Grammar Practice Book: Teaching Notes

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Grammar Practice Book 6

Teaching Notes

British English
Susannah Reed

Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

About Guess What! How do pupils use the Guess What! Flyers
Guess What! is an innovative six-level course for primary Booklet?
age pupils learning English who want to learn about the Pupils are invited to discuss the topic or make predictions
world around them as they do so. It offers a well-paced about each reading text, before reading with the class
and achievable syllabus and supports pupils aiming to and sharing their reactions. New Flyers vocabulary is
take Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) tests. Pupils highlighted in blue for them to check in their Flyers
will have covered the Movers syllabus by the end of Guess dictionary if needed.
What! Level 6.
Pupils follow their reading with comprehension and
language practice activities, supported by example speech
What is the Guess What! Flyers Booklet?
The Guess What! Flyers Booklet is for pupils and teachers
who want to prepare for the Flyers exams. It provides On the second page of each spread, carefully staged
additional practice in reading, speaking and writing, and activities, together with a Focus! grammar reference
teaches the structures and vocabulary needed for the feature, guide pupils into planning and producing their
Flyers syllabus that are not covered elsewhere in Guess own version of the text type, e.g. their own story, poem,
What! It can also be used by any pupils who are preparing report or letter. Pupils are helped to structure their writing
for the Flyers exams and want extra practice in skills or and are also encouraged to use their own creativity.
language work. There is also a guided discussion activity linked to each
topic. Finally, pupils summarise and assess what they have
What does the Guess What! Flyers Booklet learned in each lesson.
The Guess What! Flyers Booklet provides twelve main
teaching spreads, each based around a topic chosen to
appeal to children in this age group. Each spread has a
clearly identified target language structure presented via
an engaging reading text. There is a different text genre
chosen for each spread, including a poem, a story, a
report, a newspaper article, a questionnaire, a letter and
classified adverts.
There is also a Flyers dictionary at the back of the booklet.

Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

Contents Page

A newspaper article 4

Aims Pupils read and write a newspaper article. They learn to use the past continuous to describe
longer events in the past which are interrupted.
Flyers I was (having a scuba-diving lesson). | We were (looking at an octopus) when (our instructor
grammar gave the danger signal). | My dad (didn’t come) because he was (playing tennis).
Flyers bright, passenger, journalist, horrible, several, suddenly, away, through, entrance, until, began,
vocabulary pull, anything, lucky, lie, fetch, post office, fall over, police officer, push, fire engine, secret, corner,
swan, century, past, something

2 A magazine interview 6

Aims Pupils read and write a magazine interview. They learn to use tag questions to check information.
Flyers You’re a (digital artist), aren’t you? | She isn’t (good at drawing people), is she? | Sarah likes
grammar (drawing dog portraits), doesn’t she?
Flyers unusual, sell, screen, post, wife, married, hope, information, member

3 Rules for a game 8

Aims Pupils read rules for games and make up some of their own. They learn to use the zero conditional
for rules that are always the same.
Flyers If you (hit the balloon), you (score a point). | (The game ends) when (the chaser catches everyone).
Flyers keep, score, minutes, also, fingers, everyone, post, whistle, toes, something

4 A poem 10

Aims Pupils read and write a poem. They learn to talk about how things make them feel.
Flyers What makes me (happy)? | (The smell of cake) makes me (hungry).
Flyers suitcase, wish, leave, believe, popular

5 Classified adverts 12

Aims Pupils read and understand classified adverts. They learn to use the present perfect to talk about their
general experiences and interview a partner to see if their experiences match up with a job advert.
Flyers Have you ever (wanted to play the trumpet)? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. | I’ve / I haven’t (cooked
grammar a curry). | (David) has/hasn’t (climbed a volcano).
Flyers cheap, popular, college, tonight, chopsticks, university, hour, expensive, waiter, uniform, spend,
vocabulary surname, sell, camel, swing, golf, speak

6 A travel diary 14

Aims Pupils read and write a travel diary. They learn to use the present perfect with adverbs and
prepositions to talk about the recent past.
Flyers I’ve been here since (Saturday) / for (four days). | I’ve just/already (met the team). | I haven’t
grammar (been to the dig) yet. | I still haven’t (found a dinosaur bone).
Flyers dinosaur, ago, engineer, hill, gold, fall over, lift, extinct, million, large, lucky, silver, thousand, past
Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

7 A story 16

Aims Pupils read and make up their own story. They learn to use the conjunction so, and to talk about
things that happen as a result of something else.
Flyers Casey (wanted some strawberries), so (she planted some seeds).
Flyers jam, no one, herself, sugar, without, repair, pocket, chemist’s, channel, gloves, tights, whisper,
vocabulary mechanic, next, something, else

8 A report 18

Aims Pupils read and write a report about a school trip. They learn to talk about what things are made of.
Flyers (Roundhouses) were made of (wood). | What’s your (ruler) made of? It’s made of (plastic).
Flyers information, wood, large, also, middle, through, over, flour, actually, headteacher, comb, metal,
vocabulary such, knife, silver, gold, during, next, else

A story from history 20

Aims Pupils read a story from history and write about a piece of treasure from their own country. They
learn to use clauses with before and after.
Flyers They had a long way to travel before they reached the castle. | The King never recovered after he
grammar lost his treasure.
Flyers rich, popular, steal, crown, gold, silver, journey, suddenly, over, enough, fall over, piece, something,
vocabulary tomorrow

0 An experiment 22

Aims Pupils read about an experiment and make up an experiment of their own. They learn to talk
about what things look, smell, taste or feel like.
Flyers What does it (look) like? | Does it (smell) like (butter)? | It (tastes) like (chocolate). | It (sounds)
grammar like a (cat).
Flyers butter, jam, full, minute, middle, empty, spoon, salt, normal, piece, keep, fridge, flour, once, twice,
vocabulary pepper, fork, prepare, something

A survey 24

Aims Pupils read and write a questionnaire about predictions for the future. They learn to use will and
won’t for making predictions. They conduct a group survey and show the results in a bar chart.
Flyers People will (read e-books). | They won’t (read books). | Will people (read books)? Yes, they will. /
grammar No, they won’t. | I think people will/won’t have robot pets.
Flyers future, conversation, everyone, speak, secretary, improve, no one, exams, university, married, else

2 A letter 26

Aims Pupils read and write a letter responding to an invitation. They learn to use might and may to
talk about things that are possible in the future.
Flyers I (may) come by train. | Uncle Michael (might) come.
Flyers college, hope, bridge, date, meeting, alone, taxi, railway, make sure, perhaps, leave, mind, until,
vocabulary future, envelope

