Fatigue Analysis of Jacket Support Structure For Offshore Wind Turbines

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Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering NUCE 2019.

13 (1): 46–59



Nguyen Van Vuonga,∗, Mai Hong Quana

Faculty of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, National University of Civil Engineering,
55 Giai Phong road, Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi, Vietnam
Article history:
Received 01 October 2018, Revised 19 November 2018, Accepted 31 January 2019

In the past few decades and up to now, the fossil energy has exerted tremendous impacts on human environ-
ments and gives rise to greenhouse effects while the wind power, especially in offshore region, is an attractive
renewable energy resource. For offshore fixed wind turbine, stronger foundation like jacket structure has a good
applicability for deeper water depth. Once water depth increases, dynamic responses of offshore wind turbine
(OWT) support structures become an important issue. The primary factor will be the total height of support
structure increases when wind turbine is installed at offshore locations with deeper water depth, in other words
the fatigue life of each components of support structure decrease. The other one will experience more wind
forces due to its large blades, apart from wave, current forces, when makes a comparison with offshore oil and
gas platforms. Summing up two above reasons, fatigue analysis, in this research, is a crucial aspect for design of
offshore wind turbine structures which are subjected to time series wind, wave loads and carried out by aiding
of SACS software for model simulation (P-M rules and S-N curves) and Matlab code. Results show that the
fatigue life of OWT is decreased accordingly by increasing the wind speed acting on the blades, especially with
the simultaneous interaction between wind and wind-induced wave. Hence, this should be considered in wind
turbine design.
Keywords: offshore wind turbine; Jacket structure; fatigue analysis; P-M rules; S-N curves.
https://doi.org/10.31814/stce.nuce2019-13(1)-05 c 2019 National University of Civil Engineering

1. Introduction

Wind energy has been utilized for mankind in terms of electricity production for thousands of
years [1]. Wind energy onshore nowadays is a mature industry responsible for meeting a part of the
energy needs in countries around the globe. In the recent few decades, offshore fixed wind turbines
have been all installed in shallow water depth off the coast of Europe (< 30 m) [2], with the typical
gravity-based supports of Mono-pile and Tripod structures. However, there is strong demand that the
application of offshore fixed wind turbine could be extended to deep water where winds are stronger
and steadier than on land [3]. Once water depth increases, dynamic responses of offshore wind turbine
support structures become an important issue. Although there is a potential for more wind turbines to
be erected in offshore locations in order to achieve a greater wind energy harvest, the access to turbines
for maintenance will be restricted. Besides, the fatigue analysis of offshore oil and gas platforms have
been studied in a comprehensive way for ages, but for wind turbine in general and offshore wind
turbine in particular, this issue is still a new field and a restriction to scientists. Thus, the objective of

Corresponding author. E-mail address: vuongnv@nuce.edu.vn (Vuong, N. V.)

Vuong, N. V., Quan, M. H. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering

the article is to analyze fatigue life of components of wind turbine support structure and eventually
predict the expected lifetime of OWT.
xtended to deep water where winds are stronger and
The paper is carried out by applying the fatigue knowledge for the offshore wind turbine, any
water depth increases, dynamic responses of offshore
computing details
become an important are conducted
issue. Although by is
there MATLAB
a potentialcode program and SACS software. Applications of the
ected in offshore locations in order to achieve a greater structure are illustrated in the following sections
method to offshore wind turbine with Jacket support
to turbinesandforending up with conclusions
maintenance and highlights
will be restricted. Besides, for future research.
ore oil and gas platforms have been studied in a
t for wind 2.
Load in general
effects and offshore
analysis of offshorewind
a new field and a restriction to scientists. Thus, the
yze fatigue2.1.
lifeWind load
of components of wind turbine support
he expected lifetime of OWT.
a. Wind profiles and turbulence
applying the fatigue
The wind knowledge for the offshore
velocity measured wind
in the field shows variations in space, time and direction and is
are conducted by MATLAB code program and SACS
composed by two parts: a mean (or slowly variable) and a stochastic part (turbulence) as showing in
method to offshore wind turbine with Jacket support
Fig. 1. The
ollowing sections andtotal wind up
ending velocity
with in any points of
conclusions and structure is the sum of the average wind velocity and
turbulent wind velocity [4]:
{V (z, t)} = {v̄ (z)} + {v (t)} (1)
hore wind turbine
where v̄ (z) is average wind velocity; v(t) is turbulent wind velocity.
The geometric parameters in Fig. 2 conclude: the water mean depth (h), the hub height above
the mean water level (H) and the blades length (or rotor radius) (R). Accepting approximately the
ed in the field shows variations in space, time and
wo parts: adynamic
mean (or component of the wind
slowly variable) according
and to the Weibull distribution law. Weibull probability dis-
a stochastic
tribution (the so-called probability distribution
Fig. 1. The total wind velocity in any points of structure Rosin-Rammler) is a common form used to describe
elocity andthe occurrence
turbulent wind of velocity
extreme quantities
[4]: in meteorology, hydrology and weather forecasts such as floods,
waves and winds. In this paper, the Weibull probability distribution is used to calculate the cumulative
)} = {v + {v(𝑡)} of wind
̅ (z)}frequencies wherevelocity
U is in any velocity;
wind directions.k (1)
is the shape parameter; U is the rate parameter. The

