The Expanding Role(s) of Eosinophils in Health and Disease: Reviewarticle
The Expanding Role(s) of Eosinophils in Health and Disease: Reviewarticle
The Expanding Role(s) of Eosinophils in Health and Disease: Reviewarticle
Surprisingly, the role(s) of ing the role(s) of eosinophils in both that the collective reports in the
eosinophils in health and disease is health and disease demonstrates that literature showing a role for
often summarized by clinicians and the activities of these granulocytes are eosinophils in an everincreasing
basic research scientists as a far more expansive and complex than number of novel settings highlight
pervasive consensus opinion first previously appreciated. In turn, this
the true complexity and importance
learned in medical/graduate school. greater understanding has led to the
Eosinophils are rare white blood realization of this granulocyte. Indeed,
cells whose activities are primarily thateosinophilshavesignificantcontribut discussions of eosinophils are no
destructive and are only relevant in ory roles in a wide range of diseases. longer simple and more often than
parasitic infections and asthma. Furthermore, published studies even not now begin with the
However, is this consensus correct? implicate eosinophil-mediated activities question/statement “Did you know . .
This review argues that the wealth of in otherwise healthy persons. We .?”
available studies investigat- suggest (Blood. 2012;120(19):3882-3890)
Hematology and medical text-books (eg, Hematology: Basic effector functions and to note the novel roles these cells may
Principles and Practice, 5th edition) often portray eosinophils have in the maintenance of homeostasis.
with 3 basic features: (1) they are nonspecific destructive and
cytotoxic cells; (2) eosinophils are an omnipresent cellular
infiltrate of the asthmatic lung; and (3) eosinophils are a
necessary and ubiquitous host defense against helminthic Eosinophils: agents of local tissue/organ immune
parasite infections.1,2 Thus, although this physician-scientist view regulation
of eosinophils is beginning to change (eg, Wintrobe’s Clinical
Eosinophils contain a full complement of mediators necessary to
Hematology, 12th edition), the widely held clinical perception of
regulate specifically both innate and adaptive immune responses.
these granulocytes is that they are “bad,” except for parasite
Many excellent review articles4,5 describe in great detail immune
clearance in patients, and even then, their function is only that of
mediators released by eosinophils and will not be reviewed in-
an end-stage destructive cell. That is, they are part of an innate
depth here. In brief, eosinophils express Th2 cytokines (eg, IL-4,
host defense strategy that recruits these cells to sites of parasitic
IL-5, IL-9, IL-13, and IL-25), Th1 cytokines (IL-12 and IFN-),
infection or as part of the dysregulated immune responses in the
acute proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-, IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8),
asthmatic lung, where they mediate nonspecific destruction of all
immune inhibitory cytokines (eg, TGF- and IL-10), and express
things (pathogen and host tissue alike). Consequently, the
receptors for many of these cytokines as well. 6,7 In addition,
tissue/organ pathology induced by their recruitment is nothing
eosinophils express molecules that directly modify T-cell
more than collateral damage of a mission accomplished (ie, host
activities through Notch pathways8 as well as costimulatory
defense). We will show that this perspective is outdated and
molecules (eg, CD80/86) and MHC class II that allow
problematic with a virtual explosion of recent studies
eosinophils to function as antigen-presenting cells. 9 Innate
highlighting previously unknown and/or underappreciated
immune activities of eosinophils include expression of pattern
eosinophil effector functions that emphasize a changing view of
recognition receptors, such as Tolllike receptors 1-5, 7, and 9,
eosinophils in health and disease.
nucleotide oligomerization domains 1 and 2, Dectin-1, and
This confounding paradigm-shift begs the question: What are
receptor for advanced glycation end products, which recognize
these cells really doing? This review highlights studies that
pathogen-associated molecular patterns or dangerassociated
suggest diverse and novel eosinophil effector functions (Figure
molecular patterns.10,11 Eosinophil granule proteins are also
1). Many of these functions are contained within our recently
capable of binding pattern recognition receptors in an autocrine
suggested paradigm that we have described as the “LIAR
and paracrine manner to induce cellular activation. Moreover,
hypothesis,” suggesting that instead of destructive end-staged
eosinophils express a host of immune modulating chemokines
effector cells, eosinophils are actually important regulators of
and adhesion molecules,12 complement receptors,13 and lipids and
local immunity and remodeling/ repair. 3 This hypothesis predicts
their receptors.14 In several examples cited below, these
the widening scope of eosinophil effector functions and suggests
previously underappreciated immune regulatory capabilities of
contributory roles of these granulocytes in both health and
eosinophils are highlighted as of potentially significant
disease. Our goal in this review is simply to continue this
importance in both health and disease.
