Intelligence Measure As A Grade

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Intelligence as measure of grades

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Execution Summary:

The purpose of this report is to evaluate nexus between grades and Intelligence. Both are
opposite schools of thought, in spite they are connected at some points. Grades refer to your
academic achievements and success while intelligence is observing with prism which everyone
hasn’t. For this purpose a survey was conducted in university. Its result indicates majority
opinioned that grades doesn't reflect your intelligence. Grades are reflection of your commitment
and devotion to work, while Intelligence is your insightfulness, decisive power, power to choose
path in life and changing self according to circumstances.


Section I………………………………………………………….

Execution Summary..………………………………… ……….…...4

Introduction …………………………………………………......... 4

Statement of problem………………………………………………4

Background information……………………………………………5

Literature review……………………………………………………6

Method of the study………………………………………………...7

Significant of study…………………………………………………7

Limitations of study…………………………………………………7

Section 2………………… …… ……… ……………..…………….8

Results…………………… ………………...………………………8







Grades as measure of intelligence

Grades and intelligence are two contrary perspectives. Grades the act of classifying something on
a scale by quality, rank, size. It concerns your proficiency in producing output, while Intelligence
consists of cognitive skills or abilities including abstract thinking and reasoning, problem
solving, ability to learn from experience and adapt to changing environment.
There is a quotation
“if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
This is the same case; we have devised parameters to judge people’s skills and abilities. Grades
concern what you learn in class and reproduce on paper sheet, it is introvert approach. It views
things as they are narrated and prescribed. it is passage of transition from one level to another.

Statement of the Problem:

Purpose of my report is to determine how grading system has affected intelligence. Grades and
intelligence are two divergent perspective of life, which often misleadingly are syndicated. In
effort to seek grade to transfer next class, we undermine our intelligence. We are encouraged to
produce what is beneficial not what we want.
Research is made on multiple scales to evaluate factors influencing student perceptions of
academic grading. Students’ substantiated conceptualization of grading that effort should be
weighted more as compare to actual performance in composition of a grade.
Students comprehended professors as faulty when they are not able to perceive students qualities
and give them due regard. They are graded on the basis of what they produce on paper, best suit
to teacher, not on what they really what to write or what they real understanding of topic is.
Motivation plays important role in person’s grades. But difference lies in types of motivation. A
student with mastery oriented motivation approaches class with zeal and zest and takes interest in
lesson .He encapsulates all ideas and everything related available. On the other hand, a student
with performance oriented arrives just for grades and attendance concern
Students should try to focus on developing habits of critical thinking and problem solving rather
than just memorizing information for test.

A transcript only shows a student's motivation, but that also dimension oriented, dedication and
work ethic — not their personality, humor, work or life experiences. While grades still matter
and students should strive to get a 4.0, we need to stop weighing our intelligence through grades
and instead recognize that intelligence comes in all forms.

Background Information:
The purpose of education is to develop in students’ abilities and desires to learn, grow and think.
It inculcates in them qualities which show them difference between right and wrong, true and
false, darkness and light. Martin Luther King, once said in his speech on importance of education
“The function of education is to teach one intensively
And to think critically. Intelligence plus character-that is
Goal of true education”
Educational history goes back to birth of man, when man started living his needs aggrandized
.when he countered with nature and animals, he thought to preserve himself. As much
enhancement happened in his need, as he thought to modernize himself .So these instances show
sufferings lead to more use of mental capabilities.
But problem occurred at a point when purpose of education was altered. Now education is no
more name of developing habit of critical thinking and experience but yearly activity of moving
one step forward regardless what is our dimensions, what we want and what’s its purpose.
A research conducted by university of Toronto on topic “Some relationships between
intelligence and achievements in the public school.” Intelligence has been supposed to be
measured by National intelligence test while achievements depicted by school grades.
Competition was organized between grade II and VI. Out of 540 students, half were among
grade II and half from grade VI. Astoundingly, in result first three toppers were from grade II.
This shocked their entire university. How grade II students can secure so good marks, in their
childhood, as compare of adult grade VI students.
There is a famous Proverb
“Grades does not measure intelligence
And age does not define maturity”.

Literature Review:

A Research conducted by Department of psychology University College London. This research

is conducted to inquire effects of personality trait and intelligence on school grades. One’s

personality also matters how much is he expert in accumulating and processing data. Because
processing and evaluation about data comes under paraphernalia of Intelligence not Grades.
Chamorro premuzic noted how IQ scores predict school success 7 to 12 year around old around
r=55, but drop to r=45 for secondary school (14-18 years), but dropped to r=40 in university,
while it further dropped to r=30 in postgraduate span of study. The power of cognitive ability test
deprecates as formal education proceeds from higher education.
Similarly in a study conducted of 175 American students, examined over period of 5 year,
Lounsbur, Sundstorm, Loveland and Gibson (2003) founded intelligence matters just 16% in
your entire academic course of life. We are habitual of observing and porting thing from one
direction not from other. We learn just to pass through examination not to use this knowledge in
practical life.
Intelligence is a term used relatively; it is considered a predetermined and inborn quality of man
while low grades are attributed with poor performance and lack of abilities.As it is said by Albert
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination’’.
Getting an A on a test does not mean that you are an intelligent student and you will use all
knowledge which you have learned in your academic span in practical life. Similarly if someone
gets D,it does not determine he is unintelligent and not able to go ahead in practical life. Look at
Bill Gates, the most successful and wealth person in the world and co-founder of Microsoft was
dropped from college even before completion of two years degree. He did not visit university
even for a single day, but now world top universities, the most intelligent students want to be
part of his organization.
Similarly Winston Churchill, The most famous Britain Prime minister, was kept in lowest grade,
in school. He was perceived a dumb student that’s why he was taught only English and was not
considered eligible to learn other languages .But in practical life he arose to his maximum height
and liberated world from menace of World War II.