wind distribution curve of Weibull function with different wind speed as shown in Fig. 2.
elocity. c) Correlation between
Figure significant wave height, period and
pth (h), wind speed
n water Wind blowing time tx,u is in
or rotor accordance to wind fetch X, and
e wind
wind velocity u [5], the time to a
ribution state of fully developed sea:
ribution t x,u = 77.23 0.34 0.33 (3)
𝑢 g
n form Significant wave height in
Figure 1. Wind, accordance
wave and current actions
with windconfiguration
velocity u:[14] Figure 2. Distribution curve of wind speed
Figure 1. Wind, wave and current actions Figure
2. Distribution curve of wind speed
ogy, hydrology and weather forecasts such as floods, 𝑢∗
configuration [5]
the Weibull probability distribution is used to calculate Hz = Ho (4)
nd velocity in any directions. g
b. Cumulative
ribution function where according
of windfrequency
velocity distributionto function
Weibull of wind velocity according to Weibull
𝑈 𝑘
= 1 − exp [− ( ) ] H o = λ
(2) 1 𝑥 ; 𝑥 = !k 
 U 𝑢2
𝑈o P (u) = 1 − exp − ∗ (2) (5)
U0 
1 rate parameter. The distribution curve
where U is wind velocity; k is the shape parameter; U0 is the
λ1 = 0.0413;
2 m1 = ; 𝑢 = √Cd u10
2 2.∗
of Weibull function with different wind speed as shown in Fig.
Zero-crossing average period Tz47
in accordance with wind velocity u:
Tz = To
g (6)

Vuong, N. V., Quan, M. H. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering

c. Correlation between significant wave height, period and wind speed

Wind blowing time t x,u is in accordance to wind fetch X, and wind velocity u [6], the time to a
state of fully developed sea:
X 0.67
t x,u = 77.23 0.34 0.33 (3)
u g
Significant wave height in accordance with wind velocity u:

Hz = H0 (4)
H0 = λ1 xm1 ; x= (5)
2 u2∗ 4
Ag g
Sηη (𝑓) = exp
1 (−B ( p ) ) (8)
λ1 = 0.0413; m𝑓15= ; u∗ = 𝑓UCd u10
𝐻𝑠 2 3 u:
𝑈 4
Zero-crossing average period T z in accordance with wind
A = 4𝜋 ( 2 ) ; B = 16𝜋 ( velocity ) (9)
𝑔𝑇𝑧 𝑔𝑇𝑧
where U is wind speed at the u∗
T z height
= T 0 of 19.5m above sea level; A, B are constants, (6)
and P-M spectra with wind speed U19.5 =g15m/s is shown in Fig.5.
c) JONSWAP Spectra
ag 2 5 ω −4 (ω − ωm )2
Sηη (𝑓) = exp T 0 = λ(2 xm2) ) γ exp (−
(− ) (7) (10)
(2π)4 𝑓 5 4 ωm 2σ2 ωm
λ1 = 𝑋0.751;
−0.22 m2 = 16.04
a = 0.046 ( 2 ) ; ωm = 3 (11)
𝑈10 (XU10 )0.38
2.2. Wind-induced
X isload
fetch; U10 is wind speed at the height of 10m above sea level; γ = 0.3; σ =
a. Sea-state0.08.
For the by
Waves are generated purpose of primarily
wind blowing over the
analyzing fatigue of offshore
surface of the sea and are the major source of load-
ing for moststructures, P-M spectra
offshore structures. is posi-
At any fixed an
appropriate model in the study that
tion in the open sea, the level of the water surface
deals with the state of sea with
varies randomly due to the passing waves and may
maximum wind speed (generating
be modeled as a steadily stochastic process, stan-
waves under the infinite wind
dard distribution, Ergodic nature [8]. The wave
fetch). The most glaring difference
height H of single wave is normally defined as
between JONSWAP and P-M
the total range of η(t) in the time interval T 0 be- Figure 3. Description of single wave [15]
spectrum with the same wind speed Figure 3. Description of single wave [7]
tween two consecutive zero up-crossing by η(t),
can be seen in Fig. 4.
see Fig. 3.
Recent research has led to a number of semi-empirical expressions for the form of the spectra
S ηη (ω) of water surface elevation η(t), (generally called wave spectra). Two commonly used spectra
are the Pierson-Moskowitz (P-M) [9] and the JONSWAP [10].
b. Pierson-Moskowitz Spectra (P-M Spectra)
 !4 
Ag2 g
S ηη ( f ) = 5 exp −B
 
 (8)
f fU 


Figure 4. Pierson-Moskowitz and JONSWAP spectrum Figure 5. P-M spectrum, wind speed u19.5=15m/s
For the purpose of primarily
analyzing fatigue of offshore
structures, P-M spectra is an
appropriate model in the study that
Vuong, N. V., Quan, M. H. / Journal of Science and Technology
deals with thein Civil
of sea with
maximum wind speed (generating
!2 waves 3 under
!4 the infinite wind
A = 4π = 16π The most glaring difference
; Bfetch). (9)
gT z2 gT z
between JONSWAP and P-M
Figure U is wind speed
3. Description at thewave
of single height
[15]of 19.5 m above sea level; A, B are constants, and P-M spectra Figure 3
spectrum with the same wind speed
with wind speed U19.5 = 15 m/s is shown in Fig. 4.
can be seen in Fig. 4.

ectrum Figure 5. P-M spectrum, wind speed u19.5=15m/s Figure 4. Pierson-Moskowitz and JONSWAP spectrum Figure
Figure 4. Pierson-Moskowitz and JONSWAP Figure 5. P-M spectrum, wind speed u19.5 = 15 m/s
spectrum 3. Stochastic dynamics of wind turbine in freq
d turbine in frequency domain
he stochastic dynamic problem 3.1 The fundamental equation of the stochastic dyn
c. JONSWAP Spectra Differential equation that describes stochastic
ibes stochastic oscillation of the offshore fix-
structure system is as 2following:
 5 ω −4 
 ! 
ag2 (ω − ωm )
+ KU = F(𝑡) S ηη ( f ) = −
exp (12)  γ exp − MÜ + CU̇ + (10)
KU = F(𝑡)
4 ωm
 
