Silencer Design by Using Array Resonators For Low-Frequency Band Noise Reduction
Silencer Design by Using Array Resonators For Low-Frequency Band Noise Reduction
Silencer Design by Using Array Resonators For Low-Frequency Band Noise Reduction
Yang-Hann Kim
Center for Noise and Vibration Control (NOVIC), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Science Town, Daejeon, 305-701, Korea
2332 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118 共4兲, October 2005 0001-4966/2005/118共4兲/2332/7/$22.50 © 2005 Acoustical Society of America
FIG. 1. Helmholtz resonator with a duct.
冉 冊 冤 冥冉 冊
1 0
P1 P2
= 1
U1 1 U2
− jZc cot kh + Zh
= 冋 T11 T12
T21 T22
册冉 冊 P2
, 共2兲
FIG. 2. The TL change varying the number of resonators. 共a兲 The serial
arrangement 共S: cross-sectional area of duct, L: distance of resonators兲; 共b兲
the parallel arrangement. 共f 0 = 340 Hz, L : 100 mm, l : 25 mm, D : 10 mm,
Sc : 共20兲2 mm2, h : 48.5 mm, S : 50*50 mm2兲.
where Zc = c / Sc is the acoustic impedance of a resonator’s
The impedance of resonator Zr can be expressed as The TL of a branch resonator has a peak at its resonance
frequency, as is well known. Thus, in order to obtain broad-
Zr = − jZc cot kh + Zh , 共3兲
band characteristics, it is necessary to study the TL change
for the serial and parallel array of resonators.
Zh = 关0.0072 + jk共l + 0.75兲兴, 共4兲
where Zh is the hole impedance of a resonator, as suggested B. Serial and parallel array
by Sullivan.8,9 Sullivan obtained the hole impedance of per- Figure 2 illustrates the serial and parallel arrangement of
forated elements in a concentric tube resonator by measure- identical resonators. Considering the TL change varying the
ment. Here, the resistance of Zh was modified in consider- resonator’s number, the serial arrangement mainly increases
ation of the experimental results of this study, and Sh is the the magnitude of TL at the resonance frequency. But the
cross-sectional area of the hole. parallel arrangement logarithmically increases the magnitude
Transmission loss 共TL兲 can be represented as follows by of TL and the bandwidth.
using the transfer matrix: These characteristics give the resonator array high TL in
TL = 20 log10 冏冏 A
the broader band. In this sense, we can design the silencer by
using multiple array resonators having different resonance
frequencies, which are included in the objective frequency
冉 冊
If the transfer matrix that represents a resonator having
冨 冨
1 resonance frequency 共f i兲 is T f iHz and the direct tube between
− jZc cot kh + Zh the resonators is Ttube, the total transfer matrix 共Ttotal兲 of the
TL = 20 log10 . 共6兲
2 panel-type silencer is obtained as follows:
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118, No. 4, October 2005 S. Seo and Y. Kim: Silencer design by using array 2333
FIG. 5. The experiment setup for measurement of transmission loss.
冤 冥 冤 冥 冤 冥
1 0 1 0 1 0
= N · Ttube · N · Ttube · N · Ttube B. Results
1 1 1
Zr1 Zr2 Zr3
Figure 6 illustrates the panel-type silencer using each of
冤 冥
1 0 four resonators 共i = 1; 257 Hz, i = 2; 334 Hz, i = 3; 387 Hz, i
· N , 共8兲 = 4; 447 Hz兲 in the parallel direction. Figure 7 shows a com-
1 parison of the measured and predicted transmission loss.
where N denotes the number of resonators in the parallel
Using Eqs. 共5兲 and 共8兲, the total TL of the panel-type A. Parallel combination
silencer can be obtained. Figure 4 compares each resonator’s
TL with the total TL of the panel-type silencer. As depicted The panel-type silencer has two important design param-
in Fig. 4, the total TL has each resonance frequency’s peak eters. Each resonator’s resonance frequency and distance be-
and shows the additional effect. tween the resonator’s hole determine the TL of the panel-
Thus we confirmed that the panel-type silencer can type silencer. This means that we have to study the acoustic
obtain high TL characteristics in the broader band, as characteristics of the array resonators to determine an effec-
noted before. This theoretical result should then be verified tive resonator arrangement.
experimentally. Using an equivalent impedance concept that represents
the total acoustic characteristics of the silencer, we can ex-
plain the acoustic characteristics according to the resonator
arrangement. Figure 8 illustrates the equivalent impedance of
A. Experimental setup a silencer using array resonators.
The equivalent impedance 共Zeq兲 for a parallel arrange-
Figure 5 shows the experimental setup for the TL mea-
ment is obtained as follows.
