English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation

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4 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation ENGLISH FILE


1 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s). 5 Had I known it was your birthday, I would have made /
made a cake.
Example: As far as meals are concerned, we’re planning on
bringing our own food. 6 I’ll tell you everything as long as you will promise /
concern   are concerned   concerned promise not to laugh at me.
1 On the one hand, we need the rain for our garden to
grow. On ________ hand, we want to sit in the garden
3 Complete the sentences with the gerund or the
and enjoy the sunshine! infinitive form of the verbs in brackets.
other   the other   another
Example: I’d like you to phone (phone) my office and tell
2 Please be on time for the bus. ________ you’ll make
them I’m ill.
everyone late for the concert.
Other   Other words   Otherwise 1 I would hate him ________ (think) I’m not interested
3 ________ you don’t really like your new job. in his project.
Obvious to me   Obviously   Obvious 2 He dislikes people ________ (make) noise while he’s
4 I don’t understand the instructions for getting to the studying.
show. ________, I don’t even want to go. 3 He’s waiting for his train ________ (arrive).
It’s beside   Beside   Besides 4 My uncle advised me ________ (visit) Italy before the
5 Jules is coming for the weekend. ________ she’s weather gets too hot.
leaving her job to start her own business, and she wants 5 They’d better not keep me ________ (wait). I’m too
your advice. busy to waste time sitting here.
Incidentally   By incident   Incident 6 Please let me ________ (come) with you. I am bored
6 A Do you like cricket? all on my own.
B As ________ of fact, I love it. 6
matters   if it mattered   a matter
7 I think you should take the day off tomorrow. Grammar total 20
________, your brother doesn’t visit very often.
After all   After   It’s after
8 It’s going to rain tomorrow, or ________ that’s what 4 Complete the words in the sentences.
the forecast said. Example: A civilian is someone who is not a member of
least   at least   leastly the armed forces or the police
1 A s________ shoots at people from a hidden position.
2 Underline the correct word(s). 2 A r________ is a sudden, illegal, often violent change
of government.
Example: Can I borrow / borrowed 20 euros until
3 A t________ is a formal agreement between two or
tomorrow as long as you don’t need it?
more countries.
1 Provided Mel brought / brings his guitar tomorrow, 4 R________ are people who are forced to leave their
we’re going to have a sing-along. home because there is a war.
2 If we have / had two more people, we’d have enough to 5 A person who has been injured in a war is called a
play a proper football match. c________.
3 I would phone / have phoned to say I was going to be 6 A c________ is when two armies agree to stop fighting
late if I hadn’t lost my mobile. temporarily.
4 Supposed / Supposing you got lost and couldn’t find
your way home. What would you do?

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4 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation ENGLISH FILE


5 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s). 6 My cousin and his wife are great parents. Their kids are
three and five, but they’re so ______-behaved, we all
Example: In the past, warriors used bows to shoot arrows
at the enemy. actually enjoy going out to restaurants together.
bullets   bows   shields 7 When I was working as a tour guide, I got ________ on
international travel. It gave me an enormous high, and
1 The soldier held his ________ tightly as he ran across if I didn’t get on a plane for a week or two, I became
the field shooting. edgy and tense.
cannon   machine gun   missile 8 I’m completely fed up ________ the adverts at the
2 The tribe defended their village in the jungle by cinema. They last at least 30 minutes, and the film is
throwing ________ at the boats of the soldiers as they only 90 minutes long.
came up the river.
sieges   troops   spears 8
3 The rebels ________ the bridge to stop the soldiers Vocabulary total 20
from getting supplies.
surrendered   blew up   defeated P R O N U N C IATI O N
4 After the attack on the city, all of the shops were 7 Match the words with the same sound.
________ and almost everything was stolen.
overthrown   declared   looted coup   high-minded   besieged   gambling  
5 A I really love war films. hang up   refugee
B Really? I’m not particularly keen ________ them.
Example: troops   coup
on   in   with
6 The king was very proud ________ his soldiers for 1 dialogue ________, ________
winning the battle. 2 edgy ________, ________
with   of   for 3 short-sighted ________
6 5

6 Complete the sentences with one word. 8 Underline the stressed syllable.
Example: The story of a film and the things the Example: composer
characters do is called the plot.
1 review
1 The final ________ at the end of a film list the names
2 substance
of all of the actors and other people who appeared in
or worked on the film. 3 anxious

2 I loved Star Wars, but I don’t remember the details of 4 become

the conversation between Luke Skywalker and Darth 5 harmless
Vader. Dialogue ________ aren’t as important as the
3 I have quite a ________ friends who have taken a gap Pronunciation total 10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50
4 My dad just bought a second-________ car. He saw an
advert in the paper, and thought the price was much
better than buying a new car.
5 My grandmother is a lovely person, but can be very
________-minded and intolerant. She thinks I should
stop studying and get married as soon as possible.