Methods of study:
About this topic, research was conducted in various departments of Comsat University Lahore. I
formulated a questionnaire and distributed it among students from different departments and
mentality. In start it had questions about demography, name, gender, age and department. Later
on Fist question was what is difference between grade and intelligence? 2nd question was what
benefits more in practical life-grade or intelligence? 3rd question was either grades can be
labeled as a standard of intelligence? Then two questions were about contribution of academic
leaning in their practical field.
Purposes of these questions were variant. First question usually gives us general perception about
individual. How much he knows about this topic.2nd question gives us knowledge about worth of
either grade or intelligence.3rd question was how much we have been inculcated. What are our
parameters and priorities?

We distributed questionnaire among 60 students.40 among them were female, while 20 were
male. Majority responded entire questions, only few skipped some questions and gave just rough
answer. Two among them wrote song in place of answers.

Significance of study:
Before I step forward to write report on this topic, it is mandatory to carry out in depth study of
topics from every dimension. Multi- dimensional and detail study helps researcher to identify
key aspects, context, background and events lead to formation of this narrative. This sort of study
enables researcher solves problems with observed facts and figures relevant to subject. it tell the
researcher how to achieve require data and how to interpret and rearrange it. He also comes to
know how he can approach the data used in research while comparing it with academic
background knowledge.

Limitations of study:
There are several limitations about the survey and method adopted to determine linkage between
grades and intelligence. Survey was conducted in Comsat university Lahore campus, so it
represents conception of a certain type of people, belonging from specific background not from
every strata of society. If conducted in other universities might have different results, as
mentality of students varies institution to institution. Survey was conducted by 60 students, if
conducted by more, it would have given more accurate results at least for this institution, but
time management was main impediment in its path, due to ongoing exams.

The results were accumulated from 60 different students of variant gender in Comsat University

Table 1:

Male 22
Female 38
Senior 20
Junior 18
Freshman 14

Undergraduates 8

Results of Table 1 show that students are segregated based on gender –male and male –how
many male and female were included in server. With their educational standard depicts from
where they beloned.20 among them were senior, 19 were junior, while 14 were freshman and 8
were undergraduate students.
Figure 1:
Percentage shows that how students of Comsat reacted to question either grades can be labeled
as standard of intelligence?

no openion; 14;
strongly agree; 2;
agree; 10; 9%

disagree; 70;
disagree; 15;

no openion strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree

This result in table shows 70 % people strongly disagreed with this idea that grades have
anything to do with intelligence.15% students disagree with this idea. While just 10 % people
agreed with this idea that there a correlation exists between both.

To conduct survey, we visited computer science department, chemical engineering and
architectural engineering multiple times. We also visited cafeteria multiple time to conduct
research. Although today, we are driven in system in system where we have to work day and
night just to secure grades but in spite of it majority of students are aware with this reality that
they should focus on their intellect, not solely upon marks securing method.

Ideology of society matters a lot. To come out these antique dogmas, we have to renovate our
ideas. We have to smirch fundamentalist ideologies.
Humility is beginning of true intelligence. We have to develop in our self sophisticated manners
and decorum.
Curriculum should be changed. It should be based upon practical methods and works in spite of
Research should be promoted instead of cramming. So students should must get knowledge and
gain skills instead of getting GPA through any source.

Life is spent through experience and skills not through grades. Degrees are just certificate of our
expenditure; real knowledge is what we learn through experience. Experiences are based upon
our day to day interaction with masses, these interactions tell us what are requirements and how
we have to live.
As it is famous Greek quote “Wisdom comes through suffering’’.Life teaches through
hardships and complexities. As pure Diamond forms when it is processed in fire. Intelligence we
seek, while we have observatory and keen eyes and all welcoming mind. As it is quoted
“The Measure of intelligence is the ability to change’’.
We run more behind short term success and conquest as compare to eternal and long ranging. In
Pakistan society, only having 4.0 CGPA has been considered level of intelligence, which has
leaded us to cramming. We have great dearth of creative faculties. We don't bother to think our
self. We just think, what we are spooned. This is pathetic and deteriorating roots of society. To
build society according to demands of modern times, we have to renovate our bases and ideals of



I visited café almost 1 to 2 times to conduct this survey. My first visit was about 10am to 11 am.
In this visit I met with different students to know their opinions. It was much of help.My2nd visit
was about 1 pm to 2 pm. I was describing the data above because review of the students which I
took at different time from different people.
I asked some questions:
Q1; What is your gender?
1. Male
2. female
Q2: What year in university you are?
● Junior
● Senior
Q4) Has Comsats support help u to be succeed?
● Agree
● None
● Disagree
Q5) if u used academic services, did u attend any workshop?
● Yes
● No


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