Application For An Offshore Humanitarian PDF
Application For An Offshore Humanitarian PDF
Application For An Offshore Humanitarian PDF
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (the About this form
department) acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Important – Please read this information carefully before you
Islander peoples are the traditional custodians of the Australian
complete your application. When you have completed your
application we recommend that you keep a copy for your
Life in Australia – Australian values
The Australian Government encourages people to gain Australia’s offshore humanitarian programme
an understanding of Australia, its people and their way of There are a limited number of places available each year under
life, before applying for a visa to live in Australia. the programme. In setting the size of the programme, the
This includes understanding that the English language, Australian Government considers:
as the national language, is an important unifying element • the views of the United Nations High Commissioner for
of Australian society. Australian society is also united Refugees (UNHCR);
through the following shared values: • the views of the Australian community; and
• respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual; • Australia’s capacity to settle refugees and people in need.
• freedom of religion;
• commitment to the rule of law; Requirements for each visa subclass
• Parliamentary democracy; Your application will be assessed against the 5 visa subclasses
• equality of men and women; of the Refugee and Humanitarian (Class XB) visa class. To be
• a spirit of egalitarianism that embraces mutual respect, granted a visa, you must be assessed as meeting the
tolerance, fair play and compassion for those in need requirements for one of these subclasses. These are set out in
and pursuit of the public good; Australia’s Migration Act and Regulations and the main
• equality of opportunity for individuals, regardless of requirements for each subclass are:
their race, religion or ethnic background.
Refugee (subclass 200)
The Life in Australia booklet provides more information • You are living outside your home country; and
on the values that Australians share and their way of life.
This booklet is available in a wide range of languages. If • subject to persecution in your home country; and
you have not already received a copy then it can be • in need of resettlement.
obtained from The UNHCR provides advice to the Australian Government on
You must have read the Life in Australia booklet before the need for resettlement.
completing this application form. If you have difficulty, or
In-country Special Humanitarian (subclass 201)
are unable to read the booklet, you may have the content
of it explained to you, for example, by a friend or relative. • You are in your home country; and
This form contains a statement, that you must sign, that • subject to persecution.
confirms you understand and will respect the values of Only a small number of places are available under this subclass.
Australian society (as explained in the booklet) and will
obey the laws of Australia. This includes acknowledging Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202)
what would be required if you later applied for Australian • You are living outside your home country; and
citizenship. • you are subject to substantial discrimination amounting to
This statement must also be signed by each person aged gross violation of your human rights in your home country;
18 years or over, who is included in this form. and
• have included a valid form 681 Refugee and Special
Humanitarian Proposal with your application.
Who should use this application? Form 681 needs to be completed by an Australian citizen or
You should use this form if you are outside Australia and wish permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen, or community
to apply for entry to Australia on humanitarian grounds. This organisation in Australia (a ‘proposer’), who is willing to support
class of visa includes the following 5 subclasses: your application.
• Refugee (subclass 200) As the government does not fund travel costs for this visa
• In-country Special Humanitarian (subclass 201) subclass, your proposer is expected to assist you and any
dependants in meeting costs associated with travel to Australia
• Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202)
and initial settlement after arrival.
• Emergency Rescue (subclass 203)
• Woman at Risk (subclass 204). Emergency Rescue (subclass 203)
You should also use this form if you are applying for one of the • You are subject to persecution in your home country; and
above visas in the Community Proposal Pilot programme. • there are urgent and compelling reasons for you to be
resettled in Australia.
Requests for urgent assistance under this subclass are usually
made on your behalf by the UNHCR.
Where can you lodge this application? Interviews and requests for more information
Generally, your application for a Class XB visa should be lodged
Interviews are not always necessary. We will advise you if you
at the nearest office of the department (eg. an Australian
are required to attend an interview or if you need to provide
processing centre; or an Embassy, High Commission, Consulate
more documents or information.
or Consulate-General overseas).
Note: Applicants wishing to be considered for a Class XB visa
under either the Global Special Humanitarian Programme
Change of circumstances
(subclass 202), the ‘split family’ provisions for immediate family If your circumstances change in any way after you have lodged
members or the Community Proposal Pilot, must lodge this this form (eg. if you or a family member enters into a new
form in accordance with the addresses specified below: relationship, becomes engaged, or marries), you must inform
the office where the application was lodged. If a child is born
• For applicants residing in the Middle East*, Afghanistan or
to you (or any other person included in this application)
Pakistan and all applicants in the Community Proposal Pilot,
after the application is lodged, the child will be included
applications must be lodged at the following address:
in your application if details are provided before a final
Victoria Offshore Humanitarian Processing Centre decision is made on your application.