“conversation” and summarize many of these new eosinophil
Submitted May 31, 2012; accepted August 15, 2012. Prepublished online as Blood First Edition paper,August 30, 2012; DOI 10.1182/blood-2012-06-
© 2012 by The American Society of Hematology
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Eosinophils: tissue remodeling and repair neuropeptides,15 and cytokines such as IL-1 and IL-6.6,7
Furthermore, eosinophil release of secondary granule proteins,
Remodeling and repair are generally associated with permanent
eicosanoids, leukotrienes, reactive oxygen species, and cell-cell
structural and functional change from the original cellular and
signaling molecules have been hypothesized to contribute to
physiologic capacity of a cell, tissue, or organ. Thus, remodeling
remodeling events in both health (eg, bone metabolism 16) and
and repair includes, and is not limited to, extracellular matrix
various disease states. Manifestations of these activities in
breakdown and reformation, cellular transdifferentiation (eg,
disease states include increased fibrosis, vascular leakage,
transition of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts or Clara cells to goblet
angiogenesis, epithelial desquamation, epithelial metaplasia, and
cells in the respiratory epithelium), apoptosis/necrosis, cell
smooth muscle hypertrophy.17-19 As such, reports in the literature
proliferation, and altered cellular activation. These events are
have linked eosinophils with the remodeling events and
initiated by the release of growth factors, cytokines, chemokines,
structural changes occurring in prominent eosinophilassociated
enzymes, lipid mediators, and reactive oxygen species from the
conditions as well as more obscure (ie, not necessarily
tissue or infiltrating inflammatory cells. Eosinophils have been
eosinophil-associated) diseases.
demonstrated to express and release both mediators of epithelial-
mesenchymal transition, such as TGF-, basic fibroblast growth
factors, plateletderived growth factor, matrix metalloproteases,
vascular endothelial growth factors4,5,11 as well as other
repair/remodeling factors, such as nerve growth factors,
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eosinophil-deficient animals during allergen challenge resulted augment secondary immunization of plasma B cells enhancing
in recruitment of antigenpresenting myeloid DCs to those lymph their long-term antibody production.53 Eosinophil roles in bone
nodes and also in the subsequent Th2 polarized character of the marrow may also include remodeling events, such as bone
immune response. Significantly, these data demonstrated that regeneration through release of IL-4 and IL-6. 16 Currently, these
eosinophils polarize the T-cell response to Th2 by a unique investigations have been confined to a limited number of models
pathway; it appeared that eosinophils promoted the suppression of long-term humoral memory responses in mice and await
of Th1 and, in particular, Th17 responses. Although the further studies in patients. In addition, significant perturbations
mechanisms have not been defined, eosinophil-released in short-term humoral immune responses have not been reported
cytokines may be directly affecting T cell or DC responses in eosinophil-less strains of mice and again the relationship
through release of Th2 cytokines (eg, IL-4 and IL-25) or between eosinophils and plasma B cells in humans remains
suppressive mediators (eg, IL-10, indoleamine-2 3-dioxygenase unclear. However, if such a link were established in patients,
[IDO], and TGF-). In addition, other studies have demonstrated these observations would have potentially significant
that human eosinophils are capable of modulating DC migration implications for many diseases that result from abnormal
and activation.45 Thus, in mice, and possibly humans, eosinophils expression of antibodies by plasma B cells (eg, autoimmune
may contribute to the polarization of immune responses by diseases or multiple myeloma).
directly modulating T cells and/or indirectly by influencing DC-
Thymic development and T-cell selection
mediated activities.