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4 Reading and Writing ENGLISH FILE


Read the article and tick (✓) A, B, or C. Perhaps the key question on self-help books is: do they
work? Do people feel they have directly helped them?
Whatever critics may say, do the people who buy and read
HELP YOURSELF them get real results from them? The answer to this
In the last couple of decades, self-help books have been a question appears to be ‘sometimes’. Research indicates that
publishing phenomenon, often topping the bestseller lists. the kind of book that deals with a particular problem can be
Readers have lapped up their advice on how to do a wide effective in helping people with that problem, particularly if
variety of things, from becoming successful and rich to the problem in question isn’t a severe one, for example mild
improving their relationships. If you’re facing a particular depression or anxiety.The situation is less clear with books
problem in your life, there’s a host of self-help books for you. dealing with personal growth or development. Some people
If you have the idea that you want to improve yourself in do say that these books have helped them but it is by no
some way, there are any number of self-help titles just waiting means certain, and hard to measure, whether this is really
to advise you. If you want a successful career, no problem – the case.
step-by-step guides will tell you exactly what to do. But, What is clear about all self-help books, however, is that they
despite their enormous success, there’s a question many offer people hope.The actual advice they give and whether
people ask: do these books actually do what they claim to? or not this is accurate or effective is probably less important
Obviously, as in any field of publishing, some self-help books than the fact that they tell the reader that change is possible,
are better than others. Some may be based on actual that there is hope of a better life, that people can overcome
research and case studies – there’s some substance to them difficulties and improve themselves and their situation.While
that suggests they can, at least to some extent, be taken this may sound like a good thing, there is, however, a
seriously. Others, however, amount to little more than downside to it.To get people to buy them, these books often
psychobabble – empty nonsense dressed up as serious make exaggerated claims about what they will do for people.
psychological insight.These books bombard the reader with They can raise unrealistic expectations in the reader,
a mass of meaningless jargon, disguising the fact that they suggesting that a better life can quite easily be achieved, that
have nothing to say beyond the obvious that you would not anyone can get what they want out of life.The truth is of
need to buy a book to know. It’s the latter category that has course that changing yourself and your life may be very
given self-help books a bad name among critics of the genre. difficult indeed and require an immense amount of effort, if it
The kind of advice given in self-help books is often more or is even achievable at all. So self-help books are open to the
less the same.What really amount to pretty standard claim that they present a false picture that can only lead to
statements are made in many of them, but does this advice disappointment in the end.
stand up to scrutiny? Psychologists who have studied a range
of self-help books connected with happiness say the answer 1 In the first paragraph, what does the writer emphasize
to this is ‘not always’.They say that although the emphasis
about self-help books?
the books place on aiming for good relationships with
families, friends and colleagues has, in some ways, some A The fact that one person might buy many of them.  ■  
scientific basis in terms of what does actually lead to B How quickly the genre became popular.  ■  
personal happiness, in other ways the advice given is actually C The number of them available.  ■
false. 2 In the second paragraph, the writer expresses a preference
For example, the books commonly tell you that it is good to for self-help books which ________.
express your anger; the psychologists say this simply causes A don’t use any jargon at all  ■  
you to remain angry.You are often told to try to think happy
B explain technical terms in a clear way  ■  
thoughts when you are sad; the psychologists say that
C give examples to support their advice  ■
attempting to do this simply emphasizes your unhappiness
for you.The books tell you to focus entirely on your aims in 3 The writer says that self-help books containing a lot of
life, looking only at the desired outcome; psychologists say ‘psychobabble’ ________.
you need to focus just as much on the problems you have to A are seldom popular with readers  ■  
overcome in order to reach your goals.The books tell you B have affected the reputation of all self-help books  ■  
to keep praising yourself to increase and maintain a high
C exist in greater numbers than other kinds of self-help
level of self-belief; the psychologists say that actually this
doesn’t work because you need praise from other people in
book  ■
order to increase your self-esteem.

