Scoring Rubrics For Cut-Out Picture On Connectors CSS
Scoring Rubrics For Cut-Out Picture On Connectors CSS
Scoring Rubrics For Cut-Out Picture On Connectors CSS
CRITERIA 20 15 10 5
1.TIME 1 day before the Deadline During the Deadline After the Deadline 1 day After the
2.CREATIVITY Poster is highly creative Poster is creative and Poster is creative, but Poster shows little to no
in its presentation and shows some thought in shows little thought in creative input and effort in
shows careful thought in design and organization. design and organization either design and/or
design and organization. Creativity relates to the . Organization. Creativity
Creativity relates to the research topic Creativity in poster may does not reflect the
research topic not reflect the topic research topic
3.RESOURCEFUL Cut-out Printed Picture and Cut-out Printed Picture Printed picture is cut With picture but text is
Text with Uses/Function is is properly cut but the only not properly done.
properly done Text is handwritten No uses and
4. Research & Relevant and Accurate Accurate information shows
Understanding accurate information information is well information reflects
little research and
is thoroughly researched and some research and a
general understanding of
researched and demonstrates a good the topic.
understanding of
demonstrates a understanding of the the
thorough topic topic
understanding of the
5. Visual (use of Pictures and graphs used Pictures and graphs Pictures Pictures and graphs used
pictures, To cover each aspect used to cover each and graphs used to to cover a few aspects of
illustrations of poster topic.Brief aspect of poster cover the poster. Descriptions not
description of pictures is topic.Descriptions a few aspects of the given. Visuals do not
given. Visuals add are not given. Visuals poster. Descriptions always represent ideas
understanding and represent all add understanding of are not given. Visuals do in poster or add
aspects of topic Neatly not always add understanding Information is
the poster. Borders or portrayed understanding Neatly displayed with little care
different color backing. information. White on portrayed information.
Glue and tape not White. Glue and tape White on White.
obvious not obvious Glue and tape are
Different Computer Connectors
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CSS-Subject Teacher