It is interesting to speculate that the blockade of Eosinophils were first described to localize to the thymus in the
eosinophilmediated immune regulation may also provide an 1970s54 and since have been characterized as increasing to a
explanation for the efficacy of inhaled corticosteroids and anti– maximal level within 2 weeks of age in mice 55 and 2-3 years in
IL-5–based treatments in both human subjects with asthma (ie, humans.56 The presence of eosinophils within the
mepolizumab32,33 and benralizumab46) and mouse models of corticomedullary and medullary region have suggested that these
allergic respiratory inflammation.47,48 That is, in both species the cells may participate directly in the selection of T cells or may
eosinophil-targeting effects of these agents may not only prevent aid in the scavenging of dead cells that fail negative selection.
tissue damaging effector functions but also disrupt eosinophil- Throsby et al characterized these mouse-derived eosinophils as
mediated immune regulatory pathways. Clearly, further studies CD11cint, CD11bhi, CD44hi cells that express TGF-, IL-4, and IL-
are necessary in both asthma patients and mouse models to 13 and are capable of acute class 1-dependent negative selection
confirm the potential commonality of eosinophil activities in of T cells.55 In a recent study, Moqbel et al demonstrated in
allergic pulmonary diseases. surgically removed thymus of neonates and children that
eosinophils express IDO, IL-4, and IL-13; this expression was
Eosinophilic esophagitis also shown to decrease with age. 56 They suggest that the IDO-
Eosinophilic esophagitis is a significant cause of dysphagia and positive eosinophils contribute to the Th2 character of the
food impaction in adults and is also linked with vague symptoms developing thymus in normal humans by inducing apoptosis of
previously associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease in Th1 cells through depletion of tryptophan. An alternative
children.49 Predictably, eosinophilic esophagitis has been function of eosinophils in the thymus was demonstrated recently
mechanistically linked in both human subjects 50 and mouse by Kim et al that suggests eosinophils aid macrophages in the
models51 with eosinophil agonists, such as IL-5 and eotaxin phagocytosis of apoptotic thymocytes induced by -irradiation. 57
chemokines. Although the consensus in the literature is that Despite this circumstantial evidence linking eosinophils and the
eosinophils are omnipresent in this disease and likely to have thymus, it is interesting that pathologies that would be linked
one or more causative role(s), the importance of their presence or with T-cell selection in vivo (eg, systemic autoimmune disease)
individual activities has remained unresolved. have not been reported in eosinophil-less strains of mice. Thus,
the suggestion that eosinophils have a functional role in T-cell
selection in the thymus of both humans and mice remains a
provocative yet still unproven hypothesis.
Novel eosinophil roles in health
Metabolic syndrome: adipose, insulin, and inflammation
Eeosinophils and plasma cell survival
Metabolic syndrome is characterized by an increased risk of
Long-term memory in humoral immunity is acquired by the
atherosclerosis, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Defining the
survival and continued function of plasma B cells to generate
regulation of inflammatory pathways and metabolic signals is a
antibody against pathogens. A novel study by Chu et al
complex problem to undertake, yet individual findings in clinical
demonstrated a role for eosinophils in plasma B-cell survival in
studies58 and use of animal models59 have suggested a potential
the bone marrow.52 Specifically, these investigators found that by
role for eosinophils in maintaining metabolic homeostasis. In
immunizing eosinophil-deficient mice (PHIL or dblGATA1) or
particular, studies in mice have highlighted a role for
mice depleted of eosinophils by using anti-SiglecF antibodies
eosinophils59 in modulating adipocyte tissue macrophages, which
resulted in a reduced number of antigen-specific plasma B cells
are important in metabolic homeostasis. 60 Specifically, Wu et al
in the bone marrow of these mice. Eosinophils were
demonstrated that resident eosinophils in adipose tissue appear
demonstrated to reside near marrow plasma B cells and produce
to mediate macrophage differentiation to the M2 phenotype,
APRIL and IL-6, suggesting eosinophils were contributory to
increase M2 cell numbers in fat, and are required for glucose
plasma B-cell survival through these cytokines. Moreover, in a
homeostasis (ie, normal insulin sensitivity). 59 Furthermore, they
second paper, Chu et al demonstrated that eosinophils may
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Eosinophils are associated with terminal end buds of the Pulmonary hypertension
developing mammary gland and appear to be a required
component of terminal end budding and ductal branch Pulmonary hypertension is characterized by the restriction of
