Fetomaternal Outcome in Pregnancy With Severe Thrombocytopenia

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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2012; 16: 1563-1566

Fetomaternal outcome in pregnancy

with severe thrombocytopenia

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and *Department of Pathology, Lady Hardinge

Medical College, New Delhi, India

Abstract. – OBJECTIVES: STo study the feto- that unforeseen fetomaternal complications can
maternal outcome in pregnancy with severe throm- be predicted and managed.
bocytopenia. There is a dearth of literature on the fetomater-
vational study involving 1150 pregnant women
nal outcome in pregnant women with severe
with term gestation in labour, who were thrombocytopenia especially from Indian sub-
screened for thrombocytopenia. Ninety-four sub- continent. This study has investigated the spec-
jects (8.17%) were found to have thrombocy- trum of causes of severe thrombocytopenia in In-
topenia i.e. platelet count < 1,50,/000/mm3, out of dian obstetrical population and its effect on feto-
which 47 subjects (group A) had platelet count maternal outcome.
of less than 50.000/mm3 Simultaneously, 47 term
pregnant women (group B) having a normal
platelet count i.e. > 1.5 lac/mm3 formed the con-
trol group. All the subjects were followed during Material and Methods
labour and postpartum period for any feto-ma-
ternal outcome. The Ethics Institutional Review Board ap-
RESULTS: Significant history of bleeding ten- proved the study.
dencies like prolonged bleeding from wound It was an observational work involving 1150
site, easy bruisability and menorrhagia (p =
0.023) was evident in the study population.
pregnant women with term gestation in labour,
Abruptio placentae and early onset pregnancy who were screened for thrombocytopenia with a
induced hypertension (PIH) in previous gesta- complete blood count and peripheral smear.
tions was more commonly found in the study Ninety-four subjects (8.17%) were found to have
population. Anemia and PIH were significantly thrombocytopenia i.e. platelet count <1,50,000/
more in group A. Incision site oozing during ce- mm3, out of which 47 subjects (group A) had
sarean section was significantly more in group platelet count of less than 50,000/mm3 on CBC
A. Moderate thrombocytopenia was more in
neonates of study group (p = 0.014), but without by coulter machine as well as on peripheral
any bleeding complications in neonates. smear were further followed for fetomaternal
CONCLUSIONS: Careful surveillance is re- outcome. Simultaneously, 47 term pregnant
quired in these high risk patients for earlier de- women (group B) having a normal platelet count
tection and treatment of complications so as to i.e. >1.5 lac/mm3 and in labour were selected to
decrease the fetomaternal morbidities. form the control group.
Key Words:
In both the groups detailed history and thor-
Thrombocytopenia, Anemia, Pregnancy. ough general physical, systemic and obstetrical
examination were performed. To find the plausi-
ble etiology, all subjects were investigated for
bleeding time, clotting time, clot retraction time,
Introduction HBsAg, VDRL, HIV, glucose challenge test, liv-
er function test, kidney function test, serum elec-
Thrombocytopenia complicates 7-8% of all trolytes, PT/PTTK, urine routine and microscopy
pregnancies, most of which is seen in the third and obstetrical ultrasound. Lupus anticoagulant
trimester of pregnancy. Maternal thrombocytope- antibody (LAC), anticardiolipin antibody (aCL)
nia is commonly diagnosed during routine prena- and antinuclear antibody (ANA) were also done
tal complete blood count. Obstetricians need to by ELISA method. All the subjects were fol-
rule out pathological causes of thrombocytopenia lowed during labour and postpartum period for 6
by judicious use of investigative modalities, so weeks and feto-maternal complications were as-

