Relations and Functions
Relations and Functions
Relations and Functions
2.1 Cartesian product of sets A relation ‘f’ from a set A to set B is said to be a function if
every element of set A has one and only one image in set B.
Definition : Given two non-empty sets P & Q. The cartesian
product P × Q is the set of all ordered pairs of elements from Notations
P & Q i.e.
P × Q = {(p, q); p P; q Q}
2.2 Relations
(i) Expression under even root (i.e. square root, fourth root etc.)
should be non–negative.
Two functions f & g are said to be equal iff
(ii) Denominator z 0.
1. Domain of f = Domain of g
(iii) logax is defined when x > 0, a > 0 and a z 1.
2. Co-domain of f = Co-domain of g
(iv) If domain of y = f (x) and y = g(x) are D1 and D2 respectively,
then the domain of f (x) ± g(x) or f (x) . g(x) is D1 D2. While 3. f(x) = g(x) x Domain.
f (A)B {RangeCo-domain}.
Put y = f(x)
(iii) If domain a finite interval, find the least and greater value
for range using monotonocity.
1. Question of format :
§ Q L Q · Q o quadratic
¨y ; y ; y ¸
© Q Q L ¹ L o Linear
(a) One-to-One functions are also called Injective
Range is found out by cross-multiplying & creating functions.
a quadratic in ‘x’ & making D t 0 (as x R) (b) Onto functions are also called Surjective
2. Questions to find range in which-the given (c) (one-to-one) & (onto) functions are also called
expression y = f(x) can be converted into x (or some Bijective Functions.
function of x) = expression in ‘y’.
Do this & apply method (ii).
Relations which can not be catagorized as a function 3.4.2 Constant Function : The function f : R o R defined
by y = f(x) = c, x R where c is a constant is
called constant function
2. xy x y
3. x y d x y ½°
¾ triangle inequality
4. x y t x y °¿
3.4.4 Signum Function : The function f : R o R defined by Properties of Greatest Integer Function :
x 1; 1 d x 2
x x x ® x ; 0 d x 1
° x 1; 1 d x 0
° ; xz0
Sgn(x) ®x
° 0; x 0
f (x) = logax, a > 0, az1 (i) If a > 1, loga x < logay 0 < x <y
Domain : x (0, f) (ii) If 0 < a < 1, loga x < loga y x > y >0
Range : y R
(iii) If a > 1 then logax < p 0 < x < ap
(iv) If a > 1 then logax > p x > ap
(v) If 0 < a < 1 then logax < p x > ap
(vi) If 0 < a < 1 then logax > p 0 < x < ap
(vi) a l ogc b bl ogca , a, b, c > 0, c z 1. Let f : X o R be a real valued function and D be a scalar. Here
by scalar, we mean a real number. Then the product D f is a
function from X to R defined by (D f) (x) = D f(x), x X.
Let f and g be two real functions defined from X o R where Definition : A function f (x) is said to be periodic function, if there
X R. The quotient of f by g denoted by f /g is a function exists a positive real number T, such that
defined by f xT f x , x R.
Then, f (x) is a periodic function where least positive
§f · f x value of T is called fundamental period.
¨ ¸ x
©g¹ g x , provided g(x) z 0, x X. Graphically : If the graph repeats at fixed interval, then function
is said to be periodic and its period is the width of
4.6 Even and Odd Functions that interval.
Some standard results on periodic functions :
Even Function : f (–x) = f (x), x Domain Functions Periods
The graph of an even function y = f (x) is symmetric about the (i) sinn x, cosn x, secn x, cosecn x S; if n is even.
y–axis. i.e., (x, y) lies on the graph (–x, y) lies on the graph. 2S; (if n is odd or fraction)
(ii) tann x, cotn x S; n is even or odd.
(iii) |sin x|, |cos x|, |tan x| S
|cot x|, |sec x|, |cosec x|
(iv) x – [x], [.] represents 1
greatest integer function
(v) Algebraic functions period does not exist
e.g., x , x2, x3 + 5, ....etc.
Properties of Periodic Function
(i) If f (x) is periodic with period T, then
(a) c . f (x) is periodic with period T.
(b) f (x ± c) is periodic with period T.
Odd Function : f (– x) = –f (x), x Domain (c) f (x) ± c is periodic with period T.
where c is any constant.
The graph of an odd function y = f (x) is symmetric about origin
i.e. if point (x, y) is on the graph of an odd function, then (ii) If f (x) is periodic with period T, then
(–x, –y) will also lie on the graph. k f (cx + d) has period T/|c|,
i.e. Period is only affected by coefficient of x
where k, c, d constant.
(iii) If f1(x), f2(x) are periodic functions with periods T1, T2
respectively, then we have, h(x) = a f1(x) + b f2(x) has
period as, LCM of {T1, T2}
§a c e· LCM of a, c, e
(a) LCM of ¨ , , ¸
©b d f ¹ HCF of b, d, f