Operative Hip Arthros
Operative Hip Arthros
Operative Hip Arthros
Second Edition
J.W. Thomas Byrd, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee; Orthopaedic
Center, Baptist Medical Plaza, Nashville Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic
Center, Nashville, Tennessee
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SPIN 10939703
his second edition remains dedicated to my
family, Donna, Allison, and Ellen, and to the
two finest surgeons that I have known, Ben-
jamin Franklin Byrd, Jr., and James Reuben Andrews.
My father, B.F. Byrd, Jr., has dedicated his entire
life to fighting cancer, a much more admirable pursuit
than anything I will do. He detoured only briefly from
this battle to champion another cause, as a highly dec-
orated medical officer overseeing the care of wounded
from Normandy Beach through the fields of Europe.
Through his lifelong example, he has shown me what
being a physician is all about. As he put it, “a surgeon
is just a regular doctor, with a few special skills.”
Dr. Andrews taught me the art and the philosophy of haps more importantly, through his example, he in-
sports medicine. He also taught me much about how stilled in me the burning desire to make the most of
to treat patients as people and, fortunately, he shared my abilities.
with me a few of his remarkable surgical skills. Per- J.W.T.B.
Foreword to the
Second Edition
r. Byrd’s textbook, Operative Hip Arthroscopy, is a must-have for every
physician and surgeon who cares for patients with hip problems. Dr. Byrd
is to be complimented for advancing the art and science of medicine with
this comprehensive dissertation that not only illustrates what is possible in the
diagnosis and treatment of hip pathology, but teaches a procedure that was
thought to be impossible in the not too distant past.
This second edition is another major step forward in the application of mini-
mally invasive procedures that, until recently, would only have been undertaken
with great hesitation because of the magnitude of the surgical exposure. This text
includes a comprehensive review of the pertinent anatomy and pathological pro-
cesses that are potentially amenable to the ever widening application of arthros-
copy. It details the various surgical approaches and specialized instrumentation
as well as the critical aspects of the physical examination and postoperative care.
Physicians and surgeons face the challenge of bringing these diagnostic tools
and surgical treatments into the real world of everyday practice. This is no easy
task, but this text goes a long way in helping to prepare them for this adventure.
It continues the revolution in orthopedic hip surgery that has been advanced by
Dr. Byrd and his colleagues. It provides the best opportunity for learning these
techniques outside of a personal visit and observation and will undoubtedly en-
courage others to join Dr. Byrd in advancing the techniques of arthroscopy of
the hip.
Lanny L. Johnson, MD
Clinical Professor, Surgery
College of Human Medicine
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
Foreword to the
First Edition
he hip is a site of pathology ranging from degenerative disorders to work-
and sports-related injuries. The hip is also one of the final frontiers for ar-
throscopic intervention.
Unique anatomic considerations challenge the hip arthroscopist and have
slowed the advancement of hip arthroscopy. The dense soft tissue encasing the
joint, the relatively noncompliant capsule, and the ball-and-socket architecture
constrain both access and maneuverability of instrumentation.
The evolution of hip arthroscopy has followed a different course from other
joints. In the knee, for example, standard practice for recognized pathology evolved
from open technique to less invasive arthroscopic procedures. Conversely, in the
hip, standard practice evolved from no treatment at all because of the failure to
recognize the existence of these lesions. Arthroscopic assessment defined the pres-
ence of symptomatic hip pathology amenable to something other than a total hip
replacement, which is the major surgical procedure for patients with hip disease.
Rarely has arthrotomy been an accepted practice for elusive sources of hip
pathology. However, arthroscopy for certain causes of hip pain offers an alterna-
tive where previously the only option was living within the constraints of the
There are several merits to hip arthroscopy. First, arthroscopic assessment has
identified previously unrecognized disorders. Second, arthroscopy is a less inva-
sive alternative to arthrotomy for certain pathologies. Third, for such elusive
causes of hip pain as labral or chondral injuries, arthroscopy offers a definitive
treatment where none existed before. Fourth, it has a role as a staging procedure
for osteotomy candidates and patients with avascular necrosis. Finally, arthros-
copy may have a role as a palliative and temporizing procedure for select patients
with degenerative hip disease.
The authors have prepared a comprehensive text covering all facets of hip ar-
throscopy. I believe the reader will find this work informative and helpful in the
care of patients and in the understanding of the principles of arthroscopic surgery
of the hip. I congratulate the authors on their excellent work and wish the reader
the success in the challenging and rewarding endeavor of hip arthroscopy.
James R. Andrews, MD
Medical Director
American Sports Medicine Institute
he fundamental principles for effectively performing hip arthroscopy re-
main unchanged from the first edition of this text. These include proper
patient selection, attention to patient positioning for the procedure, care-
ful orientation to the anatomy, meticulous technique in portal placement and in-
strumentation of the joint, and thoughtful guidance through the postoperative
However, the indications continue to expand and the available interventional
technology is growing at an accelerated rate. This second edition attempts to cap-
ture these state-of-the art advancements and provides outcomes data now avail-
able with many of these methods.
Our knowledge of the normal arthroscopic anatomy is more complete. Inter-
pretation of pathological anatomy is much improved, and we are now beginning
to understand the pathomechanics involved in the development of many of these
conditions. We have met with success in reducing the symptoms associated with
a variety of painful conditions, improving the quality of life for many patients.
However, it is through better understanding of the pathomechanics and patho-
physiology that we can now start to influence the natural history and progression
of many of these pathological states.
There are unique challenges to hip arthroscopy that should discourage the ca-
sual consideration of this procedure without clear indication and purpose. The
dos and don’ts are clearly emphasized in this text. If you prepare to embark on a
case of arthroscopic surgery of the hip, be sure of your indications, be versed in
the technique, but read about the complications twice. As my father’s chief, Bar-
ney Brooks, MD, Chief of Surgery Vanderbilt University, 1925–1952, was quoted
as saying to one of his residents “Son, you don’t have to learn about all the com-
plications for yourself; you can read about a few of them.”
The title Operative Hip Arthroscopy reflects a de-emphasis on the role of sim-
ply diagnostic procedures. In the chapter, Physical Examination, the diagnosis of
intraarticular hip lesions may still be elusive. Arthroscopy may be considered
without clear knowledge of the nature of the pathology, but usually with at least
a good degree of predictability that there is something that can be addressed. If
in doubt, most hip problems amenable to arthroscopy declare themselves over
In many respects, the distinction between diagnostic arthroscopy and opera-
tive arthroscopy is analogous to what Lewis Grizzard, the colorful journalist from
Atlanta, said about the difference between naked and nekkid. “Naked means you
ain’t got no clothes on, and nekkid means you ain’t got no clothes on and you’re
up to something.” In this respect, with arthroscopy, we prefer to go “nekkid.”
Foreword to the Second Edition by Lanny L. Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Foreword to the First Edition by James R. Andrews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
3 Physical Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
J.W. Thomas Byrd
17 Rehabilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
T. Kevin Robinson and Karen M. Griffin
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Keith R. Berend, MD
Chief Resident, Division of Orthopedics, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC 27713, USA
Michael Dienst, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Hospital,
66421 Homburg/Saar, Germany
Roy E. Erb, MD
Western Colorado Radiology Associates, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA
Bert R. Mandelbaum, MD
Santa Monica Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Group, Santa Monica, CA
90404, USA
William C. Meyers, MD
Professor and Chairman, Department of Surgery, Assistant Dean,
Interdisciplinary Studies, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia,
PA 19102, USA
Steve A. Mora, MD
Santa Monica Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Group, Santa Monica, CA
90404, USA
Archit Naik
Medical Student, Department of Surgery, Drexel University College of
Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA
Jeff Ryan, PT
Physical Therapist, Department of Orthopedics, Drexel University College of
Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA
Thomas G. Sampson, MD
Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of
California, San Francisco, CA, Orthopaedic Surgeon, San Francisco, CA 94109,
Levente J. Szalai, MD
Resident, Department of Surgery, Drexel University College of Medicine,
Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA
he history of endoscopic in vivo examination Burman made several pertinent and prudent ob-
of the human body is well known to students servations that still hold true today, more than over
of arthroscopic techniques.1 This history dates 60 years later. His examination of the hip did not use
back almost 200 years to the Austrian, Philipp Bozzini, distraction, and the structures that he successfully vi-
who in 1806 devised the Lichtleiter (Austrian for light sualized correspond with the structures that currently
conductor). This instrument, designed for inspection are discernible via arthroscopy without distraction
of the rectum and vagina, actually gained clinical (Figure 1.4). These aspects include much of the artic-
record for its use in inspection of the larynx and vo- ular surface of the femoral head, seen by placing the
cal cords.2 hip through range of motion, and the intracapsular
Instruments for viewing human anatomy were her- portion of the femoral neck. With this approach, the
alded as providing indisputable evidence of disease. acetabulum, fossa, and ligamentum teres could not be
Previously, only indirect evidence of various disorders visualized.
was usually available. It is worthy to note that, at the Burman noted that “visualization of the hip joint
time of Bozzini’s invention, auscultation was the prin- is limited to the intracapsular part of the joint.” This
cipal method of examining the human body. However, statement still has much bearing in current applica-
when auscultation skills and instruments were ini- tions of hip arthroscopy. Although arthroscopy has
tially introduced, they were not without their detrac- been used for release of a snapping iliopsoas tendon
tors. Many physicians believed that it would necessi- and for extracapsular bone fragments that impinge on
tate that they abandon other examination methods the joint, intraarticular sources of pathology are most
that they had spent years developing and feared they amenable to arthroscopic intervention.
might not possess the necessary skills for performing Burman further stated:
effective auscultation.2 Centuries later, these same “We experimented with a number of punctures and
barriers existed in the acceptance of modern arthro- the anterior paratrochanteric puncture proved the
scopic techniques. best. . . . The anterior paratrochanteric puncture is un-
Following Bozzini’s initial design, crude cysto- doubtedly the best and is made slightly anterior to the
scopes of various constructs were developed over the greater trochanter along the course of the neck of the
ensuing 100 years. All of these were limited by lack femur. . . . The puncture is not hard to do and one can
of an adequate light source. However, by the early visualize the hip with it in almost every case. Origi-
1900s, electricity was discovered and Edison had in- nally we were skeptical as to whether anything could
vented the incandescent light bulb. This accomplish- be seen in the hip joint, but we have had unusual suc-
ment opened new horizons in the development of cess with this puncture.”
endoscopic instruments. In 1918, Kenji Takagi3 visu- The anterior paratrochanteric (or anterolateral; see
alized the interior of a cadaveric knee joint with a cys- Chapter 7) portal is clearly the workhorse portal for
toscope. The first recorded attempt at arthroscopic vi- modern arthroscopy. Although there is some variation
sualization of the hip is attributed to Michael S. of the other portals described by numerous authors,
Burman4 in 1931 (Figures 1.1, 1.2). For his purposes, this is the one position common to all and, according
an arthroscope was constructed by Reinhold Wappler to an anatomic study, it is the safest.5
with a diameter of 4 mm, not dissimilar to the di- Burman continued:
mensions of our current arthroscopes (Figure 1.3). Bur- “We have been careful to choose cadavers of slen-
man used fluid distension for visualization, examin- der build since our trochar is not long enough to punc-
ing the interior of more than 90 various joints in ture the hip of a well muscled person. . . . A special
cadaver specimens, correlating the arthroscopic anat- long trochar with a correspondingly long telescope
omy with the gross anatomy on subsequent dissec- should thus be used for the hip joint. The line of the
tion. Twenty of these were hip joints. femoral artery and the position of the head of the fe-
FIGURE 1.4. Burman’s illustration of the arthroscopic view of a hip visualizing the ridging of the neck
of the femur, the junction of the neck and the femoral head, and a portion of the articular surface of the
femoral head. (From Burman,4 with permission.)
tive hip arthroscopy. In 1981 Lanny Johnson12 ad- Motivated by the creative ideas of Lanny Johnson,
dressed the role of arthroscopy of the hip joint in the Glick began performing the procedure in 1977. He rec-
second edition of his textbook, Diagnostic and Surgi- ognized limitations of the technique in obese patients.
cal Arthroscopy (Figure 1.7). In 1985, Watanabe13 also Influenced by his partner, Thomas Sampson, in 1985
described the technique for carrying out the procedure they modified the procedure and began placing the pa-
in Arthroscopy of Small Joints. In 1986 Ejnar Eriks- tient in the lateral decubitus position. Their prelimi-
son et al.14 from Sweden described the forces neces- nary experiences were reported in 1987.15 This and
sary for adequate hip distraction. This was an in vivo subsequent works have been the cornerstones on which
study of patients undergoing arthroscopy as well as a other surgeons have founded their approach.16–18 Ar-
study of unanesthetized volunteers, which included throscopy by the lateral approach has been found to
Professor Eriksson himself. be accessible and reproducible. Additionally, a custom
James Glick from San Francisco has been recog- distractor has been developed that greatly facilitates
nized as the single greatest influence on the develop- arthroscopy in this position.
ment of hip arthroscopy in North America (Figure 1.8). In the mid-1980s, Richard Villar from Cambridge,
FIGURE 1.5. Dr. Kenji Takagi (1888–1963). (Courtesy of Tokyo FIGURE 1.6. Dr. Masaki Watanabe (1911–1994). (Courtesy of
Teishin Hospital.) Tokyo Teishin Hospital.)
he indications for hip arthroscopy continue to ized tomography (CT). Radiolucent cartilaginous
evolve (Table 2.1). Even in this evolutionary loose bodies can be better visualized by gadolinium
process, the key to successful results most arthrography with magnetic resonance imaging
clearly is proper patient selection. A well-performed (MRA) or iodinated contrast with CT (Arthro-CT).
procedure fails when performed for the wrong reasons. 2. The importance of loose body removal from the
Proper patient selection includes not only selecting le- hip has been well documented in the literature,
sions amenable to arthroscopic intervention but also largely based on the work of Epstein,10,11 who de-
assessing the patient as a whole. The patient must fined the poor prognosis associated with retained
have reasonable expectations of what may be accom- intraarticular fragments. In fact, without the al-
plished with arthroscopy. Again, a procedure success- ternative of the arthroscopic approach, arthrotomy
fully performed by the surgeon will be deemed a fail- with dislocation of the hip for adequate debride-
ure if it does not fulfill the patient’s expectations. ment would be required.
3. Compared with an arthrotomy, arthroscopy is sig-
nificantly less invasive and offers numerous advan-
LOOSE BODIES tages. These benefits include fewer and less serious
surgical complications, lower associated morbidity,
Symptomatic loose bodies represent the clearest indi- no hospitalization, less postoperative pain, and
cation for arthroscopic intervention. The most com- quicker recovery with return to normal activities.
mon source is probably posttraumatic intraarticu-
Three case examples highlight the merits of the ar-
lar fragments.1 Synovial chondromatosis is another
throscopic approach in addressing symptomatic hips
source that has been variously reported.2,3 The hip is
with radiographic evidence of loose bodies.
the third most common site of involvement of this
disease, and the diagnosis can be elusive, with at least
Case 1
half of the cases unrecognized before arthroscopy, ac-
cording to McCarthy et al.4 Fragments may occur in A 17-year-old boy presented 2 years following closed
association with Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease due to treatment of a posterior column fracture of the right
accompanying osteochondritis dissecans, and excision acetabulum. He had developed progressive mechanical
of these loose articular or osteoarticular fragments hip joint symptoms including pain, catching, and a sen-
may result in remarkable improvement, even in the sation of giving way, with discomfort localized to the
presence of a severely misshapen femoral head.5,6 groin area. Radiographs revealed changes consistent
Loose bodies can lead to secondary degenerative with his previous fracture and areas suggestive of in-
arthritis, but sometimes loose bodies simply occur traarticular loose bodies (Figure 2.1A). Multiple carti-
secondary to degenerative disease. In either case, the laginous and osseous loose bodies were confirmed by
extent of degeneration may be the limiting factor in double-contrast arthrography followed by CT scan (Fig-
the response to arthroscopy and, with advanced dete- ure 2.1B). At arthroscopy, multiple loose bodies were
rioration, removing the loose bodies may not be of any identified (Figure 2.1C). Many were too large to be re-
benefit. There have also been reports of removal of for- trieved through large-diameter cannulas but could be
eign objects such as bullets.7–9 removed free-hand and with extra-length pituitary
Removal of symptomatic loose bodies represents the rongeurs.
clearest indication for hip arthroscopy for three reasons:
Case 2
1. The diagnosis is usually easy to determine. Ra-
diodense loose bodies may be apparent on plain ra- A 28-year-old man presented 5 years following closed
diographs and can be substantiated by computer- treatment of a posterior wall fracture of the left ac-
Table 2.1. Indications face wear was debrided with significant symptomatic
Loose bodies Avascular necrosis
improvement (Figure 2.2C). The bone fragments were
Labral lesions Instability found to be firmly fixed within the acetabular fossa and
Chondral injuries Adhesive capsulitis not involving the weight-bearing portion of the joint.
Ruptured ligamentum teres Sepsis
Degenerative arthritis Status post total hip arthroplasty
Arthroscopy was beneficial with regard to the chon-
Synovial disease Unresolved hip pain droplasty and helped define the status of the bone frag-
Impinging osteophytes Associated with open procedures ments, avoiding the potential alternative consideration
of a more extensive operative procedure such as arthro-
tomy to address these fragments.
diographs revealed changes consistent with his previous sidual or recurrent disease remains. Also, when in-
Perthes disease as well as evidence of an intraarticular traarticular fragments are accompanied by degenera-
fragment (Figure 2.3A,B). A CT scan further demon- tive disease, it is the extent of degeneration that is of-
strated evidence of an intraarticular fragment (Figure ten the limiting factor in the response to surgery. Last,
2.3C). Arthroscopy revealed numerous free-floating frag- removal of free fragments associated with os-
ments (Figure 2.3D). Enlarging the anterior portal al- teonecrosis can result in significant alleviation of me-
lowed retrieval of these fragments (Figure 2.3E–G). chanical joint symptoms, but the long-term prognosis
Although removal of symptomatic loose bodies will be dependent on the natural history of the un-
represents the clearest indication for hip arthroscopy, derlying area of infarct.
there are still potential pitfalls. The premise that loose
fragments should be removed is based on Epstein’s
long-term follow-up of posterior fracture dislocations LABRAL LESIONS
of the hip. Loose bodies or free fragments associated
with disease may have other influencing factors. For Labral tears are the most common indication for hip
example, removal of loose bodies associated with sy- arthroscopy.12 Despite the frequency with which
novial osteochondromatosis may result in significant these lesions are addressed, there is still much that is
symptomatic improvement, but the possibility of re- not fully understood regarding the pathomechanics
FIGURE 2.3. A 20-year-old man with a 3-month history of acute (E) Viewing anteriorly, the anterior capsular incision is enlarged
left hip pain. (A) AP radiograph demonstrates findings consistent with an arthroscopic knife to facilitate removal of the fragments.
with old Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease. (B) Lateral view defines the (F) One of the fragments is being retrieved. (G) Loose bodies can be
presence of intraarticular loose bodies (arrows). (C) CT scan sub- removed whole. (E and F, JWT Byrd. Arthroscopy, December 2003,
stantiates the intraarticular location of the fragments (arrows). with permission.)
(D) Arthroscopic view medially demonstrates the loose bodies.
and natural history. This may partly explain why the a detachment associated with posterior dislocation of
results of surgical intervention, although often good, the hip, serving as a block to reduction or source of
are not uniformly successful. recurrent instability.13–15 Altenberg, in 1977, was the
Labral tears were first reported in the literature as first to report on labral pathology as a cause of hip
pain in absence of a dislocation episode.16 He de- Seldes et al. reported in detail the anatomy, histo-
scribed two cases treated with open debridement. logic features, and vascularity of the adult acetabular
The labrum is a fibrocartilaginous rim that en- labrum.20 They described that the capsule attaches di-
compasses the circumference of the acetabulum, ef- rectly to the bony rim of the acetabulum with a dis-
fectively deepening the socket (Figure 2.4). The ring tinct separation from the labrum (Figure 2.5). Thus,
is incomplete inferiorly where the labrum ends at the integrity of the labrum does not appear to be as criti-
anterior and posterior margins of the inferior aspect of cal to stability of the hip as compared with the cap-
the acetabular fossa, becoming confluent with the sulolabral complex in the shoulder. It is likely that
transverse acetabular ligament. The acetabular labrum the labrum still has a role as a fluid seal, creating a
has not been studied as extensively as has its coun- vacuum effect to enhance stability, but labral lesions
terpart, the glenoid labrum of the shoulder. Function- do not appear to be as synonymous with instability of
ally, it may not be quite as complex, but it is suscep- the hip as compared with the shoulder. These authors
tible to acute tearing and degeneration.17,18 also observed that labral degeneration occurs as part
The constrained ball-and-socket bony architecture of the aging process and identified microvascular pro-
of the hip provides much more inherent stability than liferation in conjunction with tears, suggesting some
the glenohumeral joint. Although the acetabular capacity for healing.
labrum may not be as critical to this stability, it un- McCarthy et al. correlated their clinical observa-
doubtedly has an important role in the distribution of tions on labral tears with an anatomic study and made
forces across the articular surfaces of the joint.17 Ad- the following observations.21 Tears begin at the artic-
ditionally, a normally positioned labrum is critical to ular labral junction, an area that they term the wa-
normal acetabular development, as animal studies tershed region. They observed that the labrum re-
have shown that aberrant positioning of the labrum ceives its blood supply from the obturator, superior
leads to dysplasia and osteoarthritis.19 gluteal, and inferior gluteal arteries. These vessels en-
Ligamentum teres
Acetabular fossa
Chiari pelvic osteotomy.32 Klaue et al. observed this at showing labral tears, they remain poor at detecting
in a series of periacetabular osteotomies performed for any accompanying articular damage. Subtle radio-
acetabular rim syndrome, and Fitzgerald reported on graphic findings, such as slight joint space narrowing,
this in his 20-year experience of acetabular lesions are often a harbinger of advanced articular wear.
treated by both arthrotomy and arthroscopy.29,33 The results of labral debridement (partial labrec-
However, we have observed a labral cleft to occur as tomy) are often gratifying but are not uniformly suc-
a common normal variant (Figure 2.6).34 The separa- cessful even among experienced surgeons. Glick re-
tion of the labrum and acetabulum can be deep with- ported only 46% good results at an average 34-month
out representing a pathologic lesion. It is important follow-up, but the presence of radiographic evidence
not to misinterpret this normal variant as a traumatic of arthritis was a significant influencing variable.26 In
detachment. the absence of arthritis, there were 71% good results,
The pathomechanics of acute labral tears are in- and only 21% when arthritis was present. Villar re-
completely understood but are most commonly at- ported 67% patient satisfaction at an average 3.5 years
tributed to a twisting injury. Acute tearing of a healthy follow-up with this procedure.27 Moderate chondral
labrum seems to represent a minority of cases; thus, damage was present in 48% of cases, but in his series
underlying degeneration should be suspected with this did not influence the results. We reported an
most cases. Degeneration may be present even in rel- average 20-point improvement (modified Harris hip
atively young adults. The ability of magnetic reso- score) among patients with 5-year follow-up.12 Fifty-
nance imaging (MRI) and gadolinium arthrography five percent had associated chondral lesions. No sta-
with magnetic resonance imaging (MRA) to detect tistical difference was identified between those with
labral pathology is improving, with sensitivities and without chondral damage, but the power of the
greater than 90%. However, the specificity is more study may have been insufficient to detect a difference.
suspect, with false-positive interpretations as high as
20% among MRAs in our series. Additionally, the
study by Lecouvet et al. demonstrated MRI evidence Case 4
of labral pathology in asymptomatic volunteers, and A 29-year-old woman presented with a 2-year his-
the incidence increased with age.35 Tanabe has shown tory of persistent mechanical left hip pain. She at-
by electron microscopy that the labrum is susceptible tributed the onset of her symptoms to childbirth.
to senile degenerative changes associated with the ag- Otherwise, no specific episode of trauma occurred.
ing process, which is consistent with the work of Examination findings were consistent with hip joint
Seldes et al. and McCarthy et al., who, in separate ca- pathology. Radiographs were unremarkable for any
daveric studies, each demonstrated 96% prevalence of underlying disease, and an MRA revealed evidence
labral lesions in specimens averaging 78 years of of tearing of the anterior labrum (Figure 2.7A). She
age.17,20,21 Also of note, although MRIs are improving also experienced temporary pain relief from the
anesthetic effect of the marcaine used to dilute the
intraarticular contrast. Arthroscopy substantiated
the labral tearing (Figure 2.7B), which was debrided.
No significant associated articular pathology was
seen, and the patient experienced prompt sympto-
matic improvement.
Case 5
A 21-year-old male collegiate baseball player devel-
oped acute onset of right hip pain doing squats while
working out with weights. His symptoms persisted for
3 months despite restricting his activities and partic-
ipation in a trial of physical therapy and nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory medications. Radiographs were un-
remarkable, but an MRI revealed evidence of labral
pathology (Figure 2.8A). With the history of injury,
persistent mechanical symptoms refractory to con-
servative measures, and imaging findings, arthroscopy
was recommended. Labral damage was identified as
FIGURE 2.6. Example of a normal labral cleft. Viewing the right well as an associated area of articular fragmentation
hip from the anterior portal, the probe has been placed in the sep-
aration between the labrum (L) and lateral aspect of the bony ac- at the articular labral junction not evident on MRI
etabulum (A). (Figure 2.8B). Labral debridement and chondroplasty
FIGURE 2.7. A 29-year-old woman with pain and catching of the (arrow). (B) Arthroscopic view from the anterolateral portal dem-
left hip. (A) A sagittal gadolinium arthrography with magnetic res- onstrates isolated tearing of the anterior labrum (arrows). (JWT Byrd.
onance imaging (MRA) image reveals a tear of the anterior labrum Sports Med Arthrosc Rev 10:153, 2002, with permission.)
FIGURE 2.9. A 20-year-old male collegiate basketball player with netic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed extensive signal changes in
painful catching of the left hip following a fall with lateral im- the medial aspect of the femoral head (arrow) characterizing the
paction of the joint. (A) AP radiograph reveals no acute findings, subchondral injury associated with his fall. (C) A full-thickness
but there is subtle evidence of underlying congenital changes, char- chondral flap lesion (*) associated with the injury is identified.
acterized by slight lateral uncovering of the femoral head. (B) Mag- (D) The unstable portion has been excised.
generative disease. Although debridement may be ben- especially when its exact function and importance re-
eficial, for this circumstance the results are more main to be elucidated.
likely to be determined by the extent of global
Case 7
In the presence of dysplasia, the ligamentum teres
is known to hypertrophy.47,48 This hypertrophic tis- A 25-year-old professional softball player sustained an
sue may be more susceptible to disruption and be a injury to her right hip when she collided with the
source of pain. Among a population of patients with catcher while trying to steal home plate. Subse-
dysplasia, lesions of the ligamentum teres were pre- quently, she experienced persistent pain and catching,
sent in 27%, which is a higher incidence than has been unresponsive to 7 months of conservative treatment
reported in other arthroscopy patient cohorts.49 The including activity modification and supervised physi-
results of debridement were still quite good, with an cal therapy. Radiographs and MRI were unremarkable.
average improvement of 36 points. Because of her history of trauma, mechanical symp-
The results of arthroscopic debridement have been toms, examination findings, and failure to respond to
encouraging, but the long-term significance of these conservative treatment, arthroscopy was performed,
lesions is still uncertain. Debridement should be lim- which revealed a traumatic rupture of the ligamen-
ited to only the disrupted fibers. Indiscriminate de- tum teres (Figure 2.10) that was debrided. Postopera-
bridement of the ligamentum teres should be avoided, tively, she experienced pronounced improvement
FIGURE 2.10. A 25-year-old female softball player with pain and the ligamentum teres (arrows). (B) The disrupted portion is debrided
catching in her right hip following an acute injury. (A) Arthroscopic with a shaver introduced from the anterior portal. (JWT Byrd. Ar-
view from the anterolateral portal demonstrates disrupted fibers of throscopy, December 2003, with permission.)
with resolution of her symptoms and was able to re- 2. Radiographic findings. The less advanced the ra-
turn to competitive sports without limitations. diographic evidence of disease, the more likely the
patient is to be considered for arthroscopic de-
bridement. Advanced radiographic disease, espe-
Case 8
cially when bone-on-bone contact is present, often
A 61-year-old man presented with a 6-month history precludes consideration of this procedure.
of progressively worsening mechanical right hip pain, 3. Relatively recent onset of symptoms. Occasion-
now symptomatic with simple daily activities. Ra- ally, a patient may have moderately advanced ra-
diographs revealed evidence of degenerative disease diographic evidence of disease or be elderly but
(Figure 2.11A), which was further substantiated by an only recently has developed the onset of symp-
MRI. An intraarticular injection of corticosteroid pro- toms. In this setting, one may be hesitant to rec-
vided only a few weeks worth of relief. Because of the ommend hip arthroplasty for a patient with only
magnitude and duration of symptoms, arthroscopy relatively recent onset of symptoms.
was offered as an option. Degenerative labral and ar- 4. Mechanical symptoms. As with other disorders,
ticular damage was identified in addition to a degen- symptoms such as locking, catching, or sharp stab-
erate rupture of the ligamentum teres (Figure 2.11B). bing pain are more indicative of a process that may
Debridement included removal of the deteriorated lig- be improved with arthroscopic debridement. Sim-
ament fibers (Figure 2.11C) as well as damaged artic- ply pain with activity in absence of mechanical
ular and labral tissue. symptoms is a poor indicator of the benefits of ar-
5. Failure of response to conservative treatment. This
DEGENERATIVE ARTHRITIS is perhaps the most important parameter, includ-
ing the roles of activity modification, physical
Many patients suffer from degenerative disease of the therapy, and antiinflammatory medications.
hip, yet few are candidates for arthroscopic interven- 6. Reasonable expectations. It is important that the
tion. The results are often unpredictable in terms of patient have a clear understanding regarding the
patient satisfaction. However, some patients may re- limitations of what can be accomplished with ar-
spond moderately well. The following are general pa- throscopic debridement. The goal is simply to re-
rameters that may be useful in patient selection. duce discomfort with low-impact activities. Be-
cause the success of the procedure is determined
1. Age. The younger the patient, the more likely ar-
by the level of patient satisfaction, unreasonable
throscopy is to be considered as a palliative and
expectations ensure an unsuccessful result.
temporizing procedure to delay the eventual need
for a total hip arthroplasty. The concerning rami- Typically, arthroscopic debridement is considered
fications of hip replacement in the young popula- only if the patient’s symptoms have progressed to the
tion are well known.50 point that otherwise the surgeon would be consider-
FIGURE 2.11. A 61-year-old man with a 6-month history of progressively
worsening right hip pain. (A) AP radiograph reveals evidence of degenerative
changes with underlying dysplasia but partial joint space preservation. (B)
Arthroscopy reveals a hypertrophic degenerate ligamentum teres (*). (C) The
deteriorated fibers are debrided.
ing total hip arthroplasty. Arthroscopy is only an al- whether improvement is adequate enough to be sat-
ternative to hip replacement, not a procedure to be isfactory to the patient and of sufficient duration to
considered for milder symptoms associated with the have been deemed worthwhile. Jackson reports that
disease. This is important for two reasons. First, if an arthroscopic debridement for degenerative disease of
adequate response is not achieved, the patient must the knee results in approximately an 80% likelihood
be prepared for whether he or she is subsequently of some improvement.51 With proper patient selec-
ready to consider hip replacement. Second, some pa- tion, it is hoped that this percentage could be ap-
tients are able to live in a delicate equilibrium with proached for the hip. Thus far, published results of ar-
the underlying degenerative changes for years. There throscopy for arthritis of the hip remain inferior to
is always the risk that attempted arthroscopic de- those of the knee. Sampson (personal communication)
bridement may aggravate the process and inadver- attributes this inability to achieve comparable results
tently accelerate the need for arthroplasty. between the knee and hip to the differences in the
A moderately successful result of arthroscopic de- joint architecture. The knee is a tricompartmental
bridement can only be gauged as some improvement joint, whereas the hip is a unicompartmental joint. Pa-
for some length of time. The subjective gauge is tients can selectively unload the medial or lateral
FIGURE 2.14. A 63-year-old woman developed relatively sponta- nounced change with loss of the superolateral joint space. (From
neous onset of right hip pain. (A) Initial radiographs are fairly un- Byrd and Jones,31 with permission of Arthroscopy.)
remarkable. (B) Follow-up radiographs 3 months later show a pro-
accompanying articular surface damage is usually an Hajdu57 developed a classification system for soft
indicator of the likely success of arthroscopy. tissue tumors based on the tissue of origin. Tumors
It is important to be aware that radiographic evi- of tendosynovial tissue seem to have the greatest
dence of joint space preservation may belie the pres- predilection for the hip and include synovial chon-
ence of advanced articular surface damage. Arthro- dromatosis and pigmented villonodular synovitis.58
scopic inspection has discerned the presence of this Milgram has described three phases of synovial
advanced damage in cases of disabling hip pain unex- chondromatosis based on a temporal sequence.59 Dur-
plained by seemingly healthy radiographs. This po- ing phase I, the synovial disease is active but no loose
tential discrepancy between radiographic findings and bodies are yet present. The second phase is transi-
the extent of joint deterioration is important to con- tional, in which there is active synovial proliferation
sider. In these circumstances, the results of arthros- and loose bodies are present. During the third phase,
copy may be poor, but information is gained to ex- the synovium becomes quiescent with no demonstra-
plain the disproportionate symptoms. Definitive ble disease, but the loose bodies remain. Because of
treatment such as with a total hip arthroplasty is then the insidious nature of the disease, by the time symp-
recognized as an option. toms become significant enough to incite diagnosis
FIGURE 2.16. A 59-year-old man with a painful left hip. (A) AP ra- verted labrum (arrow) with associated diffuse articular wear of the
diograph shows moderate osteoarthritis. (B) Arthroscopic view il- acetabulum (A) and femoral head (F). (B, from Byrd,34 with permis-
lustrates a probe entered through the capsule (C) defining an in- sion of Arthroscopy.)
and surgical intervention, the synovial process has the potential morbidity of an open synovectomy in
usually long since receded, leaving behind only the this population. Arthroscopy may offer a less invasive
loose bodies to create symptoms. Thus, the histologic approach, but this role has not yet been explored for
diagnosis is often in limbo unless synovium can be this disease.
identified actively producing loose bodies. Recurrence
of disease is possible, but recurrence of symptoms fol-
Case 10
lowing arthroscopy is usually more accurately the re-
sult of residual disease because it can be difficult to A 17-year-old girl presented with a 2-year history of pro-
ensure that an absolutely thorough debridement has gressively worsening right hip pain without any spe-
been performed. cific precipitating event. Workup revealed a well-cir-
The hip is surpassed only by the knee and the el- cumscribed intracapsular lesion in the posterior aspect
bow as the site of involvement of synovial chondro- of the joint (Figure 2.17A). Arthroscopy defines the le-
matosis.60,61 However, in the hip, the diagnosis is of- sion (Figure 2.17B), which was excised, revealing a
ten much more elusive. The loose bodies may be small nodular pattern of pigmented villonodular synovitis.
and entirely radiolucent. In the study by McCarthy et
al., at least half these cases were unrecognized before
Case 11
Pigmented villonodular synovitis has been re- A 19-year-old woman was referred with a 7-year his-
ported in both a nodular and diffuse pattern.62 The hip tory of gradually worsening right hip pain. She de-
is the second most frequent site of involvement of this scribed pain with activity, but also a sharp stabbing
disease, with both patterns having been encoun- sensation with twisting maneuvers. Radiographs re-
tered.61,63 Synovectomy has been proposed as the vealed evidence of synovial chondromatosis (Figure
treatment of choice for patients with preserved artic- 2.18A), which was further substantiated by a CT scan
ular cartilage.64 The nodular pattern presents as more (Figure 2.18B,C). Lesions were noted to be present
discrete lesions and can be completely resected with within the intraarticular and peripheral portions of
greater reliability. The diffuse pattern requires a much the joint. Arthroscopy substantiated the intraarticular
more extensive synovectomy. A generous synovec- loose bodies, which were debrided (Figure 2.18D,E).
tomy can still be accomplished arthroscopically with Numerous loose bodies resided in the peripheral com-
less surgical morbidity than an open procedure. partment (Figure 2.18F,G), which were excised in ad-
Hemophiliac arthropathy rarely involves the hip. dition to performing a synovectomy.
In other joints, synovectomy has been used for the
treatment of recurrent bleeds and early degenerative
Case 12
changes, but this has not been recommended for the
hip.65 The reluctance regarding surgical intervention A 52-year-old woman was referred for bilateral hip
in the hip may be due to the presence of fibrosis or pain of 2 years duration following a high-concentra-
FIGURE 2.17. A 17-year-old girl presents with a 2-year history resolution of symptoms. (Byrd JWT: Arthroscopy of the hip:
of ill-defined right hip pain. (A) MRI suggested a posterior in- overview. In: McGinty JB (ed). Operative Arthroscopy, 3rd ed.
traarticular cyst (arrow). (B) Arthroscopy reveals a nodular form Phildelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003:821–842, with
of pigmented villonodular synovitis (arrows). Excision resulted in permission.)
tion external exposure to organophosphate insecti- from all three portals. Postoperatively, the patient ex-
cides. She developed a persistently elevated sedimen- perienced marked improvement of her symptoms.
tation rate and multiple organ disease involving the
liver and kidneys as well as hip pain that had been
responsive only to repeated intraarticular injections IMPINGING OSTEOPHYTES
of corticosteroids. Radiographs were normal (Figure
2.19A). Arthroscopy revealed a proliferative reactive Osteophytes, or bone fragments, can impinge on the
synovitic process emanating from the pulvinar of the joint, causing pain. These can often be excised arthro-
acetabular fossa (Figure 2.19B). Significant sympto- scopically. Excision of osteophytes or fragments
matic improvement following debridement of the caused by previous trauma are the most likely to re-
right hip subsequently led to debridement of the left, sult in successful patient satisfaction.66 This proce-
which did equally well. dure may necessitate an extracapsular as well as ex-
traarticular dissection. Principles for effectively and
safely performing this procedure are as follows.
Case 13
1. Thorough knowledge of the normal anatomy is
A 30-year-old woman was referred for consideration necessary to accurately assess anatomy altered by
of arthroscopy. She had a long-standing history of trauma.
rheumatoid arthritis managed with chronic oral pred- 2. Constant orientation to the extraarticular anatomy
nisone suppressions. She has experienced right hip is important, especially the neurovascular struc-
symptoms for 3 years, but the hip has become in- tures, relative to the area of dissection.
creasingly painful over the past 6 months. An in- 3. When dissecting outside the capsule, keep the soft
traarticular injection of corticosteroid failed to provide tissue debridement directly on bone and avoid
protracted relief. straying into the surrounding soft tissues. Re-
Radiographs revealed modes underlying osteope- member that “bone is home.”
nia, consistent with her disease, but the joint space 4. Optimal visualization is best achieved with a high-
has been well maintained (Figure 2.20A). With the flow fluid management system. Blood and debris
chronicity and magnitude of her symptoms and fail- hinder visualization in the absence of adequate
ure of response to conservative treatment including flow. A high-flow system is necessary to achieve
an intraarticular injection, she was thought to be an adequate flow without having to use excessive
appropriate candidate for arthroscopy. pressure. Increased pressure results in inordinate
At arthroscopy, the articular surfaces were re- fluid extravasation; this cannot be modulated well
markably well maintained, but a proliferative villous with a gravity-flow system alone.
synovial process emanated from the capsular lining 5. Maintain hemostasis: hypotensive anesthesia (sys-
(Figure 2.20B). This process was debrided with a full- tolic BP ⬍ 100 mm Hg); add epinephrine to the
radius synovial resector approaching the synovium fluid; and employ an electrocautery device.
FIGURE 2.18. A 19-year-old woman with a 7-year history of wors- loose bodies are debrided. (E) Viewing the peripheral compartment,
ening right hip pain. (A) AP radiograph reveals findings of synovial large loose bodies are identified between the medial synovial fold
chondromatosis characterized by numerous loose bodies. (B, C) CT (MSF) and zona orbicularis (ZO). (F) Lifting the medial synovial fold
scan further substantiates the presence of loose bodies within the (MSF), numerous small loose bodies are identified along the medial
joint and within the peripheral compartment. (D) Intraarticular neck.
FIGURE 2.19. A 52-year-old woman with a 2-year history of bilat- changes. (B) Arthroscopic view of the right hip reveals a prolifera-
eral hip pain following high-dose cutaneous exposure to organophos- tive reactive synovitic process obliterating the acetabular fossa (ar-
phate insecticides. (A) AP radiograph of the right hip is unremark- rows), which is being debrided.
able with well-maintained joint space and no evidence of bony
Osteophytes are commonly encountered in associ- tion for the pathomechanics of these specific lesions
ation with osteoarthritis but rarely benefit from exci- is just beginning to unfold. Many overlap with asso-
sion. The osteophytes evident radiographically are ciated osteoarthritis, in which case excision of the im-
rarely the sole cause of pain but are simply a radio- pinging lesion may be of limited benefit.
graphic indicator of the degenerative process. Al-
though debridement in the presence of degenerative
Case 14
disease is sometimes appropriate, osteophyte excision
alone is rarely a productive undertaking. A 46-year-old man was referred for persistent left hip
The concept of femoroacetabular impingement as pain 18 months following closed treatment of a pos-
a consequence of hip joint morphology is beginning to terior fracture-dislocation involving the posterior lip
be understood.67,68 Traditional arthrotomy has been of the acetabulum (Figure 2.21A). Extension of the hip
proposed in the management with bony resection. It was especially painful. A CT scan revealed two large
is likely that most of these can be addressed arthro- fragments residing posterior to the joint, impinging on
scopically with equal success. However, an apprecia- the femoral head (Figure 2.21B).
FIGURE 2.20. A 30-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis and synovial disease is present, which responded well to arthroscopic
protracted right hip pain. (A) AP radiograph reveals mild osteope- synovectomy.
nia with excellent joint space preservation. (B) Proliferative villous
is limited. Arthroscopic debridement has been used femoral head (Figure 2.22). The arthroscopic findings
for end-stage disease in young patients as an effort to may be diverse. There are varying degrees of delami-
delay the eventual need for total hip replacement. For nation of the articular surface of the femoral head or
this circumstance, the results are uniformly poor.69,70 chondral fragmentation of the femoral head and ac-
Symptomatic improvement, at best, is brief and rarely etabular surfaces. Despite the variable arthroscopic
justifies the procedure. Ruch et al. explored the role findings, debridement for stage IV disease results in
of arthroscopy in staging of AVN of the femoral only modest improvement for a brief period of time
head.71 They found arthroscopy to be of no benefit in and is of limited benefit.
the evaluation of stage II (precollapse) disease or in
young patients (⬍30 years of age) with stage III (sub-
Case 16
chondral fracture) disease. These are thought to be the
best candidates for free-vascularized fibular grafting, A 28-year-old man is referred for consideration of ar-
and none of these cases had delamination of the ar- throscopy of his right hip. He presented with acute ex-
ticular surface. They advocate diagnostic arthroscopy acerbation of right hip pain. He recounted mild symp-
for stage IV (postcollapse) patients who are otherwise toms off and on for years, but despite this he was fully
candidates for osteotomy or vascularized graft. If com- active, including running 2 to 3 miles 3 days a week.
plete delamination of the articular surface was en- Radiographs revealed evidence of stage IV AVN
countered, they would debride the fragment and per- (Figure 2.23A). An MRI scan further defined the ex-
form a simple core decompression. These patients also tent of involvement of the femoral head (Figure 2.23B).
often have coexistent labral pathology and acetabular A contradiction existed between the modest symp-
fragmentation that can be debrided. O’Leary et al. re- toms experienced by the patient and the advanced ra-
ported their retrospective experience in patients with diographic stage of the disease. To determine if the pa-
osteonecrosis.72 In general, osteonecrosis was found to tient might still be a candidate for a free-vascularized
be a poor prognostic indicator but was not a con- fibular graft, arthroscopy was recommended to discern
traindication to arthroscopy. Accompanying mechan- the integrity of the articular surfaces.
ical symptoms were a better prognostic indicator of Arthroscopy revealed that the entire articular sur-
potentially treatable pathology, delaying the eventual face overlying the area of the lesion was unstable, hav-
need for arthroplasty. However, they would not rec- ing delaminated off the underlying necrotic bone (Fig-
ommend arthroscopy in the presence of osteonecrosis ure 2.23C). This included the medial portion of the
and absence of mechanical symptoms. femoral head, extending superiorly and laterally to the
area marked with the probe (Figure 2.23D,E). The un-
stable articular surface was excised. Fibular grafting of
Case 15
the defect was contraindicated. Even if revasculariza-
This case highlights the radiographic and correspond- tion of the bone could be achieved, there was no re-
ing arthroscopic appearance of stage IV AVN of the maining overlying articular surface.
FIGURE 2.22. (A) AP radiograph of the left hip of a 44-year-old man with stage IV avascular necrosis
(AVN). (B) Arthroscopic view demonstrates areas of grade IV chondral fragmentation from both the femoral
head and acetabulum.
FIGURE 2.23. A 28-year-old man with recent onset of right hip ing from the posterolateral portal, the entire articular surface is de-
symptoms, but no restriction in activities. (A) An AP radiograph re- laminated off the medial aspect of the femoral head (asterisk). The
veals evidence of stage IV AVN characterized by joint space preser- lateral extent is marked with the probe. (D) The position of the
vation and no apparent acetabular involvement. (B) An MRI scan probe is evident on the fluoroscopic image and corresponds with
further defines the extent of femoral head involvement. (C) View- the lateral margin of the lesion evident on the radiograph.
FIGURE 2.24. A 16-year-old girl with symptomatic instability of the anterior portal, treatment of the lateral capsule is identified (ar-
her left hip. (A) AP radiograph demonstrates a concentric reduction row). (D) Now viewing anteriorly from the anterolateral portal,
with good coverage of the femoral head. (B) Viewing posteriorly from tightening of the capsule at the capsulolabral reflection (arrow) is
the anterolateral portal, thermal capsulorrhaphy is begun with the being performed. The capsular surface of the labrum (L) is seen; the
laser introduced from the posterolateral portal. A band of tissue (ar- acetabulum (A) is far to the right.
rows) illustrates the capsular response. (C) Viewing laterally from
anesthetic effect of the intraarticular injection. Ar- In fact, manipulation is essential to being able to
throscopy was recommended to address her intraar- carry out successful arthroscopy in the presence of ad-
ticular damage as well as to perform thermal capsu- hesive capsulitis. There is one report of failed at-
lorrhaphy for her laxity. At arthroscopy, the labrum tempted arthroscopy for adhesive capsulitis that sub-
was found to be intact, but her capsular laxity was ad- sequently underwent an open capsulectomy.78 It is
dressed (Figure 2.24B–D). Postoperatively, she was likely that with manipulation and attention to the de-
maintained in a hip spica brace with the extension– tails of the technique, arthroscopy could have been
flexion arc blocked from 15 to 70 degrees for 8 weeks. successfully employed, avoiding an open procedure.
She then progressed with a supervised rehabilitation Examination under anesthesia confirms the pres-
program focusing on stabilization exercises and expe- ence of adhesive capsulitis characterized by restricted
rienced complete resolution of her symptoms. rotational motion in both directions. Manipulation is
then performed by placing the leg in the figure of 4
position. Stabilizing the pelvis, gentle pressure is ap-
ADHESIVE CAPSULITIS plied to the medial aspect of the ipsilateral knee, press-
Adhesive capsulitis of the hip has previously been de- ing the knee down toward the table. The crepitus as-
scribed in the literature as case reports.75–79 The fol- sociated with the adhesions breaking loose can be felt
lowing profile of this condition is presented based on and heard just as when performing manipulation of a
our experience and previously published information. shoulder. After performing this maneuver, it is then
Adhesive capsulitis of the hip presents and behaves easier to gently stretch the hip in internal and exter-
similar to adhesive capsulitis in the shoulder. There nal rotation to regain full motion. As with the shoul-
may or may not be associated intraarticular pathol- der, this manipulation must be performed in a judi-
ogy. Some respond to conservative treatment includ- cious fashion to minimize the risk of fracture, which
ing oral antiinflammatory medication and physical could be a disastrous complication.
therapy emphasizing range of motion. It is likely that After completing the manipulation, arthroscopy is
there are numerous cases that resolve spontaneously performed in a standard fashion. Hemorrhagic fibri-
without getting treatment. Also, adhesive capsulitis nous debris is identified within the joint similar to
of the hip may not present to the physician as fre- that encountered in the shoulder after manipulation.
quently as adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder because Postoperative rehabilitation emphasizes range
the accompanying dysfunction may not be as severe. of motion more so than other hip procedures. As
Patients are able to compensate for restricted range of motion is regained, patients typically experience
motion in the hip much better than they can for re- marked gratification in terms of reduced pain and
striction in the shoulder. improved function.
The cardinal presenting feature is painful, restricted
range of motion. Radiographs rule out limited motion
Case 18
caused by advanced degenerative disease, but the ex-
aminer must differentiate whether restricted motion A 42-year-old woman presented with a 10-month his-
is truly due to capsular adhesions or self-limited by the tory of left hip pain that developed during an exercise
patient because of painful guarding. Often there may program. Her symptoms have steadily worsened de-
be a history of trauma such as a twisting injury or fall, spite modifying her activities. On examination, she
but this is not very helpful in determining whether has painful limited motion in all planes. Her radio-
there is coexistent intraarticular damage. graphs are unremarkable. An MRA shows evidence of
As with other hip disorders, MRI is variable in its a small anterior labral tear, and she obtained pro-
ability to detect accompanying intraarticular pathol- nounced temporary pain relief from the anesthetic ef-
ogy. Murphy et al. reported arthrography to be diag- fect of the intraarticular injection. Arthroscopy was
nostic due to reduced intracapsular volume, but we recommended. On examination under anesthesia, she
have not found this to be uniformly reliable.75 Ac- had markedly reduced rotational motion of the left hip
companying pathology may include labral or articular compared with the right. However, by placing the hip
injury. There are also several reports of synovial chon- in a figure of 4 position and applying gentle pressure
dromatosis presenting with adhesive capsulitis, and to the medial aspect of the knee, adhesions could be
we have observed this relationship as well.75,76 felt releasing. This procedure resulted in regaining full
For recalcitrant cases, manipulation under anes- rotational motion of the joint. Arthroscopy revealed a
thesia with concomitant arthroscopy has been quite small anterior labral tear (Figure 2.25A), which was
successful. It is likely that some cases might respond conservatively debrided. Also present was hemor-
to simple manipulation alone but, with the uncer- rhagic fibrinous debris consistent with adhesive cap-
tainty of investigative studies to identify intraarticu- sulitis (Figure 2.25B–D). Postoperatively, she had im-
lar damage, we have routinely employed arthroscopy mediate and complete alleviation of her symptoms.
for this condition. This relief was believed to be mostly attributable to
FIGURE 2.25. A 42-year-old woman with pain and restricted mo- bridement of the fibrotic tissue is performed. (D) Viewing periph-
tion of the left hip. (A) Arthroscopy reveals a small peripheral lon- eral to the labrum (L) illustrates the hemorrhagic fibrotic tissue
gitudinal tear of the anterior labrum (arrows). (B) Dense fibrous characteristic of adhesive capsulitis.
adhesions are evident in the acetabular fossa (asterisk). (C) De-
the adhesive capsulitis and, only to a lesser extent, the scopic procedure better than an open operation. Ap-
labral tear. propriate patient selection may be a factor in choos-
ing this procedure as a successful outcome is more
likely when early intervention is performed for an
SEPSIS acute infectious process caused by a bacterial organ-
ism that demonstrates sensitivity to antibiotics.