Corresponding Author: Pooja Dwivedi, MD; e-mail: pooja_d2111@yahoo.co.in 1563

P. Dwivedi, M. Puri, A. Nigam, K. Agarwal

certained. A repeat complete blood count was early onset PIH in previous pregnancies; but no
performed at 6 weeks to ascertain the evolution underlying cause of severe thrombocytopenia
of thrombocytopenia. At delivery, cord blood could be found in 21 (44.68%) subjects. Repeat
sample was collected to evaluate the effect of platelet count performed at 6 weeks postpartum,
maternal thrombocytopenia on fetal platelet revealed that thrombocytopenia had resolved in 28
count. All newborn babies were evaluated at birth subjects (59.6%). 17 women in group A were
and were observed up to first 7 days of life for found to have mild thrombocytopenia (36.1%) and
any bleeding complications. 2 women had moderate thrombocytopenia
(4.25%). On further analyzing, thrombocytopenia
Statistical Analysis resolved in 80% (4/5) patients who had anemia
The observations were tabulated on Microsoft and PIH both, 75% (9/12) of PIH patients, 75%
excel sheet and results were analyzed applying (6/8) patients of anemia, and 70% (7/10) patients
SPSS software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). p who were either LAC, aCL or ANA positive. It
value < 0.05 was considered significant. was observed that five out of six women with his-
tory of menorrhagia had persistent thrombocy-
topenia after 6 weeks.
Results Table III shows the maternal complications
observed in the current pregnancy. Incision site
The study and the control groups had compa- oozing was observed more in group A (p = 0.04).
rable age, gravidity and period of gestation In present study, 11 women with severe throm-
(Table I). In both the groups coincidently, 15 bocytopenia were transfused platelet concen-
(31.91%) were primigravidae. trates. The range of platelets in these women was
In group A, significant history of bleeding ten- 32,000/mm 3 to 44,000/mm 3. Out of these 11
dencies like prolonged bleeding from wound site, women, 4 patients had emergency caesarean, 5
easy bruisability etc was noted in 10.64% com- patients had PIH with abruptio placentae and rest
pared to none in group B (p = 0.023). Significant 2 had HELLP syndrome.
number of pregnant women in group A had histo- Parameters studied to observe the effect of ma-
ry of menorrhagia (12.77% vs. 0%, p = 0.012). ternal thrombocytopenia on fetal well-being in-
Eight women (17.02%) in group A gave history cluded birth weight, Apgar score, fetal bleeding
of ingestion of antiplatelet drugs in the recent complications and cord blood platelet count.
past out of which 2 had antiepileptic drugs, 2 There was no significant difference found in the
were on diuretics and remaining 4 were on co-tri- birth weight and Apgar score in the two groups.
moxazole for treatment of urinary tract infection. Although the fetal bleeding complications were
Ten patients in group A showed positive LAC, not seen in any of the newborns in either group,
aCL and ANA. One patient was positive for all but cord blood platelet counts were significantly
the three antibodies, 3 patients were positive for different with 8 neonates in group A having
ANA and 6 positive for aCL and LAC both. platelet count < 1 lac/mm3 as compared to only
Bleeding time, clotting time and CRT were nor- one neonate in the group B (p = 0.014). One of
mal in all patients. the mothers of these 8 neonates had anemia, PIH
Table II shows the association of various factors and positive immunological test, two mothers of
in the two groups. Anemia (p = 0.03) and pregnan- these neonates had anemia and PIH, two had PIH
cy induced hypertension (PIH) (p = 0.04) are only and rest three had no other risk factor.
found to be more in group A. Out of 47 subjects in On analyzing the data for the thrombocytope-
group A, 12 had PIH, 8 had anemia and 5 had both nia with obvious etiology and without etiology,
anemia and PIH. A statistically significant number fetomaternal outcome was not different in these
of women gave history of abruptio placentae and two groups.

Table I. Patient characteristics of group A and B.

Group A (N = 47) Group B (N = 47) p value

Age 24.48 ± 3.62 24.72 ± 3.65 0.75

Gravidity 2.15 ± 0.99 2.08 ± 0.88 1
Period of gestation 38.85 ± 1.47 38.57 ± 1.12 0.06

Fetomaternal outcome in pregnancy with severe thrombocytopenia

Table II. Association of various risk factors in study and control group.