4 5
(2π) f 2σ ωm 2
 
 X −0.22  16.04
a = 0.046  2 4; ωm = (11)
U10 (XU10 )0.38
where X is fetch; U10 is wind speed at the height of 10 m above sea level; γ = 0.3; σ = 0.08.
For the purpose of primarily analyzing fatigue of offshore structures, P-M spectra is an appropriate
model in the study that deals with the state of sea with maximum wind speed (generating waves under
the infinite wind fetch). The most glaring difference between JONSWAP and P-M spectrum with the
same wind speed can be seen in Fig. 5.

3. Stochastic dynamics of wind turbine in frequency domain

3.1. The fundamental equation of the stochastic dynamic problem

Differential equation that describes stochastic oscillation of the offshore fix-structure system is as
M Ü + C U̇ + KU = F (t) (12)

Vuong, N. V., Quan, M. H. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering

where RFF (τ) is correlation function (self-correlation) of the steadily stochastic process (SSP) F(t),
performs Fourier integral transformation (complex form) to RFF (τ):
RFF (τ) = S FF (ω) eiωt dω (13)

where S FF (ω) - Spectral density function of SSP F(t), is the Fourier map of the correlation function
RFF (τ):
S FF (ω) = JRFF (τ) = RFF (τ) eiωt dω (14)

wherepairs Eqs.(τ)
RFF (13)isand (14) is called
correlation formula(self-correlation)
function Khinchin – Weinerr of
SSP), which
play a pivotal role in the method of solving stochastic dynamical problems. Linking to to
Eq.R(14), allows
process (SSP) F(t), performs Furier integral transformation (complex form) FF (τ):
to transform problem to be considered for ∞ time-varied correlation function t, to one for frequency-
ω.  Fig. 𝑖𝜔𝑡 forms of this transform.
𝑅𝐹𝐹 (𝜏)
varied density spectral function = ∫ 𝑆𝐹𝐹 (𝜔) 𝑒
6 describes  𝑑𝜔
typical (13)
3.2. System response in frequency domain
where SFF(ω) - Spectral density function of
F(t),applying Khinchin
is the Fourier map – Weiner formula
of the correlation
pairs for stochastic
function RFF (τ): process u(t) [11], [noticing that
the input F(t) is SSP, also for ∞
1 output U(t) is SSP],
𝑆𝐹𝐹 (𝜔)   =  𝐽𝑅𝐹𝐹 (𝜏)   =   ∫−∞ 𝑅𝐹𝐹 (𝜏) 𝑒 𝑖𝜔𝑡  𝑑𝜔
we have: 2𝜋
Formula (τ) = Eqs.
Ruupairs S uu(13)
(ω) eand
iωτ (14) is called
dω (15)
formula Khinchin−∞– Weinerr (only applicable
to SSP), which play Z∞
a pivotal role in the
method of solving 1 stochastic dynamical
S uu (ω) = Ruu (ω) e−iωτ dω (16)
problems. Linking 2π to Eq. (14), allows to
transform problem −∞ to be considered for time-
Applying correlation theory
varied correlation function (or spectral
t, totheory)
one –for
with any theories of SSP into the Eq. (16),
frequency-varied density spectral function ω. obtain-
ing important results:
Fig. 6 describes typical forms of this transform.
S uu (ω) = |H (iω)|2 S FF (ω) (17)
In other words: The output spectral density Figure 6. Description of spectral method
3.2 response) is equal to
System response in the input onedomain
frequency (load) Figure 6. Description of spectral method
multiplied by the square of the transfer function
Also applying Khinchin – Weiner formula pairs for stochastic process u(t) [9],
module (Fig. 8).
[noticing that the input F(t) is SSP, also
From Eq. (17) determine the average ∞
for output U(t) is SSP], we have:
square (so-called variance) of the response:
Z∞ 𝑖𝜔𝜏  𝑑𝜔
𝑅𝑢𝑢 (𝜏)Z ∞=   ∫ 𝑆𝑢𝑢 (𝜔) 𝑒 (15)
σ2u = (ω)∞dω =
S uu −∞ |H (iω)|2 S FF (ω) dω (18)
1 −𝑖𝜔𝜏
𝑆𝑢𝑢 (𝜔)   =0    ∫ 𝑅 (𝜔) 𝑒0  𝑑𝜔 (16)
2𝜋 −∞ 𝑢𝑢
where H(iω) - transfer function (complex form) also known as “frequency characteristics” of the
Applying correlation theory (or spectral theory) – with any theories of SSP into the
system, receiving this equation:
Eq. (16), obtaining important results:
2 1
𝑆𝑢𝑢 (𝜔)  H=(iω) =
  |𝐻(𝑖𝜔)|  𝑆𝐹𝐹2(𝜔) (17)
+ iCω