Arthroscopic lavage for acute bacterial sepsis of the These parameters especially apply for infection in the
hip has been described in the pediatric literature by presence of a total hip arthroplasty, as reported by Hy-
Chung et al.80 Blitzer described similar indications for man et al.83
lavage and debridement in an adult population, and
Bould et al. have published a case report as well.81,82
Case 19
Arthroscopic visualization of the joint is better than
can be accomplished with an open approach unless A 57-year-old man presented with a 1-week history of
the hip is dislocated intraoperatively. More important, spontaneous onset disabling left hip pain. There was
the morbidity of arthroscopy is significantly less and no attributable injury. His recent medical history was
may be especially important when joint infection oc- remarkable for an episode of acute gastrointeritis 1
curs in a medically compromised patient. A seriously week prior. Radiographs were unremarkable (Figure
ill patient may be capable of withstanding an arthro- 2.26A). The same day, an MRI showed evidence of a
significant effusion with surrounding soft tissue copy has a role in other problems associated with hip
edema (Figure 2.26B), and aspiration demonstrated tur- arthroplasty but should always be viewed cautiously
bid fluid with gram-positive cocci. His Westergren sed- as there are few sources of a painful hip prosthesis that
imentation rate was markedly elevated at 62. He un- are amenable to arthroscopic intervention.87 Hyman
derwent emergent arthroscopy with debridement and et al. have reported successful arthroscopic manage-
lavage (Figure 2.26C). Cultures grew Escherichia coli. ment of eight consecutive patients with late, acutely
He was maintained on intravenous antibiotics for 2 infected total hips.83 The important parameters in-
weeks, followed by 4 weeks of oral medication. There cluded early diagnosis, prompt intervention, a sensi-
was no recurrence of infection. tive microorganism, and appropriate antibiotic ther-
apy. Another area in which arthroscopy may gain an
increasing role is with the growing awareness of the
STATUS POST TOTAL problems associated with polyethylene wear debris.88
Case 20
Case reports of arthroscopy for removal of entrapped
foreign material following total hip arthroplasty have A 59-year-old man was referred for arthroscopic as-
been described with successful results.84–86 Arthros- sessment of a painful left total hip arthroplasty. A
press-fit prosthesis had been placed 3 years earlier. UNRESOLVED HIP PAIN
Five months previously, he had fallen, landing in
the seated position, and had experienced pain ever Diagnostic arthroscopy is not a substitute for clinical
since. An extensive workup had failed to reveal any diagnostic skills and appropriately coordinated inves-
evidence of fracture, loosening, or infection. Ar- tigative studies. As stated by Dr. Jack Hughston,
throscopy was requested to see if there was any un- “looking is not a substitute for thinking.” Considered
detected failure of the acetabular liner or other oc- casually, unresolved hip pain would certainly be an
cult findings. Arthroscopy was carried out with a easily abused indication.
standard distraction technique (Figure 2.27A). Arthroscopy has defined many elusive and often
There was noted to be turbid, but sterile fluid, in treatable causes of hip pain. This success has done
addition to fibrinous material, which was biopsied much to stimulate advancements among noninvasive
and debrided (Figure 2.27B). This material revealed investigative studies. As various imaging methods
granulomatous infiltrates. Otherwise, the prosthe- continue to improve, the role of diagnostic arthros-
sis was intact (Figure 2.27C,D). copy should diminish. Numerous situations still ex-
FIGURE 2.27. A 59-year-old man with a painful left total hip from the anterior portal, the relationship of the lateral two portals
arthroplasty. (A) AP fluoroscopic view demonstrates distraction of is demonstrated within the joint, also illustrating the intact artic-
the joint allowing placement of the three standard arthroscopic por- ulating surfaces of the prosthesis. (D) The interface of the bone (B)
tals. (B) Fibrinous tissue is present and being biopsied. (C) Viewing and acetabular shell (A) is visualized behind the acetabular liner (L).
ist in which arthroscopy is contemplated without a instruments into the joint due to risk of secondarily
clear diagnosis, but at least with a high degree of sus- creating a pyarthrosis. Similarly, other sources of soft
picion that the problem is intraarticular and poten- tissue compromise may contraindicate instrumenta-
tially amenable to arthroscopic intervention or, as tion of the joint when there may be a concern re-
stated by Burman in 1931, “ . . . a good differential of garding potential wound healing. Heterotopic ossifi-
various lesions that may be amenable to arthroscopic cation within the surrounding soft tissues may also
intervention.”89 Under appropriate circumstances, the create difficulties for access.
literature still supports the role of diagnostic arthros- Appreciation of the bony architecture and neu-
copy. In the study by Baber et al., arthroscopy altered rovascular anatomy about the hip is critical to safe ar-
the diagnosis in more than half of 328 patients un- throscopy and, thus, any significant alteration in the
dergoing the procedure.90 normal anatomy of the bones or soft tissues, whether
from previous trauma or surgery, may contraindicate
ASSOCIATED WITH One must also keep in mind potential stress risers
OPEN PROCEDURES in the bone, whether from disease, trauma, or previ-
ous surgery. A significant stress riser that could prop-
In varied examples, arthroscopy has been described ei- agate a fracture may contraindicate the use of dis-
ther in conjunction with open procedures or as a prel- traction forces often necessary for arthroscopy.
ude to a subsequent open procedure. Futami et al.91 Severe obesity may be a relative contraindi-
described the role of arthroscopy in coordination with cation to hip arthroscopy, more than arthroscopy
pinning for slipped capital femoral epiphysis, and for any other joint. Extra-length instruments are
Ruch has described arthroscopic guidance in posi- routinely needed, even for moderate-sized patients,
tioning for core decompression in the presence of and extremely dense soft tissues may overcome
AVN.91,92 Hawkins described arthroscopically as- the effective operating length of currently available
sisted debridement of the hip via a miniarthrotomy, instruments.
and Sekiya et al. have reported a similar method of ar- Advanced disease states with destruction of the hip
throscopy via a limited anterior approach.93,94 Oste- joint are also a contraindication to arthroscopy. This
otomy is occasionally performed for a variety of hip reflects poor patient selection and emphasizes the im-
disorders.95 Arthroscopy may be a useful adjunct in portance of proper indications.
the planning process for selecting candidates for oste-
otomy.5 Its role in staging of AVN and addressing
coexistent intraarticular pathology has also been SUMMARY
There are many indications for hip arthroscopy. How-
ever, the patients who adequately fit these indications
CONTRAINDICATIONS are few. Be critical in your patient selection process.
When you are clear on the indications, even then, ex-
Many contraindications exist for hip arthroscopy for pect surprises. Use each case as a learning tool to in-
reasons other than the hip itself. Medical illness or terpret normal variations and the significance of sus-
disease may preclude the patient from being an ade- pected pathological lesions.
quate risk for surgery. An active focus of infection con-
traindicates this relatively elective procedure. How- References
ever, these contraindications are not unique to hip
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ment. Clin Orthop 1986;209:49–56.
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Physical Examination
J.W. Thomas Byrd
xamination of a painful hip is fairly succinct. HISTORY
Much of the examination focuses on assessing
for extraarticular sources of hip pain. In fact, in Because there are various disorders that can result in
the author’s center, only approximately 20% of all pa- a painful hip, the history may be equally varied as far
tients who present with a chief complaint of hip prob- as onset, duration, and severity of symptoms. For ex-
lems actually have an intraarticular source of their ample, acute labral tears associated with an injury
symptoms, with the most common being degenera- have gone undiagnosed for decades, presenting as a
tive arthritis. Also, for those who do genuinely have chronic disorder. Conversely, patients with a degen-
an intraarticular source of their symptoms, only a erative labral tear may describe the acute onset of
small percentage are candidates for any type of ar- symptoms associated with a relatively innocuous ep-
throscopic intervention. isode and gradual progression of symptoms.
Common extraarticular sources of hip-related In general, a history of a significant traumatic event
symptoms begin remote from the joint itself. These is a better prognostic indicator of a problem poten-
complaints include symptoms referred from the lum- tially correctable with arthroscopy.1 Insidious onset of
bar spine, sacroiliac joint, and sciatic nerve. Hamstring symptoms is a poorer prognostic indicator. This situ-
and ischial symptoms are usually readily differenti- ation suggests either underlying degenerative disease
ated. However, hip flexor or adductor muscle strains or some predisposition to injury, which is not likely
may closely mimic hip joint symptoms. Lateral symp- to be completely correctable with arthroscopy. Pa-
toms such as trochanteric bursitis or hip abductor tients may recount a minor precipitating episode such
muscle injury are usually characteristic. Deep tendi- as a twisting injury; however, even under these cir-
nous involvement such as the piriformis or iliopsoas cumstances, be wary that there may be underlying sus-
tendon may be difficult to differentiate from me- ceptibility of the joint to damage and, again, a less cer-
chanical hip symptoms and may also occur in con- tain prognosis.
junction with intraarticular pathology. Mechanical symptoms such as locking, catching,
An occult femoral hernia produces groin symp- popping, or sharp stabbing in nature are better prog-
toms. Pain localization suggests hip pathology, but nostic indicators of a problem correctable by arthros-
symptoms are not generated by examination of the copy.2 Simply pain in absence of mechanical symp-
hip. Nor do symptoms correlate with weight bearing toms is a poorer predictor. However, the presence of
or walking as much as with Valsalva-type maneuvers. a pop or click is an often overrated feature of the hip
Consequently, it is often a challenge to differenti- examination. This sensation may indicate an unsta-
ate musculoskeletal problems from visceral or ner- ble lesion inside the joint, but many painful intraar-
vous system disorders. After determining that the ticular problems never demonstrate this finding, and
problem is musculoskeletal, the next step is to differ- popping and clicking can occur due to many extraar-
entiate intraarticular (or intracapsular) sources from ticular causes, most of which are normal.
extraarticular disorders. Even then, many intraarticu- There are characteristic features of the history that
lar sources of hip pain are not amenable to arthro- often indicate a mechanical hip problem (Table 3.1).
scopic intervention. Examples include femoral neck These signs are helpful in localizing the hip as the
stress fracture seen in active individuals, early-stage source of trouble but are not specific for the type of
avascular necrosis frequently plaguing the younger pathology. As expected, the pain is worse with activ-
population, and advanced arthritic disorders that are ities, although the degree is variable. Straight plane
usually apparent radiographically. Thus, various im- activities such as straight-ahead walking are often well
aging studies are often important in ruling out some tolerated while twisting maneuvers such as simply
of these disease states as much as in confirming a di- turning to change direction may produce sharp pain,
agnosis (see Chapter 4). especially when turning toward the symptomatic side,
TABLE 3.1. Characteristic Hip Symptoms. should not unduly prejudice the approach. The ex-
Symptoms worse with activities
aminer must be systematic and thorough to avoid po-
Twisting, such as turning, changing directions tential pitfalls and missed diagnoses (Figure 3.1). In
Seated position may be uncomfortable, especially with hip flexion reference to examination of the hip, Otto Aufranc3
Rising from seated position often painful (catching)
Difficulty ascending and descending stairs
noted that “more is missed by not looking than by not
Symptoms with entering and exiting an automobile knowing.”
Difficulty with shoes, socks, hose, and so forth
Certain measurements should be recorded as a rou-
The information obtained in the history is just a tine part of the assessment. Leg lengths should be mea-
screening tool. It helps direct the examination, but it sured from the anterior superior iliac spine to the me-
FIGURE 3.1. (A) It is important that both hips be examined. This approach can gain the patient’s confidence and provide po-
This necessitates that the examination table be positioned so tentially useful information for comparison when examining the
that the examiner can approach the patient from both sides. (B) involved hip. Failure to do so can result in missing useful in-
Always begin the examination with the uninvolved extremity. formation.
FIGURE 3.2. During stance, the patient with an irritated hip tends
to stand with the joint slightly flexed. Consequently, the knee will
be slightly flexed as well. This combined position of slight flexion FIGURE 3.3. In the seated position, slouching and listing to the
creates an effective leg length discrepancy. To avoid dropping the uninvolved side allows the hip to seek a slightly less flexed posi-
pelvis on the affected side, the patient tends to rise slightly on his tion. This is usually combined with slight abduction and external
or her toes. rotation, which relaxes the capsule.
FIGURE 3.5. (A) During ambulation, the stance phase of gait is shortened. Hip extension is avoided by
keeping the joint in a slightly flexed position. This slight flexion creates a functional leg length dis-
crepancy with shortening on the involved side and partially creates a lurch. (B) Further abductor lurch
may occur as a compensatory mechanism to reduce the forces across the joint. Shifting the torso over
the involved hip moves the center of gravity closer to the axis of the hip, shortens the lever arm mo-
ment, and reduces compressive joint force.
dial malleolus (Figure 3.6). Significant leg length dis- There are several effective mechanisms for
crepancies (greater than 1.5 cm) may be associated recording rotational motion of the hip. It is impor-
with a variety of chronic conditions. Typically, if this tant to select one and be consistent. Flexing the hip
appears to be a contributing factor, we try to correct 90 degrees and then internally and externally ro-
for half of the recorded discrepancy in the course of tating the joint is an easy and reproducible method
conservative treatment, preferably with an insert that for recording rotational motion (Figure 3.10). Abduc-
is cosmetically more acceptable than a built-up shoe. tion and adduction are recorded as well (Figure 3.11).
Thigh circumference, although a crude measure-
ment, may reflect chronic conditions and muscle at-
rophy (Figure 3.7). It is important to measure the in-
volved compared with the uninvolved side. Sequential
measurement on subsequent examination may be
helpful as an indicator of response to therapy. Again,
this is a crude measure that only indirectly reflects
hip function, but hip disease conversely usually af-
fects the entire lower extremity.
It is important to accurately record range of motion
of the hip in a consistent and reproducible fashion. Al-
though reduced range of motion itself is rarely an indi-
cation for arthroscopic intervention, it is often a good in-
dicator of the extent of disease and response to treatment.
The degree of flexion and the presence of a flexion
contracture are determined by using the Thomas test
(Figure 3.8). Extension is recorded with the patient in FIGURE 3.6. Leg lengths are measured from the anterior superior
the prone position, raising the leg (Figure 3.9). iliac spine to the medial malleolus.
FIGURE 3.8. (A) In the supine position, the uninvolved hip is kept
in maximal extension. This stabilizes the pelvis and avoids contri-
bution of pelvic tilt to hip flexion. The affected hip is then maxi-
mally flexed and motion recorded. (B) To check extension or pres-
ence of a flexion contracture, the unaffected hip is brought into
maximal flexion and held by the patient, locking the pelvis. The af-
fected hip is then brought out toward extension and motion recorded.
FIGURE 3.7. Thigh circumference should be measured at a fixed po-
sition, both for consistency of measurement of the affected and un-
affected limbs and for consistency of measurement on subsequent ex-
aminations. (A) A tape measure is placed from the anterior superior
iliac spine (ASIS) toward the center of the patella. (B) A selected dis-
tance below the anterior superior iliac spine is marked (typically 18
cm). (C) Thigh circumference is then recorded at this fixed position.
FIGURE 3.10. (A, B) Supine, with the hip flexed 90 degrees, the hip ternatively, rotational motion can be recorded with the hip extended
is maximally rotated internally and externally with motions in the prone position. Whatever method is chosen, it is important
recorded. This method is simple, quick, and reproducible. (C, D) Al- to be consistent on sequential examinations.
FIGURE 3.11. (A, B) The hip is abducted and adducted, and range of motion is recorded relative to the midline.
FIGURE 3.12. Often the patient waves the hand over a large area
of involvement. However, the patient is asked, with encouragement
and instruction, to point with one finger to the area of maximal in-
The C Sign
The classic complaint of patients with hip pathology
is “groin pain.” However, the author has identified a
common characteristic sign of patients presenting
with hip disorders. The patient cups his or her hand
above the greater trochanter when describing deep in-
terior hip pain. The hand forms a C and thus this has
been termed the C sign (Figure 3.16). Because of the
position of the hand, this can be misinterpreted as in-
dicating lateral pathology such as the iliotibial band
A or trochanteric bursitis, but quite characteristically,
the patient is describing deep interior hip pain.
Palpation is usually unrevealing as far as any specific
areas of discomfort related to an intraarticular source
of hip symptoms (Figure 3.17). Obviously, one must
FIGURE 3.16. (A, B) The C sign. This term reflects the shape of
the hand when a patient describes deep interior hip pain. The hand
is cupped above the greater trochanter with the thumb posterior
and the fingers gripping deep into the anterior groin.
The straight leg raise is important for assessing
signs related to lumbar nerve root irritation (Figure
3.19). It may also provoke local joint symptoms. The
Patrick or Faber test (flexion, abduction, external ro-
tation) has been described both for stressing the SI
joint looking for symptoms localized to this area and
for isolating symptoms to the hip (Figure 3.20). Dif-
ferentiation between pain localized to the SI joint and
the hip is usually easy.
The single most specific test for hip pain is log
rolling of the hip back and forth (Figure 3.21). This
test moves only the femoral head in relation to the
acetabulum and the surrounding capsule. There is no
significant excursion or stress on myotendinous struc-
tures or nerves. Absence of a positive log roll test does
FIGURE 3.19. The classic straight leg raise (SLR) test is performed not preclude the hip as a source of symptoms, but its
to assess tension signs of lumbar nerve root irritation. A positive
interpretation is characterized by reproduction of radiating pain presence greatly raises the suspicion.
along a dermatomal distribution of the lower extremity. It may also Forced flexion combined with internal rotation is
recreate local joint symptoms or discomfort in stretching of the a more sensitive maneuver that may elicit symptoms
hamstring tendons.
associated with even subtle hip pathology (Figure
3.22). Sometimes there may be an accompanying pop
or click, but more important is whether the maneu-
be familiar with the topographic and deep anatomy to ver reproduces the type of hip pain that the patient
correlate the structures being palpated. Aufranc3 noted experiences with activities. This maneuver may nor-
that “a continuing study of anatomy marks the dif- mally be uncomfortable, so it is important to compare
ference between good and expert ability.” the response on the symptomatic and asymptomatic
Palpation is used more to assess potential sources sides. Alternatively, forced abduction with external
of hip-type pain, other than the joint itself. It is im- rotation sometimes produces symptoms (Figure 3.23).
portant to be systematic, palpating the lumbar spine, An active straight leg raise or straight leg raise
sacroiliac (SI) joints, ischium, iliac crest, lateral aspect against resistance also often elicits hip symptoms (Fig-
of the greater trochanter and trochanteric bursa, mus- ure 3.24). This maneuver generates a force of several
cle bellies, and even the pubic symphysis, each of times body weight across the articular surfaces and ac-
which may elicit information regarding a potential tually can generate more force than walking.
source of hip symptoms.
Manual muscle testing is a crude measure of hip func-
tion, but it may elicit useful information (Figure 3.18).
If injury to a specific muscle group is suspected, resis-
ted contraction should reproduce localized symptoms.
Active range of motion and resisted active range of
motion may also reproduce joint symptoms. However,
when carefully interpreted, a distinction can be made
between symptoms of a muscle strain and hip pain.
This differentiation may be least clear with a strain
of the hip flexors. In this setting, active hip flexion re-
produces pain while passive flexion should not.
FIGURE 3.20. With the patient supine, the Patrick or Faber test is
performed by crossing the ankle over the front of the contralateral
Special tests include those maneuvers used to define knee and then forcing the knee of the involved extremity down on
other sources of symptoms as well as those used to the table. This combination of flexion, abduction, and external ro-
define symptoms localized to the hip. There also needs tation stresses the sacroiliac (SI) joint, and when injury or inflam-
mation is present, this movement markedly enhances symptoms
to be an appreciation of how tests for other sources localized to the SI area. This same maneuver can irritate the hip
may also affect a painful hip. joint as well, but with distinctly different localization of symptoms.
FIGURE 3.24. (A, B) An active straight leg raise, or especially a leg raise against resistance, generates compressive forces of multiple
times body weight across the hip joint. Consequently, this is often painful, especially when there is even an mild degree of underlying
degenerative disease.
FIGURE 3.25. (A) An anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of the pelvis
is centered low to include the hips. Performed properly, this pro-
vides good radiographic assessment of the hip in the AP plane. Ad-
ditionally, it allows radiographic visualization of the surrounding
structures, including the lumbosacral junction, sacrum, coccyx,
sacroiliac joint, ilium, ischium, and pubis. Of equal importance, it
provides a comparison view of the contralateral hip, which is often
helpful when trying to interpret subtle irregularities or variations
present in the affected hip. (B) The frog lateral provides an excel-
lent radiographic view of the proximal femur in a perpendicular
plane to the AP film.
FIGURE 3.28. AP radiograph of the right hip of a 50-year-old woman, FIGURE 3.30. AP radiograph of the left hip of a 20-year-old colle-
demonstrating classic characteristics of acetabular dysplasia. giate basketball player with mild long-standing activity-related hip
pain. There is subtle joint space narrowing in the superior weight-
bearing portion of the hips and malformation of the femoral head
that is distinct, but not classic, for the common developmental dis-
orders of the hips.
principal diagnosis of degenerative disease, concomi- 2. O’Leary JA, Berend K, Vail TP: The relationship between di-
tant use of a solution containing corticosteroid occa- agnosis and outcome in arthroscopy of the hip. Arthroscopy
sionally provides protracted pain relief analogous to 3. Aufranc OE: The patient with a hip problem. In: Aufranc OE (ed).
injection of an arthritic knee. Currently, with the de- Constructive Surgery of the Hip. St. Louis: Mosby, 1962:15–49.
velopment of gadolinium arthrographic techniques 4. Hilton J: Rest and Pain. London: Bell, 1863.
with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (MRA), this 5. Jacobsen T, Allen WC: Surgical correction of the snapping il-
anesthetic injection test can now be combined with iopsoas tendon. Am J Sport Med 1990;18:1470–1474.
6. Allen WC, Cope R: Coxa saltans: the snapping hip revisited. J
the contrast medium used for imaging. It is impera- Am Acad Orthop Surg 1995;3:303–308.
tive for the treating surgeon to specify to the radiolo- 7. Zoltan DJ, Clancy WG Jr, Keene JS: A new operative approach
gist when performing MRA to be certain to include the snapping hip and refractory trochanteric bursitis in ath-
bupivicaine. Response to the anesthetic may provide letes. Am J Sports Med 1986;14:201–204.
more reliable information than the images. 8. Brignall CG, Stainsby GD: The snapping hip: treatment by
Z-plasty. J Bone Joint Surg 1991;73B:253–254.
9. Dorrell J, Catterall A: The torn acetabular labrum. J Bone Joint
References Surg 1986;68B:400–403.
1. Byrd JWT, Jones KS: Prospective analysis of hip arthroscopy 10. Klaue K, Durnin DW, Ganz R: The acetabular rim syndrome.
with two year follow up. Arthroscopy 2000;16:578–587. J Bone Joint Surg 1991;73B:423–429.
Adult Hip Imaging
Roy E. Erb
he role of diagnostic imaging in the evaluation the anterior column and posterior acetabular rim and
of unexplained hip pain has been expanded re- is obtained with the affected hip rotated 45 degrees
cently by advances in computed tomography anteriorly. The posterior Judet view demonstrates the
(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)1–3 and the posterior column and anterior acetabular rim and is
efforts of several investigators toward improving de- taken with the affected hip rotated 45 degrees.
tection of labral pathology.4–17 Of particular interest Historically, plain tomography of the hip was most
to the arthroscopist, MR arthrography has proven ac- commonly used in the evaluation of healing or
curate in the detection of injuries of the acetabular nonunion of a proximal femur fracture treated with
labrum4–16 and can also demonstrate chondral dam- open reduction and internal fixation,21 collapse of the
age, loose bodies, and abnormalities of the ligamen- femoral head in osteonecrosis, or the depiction of a sus-
tum teres.17 This chapter is tailored to the arthro- pected osteoid osteoma. The basis for the use of plain
scopist and includes a brief review of imaging tomography in the setting of an open reduction and in-
modalities used in the evaluation of adult hip pain fol- ternal fixation was decreased metallic artifact relative
lowed by a discussion and illustration of the imaging to CT. With the advent of multislice, multidetector,
features of hip disorders. helical CT, thin collimation CT with two-dimensional
(2D) reformatting has essentially replaced the use of
plain tomograms, providing similar resolution and in-
DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING MODALITIES formation with a much shorter examination time and
AND PROCEDURES less metallic artifact than conventional CT.
FIGURE 4.1. Impaction fractures of the femoral head and acetabu- fracture fragments adjacent to the lateral acetabulum (arrow).
lum associated with posterior dislocation of the right hip. (A) Plain (B) Computed tomography (CT) scan reveals impaction fractures of
radiograph demonstrates overlap of the cortex of the superior the femoral head and posterior wall of the acetabulum (arrowheads)
femoral head and acetabulum, internal rotation of the femur, and as well as fracture fragments from the posterior wall (arrows).
CT examination of the hip at our institution is per- has the unique ability to demonstrate soft tissue and
formed using a multislice helical scanner (General Elec- marrow-based abnormalities that cannot be seen on
tric, Milwaukee, WI). Imaging is performed in the ax- plain radiographs or CT. The spectrum of pathology of
ial plane and extends from just cephalad to the anterior the hip demonstrated with MRI has expanded well be-
inferior iliac spine to just caudal to the lesser trochanter. yond detecting osteonecrosis, for which hip MRI gained
A bone algorithm is used with 2.5-mm collimation at its initial success. MRI is effective in demonstrating in-
1.25-mm intervals at a table speed of 0.75 seconds. Two- traarticular and extraarticular pathology. Extraarticu-
dimensional (2D) coronal and sagittal reformations are lar disorders that are well demonstrated with MRI in-
often generated from the data set to aid in spatial ori- clude muscle injuries,23,24 iliopsoas and trochanteric
entation. Three dimensional (3D) images are less often bursitis,25,26 sacroiliitis, and pelvic neoplasms. Intra-
generated but may be helpful for surgical planning. articular hip disorders depicted on MRI include joint
effusions,27 osteonecrosis,28,29 stress fractures,30,31 oc-
cult fractures,32–35 osteoarthritis, and inflammatory
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
arthropathies.36 Unfortunately, conventional MRI has
MRI has become the secondary imaging examination had poor success with demonstrating articular surface
of choice in the evaluation of unexplained hip pain. MRI cartilage37 and acetabular labral5 abnormalities. Fu-
ture development and improvements in MRI technol-
ogy may lead to successful noninvasive evaluation of
these structures.
Protocols for MRI of the hip vary among institu-
tions and with the type of scanner used. Likewise, the
information gained from MRI of the hip greatly de-
pends on the field strength of the scanner, selection
of sequences, and the experience and knowledge of the
radiologist interpreting the examination. Currently,
low-field-strength scanners do not provide the image
quality of high-field-strength scanners. Examinations
that do not include high-resolution small field of view
images of the affected hip do not allow accurate eval-
uation of articular surface and labral abnormalities.
Although there is no correct set of sequences, some
important principles exist when developing protocols.
MRI of the hip should include at least one coronal
T1-weighted sequence and preferably at least one
FIGURE 4.2. Intraarticular fracture fragments after reduction of a T2-weighted sequence that includes the pelvis and both
posterior hip dislocation. CT scan reveals multiple intraarticular
fragments (arrows) and large defect (large arrow) in the posterior hips. This protocol is based on the need to evaluate
wall of the acetabulum. for occult pelvic pathology (insufficiency fractures,
sacroiliitis, and tumors) that may manifest clinically as
hip pain and to evaluate the contralateral femoral head,
because osteonecrosis is often bilateral. A T2-weighted
sequence is also helpful in comparing the amount of
joint fluid present in the hips. At least one small field
of view high-resolution sequence of the affected hip
should be obtained to allow better visualization of
chondral, subchondral, and labral abnormalities.17
At our institution, MRI of the hip is performed us-
ing a General Electric (Milwaukee) 1.5-T supercon-
ducting magnet. A torso coil (General Electric, Mil-
waukee) is used for the images of both hips and an
extremity coil (General Electric, Milwaukee) is used
for high-resolution images of the affected hip. Coro-
nal T1-weighted images (TR ⫽ 550, TE ⫽ minimum,
4.0 mm, 1.0-mm gap, 256X192, 2 NEX, FOV ⫽ 34 cm)
FIGURE 4.3. Normal anatomy seen on magnetic resonance (MR)
of both hips depict anatomy and marrow-based ab- arthrography. Coronal T1-weighted fat-suppressed image of the left
normalities (osteonecrosis, occult fractures, and so hip demonstrates the lateral labrum, perilabral sulcus, transverse
forth). Fat-suppressed T2-weighted fast spin echo (FSE) ligament, ligamentum teres, and zona orbicularis.
images of both hips in the coronal (TR ⫽ 3300, TE ⫽
102, 4.0 mm, 1.0-mm gap, ET ⫽ 8, 256X192, 3NEX,
FOV ⫽ 34 cm) and axial (TR ⫽ 5000, TE ⫽ 102, 4.0 imaging of the hip is performed similar to the proto-
mm, 1.0-mm gap, ET ⫽ 14, 256X224, 3 NEX, FOV ⫽ col outlined previously. This step can yield useful in-
34 cm) planes are helpful in demonstrating intraartic- formation regarding the presence or absence of a joint
ular and extraarticular fluid collections, osteonecro- effusion and may demonstrate obvious intraarticular
sis, marrow edema, stress fractures, sacroiliitis, and or extraarticular pathology that obviates the need for
paraarticular muscle injuries. High-resolution proton MR arthrography. Written informed consent is ob-
density fat-suppressed FSE images (TR ⫽ 3500, TE ⫽ tained on all patients undergoing MR arthrography of
34, 3.0 mm, 1.0-mm gap, ET ⫽ 8, 256X192, 3 NEX, the hip. The technique for gaining access to the hip is
FOV ⫽ 16 cm) are helpful in assessing the acetabular identical to that described later in this chapter using
labrum, articular cartilage, and articular surface of the a 22-gauge spinal needle. Approximately 1 mL iodi-
femoral head. nated contrast (Conray 60; Mallinkcrodt, St. Louis,
MO) is injected to verify an intraarticular position of
the needle. After verification of an intraarticular po-
Magnetic Resonance Arthrography
sition of the needle, a mixture of 0.05 mL gadolinium
Several reports have documented the success of MR (Omniscan, Nycomed, Princeton, NJ) and 3 mL iodi-
arthrography of the hip in detecting labral pathol- nated contrast is administered into the joint, followed
ogy.4,5,,8,9,12,14 In addition to labral pathology, this ex- by the injection of 5 to 6 mL 0.5% bupivacaine HCl.
amination has the potential to demonstrate loose bod- This combination results in an intraarticular dilution
ies and abnormalities of the articular cartilage10 and of gadolinium of approximately 1:200. MRI is per-
ligamentum teres.17 MR arthrography allows better vi- formed within 45 minutes of the injection. Postinjec-
sualization of normal intraarticular anatomy (Figure tion imaging using the extremity coil includes fat-
4.3) and pathology than conventional MRI by dis- suppressed T1-weighted images (TR ⫽ 750, TE ⫽
tending the capsule from the underlying bone and sur- minimum, 4.0 mm, 0 gap, 256X256, 2 NEX, FOV ⫽
rounding normal structures. MR arthrography of the 16 cm) in the axial, coronal, sagittal, and oblique ax-
hip is thus helpful when conventional MRI is non- ial10 (image plane oriented parallel to the femoral
contributory and there is clinical suspicion for labral neck) planes. Although radial reconstructions can be
injury or other intraarticular abnormality. obtained and have been reported to improve detection
MR arthrography of the hip involves intraarticular of labral pathology,38 we have not employed this tech-
injection of either a dilute solution of gadolinium (1–2 nique on a routine basis.
mmol) or saline under fluoroscopic guidance followed In cases in which MRI is contraindicated, CT
by multiplanar MRI of the hip. Concomitant injection arthrography can be used. Single-contrast technique
of anesthetic15,17 as a diluent adds the advantage of should be adequate to evaluate the labrum and to iden-
providing clinical information helpful in distinguish- tify loose bodies. At our institution, a combination of
ing intraarticular from extraarticular pathology. At 5 mL 0.5% bupivicaine HCL and 5 mL Conray 60
our institution, if the patient has not undergone con- (Mallinkcrodt, St Louis, MO) is used for single-
ventional MRI before MR arthrography, precontrast contrast hip CT arthrography. CT is performed simi-
lar to the method outlined previously with coronal flammation-avid agents in imaging hip disease is be-
and sagittal reformations. yond the scope of this text.
FIGURE 4.4. Intraarticular contrast injection and arthrogram. (A) Spinal needle positioned over medial femoral neck and early fill-
ing of the joint capsule. (B) Normal distribution of contrast demonstrating the paralabral sulcus and linear indentation of the zona
FIGURE 4.5. (A–C) Technique for fluoroscopic hip injection. Note the needle entry is directly anterior
to the femoral neck.
images along the margin of the osteonecrotic focus. osteoporosis of the hip is important if core decom-
The osteonecrotic focus demonstrates signal intensi- pression is contemplated. Several authors recommend
ties on MRI as follows: class A, signal intensity isoin- a careful search for a subchondral focal lesion indi-
tense to fat on T1-weighted and T2-weighted images cating osteonecrosis.29,46,47 Correlation with plain
(Figure 4.7A–C); class B, signal intensity isointense to radiography may be helpful as well as transient os-
blood, high signal intensity on T1- and T2-weighted teoporosis typically demonstrates osteopenia on ra-
images; class C, signal intensity isointense to fluid, diographs 4 to 8 weeks after the initial onset of symp-
low signal on T1-weighted images and high signal on toms.51 Ultimately, clinical and imaging follow-up
T2-weighted images; class D, signal intensity isoin- may be necessary to distinguish these two entities.
tense to fibrous tissue, low signal on T1- and T2- Evidence exists that MRI can be helpful in pre-
weighted images. On T2-weighted images, the transi- dicting future collapse of the articular surface45–47 in
tion between normal and necrotic bone may appear as osteonecrosis. Beltran et al. reported a correlation in
a double line composed of an inner band of high sig- future collapse of the femoral head after core decom-
nal corresponding to granulation tissue adjacent to an pression with the preoperative size of the os-
outer band of low signal thought to represent sclero- teonecrotic focus.45 In this series, femoral head col-
sis from bone repair.28 In advanced osteonecrosis, sub- lapse occurred in 87% of cases involving greater than
chondral fracture of the femoral head may be seen on 50% of the weight-bearing articular surface (WBAS),
MRI as a curvilinear area of low signal on T1- or T2- 43% of cases involving 25% to 50% WBAS, and in no
weighted images immediately beneath and parallel to cases involving less than 25% WBAS. Shimizu et al.47
the articular surface. reported similar observations in which collapse did
A diffuse bone marrow edema pattern on MRI in- not occur in patients with an osteonecrotic focus com-
volving the femoral head and extending to the in- promising less than 25% of the diameter of the
tertrochanteric region has been described.50 Distinc- femoral head. In their series, collapse occurred in 74%
tion of this pattern of osteonecrosis from transient of patients with lesions greater than 25% of the
Osteoarthritis is the most common arthropathy en-
countered in adults and can be primary or secondary.
Secondary osteoarthritis occurs from a number of un-
derlying conditions including trauma, infection, crys-
tal deposition disease, osteonecrosis, and acetabular
dysplasia. The initial plain radiographic finding of os-
teoarthritis is nonuniform superolateral joint space
narrowing that results from cartilage loss (Figure 4.8).
This pattern is easily distinguished from the uniform FIGURE 4.9. Osteoarthritis. Noncontrasted coronal proton density
joint space narrowing seen in inflammatory arthro- fat-suppressed image of the left hip demonstrates a full-thickness
defect in the articular surface cartilage of the superior femoral head
pathies that typically occurs in an axial direction. As with a loose cartilaginous fragment in the inferior joint recess. Note
joint space loss progresses in osteoarthritis, reactive the cartilage demonstrates intermediate signal (brighter than sub-
bone formation (subchondral sclerosis and osteophy- jacent cortical bone and less intense than joint fluid).
tosis) occurs in response to altered mechanical stresses.
Osteophytes may develop along the medial femoral
head and lateral acetabulum, and new bone formation ative planning and prosthesis fitting for total hip
may occur along the medial femoral neck. Subchon- arthroplasty.
dral cyst formation develops primarily in the sub- Conventional MRI of the hip has had modest to
chondral bone of the lateral acetabulum and femoral poor success with evaluating cartilage thickness37
head.52 More advanced osteoarthritis leads to remod- and demonstrating cartilage abnormalities of the
eling of the femoral head and acetabulum. femoral head and acetabulum. The detection of car-
Although not often used in the evaluation of os- tilage abnormalities of the hip with MRI is hindered
teoarthritis, CT may be helpful in the localization of by the configuration of the articular surfaces and the
paraarticular calcification or ossification and in the close apposition of the femoral and acetabular carti-
detection of loose bodies. Lack of contrast in the joint, lage. In an early investigation of cadaver hips, Hodler
however, can limit its ability to distinguish intraar- et al. reported that conventional MRI with fat-sup-
ticular and extraarticular calcifications. In cases of pressed T1-weighted images was not accurate in de-
end-stage osteoarthritis, CT can be used for preoper- termining cartilage thickness.37 A relatively recent
study using a 3D spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) pulse
sequence and hip traction reported success in detect-
ing discontinuity of cartilage at the junction of nor-
mal and necrotic foci of the femoral head in os-
teonecrosis.53 Based on our clinical success with
depicting cartilaginous abnormalities of the knee and
ankle with fat-suppressed proton density FSE imag-
ing, we employ this sequence in our investigation of
the hip to assess cartilage and labral pathology. Nor-
mal cartilage on this sequence appears as an inter-
mediate signal structure that has higher signal in-
tensity than subjacent bone and less signal intensity
than joint fluid (Figure 4.9). In addition, this sequence
demonstrates a distinct junction of the acetabular car-
tilage and labrum where the labrum is lower in sig-
nal than the adjacent cartilage.
In the absence of a joint effusion, conventional MRI
is limited in its ability to demonstrate loose bodies.
FIGURE 4.8. Osteoarthritis of the left hip. Plain radiograph shows The presence of a joint effusion or introduction of in-
superolateral joint space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and sub-
chondral cyst formation. Early osteophytes are noted on the lateral traarticular fluid with MR arthrography improves the
acetabulum and medial femoral head. sensitivity of detecting intraarticular cartilage and os-
that increased intrasubstance signal in the acetabular
labrum on T1- and T2-weighted images and absence
of the labrum was frequently observed.9 It must be
noted, however, that these observations54,55 regarding
absent labra are based on conventional MRI sequences
and often lack distension of the perilabral sulcus
achieved with MR arthrography, which aids in defin-
ing the presence, morphology, and articular surface
contour of the labrum. Although debated in the radi-
ologic community, the possibility of a normal sub-
labral sulcus occurring at the junction of the acetab-
ular cartilage and labrum has been reported57 and can
be problematic when evaluating for labral tears. Al-
though variation exists in the location of labral pathol-
ogy in documented series,58,59 it is generally consid-
ered that most labral injuries occur in the anterior or
FIGURE 4.10. Loose body in osteoarthritis. Coronal T2-weighted anterosuperior portion of the labrum. Lage et al.59 have
fat-suppressed image of both hips demonstrates a small loose body classified labral tears with respect to etiology (trau-
(arrow) in the medial right hip joint outlined by joint fluid.
matic, degenerative, idiopathic, and congenital) and
morphology (radial flap, radial fibrillated, longitudinal
peripheral, and unstable).
seous fragments by outlining these structures with Although conventional MRI has not proven suc-
fluid (see Figures 4.9, 4.10). Subchondral cysts in the cessful in detecting labral injuries,5 MR arthrography
femoral head and acetabulum demonstrate low signal has recently been shown to be sensitive (ranging from
on T1-weighted images and high signal on T2- 57% to 91%) for demonstrating tears and detachment
weighted images and can fill in with contrast on MR of the labrum.4,5,9,12,14 Czerny et al. have proposed an
arthrography. imaging classification of labral pathology of the hip
based on the morphology of the labrum and labral-
capsular relationship, intrinsic MRI signal, and the
Labral Pathology
presence of fluid tracking into the junction of the ac-
Injury of the acetabular labrum is now recognized as etabular cartilage and labrum.4,5 This classification is
an important cause of mechanical hip pain that can based on the severity of injury and the shape of the
be surgically treated with resultant symptomatic re- labrum and configuration of the labral-capsular junc-
lief. Recent interest and efforts directed toward im- tion. One caveat to this classification is the assump-
proving our ability to diagnose labral tears has resulted tion that a sublabral sulcus does not exist. To date no
in a growing knowledge of the MRI and MR arthro- report has correlated the MRI or MR arthrography ap-
graphic appearance of the normal and abnormal pearance of the morphologic subtypes of labral tears
labrum.4,5,7–10,12–15,54 Knowledge of the anatomy of proposed by Lage et al.59 The most definitive evidence
the hip capsule, acetabular labrum, and articular car- for a labral tear on MR arthrography is the presence
tilage and an understanding of the location and ap- of contrast tracking into the substance of the labrum
pearance of labral tears are essential to proper diag- (Figure 4.11). Most authors consider the presence of
nosis of labral pathology. The acetabular labrum is contrast extending into the junction of the labrum and
a horseshoe-shaped fibrocartilaginous structure at- acetabular cartilage as evidence for a labral tear or de-
tached to the periphery of the acetabulum that adds tachment.4,5,7,9,13–15 This author considers that this
depth to the hip joint.55 Inferiorly the labrum contin- finding (Figure 4.12) can represent a longitudinal tear,
ues as the transverse ligament from the anterior mar- partial labral detachment, or a sublabral sulcus. Al-
gin to the posterior margin of the acetabulum. In cross though the distinction between a normal sublabral
section on MRI, the labrum typically has a triangular sulcus and injury to the labrum cannot always be
configuration. Variation in the shape and intrasub- made, subjective assessment of the size of the lesion10
stance signal of the labrum and even absence of the and correlation with the clinical response to intraar-
labrum on conventional MRI in asymptomatic indi- ticular anesthetic may be helpful. Additional MR
viduals have been reported.54–56 In a group of patients arthrographic findings that suggest the presence of a
with asymptomatic hips, Lecouvet et al. noted that labral tear include a blunted or absent labrum or ir-
the presence of increased intrasubstance signal in the regularity of the labral surface.13 Enlargement of the
labrum and absence of the labrum on T1-weighted im- labrum with increased intrinsic signal on T2-weighted
ages increased in incidence with age.55 Cotton et al., images without leakage of contrast into the labrum is
in a study of asymptomatic volunteers, also reported likely the result of intrasubstance degeneration. Par-
FIGURE 4.11. Longitudinal labral tear. MR arthrogram of the left anterior labrum (arrow). (B) Sagittal T1-weighted fat-suppressed im-
hip demonstrates direct evidence of a labral tear with contrast ex- age demonstrates contrast extending into the interface of the ante-
tending into the substance of the labrum. (A) Axial T1-weighted rior labrum and acetabular cartilage (arrow).
fat-suppressed image shows contrast entering the substance of the
alabral cysts are considered to be secondary evidence shaped structure with a broad-based attachment to the
for underlying labral pathology,60 theoretically devel- posteroinferior portion of the cotyloid fossa of the
oping as synovial fluid leaks through a labral defect. acetabulum and courses cephalad to attach to the
These cysts are dark on T1-weighted images and bright fovea.55 Based on arthroscopic findings, injuries of the
on T2-weighted images and may fill with contrast on ligamentum teres result from both major and minor
MR arthrography (Figure 4.13). hip trauma.61 Gray and Villar61 proposed an arthro-
scopic classification of abnormalities of the ligamen-
tum teres as follows: complete tears, partial tears, and
Ligamentum Teres Pathology
degenerate ligamentum teres. On MRI and MR
The clinical significance of abnormalities of the liga- arthrography, the normal ligamentum teres appears as
mentum teres is less well known. The ligament car- a band-like structure that demonstrates low signal in-
ries a small artery to the fovea of the femoral head but tensity on all sequences and courses from the pos-
has no known mechanical function. A tear of the lig- teroinferior portion of the acetabulum to the fovea (see
ament with an unstable fragment or enlargement of Figure 4.3). The ligament is best evaluated on the ax-
the ligament theoretically may lead to mechanical hip ial and coronal images. A chronic complete tear of the
symptoms. The ligamentum teres is a triangular- ligament may manifest by absence of this structure
on MR arthrography. An acute complete tear may ap-
pear as a discontinuity in the ligament fibers or avul-
sion from the fovea. Partial tears or degenerative lig-
amentum teres are difficult to discern and typically
demonstrate partial thickness tearing, irregularity, or
thickening of ligament fibers or increased intrasub-
stance signal on T2-weighted images (Figure 4.14).17
Plain radiographs remain the initial imaging exami-
nation in the evaluation of trauma to the pelvis and
hip. Judet views can be helpful in establishing fracture
patterns of the acetabulum. Inlet and outlet views are
used to better evaluate fractures of the anterior and
posterior pelvic ring. Secondary imaging of the hip
with CT may be helpful for surgical planning in com-
FIGURE 4.12. Detachment of the anterior labrum on MR arthrog- plex fractures and fracture/dislocations, and for the
raphy. Axial T1-weighted fat-suppressed image demonstrates a large evaluation of intraarticular fragments (see Figure 4.2)
cleft between the anterior labrum and acetabulum (arrow) consis-
tent with labral detachment. Arthroscopy revealed traumatic de- and associated articular surface fractures in hip dislo-
tachment of the anterior labrum. cations (see Figure 4.1).
FIGURE 4.13. Posterior paralabral cyst. (A) Axial proton density pathology. (B) Axial T1-weight fat-suppressed image from an MR
fat-suppressed image of the right hip reveals a small posterior par- arthrogram demonstrates contrast filling the paralabral cyst
alabral cyst (arrow) that is typically indicative of underlying labral (arrow).
Although it is not typically used to evaluate hip tures of the pelvis and soft tissue injuries of the hip
fractures in patients with normal bone mineralization, can be detected with MRI23,64 (Figures 4.16, 4.17).
Potter et al.62 reported the ability of MRI to demon- Most protocols used in the evaluation of a poten-
strate occult injuries of the femoral head not seen on tial hip fracture include coronal T1-weighted images
CT and injury of the sciatic nerve in patients with ac- and short T1-weighted inversion recovery (STIR) or
etabular fractures. MRI has had an increasing role in T2-weighted fat-suppressed images. T1-weighted im-
the evaluation of hip trauma in the elderly. Nondis- ages demonstrate decreased signal either diffusely or
placed femoral neck or intertrochanteric fractures in oriented in a linear fashion at the site of a fracture (see
elderly patients can be radiographically occult or dif- Figure 4.15). STIR and T2-weighted images demon-
ficult to diagnose. MRI has proven to be the imaging strate increased signal at the fracture site correspond-
modality of choice to exclude an occult hip fracture ing to bone marrow edema or hemorrhage. A linear
(Figure 4.15) in this patient population.32–34,63 Ra- focus of decreased signal corresponding to a fracture
dionuclide bone scanning can be normal in the first line may be seen coursing through the area of marrow
48 hours after a fracture in the elderly and is less sen- edema on these latter two sequences. It is now well
sitive than MRI in detecting occult hip fractures.33 In recognized that a common fracture pattern in the el-
addition to identifying occult femoral fractures, frac- derly hip is an incomplete intertrochanteric fracture
FIGURE 4.14. Partial tear of the ligamentum teres on MR arthro- mentum teres (arrow). (B) Coronal T1-weighted fat-suppressed im-
gram. (A) Axial T1-weighted fat-suppressed image reveals irregu- age shows a partial tear of the ligamentum teres at the foveal at-
larity of the anterior fibers of the foveal attachment of the liga- tachment (arrow).
that begins in the greater trochanter and extends in a demonstrating the extent to which the fracture crosses
longitudinal fashion into the medullary canal without the medullary canal.63
crossing to the opposite cortex.63 The results of MRI In addition to osseous injuries of the hip, MRI suc-
in such cases can have therapeutic implications by cessfully reveals injuries of the paraarticular soft
FIGURE 4.16. Type III (complete avulsion) injury of the left ad- tendon (arrow). (B) Axial T2-weighted fat-suppressed image reveals
ductor longus muscle. (A) Coronal proton density fat-suppressed im- abnormal high signal (indicative of edema or hemorrhage) in and
age of both hips shows complete detachment of the proximal ad- around the left adductor longus muscle belly (arrow).
ductor longus tendon with approximately 2.5-cm retraction of the
FIGURE 4.17. Soft tissue injury in an elderly patient suspected weighted fat-suppressed image demonstrates marked soft tissue
of having a femoral neck fracture. (A) Coronal T1-weighted im- edema or hemorrhage (arrow) and rupture of the left gluteus max-
age of both hips reveals no femoral neck fracture. (B) Coronal T2- imus muscle
tissues.23,24,64 MRI offers an excellent means of iden- weighted images and bright on T2-weighted or STIR
tifying, localizing, and determining the severity of mus- sequences (Figure 4.18). In a study of patients with
cle and tendon injuries about the hip. Injuries of the femoral neck stress fractures, resolution of marrow
myotendinous unit typically occur at the myotendi- edema seen on MRI occurred by 6 months in 90% of
nous junction. On MRI, muscular injuries typically patients.31
demonstrate increased signal within muscle fibers at
the myotendinous junction on T2-weighted or STIR im-
Transient Osteoporosis and
ages, indicating intrasubstance hemorrhage or edema.
Transient Bone Marrow Edema
Abnormally increased signal in the tendon on T2-
weighted images, myofascial separation, muscle fiber Although originally described in women in their third
retraction, or wavy-appearing tendon fibers are indica- trimester of pregnancy,65 transient osteoporosis of the
tive of a more severe injury. A complete tear involves hip is now a well-recognized cause of hip pain that is
avulsion of the origin or insertion of the tendon (see most commonly seen in middle-aged men. The clini-
Figure 4.16) or complete disruption of muscle fibers. cal diagnosis of transient osteoporosis and distinction
of this disorder from other causes of bone marrow
Stress Fractures edema seen on MRI remains a challenge.29,50,66,67 The
Stress fractures of the femoral neck and pelvis are a plain radiographic hallmark of transient osteoporosis
common cause of unexplained hip pain and are im- is the presence of osteopenia involving the femoral
portant to diagnose due to the risk for developing a head and neck. The development of this radiographic
complete fracture and potentially necessitating surgi- finding typically occurs 4 to 8 weeks after the onset
cal intervention. Plain radiographs are typically nor- of symptoms.51 Bone scanning is more sensitive than
mal in the early stage of femoral neck stress fractures. plain radiography and typically demonstrates in-
The earliest plain radiographic change in a femoral creased activity in the femoral head and neck ex-
neck stress fracture is an indistinct linear area of scle- tending to the intertrochanteric region. MRI in tran-
rosis oriented perpendicular to the major trabeculae sient osteoporosis demonstrates a diffuse marrow
or new bone formation along the medial femoral neck. edema pattern in the femoral head and neck that is
Both nuclear scintigraphy and MRI are more sensitive dark on T1-weighted images and bright on T2-
than plain radiographs in detecting early stress frac- weighted or STIR images (Figure 4.19). Similar signal
tures. Bone scanning typically reveals increased ac- changes may be present in the acetabulum, and a joint
tivity at the site of the fracture because of increased effusion is usually present.51
bone turnover and increased flow. MRI, however, is Another entity described in the radiology literature
preferable to nuclear scintigraphy as it typically yields that parallels the MRI findings of transient osteo-
a more specific diagnosis and better spatial resolution porosis is the bone marrow edema syndrome.51 Al-
and allows simultaneous evaluation of the extraartic- though clinically similar to transient osteoporosis,
ular soft tissues.30 Femoral neck stress fracture ap- authors distinguish this entity from transient osteo-
pears as a focal poorly defined area of abnormal signal porosis by the lack of osteopenia on plain radio-
along the medial femoral neck that is dark on T1- graphs.51 There is probably no reason to distinguish
FIGURE 4.18. Femoral neck stress fracture. (A) Plain radiograph is normal. (B) Coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed image reveals a lin-
ear focus of decreased signal in the medial femoral neck (arrow) surrounded by bright marrow edema indicative of a stress fracture.
these two entities based on imaging as there is no Snapping Iliopsoas Tendon Syndrome
change in outcome or treatment. As alluded to earlier,
there can be difficulty in distinguishing transient os- The snapping iliopsoas tendon syndrome is a reported
teoporosis of the hip from a marrow edema pattern of cause of hip pain associated with a snapping or pop-
osteonecrosis seen on MRI.50 In an effort to identify ping sensation with hip movement.42,43,68 It is postu-
subtle osteonecrotic foci of the femoral head in cases lated that the iliopsoas tendon jerks over the il-
of diffuse marrow edema, Vande Berg et al.29 recom- iopectineal eminence, anterior joint capsule, or lesser
mend the use of high-resolution T2-weighted images trochanteric bony prominence.42 At our institution,
and sagittal imaging. More recently, Iida et al.46 ultrasound evaluation of the hip (Figure 4.20) has re-
suggest STIR images may be more helpful than placed iliopsoas bursography as the initial method of
T2-weighted images in identifying subchondral os- evaluation for iliopsoas snapping syndrome. Ultra-
teonecrotic foci in cases of diffuse marrow edema. Dis- sound has appealing advantages of being noninvasive,
tinction of these two entities may have to rely on clin- lacks exposure to ionizing radiation, and allows con-
ical follow-up and repeat imaging with MRI. comitant assessment of the contralateral hip.43 The
FIGURE 4.19. Transient osteoporosis of the hip. (A) Coronal T1-weighted image reveals decreased signal in the left femoral head, neck, and
extending into the lesser trochanter. (B). Coronal T2-weighted image demonstrates increased signal (marrow edema) in the same distribu-
tion. (Courtesy of E. Paul Nance, MD.)
flexed, externally rotated, and abducted position. A
cine clip of the tendon motion can be stored and po-
tentially downloaded to CD for future review by the
referring physician.
Inflammation of bursa around the hip can be an im-
portant extraarticular source of hip pain. MRI and CT
have the ability to demonstrate abnormal accumula-
tion of bursal fluid around the hip, but MRI is better
suited to demonstrate these collections due to better
soft tissue contrast.25,26,69 An abnormal amount of
fluid in the iliopsoas bursa or greater trochanteric
bursa may imply bursitis, although a small amount of
fluid in bursa can be seen in asymptomatic patients.69
Fluid accumulating in a bursa is dark on T1-weighted
images and bright on T2-weighted images. In the
iliopsoas bursa, this fluid collection courses in a lon-
gitudinal fashion posterior to the iliopsoas muscle
(Figure 4.21).25,26,69
Septic Arthritis
FIGURE 4.20. Normal hip anatomy on ultrasound. Transverse im- Acute septic arthritis is an uncommon cause of hip
age at the level of the femoral head using a linear array 8-MHz trans- pain in the adult, but one that needs to be diagnosed
ducer demonstrates the normal appearance of the iliopsoas tendon, expediently to avoid the consequences of delayed ther-
right common femoral artery (CFA), iliopsoas muscle, and sartorius
muscle. apy. Plain radiographs are typically normal in early
septic arthritis or at best may show widening of the
joint space. Radionuclide bone scanning may demon-
examination is performed using a high-frequency lin- strate increased activity in the hip but is nonspecific.
ear or curved array transducer. The tendon is best eval- Much of the experience with MRI and septic arthritis
uated in the transverse plane with the transducer im- of the hip has been in children focused on efforts to
mediately anterior to the hip at the level of the femoral distinguish transient synovitis from septic arthritis.70
head and anterior acetabular rim. Scanning is per- In septic arthritis MRI may demonstrate a pathologic
formed as the patient reproduces the popping sensa- effusion and may show edema in the paraarticular soft
tion typically with extension of the leg from the tissues (Figure 4.22). MRI cannot distinguish a sterile
FIGURE 4.21. Iliopsoas bursitis. (A) Axial T2-weighted fat- don and muscle. (B) Coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed image
suppressed image reveals an increased amount of fluid in the il- demonstrates the longitudinal orientation of the distended iliopsoas
iopsoas bursa (arrow) along the posterior margin of the iliopsoas ten- bursa (arrow).
FIGURE 4.22. Septic arthritis. (A) Coronal T2-weighted fat- weighted fat-suppressed image shows a large effusion and marked
suppressed image demonstrates a large joint effusion and increased edema in the paraarticular muscles (adductor muscle group, iliop-
signal or edema in the paraarticular soft tissues. (B) Axial T2- soas muscle, and rectus femoris muscle).
or septic effusion. If there is high clinical suspicion become free intraarticular loose bodies and can ex-
for septic arthritis of the hip, or if MRI demonstrates tend into neighboring soft tissues including bursa
a joint effusion associated with edema in the paraar- and tendon sheaths. Plain radiographs demonstrate
ticular soft tissues in the absence of trauma or known multiple small similar-sized calcified or ossified in-
inflammatory arthritis, aspiration is warranted. Ab- traarticular loose bodies. Extension of the process
normal edema or enhancement of osseous structures into neighboring bone can result in erosions or cys-
in the setting of septic arthritis raises the possibility tic lesions. MR demonstrates multiple intraarticu-
of concurrent osteomyelitis, but is not indicative of lar nodules (Figure 4.25). The signal intensity of the
such as this can also reflect a reactive process.70 Bone nodules is dependent on their composition.72 Non-
biopsy in such cases may be necessary to exclude calcified soft tissue nodules typically demonstrate
osteomyelitis. low signal on T1-weighted images and high signal
on T2-weighted images. Calcified nodules typically
Tumors demonstrate low signal on both T1- and T2-
weighted images whereas ossified nodules demon-
Benign and malignant tumors of the proximal femur, strate high signal on T1-weighted images.
acetabulum sacrum, or innominate bone can present
as hip pain. In adults, metastatic disease is the most
common tumor associated with the pelvis and hip
(Figure 4.23). In younger adults and adolescents, os-
teoid osteomas of the femoral neck can manifest clin-
ically as hip pain (Figure 4.24) and can present chal-
lenging management issues, particularly if located
along the medial femoral neck. Recently, percuta-
neous radiofrequency treatment71 has been advocated
for osteoid osteomas and offers a less invasive alter-
native to surgical excision of the lesion.
