If
Waterdeep: City Encounters map or passes the person attuned to the orb dies, it explodes in a flash
nearby while travelling through the city. of radiant energy, dealing 22 (4d10) radiant damage to all
creatures within 10 feet of the orb.
Castle Ward Locations 2. Castle Waterdeep
“You want bilge-water, go drink in the Dock Ward. We’ve
got class up here in the Castle.” This mighty fortress houses the garrison for the City
Guard and serves as an impenetrable redoubt for the
— Durnan, Proprietor of the Yawning Portal. citizenry to retreat to in times of war.
The characters arrive just as an execution is about
The Castle Ward is the governmental heart of Waterdeep, to take place. A small crowd has gathered before the
encompassing the city’s courts and municipal halls. Castle gallows, with only the criminal’s family (five commoners)
Waterdeep overlooks the ward from a rocky bluff at its and four City Watch (two guards and two veterans) in
southern end. attendance. The guilty party is Asteppa Northmoss, a
half-elf commoner, convicted of senselessly murdering
1. Blackstaff Tower two patrons at the tavern where she worked, in front of at
This tower is home to Blackstaff Academy, a school for least twenty witnesses.
mages run by the current Blackstaff, Vajra Safahr. As the characters pass the scene, a family member
When the characters arrive, two bandit captains named begs for their help, insisting that there must have been
Stowe and Barrell are questioning an apprentice wizard extenuating circumstances behind her murders. As the
(see appendix 2) named Rollina Metrel outside the tower’s noose is tightened around Asteppa’s neck, the ghost
entrance. The pair have been hired by the assassin Clevey inhabiting her body takes possession of one of the guards,
Sandster to distract Rollina while Clevey aims a crossbow who sets to slaughtering everyone in attendance!
at her from the corner of an adjacent ally 80 feet away. The ghost is the spirit of Agnes Trotter, a famous
Clevey has been hired to murder Rollina and retrieve Waterdhavian murderess who poisoned customers at her
from her body an orb that the apprentice uses as a spell bakery. Any character who sees the ghost in incorporeal
focus when performing magic. Clevey’s employers, the form can attempt a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check to
Appendix 1. Waterdeep Weather
The City of Splendors enjoys milder weather than the Spring
norm due to unusually warm ocean currents and shelter
from northern storms by Mount Waterdeep. Despite these d20 Weather Effects
advantages, strong westerly winds often beset the city, 1 Snow Cold, Heavy Snow, Windy
making it a damp and misty place. 2 Snow Cold, Light Snow
Spellcasting. The apprentice is a 1st-level spellcaster. Its Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit Skills Arcana +6, History +6
with spell attacks). It has the following wizard spells prepared:: Senses passive Perception 11
Languages any four languages
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, mending, prestidigitation
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
1st level (2 slots): burning hands, disguise self, shield
Lance. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit (with disadvantage
against targets within 5 ft.), reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 8
(1d12 + 2) piercing damage, or 11 (1d12 + 5) piercing damage
while mounted.
11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 13 (+1) 5 (-3) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
12 (+1) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
Armor Class 17 (leather armor) Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12) Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +5, Persuasion +6 Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +11
Senses passive Perception 10 Skills Arcana +4, Deception +7, Persuasion +7, Religion +4
Languages any one language (usually Common) Damage Resistances slashing from nonmagical attacks that
Challenge 3 (700 XP) aren't silvered
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Lightfooted. The swashbuckler can take the Dash or Disengage Languages any two languages (usually Abyssal or Infernal)
action as a bonus action on each of its turns. Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)