Procedure For Internal Audits: Consolidated Construction Consortium LTD
Procedure For Internal Audits: Consolidated Construction Consortium LTD
Procedure For Internal Audits: Consolidated Construction Consortium LTD
This procedure covers all activities performed at project sites and offices.
4.1.1 The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) audit checklists are developed
covering the following activities/areas.
1) Records
2) Safety Training
3) Safety Promotion
4) Housekeeping
5) Ladders
6) Scaffolding
7) Electrical
8) Excavation
9) Welding
10) Fire Prevention
11) Use of Personal Protective Equipment
12) First Aid
13) Fall Protection
14) Builder Hoist
15) Cranes
16) Power Tools
17) Miscellaneous
Consolidated Construction Consortium Ltd. PROCEDURE NO. : CSP - 4.5.5
4.1.2 SE/SS to conduct HSE audits at least once a month using the checklists and
the status of implementation / compliance shall be reported to PM.
4.1.4 SE/SS to prepare site specific new checklists if new activities other than
identified above are taken up. SE/SS to revise the checklists to incorporate
any new requirements based on the site specific requirements.
4.3 MR decides the annual audit plan at the beginning of the year for
Internal HSE Management System Audit.
4.4.1 MR/MA identifies areas for audit based on HSE importance, the
current status of HSE system, the results of Aspect & Hazard
assessment of activities concerned and the results of previous audits.
MR/MA prepares a schedule in consultation with various HODs and
circulates the schedule to auditors & auditees.
4.4.2 MR/MA decides the scope of audit for each of HSE Management
System element based on discussion with concerned PMs and
selects the internal auditors who are independent of the area to be
4.4.3 MR/MA provides the internal auditors with information about the
previous audit findings, if any, to check the effectiveness of corrective
action taken and revalidation.
4.4.4 MR/MA ensures cordial relationship between the auditor and auditee.
Consolidated Construction Consortium Ltd. PROCEDURE NO. : CSP - 4.5.5
4.5.2 The auditor, when observes nonconformity, shall raise NCR in format
CSF - 018 which will contain observations, proposed corrective
actions, actions taken. The auditor shall record the nonconformity &
the auditee shall record the disposition & proposed corrective actions
in NCR. Original copy shall be given to MR/MA & a copy to the
auditee. A copy is retained with the auditee for reference.
4.6.2 If the auditor could not fully verify the effectiveness of corrective
actions, he will endorse accordingly and which will then be verified in
the follow up audit. In such cases, MR/MA will organise a separate
follow up at a later date or can organise for verification during next
cycle of audit. MR/MA retains the original copy of NCR & a copy
shall be given to the auditee.