Proliferative Synovitis
Synovial osteochondromatosis and pigmented vil-
lonodular synovitis are two proliferative forms of
synovitis occasionally encountered in the hip. Sy-
novial osteochondromatosis is an intraarticular con-
dition (typically monarticular) that can be seen from
childhood on and is characterized by the develop- FIGURE 4.23. Metastatic lung carcinoma in the proximal right fe-
mur. Coronal T1-weighted fat-suppressed image with contrast re-
ment of soft tissue nodules from synovial metapla- veals a heterogenous mass (arrow) epicentered in the cortex and sub-
sia that often calcify or ossify. These nodules often cortical bone with elevation of the periosteum.
FIGURE 4.25. Synovial osteochondromatosis. Axial T1-weighted
image from a low-field-strength scanner demonstrates multiple
small low-signal loose bodies (arrows) in the medial joint.
Diagnostic imaging plays an important role in the
evaluation of adult hip pain. The plain radiograph re-
mains the initial imaging modality in the workup of
adult hip pain. The need for secondary imaging of the
hip and choice of imaging modality is dependent on
the clinical presentation, results of the plain radio-
graph series, and clinical question to be answered. CT
is primarily used in the setting of acute trauma to bet-
C ter demonstrate fracture patterns and to detect in-
FIGURE 4.24. Intraarticular osteoid osteoma. (A) Axial CT scan
demonstrates a small intracortical nidus (arrow) surrounded by in- traarticular fragments and associated articular surface
creased sclerosis. (B) Coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed image re- fractures. MRI has become the secondary imaging mo-
veals a semicircular focus of marrow edema in the medial aspect dality of choice in evaluating hip pain for most other
of the femoral neck. (C) Axial proton density fat-suppressed image
demonstrates the small nidus (arrow) surrounded by marrow edema clinical presentations and is particularly helpful in de-
in the medial femoral neck. tecting marrow-based abnormalities, demonstrating
intraarticular and extraarticular pathology, and re-
vealing occult soft tissue and bony injuries in the el-
derly. MR arthrography is useful in the detection of
FIGURE 4.26. Pigmented villonodular synovitis. (A) Coronal proton density fat-suppressed image shows nodular thickening of the syn-
ovium and a moderate-size effusion. (B) Axial T1-weighted image reveals soft tissue masses eroding into the anterior and posterior as-
pect of the femoral neck (arrows).
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Extraarticular Sources
of Hip Pain
Steve A. Mora, Bert R. Mandelbaum,
Levente J. Szalai, Nicholas D. Potter,
Archit Naik, Jeff Ryan, and William C. Meyers
he task of diagnosing and managing extraar- I. OSTEITIS PUBIS, PIRIFORMIS
ticular causes for hip and groin pain repre- SYNDROME, OBDURATOR
sents one of the greatest challenges in sports NERVE ENTRAPMENT
medicine. The differential diagnosis for hip and STEVE A. MORA AND BERT R. MANDELBAUM
groin pain is broad and includes intraarticular hip
disorders, acute and chronic muscular tears, pubic OSTEITIS PUBIS
symphysis disorders, snapping hip syndrome, pe-
ripheral nerve entrapment, and abdominal wall ab-
normalities. Nonmusculoskeletal etiologies should Osteitis pubis is a painful, inflammatory, noninfec-
also be considered: these include urologic disease, tious condition of the bone, periosteum, cartilage, and
gynecologic disease, gastrointestinal problems, in- ligamentous structures around the pubic symph-
fections, and tumors. Also complicating the clinical ysis.1–5 It is considered the most common inflamma-
picture is the nature of groin symptoms, which may tory condition of the pubic symphysis.5 It is not a rare
be vague, confusing, and generalized around the hip condition, as proven by the large number of patient
joint, thigh, and abdomen regions. The ambiguous series published since its first description in 1923.6
constellation of symptoms can be partly explained The first description within the English literature was
by a complex pain referral pattern around the groin by Beer in 1924.7 Most of the early literature on this
and the hip region. These problems are unfortu- subject emerged from the field of urology. The first
nately frequently misdiagnosed and appropriate descriptions of osteitis pubis revealed its close asso-
treatment often delayed. It is evident that the eval- ciation with urologic, gynecologic, and obstetric pro-
uation of these problems, especially if chronic cedures and complications related to pelvic surgery.1,8
in nature, may be extremely demanding. Therefore, It is a diagnosis seen in almost every patient popula-
to avoid misguided treatment strategies and to tion, permitting most medical specialists some fam-
ultimately ensure treatment success, a diagnostic iliarity with the diagnosis; nonetheless, it remains
approach that is methodical and organized must be poorly understood. Various clinical forms of osteitis
followed. pubis are believed to exist.2,8,9 No single etiologic fac-
This chapter takes a comprehensive look at four tor has been identified as the cause for osteitis pubis.
infrequently encountered extraarticular disorders of Athletic osteitis pubis is probably associated with
the hip and groin area that can clinically mimic in- overstress or microtrauma of the pubic symphysis and
traarticular hip pathology: osteitis pubis, piriformis its surrounding structures.10,11 Pelvic instability and
muscle syndrome, obturator nerve entrapment, and muscular imbalance may also play an important eti-
athletic pubalgia. ologic role.4,12–14 In the athlete, Spinelli15 in 1932 was
the first to describe athletic osteitis pubis in fencers.
We shall discuss the subject of extraarticular sources Osteitis pubis has also been reported in ice hockey,
of hip pain in two sections. wrestling, Olympic walking, rugby, tennis, running,
I. Steve A. Mora, Bert R. Mandelbaum: Osteitis football, diving, and basketball. Athletic osteitis pu-
Pubis, Piriformis Syndrome, Obturator Nerve bis may evolve into a chronic, painful, disabling con-
Entrapment dition causing significant amounts of lost playing
II. William C. Meyers, Levente J. Szalai, time. The symptoms may manifest acutely, such as
Nicholas D. Potter, Archit Naik, Jeff Ryan: Athletic after a forceful kick or an injurious fall, or may pre-
Pubalgia sent slowly and insidiously.16 With adherence to non-
operative therapeutic measures, it is, the majority of and Australian rules football.9,22 The true patho-
times, a self-limiting condition.1 However, surgical genesis of this disorder remains obscure. A number
measures are thought to improve the small number of of theories have been proposed, including trauma to
cases that become unresponsive to conservative the pubis symphysis periosteum, abnormal pelvic
means.4,8 Since osteitis pubis was described 79 years biomechanics,4,23 low-grade indolent infections,24
ago, confusion exists regarding its precise pathogene- inflammatory causes,1 reflex sympathetic dystro-
sis, and the optimal treatments often elude us. phy, avascular necrosis of the interpubic disk of fi-
brocartilage,25 and venous thrombosis of the pubic
veins.5,26 The two strongest arguments against an
infectious etiology are the fact that osteitis pubis is
A review of the pertinent anatomy and biomechanics a self-limiting condition and surgical specimens
is important in understanding this vague entity called have failed to grow organisms.2,8,23 Additionally,
osteitis pubis. Joints are classified into three basic histologic analysis of material obtained from surgi-
types: synarthrosis, which are fibrous and rigid; di- cal specimens has been consistent with nonspecific
arthrosis, which are synovial and freely movable; and chronic inflammatory tissue.23
amphiarthroses, which are slightly movable.3 The pu- In athletes, the etiology is thought to be associated
bic symphysis is located between the two pubic bones. with muscle imbalance between the abdominal and
Articular hyaline cartilage lines the two joint surfaces, adductor muscles, pelvis instability, and chronic
which are separated by a thick intrapubic fibrocarti- overuse stress injury.4,5,10,14,20 Coventry et al.8 em-
laginous disk. The disk has a transverse anterior width phasized that external trauma did not play a signifi-
of 5 to 6 mm, anteroposterior width of 10 to 15 mm, cant role in their review of 45 cases of osteitis pubis.
and a central raphe.17 The joint lacks a well-developed Muscle imbalance between the abdominal wall mus-
synovial lining, making it less susceptible to patho- culature and hip adductor muscles has been suggested
logic inflammatory changes such as those seen with as a major etiologic factor in athletes.14,20 The mus-
ankylosing spondylitis and Reiter’s syndrome.3 The cles implicated include the rectus abdominis, gracilis,
pelvic architecture is essentially a continuous bony and adductors longus.5,10 An imbalance between ab-
ring with three interspersed semirigid joints, two dominal and adductor muscle groups disrupts the bal-
sacroiliac joints and one pubic symphysis, designed to ance of forces around the symphysis pubis, which acts
dissipate undue forces. The thick inferior arcuate pu- as the central pivot point, leading to chronic micro-
bic ligament rigidly bridges both the inferior pubic trauma.20 As a consequence of the repetitive trauma,
rami and provides the symphysis pubis joint with the blood supply to the injured muscle attachments may
majority of its stability. Together with the anterior pu- be impaired, intensifying the injury and exceeding the
bic ligament, posterior pubic ligament, and the supra- capacity of tissue to heal and remodel.20,27
pubic ligament, motion within the pubic symphysis Abnormal biomechanics of the pubic symphysis
is limited to less than 2 mm in healthy subjects.13,18 and the sacroiliac joints is the second possible etio-
The muscles attaching at or near the pubic symphysis logic factor in athletes.4,22,23 Abnormal vertical mo-
include the pyramidalis and rectus abdominis superi- tion of the pubic symphysis has been documented in
orly, the adductor and gracilis anteroinferiorly, and the patients with osteitis pubis. In one radiographic re-
obturator and levator ani posteriorly. Sensory nerve view, all patients with osteitis pubis had greater than
innervation comes via the branches from the puden- 2 mm of mobility at the pubic symphysis.18 Williams
dal and genitofemoral nerves. et al.23 postulated that repeated vertical shear stresses
Published case reports and retrospective record and microtrauma resulted in a clinical syndrome con-
reviews have been used to postulate an infectious, sisting of osteitis pubis and coexisting vertical pubic
inflammatory, or traumatic cause of this condi- instability greater than 2 mm in a group of competi-
tion.3–5,9,10,14,19–21 One may think in terms of four pri- tive rugby football players. All their subjects with re-
mary clinical types: (a) noninfectious osteitis pubis calcitrant osteitis pubis and pelvis instability returned
associated with urologic procedures, gynecologic to sports after undergoing arthrodesis of the pubic
procedures, and pregnancy; (b) infectious osteitis pu- symphysis joint.
bis associated with local or distant infection; (c) sports- Abnormal motion at the pubic symphysis may be
related or athletic osteitis pubis; and (d) degenerative/ brought about by abnormalities in the sacroiliac or the
rheumatologic osteitis pubis. Because of the various hip joints. Large increases in rotational and transla-
clinical forms, the clinical history, incidence, sexual tional motion within the pubic symphysis have been
predisposition, and the age of onset in the literature experimentally created in a cadaveric study by fusing
varies considerably. the sacroiliac joints.28 Major and Helms10 demon-
Athletic osteitis pubis is associated with activi- strated clinically and radiographically the coexistence
ties requiring repetitive kicking or hip abduc- of sacroiliac joint abnormalities in a subgroup of ath-
tion/adduction motions, such as soccer, hockey, letes with osteitis pubis. Harris and Murray4 also
found chronic stress lesions in the sacroiliac joint in richly innervated pubic symphysis and its complex
more than 50% of their subjects. The role of such ab- pain referral patterns.17
normalities is not clearly understood. Whether the The athlete’s symptom is aggravated by activities
sacroiliac joint plays an etiologic role or is a manifes- that require sudden hip flexion or abduction/adduc-
tation of osteitis pubis remains to be determined. tion such as running, kicking, single-leg pivoting, and
Last, radiographic studies of athletes with osteitis jumping. Symptoms may be aggravated with abdom-
pubis have demonstrated that the underlying patho- inal stress including coughing, sneezing, and defecat-
physiology may be a chronic stress injury to the pu- ing.5 Physical examination findings are localized to
bic bone.10,11 A prospective, blinded magnetic reso- the pubic symphysis and surrounding area. Invariably,
nance imaging (MRI) study by Verrall et al.11 found a there is exquisite tenderness to deep palpation of the
high incidence (77%) of increased signal intensity in pubic symphysis and over the adductor muscle ori-
symptomatic Australian rules football players. The in- gins.4,8,9 Patients may have decreased hip rotation
creased signal intensity in the pubic symphysis was unilaterally or bilaterally, which may be a result of
characteristic for bone marrow edema caused by a restricted abduction of the thighs and adductor
stress injury to the bone. They went on to list other spasms.9,17 In severe cases patients may exhibit a wad-
etiologies capable of producing such bone marrow dling gait due to pain and tightness of the adductor
changes including osteomyelitis, infiltrating neo- muscles.2 A provocative test is reproducing symptoms
plasm, and direct trauma. These authors proposed that with resistive adduction with the hips and knees
a tension stress injury from chronic stresses across the flexed 90 degrees.14 Coventry and William2 described
pubic symphysis was the most likely explanation for two provocative maneuvers: (a) the rocking cross-leg
their observations. The idea that osteitis pubis is test in which the examiner bears down on the crossed
caused by a stress injury, akin to a stress fracture, is knee while holding down the opposite iliac crest; and
a reasonable one as the pubic symphysis is exposed to (b) the lateral pelvis compression test, done with the
large amounts of shear stresses during sports activi- patient on his or her side and the examiner pressing
ties. This possibility requires further research. the presenting wing.
Laboratory analysis adds little diagnostic value ex-
cept for ruling out the presence of other pathologic
Clinical Presentation
processes such as infection and malignancies. Radio-
Osteitis pubis is not only a diagnostic problem but graphic changes lag behind clinical symptoms by 2 or
also a therapeutic dilemma often requiring a multi- 3 weeks, so that early on in the disease process, plain
disciplinary approach. Making the diagnosis of osteitis radiographs will be of no diagnostic value.1,29 The re-
pubis is not particularly difficult when the radiographs ported radiographic incidence in soccer players is 14%
corroborate the diagnosis. However, the physician is to 28%.30 Radiographs do not correlate with the clin-
faced with a difficult diagnostic challenge when an ical severity of the disease.4,9,17,31 Harris and Murray4
athlete presents with groin pain and nondiagnostic ra- have defined radiographic changes associated with os-
diographs, especially if the symptoms are chronic. In teitis pubis in athletes. These findings include mar-
this particular clinical setting, a referral to a general ginal irregularity, symmetric bone resorption, widen-
surgeon to rule out an inguinal hernia, spermatic cord ing of the symphysis, reactive sclerosis along the rami,
problems, abdominal wall defects, and other urologic and sacroiliac joint irregularities2 (Figure 5.1). Corti-
conditions is warranted. And, in the female athlete, a cal avulsions at the site of the adductor tendon inser-
gynecologist referral to evaluate for conditions such tion may also be seen.10,16 In patients with pelvis in-
as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and pelvic inflamma- stability, clicking of the symphysis4 and radiographic
tory disease is appropriate. abnormalities of the sacroiliac joints may also be pres-
Fricker et al.9 reviewed the records of 59 patients ent.9,10 To assess for pubic symphysis instability,
with osteitis pubis who presented in their sports flamingo views (single-leg standing anteroposterior ra-
clinic. Women averaged 35.5 years of age and men 30.3 diographs taken while standing on each lower ex-
years. The sports most frequently involved in this tremity) can be used. Abnormal flamingo views indi-
large series were running, soccer, ice hockey, and ten- cating instability demonstrate pubic vertical motion
nis. The most frequent symptom was pubic and ad- greater than 2 mm.13,18
ductor pain. Men also presented with lower abdomi- The diagnosis of osteitis pubis can be assisted with
nal, hip, perineal, or scrotal pain. The pain varies in further studies such as a technetium-99m isotope
intensity and duration. The onset may be either acute bone scan.29 Positive findings for osteitis pubis show
or insidious. Frequently, the injured athlete is unable increased uptake at the pubic symphysis on the de-
to recall an inciting traumatic event. Osteitis pubis layed views, indicating increased bone turnover. MR
can prove difficult to diagnose because the pain symp- plays an important role in the evaluation of groin pain
toms may be ambiguous and generalized around the in the athlete. MRI is useful for evaluating the sur-
hip, thigh, and abdomen. This ambiguous constella- rounding soft tissue structures and bone marrow
tion of symptoms can probably be explained by the edema and is especially good for ruling out occult her-
FIGURE 5.1. Anteroposterior pelvic radiograph and magnified view of a professional soccer player with osteitis pubis. The pubic sym-
physis shows marginal irregularity, symmetric bone resorption, widening of the symphysis, reactive sclerosis along the rami, and a cor-
tical avulsion.
nias or abdominal muscle avulsion injuries. The role Provocative maneuvers of the adductors, radiographs,
of the CT scan as a diagnostic tool is limited. Rather, and MRI help define these injuries. Athletic pubalgia
the CT scan is useful for identifying other conditions (weakening or tearing of the abdominal wall without
presenting with groin pain such as pelvic and hip a hernia) and a true inguinal hernia usually present
stress fractures and bony avulsion fractures. CT- with chronic groin pain above the symphysis pubis
guided aspirations also play an important role for the and over the rectus abdominis and spermatic cord
diagnosis of pubis osteomyelitis. (Table 5.1). Characteristically, patients have exer-
tional pain and point tenderness over the conjoined
tendon. The pain is aggravated by coughing and by at-
Differential Diagnosis
tempting a push-up maneuver. Herniography and MRI
It is important to remember that groin pain may be have been reported to be useful for diagnosing non-
caused by a variety of orthopedic and nonorthopedic palpable hernias and insufficiencies of the pelvic
problems. It is, therefore, important to be mindful of floor.19,33,34 Groin pain of neural origin may be caused
the comprehensive differential diagnosis and not by entrapment of genital nerve branches by the in-
deemphasize medical disorders. The evaluation begins guinal ligament.35 The ilioinguinal nerve, iliohy-
with a thorough past medical history and a review of pogastric nerve, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, gen-
systems. In cases that are not straightforward, a his- itofemoral nerve and, most recently, the obturator
tory of infections, rheumatologic problems, and gyne- nerve may be implicated.36,37 Labral tears of the hip
cologic and urologic problems should be sought. It is joint are intraarticular lesions that may cause sharp
also important to be aware of spine conditions such as catching hip pain worsened with flexion and rotation
spinal stenosis, discogenic pain, and herniated nucleus movements of the hip. An intraarticular injection of
pulposus presenting with referred pain to the groin. local anesthetic eliminates the pain, thereby narrow-
The differential diagnosis of etiologies around the ing the differential diagnosis to intraarticular causes.
groin area include stress fractures, acute or chronic Other painful intraarticular lesions include chondral
strain of muscles around the groin area, sports hernia, delaminations and osteochondral loose bodies. Snap-
athletic pubalgia, intraarticular problems, nerve en- ping hip syndrome is a condition that causes palpable
trapment syndromes, and snapping hip. The differential or audible clicking or snapping as the symptomatic
diagnosis of a stress fracture should be on the top of the hip flexes and extends. One known cause of snapping
list when evaluating an athlete with pain symptoms. If hip syndrome is an impingement of the iliopsoas when
the possibility of a pelvis or femoral neck, nondisplaced its tendon catches on the pelvic brim or iliopectineal
fracture is suspected, a bone scan, CT scan, or a MRI is eminence.
invaluable for confirming the diagnosis. If pubic symphysis destruction is present on plain
The most common cause of groin pain in kicking radiography, the most important diagnosis to rule out
athletes is chronic inflammation of partial tears of the is osteomyelitis (Table 5.2). A delay in diagnosis and
adductor longus muscle.22,32 Adductor longus muscle treatment may lead to serious infection and or sepsis
and gracilis muscle injuries present with pain at the complications.21,38 The radiographic appearance of in-
pubic symphysis sometimes indistinct from osteitis fection is often indistinct from that of osteitis pubis.
pubis. Small cortical avulsions of calcifications may Suppurative osteomyelitis may be more unilateral and
give the appearance of pubis symphysis involvement. may be manifested by sequestra and other evidence of
TABLE 5.1. Salient Clinical Features Between Three Common Conditions Occurring in Kicking Athletes.
Abdominal wall defect
(pubalgia) Athletic pubalgia Primary osteitis pubis
Symptoms Exertional symptoms (coughing, Insidious onset; continuous pain, Usually sudden onset and
sneezing, defecating, sit-ups) aggravated or ameliorated by time-limited after
kicking exertion kicking, cutting,
pivoting maneuvers
Pathoanatomic II III IV
Physical Pain with resisted sit-ups or Point tenderness over the Tenderness at
examination thigh adduction; no bulge ⫹ pubic symphysis musculotendinous
tenderness unit; pain exacerbated
with resisted adduction
Plain Negative or may show Marginal irregularity, sclerosis, Pubic symphysis
radiographs osteitis pubis widening of pubic symphysis calcifications or small
avulsion fragments
off adductor insertion
MRI May show tears of abdominal Bone marrow edema, cystic Edema of adductor
wall structures changes tendon and its insertion
or negative MRI
Special tests MRI to rule out other causes ⫾Bone scan positive
Conservative Physical therapy or prolonged Rest, physical therapy, Rest, physical therapy,
treatment deep massage corticosteroid injections, graduated activities
graduated activities
Surgery Pelvic floor repir with or without Pubic symphysis wedge resection, Adductor tenotomy
adductor release plate arthrodesis, adductor pubic symphysis
release with pubic bone drilling; drilling
pelvic floor procedures and
adductor releases
bone destruction. Tuberculosis septic arthritis runs a aging has been well detailed.39 Last, benign and ma-
more chronic course and is generally less painful than lignant skeletal tumors are rare but must be consid-
suppurative osteomyelitis.2 Typical is associated ered in cases of chronic unresponsive pain with
constitutional symptoms include fever, chills, and radiographic changes of the pubic symphysis. The de-
malaise. If an infection is suspected, the workup structive changes will not only involve the pubic sym-
should include a PPD (purified protein derivative) test, physis but also extend into the pubic rami. The MRI
laboratory studies (blood cultures, CBC, ESR, CRP), and CT scan help define the bony and soft tissue struc-
and a CT-guided needle biopsy of the pubic symph- tures around these lesions effectively. In addition, ab-
ysis obtained before beginning empiric antibiotic normal serum alkaline phosphate and calcium levels
therapy.3 Inflammatory diseases such as ankylosing suggest a neoplastic process.
spondylitis and Reiter’s syndrome may also manifest,
although infrequently, with pubic symphysis destruc-
tions. Metabolic diseases capable of producing osseous
irregularities and bone resorption of the pubic sym- The treatment of athletic osteitis pubis can be
physis include renal osteodystrophy and hyper- tremendously challenging. Treatment begins with im-
parathyroidism. Osteoarthritic degeneration of the pu- mediate patient education, activity modification, and
bic symphysis associated with normal physiologic rest. A drawn-out clinical course is frequently seen,
TABLE 5.2. Salient Clinical Features Between Osteomyelitis Pubis and Athletic Osteitis Pubis.
Osteomyelitis Osteitis pubis
FIGURE 5.2. Strengthening and flexibility exercises aimed at eliminating the muscle imbalance between the abdominal musculature
and the hip adductors. (Courtesy of Dr. Ross G. Davidson.)
procedures. The available reports on soft tissue pro- the clinician is certain that urologic, gynecologic, and
cedures are limited to case reports or small retrospec- surgical causes are not the root cause, a focused and
tive reviews. A case report by Wiley16 reported favor- methodical management approach can be undertaken.
able results after surgically excising cortical avulsion To improve our diagnostic precision and to clearly de-
of the gracilis tendon at the pubic symphysis. Miguel14 fine the pain complaint, we have instituted a zone-
presented his results of adductor muscle release off specific approach to this problem (Figure 5.5, Table
the pubis bone with adjunctive drilling into the 5.3). The abdominal, pubic, and thigh areas of the hip
symphyseal bone. Thirty-three (68%) of 48 athletes are separated into pathoanatomic zones (I, II, III, and
(mostly soccer players) who underwent this procedure IV). By focusing on the specific symptomatic zone, we
returned to an acceptable level of sports and 6 (12%) are able to narrow the differential diagnosis and treat-
were failures. ment strategy effectively. The workup would include
In summary, groin pain has a broad differential di- a referral to a general surgeon, a herniography, and/or
agnosis including orthopedic and medically related MRI to evaluate for the possibility of a posterior ab-
causes. Once the differential diagnosis is narrowed and dominal wall defect. The limitation to this approach
FIGURE 5.3. Partial wedge resection of the pubic symphysis for the IV
treatment of recalcitrant osteitis pubis. A trapezoidal wedge of pu-
bic symphysis bone is excised while sparring the strong inferior ar-
cuate ligament. Theoretically, sparring the arcuate ligament pre-
vents postsurgical pelvic instability.
TABLE 5.3. Groin Pain Pathoanatomic Zones and Their Respective Differential Diagnosis.
Zone I Zone II Zone III Zone IV
(hip joint region) (suprapubic region) (pubic region) (adductor region)
Labral tears, osteochondral loose Athletic pubalgia Osteitis pubis Adductor/gracilis tears
bodies, and articular cartilage
defects of the hip joint
Snapping hip syndrome Athletic pubalgia of the Pubic symphysis Iliopsoas tendon tears
abdominal wall musculature instability and avulsions
and conjoined tendon
(a.k.a. pubalgia, Gilmore’s
Rectus femoris avulsions Nerve entrapment (ilioinguinal, Pubis osteomyelitis Nerve entrapment
iliohypogastric, (obturator and
genitofemoral nerves) pudendal nerves)
Stress fractures of the femoral Stress fracture of the
neck or rami pubic rami
Cutaneous nerve entrapment Nerve entrapment
(lateral femoral cutaneous (ilioinguinal,
nerve) iliohypogastric,
genitofemoral nerve)
lies in the ability of the patient to localize the pain cle. Edwards46 described it as “neuritis of branches of
symptoms. As previously stated, groin pain can be gen- the sciatic nerve, caused by pressure of an injured or
eralized and not always localized to any one zone. irritated piriformis muscle.” Freiberg and Vinke43
Nonetheless, the zone-specific approach can serve as were the first to describe the classic findings of
a useful tool to ensure a comprehensive, focused, and Lasegue’s sign and tenderness at the sciatic notch over
thorough diagnostic and management approach for the the piriformis muscle. The common peroneal division
workup of groin pain in the athlete. of the sciatic nerve is thought to be more frequently
In our practice, osteitis pubis is treated initially with affected. Anatomic variants of the sciatic nerve as it
a conservative program focusing on relative rest, anti- courses along the piriformis muscle are thought to be
inflammatory medication, and physical therapy. Ac- contributory factors; however, this association is not
tivities that excessively load the pelvis, such as run- grounded in diagnostic studies or surgical observa-
ning, jumping, and pivoting sports, should be avoided. tion.47 Historically, diagnostic studies have not been
A supervised active physiotherapy program aimed reliable; therefore, the diagnosis was made strictly on
at conditioning, stretching, and strengthening the ab- clinical grounds. This fact has severely compromised
dominal and adductor musculature is heavily empha- the credibility of this entity as a valid diagnosis. A
sized. The majority of our cases respond to this initial fundamental problem lies in the fact that the piri-
treatment but, in recalcitrant cases, intraarticular pu- formis muscle has not been proven as the singular
bic symphysis steroid injections are considered. The structure compressing the sciatic nerve in this syn-
time and number of the injections is purely arbitrary drome; therefore, the nomenclature piriformis syn-
and depends on the patient’s needs and the surgeon’s drome is possibly inaccurate. Any of a number of le-
style. We will readily inject the pubic symphysis 8 sions around the greater sciatic notch may injure or
weeks after initiation of the initial phase of treatment cause dysfunction to the sciatic nerve. This condition
if there has been poor and unacceptable clinical is analogous to carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a
progress. Surgery is reserved for patients with refractory similar peripheral entrapment neuropathy of the me-
disabling symptoms who have failed an extended course dian nerve with an array of causes. Similar to the sci-
of observation, activity modification, physical therapy, atic nerve, entrapment of the superior and inferior
and injections. Prior to considering surgery, the patient gluteal nerves, posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, and
is referred to a general surgeon specialized in athletic the pudendal nerve can cause symptoms indistin-
pubalgia. Only if the patient is not deemed a candidate guishable from the piriformis syndrome. It is also the-
for herniorrhaphy and anterior abdominal wall re-at- oretically possible that the obturator internus–gamelli
tachment will pubic symphysis stabilization be con- complex is an alternate cause of neural compression.48
sidered. We prefer the compression plate arthrodesis The nomenclature is therefore vague, confusing, and
and bone grafting due to its theoretical durability, de- possibly erroneous. A new definition, deep gluteal
creased chance of failing and less chance for the devel- syndrome, has emerged in the sports medicine litera-
opment of posterior pelvis instability. Adductor release ture. McCrory48 has recommended adopting this new
serves as an adjunctive procedure and is always done. nomenclature to better reflect the complex and elu-
We favor platting/bone graft arthrodesis in patients sive nature of this condition.
with documented instability of the pubic symphysis
confirmed by the flamingo views. An adductor release
serves as an adjunctive procedure and is always done.
Compression of the sciatic nerve around the piriformis
muscle can be caused one of a number of reasons. The
PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME sciatic nerve, like other peripheral nerves, is prone to
injury and dysfunction if it is compressed by any of
the surrounding tissues along its path. It is reasonable
to infer that sciatic pain may be caused by compres-
The piriformis syndrome is characterized by nondisco- sion anywhere along the nerve’s length, from the spi-
genic, extrapelvic, sciatic nerve compression in the nal root level to the popliteal fossa. At the level of the
area of the greater sciatic notch. The symptoms in- piriformis muscle the sciatic nerve is particularly
clude pain and dysesthesias isolated to the buttock re- prone to injury because of its proximity to a vast ar-
gion, radiating to the hip or posterior thigh, and/or oc- ray of structures including vessels, muscle, fascia, and
curring distally as radicular pain.42 The symptoms of bony structures, which at any time may become
piriformis syndrome are thought to be caused by en- pathologic factors. Any disease affecting the structures
trapment of one or more divisions of the sciatic nerve that surround the sciatic nerve and its branches, such
by the piriformis muscle.43,44 The original description as aneurysm, tumors, infections, and hypertrophic
of this condition dates back to 1928 when Yeoman45 conditions, may potentially affect the sciatic nerve
first described the possibility of a pathologic relation- function. The piriformis muscle syndrome has been
ship between the sciatic nerve and the piriformis mus- reported after inferior and superior gluteal artery an-
eurysms,42 after prolonged surgery in the sitting posi- sels is fundamental to understand the clinical picture
tion,49 after total hip replacements,50 and secondary of entrapment of the nerve. The piriformis muscle
to space-occupying lesions.51,52 Trauma has also been originates along the ventrolateral surface of the
reported as an important etiological factor.12,53–55). sacrum, where its origin interdigitates with the sacral
This observation may be because the sciatic nerve lies nerve roots S2, S3, and S4, and continues to run lat-
within the gluteal area, a region prone to trauma from erally through the greater sciatic notch to exit the
falls or direct injurious forces. Trauma to the muscles pelvis. It then inserts along with both gamelli and the
leads to irritation, inflammation, spasm, adhesion, obturator internis tendon into the piriformis fossa of
and hypertrophy of the muscle. These traumatic the superior/posterior aspect of the greater trochanter.
changes may lead to dysfunction of the sciatic nerve Collectively, this cluster of muscles forms the short
and its branches. In a large series by Benson,12 patients external rotators of the hip. Thus, the piriformis mus-
treated surgically had a definite history of an injuri- cle is an external rotator of the extended hip and an
ous force over their gluteal area. Intraoperative find- abductor when it is flexed. Nerve branches from L5,
ings in this group of patients revealed piriformis mus- S1, and S2 innervate the piriformis muscle. The sci-
cle adhesions causing compression of the sciatic nerve. atic nerve is formed by the L4, L5, S1, S2, and S3 sacral
Hypertrophy or aberrant fibrous bands of the piri- roots. It exits the pelvis to enter the gluteal region
formis muscle could theoretically compress the sci- through the greater sciatic notch. At the distal edge
atic nerve or any branch within the muscle belly.53,56 of the notch, the nerve is found deep to the piriformis
Hypertrophy may be due to increased strain on the hip muscle and above the gamelli and obturator internus
abductors such as from abnormal gait mechanics or muscle. The superior and inferior gluteal nerves and
increased lumbar lordosis.44 Other possible causes for arteries are found directly superior and inferior to the
piriformis muscle hypertrophy may include repetitive piriformis, respectively.
exercise-induced trauma and from chronic low-energy Clues for diagnosing piriformis muscle syndrome
trauma as a result of sitting on a hard surface for ex- can be gained through a detailed and focused clinical
tended periods. examination. Interestingly, the clinical presentation
Aberrant anatomy of the sciatic nerve and the does vary widely between published case reports;
piriformis muscle is speculated to play a role in the therefore, no single examination or criterion is avail-
genesis of piriformis muscle syndrome.52 Beaton and able to confirm the diagnosis. Piriformis muscle syn-
Anson47 studied the anatomic variations of the rela- drome should be suspected in cases of sciatica or pos-
tionship of the sciatic nerve to the piriformis muscle terior gluteal/thigh pain and nondiagnostic MRI of the
in cadaveric dissection. Typically, the sciatic nerve ex- spine. The symptoms of piriformis muscle syndrome
its the greater sciatic foramen, passing below the belly are nonspecific and include pain and dysesthesias oc-
of the piriformis (Figure 5.6). In 15% of autopsy cases, curring in the gluteal region radiating to the hip or
the nerve actually passes through the belly of the mus- posterior thigh, and sometimes in a radicular pain pat-
cle.47 Many other variations in the anatomy exist, in- tern down the leg. The athlete may experience cramp-
cluding bipartite piriformis muscle belly, divisions of ing, burning, or aching in the buttock or posterior
the sciatic nerve into its peroneal and tibial divisions thigh, making the symptoms indistinct from a ham-
occurring superior or within the piriformis muscle, and string tear or intraarticular hip problems. Robinson,55
a piriformis muscle completely anterior to the sciatic who coined the term piriformis muscle syndrome, de-
nerve.47,52,57 These anomalies can be seen in asymp- scribed a sausage-shaped tender mass over the area of
tomatic individuals and are rarely observed in most the piriformis muscle as one of the key features of the
surgeries for exploration and decompression of the pir- syndrome. The physical examination also shows ten-
iformis muscle.58–61 Therefore, surgical release of the derness and reproduction of the radicular pain with
piriformis muscle in patients with anatomic anomalies deep palpation of the piriformis muscle. On rectal or
and no other objective evidence is not recommended, pelvic examination, palpation of the piriformis and
and an alternative diagnosis should be first sought. sciatic notch may reproduce and aggravate the symp-
Any mass, tumor, or other space-occupying lesions toms. The radicular pain may also be reproduced by
can have neurologic manifestations when they compress passively raising the straightened leg, Lasegue’s sign.
adjacent neurologic structures. Space-occupying lesions Frequently, flexion, adduction, and internal rotation
known to have manifested as piriformis muscle syn- (FAIR) of the hip exacerbate the symptoms. Freiberg’s
drome include tumors, aneurysms/pseudoaneurysms, sign58 (pain on passive internal rotation of the hip in
persistent sciatic artery, vena comitantes, large tortuous neutral extension) and Pace’s sign (weakness and pain
veins, abscesses, and myositis ossificans.42,51–53 on resisted abduction–external rotation of the thigh)
may be present.53,54 The neurologic examination can
show abnormalities such as abnormal reflexes or mo-
Clinical Presentation tor weakness42; however, deficits are rare. There may
Knowledge of the anatomy of the sciatic nerve and it also be evidence of superior gluteal nerve (weakness
relationship to the piriformis muscle and gluteal ves- of the gluteus medius and minimus muscles), inferior
Piriformis muscle
Sciatic nerve
gluteal nerve (weakness of the gluteus maximus), fying anomalies of the piriformis muscle and varia-
pudendal nerve (peroneal sensory loss), and posterior tions of the sciatic nerve, but these findings have not
femoral cutaneous nerve involvement.48 proven to have clinical relevance.44 Nuclear medicine
Historically, imaging studies have been irrelevant. scintigraphy may occasionally show increased uptake
Pelvic CT scan and MRI are used primarily for de- within the piriformis muscle but, similar to the CT
tecting pathologic lesions such as space-occupying le- scan and MRI, it has limited diagnostic benefits.64–66
sion, hematoma, muscle/tendon tears, and intraartic- More recently, however, electrodiagnostic testing
ular hip problems. Occasionally, the MRI or CT scan has provided reliable objective signs.53,64,65,67 Special-
may identify abnormalities, such as hypertrophy of ized electrodiagnostic studies seem to be the only di-
the piriformis muscle, adding support to the clinical agnostic test able to objectively document functional
diagnosis.52,62,63 The MRI has been useful for identi- impingement of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis
muscle.64,65,67 Fishman and Zybert65 studied the pro- sis, lateral recess stenosis, herniated nucleus pulpo-
longation of the H-reflex on 918 patients who met the sus, and discogenic pain should be investigated with
criteria for piriformis syndrome. The criteria were(a) appropriate imaging studies.
positive Lasegue’s sign at 45 degrees; (b) tenderness at Degenerative arthritis of the hip or the sacroiliac
the sciatic notch; (c) increased pain within the distri- joint may present with gluteal/posterior thigh pain
bution of the sciatic nerve with the leg in the flexion, and should be evaluated using imaging studies and
adduction, and internal rotation (FAIR) position; and differential injections of anesthetic. A number of pe-
(d) electrodiagnostic tests excluding the existence of ripheral nerves around the sciatic notch are prone to
neuropathy and myopathy. They were able to docu- injury and capable of producing similar symptoms.
ment a statistically significant difference of H-reflex Entrapment of the superior gluteal nerve may cause
conductions when the affected limb was placed in the aching, claudication-type buttock pain, weakness of
provocative (FAIR) position. Sensitivity and specificity abduction of the affected hip, a waddling gait, and ten-
of the FAIR test were found to be 88% and 83%, re- derness to palpation in the area of the buttock super-
spectively. These same authors found 79% of their pa- olateral to the greater sciatic notch.68
tients experienced 50% reduction in subjective symp- Additionally, masses such as hematomas, aneu-
toms when treated conservatively with therapy rysms/pseudoaneurysms, neoplasms, and abscesses in
focused on reducing mechanical impingement and in- the gluteal or posterior thigh area are capable of press-
jections. The 28 patients who required surgery were ing and injuring adjacent structures including the sci-
found to have a significant improvement with the atic nerve. An MRI and CT scan of the pelvis and hip
FAIR test. The FAIR test was also found to be a bet- region in such instances are essential for diagnosing
ter predictor of successful treatment, be it physical such entrapping lesions.
therapy or surgery.
Last, to aid in the diagnosis and treatment, local
anesthetic and steroid injections into the piriformis
muscle may provide temporary relief of the symp- Once the diagnosis of piriformis muscle syndrome is
toms.42,54,66 When the piriformis muscle is involved, reached, several treatment options are available. The
dramatic pain relief usually follows within 10 min- correct treatment is one that ideally addresses the im-
utes of injection, supporting the diagnosis. pingement lesion in a safe and reliable manner. If the
etiology is thought to be impingement from an in-
flamed, hypertrophied, or contracted piriformis mus-
Differential Diagnosis cle, then the treatment algorithm should begin with
The diagnosis of piriformis syndrome remains one of rest, antiinflammatory medication, muscle relaxants,
exclusion. Common orthopedic and nonorthopedic and a physical therapy program aimed at stretching
etiologies should be put on the top of a differential di- the piriformis muscle. Applying physical therapy mo-
agnosis. In patients with atypical presentations or re- dalities such as ultrasound treatment, electrical stim-
calcitrant symptoms, it is also important to consider ulation, and Fluori-Methane spray (dichlorodifluo-
less common problems such as tumors. The differen- romethane and trichloromonofluoromethane spray)
tial diagnosis for patients presenting with vague gluteal may also be helpful.69 The goal of this treatment strat-
and posterior thigh pain should be comprehensive. egy is to reduce the inflammation and contracture of
This concept cannot be overstressed in the evaluation the piriformis muscle. The stretching maneuvers in-
and management of these difficult problems. clude placing the lower extremity in the FAIR posi-
Because athletes frequently expose themselves to tion. The patient is instructed to bring the knee into
trauma and overstress injuries, muscular injuries the chest and across the midline while in the supine
and stress fractures should be an important part of position and in the standing position (Figure 5.7).
the differential diagnosis. Hamstring injuries fre- These exercises are continued in sequential progres-
quently present with pain in the same distribution sion until maximal stretching intensity and duration
as the piriformis muscle syndrome, but the symp- is achieved. These exercises should also be executed
toms are usually localized to the tear and readily di- after a piriformis muscle surgical release to prevent
agnosed with an MRI. The piriformis muscle is lo- the reformation of contractures or adhesions. Con-
cated directly posterior to the hip joint; therefore, currently, it is also important to address and correct
symptoms can also be indistinguishable from labral, abnormal biomechanical factors such as leg length dis-
chondral lesions, and loose bodies of the hip joint. crepancies or hip flexor contractures. In cases in which
Trochanteric bursitis is another common disorder the clinical progress is unacceptable or the diagnosis
causing posterior thigh pain. Both intraarticular hip is unclear, a piriformis muscle anesthetic or cortico-
problems and greater trochanteric bursitis may be steroid injection may be beneficial for confirming the
diagnosed with selective anesthetic injections. In pa- diagnosis and as a treatment adjunct. The injections
tients who present with radiculitis, more common can be done with or without fluoroscopic and elec-
causes such as lumbar stenosis, central spinal steno- tromyographic guidance.54,70 Often, anatomic land-
marks are difficult to palpate, and therefore perform- side effects were recorded after BTX injection. The MR
ing the injection under fluoroscopic guidance, with or examination showed a signal intensity change of the
without the injection of a radiographic dye to improve treated muscle in 7 patients, whereas in the remain-
the accuracy, is a sensible option. No consensus ex- ing 2 cases imaged only an atrophy of the treated mus-
ists on the type or the amount of anesthetic and ste- cle was detected. The authors concluded that CT-
roid solution to be used. It is believed that injection guided BTX injection in the piriformis muscle is a
of the muscle with either an anesthetic or steroid re- promising and feasible technique that obtains an ex-
duces the inflammation, hyperirritability, and spasm cellent local therapeutic effect without the risk of
of the muscle. If properly executed and when the pir- imprecise inoculation. Mullin and de Rosayro71 de-
iformis muscle is definitely involved, patients obtain scribed caudal epidural injections as an alternate route
immediate and sometimes long-lasting pain re- for anesthetic/steroid introduction. Caudal injections
lief.69–71 Pain fiber-blocking agents such as Sarapin are straightforward and do not place the sciatic nerve
(aqueous distillate of Sarracenia purpuea) have also at risk from an inadvertent needle injury or anesthetic
been used to a limited degree.69 Recently, Fanucci et infiltration. Anesthetic solutions deposited into the
al.72 evaluated the feasibility of CT-guided percuta- caudal space would be expected to diffuse along the
neous botulinic toxin (BTX) injection for the purpose nerve root sleeves and along the proximal part of the
of piriformis muscle syndrome. Thirty patients with sciatic nerve. The afferent innervation of the piri-
a clinical and electrophysiologic diagnosis of piri- formis muscle is also blocked using this method. The
formis muscle syndrome were treated by intramuscu- reports describing these conservative treatment op-
lar injection of BTX type A under CT guidance. The tions have been solely limited to small case reports
follow-up (12 months) was performed with clinical ex- and limited retrospective reviews. Prospective and
amination in all cases and with MRI 3 months after controlled studies will ultimately determine their true
the injection. In 26 cases relief of symptoms was ob- effectiveness.
tained after 5 to 7 days. In 4 patients, insufficient re- The length of time spent on conservative treat-
lief of pain justified a second percutaneous treatment ment should be individually based. Conservative op-
that was clinically successful. No complications or tions should have been fully optimized to the extent
of performing up to three intramuscular or caudal in- and release of the piriformis muscle is effective for re-
jections.44,69 Surgical exploration and release of all calcitrant cases. The key point to remember during
impinging structures is recommended in recalcitrant surgery is to explore the length of the sciatic nerve
cases. If the point of entrapment is the piriformis path so that all impinging lesions are thoroughly
muscle, its surgical release has been proven effec- addressed.
tive.12,52,53,56,59,61 Operative treatment consists of sec-
tioning the muscle at its tendinous origin, release of
fibrous bands or compressing vessels, and external sci- OBTURATOR NERVE ENTRAPMENT
atic neurolysis. The functional loss after a piriformis
muscle release is minimal because there are supple-
mentary strong external rotators of the hip remaining.
The impinging lesion may not be the piriformis mus- Chronic groin pain is a difficult problem to evaluate.
cle; therefore, it is important to do a methodical ex- The differential diagnosis for groin symptoms is broad
ploration of the area. Symptoms usually resolve rap- and may include gynecologic, urologic, and colorectal
idly after an adequate decompression. Proper patient diseases. Moreover, neuropathies of the cutaneous
selection is thought to be critical for a successful out- nerves around the hip have been highlighted as etio-
come. Therefore, before contemplating surgery, the logic factors for groin pain.35,37 Nonetheless, the in-
surgeon should review the diagnostic steps leading to formation on this topic is sparse, partly because these
the diagnosis and, if necessary, additional or repeat in- injuries are rare. The literature on groin pain of neu-
vestigations can be performed before embarking on ral origin has mainly focused on the genitofemoral,
surgery. Surgical exploration and decompression of the lateral femoral cutaneous, ilioinguinal, and iliohy-
piriformis muscle carries potential risks including sig- pogastric nerves.37 The obturator nerve, in contrast to
nificant injury to vascular and neural structures. Re- the other four cutaneous nerves around the groin, lies
cently, Benson and Schutzer12 performed operative re- protected deep within the pelvis and the medial thigh.
lease of the piriformis and sciatic nerve neurolysis on The cases documenting injury to the obturator nerve
14 patients with posttraumatic piriformis muscle syn- have been limited to isolated case reports of neuropa-
drome. Complications included a wound seroma and thy due to unusual entrapping lesions or as a conse-
an infected hematoma. At an average of 2.3 months quence of surgical complications. Obturator nerve en-
all their patients were employed, and at a minimum trapment has been identified as an unusual cause of
of 2 years postoperatively there were 11 excellent and groin pain in athletes.36 The neuropathy is possibly
4 good results. Hughes et al.53 also reported on 5 cases caused by an entrapping fascial or vascular structure
treated successfully with surgery. Their technique in- that is relieved with surgical decompression.
cluded obtaining a generous exposure of the posterior
gluteal area, ligation of aberrant vessels, and release
and resection of the piriformis muscle overlying the
sciatic nerve. The authors believed a neurolysis was Understanding the anatomy of the obturator nerve and
not necessary. Four of the 5 patients had immediate its relationship with the adductor muscles is helpful
relief of their symptoms, and all had significant long- for understanding the syndrome and for surgical plan-
lasting improvement. ning. The classic description of the anatomic course
of the obturator nerve comes from Gray’s Anatomy.73
The obturator nerve forms from the convergence to
the ventral divisions of the ventral rami of L2, L3, and
In summary, it cannot be overemphasized that suc- L4 spinal nerves within the psoas major muscle. The
cessful treatment of this syndrome depends on an ac- nerve then descends through the psoas muscle to
curate diagnosis and knowledge of the exact point of emerge from its medial border at the pelvic brim. The
entrapment. The treatment algorithm begins with nerve then curves downward and forward around the
conservative treatment emphasizing rest, stretching, wall of the pelvic cavity and travels through the obtu-
physical therapy modalities, antispasm medication, rator foramen, after which it divides into anterior and
and antiinflammatory agents. If necessary, biome- posterior branches. The anterior branch enters the thigh
chanical factors such as gait abnormalities or leg over the obturator externus muscle and the posterior
length discrepancies are addressed. If the patient branch through the fibers of that same muscle. The an-
ceases to make progress or plateaus, the next step terior branch innervates the adductor longus, gracilis,
should include a piriformis muscle anesthetic/steroid and adductor brevis muscles. It also gives an articular
injection and further continuation of previous thera- branch to the hip joint near its origin. It divides into
peutic measures. If the injection is found to be diag- numerous named and unnamed branches, including
nostic, repeating the injections up to three times is the cutaneous branches to the subsartorial plexus, vas-
reasonable. Surgical exploration of the sciatic nerve cular branches to the femoral artery, communicating
subtleties of the clinical presentation such as symp- nosis in these patients is extremely important. In this
tomatology that increases with exercise and dimin- chapter, we confine our comments primarily to ab-
ishes with rest. Local anesthetic injections and EMG dominal/groin pain in athletes. The term athlete refers
studies are the confirmatory tests. A sensible trial of to a patient actively or recently participating in com-
nonoperative treatment should be instituted, espe- petitive athletic activity as a livelihood or integral way
cially for acute cases or those with minimal EMG of life. The term athletic pubalgia refers to chronic
changes. The outcome of surgical decompression is inguinal or pubic area pain in athletes, which is noted
good based on the sparse data available. solely on exertion and not explainable preoperatively
by demonstrable hernia or other medical diagnoses.
The incidence of athletic pubalgia in various
II. ATHLETIC PUBALGIA sports is listed in decreasing order: soccer, hockey,
WILLIAM C. MEYERS, LEVENTE J. SZALAI, football, track and field, baseball, basketball, racquet
NICHOLAS D. POTTER, ARCHIT NAIK, AND sports, and swimming. It can be inferred that this
JEFF RYAN type of injury occurs most commonly during the au-
tumn sports. Also, more than 90% of the patients
ATHLETIC PUBALGIA that we have diagnosed with athletic pubalgia have
been male. Most female patients are found to have
In this section we list others of the more commonly other causes for their pain, such as endometriosis.93
seen entities causing hip pain in athletes. More detail The precise explanation for the difference in gender
is provided on the entity called athletic pubalgia, a incidence is not known. Two possible hypotheses
chronic inguinal or pubic area pain that occurs in high- for the higher incidence in male patients are (1) a
performance athletes. Athletic pubalgia is the most relatively low participation (until recently) of
common fixable problem in this group of athletes. women in highly competitive sports and (2) a dif-
Please refer to some of our other recent articles for ference in pelvic anatomy. Our thought is that the
other details about these syndromes. The present sec- latter hypothesis is much more likely.
tion, to a large degree, represents an update on these Data from eight athletic trainers in Major League
articles,89–92 in addition to adding considerably more Soccer and the National Hockey League estimate that
concerning rehabilitation. 9% of players on a given team suffer or will suffer
For years, lower abdominal/groin pain has ended from a syndrome consistent with athletic pubalgia.
the careers of many gifted athletes. These injuries in Another 12% of players have some minor degree of
Major League Soccer, the National Hockey League, the chronic discomfort, which is not disabling. Up to 18%
National Football League, and other sports organiza- of players had some type of groin pull in the past but
tions during the past few years have heightened the with subsequent recovery.32 In another uncontrolled
awareness of this problem. However, the pathophysi- survey of one professional team, 4% of players over a
ologic processes involved in these presumptive in- 5-year period retired because of groin pain. This prob-
juries have been poorly understood. In 1992 we re- lem was the leading cause of injury-related retirement
ported success with an operation for a particular for that team.94
pattern of inguinal pain in a limited number of ath- The previously mentioned survey suggests that
letes.32 We found that a distinct syndrome of lower groin problems are extremely common in high-
abdominal/adductor pain in male athletes appeared performance athletes. Roughly half the patients re-
correctable by a procedure designed to strengthen the cover from acute injuries without significant seque-
anterior pelvic floor. The operation we developed was lae. The remaining half of the patients can be di-
based on some concepts first suggested by the work vided into two groups, one in which the chronic pain
of a Yugoslavian surgeon named Nesovic (personal is minor and the other group in which the pain is
communication). This success led to a much larger ex- severe enough to require significant medical or sur-
perience.90 The experience now numbers about 1800 gical attention.30
patients. The location and pattern of pain and the op- For the most part, patients afflicted with this in-
erative success suggest the cause to be a combination jury are high-performance athletes. However, perfor-
of abdominal hyperextension and thigh hyperabduc- mance athletes and nonathletes do have a similar po-
tion, with the pivot joint being the pubic symphysis. tential for this syndrome. Over a 10-year period we
We have also improved our knowledge in diagnosing have seen this syndrome in only a small number of
this injury, differentiating it from other injuries, and nonathletes. This small number represents less than
managing the associated symptoms more effectively. 10% of cases that were evaluated for the suspicion of
athletic pubalgia.
In contrast with the 95% success rate of pelvic floor
Definitions and Epidemiology
repairs in the athletes, successful repair occurred in less
Many people are afflicted with groin pain, including than half of the nonathletes who underwent similar op-
athletes and nonathletes alike. The differential diag- erations. The operated nonathletes also had more dif-
fuse symptoms and were more likely to be involved pect of the symphysis include the adductor muscles,
with legal claims and workmen’s compensation. pectineus, gracilis, obturator internus, quadratus
femoris, and gluteus muscles. A series of ligamentous
arches also exist between the pelvic bones, further sta-
Other Terminology Used to
bilizing the joint.