morphogenesis. Specifically, Gouon-Evans et al demonstrated arterial blood vessels within the lungs, leading to impaired
that macrophages are essential for the development of terminal oxygen exchange. Weng et al used a novel mouse model that is
end buds during development in mice and that eosinophil deficient in a cytokine secreted by adipose tissue, adiponectin, to
recruitment depends on the expression of eotaxin-1. 68 The show a unique connection between pulmonary hypertension and
importance of these eosinophilmediated remodeling events in the eosinophils.80 Specifically, airways allergen provocation of
mammary gland development were foreshadowed by our adiponectindeficient mice (adn /) that were also eosinophil-
observations of decreased litter size and weanling survival in IL- deficient resulted in attenuated pulmonary hypertension as well
5–deficient nursing dams.69 Alternatively, excessive numbers of as decreased remodeling of the lung vasculature. 80 More
eosinophils, such as in hypereosinophilic mice that express IL-5 importantly, they were also able to demonstrate directly that
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eosinophil granule products are able to induce arterial smooth ability of eosinophils to engage in remodeling/repair and to
muscle proliferation in vitro, suggesting eosinophils are essential modulate the immune microenvironment supports a suggested
for the vasculature remodeling that leads to pulmonary paradigm in which these granulocytes contribute to post-
hypertension. The hypothesis proposed is that eosinophils transplant organ homeostasis.
release angiogenic and vascular remodeling mediators, such as
vascular endothelial growth factor and TGF-, which increases IBD
extracellular matrix remodeling and vascular inflammation.
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such as Crohn disease and
Significantly, Puxeddu et al have also demonstrated that
ulcerative colitis, are characterized by significant inflammation
eosinophils have the capacity for endothelial remodeling. 81 The
and tissue remodeling in the small intestine and colon,
association of eosinophils and pulmonary hypertension thus far
respectively, resulting in diarrhea, constipation, and weight loss
is limited to mouse-based studies. Nonetheless, these studies are
in patients.90 Although eosinophils are found in the
suggestive that a similar association may represent and
gastrointestinal tract at baseline (stomach to rectum 91), their
underappreciated pathway occurring in human subjects.
numbers and their degranulation are dramatically increased in
IBD.92 Mouse models of IBD have also provided important
Acute lung injury
insights showing that eosinophils are potential contributors to the
Acute lung injury are related pulmonary conditions associated inflammation and remodeling that occur in these diseases. For
with significant lung histopathologic changes ultimately example, disease progression in spontaneous mutant mice that
resulting in an inability to exchange oxygen sufficiently, mimic IBD disease in humans (ie, SAMP mutations) are
increasing patient risk of mortality and morbidity. These diseases attenuated by depletion of eosinophils (administration of IL-5 93
are often idiopathic and linked with a multitude of factors, or chemokine receptor 394 antibody). It is once again noteworthy
including exposure to toxic chemicals, infection/sepsis, and that in these mouse models of IBD, depletion of eosinophils also
complications of other diseases. Although acute lung injury is resulted in a reduction in the number and activation of effector
generally not thought of as an eosinophilic disease, 82 Willetts et CD4 Th2 T cells in the draining lymph nodes and their ability to
al demonstrated that increased numbers of eosinophils are be activated on stimulation. 93 Similarly mice deficient in IL-5, 95
associated with survival of acute lung injury patients, suggesting EPX,95 and eosinophils96 are partially protected from chemical-
a potential diagnostic value of assessing for eosinophils and their induced models of colitis. We would suggest that the remarkably
associated activities in these patients. 83 complex immunity of the gut occurring as a consequence of the
bacterial burden of this compartment (and the necessary
Transplant rejection containment it requires of the host) may explain why uniquely
the gastrointestinal tract has a rather robust resident eosinophil
Transplant rejection (ie, GVHD) is an acute or chronic population. Interestingly, although the primary function of these
inflammatory/ remodeling phenomenon that ultimately results in eosinophils may be immunoregulative in character, recent
destruction of the transplanted cells/tissue and increased observations of unique antibacterial activities97,98 may be equally
mortality and morbidity. Significantly, intact and degranulated underappreciated effector functions of these gut-associated
eosinophils have been demonstrated to localize to rejected granulocytes.
