My First Experience As A University Student
My First Experience As A University Student
My First Experience As A University Student
My first experience as a university student was quite interesting as my experience first started
in a registration que.
I literally thought of all ways to how I was going to make friends and get familiar with the place
when I was in that que, little did I know, that was where I would find friends I could count on till
this date.
Me knowing them made me comfortable and to adapt and adopt to the environment faster
than I thought I would.
My first experience had a positive and negative sides. on the positive side, it was pretty much
easy to connect with people and the school was really welcoming by giving us orientations to
know the school better.
my experience on the negative side was really involving and tiresome because I waited on the
line for a long period of time as there was a lot of people that were doing the registration.
The registration and accommodation process had so many long lines. I started in the morning
and finished in the night. When I was done with the process, I literally throw myself on the bed
and slept as I was very tired.
However, even though my first experience was like that, through my analysis and my adapting
and adoption process to the new environment, I discovered that it takes a lot to be a successful
What it takes to be a successful student is time management. As much as there are so many
things to do and so many distractions one needs to discipline themselves and manage their
time by doing what they need to do and not changing their mind for unnecessary programs.
Secondly, one needs to plan there day, how they will make it fruitful by setting goals and
making sure they are all tackled with.
Furthermore, getting enough sleep. If the sleep is not taken. One operates slow and they don’t
fully become alert because their brain is tired because it did not rest to the amounted time it
needed to rest for.
Nevertheless, taking notes in class would keep one active and alert in class as well as helping
one prepare for the exams.
Having time to study can contribute to being a successful student, as it helps in knowing and
understanding things very well.
In conclusion to this through my first experience as a student and as I kept on knowing more
about the university life, I learnt it takes hard work and persistency to be a successful student.