Flyers dictionary 28
Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015
1 A newspaper article
Lesson aims  Pupils read and write a newspaper 2 Read and match.
article. They learn to use the past continuous. • Pupils read and match the two halves of each sentence
Flyers structure  I was (having a scuba-diving about the newspaper article. Check by asking pupils
lesson).  |  We were (looking at an octopus) when (our to read the complete sentences, which also provide
instructor gave the danger signal).  |  My dad (didn’t a summary of the newspaper story.
come) because he was (playing tennis). Key: 1 b  2 c  3 d  4 e  5 a
Flyers vocabulary  bright, passenger, journalist, 3 Use the chart to make sentences about yourself.
horrible, several, suddenly, away, through, entrance, Play True or false?
until, began, pull, anything, lucky, lie, fetch, post
office, fall over, police officer, push, fire engine, secret,
• Pupils use the chart to make true or false sentences
about themselves. Demonstrate with sentences about
corner, swan, century, past, something
yourself, e.g. Yesterday I was walking home from school
Recycled language  We saw (lots of beautiful when I saw a fire engine. (True.) On Saturday I was
creatures).  |  We had to (swim quickly). shopping with my family when I met a police officer.
Materials  A newspaper in English or in pupils’
own language (optional) • Pupils can make sentences for the rest of the class to
guess and then continue the activity in pairs. Pupils use
the chart and the Focus! box on the opposite page to
Warmer help them. They can also make up their own sentences.
• Use any newspapers you have to introduce the theme 4 Imagine you’re a journalist. Choose one of these
of news articles. Ask What are the news stories today? headlines and make notes.
What are the headlines?
• Say Now imagine you’re a journalist. You’re going to
write a newspaper article. Read the three suggested
Presentation headlines, helping with new vocabulary as necessary.
• Write a simple headline on the board about yourself, For each one, use the questions provided to elicit ideas
e.g. Teacher sees gorilla on the way to school. about the story.
• Use this headline to ask What did I see yesterday? • Pupils then work in pairs or small groups, choosing one
(A gorilla.) Then ask What was I doing when I saw the newspaper headline and answering the questions to
gorilla? Elicit or answer I was walking to school. Pupils think of ideas for their article. Pupils can make up their
can repeat this sentence in chorus and individually. own headline and story if they prefer.

Booklet pages 4–5 5 Now write a newspaper article. Include a quote

from someone involved in the story.
What did Josh see when he was scuba-diving?
• Pupils use their notes to write their own newspaper
• Pupils look at the newspaper article and guess the article, using the text in activity 1 as a model. Point out
answer to the question from the picture and the how they can use a quote from someone involved in
headline. (A shark.) the story as part of their article.
1 Read the newspaper article. • Pupils can work individually or in pairs or groups. They
can use the language in the Focus! box to help them.
• Read the article aloud while pupils follow in their books.
Ask Who had a scuba-diving lesson? (Josh, his mum and 6 Now interview your partner about the story in
his sister.) Did his dad go? (No.) Why did the instructor their news article.
give the danger signal? (He saw a shark.) Where did they • Pupils work with a new partner and interview them
hide from the shark? (Inside a cave.) Who rescued them? about their newspaper article.
(Some people on a boat.)
• Draw pupils’ attention to new vocabulary, particularly 7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
the Flyers vocabulary marked in blue. Pupils can guess • Pupils read and tick the learning points they can now do
the meaning of the words from the text or look them and put a cross in the box next to anything they are still
up in the dictionary at the back of their booklets. unsure about. Make a note of things pupils have found
• Read the text aloud again, pausing after the sentences difficult for further revision.
with the past continuous and asking questions to elicit
practice of the structure: I was having a scuba-diving Ending the lesson
lesson with my sister and my mum. (What was Josh • Ask questions about the newspaper article in the booklet
doing?) My dad didn’t come because he was playing for pupils to answer from memory.
tennis. (Why didn’t his dad go?) • Extension activity (optional): Pupils can make a class
• Ask Why was Josh lucky? (Because he escaped from the newspaper with the articles they have written.
shark.) Then ask Would you like to go scuba-diving?
Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015
2 A magazine interview
Lesson aims  Pupils read and write a magazine 2 Read and match.
interview. They learn to use tag questions to check • Pupils match each sentence about the magazine article
information. with its correct question tag. Check by asking pupils to
Flyers structure  You’re a (digital artist), aren’t read the complete questions, with other pupils answering.
you?  |  She isn’t (good at drawing people), is she?  |  Key: 1 b  2 d  3 e  4 a  5 c
Sarah likes (drawing dog portraits), doesn’t she? 
3 Complete the tag questions. Then ask your class.
Flyers vocabulary  unusual, sell, screen, post, How many yes answers can you get?
wife, married, hope, information, member
• Pupils complete the tag questions, using their own
Recycled language  I’m good at / I’m not good ideas and the correct endings. Encourage them to make
at (Art).  |  I like (drawing dogs).  |  I (gave it to my questions they think someone else will answer yes to.
uncle) when (he got married). Pupils can use the Focus! box on the opposite page to
help them form their questions. Help and check their
Materials  Recording equipment (optional) accuracy as necessary.
• Pupils then ask their questions to other pupils in the
Warmer class, and see how many reply with yes answers. You
can either organise this with pupils in pairs or groups
• Ask pupils about their hobbies: Have you got a hobby? taking turns to ask other pupils questions, or with them
What do you like doing? How often do you (go horse
circulating around the class asking each other.
4 Complete the sentences about a friend’s hobby.
Presentation • Tell pupils they are going to write a magazine interview.
• Use tag questions to check the information pupils have Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils prepare for the interview
given you about their hobbies, e.g. Max, you like horse by completing the sentences with information they think
riding, don’t you? Sara, you’ve got two hobbies, haven’t they know about their partner’s hobby or interests.
you? Lucas, you’re good at football, aren’t you?
5 Now write four tag questions to your friend for
• The named pupils confirm the information. Pupils can a magazine article.
repeat the tag questions in chorus and individually.
• Pupils choose four of the sentences they have written in
Booklet pages 6–7 activity 4, and turn them into tag questions, writing them
down as questions for a magazine article.
What is Sarah good at?
• Help as necessary and ask pupils to read out the
• Pupils look at the magazine interview and guess the questions to check accuracy. They can also use the Focus!
answer to the question by scanning the text. (She’s good box to help them.
at Art.)
6 Interview your friend. Write their answers into
1 Read the magazine interview. the magazine article.
• Read the magazine interview aloud while pupils follow • In their pairs, pupils then ask each other their tag
in their books. Ask some comprehension questions: What questions and write the answers to complete the
does Sarah like drawing? (Portraits of animals.) Is she magazine article. Pupils can use the example speech
good at drawing people? (No, she isn’t.) What does she bubbles and the Focus! box to help them.
use for drawing? (A digital drawing tool.) Whose dog is
this? (Her uncle’s.)
• Ask pairs of pupils to read or act out their interviews.
• Draw pupils’ attention to new vocabulary, particularly 7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
the Flyers vocabulary marked in blue. Pupils can guess • Pupils read and tick the learning points they can now do
the meaning of the words from the text or look them up and put a cross in the box next to anything they are still
in the dictionary at the back of their booklets. unsure about. Make a note of things pupils have found
• Ask pupils to read out the four tag questions from the difficult for further revision.
text. Write these on the board: You’ve got an unusual
hobby, haven’t you? You don’t draw portraits of people, Ending the lesson
do you? You’re a digital artist, aren’t you? This is one • Start tag questions about pupils in the class, pausing
of your portraits, isn’t it? Use these sentences to draw for others to complete them and then answer if the
pupils’ attention to how the tag questions are formed. information is correct, e.g. Ana is good at Maths, … isn’t
Pupils can then repeat them. she? (Yes, she is!) Pupils can also start the questions, but
• Ask pupils for their own reactions to the text: Do you like make sure that they only use sentences that are polite.
Art? Would you like to be a digital artist? What would • Extension activity (optional): Pairs of pupils can roleplay
you like to draw? their interviews as if they are radio or TV reporters.
Record them if you have access to recording equipment.

Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

3 Rules for a game
Lesson aims  Pupils read and write rules for • Complete each sentence on the board, pointing out how
games. They learn to use the zero conditional for we use the zero conditional to describe rules that don’t
rules that are always the same. change. Pupils can then repeat the sentences.
Flyers structure  If you (hit the balloon), you • Ask pupils for their own reactions to the text: Do you
(score a point).  |  (The game ends) when (the chaser know these games? Do you ever play them in your
catches everyone). playground? Would you like to play them?

Flyers vocabulary  keep, score, minutes, also, 2 Read and complete the rules. Then say which
fingers, everyone, post, whistle, toes, something game they belong to.
Recycled language  balloon, snowy, sunny, • Pupils read and complete the rules with the missing
rainy, ill  |  You need (two players).  |  You have to / words. They then say which game the rules belong to –
He/She has to (keep the balloon in the air). Balloon volleyball or Stuck in the mud.
Key: 1 catches (Stuck in the mud)  2 win, balloon (Balloon
Materials  A simple board game or picture card volleyball)  3 chaser, everyone (Stuck in the mud)  4 score,
game (optional)
hit (Balloon volleyball)  5 mud, touches, fingers (Stuck in
the mud)
Warmer 3 Read and complete to make true sentences
• Ask about games pupils like playing in class or at home: about you and your friends.
What games do you like playing? What’s your favourite • Pupils complete the sentences to make true sentences
game? about themselves, using the zero conditional. Pupils work
individually or in pairs. They can use the Focus! box to
Presentation help them form their sentences. Help and check their
• If you have one, show your game and say This is one of accuracy as necessary.
my favourite games. Who knows how to play it? Elicit
4 What’s your favourite sport or playground
some of the rules, e.g. to describe Pairs: You need some
game? Ask and answer.
picture cards. You turn them face down. You have to
take turns to turn over two cards. If they match, you • Ask What’s your favourite sport or playground game?
keep the pair of pictures. If they don’t match, you turn Elicit different answers and then tell pupils they are
them over again and someone else has a turn. going to write the rules for this game. (Alternatively, they
can make up their own game.)
• Pupils can repeat the sentences with If clauses in chorus
and individually. • Divide pupils into pairs. They prepare for writing by
asking and answering the questions provided on the
Booklet pages 8– page, and noting down their ideas.

What games do you play in the playground? 5 Write instructions for your favourite game.
• Pupils say what games they play in the playground and • Pupils now write the rules for their game, as if they are
the ones they like the best. writing a blog post.

1 Read the blog about playground games.

• Help as necessary and ask pupils to read out some of
their rules to check accuracy. They can also use the Focus!
• Read the blog aloud while pupils follow in their books. box to help them.
Ask How many players do you need for Balloon
volleyball? (Two.) Can the balloon touch the ground? 6 Now ask a partner about their game.
(No, it can’t.) What does the chaser have to do in Stuck • Pupils change partners and ask each other about their
in the mud? (Catch the other players.) game. They can use the example speech bubbles and the
• Draw pupils’ attention to new vocabulary, particularly Focus! box to help them.
the Flyers vocabulary marked in blue. Pupils can guess 7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
the meaning of the words from the text or look them up
in the dictionary at the back of their booklets. • Pupils read and tick the learning points they can now do
and put a cross in the box next to anything they are still
• Select the rules from the text that include If or When unsure about. Make a note of things pupils have found
clauses and write the start of these on the board: If you
difficult for further revision.
hit the balloon … If you miss the balloon … You also
win the game if … If the chaser catches someone … If
Ending the lesson
another player touches their fingers … The game ends
when … • Pupils can play one of the games you have brought to
class or a game of their choice. Encourage them to say
• Then ask pupils to search for the ends of these sentences the rules as they do so.
in the text and read them aloud to you.
• Extension activity (optional): Pupils can choose some
new games from the lesson to try in the playground.
Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015
4 A poem
Lesson aims  Pupils read and write a poem. They 3 Read and choose the correct words. Then
learn to talk about how things make them feel. compare with a friend.
Flyers structure  What makes me (happy)?  |  • Pupils read the sentences and circle the emotion that
(The smell of cake) makes me (hungry). they feel in each situation.

Flyers vocabulary  suitcase, wish, leave, believe, • Pupils then work in pairs, comparing their feelings. They
can use the example speech bubbles and the Focus! box
on the opposite page to help.
Recycled language  happy, excited, angry, sad, 4 Find and circle the rhyming words in the poem.
hungry, thirsty, worried, bored, tired  |  She likes /
Then match the rhyming words in the box.
doesn’t like (being with her friends).  |  She thinks /
doesn’t think (her brother can sing).  |  She’s got / • Read the first verse of the poem again, emphasising
She hasn’t got any (pets). the rhyming words friend/weekend, rain/again. Ask
pupils to find the other pairs of rhyming words in the
Materials  A postcard (optional) poem (suitcase/race, wish/dish, things/sings, bites/fights,
friends/ends, lost/cross). Point out how the rhyming
Warmer scheme works, with two pairs of rhyming lines and an
introductory and closing line in each verse.
• Revise emotions by asking pupils to act out different
emotions and actions: You’re all sad. Walk in a sad way. • Pupils then find and match the pairs of rhyming words
Now you’re happy. Walk in a happy way. in the box. They can also make sentences using these
Presentation Key: snow/go, walk/talk, holiday/play, make/mistake,
night/light, food/mood, ill/still, school/pool, believe/
• Show pupils your postcard and smile, saying, e.g. This is leave, see/me
a postcard from my friend. Postcards always make me
happy. Pupils can repeat the sentence. 5 Write a verse of a poem. Use rhyming words if
• Play a game of Stand up and sit down, using different you can.
emotions, e.g. Birthdays make me happy, Goodbyes • Pupils write their own verse of a feelings poem, working
make me sad, Late nights make me tired. Pupils stand individually or in pairs or small groups. They choose an
up if they agree and stay sitting down if they don’t. emotion and then write four sentences about things
that make them feel that way. Encourage them to use
Booklet pages 10–11 rhyming words if they can, but also point out that poems
What makes you happy? don’t have to rhyme.

