Filipe Camoin Tarot Method
Filipe Camoin Tarot Method
Filipe Camoin Tarot Method
This Method makes it possible to use a large number of cards without knowing in
advance either their position or their number. The spread can end after three cards or it
can grow to more than a dozen. Cards can be upright or reversed. The positions of the
figures, the direction of their Regards, similar symbols appearing in multiple cards, the
colours, etc. are all taken into account. This Method can be used in spreads of three
cards at the outset, or more according to the variant used. Philippe Camoin advises
using the three-card variant. (See Variants of the number of cards)
In the teachings of Philippe Camoin, we have seen that The Fool indicates the direction
of movement, from the left of the card toward the right; in this way we are shown a
reference point that defines movement both in space and in time. PAST, PRESENT, and
The querent asks a question before drawing the cards. She selects three cards and
places them before her, from left to right. The cards are read as facing the querent; the
Tarot reader sitting across from the querent will see the cards upside down. What is
important is that the person consulting can understand the story unfolding before her.
The card placed on the left from her perspective represents the past, in the center the
present, and on the right the future.
Then the following rules must be followed:
1st rule : It is always the person asking the question who shuffles the cards and selects
the cards. The cards are placed face down, and it is the Tarot reader who turns them
face up at the appropriate time.
2nd rule : When a card is in reverse position (of course from the perspective of the
querent) it means that the energies of that card are blocked. If there is not already a
card directly above (or below when following a variant method - see Upward and
Downward Spreads) the reversed card, another card is drawn and placed there. The new
card is always placed upright. It indicates the solution, the direction to take, what needs
to be done to remove the blockage of the reversed card below it. It is the card that
"cures" the reversed card.
3rd rule : When a figure in the card gazes, or "regards", in a direction where no card has
been placed, another card is drawn and placed next to the first in the direction of its
Regard. This card can be either upright or reversed. For instance, if the Pope is upright in
the future position and it is looking at an empty space without a card, another card must
be drawn to see what the Pope is regarding. This new card can be either upright or
4th rule : When a similar symbol appears two or more times in the spread, it is important
to pay attention to that symbol. For instance, in The Empress, The Emperor and The
World, an eagle appears three times.
5th rule : When the problem related to the blockage in a reversed card is resolved
through the Tarot reading, and/or in dialogue with the querent, the reversed card can be
placed upright. The situation thus transforms and the new reading appears which
corresponds to what is occurring now that the problem has been remedied.
6th rule : When all the cards have been placed and there are no more cards to draw, the
spread is in principle finished. However, it is possible to continue to read the cards in the
spread in relationship to information that surfaces during the discussion. For example, a
certain card might represent a member of the querent’s family, a work colleague, or
another person related to the question. Another reading can be made based on the card
representing the particular person The new reading will give an idea about the life and
surroundings of that person.
7th rule : Variations are of course possible using the Minor Arcana or with other
structures than the standard spread beginning with three cards; for example, the Cross
spread, spreads with more cards in a row horizontally, or any other spread.
8th rule : When using the Minor Arcana, the rules expressed above equally apply, in
particular those on the direction of the Regard for the figures in the court cards: Page,
Queen, King, Knight.
NOTE : The combination of the above rules form a new and original method (work)
never used before, the inventor of which is Philippe Camoin.
The following rules or options can be added to the basic rules of the Camoin Method of
Reading the Tarot.
These rules are recommended for those who already have a good familiarity with the
basic rules and their practice. They can cause confusion for beginners; therefore
beginners should not use them until they have gained more experience. It is
recommended for intermediate students to practice using these rules in their own
amateur readings because they can promote mental agility and add considerable
information to their readings.
Experts in the Camoin Method should use the optional rules sparingly; generally the
basic rules are sufficient to determine the response. In certain cases they can be highly
Supplementary rules to the Rules of the Dynamic Spread:
Remember : A new card is not drawn for a specific place in a reading (e.g. to the left or
right of another card) when there is already a card in that place.
9th rule : If the WHEEL OF FORTUNE is drawn and when there is no card next to it on the
side of the crank, draw another card and place it next to the crank. This card indicates
what principle will put the wheel into movement.
10th rule : If the POPESS is drawn and when there is no card placed next to the egg,
another card can be drawn to see what new spiritual quality is incubating.
11th rule : If no card has been placed next to the JUGGLER on the side of the sack which
is on the table, another card can be drawn to see what the sack contains.