By Post:
GPO Box 241 Processing information
Melbourne VIC 3001 You should be aware that there is strong interest in this class of
AUSTRALIA visa and it may take a long time to finalise your application.
By Courier (no hand deliveries) You may need to have a medical and an x-ray examination as
2 Lonsdale Street part of the assessment of your application. You may also be
Melbourne VIC 3001 asked to undergo medical treatment as part of the assessment
AUSTRALIA of the visa application. The Australian Government reserves the
right to conduct character checks on all adult applicants. Details
(* Countries include Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, of your application are not passed on to your home country.
Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab
Emirates and Yemen.) The Australian Government will pay the costs related to medical
examinations for all humanitarian visa applicants, except visa
applicants in the Community Proposal Pilot. All visa subclasses,
except Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202) visa holders
and visa holders in the Community Proposal Pilot, will also have
their travel costs paid by the Australian Government.
Note: For applicants in the Community Proposal Pilot, the APO
must pay the costs of medical examinations and, if a visa is
granted, the cost of airfares to Australia.
Please use a pen, and write neatly in English using BLOCK LETTERS. Tick where applicable PHOTOGRAPHS
Please attach eight (8) recent
Part A – Summary of people included in this application passport sized photographs
of yourself
• Only include members of your family who are dependent on you or your partner.
• A dependant is a person who is wholly or substantially dependent on you or your partner for financial, psychological AND
or physical support. all members of your family
• The term ‘partner’ in this form, means your spouse or de facto partner (including same-sex partners). unit included in this
• Non-dependent family members (eg. adult independent children, married children or children over 18 who have their
own income) should complete their own application form. However you should still list any non-dependent children Note: Clearly write the name
of the person on the back of
at Question 13 and Question 14 of Part D on this form.
each photograph
• You must attach evidence of the identity of each person (eg. certified copy of birth certificate, marriage certificate,
passport), wherever this is available. If you do not have identity documents, please attach an explanation as to why
you no longer have them.
• For each person included who is not the main applicant’s partner or child under 18 years, you must attach a
statement explaining why this person is dependent on the main applicant.
• It is important that all names are spelled correctly and dates of birth are accurate.
Place of birth Town/city Do you currently have more than one partner (other than any partner
Country included in this visa application)?
Citizenship No
If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship Yes Please provide details
Country Country
Citizenship Citizenship
If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship
Relationship status Relationship status
Married legally Engaged Widowed Married legally Engaged Widowed
Married by De facto Never married or Married by De facto Never married or
tradition/custom been in a de facto tradition/custom been in a de facto
Separated Separated
Married religiously relationship Married religiously relationship
Divorced Divorced
Relationship to Relationship to
main applicant main applicant
Is this person biologically related to the main applicant? Is this person biologically related to the main applicant?
No Explain how they are related to the main applicant No Explain how they are related to the main applicant
Yes Describe the precise biological relationship Yes Describe the precise biological relationship
Country Country
Citizenship Citizenship
If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship
Relationship status Relationship status
Married legally Engaged Widowed Married legally Engaged Widowed
Married by De facto Never married or Married by De facto Never married or
tradition/custom been in a de facto tradition/custom been in a de facto
Separated Separated
Married religiously relationship Married religiously relationship
Divorced Divorced
Relationship to Relationship to
main applicant main applicant
Is this person biologically related to the main applicant? Is this person biologically related to the main applicant?
No Explain how they are related to the main applicant No Explain how they are related to the main applicant
Yes Describe the precise biological relationship Yes Describe the precise biological relationship
Country Country
Citizenship Citizenship
If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship
Relationship status Relationship status
Married legally Engaged Widowed Married legally Engaged Widowed
Married by De facto Never married or Married by De facto Never married or
tradition/custom been in a de facto tradition/custom been in a de facto
Separated Separated
Married religiously relationship Married religiously relationship
Divorced Divorced
Relationship to Relationship to
main applicant main applicant
Is this person biologically related to the main applicant? Is this person biologically related to the main applicant?