Describe Athletic Pubalgia
In addition to previously mentioned stabilizing
Various other terms have been used in the literature pelvic muscles and ligaments, there are a number of
to describe what seems to be the same syndrome we bursae of the anterior pelvis. Although the psoas in-
have called athletic pubalgia. Those terms include serts principally onto the femur, its bursa is rather
Gilmore’s groin, hockey groin syndrome, sportsman’s large and complexly shaped so that it may even touch
hernia, osteitis pubis, snapping hip syndrome, gracilis the anterior pelvic joint. There are also potentially
syndrome, hockey goalie/baseball pitcher syndrome, clinically significant bursae behind the symphysis and
and a variety of muscle strains, tendonopathies, and near the lesser and greater trochanter of the femur.
bursitises. Athletes exert high-velocity forces across the
Dr. Gilmore used the term Gilmore’s groin in his joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the pelvis.
initial study published in 1992, involving 65 profes- With these considerable forces, damage can occur to
sional soccer players in the United Kingdom between any part of the athlete’s pelvis, manifesting itself as
1980 and 1987.95 Gilmore’s groin was described as a groin pain.
condition consisting of three pathologic findings: a
torn external oblique aponeurosis, torn conjoined ten-
don, and dehiscence between the torn conjoined ten-
don and the inguinal ligament. Gilmore thought this Most patients describe a hyperextension injury in as-
entity stemmed from hip hyperextension and rotation, sociation with hyperabduction of the thigh. The pivot
as occurs in the soccer kicking motion. The onset pre- point seems to be the anterior pelvis and pubic sym-
dominantly idiopathic, which leads one to believe that physis. The location of pain suggests that the injury
repeated microtrauma is the major destructive force. involves both the rectus abdominis and adductor mus-
A common sign on physical examination is a dilation cles. In athletic pubalgia, the rectus tendon insertion
of the superficial inguinal ring. However, Gilmore on the pubis seems to be the primary site of pathol-
stated that the latter finding was not evident in 25% ogy. However, other tendinous insertion sites on the
of his patients. pubic bone may also be involved (Figure 5.9). Because
When we describe the syndrome of athletic pub- of the injuries of the tendinous insertion sites on the
algia, we are referring to a syndrome that we believe pubis, we can assume that we are dealing with a sub-
is virtually identical to the syndrome that Gilmore tly unstable pelvis.
describes. The location and progression of pain in these ath-
letes suggest a disruption of the pivot apparatus and
a redistribution of forces to other musculotendinous
Pelvic Anatomy
attachments during extremes of exercise. The accom-
A complete description of the anatomy of the pelvis is panying inflammation includes osteitis, tendonitis, or
beyond the scope of this chapter; however, a thorough bursitis, which can all contribute to the groin pain.
understanding of the anatomy is essential to diagnose The pain resulting from the inflammation can be tem-
and treat groin injuries and groin and hip pain. For the porarily alleviated by injections or antiinflammatory
purpose of our discussion, we describe the pelvis as a drugs. Deep massage therapy is another temporarily
girdle,96 with two pairs of innominate bones, plus the effective therapy. However, the lack of permanent re-
sacrum and the coccyx. The innominate bone is com- lief by the previously stated methods suggests that the
posed of the ileum, the ischium, and the pubis, which inflammation is not the primary problem and that sta-
also forms a portion of the acetabulum. In the normal bilization of the anterior pelvis is necessary.98
state, there is little motion across the joints of the By definition, pubalgia is not due to an occult her-
pelvis. However, when considering the highly dynamic nia. Furthermore, the pattern of symptoms in athletic
pelvis of a performance athlete, it is useful to concep- pubalgia patients, operative findings, and results of our
tualize the pelvis as being composed of many tiny studies all suggest that the lower abdominal pain and
joints. The normally static joints of the pelvis can be inguinal pain in these patients are not caused by an
stretched in the athlete and this, in turn, can result in occult hernia. Although some patients were found to
excessive motion at various sites within the pelvis. have occult hernias at the time of surgery, the hernias
Several important structures insert onto the pelvis were usually found on the opposite side of the prin-
and its anterior attachment, the pubic symphysis. cipal symptoms.65
These structures include the rectus abdominis, exter- The principal complaint of hernia patients is usu-
nal oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdo- ally a bulge with superior and lateral inguinal pain,
minis.97 Structures that insert along the inferior as- consistent with the location of the internal ring. The
FIGURE 5.10. Algorithm for groin injury treatment during the season.
months and the athlete cannot return to previously with particularly severe MRI findings on the opposite
expected activity because of pain, an operation should side but without symptoms have also undergone bi-
be considered. Deep massage therapy has a role in pa- lateral repair with similar success rates.
tients with equivocal symptoms or others in whom Our data also clearly indicate that many standard
surgery for one reason or another is not favored. The hernia repairs are inadequate in treating athletic pub-
effectiveness of deep massage cannot be explained. algia. In particular, laparoscopic hernia repair does not
appear to be the correct solution for this problem. The
laparoscopic repair emphasizes a tension-free mesh in-
Results of Repairs and Releases
sertion that does not stabilize the anterior pelvis. We
A success rate of 95% can be expected from surgical have now seen over 300 patients who had unsuccess-
treatment in well-selected patients. This success was ful laparoscopic or open “hernia repair” and subse-
initially observed in 200 patients over a 3-year follow- quently had successful pubalgia surgery.
up. The series has now been extended to over 2500 The generally poor outcomes of the laparoscopic
patients. We suggest operating only on the sympto- repair and other hernia operations provide additional
matic side or sides. On the other hand, several patients evidence that the mechanism of athletic pubalgia is
Week 8 exercises have been set up to give the patient
FIGURE 5.12. Supine marching. Begun early in phase II, this en- some variability in exercises and also some choice in
tails performing reciprocal arm and leg marching movements while
maintaining the drawn-in umbilicus posture to create a focused con- which exercises to do on each desired day (Table 5.4,
traction of the transversus abdominis muscle, which stabilizes the Figures 5.14, 5.15, 5.16). It is constructed so each day
pelvis and lower back during a dynamic activity. the athlete will get abdominal and core stability train-
ing both statically and dynamically, cardiovascular
work on a machine and, independently, lower ex-
from supine marching (Figure 5.12) with reciprocal arm tremity strengthening and balance training. By cate-
movements into a running motion simulation (Figure gory, the patient is developing stability (category A),
5.13) with both feet off the ground, flexing opposite endurance (category B), strength (category C), and pro-
hip/knee and shoulder simultaneously. This is a con- prioception (category D). Categories A, B, and C may
tinuum of the core stabilization progression and is train- be mixed to the patient’s predilection; however, cate-
ing the trunk to stabilize under a stressful functional gory D should be performed last so we can first fatigue
activity, as it must when returning to sports. the musculoskeletal system to create an environment
During week 5 it is also beneficial to begin very in which we could then tax and get as much gain out
light stretching of the adductors. The objective here of the neuromuscular system as possible.
is to make sure the fibroblasts lay down in a parallel
elastic arrangement to maintain flexibility and mini- WEEK 9
mize scar shortening, in addition to achieving healing The setup in week 9 is a progression toward gaining
of the muscle in the lengthened state. Then, by week more sport-specific/functional training (Table 5.5, Fig-
6 the patient should begin light quadriceps and hip
flexor stretching, while focusing on keeping a neutral
pelvis. Any abdominal pain should be avoided.
The second directive of phase II focuses on pool
therapy where the athlete may work in functional pat-
terns. Pool walking is the first step, initiated at week
5. Later in the second month the patient progresses
by increasing the distance and speed of the pool walk-
ing, so that pool running is achieved by week 7. At
this time multidirectional activities, such as cariocas
and side-slides, may also be incorporated in the pool.
This strengthens all muscles involved in gait and ini-
tiates stress to the healing tissue in a manner that it
will experience once returning to sport. Thus, the tis-
sue will begin to heal, with both the ability to ac-
commodate movement and at the same time to limit
excessive motion during activity. Also at this time
mini-squats, heel raises, and standing hip abduc-
tion/adduction/flexion/extension should be per- FIGURE 5.13. Supine running. Begun later in phase II, this is an
formed in the pool. On land the patient may begin el- exercise progressed from supine marching, which is done with the
same drawn-in umbilicus posture to create a focused contraction of
liptical running and straight leg raises (SLRs) in the transversus abdominis muscle, which stabilizes the pelvis and
flexion/extension/abduction. lower back during an even greater dynamic activity.
TABLE 5.4. Rehabilitation Protocol: Phase III, Week 8.a
Category A
Group 1: Core-stabilization exercises (3 sets of 15 repetitions) ⫹ (daily sitting)
Plank exercises (30 sec 2⫻, in all three directions) (see Figures 5.14, 5.15)
Group 2: Crunches (20 repetitions 1–2⫻ holding at top 2–3 sec) [stabilize pelvis]
Push-ups (15–30 repetitions 2–3⫻)
Category B
Group 1: Jogging 1/2 mile forward; 100 yards backward (straight only)
Elliptical (30 min)
Group 2: Pool exercises
—Increase repetitions and intensity from week 6
——In deep well (with noodle floaties)
—Reciprocal flexion/extension scissor kicking (1 min ⫻3)
—Bilateral abduction/adduction (leg portion of jumping-jacks) (1 min ⫻3)
Stationary bike (20–30 min)
Category C
Group 1: Heel raises (increase reps: 2⫻ unilateral, 1⫻ bilateral)
Minisquats (20–30 repetitions ⫻2)
Group 2: Straight leg raises (2–3 sets) flexion/extension/abduction
Category D
Group 1: Standing on wobble board (1 min ⫻3)
Group 2: 1 leg standing on mini-tramp (mimic sport) (1 min ⫻3) (see Figure 5.16)
aOne group from each of the four categories must be selected for each day, and the opposite group must be completed on the following day. Complete all
stretching from week 6 (2⫻ for 30 sec, 2–3 ⫻ per day).
ure 5.17). Running and agility work on land (category while pool therapy and isolated strengthening make
A) is now 66% of the rehabilitation, while the other up 17%. Abdominal work and stretching are per-
33% involves pool work and isolated strengthening formed on all rehabilitation days, and again the rest
(category B). Abdominal strengthening is a key com- day is essential for physiologic recovery of stressed
ponent to protecting the repair; thus, it is involved tissues.
100% of the time. Now that the patient is involved During week 10, specific activities that simulate
in highly demanding athletic activity, it is important particular aspects of the athlete’s sport, such as cut-
that a day of rest is given to ensure physiologic re- ting and changes of direction, should be initiated. This
covery. All stretching activities from the previous crucial aspect of the rehabilitation progression further
week should be continued. tests and strengthens all components of both the mus-
culoskeletal and neuromuscular system.
Week 10 is a further progression toward sport-specific
training and returning to athletic competition (Table WEEKS 11 AND 12
5.6, Figure 5.18). Now running and sport-specific ac- Around week 11 the athlete enters phase IV of the re-
tivity encompass 83% of the rehabilitation time, habilitation protocol (Table 5.7, Figure 5.19). At this
FIGURE 5.14. Plank exercise (prone). Begun in week 8, this exer- FIGURE 5.15. Plank exercise (side lying). Begun in week 8, this ex-
cise isometrically strengthens core stability through targeting all ercise also isometrically strengthens core stability, although in com-
the abdominals. It is essential to maintain a straight and rigid core parison with the prone plank exercise, the side-lying exercise fo-
with a slightly posterior pelvic tilt. cuses more on the internal and external oblique musculature.
FIGURE 5.16. Mini-tramp (sport-specific activity). Begun in week FIGURE 5.17. Plyometrics (two-feet lateral hops). Began in week 9
8 as part of category D, the athlete mimics a skilled activity spe- of phase III, this is the introductory exercise of plyometrics. The
cific to his or her respective sport while balancing one legged on a athlete performs small, quick, side-to-side hops over a line on the
mini-tramp. This activity provides core and extremity strengthen- floor. The duration of this exercise may initially be 30 seconds and
ing while retraining the athlete’s proprioception in a sport-specific progress up to 1 minute or more. Plyometrics are useful in training
manner. the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems for sport.
time sport-specific exercise should be the major focus curs in the athlete’s particular sport into rehabilita-
of the training sessions while increasing the running tion before returning to athletic competition.
mileage in 1/4-mile increments. The goal at this point In addition, a base of exercises should be incorpo-
is to incorporate all aspects and every motion that oc- rated to complete the recovery process. Plyometrics
FIGURE 5.18. Bilateral leg lowering. Begun in week 9, this exer- which the pelvis begins to tilt anteriorly (B). This anterior tilt sig-
cise requires a good deal of attention and guidance on behalf of the nifies the inability of the abdominals to isometrically stabilize the
therapist or athletic trainer. The athlete begins lying in supine with pelvis any further. Immediately at this point the legs are slowly
hips flexed to 90 degrees and knees extended (A). Pelvic stabiliza- brought back up to 90 degrees of hip flexion. As abdominal strength
tion via the drawn in umbilicus should be used and maintained increases, the athlete should be able to lower his or her legs further
throughout the following movement. From this position, the legs toward the floor before allowing an anterior tilt and having to raise
are lowered by eccentric contraction of the hip flexors to a point at them to their starting position.
should be increased, and pool exercises can be used PHASE V, 3 MONTHS (RETURN TO PLAY)
sparingly to change the program. Abdominal exercises
Around the third month postoperatively, the athlete
should be performed daily. The patient should try to
should be progressively returning to practice and, soon
complete them at the site of training intermittently
after, to competition. The athlete must be completely
with sport-specific drills to overload the muscles and
prepared physically, technically, and psychologically
force them to function under fatigue. Through basic
before fully entering athletic competition. This re-
physiologic principles, we know this is how we are
mains the combined responsibility of the health care
going to make them stronger and more effective in a
staff, coach, and athlete to ensure safety and efficiency
sports-specific manner. The patient should gradually
in returning to sport. It is also important to maintain
work into this concept to prevent an additional injury
abdominal and core strengthening even with the re-
from occurring.
turn to competition to prevent any future injuries.
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Gross Anatomy
J.W. Thomas Byrd
he four distinguishing features of a diarthrodial ciate these landmarks and understand their relation-
(synovial) joint are (1) a joint cavity, (2) articu- ship to the deep soft tissue structures. The principal
lar cartilage, (3) synovial membrane producing landmarks include the greater trochanter, anterior su-
synovial fluid, and (4) a ligamentous capsule. Ball-and- perior iliac spine, pubic symphysis, iliac crest, poste-
socket joints demonstrate multiaxial articulations and rior iliac spine, and the ischium (Figure 6.1).
are one of six types of diarthrodial joints. Hip motion Two and perhaps three of these landmarks are crit-
most closely represents the true ball-and-socket con- ical for proper orientation during arthroscopy (Fig-
figuration. This configuration has significant impli- ure 6.2).3–5 The principal landmark is the greater
cations for the technical ability to assess this joint trochanter; its superior margin as well as its anterior
arthroscopically. and posterior borders must be noted. The anterior su-
Additionally, the hip is the joint most densely en- perior iliac spine is the second important landmark
cased by its soft tissue envelope, necessitating extra- for determining the position of the anterior portal. The
length arthroscopic instruments. More importantly, it surgeon needs to be careful not to compromise the ex-
requires significant skills in localization and triangu- posure of these areas during draping of the patient.
lation techniques to instrument the joint, challenging The pubic symphysis has been used by some au-
the surgeon’s proprioceptive abilities. thors as a landmark for establishing the position of
Distraction is usually employed to separate the ar- the anterior portal.6,7 Palpation and orientation are re-
ticular surfaces sufficiently to allow for introduction producible, but must be done before draping the pa-
of the arthroscope and operative instruments. Dis- tient, as it is difficult to incorporate this area into the
traction must overcome the powerful musculature operative field.
surrounding the hip as well as the dense ligamentous
capsule. Adequate relaxation, whether through gen-
eral or epidural anesthesia, negates the dynamic mus- MUSCULATURE
cle compressive forces, leaving only minimal static
muscle effects. However, the dense capsule, measur- The hip musculature can be conceptualized as a su-
ing more than 0.5 cm in thickness in some areas, rep- perficial layer and a deep layer. The fascia lata covers
resents a formidable static restraint to distraction, the entire hip region including the three muscles that
necessitating the magnitude of traction forces often make up the superficial layer: the tensor fascia lata,
required in hip arthroscopy. With maintained tension, sartorius, and gluteus maximus (Figure 6.3). The fas-
even this dense, relatively noncompliant structure can cia lata also splits to cover the deep and superficial
relax through the process of physiologic creep, often surface of the tensor fascia lata and gluteus maximus
allowing the ability to adequately distract the hip with- encasing these muscles. The tensor fascia lata and the
out having to rely on excessive force. Understanding gluteus maximus insert as a continuation, forming the
these anatomic and structural principles is important iliotibial band. The gluteus maximus also partly in-
in the ability to perform effective arthroscopy. serts into the proximal femur at the gluteal tuberos-
The surgeon must be properly oriented and aware ity. This fibromuscular sheath was described by
of the important extraarticular structures, as with any Henry8 as the “pelvic deltoid,” reflecting the fashion
joint.1,2 This preparation begins with proper knowl- in which it covers the hip much as the deltoid mus-
edge of the topographic anatomy, which is critical to cle covers the shoulder. Interestingly, the gluteus max-
interpreting the spatial relationship of deep structures. imus is the largest muscle in the body, and the sarto-
rius, which crosses two joints, although quite weak,
is the longest.
TOPOGRAPHIC ANATOMY The gluteus medius has a transitional relationship
between the superficial and deep musculature layers
Palpation of the bony landmarks about the hip is (Figures 6.3, 6.4). Its origin from the iliac crest is rel-
straightforward. It is nonetheless important to appre- atively superficial and covered by a portion of the
Iliac crest
Anterior superior
Posterior superior Iliac spine
Iliac spine
Pubic symphysis
Greater trochanter
Ischial tuberosity
Gluteus medius
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Greater trochanter
Cut end of gluteus medius
Obturator externus
Quadratus femoris
Gluteus maximus
cut end elevated
Superior gemellus
Ischial spine
Obturator internus
Inferior gemellus
Ischial tuberosity
Rectus femoris
reflected & direct heads
Adductor magnus
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
Femoral nerve
artery & vein
Iliacus muscle
Lateral femoral
cutaneous nerve
Ascending branch
of the lateral circumflex
femoral artery
Iliopsoas muscle
ter it takes off from the femoral artery (see Figure 6.6). CAPSULAR AND
The ascending branch of the lateral circumflex JOINT ARCHITECTURE
femoral artery has an oblique course along the direc-
tion of the intertrochanteric line. The ilium, ischium, and pubic bones unite at the
The superior gluteal nerve and artery are the most acetabulum, forming the innominate bone. During
superior of 10 neurovascular structures that exit childhood, these bones are separated within the ac-
through the sciatic notch (Figure 6.7). They course etabulum by the triradiate cartilage, which fuses at
transversely in a posterior to anterior direction be- skeletal maturity.
tween the deep surface of the gluteus medius and the The acetabulum has an inclined abduction angle
superficial surface of the gluteus minimus, innervat- of approximately 35 degrees from the horizontal and
ing and supplying blood to both. The sciatic nerve ex- a forward flexed position of approximately 20 de-
its the notch under the piriformis tendon and then lies grees (Figure 6.8A,C). The articular surface of the
posterior to the other short external rotators in a ver- acetabulum has a horseshoe or lunate shape (Figure
tical direction as it courses distally (see Figure 6.7). 6.9). The central inferior acetabular fossa is devoid
An intricate vascular anastomosis converges at the of articular surface. It is occupied by a fat pad cov-
lower border of the quadratus femoris consisting of ered with synovium called the pulvinar. Addition-
the ascending branch of the first perforating artery, the ally, it contains the acetabular attachment of the
descending branch of the inferior gluteal artery, and ligamentum teres. The socket of the acetabulum is
transverse branches of the medial and lateral circum- completed inferiorly by the transverse acetabular
flex femoral arteries (see Figure 6.7). ligament.
Descending branch of
inferior gluteal artery
Superior gluteal
nerve & artery
Inferior gluteal
nerve & artery
Pudendal nerve
Posterior femoral
cutaneous nerve
1st perforating artery
Sciatic nerve
FIGURE 6.8. (A) Acetabular orientation averages 35 degrees of ab- between the bicondylar axis of the knee and the axis of the femoral
duction from the horizontal plane. The neck shaft angle formed be- neck in the transverse plane, averages 14 degrees. (C) The acetabu-
tween the axis of the femoral neck and femoral shaft averages 125 lum is also oriented with 20 degrees of forward flexion relative to
degrees. (B) Femoral anteversion, determined by the angle created the sagittal plane.
Ligamentum teres
Acetabular fossa
FIGURE 6.9. Formed from portions of
the ilium, ischium, and pubis, the lu-
nate-shaped articular surface of the ac-
etabulum surrounds the fossa contain-
ing the acetabular attachment of the
ligamentum teres and fat, both encased
in synovium. The labrum effectively
deepens the socket and is contiguous
with the transverse acetabular ligament
inferiorly. The articular surface of the
femoral head forms approximately two-
thirds of a sphere. Medially, the liga-
Ischium mentum teres attaches at the fovea
capitis. The diameter of the femoral
neck is only 65% of the diameter of the
femoral head, which allows for freer
range of motion without marginal
The labrum is a fibrocartilaginous structure that The intricate nature and specific design of the capsu-
attaches to the bony rim of the acetabulum, effectively lar ligaments has been well defined by various ana-
deepening to a socket. The labrum terminates inferi- tomic studies. However, over time, more will be
orly at the anterior and posterior margins of the ac- learned about the ligaments as a better appreciation
etabular fossa. It then becomes contiguous with the is gained of the arthroscopic appearance of this anat-
transverse acetabular ligament, which completes the omy. Perhaps this construct will even be partially
circumferential ring of the acetabulum. We are learn- redefined.
ing that the labrum is a nonhomogeneous structure Anteriorly, the capsule consists primarily of the il-
with considerable variation in different areas of the iofemoral ligament or ligament of Bigelow (Figure
acetabulum (see Chapter 8). 6.10). It has an inverted Y shape beginning from its il-
Although variable, the proximal femur has a neck iac attachment on the superior aspect of the acetabu-
shaft angle that averages 125 degrees, with approxi- lum. It then fans out in a spiraling pattern to its femoral
mately 14 degrees of femoral neck anteversion (see attachment along the intertrochanteric line. It is one
Figure 6.8A,B). The femoral head has an articular sur- of the strongest ligaments in the body, and the spiral-
face that forms approximately two-thirds of a sphere, ing direction of its fibers makes it taut in extension in
articulating with the acetabulum (see Figure 6.9). Me- a wringing-out mechanism and relaxed in flexion.
dially, on the articular portion of the femoral head, is The ischiofemoral ligament reinforces the poste-
a pit called the fovea capitis, the site of the femoral rior capsule (Figure 6.11). It too has a spiraling pattern
attachments of the ligamentum teres. as it courses from its ischial attachment on the pos-
The bony architecture of the hip provides it with terior acetabular rim to its femoral attachment on the
significant intrinsic stability. This stability is further superolateral neck, medial to the base of the greater
enhanced by an intricate complex of capsular liga- trochanter.
ments. This complex consists of four distinct liga- The pubofemoral ligament, although relatively
ments that provide varying contributions to the joint. weak, reinforces the inferior and anterior capsule from
Iliofemoral ligament
Pubofemoral ligament
Ischiofemoral ligament
the pubic part of the acetabular rim where it blends A deep layer of fibers within the ligamentous
with the medial edge of the iliofemoral ligament (see capsule courses circularly around the neck of the
Figure 6.10). Again, the spiraling nature of this com- femur, creating the zona orbicularis (see Figure
plex tends to screw the femoral head medially into the 6.12). This layer may serve as a collar to constrict
acetabulum during extension, which has several clin- the capsule and help maintain the femoral head
ical implications. First, this explains why patients within the acetabulum.
with an irritable hip, whether the result of trauma,
disease, or infection, tend to rest with the hip in a
slightly flexed position, relaxing the capsule. Second, VASCULAR SUPPLY TO
from a surgical standpoint, it would appear advanta- THE FEMORAL HEAD
geous to perform arthroscopy with the hip flexed, fur-
ther relaxing the capsule. However, this can create po- Intraarticular isolation of the femoral head and neck
tential concern for portal placement, as discussed in makes it highly dependent on its tenuous vascular
Chapter 7. supply. Its susceptibility to circulatory compromise is
The fourth ligament is the ligament of the head of an ongoing source of concern to physicians who treat
the femur (ligamentum teres) (Figure 6.12). Coursing hip pathology. Ischemic insult followed by avascular
from its attachment in the acetabular fossa to the necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head, similar to other
fovea of the femoral head, it is intracapsular, yet en- forms of osteonecrosis, has been clearly linked to cer-
cased in synovium, making it extrasynovial. Its rela- tain disease states and types of exposure although it
tively weak, redundant nature makes it unlikely that is less clearly associated with others and often purely
this has any significant stabilizing effect on the hip. idiopathic.10 AVN has been associated with previous
The size and strength of this ligament are variable, trauma including fracture and dislocation and may oc-
and it is occasionally absent, the significance of which cur iatrogenically in association with surgical proce-
is unknown. dures that violate the vascular pattern.
Ligamentum teres
Zona orbicularis
Retinacular arteries
Medial circumflex
Ascending femoral artery
& descending
of the
lateral circumflex
Deep femoral artery
femoral artery
FIGURE 6.13. The femoral head receives arterial blood flow from branches of the medullary artery from the shaft of the femur; and
an anastomosis of three sets of arteries: (1) the retinacular ves- (3) the artery of the ligamentum teres from the posterior division
sels, primarily from the medial circumflex femoral artery and, to of the obturator artery.
a lesser extent, the lateral circumflex femoral artery; (2) terminal
here has been much variation, as well as pre- index portals should be helpful in safely establishing
cision, in the description in the literature of supplemental entry sites.
portal placements for hip arthroscopy. The at-
tention given to these detailed descriptions is impor-
tant for two reasons: (1) accessibility of the joint and ANTERIOR PORTAL
(2) avoidance of the major surrounding neurovascular
structures. The anterior portal is established by drawing a sagit-
The tip of the greater trochanter is the common tal line distally from the anterior superior iliac spine
landmark used in describing a variety of lateral por- and a tranverse line from the superior margin of the
tals.1–3 Equal variation can be found in the description greater trochanter (see Figure 7.2). The intersection of
of an anterior portal (Figure 7.1). Eriksson et al.,4 Frich these two lines marks the site of the anterior portal.
et al.,5 and Gross6 base the portal lateral to the femoral The portal must be directed approximately 45 degrees
pulse. Ide et al.7 describe an anterior portal 1 cm lat- cephalad and 30 degrees toward the midline. In the
eral and distal to the midpoint of a line between the clinical setting, this is performed under fluoroscopic
anterior superior iliac spine and the symphysis pubis. control as well as direct visualization through the
Johnson8 also describes the symphysis pubis as a land- arthroscope from the anterolateral portal, which is es-
mark, positioning a portal at the site of intersection tablished first for introduction of the arthroscope.
of a sagittal line drawn distally from the anterior su- The anterior portal lies an average of 6.3 cm distal
perior iliac spine and a transverse line drawn laterally to the anterior superior iliac spine. It penetrates the mus-
from the pubic symphysis. Dorfmann et al.,9 follow- cle belly of the sartorius and the rectus femoris before
ing a cadaveric study, were most comfortable with a entering through the anterior capsule (Figure 7.3).
portal inserted midway along a line between the an- Typically, the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is
terior superior iliac spine and the superior tip of the divided into three or more branches at the level of the
greater trochanter. Conversely, Glick et al.10 describe anterior portal. The portal passes within several mil-
an anterior portal at the site of intersection of a sagit- limeters of one of these branches, usually the most
tal line drawn distally from the anterior superior iliac medial branch (Figure 7.4). Consequently, moving the
spine and a transverse line across the tip of the greater portal more laterally, a maneuver that has occasion-
trochanter. Similarly, Watanabe11 describes the same ally been described for avoidance of the lateral femoral
approach in his text on arthroscopy of small joints. A cutaneous nerve, is ineffective. It simply places the
medial approach was also described by Gross,6 appli- portal more within the remaining branches of the
cable in the pediatric population with hip dysplasia. nerve. In fact, moving the portal more medially would
I use three standard arthroscopy portals (Figure more effectively avoid the lateral femoral cutaneous
7.2).12 Two of these are placed laterally (anterolateral nerve, but this maneuver would be ill advised because
and posterolateral) over the superior margin of the of the increasingly closer proximity of the femoral
greater trochanter and can effectively enter the hip un- nerve.
der direct fluoroscopic control. Positioning of the an- Because of the multiple branches, the lateral
terior portal requires more triangulation technique. femoral cutaneous nerve is not easily avoided by al-
Herein are described the three standard portals that I tering the portal position, but it is protected by using
use for hip arthroscopy (see Chapter 11) and the spe- meticulous technique in portal placement. Specifi-
cific anatomic relationship of the major structures to cally, it is most vulnerable to a skin incision placed
these portals (Table 7.1).13 too deeply, lacerating one of the branches.
All three portals are routinely established for each Passing from the skin to the capsule, the anterior
arthroscopic procedure and usually found to provide portal runs almost tangential to the axis of the femoral
adequate accessibility of the joint. If, however, an al- nerve and lies only slightly closer at the level of the
ternative portal is necessary, knowing the anatomic capsule with an average minimum distance of 3.2 cm
relationship of the extraarticular structures to these (Figure 7.5).
Although variable in its relationship, the ascend-
Anterior superior iliac spine ing branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery is
Femoral pulse
usually approximately 3.7 cm inferior to the anterior
portal (Figure 7.6). In some cadaver specimens, a small
Pubic symphysis
terminal branch of this vessel has been identified ly-
Greater trochanter ing within millimeters of the portal at the level of the
A capsule. The clinical significance of this is uncertain,
and there have been no reported cases of excessive
bleeding from the anterior position.
FIGURE 7.2. The site of the anterior portal coincides Portal
with the intersection of a sagittal line drawn distally
from the anterior superior iliac spine and a transverse
line across the superior margin of the greater trochanter.
The direction of this portal courses approximately 45 de- Portal
grees cephalad and 30 degrees toward the midline. The
anterolateral and posterolateral portals are positioned di-
rectly over the superior aspect of the trochanter at its
anterior and posterior borders. (Courtesy of Smith &
Nephew Endoscopy, Andover, MA.)
TABLE 7.1. Distance from Portal to Anatomic Structures Based on an Anatomic Dissection of Portal Placements in
Eight Fresh Cadaver Specimens).
Portal Anatomic structure Average (cm) Range (cm)
sule at its anterior margin (Figure 7.7). The structure it is facilitated by direct visualization through the
of most significance relative to this portal is the su- arthroscope from the anterolateral portal. Maintain-
perior gluteal nerve (Figure 7.8). After exiting the sci- ing direct visualization is of greater importance be-
atic notch, the superior gluteal nerve courses trans- cause the posterolateral portal gets closer to major
versely posterior to anterior across the deep surface of structures, specifically the sciatic nerve.
the gluteus medius. Its relationship is the same with The posterolateral portal penetrates both the glu-
both the lateral portals, with an average distance of teus medius and minimus before entering the lateral
4.4 cm. capsule at its posterior margin (Figure 7.9). Its course
is superior and anterior to the piriformis tendon (Fig-
ure 7.10). It lies closest to the sciatic nerve at the level
POSTEROLATERAL PORTAL of the capsule. The distance to the lateral edge of the
nerve averages 2.9 cm.
The posterolateral portal is positioned similar to the Several technical errors or alterations in technique
anterolateral portal except at the posterior margin of during arthroscopy can place the sciatic nerve at
the greater trochanter (see Figure 7.2). Again, it is a greater risk. First, although hip flexion may relax the
relatively straight shot under fluoroscopic control, but capsule, easing distraction, it may potentially draw the
FIGURE 7.7. Anterolateral portal pathway/relationship to superior FIGURE 7.9. Posterolateral portal pathway/relationship to sciatic
gluteal nerve. (Courtesy of Smith & Nephew Endoscopy, Andover, nerve and superior gluteal nerve. (Courtesy of Smith & Nephew En-
MA.) doscopy, Andover, MA.)
sciatic nerve closer to the joint, making it more vul- tion of portions of the femoral head but should not be
nerable to injury. Second, it is important to maintain performed until after all portals have been established.
neutral rotation during portal placement. If the hip
is inadvertently externally rotated, this moves the
greater trochanter more posterior relative to the NOMENCLATURE
femoral head and the hip joint (Figure 7.11). This type
of starting position, again, can place the sciatic nerve Special mention should be made of the nomenclature
more at risk for injury. Thus, although slight flexion used in describing arthroscopy portals. The anterior
may relax the capsule, excessive flexion should be portal is not a true anterior approach to the hip. How-
avoided. Also, care should be taken to ensure that the ever, it is as far anterior as can safely and reliably be
hip is in neutral rotation during portal placement. In- positioned. Thus, for distinction from the various lat-
traoperative rotation of the hip may facilitate visualiza- eral portals, it is referred to as the anterior portal.
Glick et al.10 refer to the portals placed over the the details regarding the description of portal place-
anterior and posterior margins of the superior aspect ment. One must not rely solely on the portal name to
of the greater trochanter as anterior paratrochanteric automatically create an image of which portal is be-
and posterior paratrochanteric portals. This nomen- ing discussed.
clature has also been adopted by McCarthy et al.14 in
their review of hip arthroscopy.
I have used the terms anterolateral and postero-
lateral for simplicity and consistency with the termi- 1. Blitzer CM: Arthroscopic management of septic arthritis of the
nology commonly used for other joints. Standard por- hip. Arthroscopy 1993;9:414–416.
2. Klapper R, Silver DM: Hip arthroscopy without traction. Con-
tals are usually described in an abbreviated fashion, temp Orthop 1989;18:687–693.
defining only their relationship to the joint. Portal de- 3. Holgersson S, Brattström H, Mogensen B, Lidgren L: Arthros-
scriptions in relationship to a topographic landmark copy of the hip in juvenile chronic arthritis. J Pediatr Orthop
are usually reserved for specialty portals or portals that 1981;1:273–278.
are only occasionally used. 4. Eriksson E, Arvidsson I, Arvidsson H: Diagnostic and opera-
tive arthroscopy of the hip. Orthopaedics 1986;9:169–176.
I recommend that, until the nomenclature be- 5. Frich LH, Lauritzen J, Juhl M: Arthroscopy in diagnosis and
comes truly standardized, when referencing literature treatment of hip disorders. Orthopaedics 1989;12:389–
on hip arthroscopy, it is always important to review 391.
6. Gross RH: Arthroscopy in hip disorders in children. Orthop 11. Watanabe M: Arthroscopy of Small Joints. Tokyo: Ogaku
Rev 1977;6:43–49. Shoin, 1985.
7. Ide T, Akamatsu N, Nakajima I: Arthroscopic surgery of the 12. Byrd JWT: Hip arthroscopy utilizing the supine position. Ar-
hip joint. Arthroscopy 1991;7:204–211. throscopy 1994;10:275–280.
8. Johnson L: Hip joint. In: Johnson L (ed). Diagnostic and Surgi- 13. Byrd JWT, Pappas JN, Pedley MJ: Hip arthroscopy: an
cal Arthroscopy, 3rd ed. St. Louis. Mosby, 1986:1491–1519. anatomic study of portal placement and relationship to
9. Dorfmann H, Boyer T, Henry P, DeBie P: A simple approach the extra-articular structures. Arthroscopy 1995;11:418–
to hip arthroscopy. Arthroscopy 1988;4:141–142. 423.
10. Glick JM, Sampson TG, Gordon RB, Behr JT, Schmidt E: Hip 14. McCarthy JC, Day B, Busconi B: Hip arthroscopy: applications
arthroscopy by the lateral approach. Arthroscopy 1987;3:4–12. and technique. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1995;3:115–122.
Arthroscopic Anatomy
of the Hip
Richard N. Villar and Nicola Santori
he human hip is a ball-and-socket joint con- changes so that at birth it becomes shallower and cov-
tained within a capsule that runs along the axis ers just one-third of a complete sphere. After birth,
of the joint from the rim of acetabulum to the this process reverses and the cavity steadily deepens
neck of femur. The bony architecture of this joint pro- once more. The progressive shallowing of the acetab-
vides the inherent stability required for erect posture ulum allows an increased range of movement at the
but at the same time impairs access to the joint itself. time of birth.
The gross anatomy of the hip has been well known On the femoral side, the center of ossification for
since ancient times. Nevertheless, the average ortho- the femoral head appears during the first year of life
pedic surgeon is often not confident in this area, es- and is located laterally within the head. Similar to the
pecially in the knowledge of the intraarticular struc- acetabulum, the head also undergoes a change of shape
tures, because hips operated on in an orthopedic during development. Its anteroposterior diameter is
department are mostly degenerating joints. The sur- slightly greater than the transverse up to the age of 3
geon may not believe it is important to distinguish years. At that point, the head becomes almost a per-
anatomic structures that he or she is planning to fect sphere. Then the transverse diameter becomes
replace. larger, making the head ovoid. Because of this pattern
Arthroscopy has permitted the identification of of development of both sides of the hip, the femoral
new pathologic entities in the hip, allowing a detailed head is poorly contained at the time of birth.
analysis of normal and pathologic anatomy. The Soft tissue structures of the hip joint arise from the
chances for successful hip arthroscopy depend prima- same undifferentiated mesenchyme and similarly un-
rily on the ability of the surgeon to distinguish what dergo a progressive development. By the 11th week of
is a normal finding from what is abnormal and caus- gestation, the capsule, internally lined with synovial
ing hip symptoms. cells, the labrum glenoidale, and the ligamentum
teres, is well differentiated. The capsule, initially very
thin, becomes progressively pluristratified, gaining
DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORMAL HIP thickness and strength. It is generally considered the
most important structure contributing to hip stability.
To understand the biomechanics and the functions of Joint, and consequent capsular, laxity may occur in
the intraarticular structures, it is important to review either sex, but is more frequent in female subjects.2-4
some aspects of the development of the hip. Both fe- The labrum increases the depth of the acetabular cav-
mur and pelvis are preformed in cartilage. Of the eight ity and progressively takes on a fibrocartilaginous
ossification centers of the hemipelvis, three form the structure during development.
acetabulum. These are the iliac, ischial, and pubic os- Horii and coauthors5 have evaluated the degrees
sification centers, meeting at the triradiate cartilage. of coverage of the femoral head, comparing three age
The iliac center appears prenatally at the ninth week groups: A, 6 to 8 years old; B, 9 to 11 years old; and
of intrauterine life. The ischial and pubic centers ap- C, 12 to 13 years old and using 10 healthy adults as
pear at the fourth and fifth months, respectively. At controls. They found that coverage of the femoral head
birth, the acetabulum is still a cartilaginous cup. Be- by the acetabulum in young children was less than in
tween the ages of 8 and 9 years, ossification of the ac- adults at all positions. However, interestingly, the to-
etabulum begins. Fusion of the ilium, ischium, and tal coverage including the labrum was greater than in
pubis within the acetabulum occurs between the ages adults.
of 16 and 18 years.1 In the lower part of the joint the labrum is nor-
In the early fetal period, the acetabulum is a deeply mally continuous with the transverse ligament. The
set cavity that almost totally encloses the femoral ligamentum teres differentiates from the interzone
head. As growth proceeds, the shape progressively of the embryonic mesenchyme and runs from the
The name acetabulum comes from the Latin and
means vinegar cup from the similarity in shape with
this article from ancient Rome. To the arthroscopic
surgeon it appears horseshoe shaped, encircling the ac-
etabular fossa, the lunate surface. It can be divided
into a superior part, an anterior column, and a poste-
rior column. The classic theory says that no evidence
of the existence of the triradiate cartilage is consid-
ered to remain in the adult hip. At this stage, the an-
terior one-fifth of the acetabulum is formed by the
pubis, the posterosuperior two-fifths by the ilium, and
the posteroinferior two-fifths by the ischium. The nor-
mal surface appears white, smooth, and glistening.
FIGURE 8.1. The normal femoral head. (The copyrights for all the The thickness of the articular cartilage is reported to
illustrations in this chapter are retained by Dr. Villar.) be maximal on the anterosuperior quadrant.6 With the
70-degree arthroscope, from the lateral approach, it is
possible to see consecutively the three zones and most
of their articular surfaces.
The horseshoe shape of the acetabulum (Figure 8.3)
is a fixed landmark and allows easy orientation within
the joint. Peripheral margins of the acetabulum are
overlaid by the perimeter of the labrum and cannot al-
ways be seen. The inner borders of the articular sur-
face of the acetabulum have a rounded cartilage edge;
these form the margins of the acetabular fossa or coty-
loid fossa. Sometimes a central osteophyte can be seen
in this area (Figure 8.4); it is more often located on the
inner margin of the anterior column, although a pos-
terior central osteophyte is also possible.
Adjacent to anterior or posterior apex of the ac-
etabular fossa, within its lunate surface, a silvery stel-
late crease is frequently seen (Figure 8.5). The sig-
nificance of this finding is unknown, but in our ex-
perience, no correlation with clinical symptoms has FIGURE 8.4. Acetabular central osteophyte.
been identified. The inexperienced surgeon must be
aware of its existence so as not to confuse it with early
degenerative changes.
Rarely, a transverse groove running anteriorly from precocious chondral damage. In a previous study,8 we
the stellate crease to the anterior margin of the ac- reviewed records and radiographs of 234 hip arthro-
etabulum is present. It does not have a degenerative scopies and compared intraoperative and radiographic
appearance and is lined with normal articular carti- findings. Sixty patients (32.2%) of the 186 with nor-
lage. This groove was identified in a few cases of more mal preoperative radiographs had evidence of os-
than 500 patients undergoing hip arthroscopy over a teoarthritis at the time of surgery. This evidence
5-year period.7 It is possible that it represents a ves- makes initial osteoarthritis the most likely cause of
tige of the triradiate cartilage. hip symptoms in young patients (average age, 36 years)
with normal radiographic findings.
One more interesting finding was the preponder-
ance of female subjects (71% versus 29%) in the group
ARTHROSCOPIC FINDINGS with normal radiographic findings. Quantification of
IN THE INITIAL STAGES OF the damage was obtained by dividing the acetabulum
HIP OSTEOARTHRITIS and the femoral head in quadrants. Hips with normal
radiographic findings but arthroscopic osteoarthritis
Early degenerative changes of the hip are not an un- were found to have less chondral damage (1.9 quad-
common arthroscopic finding. Standard radiographic rants) compared with those with radiographically ev-
projections have poor diagnostic ability in detecting ident osteoarthritis (4.2) quadrants. Hips with normal
FIGURE 8.3. The horseshoe-shaped appearance of the acetabulum. FIGURE 8.5. The stellate crease.
Acetabular Fossa
When good distension of the joint is obtained, this
portion of the acetabulum can be safely seen. How-
ever, often a fat pad lies within the fossa and can
expand into the cavity and obscure the view. Usu-
ally, the fossa has a flattened superior margin and FIGURE 8.7. Acetabular labrum.
anterior and posterior borders. From the posteroin-
ferior part of the fossa arises the ligamentum teres.
Superiorly, the fossa is lined by dense fibroconnec-
tive tissue, lacking a synovial lining. The lower part Acetabular Labrum
of the fossa is occupied by adipose tissue; this ap- The acetabular labrum (Figure 8.7), or labrum gle-
pears well vascularized and is usually mobile when noidale, gives permanent stability to the hip joint by
suction on the outflow is applied. Sometimes the deepening the acetabular cavity. The labrum is trian-
adipose tissue can behave like a pedunculated struc- gular in cross section with the apex forming the free
ture within the joint. It is said to contain numerous thin edge. The diameter of this free edge is smaller
proprioceptive nerve endings. When it becomes than its fixed edge and is somewhat less than the max-
compressed, it partially extrudes from the acetabu- imum diameter of the femoral head. It provides cov-
lar fossa beneath the transverse ligament. erage and support to the anterior, superior, and poste-
A thickened band of fibrous tissue, the transverse rior surfaces of the femoral head.
ligament (Figure 8.6), closes the lowest portion of the As with the glenoidal labrum in the shoulder, it
acetabular fossa. This structure bridges the open end produces a valve effect that significantly increases the
of the horseshoe-shaped acetabulum and can occa- stability of the joint. Takechi and coauthors4 have
sionally be probed with a hook. It divides the acetab- measured the intraarticular pressure both inside and
ular fossa from the inferior recess. Close to the trans- outside the labrum in a hemipelvectomy specimen.
verse ligament, synovial tissue from the inferior recess They found that the pressure within the inner part of
encroaches on and passes beneath the ligament into the joint, inside the labrum, was almost double that
the fossa. The inferior recess is a frequent hiding place outside the labrum. This explains why it is so diffi-
for loose bodies, although it is unlikely they cause any cult to obtain a satisfactory distraction of the hip
great harm in such a position. without injecting saline or air into the joint.9
Histologically, the fibrocartilaginous labrum is con-
nected with the acetabular articular cartilage through
a 1- to 2-mm zone of transition. A consistent projec-
tion of bone extends from the bony acetabulum into
the substance of the labrum that is attached via a zone
of calcified cartilage with a well-defined tidemark.10
At the time of arthroscopy, the labrum appears to
overlap the hyaline cartilage around the perimeter of
the acetabular cup. It continues downward into the
transverse ligament of the acetabulum. This structure
is usually regarded as the anatomic extension of the
labrum across the notch. Sometimes, at the margins
of the acetabular fossa, the labrum does not directly
continue into the transverse ligament. In such cases,
an area of acetabular articular cartilage intervenes be-
tween the two structures. No instability of the labrum
FIGURE 8.6. The transverse ligament. seems to be associated with this finding.
The labrum is the first structure that the arthro-
scopic surgeon can damage. To avoid it, proper iden-
tification of the joint line must be made. If, on the im-
age intensifier, the guidewire is too close to the bony
margin of the cup, it is possible to disrupt the labrum
during the insertion of the trochar. In this case, it is
better to reposition the guidewire before the intro-
duction of instruments.
Once entered, with a 70-degree arthroscope, it is
possible to visualize the majority of the circumference
of the labrum and the transverse ligament. In its an-
terior, superior, and posterior portions, it has a menis-
cus-like consistency and it is indentable with a probe.
In the inferior part, the transverse ligament, it no
longer has a fibrocartilaginous structure and consists
of strong, flattened fibers, which cross the acetabular
fossa. The labrum blends with the margins of the ac- FIGURE 8.9. Perilabral sulcus.
etabulum, except inferiorly. Here it is usually sepa-
rated from the hyaline cartilage by a distinct groove,
the labral groove (Figure 8.8). Commonly, the labrum
is inverted, although it may be everted, and sometimes stantly triangular, its thickness varies in different por-
mobile. In a review of 37 cases operated for labral tions. It is larger and thicker in the posterosuperior
pathology,11 2 cases of unstable acetabular labra have region and thinner in the anteroinferior region. Hy-
been reported; both were teenaged girls with general- pertrophy of the labrum combined with elongation of
ized ligamentous laxity. At the time of arthroscopy, the ligamentum teres, and eburnation around the ac-
the labrum subluxed during internal and external ro- etabular notch, have been reported in proven cases of
tation of the limb. The absence of a trauma in the his- hip dysplasia.13
tory of these 2 patients suggests this finding could be On arthroscopic observation, in the young adult,
a peculiar congenital feature of labral development of the labrum has an avascular, meniscus-like, elastic ap-
ligament laxity. pearance, whereas in the elderly it can appear yellow
Average width of the acetabular labrum is reported and degenerate. Suzuki and coauthors14 have de-
to be 5.3 mm (SD, 2.6 mm).12 It enlarges significantly scribed hypervascularity of the labrum as a striking
the size of the acetabulum. Tan and coauthors12 re- finding in every stage of Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease.
ported an increase of acetabular surface area from 28.8 Within the joint, the acetabular labrum divides the
cm2 without the labrum to 36.8 cm2 (P ⬍ 0.0001) with peripheral portion lined with synovia from the in-
the labrum. The volume of the acetabulum without traarticular portion. Three distinct gutters are identi-
the labrum is 31.5 cm3; with the labrum, it is 41.1 fied outside the articular portion of the joint: the per-
cm3 (P ⬍ 0.0001). ilabral sulcus (Figure 8.9), the anterior gutter (Figure
Although the labral cross section is almost con- 8.10), and the posterior gutter.
FIGURE 8.8. The labral groove. FIGURE 8.10. The anterior gutter.
Acetabular labrum
Lunate surface
of acetabulum
Cotyloid fossa FIGURE 8.11. Morphology of labral tears. Unstable tears are
Transverse ligament excluded. (From Lage et al.,11 with permission of Villar.)
ure. Consequently, rupture of the labrum in the dys-
plastic hip occurs more frequently in the superior re-
gion, rather than anteriorly or posteriorly.19,23
Radial Flap
The radial flap (56.8%) is similar to a meniscal flap
(Figure 8.12). The free edge of the labrum is disrupted,
and a flap lies free within the joint. FIGURE 8.13. Labral tear, radial fibrillated. (From Lage et al.,11 with
permission of Villar.)
Radial Fibrillated
The radial fibrillated tear (21.6%) is frequently associ-
ated with generalized degenerative damage to the hip Unstable (5.4%) tears were a reflection of abnormal
(Figure 8.13). The free margin appears fibrillated, and labral function rather than shape, representing the two
the labrum is often yellowish and frail in consistency. subluxing labra classified as being of congenital etiol-
ogy (Figure 8.15).
Longitudinal Peripheral
Longitudinal peripheral tears (16.2%) correspond to LOCATION OF TEARS
the meniscal tears in the red peripheral zone and
can be of variable length (Figure 8.14). Ikeda and Ninety-two percent anterior and 8% posterior tears
coauthors17 described this type of rupture in seven have been identified by Fitzgerald15; 62.2% anterior,
cases. Bucket-handle lesions of the labrum would 29.7% posterior, and 8.1% superior were recognized
fit into this group, but were never identified by Lage by Lage and coauthors.11 Conversely, Ikeda and coau-
and coauthors,11 although previously described in thors17 found six posterior labral tears of the seven in-
the literature.24,25 Fitzgerald15 reported that 41 of cluded in their report.
49 tears (83.7%) surgically treated in his series were
longitudinal separations of the labrum from the ac-
FIGURE 8.12. Labral tear, radial flap. (From Lage et al.,11 with per- FIGURE 8.14. Labral tear, longitudinal peripheral. (From Lage et
mission of Villar.) al.,11 with permission of Villar.)
FIGURE 8.16. The ligamentum teres. FIGURE 8.17. Foveal insertion of the ligamentum teres.
movement. Certainly, a significant role is to support
and protect the central artery of the femoral head. This
vessel usually arises from the deeper lateral branch of
the obturator artery, although sometimes it originates
from the medial circumflex branch of the profunda
femoris. It enters the hip joint by passing under the
transverse ligament, into the cotyloid fossa, and trav-
els along the ligamentum teres to the fovea capitis
where it penetrates into the bone. Wolcott,26 on ana-
tomic grounds, and Waldenstrom,27 on clinical
grounds, both believed it can sustain the nutrition of
the entire head by itself. The caliber of the vessel is
variable, being sometimes barely that of a capillary.
Often, however, it is a large vessel and supplies a sig- FIGURE 8.19. Ligamentum teres, partial rupture. (From Gray and
nificant part of the head. The frequency of femoral Villar,29 with permission of Villar.)
head necrosis after dislocation, with consequent liga-
mentum teres rupture, may support the importance
of this structure. Occasionally, the ligament and the In a retrospective arthroscopic review of ligamen-
central artery are absent or only the synovial sheath tum teres rupture, Gray and Villar29 identified 20 pa-
exists.28 tients with ligamentum pathology. Three groups of
patients were distinguished. Group 1 in their study in-
cluded 7 patients with complete ligamentum teres
Ligamentum Teres Damage rupture (Figure 8.18). In 4, the cause was fracture dis-
It is difficult to depict the pathology of a structure of location, in 2 previous closed reductions of CDH and
essentially unknown function. Therefore, to date, lit- in 1 a serious twisting injury of the hip. In two cases,
tle has been published supporting the existence of spe- at arthroscopy, an osteochondral fragment attached to
cific syndromes arising from the ligamentum teres. the disrupted ligament was found. Group 2 included
As we have described, sometimes the ligament is eight cases with partial rupture of the ligament (Fig-
absent altogether28 and the patient apparently suffers ure 8.19). No specific injuries were identified in the
no remarkable consequences. However, collapse of previous history of these patents. A long (2 to 12 years)
part of the femoral head is a recognized complication history of hip discomfort, pain, and aching, with oc-
after hip dislocation. Ligamentum teres rupture is as- casional clicking, was the justification for arthroscopic
sured when such major trauma occurs. Although it is surgery. In group 3 (5 cases), a degenerate, frayed lig-
possible that osseous and capsular vessels are injured, ament, combined with generalized degenerative
the decreased blood flow consequent on central artery changes, was identified (Figure 8.20). Arthroscopic de-
disruption is likely to be partially responsible for head
collapse. It is possible, although as yet unproven, that
the ligamentum may also have a biomechanical func-
tion. Whether loss of such a function is also respon-
sible for head collapse is not known.
FIGURE 8.18. Ligamentum teres, complete rupture. (From Gray FIGURE 8.20. Ligamentum teres, degenerative, frayed. (From Gray
and Villar,29 with permission of Villar.) and Villar,29 with permission of Villar.)
Zona Orbicularis
The circular fibers are named zona orbicularis (Figure
8.22) and are of arthroscopic interest because they
FIGURE 8.21. Loose body lying within the posterior gutter. form a ring around the neck of the femur. This ring
has no direct attachment to the bone and is seen
arthroscopically as a capsular condensation projecting
into the synovial lining, embracing the distracted
femoral head. External rotation of the limb during the
procedure allows the zona orbicularis to relax, whereas
internal rotation tightens it around the femoral neck.
The maneuver can be used to differentiate the zona
orbicularis from the acetabular labrum.
Capsular Ligaments
The longitudinal fibers are greatest in number and
strength but have less arthoscopic interest. Rarely, it
is possible to identify the iliofemoral ligament, or lig-
ament of Bigelow. It has a triangular shape, its apex
being attached between the anterior inferior iliac
spine and the acetabular rim, its base to the inter- FIGURE 8.24. Hemorrhagic synovium. The result of distraction
and irrigation.
trochanteric line. Because the central part is thinner,
it is often referred to as being Y shaped. Other liga-
ments reinforcing the capsule are the pubofemoral and
the ischiofemoral ligaments. None is usually seen with Psoas Bursa
the arthroscope. The latter has some arthroscopic im- A circular aperture between the pubofemoral and il-
portance because it thickens the back of the capsule iofemoral ligaments sometimes joins the articular
and is perforated using the rare posterior approach. cavity with the subtendinous psoas (iliac) bursa. This
structure separates the capsule from the iliopsoas
Retinacula of Weibrecht muscle and is lined with synovium.
Indications for surgery are diverse. However, these ovium and the joint surface. Acta Orthop Scand 1994;65:581–
have not been discussed in this chapter. Primarily, we 584.
15. Fitzgerald RH: Acetabular labral tears: diagnosis and treatment.
believe the arthroscopist must distinguish between Clin Orthop 1995;31:60–68.
normal and pathologic findings and then correlate 16. Ueo T, Suzuki S, Iwasaki R, et al: Rupture of the labra ac-
them with clinical symptoms. Only then may he or etabularis as a cause of hip pain detected arthroscopically, and
she plan the operative technique. partial limbectomy for successful pain relief. Arthroscopy
17. Ikeda T, Awaya G, Suzuki S, et al: Torn acetabular labrum in
young patients; arthroscopic diagnosis and management. J
References Bone J Surg [Br] 1988;70:13–16.
18. Nishina T, Saito S, Ozhono K, et al: Chiari pelvic osteotomy
1. Ponseti IV: Growth and development of the acetabulum in the for osteoarthritis. The influence of the torn and detached ac-
normal child. J Bone J Surg 1979;60A:575–585. etabular labrum. J Bone J Surg [Br] 1990;72:765–769.
