JMV 25666
JMV 25666
JMV 25666
DOI: 10.1002/jmv.25666
Department of Microbiology and
Immunology, Pennsylvania State College of Abstract
Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania Sexual transmission is the most common pathway for the spread of Human
Department of Microbiology and Molecular
papillomavirus (HPV). However, the potential for iatrogenic HPV infections is also
Biology, Brigham Young University, Provo,
Utah real. Even though cleared by the Food and Drug Administration and recommended by
the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, several disinfectants
Craig Meyers, Department of Microbiology including glutaraldehyde and o‐phthalaldehyde have shown a lack of efficacy for
and Immunology, Pennsylvania State College
inactivating HPV. Other methods such as ultraviolet C and concentrated hydrogen
of Medicine, Hershey, PA 17036.
Email: peroxide have been shown highly effective at inactivating infectious HPV. In this
study, two chlorine dioxide systems are also shown to be highly efficacious at
Funding information
Tristel Solutions Limited, UK inactivating HPV. An important difference in these present studies is that as opposed
to testing in suspension or using a carrier, we dried the infectious virus directly onto
endocavitary ultrasound probes and nasendoscopes, therefore, validating a more
realistic system to demonstrate disinfectant efficacy.
antiviral agents, dissemination, human papillomavirus, immune responses, papillomavirus,
pathogenesis, reinfection, virus classification
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Journal of Medical Virology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
(GTA), o‐phthalaldehyde (OPA), 7.5% hydrogen peroxide, 0.5% 2.2 | Virus titers
bleach, ultraviolet C (UVC) radiation at 200 to 280 nm and chlorine
dioxide.12 Our previous work in which testing was performed with To release the viral genomes, 10 mL of a virus preparation was
UVC radiation at 253.7 nm, 0.525% and 0.87% bleach, and 31.5% resuspended in 200 mL HIRT DNA extraction buffer (400 mM NaCl/
sonicated hydrogen peroxide, has demonstrated the efficacy of these 10 mM Tris‐HCl, pH 7.4/10 mM EDTA, pH 8.0), with 2 mL 20 mg/mL
treatments in inactivating HPV16 and 18. Where only HPV16 Proteinase K, and 10 mL 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate for 2 hours at
was tested, disinfection was not achieved with 0.55% OPA, or 2.4% 37°C. The DNA was purified by phenol‐chloroform extraction followed
or 3.4% GTA.13–15 We, therefore, considered the next logical step for by ethanol precipitation and resuspension in 20 mL TE. Titers were
testing would entail the assessment of chlorine dioxide, as determined using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)‐based
recommended in the guidelines noted above. These chlorine dioxide DNA encapsidation assay utilizing a Qiagen Quantitect SYBR Green PCR
products have been referenced in otorhinolaryngology disinfection Kit.23 Amplification of the viral genome target was performed using the
guidelines such as ENT UK and of the Official Journal of the Italian previously described E2 primers against a standard curve of 10‐fold
Society of Otorhinolaryngology.17 Published studies show the use of serial dilutions from 108 to 104 copies per mL.23 For infection assays,
chlorine dioxide products across the globe in countries including the HaCaT cells were seeded in 24‐well plates with 50 000 cells per well
UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. This report 2 days before infection. Compounds were mixed with virus and media in
describes the testing of two chlorine dioxide products to determine a total volume of 500 µL before addition to cells. An multiplicity of
their ability to adequately disinfect devices contaminated with HPV. infection (MOI) of 10 particles per cell was used unless otherwise noted.
Here, we used a different approach for testing the two chlorine The virus was incubated with the cells for 48 hours at 37°C and
dioxide solutions against HPV16 and HPV18 vs. our previous studies, messenger RNA was harvested using a Qiagen RNAeasy Kit.
which assessed efficacy in suspension or carrier‐based assays. In this
study, we contaminated actual medical devices, endocavitary ultra-
sound probes, and nasendoscopes, with the virus to simulate in‐use 2.3 | Instrument preparation
disinfection as closely as possible.
Instruments tested were (a) nasendoscopes and (b) endocavity
ultrasound probes. An organic load (soil) of 5% FBS was added to
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS the virus suspension and spread along the length of the insertion
tube of each device, representing the part of the instrument exposed
2.1 | Cell culture and virus production to the patient. The inoculated instruments were allowed to dry in a
laminar flow cabinet for 30 minutes or until dry.
HaCaT cells were maintained in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium
DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), 0.025 mg/
mL gentamicin, and 0.11 mg/mL sodium pyruvate. Primary human 2.4 | Disinfectants
keratinocytes from newborn foreskin circumcision were isolated, as
previously described.22,23 The Human Subjects Protection Office of The two chlorine dioxide disinfection procedures used were from Tristel
the Institutional Review Board at Penn State University College of Solutions Limited: (a) the Tristel Trio Wipes System and (b) Tristel Duo.