human donor tissue in a variety of organs (eg, kidney 84 and
heart85). Currently, the role of eosinophils in these cases has Duchenne muscular dystrophy
primarily been limited to that of a marker for acute GVHD
without a thorough understanding of the role that eosinophils Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic mutation in
may play. Several possibilities exist, including that the dystrophin that leads to mechanical injury of the muscle tissue
eosinophil infiltrate is an inflammatory “consequence” of the over time followed by the infiltration of activated leukocytes.
complex immunobiology surrounding host responses to the The ensuing inflammation has been proposed to lead to tissue
transplant or that eosinophils are immune cells actively fibrosis and mechanical failure of the muscle often leading to
maintaining homeostatic transplant integrity. Alegre et al death as a consequence of cardiac failure. A key (yet largely
suggested multiple immune mechanisms of GVHD whereby unexplained) feature of Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the
eosinophils predominate as the mediators of Th2-induced eosinophil accumulation occurring in the injured muscle and its
rejection.86 For example, studies have demonstrated that in correlation with disease severity.99 Significantly, Wehling-
Th1/IL-17–deficient mouse models of organ transplant, 87 Henricks et al have demonstrated, using a mouse model of
eosinophil infiltration into the tissue was a predominant feature. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (ie, dmx/), that eosinophils appear
Moreover, the absence of IL-5 or eosinophils (antibody to contribute to the disease process through the deposition of
depletion) attenuated transplant rejection in MHCincompatible major basic protein, which resulted in both site-specific fibrosis
allograft transplant models.88,89 The novelty of these observations and induced changes in inflammatory immune responses leading
is again that eosinophils may promote and/or amplify Th2 to disease-specific muscle pathologies.100
immune responses associated with organ/tissue rejection. In
addition, depletion of eosinophils in mice (administration of Eosinophil-nerve interactions leading to twitch and itch
antibody to IL-5) that develop chronic GVHD after cardiac
transplant led to reduced collagen and elastin deposition, 88 Eosinophil-nerve interactions have been documented in the
suggesting a direct role for eosinophils in the fibrotic processes literature and represent a collection of studies that suggest an
(ie, remodeling/repair) linked with transplant rejection. Thus, the underlying importance as part of the potential
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the molecular and cellular processes underlying homeostasis. N.A.L.), American Heart Association (11SDG7510043; E.A.J.),
Thus, when asked about the roles of eosinophils in health and and Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
disease, it now seems appropriate to begin any discussion with
“Did you know . . .?”
Contribution: E.A.J., J.J.L., and N.A.L. conceived, developed,
and wrote the review; and R.A.H. provided essential clinical
The authors thank persons from within Lee Laboratories not insights and perspective.
listed as authors for invaluable contributions, including Dr Conflict-of-interest disclosure: The authors declare no
Sergei Ochkur, Dr Rachel Condjella, Alfred Doyle, and Dr competing financial interests.
Michael McGarry; friends within the community who for years Correspondence: James J. Lee, Mayo Clinic School of
have provided us with ideas and thoughtful reflection in our Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
quest of trying to understand all things eosinophil; Mayo Clinic Mayo Collaborative Research Building, Mayo Clinic Arizona,
Arizona medical graphic artist Marv Ruona and Joseph Esposito 13400 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85259; e-mail:
of Research Library Services for their tireless efforts; and the; and Nancy A. Lee, Mayo Clinic School of
Lee Laboratories administrative staff (Linda Mardel and Charlie Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Kern), without whom we could not function as an integrated Mayo Collaborative Research Building, Mayo Clinic Arizona,
group nor achieve the degree of success that we have 13400 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85259; e-mail:
This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health
(grants HL065228 and RR109709, J.J.L.; grant HL058723,
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