• Ask What makes you happy? Pupils reply with their own • Pupils can read their poems aloud if they wish.
ideas. Repeat the question with other emotions: What 6 Choose a question and ask some friends. What
makes you excited/angry? are the most popular answers?
1 Read the poem. • Pupils choose a question and ask other pupils to see
what the most popular answer is. They can do this in
• Read the poem aloud while pupils follow in their books. groups, or you can organise this as a class survey. Pupils
Ask Does he like walking in the rain? (Yes, he does.) Does
he like going on holiday? (Yes, he does.) Does he like his can then report back to the class, using the example
brother singing? (No, he doesn’t.) speech bubbles to help them.

• Draw pupils’ attention to new vocabulary, particularly • Compare results, e.g. What makes us all angry? How
the Flyers vocabulary marked in blue. Pupils can guess many pupils agree that holidays make them happy?
the meaning of the words from the text or look them up 7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
in the dictionary at the back of their booklets.
• Pupils read and tick the learning points they can now do
• Read the poem again, at the start of each verse asking and put a cross in the box next to anything they are still
What makes him (happy)? Individual pupils read the unsure about. Make a note of things pupils have found
lines in each verse as if they are answering the question. difficult for further revision.
Then ask questions with the new structure: How does
his mum getting cross make him feel? (It makes him feel Ending the lesson
sad.) Does walking in the rain make him sad? (No, it
doesn’t. It makes him happy.) • Play a game of Stand up and sit down again, but this
time with pupils making the sentences.
• Ask Do holidays make you happy? What makes you sad?
• Extension activity (optional): Pupils can make a class
2 Read and write true or false. poetry anthology.
• Pupils read the sentences and say if they are true or false.
Key: 1 true  2 true  3 false  4 false  5 false
Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015
5 Classified adverts
Lesson aims  Pupils read and understand • Draw pupils’ attention to how these questions in the
classified adverts. They learn to use the present present perfect are formed. Pupils can then repeat the
perfect to talk about their general experiences and questions and ask each other in pairs.
interview a partner. • Ask pupils Which advert would you answer?
Flyers structure  Have you ever (wanted to play 2 Now read the adverts again and answer the
the trumpet)? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.  |  I’ve / I questions.
haven’t (cooked a curry). (David) has/hasn’t (climbed
a volcano).
• Pupils read and answer the questions about the adverts.
Key: 1 Helen  2 Dream Machine  3 Japan  4 A waiter 
Flyers vocabulary  cheap, popular, college, 5 A photography competition
tonight, chopsticks, university, hour, expensive, waiter,
uniform, spend, surname, sell, camel, swing, golf, 3 What have you done? Make questions and ask
speak your friend. Then tell the class.

Recycled language  saxophone, keyboard, curry, • Pupils use the prompts to interview a partner about their
own experiences. Check vocabulary, particularly the new
birthday cake, concert, rainforest, volcano  |  Can you
Flyers words highlighted in blue. Pupils can also use the
(play the keyboard)?  |  Would you like to try?
speech bubbles and the Focus! box to help.
Materials  A newpaper or magazine with a • Pupils then report back to the class, e.g. I haven’t cooked
classified adverts section (optional) a curry, but I’ve eaten one. David has climbed a volcano.
4 What experience do you need for this job? Read
Warmer the classified advert and circle.
• If you have a newspaper or magazine, use the classified • Remind pupils that some classified adverts advertise
adverts page to introduce the topic. Ask What are jobs. Pupils then read this one looking for a summer
classified adverts for? (To sell things, To offer services.) camp helper. They circle the abilities and experience
Say, e.g. I bought my car from a classified advert. someone applying for this job needs.
5 Write six interview questions for a summer camp
• Ask Have you ever read classified adverts? Have you ever • Pupils write six questions to ask someone who wanted to
bought anything from one? Pupils can put their hands
be a summer camp helper, using the information in the
up and tell you what they bought and when.
advert in activity 4 to help, e.g. Can you speak English?
• Pupils repeat: Have you ever read classified adverts? Have you ever camped outside?
Tell pupils they are going to read some now.
6 Now interview your partner for the job. Have
Booklet pages 12–13 they got the right experience?
Which item is for sale? • Pupils work in pairs. They ask each other their questions
from activity 5 to see if their partner has the right
• Ask pupils to scan the adverts quickly and tell you experience to be a summer camp helper. They use the
which item is for sale (the saxophone). Explain the other example speech bubbles to help.
adverts offer job opportunities, lessons or a competition.
7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
1 Read the classified adverts.
• Pupils read and tick the learning points they can now do
• Read the classified adverts aloud while pupils follow and put a cross in the box next to anything they are still
in their books. Ask How much is the saxophone? (200 unsure about. Make a note of things pupils have found
dollars.) Is it cheap or expensive? (Cheap.) Who do difficult for further revision.
Dream Machine want? (A keyboard player.) What kind
of lessons can you have? (Cookery lessons.)
Ending the lesson
• Draw pupils’ attention to new vocabulary, particularly • Pupils stand up. Ask a question, e.g. Have you ever
the Flyers vocabulary marked in blue. Pupils can guess
camped outside? All pupils who have stay standing;
the meaning of the words from the text or look them up
those who haven’t sit down. Continue the game until
in the dictionary at the back of their booklets.
only one pupil is left standing. He or she is the winner.
• Read the Have you ever … ? questions from the adverts • Extension activity (optional): Pupils choose a classified
again, asking individual pupils to answer them for
advert from activity 1 and make up a dialogue for
themselves with Yes, I have or No, I haven’t: Have you
responding to it, e.g. Hello. Is that Yoko? (Yes, it is. How
ever wanted to learn the saxophone? Have you ever
can I help you?) I saw your advert for cookery lessons.
played in a concert? Have you ever made sushi? Have
How much are they? (Each lesson is ten US dollars.)
you ever eaten with chopsticks? Have you ever spent the
OK. Great.
night in a rainforest? Have you ever climbed a volcano?

Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

6 A travel diary
Lesson aims  Pupils read and write a travel diary. • Write since, yet, already, for, still and just on the board.
They learn to use the present perfect with adverbs Pupils find the sentences in the diary that contain these
and prepositions to talk about the recent past. words. (I’ve been here since Saturday. I haven’t been
Flyers structure  I’ve been here since (Saturday) / to the dinosaur dig yet. I’ve already met the team. I’ve
for (four days).  |  I’ve just/already (met the team).  |  been here for four days now. I still haven’t found a
I haven’t (been to the dig) yet.  |  I still haven’t (found dinosaur bone. I’ve just found my first dinosaur bone!)
a dinosaur bone). • Read these sentences again and ask questions to check
meaning, e.g. It’s Monday. How long has Katy been
Flyers vocabulary  dinosaur, ago, engineer, hill, at the camp? (For two days.) Has Katy already met
gold, fall over, lift, extinct, million, large, lucky, silver, the team? (Yes, she has.) Has she been to the dig yet?
thousand, past (No, she hasn’t.) It’s Wednesday. How long has she
Recycled language  (Katy Kelly) loves been at the camp for now? (Four days.) Has she found
(dinosaurs).  |  She went to visit (Project Dinosaur).  |  a dinosaur bone yet? (No, she hasn’t.) What has she
I was helping the team and I fell over something. found? (A gold ring.) It’s Friday. What has Katy just
found? (A dinosaur bone.) Did she find it a long time
Materials  A book or pictures of dinosaurs ago? (No, she didn’t. She’s just found it.)
2 Read and correct the sentences.