K − Mω
In other words: The output spectral density (system response) is equal to the input
one (load) multiplied by the square of the transfer function module (Fig. 8)
From Eq. (17) determine the average square (so-called variance) of the response:
∞ ∞
𝜎𝑢2 = ∫ 𝑆𝑢𝑢 (𝜔) 𝑑𝜔 = ∫ |𝐻(𝑖𝜔)|2  𝑆𝐹𝐹 (𝜔) 𝑑𝜔 (18)
A spectrum can be used to recreate a time signal. By assuming that the phase
is distributed randomly, harmonic waves can be recreated based on the power spec
density at each separate frequency, combined with a randomly picked phase angle
time series created in this way is never the exact copy of the time series but the spe
Vuong, N. V., Quan, M. H. / parameters are theandsame,
Journal of Science provided
Technology that Engineering
in Civil the signal is long enough. Fig. 7 show
inverse conversion from frequency to time domain as well as the normal transform
4. Fatigue analysis from time to frequency domain. For both transformations standard algorithm
available, the most commonly used is the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and its In
4.1. Fourier transformation
one (IFFT) [10].
A spectrum can be used to recreate a time
signal. By assuming that the phase angle is dis-
tributed randomly, harmonic waves can be recre-
ated based on the power spectrum density at each
separate frequency, combined with a randomly
picked phase angle. The time series created in this
way is never the exact copy of the time series but
the spectral parameters are the same, provided that
Figure 7. Transformation from time series to frequency domain and vice versa
the signal is long enough. Fig. 7 shows the in-
A time signal canFigure
be also7. used
to recreate afrom time series
spectrum, to spectrum de
the power
verse conversion from frequency to time domain frequency domain and vice versa
per frequency defined as:
as well as the normal transformation from time to 1 2 1
frequency domain. For both transformations standard algorithms (𝑆𝑛 /Δf) = {(𝐴2𝑞 +B
are available, the𝑞2 )𝑇}
most commonly
2 2
used is the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)as aand its Inverse
function one (IFFT)
of frequency, where[12].
the Fourier coefficients Aq and Bq defined by:
2 𝑇
A time signal can be also used to recreate a spectrum, the power spectrum density 2 𝑇 per frequency
𝐴𝑞 = ∫ 𝑧(𝑡)cos(2πf𝑞 𝑡)dt and 𝐵𝑞 = ∫ 𝑧(𝑡)sin(2πf𝑞 𝑡)dt
defined as:
1  2 When  1𝑇 n0  o 𝑇 0
S n /∆ f =the power
A2q + spectral
B2q T density is plotted as a function (20) of frequency, we
2 obtain a power 2 density spectrum.
as a function of frequency, where the Fourier coefficients
4.2 Fatigue Aq in
analysis and defined by:
Fatigue is the process of gradual damage done to materials (mainly is steel mat
ZT when T
 these are subjected2toZcontinually changing
 stresses. Due to these stress cha
Aq = z (t) cos 2π fq t dt and Bq =
the material slowly deteriorates,
z (t) sin 2π fq t dtwhich will eventually
initiating cracks (21) lead to brea
T of the material. OffshoreTwind turbines are by default subjected to loads varying in
0 0
from wind as well as waves. This means that the stress response will also
When the power spectral density iscontinuously,
plotted as making offshore
a function wind turbine’s
of frequency, weresponse to fatigue.
will obtain a power
density spectrum. The fatigue calculation method for variable stress ranges in the time domain c
summarized by the flowchart in Fig. 8. Calculation of the stresses experienced b
4.2. Fatigue analysis in time series detail being considered under all possible load cases during the lifetime will resul
Fatigue is the process of gradual damage done to materials (mainly is steel material) when these
are subjected to continually changing stresses. Due to these stress changes, the material slowly deteri-
orates, initiating cracks which will eventually lead to breaking of the material. Offshore wind turbines
arelarge number
by default of stress
subjected to time
loadsseries. Byinfiltering
varying time fromthewind
number of stress
as well variations
as waves. for every
This means that the
stress range class, the Miner sum can be calculated to check whether D
stress response will also vary continuously, making offshore wind turbine’s response
fat < 1.0.
to fatigue.

Flowchart of fatiguecalculation
of fatigue calculation [13]
Fatigue curve linked between the number of stresses S and the number of stress
The fatigue
cycles calculation
N is revealed method for variable stress ranges in the time domain can be summarized
as following:
by the flowchart in Fig. 8. Calculation of the stresses experienced by the detail being considered
−m will result in a large number of stress time series.
N the
under all possible load cases during = KS , S>0
lifetime (22) By
where K and m are random variables due to inherent physical and statistical
uncertainty. The value of K can depend on the mean stress Sa in the stress cycles. Where
K0 is the value of K from tests with zero mean stress and where Su is the ultimate tensile
Vuong, N. V., Quan, M. H. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering
Figure 8. Flowchart of fatigue calculation [11]
filtering the number
Fatigue of curve
stress variations
linked between for everythestress range
number of class,
stressesthe SMiner
and sum can be calculated
the number of stress
to check whether
cycles N < 1.0. as following:
D fisat revealed
Fatigue curve linked between the number of stresses S and the number of stress cycles N is
revealed as following: N = KS −m , S > 0 (22)
N = KS −m , S > 0 (22)
where K and m are random variables due to inherent physical and statistical
where K and m are random
uncertainty. The variables
value of K due cantodepend
the meanandstress
Sa in uncertainty. The value
the stress cycles. Where of
K can depend on the mean stress S in the stress cycles.
K0 is the value of K froma tests with zero mean stress and Where K is the value of K from tests
0 where Su is the ultimate tensile with
zero mean strength.
stress and where S u is the ultimate tensile strength.
On the aboveOn thediagram,
above the index the
diagram, i is index
the number
i is the of stress of
number ithstress
of structure, the ratiothe
ith of structure, of ratio
damage D ffatigue
at is calculated
damage as theissum
Dfat of the fatigue
calculated damage
as the sum duefatigue
of the to the number
damage of duestresses
to the caused
short sea state.
stresses caused in a short sea state.
The magnitude and number
The magnitude of stresses
and number are
of stresses
calculated are
fromcalculated from fatigue
fatigue stress data bystress data by
method. Tocounting
take allmethod.
peaks into To take
accountall peaks
doubling, account
the rain-flowwithout doubling,
method the rain-flow
resembles rain
flowing off a pagoda roof as shown in Fig.off
method resembles rain flowing 9. a
pagoda roof as shown in
When the stress time series is rotated 90 degrees,Fig. 9. When
the countingthealgorithm
stress timestarts. series is rotated 90
degrees, the counting algorithm starts. Figure 9. Description of rainflow method [12]
When the method has been performed, the sig-
Figure 9. Description of rainflow method [14]
nal is taken apart in a number of half stress range
When the method has been performed, the signal is taken apart in a number of half
variations, that is, the rain-flow cycle runs only in
stress range variations, that is, the rain-flow cycle runs only in one direction each time.
one direction each time. The mean value of cumulative fatigue damage during 1 year and the maxi-
The mean value of cumulative fatigue damage during 1 year and the maximum mean
mum meanfatigue
lifetimeTT maxofofthe thehothotspot