12th rule : If no card has been placed next to the EMPRESS on the side of the hand over
the eagle, a card can be drawn because that hand could belong to someone else who is
waking the eagle, the symbol of the mental level of ideas. If another personage is not
depicted, it could refer to an archetype which is awakening or vitalizing the creativity of
the querent.
13th rule : If no card has been placed next to the POPE on the side of the smaller person
on the left, a card can be placed there. Since there will already be a card placed on the
right side of the card next to the other smaller person—due to the 3rd rule in the direction
of the Regard (or if a card is already there for another reason)—the cards on either side
of the POPE can give a sense of who these two personages are.
14th rule : If no card has been placed on either side of THE LOVER, cards can be added
to each side. These two cards can give a sense of who the personages on the right and
left are.
15th rule : If no card has been placed next to the CHARIOT on the right, a card can be
drawn to see what the face on his right shoulder is looking at. This would give a sense
of his future.
16th rule : If no card has been placed on the right or left of JUSTICE, cards can be drawn
to place on each side. The card placed next to the scales suggests what needs to be
brought into balance. The card next to the sword indicates the exterior element which
will compel the person to find balance. A card can also be placed above JUSTICE to
show the source of the yellow column of light coming down from above, in other words
the superior principle of intelligence that activates this archetype, the subtle reason for
which Justice comes into action.
17th rule : If no card has been placed next to ARCANUM 13 on the side of the person
(head) in the lower left, a card can be drawn. Since there will already be a card placed on
the right side of the card next to the other person (head)—due to the 3rd rule in the
direction of the Regard (or if a card is already there for another reason)—the cards on
either side of ARCANUM 13 can give a sense of who these two personages are.
18th rule : If no card has been placed on either side of THE DEVIL, cards can be drawn
and placed on each side. These two cards can give information about the two
personages on the left and the right.
20th rule : If no card has been placed on either side of THE MOON, cards can be drawn
and placed on each side. These two cards can give information about the two
personages on the left and the right.
21st rule : If no card has been placed on either side of JUDGMENT, cards can be drawn
and placed on each side. These two cards can give information about the two
personages on the left and the right.
LE MAT : Guardian of Space and Time in the Tarot
A Revelation of Philippe Camoin
Once the symbols have been restored, it becomes clear that a spatiotemporal frame of
reference is needed for orienting this set of symbols, personages, and regards in space
and in time. If you observe the 22 Major Arcana, you will see that Le Mat is the only card
that is actually moving along a path. Moreover, it has no number and is set apart from
the other 77 cards. It cannot be said that the Hermit is moving, because his legs are not
showing. So Le Mat reveals the secret of how to orient in space and time, the sense of
direction on the path depicted by the 21 cards of the Major Arcana. Seen in this way,
whatever is to the left of Le Mat represents the past, things that have already happened.
Whatever is to the right represents the future, the part of the path he has not yet
reached. This spaciotemporal reference point applies to the cards in their entirety and to
each single card.
the part of the path he has the part of the path he has
already passed not yet reached
people he knows already people he does not know yet
people more evolved than he
people less evolved than he is
that which he still needs to
his past experiences
The Camoin Spread is essentially based on two principal rules:
● the Law of the Regard (See The Law of the Regard)
When the figure in one of the cards looks or "regards" in a direction where a card has not
been placed, then one draws a new card and places it in the direction of the regard. The
new card can be placed upright or reversed. Philippe Camoin calls this law the "Law of the
● the Law of the Solution Card. (See The Law of the Solution Card)
When a card appears in reversed position, we say that it represents a problem. We
therefore place another card above (or below) this card. This other card is always placed
upright and represents the solution to the problem posed by the reversed card. Philippe
Camoin calls this law the "Law of the Solution Card".
These two rules constitute the basis of the "Philippe Camoin Spread" or the "Philippe
Camoin Reading Method" and they are the two rules that differentiate it from other
spreads used by tarot readers. It is an original method.
* * *
Once these two laws are understood, they can be applied in a number of variations. For
example, one can draw three cards and place them side by side horizontally, or four
cards, or even more and to then observe the two rules which we have learned. These are
still forms of the Philippe Camoin Spread.
There are thus several variants differing in the number of cards that are placed at the
beginning. Philippe Camoin generally uses the three card variant, which is the one that
gives the best result and which is completely in accord with the Secret Codes of the
Tarot. (See The Three Card Spread (recommended))
The number of cards used at the beginning makes it possible to define the energy with
which the spread will be carried out. If one draws three cards at the beginning, the
energy is very different than if one poses four or five of them. It all depends on what one
is looking for. In the same way, one can place the solution card above or below the
reversed card. The energy and the ambiance of the spread will be different.
