Questionnaire 2018

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Problem Set

Problem # 1
Assume that x0 is a solution to the following linear system

Ax0 = b (1)

where A is an n × m matrix, with n < m, x0 is an m-dimensional column vector and

b is an n-dimensional column vector. Show that the L2 norm of x0 can be arbitrarily
larger than the norms of A and b.

Problem # 2
Write the explicit formula of the gradient of
X m−1
E[u] = cos (u[i + 1, j] − u[i, j − 1])2 (2)
i=2 j=2

with respect to the variable u, which is an n × m matrix. Show all the steps of your

Problem # 3
Write the explicit formula of the maximum likelihood estimator for the covariance
matrix Σ ∈ Rn×n of the following probability density function

(x − µ)> Σ−1 (x − µ)

p(x; µ, Σ) ∝ e 2 (3)

given m independent and identically distributed samples x(1) , . . . , x(m) . Assume that
the covariance Σ is diagonal, but the non-zero values can be all different from each
other. Show all the steps of your calculations and justify them. Do not just write the
final formula.

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