No Explain how they are related to the main applicant No Explain how they are related to the main applicant
Yes Describe the precise biological relationship Yes Describe the precise biological relationship
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Attach evidence of identity of each person included in this application
(eg. certified copies of birth certificates, marriage certificates,
passport, national identity card)
Yes Give details
Name Refugee Mandate number(s) Country of mandate
6 Address where we should write to you about this application if different Email address
from your residential address Note: If you wish to nominate a person other than yourself to receive
Note: You must tell us if your address changes after you lodge this form written communications about this application, you must indicate this
at Part M.
Telephone number ( ) ( )
Mobile/cell ( ) ( )
Dates of FROM
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
How did the
relationship end? Attach a certified copy of previous marriage/divorce documents
Names of all or death certificate (if applicable/available)
children from
this previous 9 Do you or any other person included in this application have children
relationship from a previous marriage/relationship, including customary/traditional
Yes Do they have sole custody of any children under 18 years
2. Family name of age who are included in this application?
Given names No Yes Attach a certified copy of the
custody documents (if available)
Note: Where custody documents are not provided or
Previous partner’s assessed as unsatisfactory, the former partner will need to
full name provide evidence that he/she consents to any children of
that relationship entering Australia.
Dates of FROM
Date of birth
1. Family name
Given names to you
Full name of
DAY MONTH YEAR biological father
Date of birth
Full name of
Relationship biological
to you mother
Full name of
Whereabouts of biological parents Has this child been adopted (formally, customarily or traditionally)
(if deceased or unknown, please state) by the main applicant and/or partner?
Has this child been adopted (formally, customarily or traditionally) If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
by the main applicant and/or partner? For each adopted child, attach a certified copy of the adoption
No DAY MONTH YEAR papers (if available) or attach a statement which explains the
Yes Date custody commenced circumstances of the adoption
2. Family name
Given names
Date of birth
to you
Full name of
biological father
Full name of
Given names
1. Family name
Given names
Date of birth (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
Date of birth Last contact
Relationship (when, where
to you and how you
were separated)
Reason they are not applying with you
Full residential
(if known)
2. Family name
Given names
Date of birth
Date of birth (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
to you Relationship
to you
Reason they are not applying with you
Last contact
(when, where
and how you
were separated)
Full residential
3. Family name (if known)
Given names
Full residential
(if known)
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Your brothers and sisters Select Select Select ‘Relationship to main applicant’
PB = Parent – Biological
PA = Parent – Adoptive
PS = Parent – Step
PO = Parent – Other
(attach explanation)
SB = Sibling – Biological (full)
SA = Sibling – Adoptive
SS = Sibling – Step
SO = Sibling – Other
(attach explanation)
CB = Child – Biological
CA = Child – Adoptive
CS = Child – Step
CO = Child – Other
(attach explanation)
If you need more space, please attach a separate page listing further names
to main Status in ‘Relationship status’ codes
Relationship applicant’s country of N = Never married or been in a
Sex Date of birth status partner Country where they residence de facto relationship
(use codes (use codes (use codes M = Married legally
Name M/F DAY MONTH YEAR on right) Place and country of birth on right) are now living on right)
E = Engaged to be married
Your partner’s parents Select Select Select S = Separated
F = In a de facto relationship
D = Divorced
W = Widowed
MT = Married by tradition/custom
Your partner’s mother’s maiden name
MR = Married religiously
Your partner’s brothers and sisters Select Select Select ‘Relationship to main
applicant’s partner’ codes
PB = Parent – Biological
PA = Parent – Adoptive
PS = Parent – Step
PO = Parent – Other
(attach explanation)
SB = Sibling – Biological (full)
SA = Sibling – Adoptive
SS = Sibling – Step
SO = Sibling – Other
(attach explanation)
CB = Child – Biological
CA = Child – Adoptive
CS = Child – Step
CO = Child – Other
(attach explanation)
Your partner’s non-dependent children (all children who are not included as dependants in this application) ‘Status in country of residence’
Select Select
C = Citizen
PR = Permanent resident
TR = Temporary resident
S = Student
V = Visitor/Tourist
R = Refugee
I = Illegal resident
A = Asylum/protection applicant
O = Other – give details on a
separate page
If you need more space, please attach a separate page listing further names
842 (Design date 07/15) - Page 16 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2015
Part E – Links to Australia
15 Has any person included in this application ever applied for
an Australian visa (permanent or temporary) before?
