Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal: Who Should Use This Form?
Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal: Who Should Use This Form?
Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal: Who Should Use This Form?
Who should use this form? Your role as a proposer is to assist in the settlement of the
entrants you have proposed. This includes:
This form should be used by persons wishing to propose
applicants under the Refugee and Special Humanitarian • meeting the entrant at the airport;
Program, including those eligible under the special ‘split family’ • providing accommodation for the entrant on arrival;
provisions that apply to immediate family members.* • assisting the entrant to find permanent accommodation; and
Proposals may be submitted by individuals or by organisations • providing information and orientation assistance to the
operating in Australia. To be eligible to propose as an individual, entrant.
you must be:
• an Australian citizen; or ‘Information and orientation assistance’ means assisting
• a permanent resident of Australia; or the entrant to access:
• an eligible New Zealand citizen. • Income support through Centrelink;
You must not be an irregular maritime arrival. • Permanent housing;
If you are eligible to propose, you will also need form 842 • Medicare;
Application for an Offshore Humanitarian visa to be • Health services (eg. doctor, dentist and pharmacy);
completed by the visa applicant and submitted together with • Employment services (eg. Job Network);
this form. • Education and training services (eg. Adult Migrant
English Program, children’s schooling);
Changes to the Special Humanitarian Program • Translating and interpreting services;
• Banking services;
People who arrived in Australia as irregular maritime arrivals
are not eligible to propose family under the Special • Childcare services; and
Humanitarian Program. These people may seek to sponsor • Transport.
family within the family stream of the Migration Program.
Further information on these categories can be found at
In Part D of this form, you will be asked to indicate whether
you are able to provide accommodation and information and
orientation assistance to the entrants you are proposing.
You should carefully consider your ability to fulfil the
About this form
requirements of a proposer. Unless there are exceptional
Important – Please read this information carefully before you circumstances, your failure to provide the level of support
complete your proposal. Once you have completed your indicated in your undertaking in Part D may adversely affect any
proposal we strongly advise that you keep a copy for your future proposals you submit under the Humanitarian Program.
Am I eligible for support in my role as a proposer?
What is required of proposers? Yes. Proposer Support is available to all proposers. The aim of
If you are proposing applicants who are granted a subclass 202 this service is to ensure that proposers are able to:
(Global Special Humanitarian) visa the Australian Government • respond to the needs of entrants; and
is not responsible for the applicant’s travel to Australia, including
• fulfil their obligations to directly support entrants.
As part of this service, prior to the entrant’s arrival, you will be
If you are proposing applicants under the ‘split family’
provided with information and guidance on how to:
provisions, and any of the following visa subclasses are granted:
• assist an entrant to settle in Australia; and
200 – Refugee;
• obtain further information and guidance, if required, after
201 – In-country Special Humanitarian; the entrant has arrived. This may include referral to other
203 – Emergency Rescue; service providers, for example, to assess the physical and
psychological health of the entrant.
204 – Woman at Risk;
the applicant’s travel costs will be paid by the Australian
An ‘applicant’ who is granted a visa and travels to Australia,
becomes an ‘entrant’ on arrival.
Processing times
Processing times vary according to individual circumstances
such as where the applicant is living and any health conditions
that may require testing or treatment. Processing delays can
also occur where checks or tests to confirm identity or claimed
relationships between family members are needed. In addition,
local conditions such as poor phone lines and mail services or
the general security situation may affect how quickly interviews
can be arranged.
Applicants will be advised by the department as their visa
application progresses. If you want information regarding the
person you have proposed and are not their authorised
recipient, you should contact that person directly.
For information on the making and processing of visa
applications, see information form 1025i Visa applications.
Please use a pen, and write neatly in English using BLOCK LETTERS.
11 Precise relationship of main applicant to you (give full details)
Tick where applicable
Given names
13 Give details of all other dependent family members of the main
applicant who are included in this proposal
3 Has the person you are proposing been known by any other names? A2
(such as name at birth, alias, previous married name) Family name
Given names
Yes Give details
Family name
Sex Male Female
Given names DAY MONTH YEAR
Date of birth
Relationship status
4 Citizenship Married legally Engaged Widowed
Married by De facto Never married or
tradition/custom been in a de facto
5 Sex Male Female Separated
Married religiously
Given names
8 Current country of residence
17 Date of birth
18 Place of birth
Family name
Given names
22 Postal address
Family name
(If the same as your residential address, write ‘AS ABOVE’)
Given names
Fax number ( ) ( )
32 Postal address
E-mail address (If the same as street address, write ‘AS ABOVE’)
After hours ( ) ( )
For how many years has your
partner been in this occupation? Mobile/cell
Note: If the contact details of the person signing this form on behalf of
Part C – Proposer’s details – Organisations the organisation change before this application is finalised, it is your
responsibility to notify the office of department at which the application
Note: This part should only be completed if you are representing an is being processed.
organisation submitting a proposal, and you have the authority to
represent your organisation. 34 Please attach a written statement explaining your organisation’s
objectives (clearly mark this statement as ‘Question 34’)
27 Organisation’s full name/title Is the statement attached?
Fax number ( ) ( )
Now go to Question 38
Office of the department where the previous application Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other
was lodged
Family name
Given names
42 Have you (or your organisation) previously proposed any other applicants Address
for a humanitarian visa?
Yes Please provide the following details
Name of the visa applicant you proposed
Telephone number or daytime contact
Office of the department where the application was lodged 44 Is the person an agent registered with the Office of the Migration Agents
Registration Authority (Office of the MARA)?
Date of previous application 46 Did you pay the person/agent and/or give a gift for this assistance?
File number No
Authorised You should complete form 956A Appointment
or withdrawal of an authorised recipient
Migration agent Your migration agent/exempt person should
complete form 956 Advice by a migration
OR agent/exempt person of providing
Exempt person immigration assistance
Printed name
of proposer