2. Hisaw FL: Experimental relaxation of the pubic ligaments in 19. Klaue K, Durnin CW, Ganz R: The acetabular rim syndrome.
the guinea pig. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1921;23:661–689. A clinical presentation of dysplasia of the hip. J Bone J Surg
3. Wilkinson JS: Prime factors in the aetiology of congenital dis- [Br] 1991;73:423–429.
location of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg 1963;45B:268–285. 20. Suzuki S, Awaya G, Okada Y, et al: Arthroscopic diagnosis of
4. Takechi H, Nagashima H, Ito S: Intra-articular pressure of the ruptured acetabular labrum. Acta Orthop Scand 1986;57:513–
hip joint outside and inside the labrum. J Jpn Orthop Assoc 515.
1982;56:529–536. 21. Edward D, Lomas D, Villar RN: Comparison of MRI and hip
5. Horii M, Kubo T, Hachiya Y, et al: Development of the ac- arthroscopy in diagnosis of disorders of the hip joint. J Bone J
etabulum and the acetabular labrum in the normal child: anal- Surg [Br] 1994;76(suppl):52.
ysis with radial-sequence magnetic resonance imaging. J Pedi- 22. Petersilge CA: MR arthrography for evaluation of the acetab-
atr Orthop 2002;22:222–227. ular labrum. Skeletal Radiol 2001;30:423–430.
6. Kurrat HJ, Oberlander W: The thickness of the cartilage in the 23. Dorrel JH, Caterall A: The torn acetabular labrum. J Bone J
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7. Santori N, Villar RN: The iliopubic groove: a possible conse- 24. Dameron TB Jr: Bucket handle tear of the acetabular labrum
quence of incomplete triradiate fusion. Two case reports. accompanying posterior dislocation of the hip. J Bone J Surg
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8. Santori N, Villar RN: Arthroscopic findings in the initial stages 25. Ide T, Akamatsu N, Nakajima I: Arthroscopic surgery of the
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9. Villar RN: Hip Arthroscopy, vol 5. Oxford: Butterworth- 26. Wolcott WE: The evolution of the circulation of the develop-
Heinemann, 1992:529–536. ing femoral head and neck. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1943;77:61–
10. Seldes RM, Tan V, Hunt J, et al: Anatomy, histologic features, 82.
and vascularity of the adult acetabular labrum. Clin Orthop 27. Waldenstrom H: Necrosis of the femoral head owing to insuf-
2001;382:232–240. ficient nutrition from the ligamentum teres. Acta Chir Scand
11. Lage AL, Patel JV, Villar RN: The acetabular labral tear: an ar- 1934;75:185–196.
throscopic classification. Arthroscopy 1996;12:269–272. 28. Gray’s Anatomy, 37th ed. New York: Longman, 1989:518–526.
12. Tan V, Seldes RM, Katz MA, et al: Contribution of acetabular 29. Gray AJR, Villar R: The ligamentum teres of the hip: an ar-
labrum to articulating surface area and femoral head coverage throscopic classification of its pathology. Arthroscopy 1997;13:
in adult hip joints: an anatomic study in cadavera. Am J Or- 575–578.
thop 2001;30:809–812. 30. Dvorak M, Duncan CP, Day B: Arthroscopic anatomy of the
13. Glick JM: Hip arthroscopy. In: McGinty JB (ed). Operative Ar- hip. Arthroscopy 1990;6:264–273.
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14. Suzuki S, Kasahara Y, Seto Y, et al: Arthroscopy in nineteen frequency of Weitbrecht’s retinacula in the hip joint. Okajimas
children with Perthés disease: pathologic changes of the syn- Folia Anat Jpn 1993;70:87–90.
The Lateral Approach
Thomas G. Sampson
ip arthroscopy was first done in the supine ap- McCarthy developed a distractor without a tensiome-
proach; however, in the early experiences it ter that could fit any operating room table (Figure 9.8).
was fraught with problems and was not pre- Initially, the standard arthroscopic instruments
dictably successful in entering the joint. History has were used. However, it became clear that the standard
shown us that Burman was first to arthroscope a se- length arthroscopes could not reach the depth of all
ries of hips; however, those were all cadavers and hips and straight graspers and shavers were inadequate
mainly in the periarticular capsule.1 Traction was in- for reaching around the head of the femur and the con-
troduced by Erikkson to enter the true joint.2 My as- cavity of the acetabulum.4 Newer designs with shorter
sociate Dr. James M. Glick performed 11 cases be- hubs on the arthroscope became available, and curved
tween 1977 and 1982 and had difficulty getting in on instruments are still being developed. The Glick Hip
2 occasions.3 Because of my experience with the lat- Set (Stryker, Kalamazoo, MI) (Figure 9.9) contains long
eral decubitus positioning and anatomy in total hip cannulated sheaths and arthroscopes and a variety of
replacements, the idea of approaching hip arthroscopy long graspers, as well as slotted cannulas for intro-
with a similar technique was introduced (Figure 9.1). duction of curved instruments (Figure 9.10). The Dy-
We dissected a cadaver hip to determine the most di- onics hip set (Smith & Nephew, Andover, MA) has
rect access to the intraarticular space and developed cannulated sheaths that could be used with standard
the anterior peritrochanteric and posterior per- arthroscopes by shortening the hub (Figure 9.11).
itrochanteric trochanteric portals (Figure 9.2). Later, The problem of consistently introducing the
these were referred to as the anterolateral and pos- arthroscope into the hip joint has been resolved if pro-
terolateral portals. The first patient on whom we used cedure is followed. The new tasks are to perform pre-
the lateral approach was a massively obese woman viously described open procedures requiring arthro-
with hip pain who Dr. Glick had previously arthro- tomy with arthroscopy similar to the evolution of
scoped without success in the supine position. In the arthroscopic surgery in the knee and shoulder.
lateral decubitus position, the obese portions of her Since 1983 we have done almost 750 hip arthro-
thigh drooped down and away to expose a prominent scopies using the lateral approach. With the advances
greater trochanter (Figure 9.3). The neurovascular in both the lateral and supine techniques, the lateral
structures are safely away from the portals and the is still our position of choice as it offers less obstruc-
surgeon is familiar with their location (Figure 9.4). tion in obese patients, allowing soft tissue to drop to
These portals offer direct access into the femoroac- the sides, exposing a prominent greater trochanter. As
etabular joint. with shoulder arthroscopy, the surgeon’s choice will
The Chick fracture table was initially used for hip be based on his or her training and comfort.
distraction. This apparatus was abandoned because
the peroneal post limited hip extension and increased
the risk of neuropraxias (Figure 9.5A). Traction was ANESTHESIA
fashioned after our methods for shoulder arthroscopy
using a Buck’s traction boot, rope, and wall-mounted Most commonly we use general anesthesia. If regional
pulleys (Figure 9.5B). The distraction was limited to is used, there must be muscle relaxation and paraly-
the amount of weight used; however, the system was sis is not necessary. Antibiotic prophylaxis is war-
inconvenient and inconsistent in the amount of joint ranted using one of the cephalosporins.
distraction obtained. As a result, two new distractors
were developed: the Hip Distraktor (Arthronix, New
York, NY), which was the first (Figure 9.6), and the PATIENT POSITIONING
Hip Distractor (OSI Systems, Hawthorne, CA), which
attaches to the Jackson table (Figure 9.7). Both sys- The patient is placed on a well-padded Jackson or stan-
tems incorporated a digital tensiometer and a perineal dard operating room table in the lateral decubitus po-
post with more than 9 cm diameter of padding. Joseph sition (Figure 9.12). An axillary roll is positioned, and
a single posterior hip positioner is used to support the The anesthesiologist is at the head of the table, the
pelvis, which may reduce the risk of pudental neuro- surgeon stands anterior, and the assistant stands pos-
praxias by preventing the pelvis from rolling back. terior. The scrub technician stands next to the sur-
The foot is wrapped with padding, and the foot geon with the C-arm between them. A Mayo stand is
holder is applied taking care to avoid skin pinching by placed above the patient’s shoulder for the instru-
the device. The leg is held in abduction by the assis- ments and arthroscopic cords. We typically drape with
tant for careful placement of the peroneal post (Figure split sheets and use a large plastic pouch to catch ex-
9.13). The genitalia are inspected to ensure they are cess fluids.
free from compression. Apply the foot holder to the
distraction arm and apply only enough traction to sup-
port the leg because definitive traction forces should TRACTION
not be applied until the beginning of the operative
procedure. For optimal viewing and safe surgery, at least 1.2 cm
The fluoroscopic C-arm is brought in with the apex of distraction is required of the femoroacetabular joint.
under the table and centered at the level of the greater Two commercial distractors for the lateral approach
trochanter (Figure 9.14). are available from OSI and Innomed (Savannah, GA),
Sticky towels or drapes are placed from the iliac designed by Dr. Glick and Dr. Joseph McCarthy, re-
crest to 6 inches below the greater trochanter and a spectively. The OSI distractor has many advantages in
sagittal line lateral to the anterior superior iliac spine that hip motion is adjustable during surgery and it has
anterior and the sciatic notch posterior. a continuous readout tensiometer.
FIGURE 9.5. (A) Traditional fracture tables with the Chick table traction using a Buck’s device and a wall pulley with 45 lb trac-
showing the vertical posterior peroneal post on the left, which tion. The right view shows patient in the original lateral trac-
may impinge against the sciatic nerve with traction and the leg tion for shoulder arthroscopy using wall pulleys, rope, and
in extension. (B) The left image shows a patient in abduction weights.
FIGURE 9.6. The Hip Distraktor (Arthronix; no longer available) attached to the traction hand-driven screw, which can be positioned
allows for the use of most operating room tables. A rack supports in various degrees of flexion, abduction, and rotation. A tensiome-
the leg, preventing valgus forces on the knee, and the foot piece is ter measures the relative forces applied.
FIGURE 9.9. The Glick Hip Set (Stryker). Note the long
arthroscope as well as long instruments and sheaths.
Leg Position
In traction, the hip capsule is maximally relaxed in
15 degrees of flexion, neutral rotation, and 15 de-
grees of abduction. I use this as a starting position
A and make adjustments during the procedure. Addi-
tionally, the perineal post may be elevated laterally
to add an abduction moment for better viewing
(Figure 9.15).
FIGURE 9.13. (A) The patient is lying in a lateral decubitus posi-
tion with the peroneal post in place. Note the posterior lumbosacral
support preventing rollback on the peroneal post. (B) Anterior view
of the peroneal post with adequate padding. Note there is adequate
space beneath the post, not compressing on the downside leg and
offsetting the post toward the operating leg, taking pressure off the
pudental nerve.
The Pump
It is generally acceptable to use a pump system be- FIGURE 9.16. Specialized instruments that have longer dimensions
cause the exact pressure and flow can be controlled and curves to reach around the femoral head or into the acetabulum.
ible patients, start with 25 to 50 lb force, and with mur and acetabulum, closer to the femur to avoid
large stiff patients, use 50 to 75 lb. puncturing the labrum. Listen for a hiss as the joint
Using the C-arm fluoroscope, start with the an- suction seal is broken and observe the traction forces
terolateral portal (Figure 9.20), observing the 14-gauge reduce on the tensiometer readout (Figure 9.21). Ob-
5.25-inch intracath pass between the head of the fe- tain the desired distraction (usually greater than 1.2
orly. Note any labral fraying or tears and articular of the femoral head fovea with its ligamentum teres
changes. attachment.
Look at the mid third and note any labral cartilage After viewing from the anterolateral portal, the
separations or fraying and degenerative changes. The same procedure is carried out from the posterior por-
surface may be smooth or have a cobblestone appear- tal if one is not satisfied with the initial viewing. The
ance in early degeneration. corrective surgery is then performed, and the traction
As the scope is rotated to the anterior third, the is completely released to allow the hip to be moved
labrum may give a backlighting of the joint as the light in rotation and flexion.
reflects off the anterior capsule through the labrum. With the hip in slight flexion and neutral rotation,
Look for hypertrophy of the labrum in patients with the intracath is inserted through the anterolateral
dysplasia. The acetabular cartilage may be soft or may portal, aiming along the femoral neck toward the
appear blistered or delaminated in dysplastics with an- head–neck junction (Figure 9.27). While observing un-
terior groin pain and instability or popping. Look an- der fluoroscopy, a small pop is felt as the needle passes
terior beyond the labrum in the sulcus for synovitis through the capsule and the effusion dribbles out of
and loose bodies. Move the scope to the superior sul- the needle. Pass a Nitanol wire and bounce it off the
cus of the joint to see the nonarticular side from an- inferior capsule to confirm it is intraarticular (Figure
terior to posterior. Look for evidence of cysts and 9.28). Advance the arthroscopic sheath over the wire
spurring and labral tears. During all these maneuvers, and begin viewing the anterior, inferior, and posterior
a probe or switching stick is used to probe. pericapsular space.
Next observe as much of the femoral head with First, note the femoral head seated in the labrum
the same method and if necessary rotate the leg while as it transforms into the transverse acetabular liga-
in traction. At this point, I switch to a 70-degree scope ment (Figure 9.29). The zona orbicularis crosses the
to look deeper into the notch and have a better view field, and one may see the vincula-like vessel
FIGURE 9.27. Fluoroscopic view with the C-arm showing the FIGURE 9.28. Arthroscopic view of a Nitanol wire in the inferior
arthroscope position in the inferior pouch and a cannula near the pouch. Note the reactive synovitis.
head–neck junction laterally.
FIGURE 9.29. (A) Arthroscopic view of the inferior pouch with lat- the anteromedial sweeping inferiorly. Note the exposed femoral head
eral distraction of the femoral head. Note the synovitis intraarticular and the labrum. Inferiorly there is vincula-like structure representing
on the inside of the labrum and transverse ligament. (B) Arthroscopic a branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery to the inferior por-
view of the transverse ligament with the hip femoral head distracted tion of the femoral head (top row). The bottom row demonstrates the
laterally. Note the inflamed ligamentum teres. (C) Arthroscopic view view distal to the zona obicularis on the femoral neck. The zona obic-
of the zona orbicularis. The femoral neck transverses the zona orbic- ularis is then seen coursing above the femoral neck, and finally a cap-
ularis. (D) Sequence of a sweep of the inframedial capsule starting with sular insertion onto the femoral neck.
going into the femoral neck. Push the scope deep DISCUSSION
and posterior to view the sulcus and look for loose
bodies. The lateral approach to hip arthroscopy provides a re-
As the scope is withdrawn, rotate it inferior to ap- producible and safe technique for entering the joint in
preciate the reflection of the iliopsoas tendon on a patient of any size with any degree of stiffness. Most
the capsule. Follow the reflection proximal over the orthopedic surgeons are familiar with this position
femoral head. Flexing the hip relaxes the capsule for from their experience doing hip replacements. Care-
a larger field of view and improves the mobility of the ful attention to the technique may help avoid com-
scope and operative instruments. An anteroinferior plications such as arterial injuries or neuropraxias
portal may be created at the level of the femoral neck caused by traction. A well-padded peroneal post (⬎9
midway between the head–neck junction and lesser cm diameter) and traction of less than 75 lb for less
trochanter for both the arthroscope and operative than 2 hours provides safe traction. I recommend re-
instruments. moving the traction forces as soon as the intraarticu-
At the completion of the procedure, close the lar portion of the procedure has been completed. Time
wounds and apply a standard dressing. An intraartic- will show that most intraarticular and pericapsular
ular injection of bupivicaine will make recovery and procedures will be amenable to arthroscopic treatment.
the trip home more satisfactory.
In the recovery room, have the patient begin ac- References
tively flexing and extending the hip, as this will give
1. Burman M: Arthroscopy of the direct visualization of joints. J
the patient confidence. Crutches are used, with the
Bone Joint Surg [Am] 1931;4:669–695.
amount of weight bearing dependent on the diagno- 2. Eriksson E, Arvidsson L, Arvidsson H: Diagnostic and opera-
sis. Most patients are allowed to fully weight bear un- tive arthroscopy of the hip. Orthopedics 1986;9(2):169–176.
less they have had femoral head–neck ostectomy for 3. Glick JM, et al: Hip arthroscopy by the lateral approach. Ar-
femoroacetabular impingement or any femoral neck throscopy 1987;3(1):4–12.
4. Glick JM: Hip arthroscopy. The lateral approach. Clin Sports
bone removal.
Med 2001;20(4):733–747.
The dressings are removed in 24 hours, and the pa- 5. Sampson TG, Fargo LA: Hip arthroscopy by the lateral ap-
tient is allowed to shower. Therapy is started a week proach: technique and selected cases. In: Byrd JW (ed). Opera-
later to regain motion and strength. tive Hip Arthroscopy. New York: Thieme, 1998:105–121.
The Supine Approach
J.W. Thomas Byrd
ip arthroscopy can be performed with equal ment. The paramount issue is accessing the joint in
success whether the patient is positioned as atraumatic a fashion as possible. Because of the con-
supine or laterally. This choice largely de- strained architecture and dense soft tissue envelope of
pends on the surgeon’s preference. However, the the hip joint, the potential for inadvertent iatrogenic
supine position has advantages, which are outlined as scope trauma is significant and, perhaps to some ex-
follows. Positioning is easy and can be accomplished tent, unavoidable. Thus, every reasonable step should
in just a few minutes. The supine position allows the be taken to keep this concern to a minimum. Perform
use of a standard fracture table and avoids the neces- the procedure as carefully as possible and be certain
sity of highly specialized, infrequently used distrac- that it is being performed for the right reason.
tion devices. The layout of the operating room is user
friendly to the surgeon, assistants, and operating room
staff. Orientation to the joint is familiar, as orthope- OPERATING ROOM SETUP
dic surgeons are accustomed to this position from
their experiences in managing hip fractures. Access to
the anterior portions of the joint is also easier, which
is important as this is where much of the hip pathol- The procedure is performed as an outpatient proce-
ogy resides. dure under general anesthesia. Epidural is an appro-
Another potentially important advantage of the priate alternative, but an adequate motor block is
supine position regards the issue of fluid extravasa- required to ensure muscle relaxation.
tion. As with any joint, some fluid leaks outside the
capsule. However, there have been several reports of
significant accumulation of fluid within the abdomen
Patient Positioning
or retroperitoneum, resulting in transient vascular The patient is positioned supine on the fracture table.
compromise of the lower extremities and even cardiac An oversized (12 cm outer diameter) formed urethane
arrest.1,2 These reports have been limited to the lat- perineal post is used, positioned laterally against the
eral position. This problem may be attributable to the medial thigh of the operative leg (Figure 10.1). Lateral-
effect of gravity as the abdominal and pelvic cavity izing the perineal post adds a slight transverse compo-
creates a sink into which the fluid collects. Although nent to the direction of the traction vector (Figure 10.2).
inordinate fluid extravasation is always a potential It also distances the post from the area of the pudendal
concern, these severe examples have not been en- nerve, lessening the risk of compression neuropraxia.
countered with the patient positioned supine. The operative hip is positioned in extension and
approximately 25 degrees of abduction. Slight flexion
might relax the capsule and facilitate distraction, but
DICTUMS ON HIP ARTHROSCOPY this also causes tension on the sciatic nerve, which
could increase the risk of traction neuropraxia. Neu-
Regardless of the position or technique that is chosen tral rotation of the extremity during portal placement
for performing this procedure, several dictums should is important for proper orientation, but freedom of ro-
be thoroughly understood. First, a successful outcome tation of the footplate during the procedure facilitates
is most clearly dependent on proper patient selection. visualization of the femoral head.
A technically well-executed procedure fails if per- The contralateral extremity is abducted as neces-
formed for the wrong reason. This may include fail- sary to accommodate positioning of the image inten-
ure of the procedure to meet the patient’s expecta- sifier between the legs. Before distracting the opera-
tions. Second, the patient must be properly positioned tive hip, slight traction is applied to the nonoperative
for the case to go well. Poor positioning ensures a dif- leg; this stabilizes the torso on the table and keeps the
ficult procedure. Third, simply gaining access to the pelvis from shifting during distraction of the operative
hip joint is not an outstanding technical accomplish- hip.
Traction is then applied to the operative extrem- roscopically. This is created by the negative intracap-
ity and distraction of the joint confirmed by fluoro- sular pressure caused by distraction. This seal is re-
scopic examination. Usually, about 50 lb of traction leased when the joint is distended with fluid at the
force is adequate. Sometimes more force is necessary time of surgery and may further facilitate distraction.
for an especially tight hip, but this should be under- However, the effect is variable and should not be de-
taken with caution. pended on to overcome inadequate traction.3
If adequate distraction is not readily achieved, al- Once the ability to distract the hip joint has been
lowing a few minutes for the capsule to accommodate confirmed, the traction is released. The hip is then
to the tensile forces often results in relaxation of the prepped and draped and traction reapplied when ready
capsule and adequate distraction without excessive to begin arthroscopy (Figure 10.3). The surgeon, assis-
force. Also, a vacuum phenomenon is apparent fluo- tant, and scrub nurse are positioned on the operative
side of the patient. The monitor and arthroscopy cart
with an attached sterile Mayo stand containing the
video-articulated arthroscopes and power shaver are
positioned on the contralateral side (Figure 10.4).
Most standard fracture tables can accommodate the
few specific needs of hip arthroscopy (Figure 10.5A–D).
A tensiometer is a helpful tool that can be incorpo-
rated into the footplate and is especially useful for
monitoring the intraoperative ability to maintain ad-
equate distraction. A large-sized perineal post with
generous padding more safely distributes the pressure
on the perineum and facilitates lateralization of the
operative hip.
An image intensifier is used for all cases. This is
important for ensuring precise portal placement. Sim-
ply accessing the joint is often not difficult. More im-
portant are care and precision in portal placement to
minimize the risk of iatrogenic damage.
Both the 30- and 70-degree video-articulated
FIGURE 10.2. The optimal vector for distraction is oblique relative arthroscopes are routinely used to optimize visualiza-
to the axis of the body and more closely coincides with the axis of tion. Interchanging the two scopes allows excellent
the femoral neck than the femoral shaft. This oblique vector is par-
tially created by abduction of the hip and partially accentuated by visualization despite the limited maneuverability
a small transverse component to the vector. caused by the bony architecture of the joint and its
dense soft tissue envelope. The 30-degree scope pro- essential for good visualization necessary to perform
vides the best view of the central portion of the ac- the procedure effectively and in an expedient manner.
etabulum and femoral head and the superior portion Flow cannot be as precisely modulated with a gravity
of the acetabular fossa, whereas the 70-degree scope system, creating difficulties both with visualization
is best for visualizing the periphery of the joint, the and extravasation. However, the surgeon must always
acetabular labrum, and the inferior portion of the be cognizant that the pump is functioning properly.
fossa. Extra-length cannulas are specifically designed to
A fluid pump provides significant advantages in the accommodate the dense soft tissue envelope that sur-
hip. A high-flow system can provide optimal flow rounds the hip (Figure 10.6). The extra length has been
without having to use excessive pressure. This is im- accomplished by shortening the accompanying bridge,
portant for visualization and safety. Adequate flow is which allows these cannulas to be used with a stan-
FIGURE 10.5. (A) Modifications to this standard fracture table fa- oversized perineal post is lateralized (arrow) toward the operative
cilitate safe and effective hip arthroscopy. (B) The tensiometer (ar- side on the table. The profile of the underlying pelvic support has
row) is built into the footplate applied to the operative extremity. been reduced (broken line) on the operative side so that it does not
(C) The digital display is mounted on the arthroscopy cart, allow- protrude laterally underneath the buttock. This feature can be
ing constant intraoperative monitoring of the traction force. (D) The switched for either a right or left hip.
dard arthroscope. Special cannulated obturators also scrub nurse’s Mayo stand contains the instruments
allow passage of the cannula/obturator assembly over routinely needed for each case (Figure 10.8). The 5.0-
a Nitanol guidewire prepositioned in the joint through mm cannula is used for initial introduction of the
6-inch, 17-gauge spinal needles (Figure 10.7). The arthroscope while the inflow is attached. The diame-
ter allows adequate flow for the fluid management sys-
tem attached through the bridge. Once all three por-
tals have been established, the inflow can be switched
to one of the other cannulas and the 5.0-mm cannula
replaced with a 4.5-mm cannula. The use of three 4.5-
mm cannulas allows complete interchangeability of
the arthroscope, instruments, and inflow. The 5.5-mm
cannula is available for larger shaver blades.
Extra-length blades are available. Curved designs
are especially helpful for maneuvering within the
spherical geometry of the joint. These can be passed
through specially designed slotted cannulas (Figure
10.9) that accommodate the curved shaver blades as
well as other hand instruments. Specially designed
hand instruments must be longer, but also of sturdy
FIGURE 10.6. A standard arthroscopic cannula (a) is compared with construction to minimize the risk of instrument
the extra-length cannula (b). A modified bridge (c) has been short- breakage.
ened to accommodate the extra-length cannula with a standard
length arthroscope. Extra-length blades (d) are also available com- Thermal ablation devices demonstrate specific ad-
pared with the standard length blades (e). vantages in the hip. The small diameter allows access
FIGURE 10.7. The cannulated obturator system allows for greater The technique described here has proved to be effec-
ease and reliably establishing the portals once proper positioning
has been achieved with the spinal needle. The 6-inch, 17-gauge spi-
tive and reproducible.4–6
nal needle (a, b) accommodates passage of a Nitanol wire (b, c). Spe-
cially treated, the wire is resistant to kinking. The cannulated ob-
turator allows for passage of the obturator/cannula assembly over Portals
the guidewire (c).
Three standard portals are used for hip arthroscopy:
anterior, anterolateral, and posterolateral (Figures
to recesses within the joint difficult to access with 10.10, 10.11).7 The site of the anterior portal coincides
mechanical blades. Also, because of the limits on ma- with the intersection of a sagittal line drawn distally
neuverability, it can be difficult for the shaver to ex- from the anterior superior iliac spine and a transverse
cise damaged articular cartilage or labrum and create line across the superior margin of the greater
a stable edge. Thermal devices are often much more trochanter. The direction of this portal courses ap-
effective at creating a smooth transition zone, pre- proximately 45 degrees cephalad and 30 degrees to-
serving more healthy tissue. ward the midline. The anterolateral and posterolateral
portals are positioned directly over the superior aspect
of the trochanter at its anterior and posterior borders.
Anterior Portal
The pathway of the anterior portal penetrates the mus-
cle belly of the sartorius and the rectus femoris before
entering the anterior capsule (Figure 10.12). At the
portal level, the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve has
usually divided into three or more branches. Conse-
quently, the portal usually passes within several mil-
limeters of one of these branches. Because of the mul-
tiple branches, the nerve is not easily avoided by
altering the portal position. Rather, it is protected by
using meticulous technique in portal placement.
Specifically, the nerve is most vulnerable to a deeply
placed skin incision that lacerates one of the branches.
Therefore, the initial stab wound should be made care-
fully through the skin only.
FIGURE 10.8. The scrub nurse’s Mayo stand contains basic in-
struments necessary for initiating the arthroscopic procedure in- The average minimum distance from the anterior
cluding a marking pen; no. 11 blade scalpel; 6-inch, 17-gauge spi- portal to the femoral nerve is 3.2 cm. The relationship
nal needles; 60-ml syringe of saline with extension tubing; a Nitanol of the ascending branch of the lateral circumflex
guidewire; three 4.5-, two 5.0-, and one 5.5-mm cannulas with can-
nulated and solid obturators; a switching stick; a separate inflow femoral artery is variable but averages 3.6 cm inferior
adapter; and modified probe. to the anterior portal.
Lateral Femoral
Cutaneous N.
Femoral N.
Sartorius M.
Ascending Br.,
Lat. Circumflex
Femoral A.
Gluteal N.
FIGURE 10.15. With the patient supine, the hip is in neutral rota-
tion with the kneecap pointing toward the ceiling. A needle placed
at the anterior margin of the greater trochanter (anterolateral posi-
Gluteus Portal tion) is maintained in the coronal plane by keeping it parallel to
Medius M. Pathway the floor as it enters the joint. Due to femoral neck anteversion,
the entry site will be just anterior to the joint’s center. If the entry
site is too anterior, it becomes crowded with the anterior portal. If
FIGURE 10.13. Anterolateral portal pathway/relationship to supe- it is too posterior, it becomes difficult to properly visualize the en-
rior gluteal nerve. (Courtesy of Smith & Nephew Endoscopy, An- try site for the anterior portal. (From Byrd,8 with permission of Ar-
dover, MA.) throscopy.)
FIGURE 10.16. Anteroposterior (AP) fluoroscopic view of a right passes under the lateral lip of the acetabulum entering the hip joint.
hip. (A) A vacuum effect is apparent because of the negative intra- (C) Distension of the joint disrupts the vacuum and facilitates ad-
capsular pressure created by distraction of the joint (arrows). (B) A equate distraction. (D) The cannula/obturator assembly is being
spinal needle is used in prepositioning for the anterolateral portal. passed over the Nitanol wire that had been placed through the spi-
The needle courses above the superior tip of the trochanter and then nal needle.
mately 40 ml fluid and the intracapsular position of through the skin at the needle. The guidewire is
the needle confirmed by backflow of fluid. Distension placed through the needle and the needle is removed.
of the joint enhances distraction (Figure 10.16C). The cannulated obturator with the 5.0-mm arthros-
It is important to note that the needle may in- copy cannula is passed over the wire into the joint
advertently penetrate the lateral acetabular labrum (Figure 10.16D).
during initial placement into the joint.8 This punc- When establishing the portal, the cannula/obtura-
ture can be felt because pushing the needle through tor assembly should pass close to the superior tip of
the labrum results in greater resistance than when the greater trochanter and then directly above the con-
just penetrating the capsule. If the needle pierces the vex surface of the femoral head. It is important to keep
labrum, once the joint has been distended, it is a the assembly off the femoral head to avoid inadver-
simple process to back the needle up and reenter the tent articular surface scuffing.
capsule below the level of the labrum. Failure to Sometimes blood is present within the joint due to
recognize this can result in avoidable violation of the traction force necessary to distract the surfaces.
the labrum by the cannula. A stab wound is made This is difficult to clear until a separate egress has
been established. However, venting fluid with the spi- Portal Placement for Peripheral Joint
nal needle from anterior will clear the field of view.
After arthroscopy of the interior of the hip is com-
Once the arthroscope has been introduced, the an-
plete, the instruments can be removed and traction re-
terior portal is placed next. Positioning is now facili-
leased for access to the peripheral compartment. The
tated by visualization from the arthroscope as well as
hip is flexed approximately 45 degrees, which relaxes
fluoroscopy. The 70-degree scope works best for di-
the anterior capsule (Figure 10.18). From the antero-
rectly viewing where the instrumentation penetrates
lateral entry site, the spinal needle penetrates the cap-
the capsule. Pre-positioning is again performed with
sule on the anterior neck of the femur under fluoro-
the 17-gauge spinal needle, entering the joint directly
scopic control (Figure 10.19A,B). Using the guidewire,
underneath the free edge of the anterior labrum. As
the cannula/obturator assembly is then placed (Figure
the cannula/obturator assembly is introduced, it is
10.19C). The 5-mm cannula is preferred with the in-
lifted up to stay off the articular surface of the femoral
flow attached to the scope.
head while passing underneath the acetabular labrum.
For instrumentation, an ancillary portal is placed 4
If proper attention is given to the topographic anat-
cm distal to the anterolateral portal. Once again prepo-
omy in positioning the anterior portal, the femoral
sitioning is performed with the 17-gauge spinal needle,
nerve lies well medial to the approach.7 However, the
directly observing through the arthroscope where the
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve lies quite close to this
needle enters the peripheral compartment (see Figure
portal. It is best avoided by using proper technique in
10.19D). Many loose bodies reside in this area and can
portal placement. The nerve is most vulnerable to lac-
be retrieved. This portal also provides superior access
eration by a skin incision placed too deeply.
to the synovial lining and capsule, which is important
Rarely, access for the anterior portal may be
for performing a thorough synovectomy and also aids
blocked by an overlying osteophyte or simply the ar-
when performing a thermal capsulorrhaphy.
chitecture of the patient’s acetabular bony anatomy.
If necessary, arthroscopy can still be effectively per-
formed using just the lateral two portals.
Last, the posterolateral portal is introduced. The DIAGNOSTIC ARTHROSCOPY
fluoroscopic guidelines are similar to the anterolateral
portal. Rotating the lens of the arthroscope posteriorly When preparing for hip arthroscopy, the surgeon for-
brings the entry site underneath the posterior labrum mulates a tentative treatment plan based on the pre-
into view. Placement under arthroscopic control en- liminary diagnosis. However, the definitive treatment
sures that the instrumentation does not stray posteri- strategy will be dictated by the findings observed at
orly, potentially placing the sciatic nerve at risk. The arthroscopy. With the current limitations of inves-
hip remains in neutral rotation during placement of tigative techniques, the arthroscopic findings may dif-
the posterolateral portal. External rotation of the hip fer significantly from those implied by the preopera-
would move the greater trochanter more posteriorly tive studies. Thus, a systematic and thorough initial
and, because this is the main topographic landmark, inspection of the joint is imperative. Once all aspects
the sciatic nerve might be at greater risk for injury of the intraarticular pathology have been identified,
(Figure 10.17). the surgeon can then embark on intervention with
Portal Pathway FIGURE 10.17. Neutral rotation of the operative hip is
essential for protection of the sciatic nerve during place-
ment of the posterolateral portal. (Courtesy of Smith &
Sciatic N. Nephew Endoscopy, Andover, MA.)
appropriate time management to address all aspects ure 10.21). The surgeon should be especially cognizant
within the joint. The surgeon should avoid spending to critique the entry site of the anterolateral portal be-
considerable time on one obvious aspect of the pathol- cause this is the one portal that is placed only under
ogy to only then realize that there is other coexistent fluoroscopic guidance without benefit of arthroscopic
damage that needs to be addressed. visualization of where the portal enters the joint.
Using the three-portal technique (anterior, antero- Viewing medially from the anterior portal, the sur-
lateral, and posterolateral), inspection begins from the geon can see the most inferior limit of the anterior
anterolateral portal (see Figure 10.11). This is the first labrum (Figure 10.22).
portal established because it lies most centrally in the The arthroscope is then placed in the posterolat-
safe zone for arthroscopy. Inspection begins with the eral portal, which provides the best view of the pos-
70-degree scope as this provides the best view of the terior regions of the joint, especially the posterior
outer margins of the joint and is used for allowing di- labrum (Figure 10.23). The posterior labrum is the por-
rect arthroscopic visualization of where the other two tion that is least often damaged and has the most con-
portals are placed. The anterolateral portal provides sistent morphological appearance. Thus, viewing this
the best view of the anterior portion of the joint (Fig- area is often used as a reference in assessing variations
ure 10.20). of the anterior or lateral labrum and accompanying
Next, the arthroscope is placed in the anterior por- pathology.
tal. Viewing laterally, the relationship of the lateral Each of the three portals provides a different per-
two portals underneath the lateral labrum is seen (Fig- spective on the acetabular fossa (Figure 10.24). The 70-
FIGURE 10.19. AP fluoroscopic view of the flexed hip. (A) From freely to the medial capsule as illustrated. (C) The cannula/obtura-
the anterolateral entry site, the 17-gauge spinal needle has been tor assembly is being placed over the guidewire. (D) The position
repositioned on the anterior neck of the femur. The spinal needle of the 30-degree arthroscope is shown while a spinal needle is be-
can be felt perforating the capsule before contacting the bone. (B) ing placed for an ancillary portal.
The guidewire is placed through the spinal needle. It should pass
degree scope provides a direct view of the ligamentum compartment (Figures 10.25, 10.26). This position
teres, which resides in the inferior portion of the fossa. brings into view structures that cannot be seen from
The transverse acetabular ligament can also be par- inside the joint and also provides a different periph-
tially viewed coursing underneath the ligamentum eral perspective on some of the intraarticular struc-
teres. After the inspection with the 70-degree scope is tures. The medial synovial fold is consistently visu-
completed, the 30-degree scope is then used, revers- alized adjacent to the anteromedial neck of the femur.
ing the sequence of steps between the three portals.
The 30-degree scope provides a better view of the cen-
Normal Variants
tral portion of the femoral head and acetabulum and
the superior portion of the acetabular fossa. The lateral and the anterior portions of the labrum are
Once the traction has been released and the hip the most variable. Sometimes this portion of the
flexed, the arthroscope is repositioned from the an- labrum is thin, poorly developed, and hypoplastic, and
terolateral portal on the anterior neck of the femur, at other times it may appear enlarged. In the presence
providing an excellent perspective of the peripheral of acetabular dysplasia, the lateral labrum is especially
Anterolateral Portat
A Trochanter
Lateral Wall
Lateral Labrum
Portal (Camera)
Anterolateral Portat
B (Camera)
FIGURE 10.20. (A) Arthroscopic view of a right hip from the an-
terolateral portal. (Courtesy of Smith & Nephew Endoscopy, An-
dover, MA.) (B) Demonstrated are the anterior acetabular wall (AW)
and the anterior labrum (AL). The anterior cannula is seen enter-
ing underneath the labrum, and the femoral head (FH) is on the
Posterior Wall
Femoral Head
A Posterolateral Portal B
FIGURE 10.23. (A) Arthroscopic view from the posterolateral labrum (PL), and the femoral head (FH). [JWT Byrd, Operative Tech-
portal. (Courtesy of Smith & Nephew Endoscopy, Andover, MA.) niques in Sports Medicine 10:184, 2002, with permission.]
(B) Demonstrated are the posterior acetabular wall (PW), posterior
Labral Tears
Traumatic labral tears may respond remarkably well
to arthroscopic debridement.12–16 However, at ar-
throscopy, be especially cognizant of any underlying
Ligamentum Teres
Posterolateral Portat
FIGURE 10.24. (A) The acetabular fossa can be inspected from all
three portals. (Courtesy of Smith & Nephew Endoscopy, Andover,
MA.) (B) The ligamentum teres (LT), with its accompanying ves-
sels, has a serpentine course from its acetabular to its femoral at- ZO
A 16-year-old obese girl sustained a posterior disloca-
tion of her right hip (Figure 10.30A). A closed reduc-
tion was performed. Postreduction radiography dem-
onstrated a nonconcentric reduction as well as a
nondisplaced Pipkin I inferior femoral head fracture
(Figure 10.30B). A CT scan demonstrated at least two
FIGURE 10.25. (A) Peripheral compartment viewing medially.
entrapped intraarticular fragments (Figure 10.30C). Ar- (B) Demonstrated are the femoral neck (FN), medial synovial fold
throscopy revealed numerous fragments, which were (MSF), and the zona orbicularis (ZO).
Anterior labrum
FIGURE 10.29. The stellate crease is frequently found directly su- A 47-year-old female professional fitness instructor
perior to the acetabular fossa (AF) characterized by a stellate pat- presented with a 9-month history of right hip pain
tern of chondromalacia (arrows). This appears to be a normally oc-
curring process, even in young adults, without clear prognostic
following a twisting injury. Radiography revealed ev-
significance. idence of isolated superolateral joint space narrowing
suggestive of early osteoarthritis due to an inverted
labrum (Figure 10.32A). Arthroscopy revealed an in-
verted labrum with associated grade IV articular loss
rent methods of acetabular labral repair are in their of the superior acetabulum (Figure 10.32B). Debride-
infancy. A few such repairs have been attempted with ment and microfracture were performed (Figure
mixed results. Reliable techniques remain to be de- 10.32C,D). Postoperatively, she was kept on a strict
veloped but are probably not far off. In addition to tech- protected weight-bearing status for 10 weeks, empha-
nical advancements, there is much that remains re- sizing range of motion to stimulate a fibrocartilagi-
garding our understanding of labral morphology and nous healing response. She demonstrated a successful
pathophysiology. Considerable variation exists in the outcome with significant symptomatic improvement
normal appearance of the labrum including a labral at 8-year follow-up.
cleft at the articular labral junction, which can be
quite large.12 It is important to distinguish this from
a traumatic detachment, which can also occur. Addi- Rupture of Ligamentum Teres
tionally, many labral tears, even in the presence of a
Injury to the ligamentum teres is increasingly recog-
significant history of injury, seem to occur due to
nized as a source of hip pain. The disrupted fibers
some underlying predisposition or degeneration. Un-
catch within the joint and can be quite sympto-
der these circumstances, even with reliable tech-
matic.18,19 This disruption may be the result of
niques, repair of a degenerated or morphologically vul-
trauma, degeneration, or a combination of both. The
nerable labrum would be unlikely to be successful.
tear may be partial or complete, with the goal of treat-
ment being to debride the entrapping, disrupted fibers.
The acetabular attachment of the ligamentum
A 20-year-old Division I collegiate hockey player was teres is situated posteriorly at the inferior margin of
referred with a 2-year history of progressively wors- the acetabular fossa and attaches on the femoral head
ening sharp stabbing mechanical right hip pain. Mag- at the fovea capitis. The disrupted portion of the lig-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed evidence of ament is avascular, but the fat pad and synovium con-
labral pathology (Figure 10.31A). Arthroscopy revealed tained in the superior portion of the fossa can be quite
the extent of damage, which was debrided with vascular. Debridement is facilitated by a complement
marked symptomatic improvement (Figure 10.31B,C). of curved shaver blades and a thermal device. The dis-
rupted portion of the ligament is unstable and deliv-
ered by suction into the shaver. A thermal device
Chondroplasty (Microfracture)
can also ablate tissue while maintaining hemostasis
Chondroplasty can be effectively performed for lesions within the vascular pulvinar.
of both the acetabular and femoral surfaces. Curved Access to this inferomedial portion of the joint is
shaver blades are helpful for negotiating the con- best accomplished from the anterior portal. External
FIGURE 10.30. A 16-year-old obese girl sustained an injury to anterolateral portal demonstrates the largest fragment (asterisk),
her right hip. (A) AP radiograph demonstrates a posterior fracture which has been grasped with an instrument brought in from the
dislocation. (B) Postreduction radiograph reveals a nonconcentric posterolateral portal. (E) Now viewing from the posterolateral por-
reduction with bone fragment entrapped within the weight-bear- tal, fragments are identified within the acetabular fossa. One is
ing portion of the joint (arrow) and minimally displaced fracture retrieved with a grasper. (F) Smaller fragments are debrided with
of the femoral head (open arrows). (C) Coronal computed tomog- a full-radius resector. (G) Postoperative radiograph demonstrates
raphy (CT) reconstruction further illustrates the largest entrapped a concentric reduction, and the inferior femoral head fragment
fragment (arrow) within the joint. (D) Arthroscopic view from the remains in place.
rotation of the hip also helps in delivering the liga- novial proliferation may occur in response to other in-
ment to the shaver brought in anteriorly. The most traarticular pathology. A focal pattern of synovitis
posterior portion of the fossa and the acetabular at- may occur emanating from the pulvinar within the
tachment of the ligament may be best accessed from acetabular fossa and is limited to this area. These le-
the posterolateral portal. Indiscriminate debridement sions may be dense and fibrotic or exhibit prolifera-
of the ligamentum teres should be avoided because of tive villous characteristics. Presumably because of en-
its potential contribution to the vascularity of the trapment within the joint, these lesions can be quite
femoral head. painful and respond remarkably well to simple de-
bridement. More diffuse synovial patterns involve the
CASE 4 lining of the capsule. A complete synovectomy can-
not be performed, but a generous partial synovectomy
A 16-year-old female cheerleader was referred with a
can be carried out. This procedure necessitates access
2-year history of intermittent pain and catching of her
to the peripheral compartment after the traction has
left hip following a twisting injury. Arthroscopy re-
been released.
vealed a rupture of the ligamentum teres (Figure
10.33A); this was debrided with prompt symptomatic
improvement (Figure 10.33B,C).
A 22-year-old woman was referred with a 3-year his-
tory of poorly defined left hip pain with no antecedent
Synovial Disease
history of trauma. Radiographs revealed evidence of
Various types of primary synovial disease have been periarticular subchondral cyst formation suggestive of
encountered in the hip.20 More often, secondary sy- pigmented villonodular synovitis (Figure 10.34A),
FIGURE 10.32. A 47-year-old woman with 9-month history of right (L) adjacent to an area of grade IV articular loss (IV) from the ac-
hip pain. (A) Radiographs reveal evidence of superolateral joint space etabulum. (C) The torn edge of the labrum has been debrided, and
narrowing, which has been described as indicative of early os- chondroplasty is being performed. (D) This grade IV lesion demon-
teoarthritis due to an inverted labrum. (B) The hip is viewed from strated healthy surrounding articular surface and thus was a can-
the anterior portal. The probe marks the torn edge of the labrum didate for microfracture performed with an arthroscopic awl.
which was further supported by MRI findings (Figure ographically evident osteophytes that secondarily
10.34B). Arthroscopy revealed the characteristic lesion form. Posttraumatic fragments can impinge on the
of pigmented villonodular synovitis arising from joint causing pain and blocking motion. These frag-
the acetabular fossa, which was debrided (Figure ments are often extracapsular and require a capsu-
10.34C–F). More extensive disease emanated from the lotomy, extending the dissection outside the joint
synovial lining of the capsule, which was most fully for excision of the bone fragments. This necessitates
assessed by arthroscopy of the peripheral joint (Figure thorough knowledge and careful orientation of the
10.34G). extraarticular anatomy and excellent visualization
at all times during the procedure. In general, the dis-
section should stay directly on the bone fragments
Impinging Fragments and avoid straying into the surrounding soft tissues.
Impinging bone fragments may respond well to ar- Various techniques aid in maintaining optimal vi-
throscopic excision.20 These fragments are usually sualization. A high-flow pump is especially helpful,
the result of trauma. Degenerative osteophytes maintaining a high flow rate without excessive pres-
rarely benefit from arthroscopic excision as the sure, which would worsen extravasation. Hypoten-
symptoms are usually more associated with the ex- sive anesthesia, placing epinephrine in the arthro-
tent of joint deterioration and not simply the radi- scopic fluid, and electrocautery or other thermal
device for hemostasis all aid in visualization for ef- with trauma.21,22 Atraumatic instability can occur due
fectively performing the excision. to an incompetent capsule, usually seen in hyperlax-
ity states such as Ehlers–Danlos syndrome. Our ob-
CASE 6 servation has been that most atraumatic instability is
anteriorly directed. In fact, when viewing the periph-
An 18-year-old high school football player was treated
eral compartment, the femoral head can often be ob-
conservatively for an avulsion fracture of the anterior
served to sublux anteriorly during external rotation,
inferior iliac spine of the left hip. The avulsed
even in asymptomatic individuals. In symptomatic
fragment ossified (Figure 10.35A,B), creating a painful
cases, thermal capsulorrhaphy can be performed, ad-
block to flexion and internal rotation. Dissecting
dressing the capsule in a fashion similar to that de-
through the capsule anteriorly, the ossified fragment
scribed for the shoulder. Postoperative compliance
was excised arthroscopically (Figure 10.35C–F), elim-
with a limited range-of-motion protocol is imperative
inating the fragment (Figure 10.35G) and regaining full
to achieving the optimal capsular response to the ther-
painfree range of motion.
mal treatment.
Instability CASE 7
Hip instability can occur but is much less common A 17-year-old girl was referred for progressively wors-
than seen in the shoulder because the hip joint has a ening symptoms of right hip instability. Her medical
more constrained ball-and-socket bony architecture. history was remarkable for Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
Recurrent posterior instability is usually associated with severe ligamentous laxity of multiple joints. She
FIGURE 10.36. A 17-year-old girl with a history of recurrent atrau- terolateral portal. Note the band created (arrows) indicating a brisk
matic right hip instability. (A) Viewing from the anterolateral por- capsular response. (D) Now viewing the peripheral compartment
tal, a chronic disruption of the ligamentum teres is identified (as- with the traction released and hip flexed, the anterior capsular lax-
terisk). (B) The disrupted fibers are debrided. (C) Viewing posteriorly, ity is most completely addressed with the laser introduced through
thermal shrinkage is begun with the laser introduced from the pos- an ancillary peripheral portal.
FIGURE 10.37. A 38-year-old man with unexplained left hip pain, tissue exposes the neck of the prosthesis (N) and its junction with
21 months following a total hip replacement. (A) AP radiograph re- the ceramic head (arrow). (D) A dense portion of fibrous tissue (as-
veals a well-positioned press-fit prosthesis with no evidence of loos- terisk) was entrapped between the polyethylene liner of the ac-
ening. (B) Fluoroscopic view demonstrates the position of the arthro- etabulum (A) and the femoral head component (F). Peripheral to this
scope and shaver along the base of the neck, thus avoiding the is the reformed capsule (C).
articular surface of the prosthesis. (C) Debridement of the fibrous
not require much force. For some cases, it is less po- was performed, identifying dense adhesions partially
tentially damaging to the components to introduce the entrapped within the joint (Figure 10.37B–D). Post-
portals initially along the neck of the prosthesis. If fi- operatively, the patient experienced resolution of the
brotic tissue is present, this can be debrided, develop- pain that had been plaguing him for the previous year
ing a space for visualization of the components. and a half.
A 38-year-old man was referred for evaluation of his
1. Sampson TG: Complications of hip arthroscopy. Clin Sports
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Hip Arthroscopy
Without Traction
Michael Dienst
or the past two decades, different centers in Eu- The anatomy of the acetabular labrum must be
rope,1–19 the United States,20–37 and Japan38–40 considered when accessing the hip joint. The labrum
have been contributing to the development of seals the joint space between the lunate cartilage and
standardized techniques and specification of indica- the femoral head. Even under complete muscle relax-
tions for arthroscopy of the hip joint (HA), with most ation during anesthesia, the labrum maintains a vac-
authors advocating the use of traction.6,22,25,41 The uum force of about 120 to 200 N, which keeps the
technique of hip arthroscopy without traction, how- femoral head within the socket.45–47 To overcome the
ever, has been disregarded. Only a few investigators vacuum force and passive resistance of the soft tis-
have presented their experiences using this proce- sues, traction is needed to separate the head from the
dure.9,11,13,34,35,42–44 socket, to elevate the labrum from the head, and to
More recent reports have proposed different ad- allow the arthroscope and other instruments access to
vantages of the nontraction technique. Klapper et al. the narrow artificial space between the weight-bear-
also emphasized the low complication rate of this pro- ing cartilage of the femoral head and acetabulum.
cedure.34 Although traction is required for inspection However, if traction is applied, the joint capsule with
of the direct weight-bearing cartilage, the acetabular the iliofemoral, ischiofemoral, and pubofemoral liga-
fossa and the ligamentum teres, arthroscopy without ments is tensioned and the joint space peripheral to
traction is ideally situated for evaluation of the hip the acetabular labrum decreases. Thus, to maintain
joint periphery.13,43 the space of the peripheral hip joint cavity for better
Based on the classification of the arthroscopic com- visibility and maneuverability during arthroscopy,
partments of the hip joint, the following review pre- traction should be avoided.
sents detailed steps on performing this technique. A In consequence, Dorfmann and Boyer11,13 divided
systematic mapping of that part of the joint that can the hip arthroscopically into two compartments sep-
be inspected without traction is included. Indications arated by the labrum (Figure 11.1). The first is the cen-
and contraindications are then specified and illus- tral compartment, comprising the lunate cartilage, the
trated with selected case examples. acetabular fossa, the ligamentum teres, and the loaded
articular surface of the femoral head. This part of the
joint can be visualized almost exclusively with trac-
ARTHROSCOPIC COMPARTMENTS tion. The second is the peripheral compartment, con-
OF THE HIP JOINT sisting of the unloaded cartilage of the femoral head,
the femoral neck with the medial, anterior, and lat-
Placement of portals and maneuverability of the eral synovial folds (Weitbrecht’s ligaments), and the
arthroscope and instruments within the hip joint are articular capsule with its intrinsic ligaments includ-
more difficult than in other joints. This difficulty is ing the zona orbicularis. This area can be seen with-
related to various anatomic features: a thick soft tis- out traction and is described subsequently here.43
sue mantle, close proximity of two major neurovas-
cular bundles, a strong articular capsule, a relatively
small intraarticular volume, permanent contact of the OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE
articular surfaces, and the sealing of the deep, central
part of the joint by the acetabular labrum. Thus, if no
Operating Room Setup
traction is applied to the hip, only a small film of sy-
novial fluid separates the articular surface of the The placement of personnel and equipment for HA
femoral head from the lunate cartilage and acetabular without traction does not differ from the general HA
labrum (artificial space). setup (Figure 11.2). Surgeon, assistant, and scrub nurse
Positioning, Distension, and Portals
Iliac crest
Hip arthroscopy with and without traction can be per-
central compartment
formed in the lateral20,22 or supine position.25,39,43
peripheral compartment Some authors claim that there are advantages to the
acetabular labrum
lateral position, including better access to the pos-
terolateral area48,49 and better application of traction
in line with the femoral neck.50 However, for HA
without traction, I favor the supine position.13,35,43,51
From my experience, the decision whether to use the
supine or lateral position for the traction technique
appears to be more a matter of individual training and
habit of use. However, the almost exclusive use of the
anterolateral portal (as indicated below) during HA
without traction makes the supine position preferable
for this part of HA.
Cadaver experiments and in vivo experience52 have
shown that free draping and a good range of move-
ment are important to relax parts of the capsule and
increase the intraarticular volume of the area that is
inspected (Figure 11.3A,B).53 This consideration is im-
FIGURE 11.1. Arthroscopic compartments of the hip joint accord-
portant for safe movement of the scope to avoid dam-
ing to Dorfmann and Boyer.11,13 (Reprinted with permission from age to the cartilage of the femoral head and synovial
Dienst et al.44) folds and unwanted sliding of the scope out of the joint.
The distending effect of irrigation fluid pressure is of
minor importance because the pressure should not be
with instrument table are on the ipsilateral side. The increased over 70 mm Hg to reduce the risk of devel-
image intensifier is placed on the opposite side. The opment of a severe soft tissue edema. Klapper et al.34
arthroscopy unit with video monitor and image in- do not use a pump and prefer to control distension of
tensifier with monitor are placed toward the foot. the capsule and irrigation pressure by adjusting the sus-
Iliac crest
arthroscopy unit
FIGURE 11.2. Operating room setup.