365 × 24 × 3600 X ni [D]

D1year = 365x24x3600 𝑛𝑖 ; T max = [D] (23)
D1year = T0 ∑i Ni ; Tmax = D1year (23)
T0 𝑁𝑖 D1year
where i is investigated stress domain; ni is the number of stress cycles at the ith load; Ni is the num-
wherethei iscrashes
ber of cycles until investigated
occur stress
at the domain;
ith load; nTi 0isisthe
thenumber of of
duration stress cycles
stress at the
in time ith load;
series; [D]
N is the number of cycles until the crashes occur at the ith load; T
is permissible fatigue, given in used design standard (for offshore structure [D] = 0.5, from API
i 0 is the duration of
standard). stress in time series; [D] is permissible fatigue, given in used design standard (for
offshore structure [D] = 0.5, from API standard).

5. Results and discussions

In this paper, the Offshore Jacket Wind Turbine (OJWT) in water depth of 70 m is modeled for
analysis showed in Fig. 10. As shown in Fig. 10, a full-scale offshore wind turbine model includes7
turbine support, transitions, blades and Jacket support. At the top of the support is a 5 MW turbine,
the main specifications are listed in Table 1.
a. Structural dimensions
The size of the wind turbine support structure is selected as Fig. 11 for the analysis of fatigue
damages under the action of sea environment loads such as waves and wind.
The main dimensions of the entire Jacket support structure with the tower and the wind directions
to OJWT are shown in Figs. 12 and 13, respectively. From top to bottom, the Jacket size is 32 m2 on
the seafloor.

with the tower and the wind
directions to OJWT are shown in
Figs. 12 and 13 respectively.
From top to bottom, the Jacket
size is 32m2 on Vuong, N. V., Quan, M. H. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering
the seafloor.
Table 1. Characteristics of offshore wind turbines

Power 5 MW
Cut-out wind speed 25 support-structure wind m/s
Figure 10. 3D model of Jacket turbine
Cut-in wind speed 3
With regard to the input data of waves and winds, the probability of occurrence of m/s
ussions both in theBlade scopenumber
of this research is taken in 08 directions 3as shown in Tables 2 -and 3.
ffshore Jacket Null
direction diameter
is 45 indegrees
Turbine (OJWT) water depthapart before
of 70m is acting on the 3 OJWT. Meanwhile, m the
howed in Fig. Blade
10. As shown diameter
the Figure, are the South
a full-scale West, East and North East and the wind mspeeds
offshore 126
ludes turbine 0Concentrated
from transitions,
support, m/s to 20 mass
blades top-turbine
support. At 120000 kg
a 5MW turbine,
b)the main parameters
Wave specifications are listed in Tab. 1.
sions Table 1. Characteristics of offshore wind turbines
nd turbine
elected as Power 5 MW
of fatigue
ion of sea Cut-out wind speed 25 m/s
h as waves
Cut-in wind speed 3 m/s
ons of the
structure Blade number 3 -
the wind
e shown in Null diameter 3 m
the Jacket Blade diameter 126 m
Concentrated mass at
120000 kg
Figure 10. 3D model of Jacket support-structure wind turbine Figure 11. Main dimensions of OJWT
input data of waves 10.winds,
and 3D model of Jacket support-structure
the probability of occurrence of Figure 11. Main dimensions of OJWT
s research is taken in 08 directions turbine in Tables 2 and 3.
as shown
degrees apart before acting on the OJWT. Meanwhile, the
ons are the South West, East and North East and the wind speeds
m/s. 8
of offshore wind turbines

