PHD Strategy Lille
PHD Strategy Lille
PHD Strategy Lille
A few figures
> 6,245 students
(largest French Business School)
> 138 permanent professors (2nd largest
Vision - Ambition
number in French business schools)
> 55-million-euro budget (3rd biggest for
French business schools)
> 20,000 graduates throughout the world
The company environment Sustainable development is now at the tomorrow’s economy is on the march; this
heart of company strategy along with is because nothing can replace the direct
has changed radically giving other societal expectations. Companies experience of an internship in another
rise to new expectations, and must manage risk and social and environ- country. We think that this is the best pos-
mental responsibility. This means exploi- sible way to learn how to be truly interna-
needs decision makers with a ting their possibilities whilst managing tional.
different profile. This is the their negative effects. Since September 2009 students have had
world of the knowledge eco- access to five campuses in France (Sophia
Our students will benefit from learning in Antipolis, Lille and Paris), China (Suzhou),
nomy. a school where developments in the and Morocco (Casablanca). In 2010, a new
knowledge economy are central to the campus in the United States will enlarge
Twenty-first century companies will need research carried out by faculty. SKEMA’s our students’ choice of destination
to be responsible, intelligent, adaptable programmes reflect our vision of tomor- abroad.
and innovative. This is the challenge of row’s world, a world whose opportunities
the knowledge economy where man is are yours. Educating tomorrow’s deci-
back at the centre of things.
sion makers through a flexi-
Multicultural leaders prepared
This new economy means: ble system offering real
> reinforced globalisation for a world with shifting cen-
choice to learners.
> a need for continuous innovation and tres of gravity, where cultures
a growing share of non-material elements,
like brands, services and information,
mix and diversify. > Producing ethical decision makers
which will make the difference between who are aware of their responsibilities
winning and losing in business We live in a global economy where the and whose actions make a difference.
> a greater need for education and trai- economic and political centres of gravity > Being part of SKEMA does not mean
ning to provide companies with human have shifted. We must now take account only learning the basics of good
resources capable of innovating and of the total reorganisation of the world management. It also means learning
managing to keep ahead of new chal- economy which is being played out before about corporate social responsibility and
lenges. our eyes today. The future of education sustainable development.
lies in breaking down barriers and mixing > Decision makers in line with new
This is why knowledge management and between cultures. Future leaders must be management practices who have learned
information systems are two essential able to network; they must be mobile and through new pedagogical practices.
components of the knowledge economy – able to work with many different cultures. SKEMA also means expertise for the
without them, companies cannot remain They must know how to negotiate with future: innovative project management,
competitive. each nationality on his or her home terri- information management, knowledge
tory, adapting to each new experience and management and the management of
If companies want to activate these fac- learning to adapt to the next. client relations, management in
tors of competitiveness, they must also a globalized system, mergers and
master the management of human We will continue to develop our interna- acquisitions, risk management...
resources, innovation and the immate- tional exchanges with partner universi-
rial... and they must not neglect their ties, but we also wish to develop our own
impact on the environment. campuses across the globe wherever
• Research skills development: understanding of research methodology and techniques
• In-depth knowledge of project management perspecives
• Developement of managerial and entrepreneurial competencies
• Developement of practical skills
• Links with professional bodies and research networks at national and international level
• Preparation for the main professional project management certifications
• Based on the best of international knowledge and practices
• All courses are in English
• Partnership with foreign universities
• Accredited by the main international project management organisations
• Applicants should have a 5-year University degree (Master’s or Bachelor’s degree with honours or second-
class honours (division 1 or equivalent).
• 5-year University degree and significant professional experience for professionals
• Applicants should have the ability to understand and write in English
PhD programme: 45 000 € / 24 000 € (subject to scholarship)
Application fees: 120 €
In case of non-award of the diploma by the date set by the Degree Jury, it can be proposed the student
re- enrol to the programme, and redo/retake some courses. Cost / course (5 ECTS): 500 euros
Financial support for participants
• A number of post graduate scholarship awards are made to the most highly qualified candidates.
•The work-and-study format of the postgraduate programmes enables participants to work and study at the
same time.
> 5 Presentation
The doctorate studies last a minimum of 36 months or 6 semesters (180 ECTS). However, as
most of the students are working professional, thus they are expected to complete their thesis
in eight to twelve semesters.
Research Competence Development Programme
• Epistemology (EPIS)
• Quantitative Research Methodology (RM Quant)
• Research Techniques (RT1)
• Research Techniques (RT2)
• Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods (RM Qual)
• Thesis Management (WRP)
• Mentoring Workshops for the PhD Programme during the year.
On an ongoing basis we hold four a year, one in each of North America,
China, the Gulf Countries and France.
• Thesis (lecture & workshops)
The final assessment for the degree is based on submission of a thesis.
The thesis is examined by three examiners of which at least two are external to the University
and are experts in the area of research addressed in the thesis.
Structure 6 <
1. The “Research Skills development / propedeutic” phase enabling participants to develop research
abilities and in-depth knowledge of project management perspectives. Research supporting courses, and
advanced project/programme/portfolio management (PPPM) courses are thus proposed on ad-hoc basis.
The advanced PPPM courses are based on the primary international standards.
2. In order to move to the second phase (deployment of their research) participants are required to
develop and defend a full research proposal at the end of the first phase. During the second phase, PhD
Students are expected to write a working paper before their viva. And they should have a paper accepted
at a refereed research conference.
SKEMA Executive
> Executive Education including open programmes,
customised programmes and diploma courses