surement of the simplified panel-type silencer. The duct’s
As depicted in Fig. 1, the pressure reflection coefficient
cross-sectional area is 50⫻ 50mm2 with a higher cutoff fre-
and the pressure transmission coefficient at x = 0 can be rep-
quency of 3.43 kHz for plane wave propagation. An
resented as follows:
anechoic termination with a cutoff frequency of about
100 Hz is employed in this experiment to avoid the effects of B C
Rcoeff = , Tcoeff = . 共9兲
the reflected waves. A A
Considering the number of resonators in the parallel direc-
tion 共N兲, the transfer matrix between point 1 and point 2 can
be written as
2334 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118, No. 4, October 2005 S. Seo and Y. Kim: Silencer design by using array
FIG. 7. A comparison between the experimental and theoretical result of the FIG. 9. Impedance change of the parallel arrangement varying the number
panel type using each of four resonators 共L : 100 mm, l : 25 mm, D : 10 mm, of resonators 共Re: resistance, Im: reactance兲.
S : 50*50 mm2兲.
B. Serial combination
冉 冊 冤 冥冉 冊
1 0 As depicted in Fig. 8, the total transfer matrix can be
P1 P2 expressed as follows for a serial array:
冉 冊冋 册冉 冊
= N .
1 U2
P 1 = P 2, 共11a兲
Equation 共15兲 can be rewritten as
N · P2 P1 = T11 · PN + T12 · UN , 共16a兲
U1 = + U 2. 共11b兲
U1 = T21 · PN + T22 · UN . 共16b兲
Using Eqs. 共1兲, 共9兲, and 共11兲 at x = 0, the pressure reflec-
tion coefficient 共Rcoeff兲 and the pressure transmission coeffi- Using Eqs. 共9兲 and 共16兲, the pressure reflection coeffi-
cient 共Tcoeff兲 at the impedance surface can be obtained in cient 共Rcoeff兲 and the pressure transmission coefficient 共Tcoeff兲
terms of the impedance of the resonator 共Zr兲 and the acoustic can be obtained in terms of the element of total transfer
impedance 共Z兲 of the duct: matrix at x = 0 ⬃ L:
−N·Z 2
Rcoeff = , 共12兲 Tcoeff = , 共17a兲
N · Z + 2 · Zr T11 + T12/Z + T21 · Z + T22
Using Eq. 共12兲, the equivalent impedance 共Zeq兲 for a parallel Figure 10 illustrates an electrical analogy11 of a simple
arrangement can be evaluated as model using two resonators.
First, considering the second resonator and a direct tube
P1 Z共A + B兲 Z共1 + Rcoeff兲 Z · Zr between the first and the second resonator, the impedance at
Zeq = = = = . 共14兲
U1 A−B 1 − Rcoeff N · Z + Zr x = L can be expressed as
Figure 9 shows the change of equivalent impedance Z · Z2
ZL = . 共18兲
共Zeq / Z兲, which is normalized by the acoustic impedance of Z + Z2
the duct while varying the number of resonators in the par-
allel direction. As the number of resonators increases, the As depicted in Fig. 10, considering the wave propagation
resistance 共Re兲 of the impedance broadens. The reactance having magnitudes A and B in the direct tube, the sound
共Im兲 of the impedance has a value of zero at resonance fre- pressure can be represented as
quency 共200 Hz兲.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118, No. 4, October 2005 S. Seo and Y. Kim: Silencer design by using array 2335
P共x兲 = Ae−jk共x−L兲 + Be jk共x−L兲 . 共19兲
Using Eq. 共19兲, the impedance at x = 0, x = L can be obtained
P共L兲 A+B
ZL = =Z· , 共20兲
U共L兲 A−B
Zeq = 冉 1
Z1 Z0
冊 −1
. 共23兲
冉 冊
resonators for the case of two resonators, 202 Hz 共front兲 and
i i+1 1 1
258 Hz 共rear兲. The resistance of impedance is related to the + c +
energy dissipation and the reactance of impedance is related 4 4 f i f i+1
Li = = . 共24兲
to the energy reflection. Figure 11 and Fig. 12 show that the 2 8
absorption coefficient is high at the high resistance and the
reflection coefficient is high at the zero-crossing point of the Figure 13 shows a comparison of TL curves when the
reactance. distances of the resonators are 100 mm and / 4.
2336 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118, No. 4, October 2005 S. Seo and Y. Kim: Silencer design by using array
FIG. 14. The silencer model for the minimization of the design parameters
共W ⫻ H ⫻ Li: volume of cavity, l: neck length of resonator, D: hole diameter
of resonator, ⌬si: distance between resonators, Ltot: total length of silencer兲.
fi =
冑 D2/4
共l + 0.75D兲WHLi
共i = 1,2, . . . ,n兲, 共25兲
Li = Ltot . 共30兲
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