5 MW
25 m/s
3 m/s
3 -
3 m
Figure 12. Wave directions to OJWT
126 m

120000 kg Figure 12. Wave directions to OJWT Figure 13. Tower, Brace and diagonal diameters
Table 2. Probability
Figure 12. Wave directions to OJWT of occurrence of Figure
wave directions to OJWT
13. Tower, Brace and diagonal diameters
Wave 0⁰ 45⁰ 90⁰
Figure 11. Main dimensions of OJWT
135⁰ 180⁰ 225⁰ 270⁰ 315⁰
Figure 13. Tower, Brace and diagonal Total
directions SW S SE E NE N NW SW
With regard to theTable
input2. data
Probability of occurrence
of waves of wavethe
and winds, directions to OJWT
probability of occurrence of both in the
Wave 0⁰
of this research
Probability is45⁰
taken in90⁰ 135⁰ as 180⁰
08 directions shown in225⁰ Tables 2270⁰ 315⁰ direction is 45
and 3. Each
0.3012 0.0353 0.046 8 0.2964 0.0039 0.002 0.0524 Total 1.000
degrees (P)
directions before
SW acting
S on the OJWT.
SE E0.2629
Meanwhile, NE the prevailing
N wind
NW directions
SW are the South
(SW – South West; S – South; SE – South East; E – East; NE – North East; N –
Probability 53
North; NW – North
0.3012 West; SW
0.0353 – South West).0.2964 0.0039
0.046 0.002 0.0524 1.000
(P) 0.2629
c) Wind parameters:
(SW – South West; Table
S – South; SE – South East; E – East; NE – North East; N –
3. Probability of occurrence of wind directions to OJWT
Vuong, N. V., Quan, M. H. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering

West, East and North East and the wind speeds vary from 0 m/s to 20 m/s.
b. Wave parameters

Table 2. Probability of occurrence of wave directions to OJWT

0◦ 45◦ 90◦ 135◦ 180◦ 225◦ 270◦ 315◦

Wave directions Total
Probability (P) 0.3012 0.0353 0.046 0.2629 0.2964 0.0039 0.002 0.0524 1.000
(SW – South West; S – South; SE – South East; E – East; NE – North East; N – North; NW – North
West; SW – South West).

c. Wind parameters

Table 3. Probability of occurrence of wind directions to OJWT

Wind Speed Middle Directions

(m/s) Value 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
0-5 2.50 0.0146 0.0329 0.0337 0.0375 0.0321 0.0148 0.0054 0.0065 0.1774
5 - 10 7.50 0.1653 0.0938 0.0162 0.0299 0.1603 0.0751 0.0056 0.0116 0.5579
10 - 15 12.50 0.1531 0.0036 0.0000 0.0002 0.0515 0.0361 0.0004 0.0084 0.2533
15 - 20 17.50 0.0098 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0016 0.0115
Total 0.3428 0.1303 0.0498 0.0676 0.2439 0.1260 0.0114 0.0282 1.0000

After taking the estimation of Weibull Parameters for long term distribution of wind speeds in
each direction, the fitted parameters U0 and K are obtained as illustrating in Table 4. The wind data
measured in the field is fitted rather precisely with the Weibull distribution function as shown in Fig.
Table 4. The fitted Weibull parameters for wind distribution

Fitted Weibull Wind Directions

Parameter 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315
U0 6.050 2.750 2.350 4.250 8.250 6.975 3.350 6.725
K 2.200 2.250 2.150 2.250 2.875 1.475 1.500 2.225

d. Results
After obtaining the results of wind turbine analysis from SACS software under hot-spot stress
spectrum as showing in Figs. 15 and 16, then utilizes the Fourier transform to convert the hot-spot
stress into a time domain for two cases caused by waves and winds as showing in Figs. 17 and 18.
In the case of wind turbine systems subjected to both waves and winds is going to take a linear
combination of two results due to wave and wind in time series, and obtain the combining results as
Fig. 19 shown.
Vuong, N. V., Quan, M. H. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering

Figure 14. Long term
14. Long term distribution
distributionofofwind speeds– –curve
windspeeds curvefitting – direction
fitting– direction o o
Results Figure 14. Long term distribution of wind speeds – curve fitting – direction 45 o

Figure 14. Long term distribution of wind speeds – curve fitting – direction 45◦
After obtaining the results of
d) Results
obtaining of wind
analysisfrom fromSACS SACSsoftware
under hot-
After obtaining the results of wind turbine analysis from SACS software under hot-