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4 Reading and Writing ENGLISH FILE


4 What does the writer say about self-help books connected Choose one of the essay titles below and write about the
with happiness? pros and cons in approximately 250 words:
A There is evidence to support some of the advice they 1 Gadgets make daily life easier – or do they?
give.  ■   2 The success of a company depends on the happiness of
B They vary more than other kinds of self-help book.  ■   its employees.
C They are the most popular kind of self-help book.  ■
3 Self-help books can do more harm than good.
5 Psychologists say that some advice in books about
happiness ________. Writing total 10
A could produce different bad feelings in people  ■  
Reading and Writing total 20
B could make people feel worse than they did  ■  
C is too hard for people to carry out  ■
6 Which of the following do psychologists believe?
A You won’t have greater self-confidence unless other
people praise you.  ■  
B Focusing on problems is more important than
focusing on goals.  ■  
C Thinking only about aims can result in greater
unhappiness.  ■
7 Research into whether self-help books really help people
suggests that ________.
A those dealing with personal growth and development
are the least useful  ■  
B people want to believe that they have helped them a
lot  ■  
C they are not very useful for serious problems  ■
8 What do all self-help books have in common, according
to the writer?
A They all contain some useful advice.  ■  
B They all have the same basic message.  ■  
C They all sympathize with the reader.  ■
9 When asking whether self-help books work, the writer
suggests that ________.
A this may be more important than whether the advice is
correct  ■  
B not enough attention has been paid to this  ■  
C readers may not be honest about this  ■
10 The writer concludes in that last paragraph that self-help
books ________.
A are more influential than is generally thought  ■  
B may actually be harmful to people  ■  
C are only taken seriously by certain kinds of person  ■
Reading total 10

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4 Listening and Speaking ENGLISH FILE


1 Listen to five people talking about various historical 4 What does Colin say about computer-game addiction?
films. Match the speakers (1–5) to what they say A Official bodies are likely to accept that it exists in the
about the films (A–H). future.  ■  
Speaker 1  ■   B It is something that many people might notice.  ■  
Speaker 2  ■   C Experts cannot agree on a clear definition of it.  ■
Speaker 3  ■   5 What is Colin’s personal opinion on computer
Speaker 4  ■   addiction?
A Some people think they have an addiction but they
Speaker 5  ■  
don’t.  ■  
A It was different from what I had expected before I saw B More people will believe that computer use can
it. become an addiction.  ■  
B It has a personal connection for me. C Certain behaviour probably indicates the existence
C Most people remember one particular scene from it. of an addiction.  ■
D I liked it so much that I saw it over and over again.
E I remained affected by it for some time after I’d seen it. 5
F One particular scene affected me emotionally a great Listening total 10
G The acting is the most impressive aspect of it. S P EAKI N G    Student A
H I found elements of it unrealistic.
1 Ask your partner these questions.
5 1 Which historical films have you seen and enjoyed?
2 What have you recently tried to persuade someone to
2 Listen to an interview about computer addiction. do?
Tick (✓) A, B, or C.
3 Why are self-help books so popular?
1 What does the interviewer say about computer
addiction in his introduction? 4 What kind of addictions are caused by modern
A It causes disagreement among experts.  ■   gadgets?
B It affects a great many people.  ■   5 Which gadgets do you always have with you when you
C It is unlikely that it really exists.  ■ go out?
2 Colin says that one reason why computer addiction is a
2 Now answer your partner’s questions.
difficult subject is that ________.
A it is easy for people to be addicted to computers
3 Now talk about one of these statements, saying if you
without realizing it  ■   agree or disagree. Give reasons.
B people don’t want to think that it is similar to
1 ‘It does not matter if a historical film is factually
common addictions  ■  
C reasons why people use computers for a long time
vary considerably  ■ 2 ‘Advertising is harmful to a lot of people.’

3 What is Colin’s point about hobbies? 3 ‘Addictions are the greatest problem in society today.’
A Many people spend longer doing hobbies than
4 Now listen to your partner. Do you agree with
using computers.  ■  
him / her?
B People don’t usually think that a hobby can be an
addiction.  ■   Speaking total 15
C They can be just as addictive as computer use.  ■
Listening and Speaking total 25

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4 Listening and Speaking ENGLISH FILE


S P EA K I N G   Student B
1 Answer your partner’s questions.

2 Now ask your partner these questions.

1 Which recent historical films have been very popular?
2 How easy is it for people to persuade you to do
3 If you bought a self-help book, what would it be about?
4 What kind of problems cause people to buy self-help
5 What kind of things are people in your society
obsessed with?

3 Listen to your partner. Do you agree with him / her?

4 Now talk about one of these statements, saying if you

agree or disagree. Give reasons.
1 ‘Historical films are a good way for people to learn
about history.’
2 ‘There is no point in anyone reading a self-help book.’
3 ‘An obsession is not necessarily a bad thing.’

Speaking total 15

Listening and Speaking total 25

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