Sri Eshwar College of Engineering
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
Unit 1 Introduction
2 The finite difference method is used for solving__________ kind of problems Heat Transfer & structural
3 The art of subdividing the structure into a convenient number of smaller elements is known as Discretization
10 Plate bending problem and axisymmetric problem can be easily solved using ____________ Method variation method
11 one dimensional elements can be easily solved using ____________ Method direct equlibrium
15 The ratio of largest dimension of the element to the smallest dimension is called Aspect ratio
16 If the subsidary condition are given at more than one value of the independent variable, the problem is Boundary value problem
Determinant, transformation,
18 List the three methods to solve the eigen value problem
vector iteration method
19 In which method the trail function itself is considered as the weighting function galerkin's Method
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
20 In which method weighting are chosen as the unity over a portion and zero else where sub-domain collaction
28 Which coordinate system are defined for the entire system global
30 In which method integral of the weighted square of the residual is chosen as weighting function Least square
Question Answer
34 Frictional resistance and viscous drag are known as ________ force Traction
36 If the coordinate system is formed for the one particular element , then the coordinate system is said to be _____ local
37 The value of shape function for the non nodal points is zero
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
39 When there is a reduction in amplitude over every cycle of vibration, motion is said to be Damped vibration
41 if the coordinate system is formed for the one particular element , then the coordinate system is said to be _____ transverse vibration
42 The boundary condition which are in the differential form of field variable is known as Secondary boundary condition
43 The transmission of energy from one region to another region due to temperature difference is Heat transfer
44 The ratio of maximum displacement of forced vibration to the static deflection under static force is known as magnification factor
46 The ratio of actual damping coefficient to the critical damping coefficient is Damping ratio
When the inertia effect due to the mass of the component and externally applied load is considered, then the analysis
47 Dynamic analysis
is called
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
51 The distributed force acting on the surface of the body is called traction force
57 Which theory holds the transverse vibration of the beam Deflection theory of beam
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
58 Vibration in machine tools, electric bells, vibratory conveyors are referred as forced vibration
5 Two Dimensional element is extremely important for which type of analysis? plane stress and plane strain
Which is defined as a state of strain in which the strain normal to the XY plane and the shear strain is assumed to be
6 Plane strain Analysis
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
7 Pressure acting on the surface edge or face of a member is known as _____________ Surface traction
8 Plates with holes and plates with fillets are comes under ______________ Analysis plane stress
Triangular, Rectangular,
9 Three kinds of finite element used in 2D problems are ____________
10 Within each element body force, traction force, cross section are said to be constant. Say true or false TRUE
11 In 1D Problem, each node is allowed to move only in __________ Direction X positive and X negative
13 Three noded triangular element is also known as ____________ element CST Element
14 The element is called CST because it has constant ____________ Throughout it Strain
16 "When a material is loaded within elastic limit, the stress is dirctly propotional to the strain" is given by Hookes law
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
19 For 2D Plane stress problems, the normal stress and shear stresses are ____________ Zero
26 A pair of equal magnitude but opposite in directions acting on a body is termed as __________ torsion
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
28 The locus of points through which a fluid particle of fixed identity passes as it moves in space is known as ________ Path Line
1 Elasticity Equations are used for solving _______________ Problem Structural Mechanics
2 How amny number of basic sets of Elasticity equations are there? Four
5 Three dimensional problem in Engineering which exhibit symmetry about an axis of rotation is said to be Axisymmetric Problem
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
8 A figure whose vertical cross section is a plane triangle is a ___________ Triangular torus
In the case of Axisymmetric problem, the dispalcement and distributed body force value are identified by ________
9 r-z palne
10 Planar structure with a very small thickness in comparison to the planar dimensions is a ___________ plate
11 The force applied on a plate should be _________ to the plane of the plate perpendicular
14 Love and Kirchoff applied the Classical thin plate theory to _________ elements Plate and Shell
15 in Classical Plate theory, the transverse shearing strain are assumed to be _______ Zero
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
16 If the maximum Deflection is one tenth of hickness, then the plate is said to be _________ Thin Plate
17 Which theory is used for thick plate where the effect of shear deformation is included? Mindlin theory
18 If the ratio of thickness to width of the plate is more than 10, then the plate is said to be ___________ thick plate
20 ______________ element is the element in which only continuity of nodal variables are to be ensured C0 Continuity
21 ______________ element is the first order element in which highest order of derivative of w is one only C1 Continuity
22 ______________ element is the first order element in which Second derivative of ware also nodal unknowns C2 Continuity
24 Which type of plates finds more application in Civil Engineering Field? Skew Plates
25 Large span roof, cooling towers, piping system are the examples of ___________ elements Shell
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
26 If the thickness of the shell to the radius of curvature is less than0.05, then the shell can be assumed as a _________ thin shell
29 Gear analysis whose thickness is small is a example of __________ Analysis Plane stress
1 The family of elements involving curved boundaries is known as _________ Elements Isoparametric
3 Which coordinate system is used to defdine any point inside the element by a set of dimensionless numbers? Natural
If the number of nodes used for defining the geometry is more than number of nodes used for defining the
4 Super parametric
displacements, then it is known as __________ Element
Coimbatore - 202
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME6603 - Finite Element Analysis WorkSheet - Quiz
III Year / VI Semester
If the number of nodes used for defining the geometry is less than number of nodes used for defining the
5 Sub parametric
displacements, then it is known as __________ Element
If the number of nodes used for defining the geometry is same as the number of nodes used for defining the
6 Isoparametric
displacements, then it is known as __________ Element
Shape functions of the 2D elements can be developed by having nodes only on the boundaries for __________
8 Serendipity element
9 Which type of numerical integration method is used to calculate the definite integrals? Guass quadrature
10 The most direct method in solving dynamic analysis is _____________ Explicit dynamics