Productflyer - 978 3 540 61243 8
Productflyer - 978 3 540 61243 8
Productflyer - 978 3 540 61243 8
P. Mller, A.V. Ustinov (Eds.)
The Physics of Superconductors
Introduction to Fundamentals and Applications
This modern introduction to the physics of superconductors was edited by Paul Mller,
(Walter Schottky Award for Solid-state Research) and Alexey V. Ustinov, both at the
University of Erlangen. The revised and enlarged text is based on a lecture course given
by V. V. Schmidt at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. It provides a modern
treatment of the physics of superconductors with special attention paid to the physical
interpretation of the phenomena. This English edition has been enlarged by the inclusion
of such new developments as high-temperature superconductivity, and, as such, is the
most up-to-date textbook available on the subject. Numerous problems with solutions
help the student to become familiar with this field.
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