(Reprinted with permission from Dienst
et al.44)
Iliac crest
FIGURE 11.3. Anterior hip joint capsule in extension (A) and flex-
ion (B). Flexion leads to a relaxation of the strong anterior il-
iofemoral ligament (arrow) and to a significant increase of the in-
traarticular joint space of the anterior and medial head and neck
area (cadaveric hip joint).
terolateral portal only. Because the soft tissue mantle it bounces against the medial capsule. The capsular
is relatively thin and the position of the portal is near penetration is then dilated (dilating trochars, cannu-
the lateral cortex of the femoral neck, maneuverabil- lated trochar) and the arthroscope is introduced in the
ity of the arthroscope is sufficient for moving the peripheral compartment under fluoroscopy (Figure
arthroscope into the medial recess, gliding over the 11.6A–C). Traction is then released and the counter-
anterior surface of the femoral head to the lateral re- post removed.
cess, and frequently passing the lateral cortex of the The knee is flexed to about 45 degrees and held by
femoral neck for inspection of the posterior recess.43 either a specially designed long bar at the end of the
First access to the hip joint periphery can be table or an assistant; the degree of flexion, rotation,
achieved with or without traction. I prefer a slight and abduction of the hip joint are controlled (Figure
force to apply tension to the anterior capsule and to 11.7). A second portal is placed under arthroscopic
confirm entry to the joint by displacement of the control in the anterior and the anterolateral zone (see
femoral head by distension. The hip is flexed to about Figure 11.4B). Irrigation is used to clear the view via
20 degrees, the knee is extended, and 10 to 20 kg trac- the scope sheath and outflow via the additional por-
tion is applied only for the initial access to the joint. tal. Standard and extra-long 25- and 70-degree lenses
A long needle (diameter: approximately 1–2 mm) is in- are used for the diagnostic round.
troduced via the anterolateral portal and directed to
the transition between the anterior aspect of the
femoral head and neck. Here, the capsule is elevated DIAGNOSTIC ROUND AND
from the neck, which allows easier access of the ANATOMY OF THE PERIPHERAL
needle into the joint. Entry to the joint is then con- HIP JOINT CAVITY
firmed by distension of the joint with up to 40 ml
saline, which leads to a visible lateral and caudal dis- Similar to the knee joint, the key to an accurate and
placement of the femoral head under fluoroscopy as complete diagnosis of lesions within the hip joint is a
the hip is under traction (Figure 11.5A,B). The stan- systematic approach to viewing. A methodical se-
dard reflux test, return of fluid through the needle, is quence of examination should be developed, progress-
more inconsistent because of occlusion of the needle ing from one part of the joint cavity to another and
by hypertrophic synovium. systematically carrying out this sequence in every hip.
A guidewire is then inserted through the needle. For arthroscopic examination, the peripheral com-
The blunt guidewire can be advanced medially until partment of the hip can be divided routinely into the
following areas: anterior neck area, medial neck area, sels were found in the lateral fold. Even if the major
medial head area, anterior head area, lateral head area, blood supply to the femoral head comes from the pos-
lateral neck area, and posterior area. From my experi- terior branches, tearing of the folds should be avoided
ence, the peripheral compartment can be best viewed to decrease intraarticular bleeding. Dorfmann reported
during a diagnostic round trip starting from the ante- that he has seen local inflammation and hypertrophy
rior surface of the femoral neck (Figure 11.8). Under of the medial synovial fold, which may be the seque-
slow rotation and sliding of the arthroscope over the lae of a chronic impingement of the fold between head,
femoral neck and head, the arthroscope is brought into neck, and zona orbicularis.52 Resection of the fold
the different areas of the peripheral compartment of leads to improvement.
the hip. By rotating the arthroscopic lens cranially, the an-
terior margin of the femoral head, the anterior recess
with the anterior capsule, and the zona orbicularis (see
Anterior Neck Area Figure 11.8B) can be inspected. Caudally, a complete
Entering the peripheral compartment from the an- view to the inferior reflection of the articular capsule
terolateral portal the scope is lying on the anterior sur- at the intertrochanteric crest can be achieved with the
face of the femoral neck. The first view (see Figure 70-degree lens (see Figure 11.8C). Here, the articular
11.8A) allows inspection of the anterior and medial cavity should be scanned for loose bodies. Biopsies of
neck area with the anterior and medial synovial folds, the synovium can be taken easily without a risk to
the anteromedial surface of the femoral neck, the an- labrum and cartilage via portals that are placed in the
teromedial part of the zona orbicularis, and the liga- anterior or the anterolateral zone.
mentum iliofemorale (Y-shaped ligament of Bigelow).
With the 25-degree lens of the arthroscope directed
Medial Neck Area
medially, a medial synovial fold (iliopectineal fold)13
can be found consistently. It is usually not adhering Moving the scope medially over the medial synovial
to the femoral neck and passes proximally from the fold, the medial neck area can be examined. By rotat-
medial border of the femoral head distally to the lesser ing the 25-degree lens, the medial margin of the
trochanter. This structure is a helpful landmark, es- femoral head, the medial wall of the capsule with the
pecially if visibility within the peripheral compart- zona orbicularis and the medial recess can be in-
ment is limited by synovial disease.13 The anterior spected. Rotating the lens downward, the zona orbic-
synovial fold is adherent to the neck and only recog- ularis vanishes posterior to the femoral neck. By ex-
nizable by its single fibers covering the bone of the ternal rotation of the hip joint, a larger area of the
neck. It can be partially torn by entering the joint with posteromedial surface of the neck and head can be in-
the sharp trochar, which should be avoided by using spected. Changes in hip position, a short period of
blunt instruments. Anatomic dissections showed that high-flow irrigation, and use of a suction forceps via
80% to 90% of the synovial folds contain small the additional working portal or manual ballotement
branches of the circumflex femoral arteries.54 In each from posterior may be necessary to bring loose bodies
fold, one to three small arteries with a mean cross- from posterior into the medial or anterior recess. The
sectional area of 0.13 mm2 for the anterior fold and 70-degree lens is replaced by the 25-degree lens and
0.18 mm2 for the medial fold were found. Larger ves- directed upward to the medial head area.
FIGURE 11.8. Diagnostic round and arthroscopic anatomy of the head, anterior horn of the labrum (arrowhead), perilabral sulcus
peripheral compartment of a right hip. (A) Anteromedial neck (pls), transverse ligament (tl). (E) Anterior head area: cartilage of
area: medial synovial fold (msf), femoral head (fh), femoral neck the femoral head (fh), free edge of the labrum (fe), base of the
(fn), anteromedial capsule with the zona orbicularis (zo). (B) Up- labrum (b), perilabral sulcus (pls). (F) Lateral head area: cartilage
ward view to the junction between the anterior neck and head of the femoral head (fh), lateral portion of the labrum (l), peri-
area: anterior cartilage surface of the femoral head (fh), anterior labral sulcus (pls). (G) Lateral neck area: lateral margin of the
part of the zona orbicularis (zo), anterior capsule (ac), free edge femoral neck (fn) and head (fh); lateral synovial fold (lsf) building
(fe) of the zona orbicularis. (C) Anterior neck area: downward view a small subplical pouch (p), zona orbicularis (zo). (H) Posterior
with the anterior synovial fold (asf) and reflection of the capsule area: posterior surface of the femoral head (fh), posterior labrum
at the intertrochanteric crest (ic). (D) Medial head area: articular (pl), perilabral sulcus (pls), thin posterior capsule (pc). (Reprinted
surface (as) and cartilage-free surface (cfs) of the medial femoral with permission from Dienst et al.43)
Medial Head Area contains small arteries of larger diameter (mean, 0.28
mm2) than the anterior and medial fold.54 As recom-
If the patient is not obese, the standard scope can be
mended for the other folds, tearing of the folds should
moved medially into the medial head area. Otherwise,
be avoided.
longer scopes must be used. At the medial corner of
the joint, inspection of the anterior horn of the labrum
Posterior Area
and the anteromedial part of the transverse ligament
is possible (see Figure 11.8D). The labrum is close to Access to the posterior area can be achieved by mov-
the chondral surface of the femoral head. A small gap ing the scope straight posteriorly between the zona or-
or synovium can be seen between the femoral head bicularis and the lateral synovial fold. After insertion
and the transverse ligament, which connects the base of the 70-degree lens, the posterolateral and lateral part
of both horns and both edges of the lunate cartilage. of the labrum, head, and neck and the posterior syn-
ovium can be inspected (see Figure 11.8H). The lateral
Anterior Head Area and the posterior areas are more difficult to inspect
compared with the anterior and medial areas. Hy-
By gentle rotation, sliding tangentially over the carti- pertrophy of the synovium and tight joints (e.g.,
lage of the femoral head and withdrawing the arthro- osteoarthritic hip joints with capsular fibrosis) can
scope, the labrum and anterior cartilage of the femoral significantly decrease orientation and mobility for
head can be inspected from the medial to the anterior passing the arthroscope to the lateral and posterior ar-
and lateral head area (see Figure 11.8E). The more the eas. In addition, the posterior area is the smallest be-
hip is flexed, the more the labrum is lifted from the cause the posterior wall and labrum cover most of the
head, which allows a partial inspection of the central head in extension and the attachment of the joint cap-
compartment. In particular, the labrum has to be sule is 2 to 3 cm proximal to the intertrochanteric
probed for labral cysts and tears, which are most fre- crest, thus more proximal than on the anterior sur-
quently found in this location. A shaver or elec- face.53 If the arthroscope cannot be brought in this part
trothermic instruments can be slid underneath the of the joint without traction, placement of a postero-
labrum and debridement of the labrum can be per- lateral portal appears to be dangerous without trac-
formed. Cysts can be decompressed. tion. The greater trochanter blocks the view of the
posterolateral parts of the femoral neck. Thus, if a por-
Lateral Head Area tal was placed without traction, the starting point on
the skin would be too far posteromedial, bringing the
Moving the arthroscope laterally to the lateral head sciatic nerve at risk for direct injury. In these cir-
area can be hindered by a tight zona orbicularis. Flex- cumstances, we therefore recommend inspecting the
ion of the hip up to 45 degrees, with 20 to 40 degrees posterior area during the traction part of the proce-
of abduction and slight external rotation of the hip, dure. Under traction, the trochanter is pulled distally,
may ease passing of the arthroscope, thus allowing in- and the arthroscope introduced via the lateral or an-
spection of the lateral part of the labrum and cartilage terolateral portal can slide over the posterolateral
of the head (see Figure 11.8F). Alternatively, the scope labrum to the posterior perilabral sulcus. Here, at least
can be withdrawn distally to the neck for inspection partial inspection of the posterior area of the periph-
of the lateral neck area first. Then the scope is moved eral compartment can be performed.
forward to the lateral head area. By slowly withdrawing the scope to the anterior
surface of the neck, the diagnostic round trip of the
Lateral Neck Area peripheral part of the hip is finished.
From an anterolateral portal, sweeping directly along
the lateral side of the femoral head down into the pos- INDICATIONS
terior area is hindered by the zona orbicularis. Con- AND CONTRAINDICATIONS
sequently, the scope is withdrawn distally to the cir-
cular fibers of the capsule and the lateral neck area is The indications for HA without traction do not differ
inspected first (see Figure 11.8G). Here, the zona or- from those described for the traction technique. The
bicularis can be seen running posteriorly around the traction and nontraction techniques should be com-
neck. A lateral synovial fold can be seen quite con- bined to allow a complete diagnostic inspection of the
sistently. This fold runs from the greater trochanter hip joint. Performing HA solely as a nondistraction
upward along the lateral side of the neck to the lat- method should be limited to children and situations in
eral margin of the head. It is often posteriorly adher- adults in which distraction is not sufficient to introduce
ent to the neck and forms a small pouch. Thus, the instruments into the central compartment of the hip.
lateral fold is not as prominent as the medial one. An- The author does not have experience with HA
atomic dissections have revealed that the lateral fold of children and adolescents. Personal communications
with other hip arthroscopists,55,56 who have performed operative radiographs or CT or MR imaging and also
HA in children with septic arthritis and Perthes disease, for operative planning.13,43 The medial neck area, the
reveal that a traction table is not necessary in patients perilabral recesses, and the recess underneath the trans-
younger than 12 to 14 years. Soft tissues, including the verse ligament especially need to be scanned. The tech-
hip joint capsule and pericapsular ligaments, are so lax nique of removal depends on the size and consistency
at this age that HA can be performed solely as a com- of the loose bodies. Small loose bodies may be easily
bination of nontraction and manual traction. washed or sucked out via an additional portal cannula.
A minimum distraction of the central compart- In contrast to the limitation of the cannula diameter to
ment of the hip of about 8 to 10 mm should be con- 5 or 6 mm during arthroscopy with traction of the cen-
firmed under fluoroscopy before placement of the first tral compartment (narrow gap between labrum and
portal. In patients with osteoarthritis of the hip joint, femoral head), the nontraction technique allows the use
shortening and fibrosis of the joint capsule and peri- of larger cannulas. This is helpful especially for syno-
capsular tendons may lead to less distraction of the vial chondromatosis, where chopping up of the chon-
hip. Under those circumstances, introducing cannulas dromas can be time consuming. Larger loose bodies
between head and socket must not be tried. Other- must be chopped up with a shaver or more aggressive
wise, labral and cartilage damage are likely. However, instruments if they have a bony core (see case 2). In-
proceeding with the nontraction technique for an ex- spection and removal of loose bodies in the posterior
clusive scope of the hip joint periphery may be con- area of the peripheral compartment of the hip is more
sidered. Certain pathology, as indicated below, can be demanding. As indicated earlier, it may be difficult to
found and addressed here. pass the lateral femoral neck and bring the 70-degree
scope into the posterior area, particularly if visibility is
Unclear Hip Pain decreased by synovitis or the joint is tight. Sometimes,
rotation of the hip, manual ballotement, or intraartic-
With respect to the limited sensitivity and specificity ular suction can bring loose bodies from the posterior
of preoperative radiologic methods for intraarticular area into the visible anterior or medial areas.35 To con-
hip joint lesions, indicating hip arthroscopy for firm a complete loose body removal, especially in sy-
patients with unclear hip pain is not uncom- novial chondromatosis, an intraoperative arthrogram
mon.17,23,25,36,48,57–59 However, preoperative evaluation can be helpful before joint evacuation.
should exclude spinal, abdominal-inguinal, neurologic,
and rheumatologic diagnoses before the patient is con-
Synovial Diseases
sidered for a hip scope. In addition, radiologic imaging
of intraarticular loose bodies and labral and cartilage le- If the hip joint is under distraction, the synovium (pul-
sions has improved since the advent of computed vinar) of the acetabular fossa can be seen. However,
tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) arthro- only small parts of the synovial lining of the medial,
grams (MRA) (personal communication, J.W. Thomas anterior, and lateral capsule are visible. From our and
Byrd, Nashville, TN).52,60,61 Intraarticular application other authors’ experience, this part of the synovium
of radiopaque material and air (double-contrast CT) or can best be seen without traction.13,43 As indicated,
gadolinium (MRA) enhances the contrast between in- chondromas tend to accumulate in the medial neck
traarticular structures. area, the perilabral recesses, and the recess underneath
Relief of pain with a local anesthetic is another the transverse ligament. Here, cannulas can be easily
strong indicator that the hip is the source of pain. If placed via another anterolateral or anterior portal
the etiology remains unclear, a complete diagnostic for synovial biopsies (reactive or specific synovitis,
inspection of the hip joint is mandatory. Especially in PVNS), synovectomies, and removal of chondromas.
this situation, it is important to combine the traction In addition, other pathologic conditions such as cysts
with the nontraction technique. As described in case of the labrum, anterior capsule, and communications
example 1, loose bodies can be easily missed if only with the iliopectineal bursa have to be ruled out. Par-
the central compartment is scanned. Synovial diseases ticularly in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, an il-
such as a chondromatosis or an inflammatory syn- iopectineal cyst has to be considered as a source of a
ovitis typically manifest first in the hip joint periph- painful hip. Depending on the size of the cyst, ar-
ery. Here, access to the synovium for biopsy and syn- throscopic decompression may be performed. How-
ovectomy is easy and is less harmful. ever, in case of larger cysts with fibrotic walls and re-
lated compression syndromes or recurrence, open
Loose Bodies excision may be the treatment of choice.
Radiologic evidence of loose bodies may be the classi-
Septic Arthritis
cal indication for hip arthroscopy.2,22,23,34,38,50,59,62–64
Loose bodies prefer to accumulate in the peripheral re- Arthroscopic treatment of a septic arthritis of the
cesses. This realization is important in assessing pre- hip joint should include a debridement of detritus
FIGURE 11.9. Case 1. Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of the right hip indicating osseous spots (arrows) around the femoral
was worse during activity and movements of the hip. acetabular fossa. The preoperative diagnosis of syno-
She reported infrequent catching and locking episodes. vial chondromatosis was established.
On physical examination, the groin was moderately
tender to palpation, trochanter irritation sign was neg-
ative, and labral impingement and apprehension sig-
nificantly positive. Her range of motion was decreased Arthroscopy was performed to confirm the diagnosis
for flexion and internal rotation. Radiographic exam- and remove the chondromas. First, the central com-
ination revealed small calcifications projecting around partment was scoped under traction. As preoperatively
the femoral neck (Figure 11.9A,B). Subsequently, a seen on MRI, the joint space between the femoral head
MRI of the right hip was taken showing multiple cal- and lunate cartilage and the acetabular fossa was free
cified loose bodies in the peripheral compartment of chondromas. The synovium of the pulvinar was un-
with a significant effusion and signal increase of the remarkable. Because no pathologic lesions were found,
synovium (Figure 11.10A,B). No loose bodies were the central compartment was evacuated. An antero-
seen within the central compartment including the lateral portal to the peripheral compartment was es-
FIGURE 11.10. Case 1. MRI in coronal (A) and axial (B) orientation of the right hip showing multiple chondromas around the femoral
neck (arrows). No evidence of chondromas in the acetabular fossa. zo, zona orbicularis.
FIGURE 11.11. Case 1. Reduced visibility in the anterior and me- FIGURE 11.13. Case 1. Synovium status post removal of the chon-
dial neck area because of multiple chondromas. dromas, with evidence of chronic inflammation and fibrosis.
Case 2: Synovial Chondromatosis
of Both Compartments
FIGURE 11.14. Case 2. Anteroposterior radiograph of the right hip The patient was placed supine on a fracture table for
indicating small radiodense spots medial to the transition of the HA with traction. An anterolateral portal was estab-
femoral neck and head and in the acetabular fossa (arrows).
lished under fluoroscopy, and an additional posterolat-
eral portal was placed under arthroscopic control
(Figure 11.16). After the diagnosis of synovial chon-
under nonoperative conditions, the labrum and trans- dromatosis was confirmed, four soft chondromas were
verse ligament seal the central compartment, keeping found within the acetabular fossa and subsequently re-
the chondromas in the joint periphery. moved using a forceps and shaver (Figure 11.17). By slid-
The recurrence of chondromas is a known problem ing the 70-degree arthroscope distally to the posterior
that always leads to the question whether a synovec- labrum, no chondromas were seen in the posterior area
tomy should have been performed. However, studies of the hip joint. The central compartment was then
have shown that recurrence does not significantly dif- evacuated. An anterolateral portal to the peripheral com-
fer if synovectomy was done or not.71 In addition, open partment was established. Chondromas were immedi-
or arthroscopic synovectomy of the hip joint can only ately found in the medial neck and head area under-
be partial, at least with the current techniques. We neath the transverse ligament (Figure 11.18) and anterior
therefore remove chondromas only. neck area (Figure 11.19). For extraction of the chondro-
FIGURE 11.15. Case 2. MR arthrogram in sagittal orientation of the acetabular fossa (A) and medial third of the proximal femur (B) show-
ing chondromas within the acetabular fossa and peripheral compartment (arrows). zo, zona orbicularis.
FIGURE 11.16. Case 2. Placement of the posterolateral portal to FIGURE 11.18. Case 2. Peripheral compartment with medial neck
the central compartment of the hip with traction. Identification of and head area. Chondroma (ch) between the medial synovial fold
a chondroma (ch). Lunate cartilage (fl), posterior labrum (pl), poste- (psm) and zona orbicularis (zo).
rior capsule (pc), femoral head (fh).
FIGURE 11.17. Case 2. Removal of a chondroma (ch) with a FIGURE 11.19. Case 2. Peripheral compartment with inferior an-
shaver introduced via the posterolateral portal. Pulvinar (p), terior neck area. Chondromas (ch) at the inferior capsular reflection
femoral head (fh). at the intertrochanteric crest (ic).
FIGURE 11.20. Case 2. Removal of a chondroma (ch) with a for- FIGURE 11.22. Case 2. Status post removal. Medial neck area with
ceps. Medial synovial fold (psm), zona orbicularis (zo). medial synovial fold (psm), femoral neck (fn), and medial capsule
FIGURE 11.24. Case 3. Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of the left hip showing a big osseous body (large arrow) and a
smaller body (small arrow) medial and posterior to the transition of the femoral neck and head.
appears most suitable. An instrument can be intro- within the peripheral compartment of the hip (Figure
duced reaching even up to the transverse ligament. 11.25A,B). Even if arthroscopic removal appeared dif-
ficult with respect to the size and bony consistency
of the large round body, we decided to start the pro-
Case 3: Loose Body in the
cedure with an arthroscopic approach. Because radio-
Peripheral Compartment
graphs and MRA only showed cartilage degeneration,
HISTORY AND PREOPERATIVE FINDINGS without evidence of loose bodies within the central
compartment of the hip, we preoperatively planned to
A 35-year-old male patient was referred with a history
perform HA without traction of the peripheral com-
of left hip pain for more than 5 years. He reported a
partment only.
persistent moderate aching in the groin that was ag-
gravated with hip rotation and flexion. For example,
when getting in or out of a car, he frequently com-
plained of catching symptoms and giving-way epi- A standard anterolateral portal to the peripheral com-
sodes. On radiographs, a large ossified body about 3.5 partment was established. The anterior and medial
by 2 by 2 cm medial to the transition of the femoral neck and head areas showed significant hypertrophy
neck and head was found (Figure 11.24A,B). A smaller and inflammation of the synovium (Figure 11.26). An
one was seen in projection on the femoral neck. A additional anterolateral portal in line with the femoral
MR arthrogram was suspicious for osteochondromas neck was placed and an electrocautery unit used to
FIGURE 11.25. Case 3. MR arthrograms of the right hip in coronal (A) and sagittal (B) orientation showing a large osseous body (arrows)
medial to the transition of the femoral neck and head.
FIGURE 11.26. Case 3. Synovitis (s) in the medial neck area be- FIGURE 11.28. Case 3. Identification of margins of the large body
tween the femoral neck (fn) and anteromedial capsule (amc). (b, arrows). Anteromedial capsule (amc), femoral head (fh).
remove the inflamed synovium. After synovectomy dial and the anteromedial labrum. Subsequently, two
within the anterior and medial neck and head area more smaller loose bodies with a bony core were found
(Figure 11.27), the osseous body could be inspected and and removed. Attempts to remove the large loose body
probed (Figures 11.28, 11.29). It was molded by the with large threaded K-wires and pins failed because
medial wall of the femoral neck and femoral head, the body could not be mobilized. Thus, a large rongeur
bulging out the medial and anteromedial capsule. The was taken from the spine set and piecemeal work was
body filled the complete medial neck and head area started (Figure 11.30). After 1 hour, the bony loose
and reached up to the transverse ligament and the me- body was chopped up and removed. There was evi-
FIGURE 11.27. Case 3. Electrothermal synovectomy with progres- FIGURE 11.29. Case 3. Anterior proximal end of the large body (b).
sive identification of the osseous body (b). Femoral neck (fn), head Femoral head (fh), anteromedial capsule (amc), anteromedial labrum
(fh), anterior capsule (ac). (aml).
FIGURE 11.31. Case 3. Status post removal with the empty me-
dial neck area, synovitis on the bottom (s), medial capsule (mc), FIGURE 11.33. Case 3. Postoperative anteroposterior radiograph in-
femoral neck (fn), and head (fh). dicating a complete removal.
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MD, for his consistent support and advice for devel- tion of the joint during hip arthroscopy. Arthroscopy 1997;13:
opment of the technique; Guenther Schneider, MD, 346–349.
for his cooperation for improvement of imaging pro- 27. Sampson TG, Glick JM: Indications and surgical treatment of
hip pathology. In: McGinty JB, Caspari RB, Jackson RW,
cedures; and Nicole Koenig, MS, for her help in the
Poehling GG (eds). Operative Arthroscopy, 2nd ed. Philadel-
preparation of the case examples. phia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:1067–1078.
28. Glick JM, Sampson TG: Hip arthroscopy by the lateral ap-
proach. In: McGinty JB, Caspari RB, Jackson RW, Poehling GG
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Arthroscopic Iliopsoas
Release for Coxa Saltans
Interna (Snapping Hip
Thomas G. Sampson
oxa saltans interna is a hip syndrome resulting the splits. Some report a hyperextension injury of the
in the iliopsoas tendon snapping pathologically hip. Associated with the injury, the patient may ex-
over structures beneath it, causing a loud au- perience the onset of popping or hip clicking that in-
dible click or clunk, which may be associated with tensifies over time to a consistent snapping sensation
pain. It is thought the most common involved struc- that may be heard by anyone around them. The ini-
ture it courses over is the iliopectineal eminence (Fig- tial pain from the injury typically never resolves, and
ure 12.1); however, other intraarticular structures may the snap hurts.
be large loose bodies and exostoses. The differential Normal walking is not painful, but pain may limit
diagnosis must rule out labral tears, synovial chon- sports or dancing that involves hip flexion. With the
dromatosis, and abnormal shapes of the femoral head patient supine, the patient can reproduce the snap as
from an old slipped capital femoral epiphysis or hip he or she flexes and extends the hip. The examiner
dysplasia and acetabular retroversion. can eliminate the snap by applying pressure over the
The iliacus and the psoas fuse to become one mus- anterior hip capsule, which restricts the tendon’s
culotendinous unit as they pass in a sulcus between movement. Such a maneuver is diagnostic for coxa
the anteroinferior iliac spine and the iliopectineal em- saltans interna.
inence (Figure 12.2). The tendon courses over the an-
terior hip capsule as it passes posteriorly in the iliop-
soas bursa to insert onto the lesser trochanter (Figure IMAGING
12.3). The tendon assumes a lateral position on the il-
iopectineal eminence when the hip is in flexion, ab- Plain radiographs are usually normal and may be help-
duction, and external rotation. As the hip is moved ful to identify exostoses or a spur on the lesser
into extension, adduction, and internal rotation, the trochanter as well as dysplasia or impingement. Mag-
tendon moves from lateral to medial; however, the netic resonance imaging (MRI) is best to document
musculotendinous portion remains in the groove.1 any thickening of the iliopsoas tendon or fluid in the
The symptomatic snapping hip is caused by the bursa. Iliopsoas bursography may demonstrate the
back-and-forth movement over the anterior hip cap- outline of the tendon as it snaps over the hip capsule
sule and femoral head. The etiology may be a hyper- and is a dynamic test.3 Elimination of the pain by a
extension injury to the hip capsule or tendon itself. lidocaine injection in the bursa is a positive diagnos-
Other causes may be from exostoses on the acetab- tic test.
ular rim or femoral head as well as the lesser
trochanter.2 The iliopsoas bursa may also become in-
flamed or hypertrophic, leading to the condition. Of SURGICAL TREATMENT
note, the iliopsoas bursa is the largest bursa in the
body, measuring 7 cm long and 4 cm in width. The classic open surgical approach is through an 8- to
10-cm groin incision, protecting the neurovascular
CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS structures and lengthening the tendon 2 cm.4,5 We
have developed an arthroscopic approach in which the
The patient presents with a vague history of an injury iliopsoas tendon is either partially or completely re-
that may have felt like a groin sprain or of having done leased from the lesser trochanter.
Iliopectineal line
Iliacus muscle
Psoas muscle
Conjoined tendon
FIGURE 12.6. (A) Arthroscopic view of the iliopsoas tendon in-
B serting onto the lesser trochanter. (B) After partial release.
FIGURE 12.4. (A) Fluoroscopic view with the C-arm giving an or-
thogonal view of the lesser trochanter while the hip is externally
rotated and instruments are positioned. (B) The arthroscope is placed
through the far anteroinferior portal and the cutting instrument
through the anteroinferior portal.
FIGURE 12.5. (A) Patient in the lateral decubitus position, the C-arm in place. The portals are posterolateral (PL), anterolateral (AL), an-
terior (A), anteroinferior (AI), and far anteroinferior (FAI). (B) Technique using the FAI and the anteroinferior medial (AIM) portals (the
original method).
FIGURE 12.7. (A) Sprained iliopsoas tendon inserting onto the lesser trochanter. (B) After partial release with a radiothermal wand. (C)
The iliopsoas has been completely released. Note the large bursal space. (D) The probe is on the lesser trochanter (LT). The iliopsoas ten-
don (IT) is retracted after its release in the iliopsoas bursa (IB).
plete release. Occasionally, a nonpainful mild pop may turn of their muscle strength by 3 months. All had
be present for 3 to 6 months. resolution of their snap, and 94% had good to excel-
lent results and pain relief.
Since 1993 we have released 35 iliopsoas tendons for
snapping hip syndrome. All were successfully viewed Arthroscopic iliopsoas tendon release has been de-
and released using the arthroscopic technique. There scribed. It is a safe and effective way to treat coxa
were two complications, one with neuropraxia of the saltans interna and is reproducible. The results are bet-
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and one with 4/5 ter than the results of open surgery and have fewer
flexor weakness at 6 months. All the rest had full re- complications.
1. Allen WC, Cope R: Coxa saltans: the snapping hip revisited. J
Am Acad Orthop Surg 1995;3(5):303–308.
2. Schaberg JE, Harper MC, Allen WC: The snapping hip syn-
drome. Am J Sports Med 1984;12(5):361–365.
3. Harper MC, Schaberg JE, Allen WC: Primary iliopsoas bursog-
raphy in the diagnosis of disorders of the hip. Clin Orthop 1987;
4. Dobbs MB, Gordon JE, Luhmann SJ, et al: Surgical correction
of the snapping iliopsoas tendon in adolescents. J Bone Joint
Surg [Am] 2002;84(3):420–424.
5. Jacobson T, Allen WC: Surgical correction of the snapping il-
iopsoas tendon. Am J Sports Med 1990;18(5):470–474.
6. Glick JM, Sampson TG, Gordon RB, et al: Hip arthroscopy by
the lateral approach. Arthroscopy 1987;3(1):4–12.
7. Sampson TG, Fargo LA: Hip arthroscopy by the lateral
approach: technique and selected cases. In: Byrd JW (ed).
Operative Hip Arthroscopy. New York: Thieme, 1988:
FIGURE 12.8. An example of a trifurcated iliopsoas tendon. 105–121.
Hip Arthroscopy in Athletes
J.W. Thomas Byrd
ports-related injuries to the hip joint have re- that previously went unrecognized including labral
ceived relatively little attention. This trend is tears, chondral injuries, and disruption of the liga-
changing but, until recently, there have been few mentum teres. Most athletic injuries fall into this lat-
publications in peer-reviewed journals and the topic ter category. In the past, athletes were simply resigned
has rarely been presented at scientific meetings. There to living within the constraints of their symptoms, of-
are three reasons. First, perhaps hip injuries are less ten ending their competitive careers, with a diagnosis
common than injuries to other joints. Second, inves- of a chronic groin injury. Based on the results of ar-
tigative skills for the hip including clinical assessment throscopy among athletes, it is likely that many of
and imaging studies have been less sophisticated. these careers could have been resurrected with ar-
Third, there have been fewer interventional methods throscopic intervention.5
available to treat the hip, including both surgical tech-
niques and conservative modalities, and thus there has
been little impetus to delve into this unrecognized MECHANISM OF INJURY
The evolution of arthroscopy has been intimately The mechanism of injury can be as varied as the sports
tied to sports medicine. The motivating principle has in which athletes participate. In general, hip disorders
been a less-invasive technique that facilitates quicker attributable to a significant episode of trauma tend to
return to unrestricted athletics. It is now recognized respond better to arthroscopy.6 This is because, other
that this basic sports medicine principle applies well than the damage due to trauma, the athlete usually
to all individuals, whether the goal is to accomplish has an otherwise healthy joint. Individuals who sim-
an earlier return to the workplace or simply a return ply develop progressive onset of symptoms in absence
to normal daily activities. of injury tend to experience a less-complete response,
However, hip arthroscopy has followed a distinctly because insidious onset of symptoms usually suggests
different route. It began as a surgical alternative to either underlying disease or some predisposition to in-
only a few recognized forms of hip pathology. These jury that cannot be fully reversed and may leave the
indications included removal of loose bodies that could joint vulnerable to further deterioration in the future.
otherwise only be addressed by an extensive arthro- Even the presence of an acute injury such as a twisting
tomy and arthroscopic debridement for degenerative episode, which is known to cause a tear of the acetab-
arthritis to postpone the need for hip arthroplasty.1,2 ular labrum, may be more likely if the labrum was vul-
Neither of these early indications found much ap- nerable to injury and may represent a less certain re-
plication in an athletic population. However, as the sponse to surgery. This vulnerability can result from
basic methods of hip arthroscopy were developed, it abnormal labral morphology or underlying degeneration.
began to be performed for select cases of unexplained However, these broad generalizations must be tem-
hip pain. Arthroscopy revealed that there are numer- pered in the competitive athlete. Individuals who par-
ous intraarticular sources of disabling hip symptoms ticipate in contact and collision sports simply may not
that were previously unrecognized and are now po- be able to recount which traumatic episode led to the
tentially amenable to arthroscopic intervention3,4; onset of symptoms. Remember that significant in-
these include tearing of the acetabular labrum, trau- traarticular damage can occur from an episode with-
matic injury to the articular surface, and damage to out the athlete developing incapacitating pain. The
the ligamentum teres among others. athlete may be able to continue to compete and sub-
The indications for hip arthroscopy fall into two sequently undergo workup only when symptoms fail
broad categories. In one, arthroscopy offers an alter- to resolve. Injury can occur from any contact or col-
native to traditional open techniques previously em- lision sport or sports involving forceful or repetitive
ployed for recognized forms of hip pathology such as twisting of the hip. The aging joint may also be more
loose bodies or impinging osteophytes. In the other, vulnerable. These parameters do not exclude many
arthroscopy offers a method of treatment for disorders sports.
lenging aspect of deciding on surgical intervention in TABLE 13.3. Characteristic Exacerbating Features.
this population is time constraints: How quickly does Straight plane activity relatively well tolerated
the surgeon decide to operate and how quickly will Torsional/twisting activities problematic
the patient recover? This is a year-round issue, Prolonged hip flexion (sitting) uncomfortable
Pain/catching going from flexion to extension (rising from
whether the athlete is attempting to return for the cur- seated position)
rent season, preparing for the upcoming season, or Inclines more difficult than level surfaces
simply resuming the necessary off-season condition-
ing regimen. Except for loose bodies, no literature sug-
gests that harm is caused by not recommending early use a hand to grip above the greater trochanter, with
surgical intervention for most of the problems that are the thumb lying posteriorly and the fingers cupped
now being recognized.13 Most of these disorders de- within the anterior groin. It may appear that the pa-
clare themselves over time through failure of response tient is describing lateral pain such as from the ili-
to conservative measures. Unfortunately, for athletes, otibial band or trochanteric bursa, but characteristi-
time is often not an accepted ally. cally, the patient is reflecting pain within the joint.
Extraarticular injuries far outnumber intraarticu- On examination, log rolling the leg back and forth
lar problems in the hip region. Thus, it is best to tem- is the most specific maneuver for hip pathology be-
per the interest in performing an extensive intraartic- cause this rotates only the femoral head in relation to
ular workup for every athlete with pain around the the acetabulum and capsule, not stressing any of
hip. However, in our study of athletes who underwent the surrounding neurovascular or musculotendinous
arthroscopy with documented pathology, in 60% of structures. More sensitive examination maneuvers in-
cases the hip was not recognized as the source of clude forced flexion combined with internal rotation
symptoms at the time of initial treatment, and the pa- or abduction combined with external rotation. Some-
tients were managed for an average of 7 months be- times these produce an accompanying click, but more
fore the hip was considered as a potential contribut- important is simply whether the maneuvers reproduce
ing source.5 The most common preliminary diagnoses the athlete’s pain.
were various types of musculotendinous strains (Table For long-standing conditions, athletes may sec-
13.2). Thus, it is prudent to at least consider possible ondarily develop extraarticular symptoms of ten-
intraarticular pathology in the differential diagnosis donitis or bursitis or may have coexistent extraartic-
when managing a strain around the hip joint. Most ular pathology. A useful test for distinguishing the
important is thoughtful follow-up and reassessment intraarticular origin of symptoms is a fluoroscopically
when these injuries do not respond as expected. guided intraarticular injection of anesthetic. The hall-
A careful history and examination usually indicate mark is temporary alleviation of symptoms during the
whether the hip is the source of symptoms. Charac- anesthetic effect. With the more recent technology of
teristic features are outlined in Table 13.3. Single- gadolinium arthrography combined with magnetic
plane activities such as straight-ahead running are of- resonance imaging (MRA), always be certain to in-
ten well tolerated, whereas torsional and twisting clude anesthetic with the injection to elicit this use-
maneuvers are more problematic in precipitating ful diagnostic response.
painful symptoms. Stairs and inclines may be more
troublesome, and the same athlete who can run
painfree on level surfaces may have more difficulty MANAGEMENT STRATEGY
running hills. Prolonged hip flexion such as sitting
can be uncomfortable, and catching symptoms are Labral lesions are the most common hip pathology,
often experienced when rising from a seated or present in 61% of athletes undergoing arthroscopy.5
squatted position. Various studies have demonstrated that articular dam-
Hip symptoms are most commonly referred to the age is present in association with more than half of
anterior groin and may radiate to the medial thigh. all labral tears.15–18 Often it is the extent of articular
However, a characteristic clinical feature is the C- pathology that is the limiting factor as far as success
sign.14 A patient describing deep interior hip pain will of arthroscopic intervention. MRIs and MRAs are best
at identifying labral lesions but poor at demonstrating
TABLE 13.2. Preliminary Diagnoses (Other Than the Hip). accompanying articular pathology (Figures 13.5, 13.6,
13.7). Thus, the uncertain presence of articular dam-
Hip flexor strain (6) Piriformis syndrome (1)
Lumbar disorder (5) Sciatica (1) age is often the wild card in predicting the outcome
Unspecified muscle strain (4) SI disorder (1) of arthroscopy and should temper the surgeon’s en-
Adductor strain (3) Stress fracture (1) thusiasm for predicting uniform success in the pres-
Iliopsoas tendonitis (2) Contusion (1)
Trochanteric bursitis (2) Malalignment (1) ence of imaging evidence of labral damage.
Hamstring injury (2) Don’t know (1) In our experience, in cases with documented ar-
Source: From Byrd and Jones,5 with permission of Clinics in Sports Medicine. throscopic evidence of joint pathology, MRI has a 42%
false-negative interpretation, which is reduced to 8% strated microvascular proliferation, suggesting a heal-
with MRA. However, with MRA, the false-positive in- ing capacity of labral tears.21 It is uncertain whether
terpretation doubles from 10% to 20%, with overin- these will truly heal, but it is clear that some become
terpretation of labral lesions being the principal source clinically asymptomatic (see Figure 13.4). For the ath-
of false-positive results.19 Lecouvet et al. have also lete with protracted mechanical symptoms in associ-
demonstrated MRI evidence of labral pathology among ation with imaging evidence of hip pathology, the de-
asymptomatic volunteers, and the incidence increases cision is simple; they can choose to live with their
with age.20 Thus, surgeons must still rely more on symptoms, or select arthroscopy with a reasonable ex-
their clinical assessment of the athlete rather than pectation of success. The more difficult challenge is
simply MRI findings. With the increasing awareness the athlete with more recent injury and MRI evidence
of hip joint injuries in athletes and an increasing num- of labral pathology. This situation is increasingly en-
ber of investigative studies being performed, a signif- countered as investigative studies are being performed
icant number of false-positive findings are likely, earlier in the course of evaluation.
which could potentially lead the surgeon astray. It is The following algorithm is proposed for athletes
also likely that many athletes participating in contact with recent injury, hip joint symptoms, and MRI ev-
and collision sports over a long career may demon- idence of labral pathology. The hip should be rested
strate MRI evidence of hip pathology even in absence for 2 to 4 weeks to see if symptoms subside. If the
of symptoms. pain subsides sufficiently, the athlete can then begin
Also, much is not fully understood regarding the to resume activities and return to competition. If the
natural history of labral lesions. Seldes et al. demon- symptoms are stable, it is unlikely that any further
harm is being created by not recommending surgery. an athlete is that it is unlikely that more harm or dam-
If baseline symptoms persist, then surgical interven- age will occur in the absence of worsening symptoms.
tion can be undertaken at a more opportune time.
In general, for in-season injuries, a brief period of
rest and a trial of conservative treatment is the most RESULTS
likely course to allow the athlete to return to compe-
tition during the current season. Preseason injuries In our study of 42 athletes, the average improvement
present a greater dilemma. If surgery is still needed af- using a modified Harris hip rating system (100-point
ter a period of rest, then time is lost that could inter- maximum) was 35 points (preoperative, 57; postoper-
fere with the upcoming season. Ultimately, the sur- ative, 92).5 Ninety-three percent demonstrated at least
geon must call on his or her experience and that of 10 points of improvement. Also, of those questioned,
others to make the best decision for the athlete under 76% returned to their sport symptom free and unre-
the particular circumstances. stricted or at least at an increased level of performance,
It is unlikely that any harm is caused by not rec- while 18% either chose not to return or were unable
ommending surgery but, as with other joints, there to return to their primary sport.
are hip abusers who can cause further damage by ne- After understanding the potential benefits of an ar-
glecting the joint. Thus, the best perspective to offer throscopic procedure, the next issue of paramount
FIGURE 13.7. A 23-year-old elite professional tennis player sus- formed. (D) Occluding the inflow of fluid confirms vascular access
tained an injury to his right hip. (A) Coronal MRI demonstrates ev- through the areas of perforation. The athlete was maintained on a
idence of labral pathology (arrow). (B) Arthroscopy reveals the labral protected weight-bearing status emphasizing range of motion for 10
tear (arrows), but also an area of adjoining grade IV articular loss weeks, with return to competition at 3.5 months.
(asterisk). (C) Microfracture of the exposed subchondral bone is per-
importance among athletes is how quickly they will athletes, being the third leading diagnosis, and it re-
recover. According to the same study, the greatest im- sponds remarkably well to arthroscopic debridement.
provement (67%) was noted after the first month. More average results have been reported for labral tear-
Maximal improvement was achieved by 3 months, ing and chondral injury. The results are poor in the
and these results were maintained among those ath- presence of clinical evidence of arthritis, but those pa-
letes with 5-year follow-up (Figure 13.8). tients undergoing microfracture fared better than with
Among athletes, the best results have been seen simple chondroplasty.
for impinging osteophytes, loose bodies, and rupture The nature of the onset of symptoms seems at least
of the ligamentum teres (Figure 13.9). Impinging os- partially to influence the results. Those with a spe-
teophytes are uncommon, but when recognized, the cific history of a significant traumatic event fared the
structural problem can be corrected, thus often re- best (Figure 13.10), whereas those with insidious on-
sulting in pronounced symptomatic improvement. set did the worst. Those of acute onset fared only
Loose bodies have traditionally been recognized as the slightly better than insidious, which suggests that,
clearest indication for arthroscopy. Predictable results even in the presence of a modest explainable injury,
have been further confirmed in the athletic popula- some type of predisposition should be suspected and
tion. Rupture of the ligamentum teres is an entity that the results of arthroscopy may be less certain.
has infrequently been reported in the literature. A Among the reported group of athletes, one-third
propensity for this injury has been identified among competed at the collegiate, elite, or professional
100 98 92 94
80 80 86
60 60
40 40 67 76 67
54 50
20 20
0 Impinging Loose Body Ligamentum Chondral Arthritic Labral
Recreational High School Collegiate Elite Professional
Osteophyte Teres Damage Damage Disorder Pathology
n=18 n=11 n=7 n=2 n=4
Pre-op Pre-op
Post-op Post-op
FIGURE 13.9. Results based on specific diagnoses. (From Byrd and FIGURE 13.11. Results based on level of sport. (From Byrd and
Jones,5 with permission of Clinics in Sports Medicine.) Jones,5 with permission of Clinics in Sports Medicine.)
References 11. Kashiwagi N, Suzuki S, Seto Y: Arthroscopic treatment for
traumatic hip dislocation with avulsion fracture of the liga-
1. Byrd JWT: Hip arthroscopy for post-traumatic loose fragments mentum teres. Arthroscopy 2001;17:67–69.
in the young active adult: three case reports. Clin Sports Med 12. Byrd JWT, Jones KS: Traumatic rupture of the ligamentum
1996;6:129–134. teres as a source of hip pain. Arthroscopy 2003 (in press).
2. Villar RN: Arthroscopic debridement of the hip: a minimally 13. Epstein H: Posterior fracture-dislocations of the hip: compari-
invasive approach to osteoarthritis. J Bone Joint Surg 1991;73B: son of open and closed methods of treatment in certain types.
170–171. J Bone Joint Surg 1961;43A:1079–1098.
3. Byrd JWT: Indications and contraindications. In: Byrd JWT (ed). 14. Byrd JWT: Investigation of the symptomatic hip: physical ex-
Operative Hip Arthroscopy. New York: Thieme, 1998:7–24. amination. In: Byrd JWT (ed). Operative Hip Arthroscopy. New
4. Sampson TG, Glick JM: Indications and surgical treatment of York: Thieme, 1998:25–41.
hip pathology. In: McGinty J, Caspari R, Jackson R, Poehling 15. Byrd JWT, Jones KS: Prospective analysis of hip arthroscopy
G (eds). Operative Arthroscopy, 2nd ed. New York: Raven with five year follow up. Presented at AAOS 66th annual meet-
Press, 1995:1067–1078. ing, Dallas, TX, February 14, 2002.
5. Byrd JWT, Jones KS: Hip arthroscopy in athletes. Clin Sports 16. McCarthy JC, Noble PC, Schuck MR, Wright J, Lee J: The wa-
Med 2001;20:749–762. tershed labral lesion: its relationship to early arthritis of the
6. Byrd JWT, Jones KS: Prospective analysis of hip arthroscopy: hip. J Arthroplasty 2001;16(8 suppl 1):81–87.
two year follow-up. Arthroscopy 2000;16:578–587. 17. Farjo LA, Glick JM, Sampson TG: Hip arthroscopy for acetab-
7. Byrd JWT: Lateral impact injury: a source of occult hip pathol- ular labrum tears. Arthroscopy 1999;15:132–137.
ogy. Clin Sports Med 2001;20:801–816. 18. Santori N, Villar RN: Acetabular labral tears: result of arthro-
8. Delcamp DD, Klarren HE, VanMeerdervoort HFP: Traumatic scopic partial limbectomy. Arthroscopy 2000;16:11–15.
avulsion of the ligamentum teres without dislocation of the 19. Byrd JWT, Jones KS: Diagnostic accuracy of clinical assess-
hip. J Bone Joint Surg 1988;70A:933–935. ment, MRI, gadolinium MRI, and intraarticular injection in
9. Barrett IR, Goldberg JA: Avulsion fracture of the ligamentum hip arthroscopy patients. Am J Sports Med, 2004:4.
teres in a child. A case report. J Bone Joint Surg 1989;71A: 20. Lecouvet FE, VandeBerg BC, Malghen J, et al: MR imaging of
438–439. the acetabular labrum: variations in 200 asymptomatic hips.
10. Ebrahim NA, Salvolaine ER, Fenton PJ, Jackson WT: Calcified AJR Am J Roentgenol 1996;167:1025–1028.
ligamentum teres mimicking entrapped intraarticular bony 21. Seldes RM, Tan V, Hunt J, Katz M, Winiarsky R, Fitzgerald
fragments in a patient with acetabular fracture. J Orthop RH Jr: Anatomy, histologic features, and vascularity of
Trauma 1991;5:376–378. the adult acetabular labrum. Clin Orthop 2001;382:232–240.
Hip Arthroscopy in
Adolescence and Childhood
Keith R. Berend and Thomas Parker Vail
he appropriate application of hip arthroscopy tiation of the hip pain is clear and unmistakable. How-
to pediatric conditions requires a broad under- ever, when the trauma or athletic injury history is at
standing of children’s hip problems. In the end, all vague, sepsis should conclusively ruled out. This
the success of a hip arthroscopy in treating a pediatric is especially true with the presentation of atraumatic
hip condition depends as much on an accurate ana- hip pain in the young child (ages 0 to 6 years).7–9
tomic diagnosis as it does on technique. A dense con- Although it is clear that the role of hip arthroscopy
stellation of intraarticular and extraarticular anatomic in children remains limited, several conditions have
structures exists in close proximity to the hip joint. been investigated and treated successfully using ar-
As such, multiple intraarticular and extraarticular throscopic surgery of the hip. Since Burman’s de-
pathologic conditions ranging from developmental to scription of the use of an arthroscope to visualize
traumatic to infectious can be responsible for hip pain joints in a cadaveric model, arthroscopy has risen in
in the young active patient. Indeed, many of these con- popularity to become the most commonly performed
ditions are specific to children and skeletally imma- orthopedic procedure in this country today.10,11 De-
ture young adults. Traumatic etiologies include spite the diverse applications of arthroscopy of the
apophyseal injury, labral tears, chondral injury with knee, shoulder, ankle, and wrist joints, arthroscopy of
or without loose body formation, and even hip dislo- the hip has remained an infrequently performed pro-
cation.1–4 Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease (LCP), slipped cedure. The reasons for the delayed enthusiasm of sur-
capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), osteomyelitis, geons for hip arthroscopy have been multifactorial: the
pyarthrosis, psoas compartment abscess, transient relative technical difficulty of the procedure, the lack
synovitis, femoral neck stress fractures, tumors, juve- of well-documented clinical indications and proven re-
nile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), and developmental sults, and the potential risk of neurovascular injury.
dysplasia (DDH) account for the majority of atrau- Surgeons have not previously had the opportunity to
matic causes of childhood hip pain. Table 14.1 out- view the interior of the hip joint using a minimally
lines the indications for hip arthroscopy in children invasive approach, thus limiting the understanding of
and the procedures described for each diagnosis. Be- occult sources of hip joint pain, especially in the ac-
cause children are changing so rapidly with growth tive young patient. Finally, the majority of hip pathol-
and development, the differential diagnosis of their ogy in children occurs outside the actual joint space,
complaints changes with time. Hip maladies tend to further limiting the role of arthroscopy for this group
cluster at several stages of childhood. In general, age of patients.
can be used as a guideline to narrow a differential di- Hip pain that is persistent despite appropriate non-
agnosis of hip problems. In general, developmental operative treatment is a clinical entity that can be par-
dysplasia presents in infants and older children, ticularly difficult to manage when patients are young,
Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease presents in children aged and standard radiographic imaging is unrevealing. The
4 to 10 years, slipped capital femoral epiphysis is seen advent of hip arthroscopy provides a minimally inva-
in preteen or early teenage (generally obese) children, sive avenue for diagnosis and treatment in these dif-
and labral injury may occur in older pediatric and ado- ficult cases. Thus, early reports on arthroscopy of the
lescent patients following traumatic events.5 All these hip have centered on the utility of the procedure in
common musculoskeletal conditions may manifest providing a diagnosis in occult, intraarticular pathol-
during athletic participation.6 Although family mem- ogy. Enhanced understanding of the appropriate ap-
bers and children may associate a particular event plication of the procedure has led surgeons further into
with the onset of the hip pain, the underlying cause management and treatment of children’s hip disor-
of the pain may actually be a more insidious process ders. Nevertheless, refinement of the specific indica-
such as infection manifesting acutely. In some cir- tions for arthroscopy of the hip and the efficacy of the
cumstances, the role of the traumatic event in the ini- procedure are only more recently becoming clearer in
TABLE 14.1. Indications for Hip Arthroscopy in Adolescence and Childhood.
Diagnosis Therapy Author
the literature and in practice. This chapter provides not encountered any in our experience. We prefer to
an overview of the role for arthroscopy of the hip in perform the procedure in the supine position on the
the pediatric and adolescent patient. fracture table with simple longitudinal traction. Us-
ing this technique and keeping operative times under
an hour, we have avoided nerve injury, knee collateral
SAFETY OF HIP ARTHROSCOPY ligament injury, and other complications reported
IN CHILDREN with the use of traction. The possibility of manual
traction in the very young child adds to the overall ef-
The technique of hip arthroscopy is now well de- ficacy of this procedure in small children.19
scribed and considered safe in most patients. Griffin Many believe that arthroscopy for the diagnosis
and Villar reported a 1.6% incidence of complications and treatment of conditions about the hip in children
in their review of 640 consecutive procedures. The decreases the need for open arthrotomy and possible
most commonly reported complications involve nerve dislocation of the hip. This less-invasive approach rep-
palsy injuries with three transient sciatic palsies and resents a distinct advantage for arthroscopy due to the
one femoral nerve palsy identified in Griffin’s study.12 potential complications of standard arthrotomy such
Schindler et al. reported two transient pudendal nerve as avascular necrosis. Children have a particularly vul-
injuries, both with full recovery in their series.13 All nerable intracapsular blood supply to the femoral
these adverse events are attributable to traction in- head.20 Initial concerns that hip arthroscopy, which
jury, for which the overall incidence is reported to be usually requires fluid distension of the joint capsule,
0.8%.12 Other less frequently described complications might damage the blood supply has not borne out in
include injury to perineal structures, injury to the lat- clinical practice. No cases of avascular necrosis fol-
eral femoral cutaneous nerve, extravasation of fluid lowing hip arthroscopy in the young patient have been
causing abdominal pain, equipment failure, and in- described to date. On the contrary, the physical size
ability to complete the procedure secondary to patient of the pediatric patient may add technical difficulty
obesity.12–18 No deep infections or serious major com- to the procedure because of limited size and space for
plications have been described in any study that in- instrumentation. Despite these challenges, careful
cludes pediatric or adolescent patients, and we have portal placement and controlled traction techniques
have made arthroscopy not only feasible but also of- ment of labral tears, and debridement of focal chon-
ten preferred in these patients. Hip arthroscopy in pa- dral injury were found to be associated with better out-
tients as young as 2.4 years has been reported, using comes. Less-desirable results were achieved in pa-
only manual traction in these patients.19 In a series of tients with osteonecrosis and degenerative arthritis.
nine children aged 2.4 to 7.3 years, no intraoperative However, mechanical symptoms in these patients, in-
or postoperative complications related to arthroscopy cluding pediatric and adolescent patients, may still
were identified using this technique of manual trac- signal potentially treatable pathology because treat-
tion and joint distension.19 ment with arthroscopy may prevent or delay the need
for open arthrotomy in children or arthroplasty in
Schindler et al. reviewed 21 children and adolescents PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
undergoing 24 arthroscopies for varied diagnoses. In
this study, arthroscopy supported the presumed diag- Pediatric and adolescent patients do not frequently
nosis in 56%, concluding that hip arthroscopy may complain of hip pain. In fact, it is not uncommon for
not be useful as a diagnostic tool.13 This finding was hip pathology to be discovered after complaints of
corroborated in a large series, in which it was con- knee pain in the young patient. This pattern of re-
cluded that the diagnostic use of hip arthroscopy re- ferred pain occurs frequently enough that the treating
mains viable only in specific cases. Furthermore, physician should have a high index of suspicion that
Dorfmann and Boyer suggested that the improvements hip pathology or hip injury may be the causative fac-
in imaging modalities have decreased and may con- tor for knee pain in the patient with a normal exam-
tinue to decrease the indications for diagnostic ar- ination of the knee. Another frequent presentation is
throscopy in the hip.9 limping in a child who has suffered no known injury.