• Pupils read and correct the sentences about the travel
• Introduce the topic of dinosaurs using pictures if you Key: 1 four two  2 hasn’t yet has already  3 silver gold 
have them: What’s this? (A dinosaur.) What type of
4 still hasn’t has just  5 thousand million
dinosaur is it? (Pupils name it in their own language.)
Have you ever seen dinosaur bones? (Yes/No.) Where did 3 Make sentences about yourself. Say true or false.
you see them? (In a museum.) When did dinosaurs die? • Pupils use the prompts to make true or false sentences
(65 million years ago.) Where do scientists find dinosaur about themselves. Demonstrate the activity first, e.g.
bones? (In the ground.) I still haven’t cleaned my teeth this morning. (False.) I’ve
already had breakfast. (True.) Pupils then continue in
Presentation pairs. They use the speech bubbles and the Focus! box
• Ask Who has seen dinosaur bones? Pupils put their to help.
hands up. Use the show of hands to pre-teach still, yet
4 Think of an exciting trip. Answer the questions.
and already. Point to pupils with their hands up and say
(Maria and Lucas) have already seen dinosaur bones. • Ask Would you like to visit a dinosaur dig? What exciting
Then point to pupils with their hands down and say trip would you like to go on? Pupils work in pairs or small
(Ana) hasn’t seen a dinosaur bone yet. (Daniel) still groups, answering the questions to plan an exciting trip
hasn’t seen a dinosaur bone. and noting their answers down.
• Then pre-teach just, for and since by asking Have 5 Now write a travel diary.
dinosaurs just died? (No. They’ve been dead for 65 million
years. / They’ve been dead since 65 million years ago.)
• Pupils write a travel diary of the trip they’ve planned
in activity 4. They can use the text in activity 1 and the
Focus! box to help.
Booklet pages 14–15
6 Imagine it’s Friday. Interview your partner about
What does Katy find? their travel diary.
• Pupils scan the travel diary to discover what Katy finds • Pupils interview a new partner about their travel diary,
(a gold ring and a dinosaur bone). using the questions on the page to help.
1 Read the travel diary. 7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
• Read the travel diary aloud while pupils follow in their • Pupils tick the learning points they can now do and put
books. Ask some comprehension questions: When did a cross in the box next to anything they are still unsure
Katy arrive at the camp? (On Saturday.) Where was Katy about. Make a note of things pupils have found difficult
staying? (In a tent near the dig.) What day did she find for further revision.
the gold ring? (On Wednesday.) When did she find the
dinosaur bone? (On Friday.) Did she enjoy her trip to
Ending the lesson
Project Dinosaur? (Yes, she did.)
• Draw pupils’ attention to new vocabulary, particularly • Pupils can have a class vote on which travel diaries
sound the most exciting.
the Flyers vocabulary marked in blue. Pupils can guess
the meaning of the words from the text or look them • Extension activity (optional): Pupils can find out more
up in the dictionary at the back of their booklets. about dinosaurs or dinosaur digs in their country.

Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

7 A story
Lesson aims  Pupils read and make up their own And so she did. Ask questions to check understanding:
story. They learn to use the conjunction so to talk about Why did she ask her cousins to help? (Because she
things that happen as a result of something else. wanted to plant the strawberry seeds.) Did they want to
help her? (No, so she had to plant them by herself.)
Flyers structure  Casey (wanted some
strawberries), so (she planted some seeds). • Ask for pupils’ reactions to the story: Why didn’t Casey
share her jam? (Because her cousins didn’t help her make
Flyers vocabulary  jam, no one, herself, sugar, it.) Do you think she was right? Why / Why not?
without, repair, pocket, chemist’s, channel, gloves,
tights, whisper, mechanic, next, something else
2 Read and order the sentences from the story.

Recycled language  Casey (bought some

• Pupils read and order the sentences from the story.
strawberry seeds).  |  She wanted to (plant them). Key: a 2  b 4  c 1  d 5  e 3  f 6
Who can help me (plant these seeds)? 3 Read and match the sentence halves so they
Materials  An apple (optional) make sense.
• Pupils read the first half of each sentence and match it
to the correct second half, following the conjunction so.
Warmer Check any new vocabulary, particularly the Flyers words
• Use an apple to introduce the topic of growing plants to highlighted in blue.
eat. Ask What’s this? (It’s an apple.) What other plants • Check the activity. Then encourage pupils to make one
can we eat? What fruit and vegetable words do you true sentence about themselves using the conjunction so.
know in English? They can use the examples in the Focus! box to help.
Key: 1 b  2 a  3 f  4 d  5 e  6 c
4 Think of your own story. Answer the questions
• Ask Why do farmers grow fruit and vegetables? and make a storyboard.
(Because we need food.) Confirm, saying Yes – we need
food, so farmers grow fruit and vegetables. Emphasise • Pupils make up and plan their own story, using a
the conjunction so and then ask pupils to repeat the similar structure to the story in activity 1. They use the
sentence. storyboard boxes to help them plan.
• Give more examples as necessary: Why have I got this • Pupils can work in pairs or small groups, thinking of
apple? (Because you’re hungry.) Yes – I get hungry, so a main character, something they want to do, other
I brought this apple to school. characters that don’t want to help them, and what they
do as a result. They can use the story in activity 1 or the
Booklet pages 16–17 ideas in activity 6 to help them.

What did Casey grow? 5 Now write your story.

• Pupils look at the story and guess the fruit Casey wants • Pupils write their story, using their plans and the story
to grow (strawberries). They can also guess what she in activity 1 as a model. Encourage them to use the
makes (strawberry jam). conjunction so when writing about events that happen
as a result of others.
1 Read the story.
6 Talk about your story with a friend.
• Read the story aloud while pupils follow in their
books. Ask some comprehension questions: Is Casey • Pupils work with a new partner and ask each other
hardworking? (Yes, she is.) Who does she live with? (Her about the stories they have written. They use the
cousins.) Are they hardworking? (No, they aren’t.) What example speech bubbles to help.
does she want to grow? (Strawberries.) Do her cousins
7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
want to help her? (No, they don’t.) Do they want to help
her eat the jam? (Yes, they do.) Does Casey give them • Pupils read and tick the learning points they can now do
some jam? (No, she doesn’t.) and put a cross in the box next to anything they are still
unsure about. Make a note of things pupils have found
• Draw pupils’ attention to new vocabulary, particularly difficult for further revision.
the Flyers vocabulary marked in blue. Pupils can guess
the meaning of the words from the text or look them
up in the dictionary at the back of their booklets.
Ending the lesson
• Ask pupils to find and read out the sentences from the • Pupils can read their stories aloud. Alternatively, they can
story that include the conjunction so: She wanted to talk about their favourite stories or books and tell the
plant them, so she asked her cousins to help. No one class what happens in them.
wanted to help her, so Casey planted the seeds / picked • Extension activity (optional): Pupils can do a simple
the strawberries / made the jam all by herself. The jam planting project in the classroom, e.g. planting cress or
smelt delicious, so her cousins came into the kitchen. germinating beans on blotting paper.

Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

8 A report
Lesson aims  Pupils read and write a report about (Wool and animal skins.) What was their jewellery made
a school trip. They learn to talk about what things are of? (Metal.)
made of. • Ask for pupils’ reactions to the report: Would you like to
visit Butser Ancient Farm? Would you like to have lived in
Flyers structure  (Roundhouses) were made of
the Iron Age? Why / Why not?
(wood).  |  What’s your (ruler) made of? It’s made of
(plastic). 2 Read and match.
Flyers vocabulary  information, wood, large, • Pupils read and match the two halves of each sentence
also, middle, through, over, flour, actually, about the report. Check by asking pupils to read the
headteacher, comb, metal, such, knife, silver, gold, complete sentences.
during, next, else Key: 1 e  2 c  3 a  4 d  5 b
Recycled language  Last week we went to 3 What are these things made of? Choose, ask and
(Butser Ancient Farm).  |  We wanted to (find out answer.
information).  |  There was / There were (no windows).
• Pupils guess what each of the objects from the left-hand
Materials  A book or illustrations showing people box are made of, choosing from the materials listed in
living in Ancient history (e.g. the Iron age) (optional) the right-hand box. Pupils then ask and answer, using
the example speech bubbles and the Focus! box to help.
Key: Answers will vary, for example: pencil – wood,
Warmer ruler – plastic, chair – plastic, book – paper, knife –
• Ask How did people live in the past? Use pictures if you metal, window – glass, jumper – wool, jewellery –
have them to introduce the concept of the Stone Age, gold/silver
Ice Age or Iron Age. Ask Where did people live? (In
caves. / In huts. / In small villages.) What do you think 4 Think of a trip to a historic place. Answer the
their homes were like? Elicit any ideas. Then tell pupils questions.
they are going to find out more about life in the Iron Age. • Pupils will write their own report of a trip to a historic
place. This can be a real school trip they have done, or
Presentation they can invent a trip they would like to do. They plan
• Before pupils read, use objects round the classroom to for their report by answering the questions and noting
revise any materials they know (plastic, paper, silver, gold, down their ideas. They can work individually or in pairs
glass) and make sure they know wool, wood and metal. or small groups.
Point to different items and ask What’s this made of? 5 Now write a report of your trip.
(It’s made of plastic.) Is it made of (metal)? (No, it isn’t.)
• You could also explain that iron is a type of metal. • Pupils use their notes to write a report of their trip, using
the prompts provided and the report in activity 1 as a
model. Help as necessary, and pupils can also refer to
Booklet pages 18–1
the Focus! box.
Where have you been on trips with your school?
6 Ask your partner about their trip.
• Pupils can say where they have been on school trips, in
particular if they have been on trips to historical places. • Pupils work with a new partner and ask each other
about their reports, using the example questions to help.
1 Read the report of a school trip.
7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
• Read the report aloud while pupils follow in their books.
Ask some comprehension questions: What were Iron Age • Pupils tick the learning points they can now do and put
a cross in the box next to anything they are still unsure
houses called? (Roundhouses.) Did they have windows?
about. Make a note of things pupils have found difficult
(No, they didn’t.) Where did people’s animals live?
for further revision.
(Outside the roundhouse.) How did they cook? (Over an
open fire.) What did the school children cook? (Bread.)
Did it taste nice? (Yes, it did.) Did they enjoy the trip? Ending the lesson
(Yes, they did.) • Challenge pupils to guess what different historical
• Draw pupils’ attention to new vocabulary, particularly artefacts or places are/were made of: What are castles
the Flyers vocabulary marked in blue. Pupils can guess made of? (Stone.) What were clothes in the Stone Age
the meaning of the words from the text or look them up made of? (Animal skins.) What were Roman floors
in the dictionary at the back of their booklets. sometimes made of? (Mosaic.)
• Practise the be made of structure by asking more • Extension activity (optional): Plan a school trip to a
questions: What were roundhouses made of? (Wood, historical place, getting permission and enlisting parent
mud and straw.) What was Iron Age bread made of? helpers. Pupils can then write a report of their visit.
(Flour and water.) What were their clothes made of?

Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

9 A story from history
Lesson aims  Pupils read a story from history and • Ask pupils to find the three sentences with before or
write about a piece of treasure from their own country. after in them: They still had a long journey before they
They learn to use clauses with before and after. reached the castle. The King thought they could cross the
sands before the tide came in. The King never recovered
Flyers structure  They had a long way to travel after he lost his treasure. Then ask more questions: How
before they reached the castle.  |  The King never
far did the King have to travel before he got back to his
recovered after he lost his treasure.
castle? (A long way.) Did he cross the Wash before the
Flyers vocabulary  rich, popular, steal, crown, tide came in? (No, he didn’t.) What did they have to do
gold, silver, journey, suddenly, over, enough, fall over, after the tide came in? (Escape quickly.) What happened
piece, something, tomorrow to the King two weeks after he lost his treasure?
(He died.)
Recycled language  King John (ruled England).  | 
(King John and his men) were travelling home.  |  • Ask for pupils’ reactions to the story: Would you like to
He wanted to (get home quickly).  |  He thought look for King John’s treasure? Do you think someone will
they could (cross the sands).  |  They had to (escape find it one day?
quickly). 2 Read and write true or false.
Materials  A postcard or picture of a famous piece • Pupils read the sentences about the story and say if they
of treasure (optional) are true or false.
Key: 1 false  2 true  3 false  4 true  5 true  6 false
Warmer 3 Complete the sentences with before or after.
• Ask Have you ever done a treasure hunt? Pupils tell you • Pupils complete the sentences with before or after.
about any treasure hunts they have done. They can use the Focus! box to help if necessary.
Key: 1 before  2 after  3 after  4 before  5 After  6 before
4 Think of a real piece of treasure you have seen.
• Ask pupils to think about one treasure hunt they have Answer the questions.
done, or a time when they had to look for something.
• Introduce clauses with before and after by asking What • Pupils think of a real piece of treasure from their own
country and answer the questions. They can guess the
did you do before you did the treasure hunt / looked for
answers to some of the questions, or they can research
your (dog)? (I went to my grandma’s house.) What did
the treasure using books or class computers.
you do after you finished the treasure hunt / found your
dog? (I shared the treasure with my cousins. / I played 5 Write the story behind your piece of treasure.
with it.) Then read it to a friend. Do they agree?