Medicine screened our study design for exempt status according to The ability of each procedure to inactivate authentic HPV16 and 18 was
institutional policies and the provisions of applicable federal evaluated separately. As a positive disinfection control, sodium hypo-
regulations. They determined this study did not require formal IRB chlorite was used at the manufacturer's recommended concentration of
review because no human participants are involved as defined by 0.87% (8700 parts per million) (Pure Bright Germicidal Ultra Bleach, KIK
federal regulations. Keratinocytes were maintained in 154 medium International). The use of this control was based on its previously
supplemented with a Human Keratinocyte Growth Supplement Kit demonstrated efficacy against HPV16 and 18, in both suspension and
(Cascade Biologics Inc, Portland, OR). Immortalized keratinocytes carrier tests.14,15 To control for virus recovery after drying onto the
stably maintaining HPV episomes were cultured in E‐medium with probe, some probes were not treated with disinfectant and the virus was
J2‐3T3 feeder cells and grown in raft culture to produce a virus, as removed and tested for infectivity, as described below. All disinfectant
previously described.22,23 Mature virus particles were harvested products were used according to the manufacturer's instructions for use.
from tissues after 20 days.24–26 Rafts were harvested and the virus
was isolated by homogenization in phosphate buffer (5 mM Na‐
phosphate; pH 8; 2 mM MgCl2), as previously described.22,23 All virus 2.5 | Disinfection procedure
preparations for concentration and infectivity assays were treated
with Benzonase (375 U) at 37°C for 1 hour to remove any The endocavity ultrasound probe and nasendoscope were disinfected
unencapsidated viral genomes. Samples were adjusted to 1M NaCl using a three‐step Tristel Trio Wipes System. This included a preclean
and centrifuged at 4°C for 10 minutes at 10 500 rcf to remove wipe to clean the instruments, a sporicidal wipe to disinfect the
cellular debris. instrument with a contact time of 30 seconds, and a rinse wipe to
Infection was analyzed using a previously described RT‐qPCR‐ F I G U R E 1 Susceptibility of HPV16 and HPV18 virions to chlorine
based infectivity assay for E1^E4 transcript levels. 23
The E1^E4 dioxide disinfectants. A total of 1 × 107 HPV16 (A) or HPV18 (B) particles
were mixed with organic soil (5% FBS) and dried onto the nasendoscope
spliced transcript was amplified using primers specific for the
(Nas) or transvaginal (TV) ultrasound probes. Two different chlorine
spliced transcript. HPV16 and 18 infectivity assays were dioxide disinfection procedures were tested; Tristel Duo (Duo) and
performed using HaCat cells, as previously described.22,23 Tristel Trio Wipes (Trio), As a control for infectious virus recovery,
Complete viral inactivation was considered achieved when post HPV16 and HPV18 were mixed with soil and dried onto probes, but no
disinfection infectivity assays showed equivalent or higher disinfection procedure was included. Hypochlorite was included as a
positive control for disinfection efficacy. Graphs show log10 reduction of
C t values than uninfected controls.
infectivity for each condition tested. HaCat cells were used for the
infectivity assays. The dotted line marks the FDA required 4 log10
reductions. FDA, Food and Drug Administration
4 | D I S C U SS I O N
The chlorine dioxide solutions were able to produce a >99.99%
reduction in infectivity of HPV16 and 18 with soil (5% BSA) included In this study, we report the first results of two procedures simulating
in the assays (Figure 1). The reduction is similar to that seen with in‐use disinfection of native HPV16‐ and HPV18‐contaminated
0.87% sodium hypochlorite. The differences seen in the log10 devices. These findings support our previous work, which demon-
reduction values between the tests with the same virus type and strates that oxidizing chemistries, including hydrogen peroxide,
between virus types reflect different starting titers. peracetic acid blended with silver, sodium hypochlorite,13,15,27 and
The efficacy of chlorine dioxide on HPV16 was similar to that of now chlorine dioxide, are effective at inactivating both HPV16 and
sodium hypochlorite in our previous study, the difference is that the HPV18.
previous testing was performed in a suspension‐based assay, mixing These results show that a manual procedure can be used to
the virus with the disinfectant in solution and not by applying the disinfect HPV‐contaminated devices that may not withstand methods
virus directly onto the devices, as we have done in this present study. that utilize submersion, heat, or radiation. The endocavity ultrasound
But it did allow us to determine the differences in efficacy between probes (Siemens) and nasendoscopes (Karl Storz Medical Supplies)
different chemical groups: alcohols (ethanol, isopropanol), aldehydes used for our study are representative of these devices with each
(GTA, OPA), phenol and oxidizing agents (PAA‐silver, sodium device having their unique curves, ridges, and cavities that can affect
hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide).14 the appropriate disinfection.
Furthermore and more importantly, it provides a solution to transmission of HPV is higher from the cervix to the penis than from
those devices that are also mobile/transportable, such as those used the penis to the vagina. Thus, it is possible that transmission of HPV
within the community setting by healthcare practitioners. In these during oral sex of a man with a woman may be more likely to occur
scenarios, a transportable, simple method that achieves disinfection than the oral sex of a woman with a man, providing a potential
efficacy in short contact time, is sorely needed. explanation for the differing percentages seen. This adds another level
Medical devices for examination/diagnoses that can be used in a to the importance of controlling the potential of high contamination
high patient throughput manner and be transported easily are rates on devices used in the head and neck area.
becoming more prevalent in the healthcare industry, especially in
developing countries. A good example of this is mobile colposcopy.
These devices are used to examine the cervix and determine any
abnormal cells or precancerous lesions that may be present. These Craig Meyers
same countries are less likely to be able to afford an automated Janice Milici
disinfection system, and an easily transported, non‐machine‐based Richard Robison
system for disinfection would be of great benefit.
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to many disinfectants, including those which are Food and Drug R E F E R E N CE S
Administration cleared for high‐level disinfection (GTA, OPA).13–15
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25. Conway MJ, Cruz L, Alam S, Christensen ND, Meyers C. ability of two chlorine dioxide chemistries to inactivate human
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and nasendoscopes. J Med Virol. 2020;1–5.
26. Israr M, Biryukov J, Ryndock EJ, Alam S, Meyers C. Comparison of
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