Although hip scope for diagnosis alone may have When this scenario occurs, a history of preceding ill-
limited applications, Schindler went on to conclude ness, which is found in up to 40% of patients, directs
that arthroscopy in children is helpful in obtaining sy- the examiner toward a diagnosis of transient synovi-
novial biopsies and removing loose bodies and should tis of the hip. In one study of 243 children seen in the
decrease the need for open surgery with dislocation of emergency department, 39.5% subsequently had this
the hip and its associated risk of avascular necrosis. The diagnosis.22
reported complication rate in Schindler’s series was no In the pediatric or adolescent patient, as with any
higher than in the adult population, which has been orthopedic patient, the history with careful attention
reported to be 1% to 2%, with two patients having to mechanism of injury can be revealing. Running,
transient pudendal nerve dysesthesias and no infec- jumping, and kicking-based activities are frequently
tions or cases of residual stiffness being observed.12,13 involved, especially in causing labral pathology. A pa-
More recent information has placed the surgeon in tient with a labral tear often reports an acute twisting
a more informed position when considering the role injury, but an axial load on a flexed hip can also re-
of hip arthroscopy. The surgeon can weigh the small sult in trauma to the labrum. In our series of 86 hip
risk of complications associated with hip arthroscopy, arthroscopies, only 17% of patients gave a definite his-
the merits of imaging alternatives such as magnetic tory of traumatic event preceding the onset of symp-
resonance imaging, and the emerging data on accuracy toms. Of the patients diagnosed at arthroscopy with
of diagnosis and outcomes of treatment using hip ar- labral tears, 36% had antecedent trauma, whereas
throscopy. To properly take advantage of maximum 44% of patients with loose bodies attributed their pain
benefit given the defined risk for hip arthroscopy, it to trauma.21 McCarthy’s analysis revealed a 44% in-
is extremely important to consider which preopera- cidence of traumatic injury in his patients with labral
tive factors might portend a better outcome. Aware- tears.23 Again, it should be stressed that because hip
ness of predictive factors such as mechanical symp- injury is an infrequent occurrence in pediatric pa-
toms is especially important in cases of occult pain in tients, underlying hip disorders should be investigated
the young active patient who does not have an un- thoroughly.
derlying developmental disorder, childhood aliment, In our experience and that of others, subjective
or a revealing imaging study. In a review of patients complaints of catching, locking, popping, and giving
treated at our institution, we concluded that regard- way are helpful at defining those patients who may
less of the preoperative diagnosis, the presence of def- benefit from surgery.9,21,23,24 We found the presence
inite mechanical symptoms is an important prognos- of mechanical symptoms to be suggestive of treatable
tic indicator of symptomatic relief following operative intraarticular pathology in 100% of our patients who
hip arthroscopy. Removal of loose bodies, manage- had labral tears, loose bodies, or chondral injury. How-
ever, in one study, only 64% of patients with a labral articular and growth plate-related injuries that are
tear diagnosed at arthroscopy had mechanical symp- peculiar to skeletally immature patients. Likewise,
toms.24 McCarthy found a positive correlation be- when focusing the discussion to arthroscopy of the hip
tween giving-way or locking episodes with labral tears joint, the indications for and outcomes of the proce-
and the presence of locking episodes correlated with dure are even less well defined than in the adult. In
chondral injury.23 Selection bias toward these patients 1977, Gross noted, in his experience with 32 arthro-
was undoubtedly present in our study because me- scopic hip surgeries in children, that the procedure did
chanical symptoms were considered an indication for not seem to more accurately delineate the diagnosis
surgery.21 Locking or catching symptoms should be or add to the therapeutic outcome,26 thus quelling
distinguished from popping or snapping symptoms be- early efforts in the application of this technique to
cause the latter may herald extraarticular pathology young patients. However, since this early report, there
that is not amenable to arthroscopic surgery, such as have been renewed interest in and enthusiasm toward
anteromedial catching or psoas tendon bursitis.9 Anec- minimally invasive alternatives to open surgery on the
dotally, complaints of the hip feeling tired or weak hip in children with a multitude of diagnoses. The fol-
have been helpful as an indicator of intraarticular lowing discussion focuses on some of the more com-
pathology in our series. mon childhood conditions in which hip arthroscopy
Physical examination of the injured hip can be does potentially play a beneficial role.
quite vexing, likely because of the complex anatomy
both within and surrounding the hip joint. Examina-
Legg–Calvé–Perthes Disease
tion frequently reveals pain in provocative positions,
but this is individualized and entirely patient depen- Perhaps the most common indication for hip arthros-
dent. Reproducible pain with passive flexion and me- copy in the pediatric and adolescent population, and
dial or internal rotation of the hip has been identified certainly the most common indication in our series,
as predictors of intraarticular pathology.24 This find- has been in cases of Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease (LCP),
ing has been corroborated in young athletic patients.2 both for diagnosis of severity and the treatment of late
The direction of these provocative maneuvers does not sequelae including the removal of loose bodies.27
correlate well with the location of labral tears, ac- Suzuki et al. reported on their series of 19 children un-
cording to Farjo et al.24 McCarthy noted painful clicks dergoing diagnostic and operative hip arthroscopy for
in 56% of patients during a Thomas hip flexion-to- LCP disease. From this study a new breadth of knowl-
extension test and concluded that this finding had a edge has been gained on the gross and histologic pathol-
significant positive correlation with acetabular labral ogy of this disease. Among their novel findings were
tear on arthroscopic evaluation. He states that perti- the presence of synovial proliferation in both the ac-
nent physical findings such as these represent the best etabular fossa and the inner wall of the capsule. They
predictors of treatable intraarticular pathology.23 postulate that this mass effect and the presence of hy-
We believe that decreased range of motion as com- pervascularity add to the instability and femoral head
pared with the contralateral unaffected hip is also a coverage problems seen in this condition. Furthermore,
useful sign of significant hip pathology. Flexion and the microscopic in vivo anatomy was shown to be that
internal rotation appear to be affected most and earli- of proliferative hyperplasia and not inflammation. Al-
est in these patients. These findings on physical ex- though lavage was the only therapeutic modality ap-
amination are obviously nonspecific, as internal rota- plied at the time of arthroscopy, the authors reported
tion of the hip is often lost early in degenerative that postoperative range of motion about the hip was
conditions of the hip. Most would agree that limited significantly increased and pain was decreased.28
abduction in flexion is a cardinal indication for treat- Four main sequelae of LCP disease are commonly
ment of LCP, and this examination should be per- seen (see Figure 14.1). These include, first, coxa
formed on all pediatric patients with hip pain. Fur- magna, with an enlarged spherical or oval femoral
thermore, a reduction in adduction of the flexed hip head and relatively normal neck–shaft angles (Figure
has been described as being the earliest physical sign 14.1A,B). Second, coxa brevis can occur, with associ-
of hip irritability, whether the underlying diagnosis is ated shortening of the femoral neck, overgrowth of the
LCP or other causes.25 greater trochanter, and a shortened extremity (Figure
14.1C). Least commonly, osteochondritis dissecans
(OCD) may be present, which involves an incomplete
ROLE OF HIP ARTHROSCOPY healing of the necrotic epiphysis (Figure 14.1D,E).
IN SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF Coxa irregularis is also described, which appears on
CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS radiographs as an irregular grooved and incongruent
femoral head (Figure 14.1F,G). Bowen and his group
Arthroscopy of any joint is less common in children described the arthroscopic treatment of OCD of the
than in adults because of the preponderance of peri- hip following Perthes’ disease in a review of 14 pa-
tients with 15 hips involved. The standard treatment sidered successful. This review has served to expand
of this condition includes observation, bed rest, and the indications and therapeutic validity for hip ar-
activity modification with nonsteroidal antiinflam- throscopy in LCP.29
matory drugs. In this series, 5 patients underwent ar-
throscopic evaluation of the extent of degenerative dis-
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis/
ease; removal of the necrotic segment was attempted
Juvenile Chronic Arthritis
in 4, and successful in 3 patients. Femoral valgus os-
teotomy was performed in 2 patients based on ar- As the field of minimally invasive surgery including
throscopic findings, and both procedures were con- arthroscopy has advanced, so has the enthusiasm for
In the last several years, only a few pediatric cases to be safely arthroscoped, the procedure is beneficial.
have been described specifically addressing the role of This vague definition of age, however, does not pro-
arthroscopy for hip pain associated with an injury dur- vide the reader with a true definition of the appropri-
ing sporting activity. In a review by Ikeda et al., three ate candidate for arthroscopic lavage.7 A more accu-
patients, aged 15, 15, and 16 years, had acute onset of rate age limit for arthroscopic treatment of hip
pain related to athletic participation. The first patient pyarthrosis is provided by Chung et al., who in their
was injured during a sprinting event, the second was series report the safe application of this procedure in
injured while competing in rugby football, and the last patients as young as 2.4 years. They conclude that ar-
had sudden onset of pain while playing volleyball. All throscopic lavage and synovectomy are safe and ef-
three patients were diagnosed arthroscopically as hav- fective in patients between the ages of 2 and 7 years,
ing tears of the acetabular labrum.2 In this series, at- that the associated morbidity is low and the recovery
tempts at resection of the tear were not undertaken; of mobility rapid. The use of the arthroscope as a large-
however, multiple reports have described techniques bore instrument to deliver a high-volume lavage has
for doing so.21,23,24,36–38 The authors supported previ- the added benefit of direct visualization of clot and in-
ous findings of a posterosuperior location of the tear, fected joint debris.19 Although arthroscopic debride-
thought to be secondary to anatomic vulnerability to ment does not allow for direct identification of or
injury in that location.11,23,39 It can be concluded that, treatment for foci of osteomyelitis, Chung et al. found
similar to the glenoid labrum in the athlete, the ac- that this did not influence the success of treatment.
etabular labrum can be adequately examined and tears Two of their nine patients had focal metaphyseal ra-
treated using arthroscopic techniques. diodensities that resolved after arthroscopic treatment
and routine antibiotics.19 As mentioned, arthroscopic
lavage and debridement also provide synovium for tis-
Hip Arthroscopy for Pediatric
sue diagnosis in equivocal cases in which JRA or tran-
and Adolescent Pyarthrosis
sient synovitis may be the underlying cause of the hip
One group of pediatric patients for which hip ar- pain and abnormal laboratory values.
throscopy may provide effective treatment is those pa-
tients with a suspected diagnosis of pyarthrosis. This
Tumors About the Hip
potentially catastrophic condition can be evaluated
with laboratory studies including leukocyte count and Benign tumors about the hip are not uncommon in
erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Of these, the eryth- childhood, and some present in the intracapsular lo-
rocyte sedimentation rate appears to be the most sen- cation, which may be amenable to arthroscopic man-
sitive and specific.40 Although ultrasonic-guided aspi- agement. Khapchik et al. reported on two cases of os-
ration of the hip joint may provide the definitive teoid osteoma, a common benign tumor presenting in
diagnosis, routine radiographs can rule out many of the first three decades of life, managed with arthro-
the possible etiologies, such as DDH, LCP, and SCFE, scopic excision. They noted that the procedure was
in children with normal laboratory results.41 Arthro- relatively easy and had the added benefit of enabling
scopic washout of an infected hip has been reported the surgeon to obtain a biopsy specimen before treat-
in several studies in both the child and adult, and this ment, something that is not available using percuta-
procedure, which spares the child the possible iatro- neous ablation techniques.42 Thompson and Wooward
genic problems associated with open washout, is be- described the use of the arthroscope in aiding the treat-
coming more routinely used. ment of a chondroblastoma of the femoral head.43 The
Two series in the literature show a definite role for obvious benefits of using minimally invasive tech-
arthroscopic management of hip sepsis in the pediatric niques to treat intracapsular benign tumors in chil-
patient. Blitzer described the use of the arthroscope dren and young adults are the ability to obtain a tis-
for the treatment of five patients with a presumed sue diagnosis and the reduced morbidity and rapid
diagnosis of septic arthritis. The author cites the po- functional recovery possible. Furthermore, arthros-
tential complications of open arthrotomy to be asep- copy would not complicate a subsequent open resec-
tic necrosis of the femoral head, subsequent dislo- tion for the treatment of a recurrence, if it should oc-
cation of the hip, the cosmetic appearance of the stan- cur. One can envision future endeavors to treat
dard open procedure, and prolongation of hospital stay. childhood benign tumors of the proximal femur such
With the high index of suspicion necessary in cases of as unicameral bone cysts arthroscopically. Another tu-
possible hip sepsis, and the extensive differential di- mor, of sorts, that has been successfully treated arthro-
agnoses, including transient synovitis, JRA, and peri- scopically is synovial chondromatosis of the hip. In
acetabular or pelvic abscesses or myositis, a certain the prospective analysis by Byrd and Jones, they de-
number of pediatric patients would undergo unneces- scribed treating a patient with synovial chondro-
sary arthrotomy if arthroscopy is not used. Blitzer fur- matosis of the hip successfully with the arthroscope.
ther concludes that, in a patient who is “old enough” Of particular interest is that at the time of a second
procedure for the excision of heterotopic ossification Table 14.2 outlines the indications for arthroscopy and
of the soft tissues, no recurrent loose bodies were the treatments performed in our patients.
noted.44 Hip arthroscopy was performed typically on an out-
patient basis. The patient was positioned supine on a
standard fracture table with a traction device and ar-
AUTHORS’ EXPERIENCE throscopy performed in a fashion similar to that de-
scribed by Byrd and others.1,9,15,17,45,46 Both regional
We have treated 17 patients 18 years of age or younger and general anesthesia techniques were used, depend-
over the past several years at our institution with ar- ing on patient and anesthesia preference. Para-
throscopic surgery of the hip. Patient age ranged from trochanteric and anterior portals were created under
11 to 18 years. Diagnostic evaluation included plain direct fluoroscopic guidance. An 18-gauge angiocath
radiographs of the pelvis and affected hip in each case. needle was used to localize and distend the joint, with
Supplemental imaging studies such as magnetic reso- release of the vacuum pressure. Between 5 and 10 mm
nance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) of joint distraction was then achieved through trac-
scans were either obtained by the referring physician tion on the extremity and was confirmed by fluoros-
or performed at our institution. Physical examina- copy.9,14,17,38,46 Careful patient positioning and padding
tions, including range of motion and the presence of of the perineal post was used to avoid possible neu-
reproducible mechanical symptoms, were also re- rologic complications. Portals were then dilated over
viewed. Mechanical symptoms, in this group of pa- a guidewire, and either a 30- or 70-degree arthroscope
tients, were defined as a subjective complaint of click- was introduced into the joint (Figure 14.2). Standard
ing, locking, popping, or giving way documented arthroscopic instruments were then used as needed for
during routine history taking and the presence of re- chondral and labral debridement, synovectomy, and
producible pain with provocative maneuvers. In the removal of loose bodies.14
routine treatment of LCP disease, which is a common All these patients had a diagnosis of hip pain per-
diagnosis treated at our institution, we use arthros- sisting for more than 3 months that had not responded
copy only for those patients with mechanical symp- to appropriate nonoperative measures. Three patients
toms and radiographic evidence of treatable intraar- had acetabular labral tears addressed at arthroscopy
ticular pathology. Findings of OCD, chondral injury, following motor vehicle accidents and dashboard-type
or labral pathology in these patients are thought to be injuries. One of these patients had underlying devel-
good indications for surgical intervention. Most pedi- opmental dysplasia of the hip, a labral tear in the su-
atric patients presenting with hip pathology are not peroanterior location (as described for DDH), but no
offered arthroscopic surgery because their conditions evidence of degenerative joint disease was noted. The
are thought not to be amenable to this type of treat- second patient sustained a femoral neck fracture at
ment. For example, a 14-year-old cheerleader with the time of injury and had continued pain in the af-
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome and recurrent painful pop- fected hip for 48 months before arthroscopy. An un-
ping in the hip, generalized ligamentous laxity, and a stable chondral lesion and a labral tear were identified
normal MRI arthrogram was excluded from operative and treated arthroscopically with 24 months of relief
treatment and is being followed to skeletal maturity. of pain. This patient did require repeat arthroscopy of
TABLE 14.2. Indications for Hip Arthroscopy and Therapeutic Procedures Performed:
The Author’s Experience.
Diagnosis Therapy Number of cases
FIGURE 14.4. Loose body donor site (D) on femoral head. Friable,
loose, and degenerative fibrocartilage, presumed to be a donor site
for a loose body, which was extracted, is shown. Again, standard
arthroscopic instrumentation can be used to perform chondral shav-
ing or chondroplasty to these pathologic areas. View is from the an-
terolateral portal.
FIGURE 14.8. (A) MRI for preoperative diagnosis of hip pathology. with a small labral tear. (B) MRI with possible posterior labral tear
Along with labral and chondral pathology, MRI is valuable for de- (t). Given the findings of a posterior ganglion, suspicion for labral
tecting other pathologic lesions in and around the hip joint. MRI tear was heightened. A possible posterior tear was noted on the ax-
revealed a posterior ganglion (c) that was thought to be associated ial MRI image, and this was confirmed arthroscopically. a, anterior.
FIGURE 14.9. (A) Small labral tear (T) associated with posterior o’clock position. (B) Small labral tear. The tear was probed and found
ganglion. A small tear at the margin of the articular cartilage and to be unstable, as shown herein. Both views are from the antero-
the labrum was seen arthroscopically in a position associated with lateral portal. H, head.
the posterior ganglion. The tear is seen as a triangular flap in the 2
FIGURE 14.13. (A) Arthroscopic image of labral tear (T). Fraying labrum (L) is resected back to a stable level. Before completing the
and instability of the labrum to probing can indicate labral injury. excision, a probe is used (as shown) to test the stability of the re-
The labrum, here, is noted to be degenerative and unstable, with maining labral tissue. The free edge, where shaving will resume, is
friable tissue impinging into the joint. (B) Partial limbectomy (labral in the 10 o’clock position. Both views are from the anterolateral
excision). Using standard arthroscopic instrumentation, the torn portal. H, head.
patient. The role of this technique in the diagnosis and
treatment of multiple childhood hip conditions in-
cluding pyarthrosis, LCP disease, SCFE, coxa vara, ju-
venile chronic arthritis (JCA), chondrolysis, and avas-
cular necrosis is well described.7,18,19,28,30,31,33 The
ability to examine and treat traumatic intraarticular
pathology with minimal morbidity and prompt re-
covery is mandated by the young age of these patients
and their demanding activity levels. Hip arthro-
scopists are now beginning to correlate preoperative
physical examination findings and history with diag-
nosis and expectations for outcome. As our combined
experience with this technique grows, the specific in-
dications for its use in the young patient become in-
creasingly better defined. In pediatric and adolescent
patients, the new onset of hip pain should warrant a
high level of suspicion for the more frequent causes
of pain such as infection, LCP disease, SCFE, or DDH.
When these have been evaluated, further differential
diagnosis should include labral tears, loose bodies,
synovitis, and chondral lesions. Many of these condi-
tions appear to be amenable to arthroscopic evalua-
tion and treatment. At this time, the presence of re-
producible mechanical symptoms after a twisting or
axial loading injury, persistent pain following trauma,
or a diagnosis of avascular necrosis (AVN), JRA, or
chronic juvenile arthritis (CJA) should prompt the or-
thopedic surgeon to consider arthroscopic examina-
tion of the hip if conservative therapy fails. Satisfying
and reproducible results using this technique have
been achieved when using hip arthroscopy within
these parameters.
FIGURE 14.15. (A) Frayed labral tissue and early degenerative car-
tilage changes. At arthroscopy, the patient was found to have fray-
ing of the labrum (L) and early degenerative changes of the acetab-
ulum and the femoral head (H). Arthroscopic resection of the labral
tear is shown. Chondromalacia (C) of the acetabulum is noted at
the 3 o’clock position. (B) Grade 2 and 3 chondromalacia of the
femoral head. Moderate degenerative changes including this area of
chondromalacia were noted on the femoral head. These were ad-
dressed by gentle abrasion chondroplasty with an arthroscopic
shaver. Despite kissing-type chondral injury, the patient has re-
turned to full activity and no longer requires pain medication. Both
views are from the anterolateral portal.
DISCUSSION FIGURE 14.16. OCD of the femoral head following LCP disease.
AP radiograph demonstrates a well-preserved femoral head with a
focal area of sclerotic bone in the center surrounded by lucent fi-
In the current literature, there are several convincing brous tissue. The patient had progressive activity-related pain and
reports of the use of hip arthroscopy in the pediatric mechanical symptoms.
FIGURE 14.17. (A) Coronal MRI of the femoral head with unstable head. Arthroscopically, the patient was noted to have a large OCD,
OCD. MRI arthrogram shows fluid (bright signal) surrounding the os- which was unstable to manipulation. The arthroscopic shaver is be-
teochondral lesion in the femoral head (h), suggesting the lesion is ing used to debride the lesion. Fibrocartilage and friable tissue were
complete and loose. c, caudal; cr, cranial. (B) OCD of the femoral noted at the margins and were also debrided to a stable base.
wo cohorts with common implications chanical hip pain, whether from its redundant nature
are developmental dysplasia and the elderly. or partial degenerate rupture.
A propensity for hip joint pathology exists Thus, dysplasia is well recognized as an etiologic
in both populations, and both are generally consid- factor in the development of various painful in-
ered to be a harbinger of poor results with arthros- traarticular lesions that may be amenable to arthro-
copy. However, arthroscopy has a role in both of scopic intervention. In fact, in our study, which is
these groups and has been instrumental in gaining the only published report on outcomes of arthros-
an appreciation for the pathomechanics associated copy in a dysplastic population, the results were
with various lesions. Operative arthroscopy can comparable with those previously published in a
meet with significant success when understanding general population.14 However, several caveats need
the appropriate indications within these circum- to be fully appreciated.
stances. It is important to assess patients carefully for the
presence of dysplastic disease of the hip. Although ar-
throscopic debridement may result in significant
symptomatic improvement, it may not seriously in-
DEVELOPMENTAL DYSPLASIA fluence the long-term outlook. Especially for young
individuals, arthroscopy should not be used solely for
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is not a symptomatic improvement when long-term issues
cause of hip pain. It is simply a morphologic condi- need to be addressed. Specifically, patients who are
tion that makes the hip vulnerable to an intraarticu- candidates for osteotomy to improve the joint me-
lar lesion that may then become symptomatic. The chanics and weight distribution must be carefully
three most likely structures to be involved are the ac- assessed.
etabular labrum, articular surface, and ligamentum As noted, the enlarged labrum accompanying a
teres. shallow acetabulum may carry greater weight-bearing
Accompanying a shallow bony acetabulum, the responsibility as well as provide a buttress to supero-
labrum may be enlarged, assuming a more important lateral subluxation of the femoral head. It is unlikely
role as a weight-bearing surface as well as added re- that simple debridement of the deteriorated portion of
sponsibility for joint stability. This hypertrophic the labrum will accentuate this subluxation potential,
labrum is thus exposed to greater joint reaction forces but great care must be taken in the debridement pro-
and may be at increased risk for developing sympto- cedure, especially avoiding an overly zealous resection.
matic tearing.1–3 Inversion of the acetabular labrum is Similarly, indiscriminate debridement of the lig-
also known to occur in association with dysplasia, be- amentum teres should be avoided. The vessel of the
ing entrapped within the joint and again being a source ligamentum teres remains patent and contributes
of painful tearing.4,5 to the blood supply of the femoral head in a signif-
The reduced area of the acetabular articular sur- icant percentage of adults. Arbitrary debridement
face results in increased contact forces,6,7 which can could unnecessarily place the femoral head at risk
result in early development of degenerative wear and for avascular necrosis. However, it seems unlikely
may make the articular cartilage more vulnerable to that debridement of the ruptured portion should
acute fragmentation.8–11 present a problem, and it has produced gratifying
Third, elongation or hypertrophy of the ligamen- symptomatic results.
tum teres accompanies lateral subluxation of the In summary, radiographic evidence of dysplasia is
femoral head within the acetabulum.12,13 Entrapment not a contraindication to arthroscopy, nor is it neces-
of this ligament can be a source of significant me- sarily an indicator of poor outcome. Results are more
dictated by the nature of the pathology. Nonetheless, head (Figure 15.2A), which was further substantiated
it is prudent to view arthroscopy as but one tool in by a computed tomography (CT) scan (Figure 15.2B).
the complement of resources necessary in the assess- With his mechanical symptoms and imaging
ment and management of patients with developmen- evidence of a loose fragment, arthroscopy was
tal dysplasia of the hip. recommended. The fragment was actually found to
be fixed within the femoral head, but there was a
grade IV unstable articular fragment over this area
Case 1
that was debrided (see Figure 15.2C–E). Postopera-
A 14-year-old girl was referred with a 4-month history tively, he had resolution of his mechanical pain and
of painful locking and catching of her right hip. Symp- catching.
toms first occurred when simply raising her leg to step
over a railing. Her symptoms had since been un-
Case 3
remitting. Her history was remarkable for dysplastic
disease of both hips since birth. These were initially A 37-year-old woman presented with a 4-year history
treated with closed reduction, but she had subse- of progressively worsening right hip pain. There was
quently undergone multiple osteotomies of the prox- no history of injury or precipitating event; she simply
imal femur and pelvis. Most recently, she was being began experiencing discomfort that had worsened over
evaluated for an acetabular procedure to improve the recent months. Twisting maneuvers were especially
coverage of her femoral head when she developed in- painful. Her examination findings suggested that her
capacitating mechanical right hip symptoms. Radio- hip joint was the source of pain. Radiographs revealed
graphs revealed changes consistent with her underly- evidence of modest underlying dysplasia but were oth-
ing disease and previous surgical procedures as well erwise unremarkable (Figure 15.3A). Magnetic reso-
as slight lateral joint space loss on the right compared nance imaging (MRI) was also unremarkable. She then
with the left (Figure 15.1A). underwent 6 months of continued activity restriction
Based on her symptoms and examination findings, as well as various trials of oral antiinflammatory med-
arthroscopy was recommended as a method to assess ications and physical therapy without improvement.
the extent of intraarticular damage that may be con- She obtained pronounced temporary alleviation of her
tributing to her symptoms and to see if this could be symptoms from a fluoroscopically guided intraarticu-
addressed. She was found to have an unstable inverted lar injection of anesthetic.
labrum (see Figure 15.1B). This was debrided in a cau- Based on her clinical circumstances, arthroscopy
tious fashion (see Figure 15.1C). Care was taken to ex- was offered as the next step in her management. She
cise the entrapped portion contributing to her symp- was found to have a hypertrophic ligamentum teres
toms while preserving as much of the remaining with an accompanying degenerate rupture that was
labrum as possible to avoid potentially destabilizing debrided (see Figure 15.3B–D). Postoperatively, she
the joint. Additionally, there was grade IV articular demonstrated pronounced symptomatic improvement
loss of the acetabulum. The unstable fragments were and was able to resume fitness exercises.
debrided, creating a stable edge of surrounding carti-
lage (see Figure 15.1D). Microfracture of the lesion was
performed to stimulate a fibrocartilaginous healing re- ELDERLY
sponse (see Figure 15.1E). Occluding the inflow con-
firmed vascular access through the perforations (see Our population is aging, and the most rapid shift in
Figure 15.1F). Postoperatively, she was maintained on this age distribution is set to occur as the baby
a strict protected weight-bearing status for 2 months, boomers reach their senior years. In the United States
emphasizing range of motion. She was then able to re- alone, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
sume normal light daily activities with resolution of estimate that approximately 70 million Americans
her mechanical hip pain. suffer from arthritis or chronic joint ailments, and, ac-
cording to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Sur-
geons, approximately 300,000 hip arthroplasties are
Case 2
performed annually.15,16 Even in absence of arthritis,
A 16-year-old boy presented with a 9-month history the hip joint is known to undergo senile changes. An
of pain and locking of his left hip. This first occurred MRI study has demonstrated an increasing incidence
while playing football as a freshman in high school. of labral pathology with age, even among asympto-
He had received no previous specific treatment, but matic volunteers.17 An electron microscopy study had
was known to have a developmental abnormality of documented degenerative labral changes associated
his hip since early childhood. Radiographs revealed ev- with the aging process, and this is consistent with two
idence of a separate bone fragment within the femoral separate cadaveric studies that showed a 96% preva-
FIGURE 15.1. A 14-year-old girl with acute locking and catch- labrum is begun, revealing extensive exposed subchondral bone
ing of the right hip. (A) Anteroposterior radiograph demonstrates (asterisk) with full-thickness articular loss. (D) Debridement of
evidence of residual developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) of unstable articular fragments is performed with a basket. (E) Now
both hips and changes consistent with multiple previous os- viewing from the anterior portal, a stable articular edge has been
teotomies. Slight lateral joint space narrowing of the right hip is achieved (arrows), and microfracture is begun through the sub-
seen compared with the left. (B) Arthroscopic view from the an- chondral surface (asterisk) that still has a thin covering of fibrous
terolateral portal demonstrates an unstable entrapped anterior tissue. (F) With suction through the shaver, bleeding confirms
labrum (asterisk). (C) Debridement of the unstable portion of the vascular access through the areas of perforation.
FIGURE 15.3. A 37-year-old woman with recalcitrant right hip pain. (A)
Anteroposterior radiograph demonstrates moderate dysplasia with an 18-degree
CE angle. (B) Arthroscopy reveals a hypertrophic ligamentum teres (arrows).
(C) The degenerated hypertrophic portion of the ligament is debrided.
lence of labral lesions in specimens averaging 78 years ing) that are often a source of injury in younger
of age.18–20 joints. The mechanism of injury may be similar, but
As our population ages, there remains an em- the propensity for injury may be greater because of
phasis on maintaining an active lifestyle. Many in- underlying joint changes, and the recovery may be
dividuals wish to maintain the physical prowess of slower and less complete.
their youth and, for the more reasonably oriented, Arthroscopy has a role for many of the conditions
there are fitness programs designed specifically for that are encountered in older individuals, but ex-
aging bodies. There is also greater interest in con- pectations of success must be modified because of
tinuing to participate in competitive activities with underlying senile changes or arthritis. Age is not a
advancing age at both the professional and recre- contraindication to arthroscopy, but is a factor in
ational levels, which is reflected in the flourishing suspecting the presence of preexisting, subclinical
number of masters programs and senior events. degenerative disease. Several case examples illus-
Thus, the aging hip joint is subjected to many of trate the role and limitations of arthroscopy in an
the same forces (i.e., torsion, twisting, impact load- aging population.
FIGURE 15.4. A 74-year-old woman with recalcitrant left hip pain. demonstrates severe grade IV articular fragmentation of both the
(A) Anteroposterior radiograph is remarkable only for subtle joint acetabulum and femoral head, which is debrided.
space loss of the left compared with the right hip. (B) Arthroscopy
FIGURE 15.5. A 73-year-old man with acute-onset intractable hip pain. (A) An-
teroposterior radiograph reveals modest degenerate changes, but good joint space
preservation. (B) Viewing from the anterolateral portal, a large comminuted tear of
the anterior labrum (asterisk) is excised. (C) Accompanying areas of grade IV
articular fragmentation are debrided as well.
15. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Prevalence of self- 18. Tanabe H: Aging process of the acetabular labrum: an electron-
reported arthritis or chronic joint symptoms among adults– microscopic study. J Jpn Orthop Assoc 1991;65:18–25.
United States, 2001. JAMA 2002;288(24):3103–3104. 19. Seldes RM, Tan V, Hunt J, Katz M, Winiarsky R, Fitzgerald
16. AAOS Orthopaedic-Related Statistics. Rosemond, IL: Ameri- RH Jr: Anatomy, histologic features, and vascularity of the
can Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2000. adult acetabular labrum. Clin Orthop 2001;382:232–240.
17. Lecouvet FE, VandeBerg BC, Melghem J, et al: MR imaging of 20. McCarthy JC, Nobel PC, Schuck MR, Wright J, Lee J: The wa-
the acetabular labrum: variations in 200 asymptomatic hips. tershed labral lesion: its relationship to early arthritis of the
AJR Am J Roentgenol 1996;167:1025–1028. hip. J Arthroplasty 2001;16(8 suppl 1):81–87.
Complications Associated
with Hip Arthroscopy
J.W. Thomas Byrd
ccording to the Arthroscopy Association of In 1999, Griffin and Villar reported on the senior
North American’s Committee on Complica- author’s experience in a prospective study of 640 con-
tions, on reviewing almost 400,000 arthroscopic secutive procedures.5 They identified 10 complica-
procedures, the overall incidence of complications was tions with a 1.6% incidence, but none were major or
0.56%.1 However, this series represented predomi- long term; included were transient nerve palsies (3 sci-
nantly knees, followed by shoulders, ankles, elbows, atic; 1 femoral), 2 instrument breakages, and 1 each
and wrists. There were no hips in the population. of a small vaginal tear, persistent bleeding from a por-
In a previous review by this author of 1491 cases tal, portal hematoma, and trochanteric bursitis. They
of hip arthroscopy from several of the world’s leading found no correlation between the occurrence of com-
centers, a total of 20 complications were defined for plications and the stage of experience of the senior
an overall incidence of 1.34% (Table 16.1).2 The most surgeon.
common feature of these complications was that they In 2001, Sampson reviewed the combined experi-
usually occurred early in the surgeon’s experience, ence of himself and James Glick.6 They reported on
which reflects the learning curve associated with the 530 cases with 34 complications for an incidence of
developmental phase experienced by these pioneers in 6.4%. Among these, only 3 (0.5%) were thought to be
hip arthroscopy. significant and the rest (27) were transient. The com-
In 1992, Glick was the first to report specifically plications included 20 transient neuropraxias (10 peri-
on the complications associated with hip arthros- neal; 4 pudendal; 1 lateral femoral cutaneous; 1
copy.3 He described 9 complications among 60 cases femoral/sciatic; 4 sciatic), 9 fluid extravasations, 2 in-
for an overall incidence of 15%, including 8 neuro- strument breakages, 2 scuffings, and 1 avascular ne-
praxias (4 sciatic, 4 pudendal), of which 7 were tran- crosis (AVN) of the femoral head.
sient and 1 was lost to follow-up, and 1 instrument Among 412 consecutive cases prospectively as-
breakage. Additionally, there was an unrecorded num- sessed by this author, 6 complications were identified,
ber of articular scuffings that the author thought were representing a 1.46% incidence: 3 partial neuroprax-
due to inadequate distraction. Most of their compli- ias of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (2 transient,
cations occurred in the early phases of their experi- 1 permanent), 1 transient obturator neuropraxia, 1 area
ence, and the author believed that the development of of localized heterotopic ossification, and 1 possible
a custom distractor with better padding and position- deep vein thrombosis. Additionally, 1 patient felt that
ing of the extremity and use of a tensiometer would she simply was made worse as a consequence of the
reduce the likelihood of complications. procedure. There was no identifiable cause or expla-
In 1996, Funke and Munzinger reported on 3 com- nation, but this experience does reflect the potential
plications in 19 cases.4 These included a transient neu- deleterious effect of any operation.
ropraxia of the pudendal nerve, a hematoma of the
labia majora, and acute abdominal pain during a pro-
cedure performed under regional anesthesia. All prob- NEUROVASCULAR TRACTION INJURY
lems occurred early in their experience. The first 2
were attributed to poor positioning and insufficient Neuropraxia due to traction has been reported, most
padding of the perineal post, and the latter was commonly involving the sciatic nerve. Glick was the
thought to be due to irritation of the peritoneum from first to report four such cases, which he attributed to
extravasation of fluid. They believed these problems his early technique for performing the procedure.3
would be avoidable in the future by careful position- Later, Sampson reported on a larger series from this
ing and padding, use of general anesthesia for the pro- same center, observing that all neuropraxias were as-
cedure, and careful monitoring of the fluid pressure by sociated with prolonged traction times.6 He advocates
use of a fluid management system. that the traction time should be kept under 2 hours
TABLE 16.1. Complications Associated with 1491 Arthroscopic seling on the uncertain risk of exacerbating neuro-
Hip Procedures (Number in Parentheses). logic symptoms.
Transient pudendal nerve neuropraxia (5)
Permanent pudendal nerve neuropraxia (1)
Transient sciatic nerve neuropraxia (4)
Intraabdominal fluid extravasation (3)
Partial lateral femoral cutaneous nerve neuropraxia (2) NEUROVASCULAR STRUCTURES
Laceration of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (1)
Scrotal skin necrosis (1)
Femoral nerve palsy (1)
Injury to the sciatic nerve or femoral nerve or vessels
Instrument breakage (1) is a disastrous complication of hip arthroscopy. Evi-
Heterotopic ossification (1) dence from anatomic studies suggests that the struc-
tures are at a safe distance when proper technique in
portal placement is observed.7 The reported clinical
experiences also suggest that this is a relatively safe
and, if more prolonged surgery is necessary, the trac- technique. However, one femoral nerve palsy has been
tion should be intermittently released. Additionally, reported.2 This author is also aware of one anecdotal
the amount of traction should be gauged to the laxity case of laceration of the femoral nerve associated with
of the individual. Excessive traction on a loose joint arthroscopy of the hip. This further emphasizes that
can result in hyperelongation of the extremity and those embarking on this technique should know the
greater risk of neuropraxia. Villar has also reported anatomy and landmarks and be versed in proper por-
three sciatic neuropraxias.5 All three occurred on the tal placement.
same day, and he thought that this was probably due Although the femoral neurovascular structures and
to a technical error in application of the traction. Vil- the sciatic nerve should be safely away from the op-
lar and Sampson have each reported one femoral neu- erative field, the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
ropraxia as well. (LFCN) warrants special mention. The LFCN is al-
All reported traction neuropraxias were transient ways vulnerable to injury from the anterior portal.7
and the recovery was complete. However, this author One of its branches will invariably lie close to the por-
is anecdotally aware of two cases by different surgeons tal. It cannot be predictably avoided by significantly
in which the patients demonstrated evidence of sci- altering the position of the anterior portal. Anatomic
atic nerve damage that only partially recovered. In studies have shown that moving the portal more lat-
both cases, the traction time was well under 2 hours, erally does not avoid the nerve unless it is moved so
indicating that other factors may be involved in addi- far away as to encroach on the anterolateral portal.
tion to the duration of traction. Sufficient traction The nerve could actually be more readily avoided by
force is necessary to ensure adequate joint space sep- moving the portal medially; however, this is ill ad-
aration. Otherwise, there is greater risk of damage vised for reasons of increasing proximity to the more
from the instruments entering the joint. However, important femoral nerve and vessels.
care should be taken to use the least amount of trac- The LFCN can usually be avoided by using metic-
tion force necessary to achieve adequate distraction. ulous technique in portal placement. The nerve is es-
This author has not experienced any traction pecially vulnerable to laceration by a skin incision
neuropraxias. The greatest risk seems to be to the placed too deeply through the subcutaneous tissue.
sciatic nerve. Some authors advocate hip flexion to One case of laceration has been reported.8
relax the capsule, making distraction easier. How- Even with proper technique, neuropraxia of small
ever, this may place the sciatic nerve under greater branches of the LFCN can occur. This damage is most
stretch, increasing the risk of injury. We deliberately likely to occur when vigorous instrumentation of the
maintain the hip in extension or perhaps with only joint from the anterior position is necessary, such as
a few degrees (⬍10 degrees) of flexion. This practice when removing loose bodies too large to be brought
may explain why we have not observed any sciatic through a cannula. This author has observed three
neuropraxias. such cases (0.7% incidence); two were transient and
It is worthy to note, when considering the one resulted in a permanent small patch of reduced
amount of distraction of the hip (approximately 1 sensation in the lateral thigh. The LFCN has arborized
cm), that this proportionately represents a small at the level of the anterior portal so, if injury occurs,
change relative to the overall length of the sciatic it is to small branches involving only a limited por-
and femoral nerves. Perhaps some nerves are simply tion of the area of distribution of the LFCN.
more at risk for injury. However, currently there are The anterior portal is important for optimal visu-
no parameters by which to define this circumstance. alization and access to recesses of the hip joint. Thus,
Some patients with hip joint pathology may have it is prudent to include as part of the preoperative dis-
coexistent radicular or neurologic-type pain. For cussion with the patient the small possibility of a par-
these patients, it is especially prudent to offer coun- tial neuropraxia of the LFCN.
Most distraction systems use some type of device for
Hip arthroscopy is unique in that the forces needed to capturing the distal lower leg including the foot and
distract the joint for arthroscopy necessitate counter- ankle. It is important that these areas be well padded
traction provided by a perineal post. This requirement before the application of traction. There have been no
introduces the potential for compression injury to the reports of major pressure injuries, although patients
perineum and especially neuropraxia of the pudendal may occasionally describe aching in the foot or ankle
nerve. for a short period of time following the procedure.
Soft tissue pressure necrosis of the perineum has Sampson described 10 cases of transient peroneal neu-
been reported by Eriksson et al.8 This was an early ropraxia that was thought to be due to the early de-
experience and should be avoidable by proper velopment and evolution of their hip distractors in ad-
padding and careful positioning. Nonetheless, it dition to prolonged traction times. This author is also
does emphasize the potential consequences of the aware of one case of altered sensation in the saphe-
magnitude of distraction forces generated for this nous nerve distribution of the foot from a case per-
procedure. Funke and Munzinger reported a hema- formed on a standard fracture table.
toma of the labia majora that they attributed to poor Skeletal traction is not necessary for routine hip
positioning and insufficient padding of the perineal arthroscopy, although this author has used a distal
area.4 Griffin and Villar have also reported a small femoral traction pin in cases of ipsilateral total knee
vaginal tear that healed uneventfully, and they be- arthroplasty and ipsilateral tibial shaft fractures. The
lieved it was caused by excessive lateral force from morbidity of a skeletal traction pin is minimal but un-
the perineal bar.5 necessary for most cases.
Transient neuropraxia of the pudendal nerve is the This author is familiar with one case of deep in-
most common problem attributed to compression of fection at the pin site following skeletal traction used
the perineum. Glick reported this, especially in his for attempted arthroscopy. Interestingly, years later,
early experience before switching to a custom dis- this patient did undergo successful arthroscopy to ad-
tractor.3 This author encountered two such cases dress the hip lesion.
when first beginning to perform hip arthroscopy on an Occasionally, patients may present with ipsilat-
antiquated fracture table with a poorly devised, poorly eral cruciate ligament injury and hip joint pathol-
padded perineal post.9 This problem has been observed ogy. Most commonly, these are the result of previ-
once in more than 400 cases (0.2% incidence) per- ous motor vehicle accidents. This author has
formed on a newer table with a well-padded post. This performed hip arthroscopy using the standard dis-
case occurred after having performed more than 300 traction method in eight patients who have under-
procedures without incident. The patient was loose gone previous ipsilateral cruciate ligament recon-
jointed and did not require much distraction force. She struction without any untoward effects. However, it
had a simple labral tear that was debrided, and the pro- is recommended that the reconstructed knee liga-
cedure did not take very long. The patient was posi- ment be fully matured before hip arthroscopy. Al-
tioned by the senior author in the same manner used ternatively, a distal femoral traction pin may be ap-
for more than 400 cases. Thus, there were no factors propriate in conjunction with a recent ipsilateral
normally attributed to the development of a neuro- knee injury or reconstructive surgery.
praxia. Recovery, as in other cases, was complete
within a few weeks.
This author has also observed one case of transient FLUID EXTRAVASATION
dysesthesias in the medial thigh that resolved un-
eventfully. It was thought that this likely represented Glick was the first to report on the potentially seri-
a neuropraxia of the obturator nerve. This example il- ous complications associated with excessive fluid ex-
lustrates that although moving the perineal post lat- travasation, especially into the abdominal cavity.2 All
erally reduces the risk of compression against the pu- cases resolved without long-term sequelae, but one re-
dendal nerve, it does not eliminate all potential quired paracentesis and ventilatory support overnight.
compression problems. Sampson subsequently reported nine cases of intraab-
In general, proper padding and positioning are crit- dominal fluid extravasation.6 Contributing factors in-
ical to the safety of the procedure. The minimal trac- cluded long operative times, fresh acetabular fractures,
tion force necessary to achieve adequate distraction and extraarticular procedures such as iliopsoas tendon
should be employed, and the traction duration should release. They believed that switching to an outflow-
be kept as brief as possible. However, even when ob- dependent pump reduced the incidence of extravasa-
serving all these safety parameters, there is still a tion and the total amount of fluid necessary for per-
slight risk of some type of compression neuropraxia. forming arthroscopy. They emphasized that it is
important to pay attention to the amount of fluid that ported two such cases as serious complications.6 Re-
is being pumped in and how much is flowing out. alistically, iatrogenic intraarticular damage can occur
Bartlett et al. reported a case of cardiac arrest due to a varying degree in a number of cases.
to intraabdominal fluid extravasation through a cen- The dense surrounding soft tissue envelope and the
tral acetabular fracture.10 The patient was successfully constrained architecture of the joint limit the ma-
resuscitated, but this case further emphasizes the po- neuverability of instruments. The convex articular
tential magnitude of this serious complication. Funke surface of the femoral head is especially vulnerable to
and Munzinger also noted a case that had to be ter- injury, which may occur either during portal place-
minated due to severe lower abdominal pain that they ment or during subsequent maneuvering of instru-
believed was caused by irritation of the peritoneum ments in and out of the joint. Thus, a thoughtful ap-
from fluid leakage when the procedure was performed proach is necessary with every aspect of carrying out
under regional anesthesia. operative arthroscopy of the hip.
It is this author’s perspective that several points The labrum is also susceptible to damage during
become imperative when performing arthroscopy in portal placement. This is most likely to occur when
the presence of an acetabular fracture or when proce- trying to use a more cephalad position for penetrating
dures are performed outside of the confines of the hip the capsule to avoid the articular surface of the
capsule (i.e., excision of extracapsular fragments or il- femoral head. The labrum may be inadvertently pen-
iopsoas tendon release). First, the operation should be etrated, potentially resulting in significant damage
performed in an expeditious fashion. There is no need and uncertain long-term consequences.10
to rush, but steady progress should be made toward Minimizing joint damage begins with ensuring ad-
completion of the procedure. If difficulties are en- equate joint surface separation for introduction of the
countered and extravasation becomes a problem, it is instruments. Particular steps are necessary in placing
appropriate, if necessary, to terminate the procedure the initial portal for the arthroscope, including precise
rather than risk a potentially serious complication. positioning and liberal use of the C arm to avoid per-
Second, a high-flow fluid management system is es- forating the labrum or scuffing the femoral head.11
pecially helpful; this allows adequate flow without ne- Placement of subsequent portals is then facilitated by
cessitating excessive pressure, which potentiates ex- direct arthroscopic control as the cannulas enter the
travasation. Adequate flow is critical to maintaining joint. Also, during the course of the procedure, it is
good visualization, which is essential to completing prudent to directly visualize every entry and exit of
the procedure in a timely and effective manner. A the instruments.
gravity fluid system is suboptimal for this purpose be- It is this author’s practice to tell patients that any
cause flow and pressure are poorly modulated. Pumps, surgery is a violation of the joint. Arthroscopic sur-
although much better suited, are not infallible and gery is a much less invasive alternative to open pro-
thus the surgeon must be cognizant of pump function cedures. However, any time the joint is violated, there
and corresponding fluid egress. If fluid is being pumped is some risk of causing harm. Thus, the surgeon can
in, but a corresponding amount is not coming out, only try to be as careful as possible and be certain that
then fluid extravasation should be suspected. Also of the procedure is being performed for the right reason,
note: for acetabular fractures, it may be preferable to namely clinical circumstances that at least provide a
wait several weeks for the early healing response to good probability that there is some type of pathology
develop a fluid seal. that can potentially be addressed by the arthroscopic
Last, all the reported cases of intraabdominal fluid procedure.
extravasation have been performed in the lateral po-
sition. It is unclear whether there is a predilection to
this problem that is unique to the lateral position but, INSTRUMENT BREAKAGE
with this position, the intrapelvic and intraabdominal
cavity becomes a sink into which fluid can pool sim- The overall incidence of instrument failure in ar-
ply by the dependent flow of gravity. throscopy is reported as 0.1%. However, the risk of
instrument breakage in the hip is greater than with
other joints. As noted previously, the dense envelope
SCOPE TRAUMA and constrained joint architecture limit maneuver-
ability of the instruments and this increases the po-
The single most common complication, which is tential for breakage. Additionally, the extra-length in-
probably underreported, is scope trauma. Glick al- struments used in the hip create a longer lever arm
luded to this as a complication in an unrecorded num- and greater potential for excess torque or bending. It
ber of cases.3 He thought that this was most likely as- is essential that the surgeon use only sturdy instru-
cribed to inadequate traction, emphasizing the ments that can withstand the rigors imposed by the
importance of proper joint distraction. Sampson re- anatomy of the hip. Extra-length instruments designed
for other endoscopic procedures are often more deli- However, these reports are sporadic and infrequent,
cate and would easily be broken if improperly em- and there is no pattern to suggest that there is a causal
ployed for hip arthroscopy. relationship.
Villar and Sampson each reported two cases of in- Sampson reported the occurrence of AVN in one
strument breakage, representing a 0.3% and 0.4% in- patient who had undergone uneventful arthroscopy for
cidence, respectively.5,6 In one case, the broken frag- a labral tear incurred from a work-related injury.6 This
ment could not be retrieved but there were no author has observed a case of previously documented
untoward problems encountered due to the broken in- AVN that progressed following arthroscopy.2 A simi-
strument in any case. This author has not yet had an lar case has been observed by Villar as well.12 With
instrument break within the joint. However, it is not these sparse examples, it is uncertain whether these
infrequent that a shaver blade becomes inoperable be- cases simply represent the natural course of the dis-
cause of slight bending; this reflects the amount of ease, or whether the progression could have been pre-
torque that is delivered on the instruments in the hip cipitated by the arthroscopic intervention.
because bent blades are rarely encountered during ar-
throscopy of other joints.
VASCULAR INSULT TO This author has had experience with one case of het-
THE FEMORAL HEAD erotopic bone formation along the tract of the ante-
rior portal following hip arthroscopy (Figure 16.1).
It has been at least a theoretical concern that distrac- This patient had multiple loose bodies associated with
tion of the joint and distension with fluid could com- synovial osteochondromatosis. Most of the fragments
promise vascular flow to the femoral head. Anecdotal were removed via the anterior portal.
information is available regarding problems associated The patient underwent successful excision of the
with AVN in patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. heterotopic bone via a limited incision over the pal-
pable area of involvement. The radiographic appear- tion of his conditioning program and there were no fur-
ance and histology were both consistent with a local- ther ramifications. The principal prophylaxis against
ized area of heterotopic ossification. DVT is early mobilization. Additional maneuvers may
Heterotopic ossification is a well-recognized com- also be appropriate as advocated for other types of lower
plication associated with open hip surgery such as to- extremity arthroscopy.
tal hip arthroplasty.13 As with many complications,
while the risk associated with arthroscopy may be
small, the procedure is not immune. SOFT TISSUE DISORDERS
he evolution of hip arthroscopy has necessi- mended progression per his or her individual situa-
tated a progression in hip rehabilitation to tion. Through collaborative consultation with the
ensure optimal postsurgical results. Rehabili- physician concerning the specific patient cases, rea-
tative methodology and techniques commonly em- sonable goals and expectations can be formulated for
ployed after minimally invasive surgical techniques favorable outcomes.
for other joints, such as the knee, shoulder, elbow, and
ankle, have found application in the management of
hip disorders. Understanding and respecting basic ASSESSMENT
principles is always key to maintaining successful
outcomes with any technique. The physician’s history, examination, and diagnostic
Traditional issues in hip management focused on studies determine the patient’s diagnosis and progno-
three areas: (1) maintaining protective weight-bearing sis of surgical or nonsurgical treatment. The patient’s
status through gait training with hip fractures; (2) in- history and the clinical evaluation assist in deter-
struction in routine postoperative hip precautions fol- mining how the symptoms will respond to treatment.
lowing hip arthroplasty; and (3) instruction in modi- A course of presurgical treatment (prehab) may be in-
fication of their environment and activities of daily dicated in some hip cases to regain neuromotor con-
living for arthritic patients attempting to live with trol and decrease stresses to the joint. An appropriate
their symptoms. exercise program can, at times, help restore normal
Hip pain is a common orthopedic complaint. In- mechanics and minimize joint stresses to facilitate
juries of the hip and pelvis represent 5% to 6% of all healing. In other circumstances, it can buy time when
injuries incurred by adult athletes and 10% to 24% of a patient desires and the physician thinks it is bene-
those in child athletes.1 Certain activities have been ficial to delay operative intervention. Rehabilitation
found to have a higher incidence of hip pain. The oc- of a patient preoperatively when the need for surgery
currence of hip and pelvic injuries is especially com- has been confirmed better prepares patients psycho-
mon in ballet dancers (44%), soccer players (13%), and logically and physically for postsurgical recovery.
runners (11%).1 Pathomechanics of the hip and pelvis are viewed
Arthroscopic assessment defines the presence of as primarily reflecting the joint pathology and sec-
symptomatic hip pathology. Operative arthroscopy ondarily reflecting joint compensation. For example,
provides a less-invasive alternative to arthrotomy for for a patient with degenerative changes within the
some disorders and may offer definitive treatment for joint, the primary disorder is the antalgic gait caused
certain lesions of the labrum or articular surface.2 Al- by joint pain. Secondary dysfunction may ensue due
though the mechanical disorder can often be corrected to weakness of the gluteus medius, presenting as an
through surgery; the functional deficit must be cor- abductor lurch (Trendelenburg’s gait). Disorders of the
rected through rehabilitation.3 sacroiliac joint (S-I joint) and lumbar spine also be-
The goal of the rehabilitation plan is to reduce come considerations with chronic hip dysfunction be-
symptoms (modulate pain and inflammation) and im- cause of altered gait and weight-bearing mechanics
prove function (restore mobility, strength, proprio- (Figures 17.1, 17.2).
ception, and endurance). This goal is approached The hip allows multidirectional mobility (Figure
through a systematic progression dependent on the pa- 17.3). Most activities do not occur in a specific plane
tient’s status (pathology present) and functional needs. but require combinations of movement. Activities of
During the assessment process, it is important to de- daily living such as sitting, walking, stair climbing,
termine the patient’s level of understanding regarding running, and squatting all require different functional
the pathology and expectations of goals and the time ranges of motion. Common functional deficits include
frame for achieving them. Patient education is the pain with prolonged sitting; difficulty donning socks
foundation of the rehabilitation plan. The patient or shoes; inability to squat or sit on low surfaces; and
must comprehend the related precautions and recom- altered gait with a shortened stance phase, protraction
hip joint can tolerate a force of approximately 12 to
15 times body weight.6
The clinical assessment includes observation of gait
and basic functional transitional movements such as
sitting to standing to sitting, ascending and descend-
ing stairs, and balance activities. It also includes un-
derstanding the patient’s specific movement patterns
and what elicits the pain symptoms; balance testing;
assessment of involvement of the lumbar spine, pelvis,
sacroiliac joint, and knee; range of motion and muscle
testing; palpation; and special hip tests that may be in-
dicated for flexibility and differentiation.