Booklet pages 20–21

• Pupils use their notes to write the story behind their
chosen piece of treasure. They then read their story to
What treasure have you seen in museums? a friend and compare their ideas.
• Pupils think of a piece of real treasure they have seen 6 Would you like to do a treasure hunt? Plan one
in a museum. Encourage them to say what the treasure with a friend and write some clues.
was, what it was made of and who it belonged to.
Alternatively, tell pupils about a piece of treasure, using
• Pupils work with a partner or small group to plan a
treasure hunt. They decide what to hide and where and
your postcard or picture.
write some clues.
1 Read the story about King John’s treasure. 7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
• Tell pupils they are going to read the famous story of • Pupils tick the learning points they can now do and put
King John’s treasure that was lost in the United Kingdom
a cross in the box next to anything they are still unsure
800 years ago.
about. Make a note of things pupils have found difficult
• Read the story aloud while pupils follow in their books. for further revision.
Ask Who was King John? (The King of England.) Why
was he worried? (He thought people wanted to steal his Ending the lesson
treasure.) Why did he decide to cross the Wash? (Because
he wanted to get home quickly.) What happened to • Play a Sentence chain game about treasure: I went
treasure hunting and I found (a gold ring). Pupils
his treasure? (It fell into the sea.) Did anyone find the
continue until someone can’t add any more treasure or
treasure? (No, they didn’t.)
forgets a piece mentioned before.
• Draw pupils’ attention to new vocabulary, particularly • Extension activity (optional): Do one of the treasure
the Flyers vocabulary marked in blue. Pupils can guess
hunts that pupils have planned and written in activity 6.
the meaning of the words from the text or look them up
in the dictionary at the back of their booklets.

Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

10 An experiment
Lesson aims  Pupils read about an experiment and • Draw pupils’ attention to new vocabulary, particularly
make up an experiment of their own. They learn to the Flyers vocabulary marked in blue. Pupils can guess
talk about what things look, smell, taste or feel like. the meaning of the words from the text or look them
up in the dictionary at the back of their booklets.
Flyers structure  What does it (look) like?  |  Does
it (smell) like (butter)?  |  It (tastes) like (chocolate).  |  • Ask further questions to practise look, smell and taste
It (sounds) like a (cat). like: What does cream look like before the experiment?
(It’s a liquid. / It’s white.) What does it look like after
Flyers vocabulary  butter, jam, full, minute, you’ve shaken it? (There’s a solid lump in the middle
middle, empty, spoon, salt, normal, piece, keep, fridge, of some liquid.) Does it smell like butter? (Yes, it does.)
flour, once, twice, pepper, fork, prepare, something Does it taste like butter at the end of the experiment?
Recycled language  What can you do when (you (Yes, it does.)
run out of butter)?  |  Why not (make your own)?  |  You • Ask for pupils’ reactions to the text: Have you ever made
need (some cream).  |  Pour (some cream in the jar).  |  butter before? Would you like to? Do you like eating
Don’t (stop shaking the jar).  |  You must (shake the jar). toast and butter?

Materials  A blindfold and a selection of things 2 Read and correct the sentences.
for pupils to feel, smell and listen to (and to taste if • Pupils read and correct the sentences about the
appropriate)  |  A jam jar and some cream (optional) experiment.
Key: 1 flour cream  2 once or twice for fifteen minutes 
Warmer 3 keep in empty out of  4 pepper butter  5 fork spoon 
6 can’t can
• Pupils are going to read about an experiment. Ask them
to think of experiments they have done in Science lessons 3 Read and match.
at school or at home. Ask What was the experiment?
What were you trying to make or find out? Pupils
• Pupils match the descriptions with the correct pictures.
Explain if necessary that foxes make a sound like a cat
compare their experiences.
when they bark.
Presentation Key: 1 d  2 c  3 a  4 b
• Draw a rough picture on the board and ask What’s this? 4 Choose a sensory experiment and prepare the
What does it look like? Pupils guess: It looks like a (car). materials you need.
Congratulate pupils who guess correctly. • Pupils choose a sensory experiment from those
• Play a sensory game to introduce sounds like, smells like, suggested and prepare or find the materials they need.
feels like, and tastes like (if appropriate). Ask a pupil to
the front of the class and blindfold them (or ask them to 5 Now do the experiment with a friend.
close their eyes). Then ask them to smell, listen to or feel • Pupils do the experiment with a friend, asking what
things without looking: What does this smell/sound/feel things feel like, sound like or smell like, according to the
like? (It smells like chocolate. / It sounds like a door. / experiment they have chosen. Pupils use the example
It feels like a pencil.) speech bubbles and the Focus! box to help.
• If you have food items, you can ask pupils to taste 6 Write the instructions for your sensory
things, but be careful to check for food allergies first. experiment. Draw some pictures to illustrate it.
Booklet pages 22–23 • Pupils write up the experiment they performed in activity
5, using an illustrated format. They draw pictures for
What can you make in this experiment? each stage of the experiment and write instructions,
• Pupils look at the pictures and guess what they can make using the text in activity 1 and the Focus! box to help.
in the experiment (butter). Ask What is butter made of? 7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
• Pupils tick the learning points they can now do and put
1 Read the instructions for the experiment. a cross in the box next to anything they are still unsure
• Read the instructions for the experiment aloud while about. Make a note of things pupils have found difficult
pupils follow in their books. Ask some comprehension for further revision.
questions: What do you need to make butter? (Cream
and a jam jar.) Where do you put the cream? (Into the Ending the lesson
jar.) What do you have to do to the jar? (Shake it up and • Play another sensory game (see instructions in
down.) How long does it take to make butter? (About Presentation) with the class.
15 minutes.) Where do you keep the butter after you • Extension activity (optional): If you have a jam jar and
make it? (In the fridge.) some cream, try doing the experiment in class.

Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

11 A survey
Lesson aims  Pupils read and write a 2 Does your friend agree? Ask and answer.
questionnaire about predictions for the future. They • Ask individual pupils questions about the predictions
learn to use will and won’t for making predictions. in the survey: Will people read books? Yes, they will. /
They conduct a group survey and show the results in No, they won’t. I don’t think they will. Encourage other
a bar chart. pupils to agree or disagree with the opinions expressed:
Flyers structure  People will (read e-books).  |  I agree. / I don’t agree. I think they will.
They won’t (read books).  |  Will people (read books)? • Pupils then work in pairs or small groups, asking each
Yes, they will. / No, they won’t.  |  I think people will/ other similar questions. They use the example speech
won’t have robot pets. bubbles and the Focus! box on the opposite page
to help.
Flyers vocabulary  future, conversation,
everyone, speak, secretary, improve, no one, exams, 3 What will you do in the future? Read and circle.
university, married, else Then compare with a friend.
Recycled language  books, e-books, text, email, • Pupils think about their own future, circle will or won’t in
astronaut, robot, space, scientist, letter, virtual teacher each sentence and then compare with a partner. They
can then report back to the class, using the example
speech bubble to help.
Warmer 4 What else do you think will happen? Write six
• Ask What technology do you use at home or at school? questions of your own for the questionnaire.
Pupils list different technological devices and means of
communication (e-books, computers, laptops, mobile
• Tell pupils they are going to conduct a survey about life
in the future.
phones, smartphones, texts, emails). Pupils then work
together to put them in the order of what they think is • Pupils think of six questions of their own and write them
the most important. Leave the list on the board. down in the form of a questionnaire. They can work on
these questions individually or in pairs.
Presentation 5 Now work in a group of six. Ask your questions
• Ask pupils to sort the technology items on the board and tick the answers in your questionnaire.
from the newest invention back to the oldest. Then ask • Pupils then work in new groups of six.
What about the future? Which of these gadgets will we • Pupils take turns to ask their questions to the other five
have in the future? Which of these gadgets won’t we pupils in their group. They record how many say yes or
have / will we stop using? no, using ticks in their questionnaire. (They also answer
• Give examples using will and won’t for pupils to repeat: the questions for themselves.)
We will have (computers). We won’t have (mobile
phones). Pupils then make more sentences, where 6 Now count the ticks for each yes answer. Draw
possible giving a reason: We won’t have mobile phones the results into a bar chart and tell the class.
because we’ll have smart watches. • Pupils use a bar chart to record how many pupils in their
group answered yes to their questions.
Booklet pages 24–25 • First of all, they complete the subject headings along the
x axis in the bar chart, e.g. Teachers will work online.
What will life be like in the future?
• Then they count how many ticks they have for yes to
• Pupils brainstorm different ideas about life in the future each question and record this in the bar chart (1 yes =
in a broader sense (e.g. where people will live, how they
1 bar chart square).
will communicate, what work they will do). Encourage
them to use will or won’t in their guesses. Write the most • Finally they report back to the class with their group
survey findings, using the example speech bubble to help.
popular ideas on the board.
7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
1 Read the sentences and tick what you think.
• Read the questionnaire aloud while pupils follow in their • Pupils tick the learning points they can now do and put
a cross in the box next to anything they are still unsure
books. Pupils tell you how many of the predictions match
about. Make a note of things pupils have found difficult
their own ideas from the brainstorming session.
for further revision.
• Read the predictions again, drawing pupils’ attention
to new vocabulary, particularly the Flyers vocabulary
Ending the lesson
marked in blue. Pupils can guess the meaning of the
words from the text or look them up in the dictionary • Play Yes or no, with pupils making predictions about the
at the back of their booklets. future and the rest of the class saying yes or no. See who
can think of the funniest predictions.
• Pupils then read the questionnaire again to themselves
and tick if they agree or don’t agree with each prediction. • Extension activity (optional): Extend the small group
survey into a full class survey.

Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

12 A letter
Lesson aims  Pupils read and write a letter • Ask further questions about the letter to practise
responding to an invitation. They learn to use might might and may: Can his uncle go to the concert? (He’s
and may to talk about things that are possible in the not sure.) Why not? (He might have a meeting.) Will
future. he definitely have a meeting? (No, he might have a
Flyers structure  I (may) come by train).  |  Uncle meeting.) Will he definitely miss the concert? (No, he
Michael (might) come. might miss the concert.) Will Aunt Betty definitely come
alone? (No, she may come alone, or she may come with
Flyers vocabulary  college, hope, bridge, date, Uncle Michael.) Why can’t Aunt Betty travel by car?
meeting, alone, taxi, railway, make sure, perhaps, (Because her car is broken.) Will she definitely travel by
leave, mind, until, future, envelope train? (No, but she probably will. She may travel by train.
Recycled language  We would love (to come).  |  Or she may repair her car and travel by car.) Will she
I’ve put (the date in my diary).  |  I will (definitely be definitely leave Rex at home? (Yes, she will.)
there).  |  I won’t (bring Rex). • Ask for pupils’ reactions to the text: Have you ever been
in a school concert or show? Who do you usually invite?
Materials  Some party or other types of invitations
(optional) 2 Read and choose the words.
• Pupils read and choose the correct words in each
sentence about the letter.
Key: 1 will  2 may  3 might  4 won’t  5 will
• If you have them, use the invitations to introduce the
topic. Ask What are these? (They’re invitations.) What do 3 Make true sentences about yourself. How many
you get invitations for? (Birthday parties, a school play sentences can you make?
or concert, an exhibition at an art gallery.) • Pupils use the prompts to make as many true sentences
as they can about themselves. They can say them to the
Presentation class or a partner who listens to see if they sound true.
• Tell the class I’ve got an invitation to a party this • Make sure pupils are using will, won’t, might and may
weekend. I don’t know if I’m going to go. Give reasons correctly. They use the example speech bubbles and the
why you might/may go or not, emphasising the Focus! box on the opposite page to help.
possibility implied in these words: I may go with a friend,
but she might have to work, so I might have to go alone.
4 Think of an event. Complete the invitation.
I might not go because I’m quite tired. But I might feel • Pupils think of an event and somebody they would like
better at the weekend, so I may go and have fun! to invite to it. They complete the invitation.
• Say some of the sentences with might and may again 5 Now reply to the invitation. Write a letter and
for pupils to repeat. (Note that may implies slightly more address the envelope.
certainty than might.)
• Pupils imagine they are replying to the invitation and
write a letter. They use the letter in activity 1 and the
Booklet pages 26–27
Focus! box to help.
What does William want his uncle and aunt to do? • Also show them how to complete an envelope with
• Pupils scan the invitation and say what William is inviting the name, surname and address of the person they are
his uncle and aunt to (a concert). sending the letter to.

1 Read the letter. 6 Plan a celebration with a friend.

• Read the invitation and the letter aloud while pupils • Pupils can work in groups planning a celebration event –
follow in their books. Ask some comprehension for someone’s birthday, the end of term, etc.
questions: What kind of concert is it? (A music concert.) 7 Learning to learn. Read and tick.
When is the concert? (On Friday evening / at six o’clock.)
Do his uncle and aunt want to go? (Yes, they do.) Who • Pupils tick the learning points they can now do and put
can go definitely? (His aunt / Aunt Betty.) Will his aunt a cross in the box next to anything they are still unsure
travel by car? (No, she won’t.) What time will she arrive about. Make a note of things pupils have found difficult
at William’s house? (At about five o’clock.) Is she going for further revision.
to bring her dog? (No, she isn’t.)
Ending the lesson
• Draw pupils’ attention to new vocabulary, particularly
the Flyers vocabulary marked in blue. Pupils can guess • Pupils can play their favourite party game.
the meaning of the words from the text or look them • Extension activity (optional): Choose one of the pupils’
up in the dictionary at the back of their booklets. events in activity 6 to put on as a class. Pupils can design
invitations and help you organise the event.

Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

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First published 2016

A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-1-107-12314-4 Teacher’s Book with DVD Level 6

ISBN 978-1-107-54574-8 Grammar Practice Book Level 6
ISBN 978-1-107-54550-2 Pupil’s Book Level 6
ISBN 978-1-107-54555-7 A
 ctivity Book with Online Resources Level 6
ISBN 978-1-107-54557-1 Class Audio CDs Level 6
ISBN 978-1-107-54559-5 Presentation Plus DVD-ROM Level 6
ISBN 978-1-107-54570-0 T
 eacher’s Resource and Tests CD-ROM Levels 5–6
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Guess What! © Cambridge University Press 2015

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