Yes Give details
Family and given name (If all persons included Date of Application approved?
application Where was the application lodged? File number
in this application, write ‘ALL’) (if known) No Yes Not decided
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
16 Do you or your partner have any relatives NOT INCLUDED IN THIS VISA APPLICATION
who have current Australian visa applications under consideration?
Yes Give details
Date of
Family and given name application Where was the application lodged? File number Type of visa application
(if known) (if known)
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
17 Is any person included in this application being proposed (on form 681 or form 1417)
for entry to Australia by a person or organisation in Australia?
Yes Give details of your proposer or Approved Proposing Organisation (in case of a Community Proposal Pilot application)
Family name
Given names
Organisation name
Contact person
Relationship of the
proposer to you
Address of the proposer
Note: Proposers in the Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202) programme must complete form 681 Refugee and Special Humanitarian
Proposal and lodge both form 681 and this form (form 842) together. There is no charge for lodging or processing form 681.
Note: APOs under the Community Proposal Pilot must complete form 1417 Proposal for refugee and special humanitarian entrants by
Approved Proposing Organisation and lodge both form 1417 and this form (form 842) together. For charges associated with lodging and
processing form 1417, refer to the Visa Pricing Table
These forms are available from the department's website
Family name
Given names
Attach a completed form 681 Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal to this application (there is no charge
for lodging or processing form 681)
Your proposer should complete form 681 for lodgement with this visa application. Form 681 is available from
any office of the department, or from the department’s website
Attach a certified copy of the immediate family member’s Australian visa and evidence of the
relationship (eg. a marriage certificate, birth certificate etc.) if available
Provide details of humanitarian claims at Part G, Questions 24 – 36
Ensure you are aware of recent changes to the Special Humanitarian Programme by reading information on the
department’s website
Date of birth status in
Name Australia Address Given names Relationship to applicant
(use codes
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
‘Resident status in Australia’ codes
Friend C = Citizen
Other PR = Permanent resident
TR = Temporary resident
S = Student
V = Visitor/Tourist
I = Illegal resident
U = Unlawful non-citizen
O = Other – give details on a
separate page
21 Give details of any valid travel documents (eg. passports) or identity Does this person have a travel or identity document?
cards/documents held by all people included in this application No Attach a statement explaining what happened
Note: If you do not have any documents, please explain why – do not to your documents
obtain fraudulent documents. Yes Give details
Type of document (use codes below)
A1 Main applicant
Passport number
Do you have a travel or identity document? (or document number)
Date of issue
A4 Given names
Date of expiry
Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document) Does this person have a travel or identity document?
No Attach a statement explaining what happened
to your documents
Yes Give details Select
Type of document (use codes below)
Other applicants
Passport number
(or document number)
A2 Given names
Country of issue
Does this person have a travel or identity document?
No Attach a statement explaining what happened Date of issue
to your documents
Yes Give details Date of expiry
Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)
Type of document (use codes below)
Passport number
(or document number)
Country of issue
DAY MONTH YEAR A5 Given names
Date of issue
Does this person have a travel or identity document?
Date of expiry No Attach a statement explaining what happened
Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document) to your documents
Yes Give details Select
Type of document (use codes below)
Passport number
(or document number)
Country of issue
Date of issue
Date of expiry
Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)
Country of passport
Date of issue
Date of expiry
Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)
A7 Given names
Country of issue
Date of issue
Date of expiry
Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Attach certified copies of the travel documents and identity
documents, if available
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
23 For EACH person included in this application list every address where they
have lived during the last 10 years
Town Country
Previous addresses Period at this address Given names of people included in this application
who lived at this address (if all, write ‘ALL’)
Town Country
Town Country
Town Country
Town Country
Town Country
24 For ALL the people included in this application list the ethnic group to which
they belong, their religion and any political party/group to which they belong
Given names Ethnic group or clan Religion (if any) Membership of political party/group
(if any)
A1 Main applicant
Other applicants
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2015 842 (Design date 07/15) - Page 23
25 What is the name of the country you fear living
in or returning to?
27 Why do you fear living in or returning to the country you listed at Question 25?
Your answer should pay special attention to what happened to you, not the general situation in that country.