Figure 15. Hot-spot stress spectrum (wave induced) Figure 16. Hot-spot stress spectrum (wind induced)
spot stress spectrum as showing in Figs. 15 and 16, then utilizes the Fourier transform to
convert the hotspot stress into a time domain for two cases caused by waves and winds
as showing in Figs. 17 and 18. In the case of wind turbine systems subjected to both
Figure15. Hot-spot
15.waves andstress
Hot-spot spectrum
windsspectrum (wave
is going(wave
to take induced)
induced) Figureof
a linear combination 16.
16.two Hot-spot
Hot-spot stress
due to spectrum
wave and (wind
(wind induced)
Figure 15. Hot-spot
wind in stressseries,
time spectrum
and (wavethe
obtain induced)
combining Figureas16.
results Fig.Hot-spot
19 shown.stress spectrum (wind induced)
stress spectrum
spectrum as showing
showing in in Figs.
Figs.15 15andand16, 16,then
Fatigue damage at high-concentrated stress points (hotspots) is calculated by
transform to to
convert thethe hotspot
evaluating into
hot-spotinto aa range
stress time(HSSR)
time domain
domain for
make two
two cases
of ascaused
this caused bybywaves
input date forwaves
S-N and and winds
fatigue curve. The stress concentration factors (SCF) is defined as following:
asas showing
showing in in Figs. 17 and 18. 18.SCF In
In thethe case
caseofofwind windturbine
= HSSR/ Nominal Stress Range
to toboth
waves and
waves and winds
For all is goingmasses
concentric to take
take aa linear
of the linear combination
system, the SCF ofof twotworesults
coefficient results
will be dueduetotowave
taken wave andand
as 2.0 in this paper.
windinin time
wind timeCorresponding
series, and toobtain
series, obtain the
the combining
each hotspot combining results
stress in time results
as Fig.Fig.1919method
series, theasrain-flow
shown. is applied
Fatigue damage
here damage
under aidingat high-concentrated
of MATLAB software sostress
that thepoints
high-concentrated stress points (hotspots)different
rain-flow (hotspots)
matrices at is iscalculated
hotspot points due to wave and wind are obtained without any trouble as shown in Figs.
evaluating the hot-spot stress range
and 21. Finally, the rain-flowrange (HSSR) (HSSR)due
and make
to wave
use of thisthisasasinput
windofinteraction input date for S-N
can be date for S-N
fatigue curve. The
easilyThe in theconcentration
obtained same manner andfactors
concentration the result(SCF)
factors (SCF) isisdefined
can be seen defined
in the Fig.as22.
17.SCF == HSSR/ Nominal Stress Range
Figure 17. Hot-spot stress in time series (wave induced)
Hot-spot HSSR/ Nominal Stress Range (24)
17. Hot-spot stress
stress in in
seriesseries (wave
(wave induced) induced)
For all
For all concentric
concentric masses of of the
the structure
structuresystem, system,the theSCF SCFcoefficient
coefficientwillwillbebe taken
2.0inin this
this paper.
Corresponding to each hotspot
Corresponding hotspot stressstressinintime timeseries,
series,the therain-flow
is isapplied
here under
here under aiding aiding of MATLAB software so that the rain-flow
MATLAB software so that the rain-flow matrices at different matrices at different
hotspot points due to wave and
hotspot points due to wave and wind
wind are areobtained
obtainedwithout withoutany anytrouble
shown in inFigs.
20 and 21. Finally, the rain-flow matrices due to wave and wind interaction canbebe
20 and 21. Finally, the rain-flow matrices due to wave and wind interaction can
easily obtained in in the
the same
same Figure
manner and the
18. Hot-spot result can
time series (windbe
can beseen
induced) theFig.
Figure 18. Hot-spot stress in time series (wind induced)
Figure 18. Hot-spot stress in time series (wind induced)


10 10
Vuong, N. V., Quan,Figure
M. H.18./ Journal
Hot-spot stress in time series
of Science (wind induced) in Civil Engineering
and Technology

Figure 19. Hot-spot stress in time series (wave and wind induced)
Figure 19. Hot-spot stress in time series (wave and wind induced)

Fatigue damage at high-concentrated stress points (hot-spots) is calculated by evaluating the hot-
spot stress range (HSSR) and make use of this as input date for S-N fatigue curve. The stress concen-
tration factors (SCF) is defined as following:

SCF = HSSR/Nominal Stress Range (24)

For all concentric masses of the structure system, the SCF coefficient will be taken as 2.0 in
this paper.

Figure 20. Rain-flow matrix at hot-spot point due to wave

Figure 20. Rain-flow matrix at hot-spot point due to wave Figure 21. Rain-flow matrix at hot-spot point due to wind
Some20. cycles
Rain-flow matrix
that areatcounted
hot-spot point
with the Figure 21. Rain-flow matrix at hot-spot point
Figure 21. Rain-flow matrix at hot-spot point due to wind
due to wave
amplitude and average stress value at the due to wind
Some cycles that are counted with the
hot-spot point can be extracted from the
amplitude and average
Corresponding to each stress stress
valueinattime the
rain-flow matrix. Thishot-spot
type of matrix hasseries, the rain-flow method is applied here under
aiding point
MATLAB can be
that the rain-flow the
analysis matrices at different hot-spot points due to wave
and matrix.
wind areof
because obtained This type
without form,
its simple of matrix
any trouble has in Figs. 20 and 21. Finally, the rain-flow matrices
as shown
due widely
to wave and and
computing, applied for
wind interaction fatigue
its expression analysis
can be easily obtained in the same manner and the result can be seen
Fig. 22.of
ingeneral its simple
information on theform,naturetime-saved
of loads
SomeAs cyclesandthat its
mentioned expression
are counted provides
with the amplitude and average stress value at the hot-spot point can
extracted hypothesis
information assumes
from the rain-flow thatThis
nature the total
loadsof matrix has been widely applied for fatigue analysis
because Asof itsmentioned
of fatigue damage
simple form, earlier, by
is calculated
time-saved Palmgren-
taking aand its expression provides general information on
the naturehypothesis
linear of loads [15].assumes
combination As of any
the total
Palmgren-Miner’s hypothesis assumes that the total of
fatigue The fatigue
damage is life of
by structure
is calculated takingby at each
a linear a
combination of any individual cycles. The fatigue life
of structure is listed
combination in Tab.
at each hot-spot 5, 6 and
ofis listed 7 below
any in individual Figure 22.
Tables 5, 6 and 7 (the meanRain-flow matrix
wind at hot-spot17.5
velocity: pointm/s)
due to both wave
and wind
cycles. Thewind
(the mean fatigue life of
velocity: structure at each
17.5m/s): 56
hot-spot is listed in Tab. 5, 65.and
Table 7 below
Fatigue life of OWT support structure
Figure (wave induced)
22. Rain-flow matrix at hot-spot point due to both wave
Chord (cm) and wind
Fatigue life
(theNo. [D] velocity:
mean wind T (sec)17.5m/s):
Node type
OD WT (year)
Table 5. Fatigue life of OWT support structure (wave induced)
1 0.5 3600 Y 70 2 829.25 Ok
w matrix at hot-spot point due to wave
Vuong, N. V., Quan, M. H. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering
Figure 21. Rain-flow matrix at hot-spot point due to wind
es that are counted with the
average stress value at the
can be extracted from the
ix. This type of matrix has
applied for fatigue analysis
s simple form, time-saved
nd its expression provides
ation on the nature of loads
ntioned earlier, Palmgren-
hesis assumes that the total
age is calculated by taking a
nation of any individual
igue life of structure at each
d in Tab. 5, 6 and 7 below Figure 22. Rain-flow matrix at hot-spot point due to both wave
Figure 22. Rain-flow matrix at hot-spot
and wind point due to both wave and wind
velocity: 17.5m/s):
Table 5.structure
Table 5. Fatigue life of OWT support Fatigue (wave
life of induced)
OWT support structure (wave induced)
Chord (cm) Fatigue life
T (sec) Node type Chord (cm) StatusFatigue life
No. [D] OD
T (sec) Node type (year)
WT Status
3600 Y 70 2 OD
829.25 WT Ok (year)
3600 1 Y 0.5 70
3600 2 Y 561.36
70 2 Ok 829.25 Ok
3600 2 Y 0.5 70
3600 2 Y 996.15
70 2 Ok 561.36 Ok
3600 3 X 0.5 3600
80 2 Y 70
937.57 2 Ok 996.15 Ok
3600 4 X 0.5 3600
120 4.5 X 80
1005.21 2 Ok 937.57 Ok
3600 5 X 0.5 3600
120 4.5 X 120
1258.02 4.5 Ok 1005.21 Ok
6 0.5 3600 X 120 4.5 1258.02 Ok
Figure 6. Fatigue life of OWT support structure (wind induced)
Table 6.(cm)
Chord Fatigue life of OWT support
Fatigue lifestructure (wind induced)
T (sec) Node type Status
OD WT (year)
Chord (cm)
3600 Y
No. [D] 70 T (sec) 2 Node type 197.81 Ok Fatigue life Status
3600 Y 70 2 OD
151.26 WT Ok (year)
3600 1Y 0.5 70 3600 2 Y 196.2170 2 Ok 197.81 Ok
2 0.5 3600 Y 70 2 151.26 Ok
3 0.5 3600 Y 70 2 196.21 Ok
4 0.5 3600 X 80 2 271.26 Ok
5 0.5 3600 X 120 4.5 306.12 Ok
6 0.5 3600 X 120 4.5 465.32 Ok
7 0.5 3600 Y 70 2 182.13 Ok