Risk factors Study group N = 47 Control group N = 47 p value

Anaemia 13 (27.65%) 5 (10.64%) .03

PIH 20 (42.55%) 1 (2.13%) .04
IUGR 7 (14.9%) 9 (19.15%) 0.59
Oligohydramnios 1 (2.13%) 6 (12.77%) 0.06
APH 2 (4.25%) 2 (4.25%) 1
IUD in present pregnancy 1 (2.13%) 1 (2.13%) 0.32
Bad obstetrical history (history of recurrent 6 (12.77%) 2 (4.25%) 0.14
abortions, preterm deliveries and term IUD)
Past history of abruptio placentae 9 (19.15%) 2 (4.25%) .03
Past history of early onset PIH 6 (12.77%) 0 .01
Past history of IUGR 3 (6.38%) 5 (10.64%) .46
Past history of PPH 1 (2.13%) 0 .322
History of blood and component replacement 1 (2.13%) 2 (4.25%) .56

Discussion bleeding tendency. However, in the presence of

other bleeding diathesis, preexisting thrombocy-
The prevalence of thrombocytopenia in preg- topenia may worsen the condition. If surgical in-
nant women is approximately 10%1. There are tervention cannot be avoided, platelet transfusion
very few studies comparing the outcome of preg- before a cesarean delivery may be recommended
nancies with severe thrombocytopenia 2,3 and in severe maternal thrombocytopenia depending
moreover, the cut-off used for platelet count has upon the cause and clinical setting.
been < 1 lac/mm3. This is the largest study till The significant association found between
date comparing the fetomaternal outcome in se- presence of thrombocytopenia and bleeding ten-
vere maternal thrombocytopenia i.e. platelet dencies in this study indicates that a detailed his-
count less than 50,000/mm3 from the Indian sub- tory can serve as an important tool to suspect
continent. Thrombocytopenia was observed in thrombocytopenia or any bleeding disorder. In
8.17% of pregnancies and severe thrombocytope- another study on women with menorrhagia, 47%
nia in 4.08% in the present study. This frequency demonstrated haemostatic abnormalities like
of severe maternal thrombocytopenia in our in- thrombocytopenia, von Willebrand’s disease, and
vestigation is more than that reported in the liter- other coagulation factor deficiencies6.
ature (0.7% vs 1.1%)1,2. This may be due to high Various risk factors that could lead to throm-
prevalence of anaemia (65%-75%) in pregnancy bocytopenia in pregnancy were evaluated in both
in India secondary to high rates of nutritional de- study and control groups. A mix of the following
ficiencies prevalent in the Indian subcontinent4. risk factors namely, anaemia (27.65%), PIH
Platelet count decreases by an average of 10% (42.55%), past history of abruptio placentae
during the third trimester as a result of hemodilu- (19.15%) and past history of early onset PIH
tion or accelerated destruction leading to younger (12.77%), were found to be significantly associ-
and larger platelets which have increased number ated with presence of thrombocytopenia in the
of platelet granules that enhance platelet study population. No underlying cause was dis-
function 5. This gestational thrombocytopenia cernible in 44.68% of women with severe throm-
does not usually require treatment if there is no bocytopenia.

Table III. Maternal complications in current pregnancy.

Maternal complication Study group N = 47 Control group N = 47 p value

PPH 2 (4.2%) 0 .15

Episiotomy haematoma 0 0 0
Bleeding from episiotomy site 1 (2.1%) 1 (2.1%) 1.
Incision site ooze in caesarean section 4 (8.4%) 0 .04
Hemoperitoneum 0 0 0

P. Dwivedi, M. Puri, A. Nigam, K. Agarwal

PIH (42.55%) was the most common risk fac- was present significantly more in the group A
tor associated with thrombocytopenia in this when the patient has been taken for cesarean sec-
study which was inclusive of 1 case of eclampsia tion and statistically significant number of the
and 2 cases of HELLP syndrome. Cause of neonates had platelet count less than 1 lac/mm3
thrombocytopenia in PIH is platelet surface acti- (p = 0.014) but without any bleeding complica-
vation and aggravated platelet destruction7. tion in neonates. Careful surveillance is required
Severe thrombocytopenia was not associated in these high risk patients in order to ensure early
with any maternal complication except for inci- detection and treatment of the complications; so
sion site oozing. Similarly, no complications as to decrease the fetomaternal morbidities.
were observed in neonates, and the birth weight
and Apgar score were also comparable in the two
groups. However, statistically significant number References
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