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with details
29 What do you believe may happen to you, or the people included in your application, if you were to return to or continue living in that country?
You should give full details of what you think may happen to you and reasons why that would happen
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with details
30 Who do you think may harm or mistreat you if you continue living in or go back to that country?
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with details
32 Did you travel through, or stay, in any other countries before arriving in the country where you are now living?
Yes Give details including length of stay and dates
From To
33 Has this application been lodged based on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
referring you to Australia for refugee resettlement?
Yes Attach a full copy of your UNHCR Resettlement Registration Form (RRF)
Given names
Country served
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Attach certified copies of any discharge papers if available
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
36 If selected for an interview about your application, will you need an interpreter?
Yes Which language(s)?
If you are selected for an interview we will advise you if you are required to provide your own interpreter
Dates of employment Name of employer Location of employer Type of business Occupation and main duties
A1 Main applicant
Other applicants
A2 Name
A3 Name
A4 Name
Dates of employment Name of employer Location of employer Type of business Occupation and main duties
A5 Name
A6 Name
A7 Name
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
A1 Main applicant
Other applicants
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
39 For EACH person included in this application, give details of their education
Other applicants
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Part K – Character
41 Has any person included in this application ever:
• been charged with any offence that is
currently awaiting legal action? No Yes
• been convicted of an offence in any country
(including any conviction which is now
removed from official records)? No Yes
• been the subject of an arrest warrant or
Interpol notice? No Yes If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
• been found guilty of a sexually based offence
involving a child (including where no
conviction was recorded)? No Yes
• been named on a sex offender register? No Yes
• been acquitted of any offence on the grounds
of unsoundness of mind or insanity? No Yes
• been found by a court not fit to plead? No Yes
• been directly or indirectly involved in, or
associated with, activities which would
represent a risk to national security in
Australia or any other country? No Yes
• been charged with, or indicted for: genocide,
war crimes, crimes against humanity, torture,
slavery, or any other crime that is otherwise of
a serious international concern? No Yes
• been associated with a person, group or
organisation that has been/is involved in
criminal conduct? No Yes
• been associated with an organisation
engaged in violence or engaged in acts of
violence (including war, insurgency, freedom
fighting, terrorism, protest) either overseas or
in Australia? No Yes
• served in a military force, police force, state
sponsored/private militia or intelligence
agency (including secret police)? No Yes
• undergone any military/paramilitary training,
been trained in weapons/explosives or in the
manufacture of chemical/biological products? No Yes
• been involved in people smuggling or people
trafficking offences? No Yes
• been removed, deported or excluded from any
country (including Australia)? No Yes
• overstayed a visa in any country (including
Australia)? No Yes
Office hours ( ) ( )
43 Is the person an agent registered with the Office of the Migration Agents
Registration Authority (Office of the MARA)?
Yes Go to Part M
45 Did you pay the person/agent and/or give a gift for this assistance?
Signature of
Signature of
Signature of
Signature or mark
Signature or mark
Signature or mark
Signature or mark
49 This declaration must be signed by you (the main applicant) and ALL WARNING: Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.
persons aged 18 or over included in this application.
I declare that: Signature or mark
• the information I have supplied on and with this form is complete, of applicant
correct and up-to-date in every detail.
• I did not marry or enter a de facto relationship to become eligible for Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
entry to Australia.
• I understand that if I have given false or misleading information, my Signature or mark
application may be refused, or, if a visa has been granted, the visa
may be cancelled and I could be removed from Australia.
of partner
(if applicable)
• I understand that if I am granted a visa, any person not included in Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
this application will not have automatic right of entry to Australia by
way of this application. Signatures of persons aged 18 years or over who are
• I undertake to inform the Australian Government of any material included in this application (if applicable)
changes to my circumstances while my application is being
considered, or before I am immigration cleared.
Signature or mark
(Note: Your visa may be cancelled and you could be removed if you
do not advise of changes in circumstances).
• I authorise the Australian Government to make any enquiries necessary Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
to determine my eligibility for entry to Australia, and to use any
information supplied in this application for that purpose.
Signature or mark
• I understand that unless my qualifications have already been
recognised by an Australian assessing authority before my departure,
they may not be recognised after my arrival.
• I understand that it is my personal responsibility to assess my own
employment prospects in Australia and acknowledge that labour
market conditions there can vary significantly from time to time and Signature or mark
between regions.