Apart from the result of mean wind velocity 17.5 m/s, Fig. 23 shows the fatigue life curve of OWT
due to different velocities, whereas there are mean wind velocities that are greater than the cut-out
mean wind velocity.

4 0.5 3600 X 80 2 271.26 Ok
5 0.5 3600 X 120 4.5 306.12 Ok
6 Vuong,
0.5 N. V.,
Quan, M. H. /XJournal of Science
120 and Technology
4.5 465.32
in Civil Engineering Ok
7 0.5 3600 Y 70 2 182.13 Ok
Table 7. Fatigue life of OWT support structure (wave and wind induced)
Figure 7. Fatigue life of OWT support structure (wave and wind induced)

Chord (cm) Fatigue
Chord life life
No. [D] [D] T T (sec)
(sec) Node type
Node type ODOD WTWT (year)
1 0.5 3600 Y 70 2 176.38 Ok
1 20.5 0.5 3600 3600 YY 70 70 2 2 132.58
176.38 Ok Ok
2 30.5 0.5 3600 3600 YY 80 70 2 2 273.32
132.58 Ok Ok
3 40.5 0.5 3600 3600 XY 80 80 2 2 278.51
273.32 Ok Ok
5 0.5 3600 X 120 4.5 291.46 Ok
4 0.5 3600 X 80 2 278.51 Ok
6 0.5 3600 X 120 4.5 452.96 Ok
5 70.5 0.5 3600 3600 YX 70120 2 4.5 291.46
172.34 Ok Ok
6 0.5Apart from
3600 X 120 4.5 452.96 Ok
the result of mean wind velocity 17.5m/s, the Fig. 23 shows the fatigue
7 0.5 3600 Y 70 2 172.34
life curve of OWT due to different velocities, whereas there are mean wind velocities Ok
that are greater than the cut-out mean wind velocity.

Figure 23. The fatigue

Figure 23. Thelife curve
fatigue life of OWT
curve corresponding
of OWT corresponding toto each
each mean
mean wind velocity
wind velocity

6. Conclusion
To calculate the fatigue life of OJWT, in the scope of the paper, a wind turbine
6. Conclusions
model with jacket support structure in the water depth of 70m is utilized. All blades,
To calculate themachine
of OJWT, in thetower
the paper,into support
a wind towermodel
turbine that mass
with jacket
is concentrated on top, and is supported by jacket structure. In terms of wind data,
support structure in the water depth of 70 m is utilized. All blades, turbine machine and machine-
Weibull distribution is used to generate input data for fatigue analysis of OJWT. Wind
support tower are simplified into support tower that mass is concentrated on top and is supported
by jacket structure. In terms of wind data, Weibull distribution is used to generate input data for
fatigue analysis of OJWT. Wind and wind-induced wave loads act on structure in stochastic directions,
however, only 08 directions are considered with evenly spaced 45-degree angle to compute fatigue
life of each components’ jacket support structure. The Airy wave theory is applied for computing the
static and dynamic transfer function of wave to support the fatigue analysis, and further study should
be utilized different wave theories. The results are rather reasonable since the simultaneous interaction
between wind and wind-induced wave is considered.

Vuong, N. V., Quan, M. H. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering

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