Primary problems of symptomatic hip pathology
may involve the soft tissue encasing the joint, the sur-
rounding capsule, or the joint structure. The irritation
and inflammation of the musculotendinous struc-
tures, bursae, or joint capsule can result in concomi-
tant tendonitis, bursitis, or capsulitis. The ligaments of
the hip joint are susceptible to acute tearing and chronic
degeneration. Within the joint, labral or chondral in-
jury can be responsible for protracted hip symptoms.
Loose bodies and labral lesions are well-recognized in-
dications for arthroscopic surgery, which tends to pro-
duce gratifying results for properly selected patients.7
The acetabular labrum is a fibrocartilaginous rim
around the perimeter of the acetabulum and is trian-
gular in cross section. The labrum is thicker postero-
superiorly and thinner anteroinferiorly.8–11 The labrum
is attached to the osseous rim of the acetabulum and
blends with the transverse ligament at the margins of
the acetabular notch. The labrum deepens the ac-
etabulum and is thought to assist in the constraint of
the femoral head within the bony socket.12 Several
studies have described a thickening or hyperplasia of
the acetabular labrum in diseased states, expecially
FIGURE 17.1. With a painful hip, the stance phase of gait is short-
ened. Hip extension is avoided by keeping the joint in a slightly
developmental dysplasia of the hip.13–15 This finding
flexed position. This slight flexion creates a functional leg length supports the theory of the functional importance in
discrepancy with shortening on the involved side and may partially restraint of the femoral head within the acetabulum.12
create a lurch.
Free nerve endings and sensory organs have been
found in the superficial layers of the acetabular
labrum. It is believed that these free nerve endings
of the hip, and decreased hip extension on the involved contribute to nociceptive and proprioceptive mecha-
side. Normal gait uses multiplanar hip motion of 15 nisms.16 The acetabular labrum may also improve the
degrees of extension, 37 degrees of flexion, 7 degrees stability of the hip joint by maintaining a negative in-
of abduction, 5 degrees of adduction, 4 degrees of in- traarticular pressure.17
ternal rotation, and 9 degrees of external rotation4 (Fig- The clinical presentation of a patient with an ac-
ure 17.4). Ascending stairs requires the motion of a etabular labral tear is similar to the patient presenta-
normal walking pattern with additional 67 degrees of tion with a meniscal tear. The patient can complain
flexion and creates a force of three times body weight. of a sharp catching pain that is often associated with
Standing on one leg creates a force of two and one- a popping and a sensation of locking or giving way of
half times, while loads approaching eight times body the joint.15,18,19 Patients can have pain in the anterior
weight occur in the hip joint during jogging, with po- groin, anterior thigh, buttock, greater trochanter, and
tentially greater loads resulting from vigorous athletic medial knee. The reason for the variety in location of
competition5 (Figure 17.5). complaints of pain is that the sensory supply to the
These parameters must be considered when as- hip joint is 65% from the obturator nerve, so pain in
sessing sports injuries and the sport-specific demands this area is referred to the groin and the medial aspect
on return to competition. It is estimated that a healthy of the knee. Approximately 30% of the sensory dis-
FIGURE 17.2. An abductor lurch may occur as a compensatory mechanism to reduce the
forces across the joint. By shifting the torso over the involved hip, the center of gravity is
moved closer to the axis of the hip, shortening the lever arm moment and reducing compres-
sive joint forces.
Acetabular fossa
Fovea capitis Transverse
acetabular ligament
FIGURE 17.7. The six principal directions of movement are demonstrated for the right hip: (A) flexion; (B) extension; (C) abduction; (D)
adduction; (E) internal rotation; and (F) external rotation.
preoperative clinical findings with arthroscopic find- specific areas of concern and needs will be identified.
ings, McCarthy et al. found that a positive hip exten- The rehabilitative treatment plan after arthroscopic
sion test was correlated with an arthroscopic finding hip surgery depends on the pathology recognized and
of an acetabular labral tear (r ⫽ 0.676).20 the arthroscopic methods used. To achieve the over-
all goals for an individual patient, the clinician must
TREATMENT AND assess what instruction, monitoring, and equipment
REHABILITATION PROGRESSION are necessary and must gauge the intensiveness or ag-
gressiveness of the patients’s functional progression.
From the clinician’s subjective and objective assess- For example, a patient with significant degenerative
ment and the information provided by the physician, changes will have a slower recovery, dictated prima-
FIGURE 17.8. With the patient positioned prone, the hip is maxi-
mally extended 30 degrees.
FIGURE 17.10. (A, B) With the hip flexed 90 degrees, maximal in-
ternal and external rotation are recorded.
FIGURE 17.9. (A, B) Abduction and adduction are measured. Care FIGURE 17.11. A quick test of abduction is performed by asking the
is taken to avoid accessory movement by keeping the pelvis stable. patient to stand and spread his or her legs as far apart as possible.
FIGURE 17.12. Adduction is checked by asking the patient to al- FIGURE 17.14. Combined flexion and adduction are checked by al-
ternately cross his or her legs. ternately crossing one thigh over the other in a seated position.
FIGURE 17.16. The Thomas test allows more accurate quantifica- FIGURE 17.18. The Ober test assesses tightness of the iliotibial
tion of hip flexion. Accessory movement via pelvic tilt is elimi- band. With the patient positioned on his or her side, the hip is ex-
nated by maintaining the contralateral hip in maximal extension. tended and the knee flexed. Limitation of passive adduction is then
Flexion of the examined hip is then recorded. indicative of a tight iliotibial band.
home equipment. For a patient undergoing abrasion tured prehabilitation program that addresses impair-
arthroplasty, the rehabilitation process is much more ments such as pain, swelling, postural deviations,
deliberate, with a prolonged interval of protected compensated mobility, muscle length and muscle
weight bearing. During this time, the intensity of re- strength, decreased proprioception, and muscular and
habilitation is conservative and often may be accom- cardiovascular endurance. Hip pain may alter lum-
plished easily with an independent program and only bopelvic hip movement patterns that lead to impair-
occasional supervision. Conversely, an athlete with a ments of muscular balances and faulty mechanics. In
labral tear and otherwise healthy joint may be ex- other cases, a single comprehensive preoperative visit
pected to progress much more aggressively through for instruction, explanation, and demonstration of the
the protocol phases with the anticipation of regaining expected postoperative rehabilitation protocol is all
full function and return to sports. In this case, the clin- that is needed. The patient should be aware that the
ical environment, or at least access to a well-equipped rehabilitation responsibilities begin even before leav-
workout facility, is preferred. More clinical attention ing the outpatient area. Many of the initial exercises
is necessary to gauge the patient’s response and en- can be performed independently, but the patient
sure safe progression. should understand the importance of beginning iso-
Postoperative recovery actually begins with the metric contractions at the hip and ankle plantarflex-
preoperative educational process. This may be a struc- ion and dorsiflexion pumps to facilitate lower ex-
tremity circulation (Appendix A).
The patient’s weight-bearing status can vary de-
pending on the surgeon’s findings and procedure per-
formed. Typically, weight bearing is allowed as toler-
ated, and crutches are discontinued within the first
week. Although the discomfort associated with ar-
throscopy might be surprisingly little, there can still
be a significant amount of reflex inhibition and poor
muscle firing as a result of the combination of pene-
tration with the arthroscopic portals and the traction
applied during the procedure. The gluteus medius
muscle is a prime example of this. In a typical ar-
throscopic procedure the anterolateral and posterolat-
eral portals pass through this muscle. Clinically, it is
common for the patient to have a difficult time re-
gaining muscle tone and appropriate firing of this mus-
FIGURE 17.17. Conversely, the Thomas test can be used to check cle after surgery. This problem is analogous to the ef-
for a flexion contracture. The contralateral extremity is drawn max- fects of an arthroscopic knee surgery on the vastus
imally toward the chest. The examined hip is then extended. In-
ability to lay the leg flat on the table reflects a hip flexion con- medialis muscle. Functionally, this muscle is needed
tracture. to maintain a level pelvis during ambulation. Addi-
tionally, due to the short moment arm of the gluteus
medius, this muscle causes a large joint compression
force when it contracts during the single limb stance
phase of gait.5 In a patient with hip articular pathol-
ogy it is common to find inhibition of the gluteus
medius muscle as a result of pain. Consequently, as-
sistive devices are helpful to reestablish a normal gait
pattern and synchronous muscle activity. The most
effective method of neutralizing compressive forces
across the hip is to allow the patient to apply the
equivalent weight of the leg on the ground (Figure
17.19). Maintaining a true nonweight-bearing status
requires significant muscle force to suspend the ex-
tremity off the ground, thus generating considerable
dynamic compression across the joint as a result of
FIGURE 17.20. Gluteal isometrics may decrease overactivity of the
muscle contraction. Resting the weight of the leg on iliopsoas and provide a decrease in anterior hip pain.
the ground neutralizes this dynamic compressive ef-
fect of the muscles. Additionally, simple devices such
as insoles may help to relieve compressive stress for
some patients. tionally, isometric contraction of the antagonistic
Muscle-toning exercises are performed within the muscle group may inhibit spasms and promote pain
first week after surgery. These exercises require pro- relief. Gluteal isometrics may decrease overactivity of
gression dependent on the patient’s tolerance but the iliopsoas and provide a decrease in anterior hip
should not be overly aggressive. Isometric exercises pain (Figure 17.20) (Appendix B).
are the simplest and least likely to aggravate under- An aquatic program is often beneficial for allow-
lying joint symptoms: these include isometric sets for ing early return to exercise and can begin as soon as
the gluteals, quadriceps, hamstrings, adductor and ab- the portal sites have healed and the sutures have been
ductor muscle groups, and lower abdominals. Addi- removed. A pool program allows for earlier joint mo-
bilization and gentle strengthening in a reduced-
weight environment. The water buoyancy can provide
assistance to movement in all planes as safer resis-
tance with increased active exercises (Figure 17.21).
Gait activities can be progressed in waist-deep water
with minimized compression of the surgical site (Ap-
pendix C).
Active assisted range-of-motion exercises are begun
early. These are then progressed to active range of mo-
tion, gravity-assisted, and then to gravity-resisted ex-
ercises during the postoperative recovery. Exercises
FIGURE 17.19. Protected weight bearing allows gradual transfer- FIGURE 17.21. A water program allows for the progression of many
ence of weight to the affected extremity. exercises in a reduced-weight environment.
FIGURE 17.31. Used properly, a stationary bicycle can be useful to FIGURE 17.32. Performance on a NordicTrack or Elliptical
enhance smooth, fluid joint motion. The resistance is kept low. Ini- Crosstrainer is better tolerated by some than others. Both are ex-
tially, the seat is raised high, and then lowered as mobility im- cellent devices for gradually enhancing endurance and strength,
proves. maintaining low impact.
FIGURE 17.33. (A, B) Various uses of the Theraband can be devised for gentle hip abductor and extensor muscle strengthening.
n hip arthroscopy, the physician places great em- ronments. This approach requires that the patient and
phasis on patient selection, the surgical procedure, caregivers become actively involved in and responsi-
and the rehabilitation process after surgery. It is ble for the perioperative care.l The clinical nurse's
also important to provide the necessary nursing care preparation of the patient starts with the first visit to
to the patient during this time of disability and altered the orthopedic surgeon's office. This visit may be for
functional state. The role of the clinical nurse is mul- diagnostic purposes, or conservative measures for re-
tifaceted and is an integral part of the patient's peri- ducing the patient's discomfort may be rendered. The
operative experience. The nurse's role commences decision for surgery may be made at this time. It is
when the decision for surgery is made and continues important for the clinical nurse to establish an open
until recuperation and rehabilitation are complete and and trusting relationship with the patient and other
the surgeon releases the patient. Many of the clinical caregivers from the first encounter. It is through this
nurse's efforts are spent preparing the patient and the special relationship and unique interaction that the
patient's family for the postoperative period, ensuring foundation for the perioperative course is laid.
that their expectations are reasonable and appropriate The clinical nurse also provides continuity of care
and that they can adequately handle what is to come. through direct patient contact. Thus, there is one per-
The clinical nurse provides comprehensive care, son in the surgeon's office with whom the patient can
education, continuity, and support to patients under- feel comfortable conversing and asking questions. The
going hip arthroscopy. The nurse serves as a resource clinical nurse is there to help the patient and their
person, not only for the patients, but also for the sur- caregivers manage their anxiety and to provide infor-
geon, outpatient personnel, physical therapists, and mation regarding diagnoses, testing, surgery, and post-
other ancillary agencies. This role includes consulting operative recovery.
and collaborating with others to help increase the ef- It is important that the clinical nurse take a com-
fectiveness, efficiency, and safety of the care rendered prehensive systematic approach to the nursing care of
to the patient. The clinical nurse also serves as the the patient undergoing hip arthroscopy. The nurse
primary facilitator of communication among mem- must demonstrate an aptitude to foresee and discuss
bers of the health care team. care options including potential short-term and long-
As health care resources and patient needs become term consequences. The clinical nurse continually as-
more sophisticated, so must the skills of the person sesses, diagnoses, plans, intervenes, and evaluates the
to whom the patients and staff turn for assistance and patient's plan of care.
direction. To function most effectively in these mul-
tiple roles, the clinical nurse must be knowledgeable
of all aspects of hip arthroscopy including anatomy NURSING HEALTH HISTORY
and physical examination of the hip, the surgical pro-
cedure and its indications, expected outcomes, possi- The clinical nurse must spend enough time with the
ble complications, and the postoperative rehabilita- patient to obtain an adequate nursing health history.
tion process. This knowledge equips the nurse to This step is done on the patient's first visit to the sur-
provide the necessary nursing care and enables the im- geon's office. This history is a composition of subjec-
plementation of the nurse's roles of educator, practi- tive and objective data that will assist the nurse in
tioner, consultant, and collaborator. identifying nursing diagnoses and collaborative health
problems. Patients are often referred for this procedure
by their primary care physicians or other orthopedic
PREOPERATIVE CARE surgeons. They may already have received advice on
the role of hip arthroscopy that may or may not be en-
Outpatient surgery is routine for many surgical pro- tirely accurate. Perhaps of even greater significance,
cedures. It is advantageous because it reduces costs many patients are taking a more active role in their
and allows patients to recuperate in their own envi- health management and present to the physician's of-
fice with extensive information, usually obtained rephrase the patient's responses to clarify information
from the Internet. The accuracy of this information obtained.2
can be highly variable. The clinical nurse's role is to Several key points are important when interview-
assess how much information the patient has and help ing a patient. The first is to avoid being judgmental.
the patient decipher the information. This attitude puts the patient at ease and encourages
more specific information. It is important to use si-
lence to help patients organize their thoughts. It is
SUBJECTIVE DATA also helpful to provide answers to questions as they
arise during the interview. Avoid leading questions,
The nursing interview is a communication process rushing the patient, and performing other tasks while
that focuses on the patient's developmental, psycho- taking the history.2 By employing these principles dur-
logic, sociocultural, and spiritual responses that can ing the interview, the clinical nurse obtains informa-
be treated and supported with nursing and collabora- tion used in developing a plan of care and assists the
tive interventions. It is important for the nurse to be surgeon by providing information necessary for mak-
cognizant of the patient's comfort and anxiety levels, ing a diagnosis.
age, and current health status. These factors can in- While obtaining the patient's history, the clinical
fluence the patient's ability to fully participate in the nurse must be aware that many disorders can present
interview. as a painful hip, including problems of the lower back
The interview process has three phases. During the as well as visceral disorders, and that the patient may
introductory phase, the nurse and patient get to know describe hip pain that actually represents referred
each other. At this time, the nurse gives the patient symptoms. Once the problem has been localized to
a brief overview of the interview process and explains the hip area, a distinction must be made between in-
its purpose. The second phase is the working phase, traarticular and extraarticular symptoms.
in which the nurse begins to take the history. It is im- A few characteristic features may clue the exam-
portant that the nurse take cues from the patient, lis- iner to suspect an intraarticular hip problem. These
ten, and use critical thinking skills in interpreting and hallmarks include complaints of anterior, inguinal, or
validating the information received from the patient. medial thigh pain. Complaints of lateral hip pain or
The final phase of the interview process is the sum- posterior or buttock symptoms are more commonly
mary phase, in which the nurse verbally summarizes caused by extraarticular sources such as trochanteric
the information obtained to ensure accuracy and to bursitis, abductor muscle injury, or sciatica. A history
validate the problems and goals. Possible plans for of catching or popping of the hip may be related to in-
problem resolution are discussed with the patient dur- traarticular pathology, but these symptoms can also
ing the summary phase.2 occur with disorders outside the joint.
A few specific communication techniques can be Patients with intraarticular hip pathology com-
employed to facilitate the interview and ensure its monly complain of pain in their groin with activities.
efficiency. It is important for the nurse to ask open- Twisting maneuvers, such as turning to change di-
ended questions to obtain patient perceptions. These rection, are often more problematic than straight-
questions begin with "What," "Where," and "How," ahead walking. Inclines and ascending or descending
and are important because they encourage the pa- stairs are more likely to exacerbate symptoms. Char-
tient to use more than a one-word response. Close- acteristically, getting in and out of an automobile can
ended questions are also important to help obtain be difficult as it loads the hip in a flexed position while
facts and elicit specific information. This may help also twisting. Painful hip symptoms with intercourse
keep the patient from rambling. Offering the patient is often a problem and is often more likely to be spon-
a list of words to choose from may help obtain spe- taneously mentioned when the patient and inter-
cific answers while reducing the chance that pa- viewer are of the same gender. There may be difficulty
tients will perceive and try to provide an expected putting on shoes and socks, which often indicates re-
answer. For example, in reference to the quality of striction in rotational motion.
pain, the nurse might ask, "Is the pain dull, sharp,
mild, or stabbing?" In reference to the frequency,
Objective Data and Physical Examination
one might ask, "Does the pain occur daily, with or
without activity?" After the subjective information has been obtained,
When the nurse obtains data that digress from nor- the nurse can begin to explore the objective aspects of
mal, further exploration is necessary. These questions the patient's complaints. The surgeon may obtain this
are useful: "What alleviates or aggravates the prob- information, but it is important for the clinical nurse
lem?" "How long has it occurred?" "When does it oc- to understand the physical assessment process. This
cur?" "Was the onset gradual or sudden?" Through- procedure is discussed in detail in Chapter 3 and sum-
out the interview, it is important for the nurse to marized here.
Examination of the patient with a complaint of hip the lumbar spine, sacroiliac joints, ischium, iliac crest,
pain is straightforward but inclusive of the lumbar and the lateral hip around the greater trochanter, al-
spine and pelvis. Many patients present with a chief ways comparing the unaffected to the affected side and
complaint of hip pain but do not have an intraarticu- examining the unaffected hip first.
lar hip problem. Therefore, the examiner must first Crepitus may be felt as the hips are put through
consider extraarticular sources that could cause the range of motion. Manual muscle testing is a crude
patient's hip pain. Once the extraarticular sources are measure of hip function but may elicit symptoms lo-
ruled out, intraarticular sources of the patient's pain calized to a specific muscle injury. Resisted active
can be considered. range of motion may also reproduce joint symptoms.
Extraarticular sources of hip pain can be the lum- The affected hip may have restricted range of motion
bar spine, sacroiliac joint, or sciatic nerve. Strains of because of pain or a mechanical block such as a loose
certain muscles, such as the hip adductors or flexors, body.
can also imitate hip joint symptoms. When deep tendi- The most specific indicator for hip joint pain is log
nous involvement occurs, such as from the piriformis rolling of the patient's leg. This action moves only the
or iliopsoas tendon, it may be difficult to differentiate femoral head in relation to the acetabulum and the
these symptoms from mechanical hip symptoms. Al- surrounding capsule. The absence of pain on log
though uncommon, a femoral hernia also produces rolling does not preclude the hip as the source of
groin pain. symptoms, but the presence of pain with this ma-
Observation of the patient's gait pattern is mean- neuver greatly raises the suspicion of mechanical joint
ingful. The gait may be antalgic or possibly reveal an pathology.
abductor lurch, which reduces the forces generated Two maneuvers elicit pain with even subtle hip
across the hip. The patient may use an assistive de- pathology. These are the combination of forced flex-
vice such as a cane or crutches. It is important to note ion with internal rotation or abduction with external
the patient's base of support. While standing, the pa- rotation. The Patrick or Faber (flexion, abduction, ex-
tient may assume a slightly flexed position of the af- ternal rotation) test has been used to educe symptoms
fected hip. When seated the patient may slouch to from both the hip and sacroiliac joint. The distinction
avoid excessive hip flexion or lean to the uninvolved is usually based on the origin of the pain. An active
side with the hip in a slightly abducted, externally ro- straight leg raise often elicits symptoms. This ma-
tated position. neuver creates a force of several times body weight
It is important to inspect the patient's hips and across the articular surfaces and actually generates
lower extremities for any asymmetry, gross atrophy, more force than walking.
spinal malalignment, or pelvic obliquity that may be
fixed or associated with a gross leg length discrepancy.
Leg lengths are measured as a routine part of the ex- POSTOPERATIVE CARE
amination. Thigh circumference is recorded as this
may reflect the chronicity of the disease and may be By the time the patient arrives in the operating suite,
a rough indicator of the response to therapy. It is also the educational process should be complete and the
important to document range of motion of the affected patient prepared to handle the events that will follow.
hip compared with the unaffected hip. As discussed earlier, this educational process is best
It is helpful to ask the patient to use one finger to accomplished before the patient arrives at the hospi-
point to the area of most discomfort. This is a useful tal. Three salient features are important in the post-
way of determining the area of maximal involvement. operative care of the patient: pain control, wound care,
Intraarticular hip pathology usually has a component and activity level. It is important that these three as-
of anterior hip pain. The patient may also relate a sen- pects are understood by the patient and the caregivers.
sation of deep, lateral discomfort or posterior pain, but These concepts may be difficult to comprehend pre-
this is usually in conjunction with a significant ante- operatively but should be discussed.
rior component. Often, the patient demonstrates the It is helpful to provide written postoperative in-
C-sign in describing deep hip pain. This sign is char- structions for the patient and caregiver (see Appendix).
acterized by placing the index finger and thumb The instructions reiterate much of the information
around the hip, forming a C-shaped pattern over the that has been verbalized preoperatively and immedi-
area of involvement. The index finger rests in the groin ately postoperatively. Providing written discharge in-
area and the thumb rests over the posterior aspect of structions helps increase retention and understanding
the trochanter. of the information provided.3 The 1994 study by
Palpation is rarely helpful in determining intraar- Oberle et al.4 showed that timing of preoperative
ticular pathology, but it is important in the overall as- teaching is critical to retention and patient satisfac-
sessment of other sources of pain in the hip region, tion. Approximately 25 % of the patients in the study
such as trochanteric bursitis. The examiner palpates reported being given little or no information about
their surgery, even through nurses had provided in- prolonged discomfort or more intense pain. The rea-
formation during the perioperative period. This report sons for this should be explored by the clinician.
suggests that patients and their caregivers do not al- The use of ice (cryotherapy) has several beneficial
ways hear and understand the information being con- effects for tissues that have been injured, whether
veyed. Written postoperative discharge instructions from trauma or by surgery. When ice is applied im-
can serve as a reference once the patient has returned mediately after surgery, the body attempts to preserve
home. core heat by constricting superficial cutaneous ves-
sels, causing decreased capillary permeability and
hemorrhaging. This reaction therapeutically alters the
PAIN CONTROL physiologic response of the tissues to injury by re-
ducing inflammation, swelling, and pain.6
Postoperative pain is one of the greatest fears patients Ice may be most effective when used immediately
have about surgery and is often poorly addressed by after surgery. The ice bag can first be applied by the
physicians.5 This concern should be discussed preop- recovery room nurse. The patient should be instructed
eratively to allay apprehension. Patients expect some to apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes every 3 hours for the
postoperative pain or discomfort, but many are sur- first 24 hours and even for 2 to 3 days after surgery if
prised at the low intensity of pain they actually ex- it helps alleviate discomfort.
perience. Most patients describe postoperative pain as Cryotherapy is not without hazards. Cold should
a burning ache in the hip, but the severity depends on not be used for longer than 30 minutes with conven-
the pathology addressed. For example, a patient with tional methods (ice bags/packs) because of the poten-
loose bodies may find that the postoperative pain is tial for freezing the skin; this could result in frostnip
less than the discomfort experienced preoperatively. or frostbite. Nerve palsies can result from the appli-
Conversely, a patient undergoing an abrasion arthro- cation of cold to an extremity for longer than 30 min-
plasty for chondral damage may experience consider- utes, or when cold is improperly applied to vulnera-
ably more discomfort immediately after surgery. ble areas.7
It should be explained to the patient that there will Contraindications to cryotherapy include patients
be pain from the surgical procedure, but also some recovering from an epidural infusion or spinal block.
muscular soreness in the operative leg. This soreness Ice should not be used until full sensation has returned
is related to manipulation of the hip, the traction, and in both lower extremities. Cryotherapy should not be
distractive forces used during the arthroscopic proce- used at all in the patient with a suspected neuropa-
dure. Usually, there is soreness in the hip joint after thy, such as with diabetes, or on patients with a true
the acute surgical pain has abated. Soreness due to the hypersensitivity or allergy to cold.7
use of the perineal post for distraction is common with
some patients. They typically describe it as feeling like
they have ridden a horse and have soreness in their WOUND CARE
saddle area. Ankle soreness in the operative leg is re-
lated to the traction boot. It is reassuring for the pa- A bulky dressing is applied to the surgical site (Figure
tient to know that these various aches normally re- 18.1). This dressing is left in place until the first post-
solve in 5 to 7 days. operative day, allowing time for extravasated fluid
Narcotics or oral centrally acting medications, from surgery to be absorbed into the dressing. Usu-
such as hydrocodone (5 mg) or oxycodone (5 mg) with ally, this has subsided enough to remove the dressing
acetaminophen (500 mg) are prescribed for pain con- within the first 24 hours. The patient should be reas-
trol. Prescription pain medicine is generally used for sured that it is normal for the dressing to feel wet from
the first 4 to 5 days after surgery. By the end of the the irrigation fluid and that it may be blood tinged.
first postoperative week, most patients no longer need The patient should be aware that the surgeon will
narcotics to control pain. Patients should be reminded make three or four arthroscopy portals. Each of these
to take medications with food to prevent gastroin- portals will be closed with a single suture. Patients,
testinal discomfort. They should also be instructed to and even allied health professionals, are often sur-
refrain from driving or operating heavy machinery prised at the anatomic location of the portals. They
while medicated. envision them being located more cephalad (Figure
After narcotics are discontinued, alternative non- 18.2).
prescription medications such as acetaminophen, The portals are cleaned daily with hydrogen per-
ibuprofen, or other nonsteroidal antiinflammatories oxide and water. An adhesive bandage can then be ap-
may be useful to ameliorate discomfort. It is impor- plied until the sutures are removed. The patient may
tant to note that analgesics, possibly narcotics, may shower on the first postoperative day, taking care to
be needed when physical therapy is initiated or when keep water from running directly over the portals. If
performing exercises. Some patients may experience the portals show signs of adequate healing, the sutures
the hip. Often patients experience a honeymoon phase
during the first 3 to 4 weeks following surgery. They
are enthused by the way their hip feels, but they have
not yet resumed most of their normal daily activities.
As patients resume more normal activities, there will
always be some transiently increased soreness. If the
patient is not prepared for this, it can be an abrupt and
disheartening experience, shaking the patient's confi-
dence in the eventual recovery process. The nurse can
explain that it really takes a month to get over the ac-
tual surgical procedure. After that initial month, it can
take 3 to 4 months before patients may actually ap-
preciate the benefits of the surgery.
FIGURE 18.1. An absorbent dressing collects extravasated fluid Fatigue is one of the biggest considerations after
that leaks out through the portals. surgery.4 This can be related to several factors in-
cluding the anesthetic, analgesics, pain, or sleep dis-
ruption. The nurse should inform the patient that this
may be removed 3 to 5 days postoperatively and steri- effect generally dissipates after postoperative day 3 but
strips applied. can last as long as several weeks.
It takes approximately 7 to 10 days for the portals Physical therapy is usually initiated 2 days after sur-
to heal completely. During this time, showering is al- gery. The rehabilitation program for the postoperative
lowed, but the patient should avoid submersing the patient is individualized to the pathology addressed
operative hip in a bathtub, hot tub, or swimming pool. and the procedure performed. The primary focus of the
It is important to educate patients regarding the rehabilitation process is to reduce discomfort and im-
signs and symptoms of infection. They should be ad- prove function. A successful result after surgery is of-
vised to contact the nurse if they develop any redness ten dependent on a properly constructed rehabilitation
or drainage at the portal sites or if they develop a high program. This is an important concept to be relayed to
fever. the patient because there may often be a reluctance to
go to physical therapy. When the hip hurts, the idea of
exercise may not be appealing.
ACTIVITY LEVEL The most frequently asked question regarding ac-
tivity is "When can I drive?" General guidelines in-
The activity level prescribed after hip arthroscopy is clude the following two parameters: the patient must
variable, depending on the pathology found at the time have discontinued the use of narcotic analgesics and
of surgery and the surgeon's preference. Generally, an have regained adequate leg control to operate the ac-
assistive device such as crutches or a walker is rec- celerator and brake pedals or clutch.
ommended during the first week, with the patient It is important for the clinical nurse to remember
bearing weight as tolerated. A normal gait pattern usu- several things pertinent to the postoperative recuper-
ally returns within this time frame, but patients ation. Patients want and need to hear that they are do-
should be encouraged to use their assistive devices un-
til they see the physical therapist or return to the sur-
geon's office. Weight-bearing status may be more re-
stricted in certain cases such as abrasion arthroplasty
of the weight-bearing surface of the hip joint.
The patient will be most comfortable immediately
after surgery in a reclining or sitting position. The
most comfortable sleeping positions are usually
supine or on the nonoperative side with a pillow be-
tween the legs. Sleeping on the operative side does not
cause harm, but usually this is not comfortable until
4 or 5 days postoperatively.
Patients need to be reminded that it is easy for
them to overdo activities in the first few days after
surgery, and patients should be encouraged to limit
their activities. Once they feel like being up and
FIGURE 18.2. Inspection of the wound demonstrates the position
around, daily activities can be performed to tolerance, of the standard portals. These are placed lower than many patients
but they should be respectful of any discomfort felt in expect when conceptualizing the location of their hip joint.
ing well and are on schedule in their recovery. Patients cal nurse helps facilitate the patient's smooth transi-
are often impatient and may expect to recover more tion through this experience and serves as a vital re-
quickly than they actually do. Many prefer to have source person for other members of the health care
guidelines by which to gauge their progress. They team. The nurse is an educator, practitioner, consult-
want to know how other patients normally respond ant, and collaborator. By serving in this multifaceted
under the same circumstances.4 Remember that pa- role, the nurse helps ensure appropriate and efficient
tients often latch on to misinformation and often re- use of resources through close patient follow-up and
vert to this misinformation, despite the clinician's timely response to changes in the clinical circum-
best effort at education. Patients and their caregivers stance. Thus, the other members of the health care
may simply exhibit selective hearing or may forget to team, whether it is as the patient, caregiver, surgeon,
read postoperative instructions; therefore, frequent operating room personnel, or physical therapist, can
contact by telephone is one of the keys to the suc- better fulfill their respective roles.
cessful recovery of the hip arthroscopy patient.8 The
frequent contact between the clinical nurse and the
patient can have a positive effect on patient satisfac- References
tion and also provides a mechanism for feedback from
the patient and caregivers.3 1. Sutherland E: Day surgery: all in a day's work. Nurse Times
1991 ; 87(ll):26-30.
2. Weber J: Nurses' Handbook of Health Assessment. Philadel-
phia: Lippincott, 1988:1-7.
CONCLUSIONS 3. Dougherty J: Same-day surgery: the nurse's role. Orthop Nurs
1996 ; 15(4):15-18.
4. Oberle K, Allen M, Lynkowski P: Follow-up of same day sur-
Appropriate patient selection and education, skillful
gery patients. AORN J 1994 ; 59(5):1016-1025.
implementation of the surgical procedure, and a prop- 5. Stephenson ME: Discharge criteria in day surgery. J Adv Nurs
erly constructed rehabilitation program are all impor- 1990 ; 15(5):601-613.
tant factors in the success of hip arthroscopy. It is also 6. Knight KL: Cryotherapy. A m Fam Physician 1990 ; 23(3):141-
important that the patient's expectations are properly 144.
matched with the results anticipated by the surgeon. 7. McDowell JH, McFarland EG, Nalli BJ: Cryotherapy in the or-
thopaedic patient. Orthop Nurs 1994;13(5):21^30.
An optimal outcome is dependent on coordination 8. Burden N: Telephone follow-up of ambulatory surgery patients
of the perioperative care, from preoperative assess- following discharge is a nursing responsibility. J Post Anesth
ment through postoperative rehabilitation. The clini- Nurs 1992 ; 7(4):256-261.
• Crutches are used for comfort - weight bearing as tolerated. Patient can wean off crutches as
tolerated over first two weeks if not instructed by the physician to remain on them longer. Patient
may also stop crutches in the house, but continue use outside of the home until fully confident
on involved leg.
• Some patients may benefit from some gentle hip mobilization and distraction techniques (perform
these only if patient is able to tolerate and clinician feels comfortable in proper technique).
These include: 1. Straight plane distraction, force applied at distal lower leg.
2. Inferior glide with patient supine and hip and knee bent to 90°, force applied at
superior aspect of anterior thigh with movement inferiorly.
3. Gentle posterior glide with patient supine (hip and knee bent to 90°) with force
applied down through knee for posterior hip movement.
AVOID EARLY STRAIGHT LEG RAISES (especially with patients suffering from articular surface damage)
As early as week one - ifpatient is able to tolerate - gentle toning exercises can begin -patient must be pain
free and remain pain free throughout exercises.
1 . H I P A N D KNEE F L E X I O N / H E E L S L I D E S - Bend the knee
of your Involved leg by sliding your heel towards you as far as
possible. When you have reached the maximum bend, pause for a
few seconds, and then allow your leg to straighten back to the
starting position. Use your hands for assistance if needed. Repeat
times, times a day.
3 . I N T E R N A L R O T A T I O N / E X T E R N A L R O T A T I O N - "Log
Roll" your involved leg with an inward and outward stretch as
comfort allows. Repeat times, times a day.
1 0 . D O U B L E LEG B R I D G I N G - Lying on your back with your knees bent and your
feet resting on the floor, raise your hips into the air. Hold for a count of , then
lower. Repeat times, times a day.
Capsular ligaments (continued) Coxa irregularis, Legg-Calvé-Perthes developmental, 204, 209, 220–221,
anatomy of, 106, 107f, 108 disease-related, 206f, 208 222–224f
arthroscopic anatomy, 127 Coxa magna, Legg-Calvé-Perthes hypertrophic ligamentum teres
Capsule, anatomy of, 106, 107f disease-related, 206f, 208 associated with, 220, 221, 224f
arthroscopic anatomy, 126–127, Coxa saltans interna inverted labrum associated with,
126f, 127f anatomic basis of, 189, 190f, 191f 220, 221, 222f
Capsulitis, adhesive, 29–30, 30f arthroscopic iliopsoas release labral tears associated with,
Capsulorrhaphy treatment of, 189–191, 212–213, 213f
open, 27, 29 191–193f as ligamentum teres hypertrophy
thermal, 27–29, 28f clinical diagnosis of, 189 cause, 15, 16, 17f
Capsulotomy, 163 imaging of, 189
C-arm fluoroscope, 131, 135f, 138f, postoperative treatment of, 191, 193 E
139f, 147f results of, 193 Ehlers-Danos syndrome, 164, 167
Cellulitis, differentiated from Cross trainers, 249f, 250 Elderly patients, 221, 224–227
osteomyelitis, 54 C-sign, 43, 43f, 198, 254 hip fractures in, 61–62
Chick fracture table, 129, 132f Cystoscopes, 1 Endometriosis, 86, 96–97
Children, hip arthroscopy in, 204–219 Cysts Eriksson, Ejnar, 3
diagnostic accuracy of, 206–207 iliopectineal, 177, 178
history and physical examination labral, 176, 177, 178 F
prior to, 207–208 posterior paralabral, 61f Faber test, 45, 45f
indications for, 204, 205f, 211t subchondral, 58–59 Femoral anteversion, 105f, 106
safety of, 205–206 Femoral arteries, 109, 109f
in specific conditions, 208–211 D anatomy of, 103–104, 104f, 105f
Chondral flap lesions, 14, 15f Day, Brian, 4 Femoral head
Chondral injuries, in athletes, 14, Debridement arthroscopic anatomy of, 118,
15f, 196, 201, 202f as insecticide-related synovitis 118f
Chondral lesions, nontraction hip treatment, 22, 24f avascular necrosis/osteonecrosis of,
arthroplasty treatment of, 178 of knee, 17–18 25–26, 26f, 27f, 33, 108–109,
Chondromalacia of labral tears, 29, 30f 233
of acetabulum, 217f of labrum, 11, 12, 176 imaging of, 56–58, 57f
of femoral head, 217f as developmental dysplasia of the ligamentum teres debridement-
focal, greater trochanter trauma- hip treatment, 220, 222f related, 220
related, 14 of ligamentum teres, 14, 15–16, in chondral injuries, 14, 15f
Chondromas 16f, 17f chondromalacia of, 217f
recurrence of, 181 as developmental dysplasia of the loose bodies within, 221, 223f
removal of, from central and hip treatment, 220 medial, osteoarthritis of, 10, 20f
peripheral hip compartments, as rupture treatment, 14, 15–16, normal development of, 117
179–180, 180f, 181–184, 16f, 17f, 160, 164f occult injuries of, 61, 62f
181–184f of osteoarthritis, 16–19, 20 subchondral fractures of, 57
Chondromatosis, synovial, 20–21 protocol for, 259 with unstable Osteochondritis
of central and peripheral hip of synovial disease, 162–163, 165f dissecans, 218f
compartments, 178–184, Deep gluteal syndrome, 78 vascular supply to, 108–109, 109f
179–180f, 181–183f Dermatome L3, 42f, 43 Femoral neck
in children, 210 Distraction, 1 fractures of
imaging of, 66, 67f optimal vector for, 146f occult, 62f
loose bodies associated with, 6, 8, Distraction techniques, 246, 246f stress, 63, 64f, 78t, 204
20–21, 23f, 177 Distractors, 129, 131, 132f, 133f osteoid osteoma of, 66, 67f
phases of, 20 Dorfmann, Henri, 4 Femoral nerve
Chondroplasty, 160 Dyspareunia, 37 hip arthroscopy-related injury to,
Circumflex femoral arteries Dysplasia, of the hip 230
anatomy of, 103–104, 104f, 105f acetabular as referred pain source, 237, 239
within synovial folds, 174 articular degeneration associated Femoral rami, stress fractures of, 78t
Closed-chain activities, 249f, 250 with, 14 Femoroacetabular impingement, 24
Collimation, pinhole, 54 hypertrophic labrum associated Flexibility exercises, as adductor
Computed arthrography, 53–54 with, 155–156 strain-related groin pain
Computed tomography (CT), inverted labrum associated with, treatment, 76f
diagnostic applications of, 11 Flexion, measurement of, 238f, 240,
51–52, 67, 177 labral pathology associated with, 243f
Core stabilization, postoperative, 49, 49f Fluid extravasation, hip arthroscopy-
247–248, 248f radiographic findings in, 49f related, 157, 231–232
Coxa breva, Legg-Calvé-Perthes ruptured labrum associated with, Fluoroscopic hip injection technique,
disease-related, 206f, 208 122–123 55f, 56
Fluoroscopy, use in nontraction hip normal development of, 117–118 diagnostic round examination in,
arthroscopy, 173, 173f rotational motion measurement of, 173–176, 175f, 178–181,
Forced flexion tests, 45, 46f 40, 41f, 42 179–181f
Fracture tables, 129, 132f, 146, 148f Hip arthroscopy indications for, 176–178
complications of, 229–235, 230t in labral lesions, 178
G compression injury to the loose bodies detection with, 174,
Gait abnormalities, hip pathology- perineum, 231 177
related, 236–237, 237f, 238f direct trauma to neurovascular loose bodies removal with,
Gait analysis, 37, 38f, 39f structures, 230 184–186f, 184–187
Gilmore’s groin, 87 fluid extravasation, 157, operating room setup for,
Glick, James, 3, 4, 4f 231–232 170–171, 171f
Glick Hip Set, 129, 133f heterotopic ossification, 233–234, operative technique in, 170–173,
Greater trochanter 233f 172–173, 172f, 173f, 174f
as arthroscopic landmark, 100, 101f infection, 234 patient positioning in, 171, 172,
falls-related injuries to, 196, 196f instrument breakage-related, 174f
lateral impact injuries to, 196, 232–233 in septic arthritis, 177–178
196f neurovascular traction injury, in synovial chondromatosis,
traumatic injuries to, 14, 15f 229–230 178–184, 179–180f, 181–183f
Groin pain scope trauma, 232 in synovial disease, 177
adductor strain-related, 74t, 75 soft-tissue disorders, 234 in unclear hip pain, 177
athletica pubalgia-related, 86–96 thrombophlebitis, 234 Hip fractures
C-sign in, 43, 43f traction fixation devices-related, in the elderly, 61–62
differential diagnosis of, 73, 76, 96 231 imaging of, 60–62, 62f
pathoanatomic zone approach in, vascular insult to the femoral incomplete intertrochanteric,
76–77, 78t head, 233 61–62
labral tear-related, 237 contraindications to, 33 Hip instability, 164, 167, 167f
muscle insertion points involved history of, 1–5 thermal capsulorrhaphy treatment
in, 87, 88f indications for, 6–33, 7t, 195 of, 27–29, 28f
obturator nerve entrapment-related, adhesive capsulitis, 29–30, 30f Hip pain
83–86, 84f association with open in children, 204
osteitis pubis-related, 70–77, 73f, procedures, 33 diagnosis of, with anesthetic
74f, 76f, 77f avascular necrosis of the femoral injections, 49–50, 54, 55f, 56
in women, 86, 96–97 head, 25–26, 26f, 27f extraarticular, 70–99
Groin pull, 86 chondral injuries, 14, 15f athletic pubalgia-related, 86–96,
Gross, Richard, 2 degenerative arthritis, 16–19, 17f, 96–97
18f, 19f, 20f differentiated from intraarticular
H disruption of the ligamentum hip pain, 49–50, 54, 56, 253,
Hamstring syndrome, as groin pain teres, 14–16, 16f 254
cause, 96 hip instability, 27–29, 28f obturator nerve entrapment-
Hawkins, Richard, 4 impinging osteophytes, 22, related, 83–86, 84f
Hernia 24–25, 25f osteitis pubis-related, 70–77, 73f,
as groin pain cause, 73, 87–88, 89 labral tears, 8–14, 13f 74t, 76f, 77f
occult femoral, 36 loose bodies, 6–8, 7f, 8f, 9f piriformis syndrome-related,
sports, 73, 89 sepsis, 30–31, 31f 77–83, 80f, 82f
Hernia repair, as athletic pubalgia status after total hip in women, 86, 96–97
treatment, 90–91 arthroplasty, 31–32, 32f imaging evaluation of, 51–56,
Hilton’s law, 42–43 synovial disease, 19–22, 22f, 23f 52–56f
Hip unresolved hip pain, 32–33 intraarticular, 97
aging-related changes in, 221 postoperative care following, 254, differentiated from extraarticular
anatomy of, 100–109, 238f 255, 255f hip pain, 49–50, 54, 56, 253,
arthroscopic anatomy, 117–128 without traction, 170–188 254
capsular and joint architecture, anterolateral portal in, 171, prevalence of, 36
104–108, 105–108f 172–173, 172f nontraction arthroscopic evaluation
musculature, 100–103, 102f arthroscopic compartments in, of, 177
neurovascular, 103–104, 103f, 170, 171f synovial disease-related, 20
104f capsule distention in, 171–172 unresolved, arthroscopic diagnosis
topographic, 100, 101f in children and adolescents, of, 32–33
vascular supply to the femoral 176–177 Hip popping/clicking
head, 108–109, 109f in chondral lesions, 178 chondral flap lesion-related, 14
arthroscopic compartments of, 170 combined with hip arthroscopy evaluation of, 36
functional movement directions of, with traction, 172, 177 during physical examination, 47
236, 238f, 240, 241f contraindications to, 178 snapping hip syndrome-related, 189
Holgersson, Svante, 2 arthroscopy-related damage to, 121 pump system in, 136
Hughston, Jack, 32 portal placement-related, 232 traction in, 129, 131, 132f, 135
Hyperparathyroidism, 74 average width of, 121 Lateral circumflex femoral artery,
cysts of, 176, 177, 178 anatomic relationship to
I debridement of, 11, 12, 176 anterior portal, 111, 112f, 113f
Ide, T., 4 as developmental hip dysplasia Lateral femoral cutaneous artery,
Iliac spine treatment, 220, 222f anatomic relationship to
as arthroscopic landmark, 100, 101f detachment of, 11–12, 12f, 13f, 14f anterior portal, 110, 112f
avulsion fracture of, 164, 166f hypertrophic, 155–156 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Iliopectineal fold, 174 imaging of, 53–54, 58, 59–60, 60f, entrapment of, 78t
Iliopsoas tendon release, as coxa 61f hip arthroscopy-related injury to,
saltans interna treatment inverted 230
operative technique in, 189–191, acetabular dysplasia-associated, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, 6, 7–8, 8f,
191–193f 11, 49, 49f 49, 204
postoperative treatment of, 191, developmental dysplasia of the labral hypervascularity in, 121
193 hip-associated, 220, 221, 222f late sequelae of, 206f
results of, 193 as osteoarthritis cause, 18–19, Leg-length discrepancy, 237f
with trifurcated iliopsoas tendon, 18f, 19f, 21f, 160, 163f Leg-length measurement, 37, 39, 39f
191, 194f in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, 121 Leg lowering exercise, bilateral, 95f
Iliopsoas tendon snapping syndrome, in nontraction hip arthroscopy, Lichtleiter, 1
1, 47, 64–65, 65f 170, 178 Ligament of Bigelow, 106, 107f
Iliotibial band syndrome, as groin normal development of, 117 Ligamentum teres
pain cause, 96 tears of, 8–14 acute intraarticular hemorrhage of,
Ilium bone, 104, 106f acetabular, 214, 216f 126
Imaging, of the hip. See also specific adhesive capsulitis-associated, anatomy of, 108, 108f
imaging modalities 29–30 arthroscopic anatomy, 118,
in adults, 51–69 in adolescents and children, 205t, 124–125, 124f
diagnostic imaging modalities 212–214, 213f, 214f, 215–217f degenerative, 60
and procedures, 51–56, 52–56f arthroscopic debridement of, in developmental dysplasia of the
hip pathology imaging, 56–68, 158–160, 162f, 163f hip, 220
57–68f in athletes, 12, 13f, 14, 195, 196, function of, 14
Infection 197f, 198–199, 199f hypertrophic, 220, 221, 224f
as hip arthroscopy bucket-handle-type, 214, 215f imaging of, 60, 61f
contraindication, 33 classification of, 11, 122–124 injuries to, arthroscopic
hip arthroscopy-related, 234 debridement of, 29, 30f, 215f visualization of, 125–126, 125f
Innominate bone, 104 developmental hip dysplasia- normal, 53f, 60
Insecticides, as synovitis cause, 22, associated, 212–213, 213f normal development of, 117–118
24f in elderly patients, 225f, 226–227 sports-related injuries to, 195, 197,
Instruments, breakage of, 232–233 imaging of, 59–60, 60f, 198–199, 197t, 201, 202f
Ischiofemoral ligament, 106, 107f 199f tears of, 14–16, 16f, 17f
Ischium bone location of, 123–124 in athletes, 195, 197, 197t, 201,
anatomy of, 104, 106f morphology of, 122f, 123, 123f 202f
as arthroscopic landmark, 100, 101f pain associated with, 237, 239 debridement of, 160, 164f
pathomechanics of, 9–12 imaging of, 60, 61f
J unstable subluxing, 123, 124f Log roll test, 45, 46f
Jackson table, 129, 133f vacuum force of, 170 Loose bodies
Johnson, Lanny, 3, 4f Lasegue’s sign, 78, 79 in adolescents, 212
Lateral approach, in hip arthroscopy, within anterior neck area, 174
K 129–144 in athletes, 201, 202f
Knee, arthroscopic debridement of, anesthesia in, 129 calcified, 179
17–18 arthroscopic tower in, 136–137, computed tomography of, 51–52
137f donor site of, 212f
L arthroscopic visual sweep in, in elderly patients, 226f, 227
Labral cleft, 12, 12f, 156, 159f 141–144, 141f, 142f, 143f within femoral head, 221, 223f
Labral groove, 121, 121f instruments in, 136, 136f, 137f within femoral medial neck area,
Labrum operating room layout in, 134f, 174
aging-related changes in, 221, 224 135–137, 136f, 137f nontraction arthroscopic detection
anatomy of, 10, 10f, 11f, 59, 106 operative procedure in, 137–141, of, 174, 177
arthroscopic, 118, 118f, 120–121, 138–140f within peripheral hip
120f patient positioning in, 129–131, compartment, 179, 180,
normal variants of, 155–156 130f, 135f 184–186f, 184–187
Loose bodies (continued) ligamentum teres debridement- suppurative, differentiated from
within posterior gutter, 126f related, 220 osteitis pubis, 73–74
as posttraumatic intraarticular Nerve entrapment syndromes, as Osteonecrosis. See also Necrosis,
fragments, 6–8, 7f, 8f groin pain cause, 73 avascular
recurrence of, 8 Neuropathy, obturator, 83–86, 84f differentiated from osteoporosis,
removal of, 6–8, 157–158, 161f, Neuropraxia 57–58
177, 178 compression perineal, 231 loose bodies associated with, 8
in adolescents, 212, 212f traction-related, 145, 229–230 Osteophytes
synovial chondromatosis-related, 6, Neurovascular structures, anatomy acetabular, 119, 119f
8, 20–21, 21, 23f of, 103–104, 104f impinging, 163–164, 166f
Nuclear scintigraphy, 54 in athletes, 201, 202f
M Nursing care, 252–266 removal of, 22, 24–25, 25f
Magnetic computed tomography, for Osteoporosis
hip pain evaluation, 177 O differentiated from osteonecrosis,
Magnetic resonance arthrography Ober test, 244f 57–58
(MRA), 50, 53–54, 58–59, 59f, Obesity, as arthroscopy transient, imaging of, 63, 64f
67–68 contraindication, 33
with bupivicaine injections, 50 Obturator nerve P
for hip pain evaluation, 177 anatomy of, 83–84 Pace’s sign, 79
of labral pathology, 59–60, 60f, 61f entrapment of, 83–86, 84f Pain management, postoperative, 255
of labral tears, 12, 12f One-finger rule, 42, 42f Palpation, 43, 43f, 45
of normal hip anatomy, 53, 53f Open procedures, arthroscopy in Parisien, Serge, 4
of sports-related labral lesions, conjunction with, 33 Patient history, 36–37, 37t
198–199 Ossification, heterotopic, 210–211, Patrick test, 45, 45f
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 233–234, 233f Pelvis
of athletic pubalgia, 88–89, 90 Osteitis pubis, 70–77, 73f, 74t, 76f, 77f anatomy of, 87
of chondromatosis, 179–180, 179f clinical presentation of, 72–73 radiographic visualization of,
for hip pain evaluation, 52–53 differential diagnosis of, 73–74, 74f 47–48, 48f
of iliopsoas bursitis, 65, 65f etiology of, 71–72 stress fractures of, 63
of labral pathology, 59 as groin pain cause, 96 traumatic injury to, imaging of, 60
of labral tears, 12, 13f treatment of, 75–77, 77f Perilabral sulcus, 121, 121f
of occult hip injuries, 61, 62f Osteoarthritis, 16–19 Perineum, compression injury to, 231
of osteitis pubis, 72 arthroscopic findings in, 119–121 Physeal scars, 156, 159f
of osteoarthritis, 58 chondral lesions associated with, Physical examination, 36–50,
of osteonecrosis, 56–58, 57f 178 253–254
protocols in, 52–53 debridement of, 16–19, 20 inspection in, 38–39f
of septic bursitis, 65–66, 65f differentiated from piriformis measurements in, 37, 39–42
of soft-tissue injuries, 62–63 syndrome, 81 leg length, 37, 39, 39f
of sports-related labral lesions, as hip pain cause, 226, 226f, 227 rotational motion of the hip, 40,
198–199, 199f, 202 imaging of, 58–59, 58f, 59f 41f, 42
of synovial chondromatosis, 66 inverted labrum-related, 11, 18–19, thigh circumference, 39, 40f
of transient osteoporosis, 63, 64f 18f, 19f, 21f, 160, 163f Thomas test, 39, 40f
Mayo stand, 137, 138f ligamentum teres rupture muscle strength testing in, 44f, 45
McCarthy, Joe, 4 associated with, 16, 17f patient history in, 36–37, 37t
Mechanical hip disorders, evaluation primary, 58 radiography in, 47–50, 48–49f
of, 36–37 radiographic findings in, 225f, 226, special tests in, 45, 46f, 47
Metastatic disease, 66, 66f 226f symptom localization in, 42–45,
Microfractures, 160 secondary, 58 42f, 43f
Muscle-strength testing, 44f, 45, 240 total hip replacement treatment of, Pilates exercises, 248, 248f, 250
Muscle-toning exercises, 245, 245f 16–17, 20 Piriformis muscle, anatomic
Musculature, of the hip, 100–103, 102f Osteochondritis dissecans relationship to sciatic nerve,
Musculoskeletal disorders Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease-related, 78, 79, 80f
evaluation of, 36 206f, 208 Piriformis syndrome, 77–83
as hip or groin pain cause, 96 in pediatric patients, 216, 216f, clinical presentation of, 79–81
Myositis ossificans, as groin pain 217f, 218f differential diagnosis of, 81
cause, 96 Osteodystrophy, renal, 74 etiology of, 78–79
Osteoid osteoma, of the femoral as groin pain cause, 96
N neck, 66, 67f treatment of, 81–83, 82f
Necrosis, avascular, of the femoral Osteomyelitis Piriformis tendon, anatomic
head, 25–26, 26f, 27f, 33, in children and adolescents, 204 relationship to posterolateral
108–109, 233 differentiated from cellulitis, 54 portal, 113, 115f