• I understand that grant of a visa provides no guarantee of employment
once in Australia. Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
• I have read the information contained in form 1442i Privacy notice.
• I understand the department may collect, use and disclose my
Signature or mark
personal information (including biometric information and other
sensitive information) as outlined in form 1442i Privacy notice.
• I understand that information collected in the visa process may be Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
disclosed to the Department of Social Services for the purposes of
evaluating my settlement needs and providing settlement support.
Signature or mark
For applicants applying in the Community Proposal Pilot:
• I understand that my Approved Proposing Organisation will be lodging
this application on my behalf; and Date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
• I understand that the information that I provide in this form may be
shared with my Approved Proposing Organisation and that my
Approved Proposing Organisation may also share this information Signature or mark
with any Supporting Community Organisations it works with in order
to provide services to help me settle in Australia.
Important – If your circumstances change after you lodge this application (eg. you change your address, marry or become engaged to be married, or have
a baby), you must notify the office where you lodge this application. If your application is supported by a proposal form 681 Refugee and special humanitarian
proposal or form 1417 Proposal for refugee and special humanitarian entrants by Approved Proposing Organisations and your proposer’s circumstances
change after you have lodged this application, you should also notify the office where you lodge this application.
© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2015 842 (Design date 07/15) - Page 35
Part Q – Document checklist
This checklist is provided to help you submit a complete, decision-ready Question Document Attached?
application. If you do not have any of the requested documents (originals Q21 Certified* copies of travel documents and/or
or certified* copies) listed below, please provide an explanation as to identity cards held by any person included
why you no longer have these documents. in this application (if available)
DOCUMENTS A statement explaining why you have no
travel/identity documents
50 Have you attached the following documents?
Q23 Certified* copies of any visas/residence
Question Document Attached? permits held by any person included in this
Eight (8) recent passport size photographs application (if available)
of each person included in your application, Q27 A detailed written statement (in English),
with the full name of the person clearly explaining the reasons why you fear
written on the back of each living in or returning to your home country
photograph Q33 If you have been referred for resettlement
Q2 & 3 Evidence of the identity of each person by the UNHCR, a full copy of your UNHCR
included in this application (eg. certified* Resettlement Registration Form (RRF)
copies of birth certificates, marriage Q34 Certified* copies of any discharge papers
certificates, passport, national identity (if available)
card etc.), if available
Q4 Evidence of registration with any • If you have attached additional pages with answers, each page must
international organisation dealing with be marked with the question number it refers to, and signed
refugees (eg. UNHCR), if applicable and dated by each person aged 18 years or over who is included in
Q8 Certified* copies of previous marriage/divorce this application.
papers, or death certificates (if applicable) • Please ensure you, your partner and persons aged 18 years or over
Q9 Certified* copies of child custody papers who are included in this application have signed the Declaration at
(if applicable) Part P.
Q10 Certified* copies of adoption papers or a • If you do not provide all the necessary documents, or you have not
written statement which explains the provided an adequate explanation why you cannot provide these
circumstances of adoption (if applicable) documents, a decision may be made on the information you have
provided. It is in your interest to support your application with as much
Q17 If your entry to Australia is being proposed information as possible at the time of lodging this application.
by a person or organisation in Australia,
• You must lodge your Class XB visa application at the relevant office
attach a fully completed form 681
of the department responsible for visa applications from your country
completed by your proposer
of residence. To find out which office of the department you need to
OR lodge your application with, refer to the department’s website at
If your entry to Australia is being proposed
by an Approved Proposing Organisation Note: Certain applicants must lodge their application in Australia (see
under the Community Proposal Pilot, attach ‘Where can you lodge this application?’ on page 3).
a fully completed form 1417 completed by
your Approved Proposing Organisation
Q18 If you are applying under the ‘split family’
provisions for immediate family members,
please attach:
a certified* copy of your proposer’s visa
A form 681 completed by your immediate *In Australia, copies of documents must be certified as true copies of the original
family member in Australia who is by a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations, or a person before
proposing you whom a Statutory Declaration may be made under the Statutory Declarations
Note: If applying under ‘split family’ Act 1959.
provisions, form 681 must be lodged with *Outside Australia, copies of documents must be certified by a person who is the
the form 842 at the time you submit this equivalent of a Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for Declarations in the
application country where the documents are being certified.