All of this is explained in detail in the teachings of Philippe Camoin.
* * *
All the variants are based on the movement of Le Mat as a s spatio-temporal and social
reference in the Secret Codes of the Camoin Tarot… another revelation of Philippe
Camoin (See Le Mat: the Spatiotemporal Frame of Reference of the Tarot)
Several of the figures in the Tarot de Marseille
are looking to the right or to the left. Such cards
are said to have a Regard. When a figure in a card
regards an empty space where there is no card,
another card must be drawn and placed next to it
in the direction of its Regard. This card can be
upright or reversed. What is the first card thinking
of, what is the card "regarding"? In this way the
spread comes alive: a new card shows what the
previous card is concerned with, what it is
regarding. (In French, a "regard" suggests a
connection, i.e. a literal glance or gaze, respect or esteem, or the object of concern.)
Comments : What is statistically unbelievable, is that the concept of the house appears
in half of the cards that were drawn: in The Moon, the House of God and The Sun (the
wall). Next, the concept of the couple appears several times: The Sun and The Moon le
Soleil et la Lune one above the other; the two small figures in The Sun AND in The Devil;
The Emperor, the man of the couple, and clearly the Lover. These concepts of couple
and of house are linked, and disputes have arisen about this! Christine confirms what
the tarot tells us.
In the past: The Moon reversed often represents disputes, and here they are solved by
good and healthy communication about the construction work with others (Sun).
In the present: The house is upright; this card answers favourably!
In the future: It can be made a reality, but there is a problem! The Emperor is a man who
makes projects a reality on the Earth, and it is reversed. The man has a problem in
relation to this house; he is turning his back on it, and looking at The Lover.
The Devil in solution appears often for people who lack firmness, who don’t dare to
assert themselves or their way of thinking. Christine must dare to assert herself about
what she wants: if she makes others see things her way, she will live in her home before
the end of summer!
Question by Rachel
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Comments: The psychological block is already revealed
in the way the question was asked. In the central
column, from bottom to top, are 2 figures attached to
an illusion (Devil), rising towards the 2 figures of the
Sun reconciled in brotherhood and communication. In
the row of solutions, the cord of attachment is cut by
Justice, who wears it around her neck.
In the past: problem with controlling her own life
(Wheel of Fortune reversed), where she experienced
the problems with her daughter; she needed to be firm,
to think of herself as fair (Justice).
In the present : the situation is blocked. Both women
are chained by mental illusions (The Devil); it takes two
to have a dispute!
In the future : problem with choice, with
communication between human beings (The Lover
reversed), but it is possible to succeed materially (VII)
to find a solution (The Chariot in which one can see a
telephone booth, with a figure who is looking at the upside down Popess).
Rachel can telephone her daughter, and tell her that she has a problem. The Tarot is
answering clearly that communication (XVIIII) is the solution. When Rachel admits that
she can just as well make the first move, the Popess can be replaced upright, where she
would be looking at (regarding) Justice. After having been firm, she can truly act fairly.
Article published in 2003
Question by Patricia
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Comments: It is rare that so many cards are upright: there is no problem ! The question
is about Osteopathy, which is about rebalancing the body, working with the skeletal
structure. As it happens, the first card shows us bones, and the last describes balance…
additionally, The Juggler is a card that represents work. What The Juggler regards is the
work that he does. Here, he is looking at the card with no name, which is related to
bones. A rope appears in the two final cards, from attachement towards liberation. It is
interesting to note that VII+I= VIII and that XII+I= XIII
In the past : That which The Chariot regards succeeds: The Juggler, who regards
Arcanum XIII. This indicates success on the material plane (VII) of the work (I) with
bones (XIII). One can also say that The Juggler is regarding the skull of the skeleton!
What the Tarot is telling us is clear: it is a good time for cranial osteopathy….
In the present : The Hanged Man indicates that the situation is frozen for the moment,
that this is not a problem, since the card is upright. Sometimes one has to wait a little so
that everything can go smoothly in a future project.…
In the future: The situation is unblocked, Justice shows us, as she cuts the rope holding
the leg of the Hanged Man. This is also the representation of a woman who perseveres.
Article published in 2003
Question by Brigitte
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Comments: All the cards are upright: a good sign. The three first cards drawn add to 30,
and she mentioned 30 years. Also, all three of these cards contain three figures!
In the past : The Devil describes an unpleasant mental situation which is an illusion.
This card represents also the head of a school, who persuaded her that she had a
problem with numbers. He attached her to that vision of herself, conditioning her to
incompetence with handling numbers.
In the present : The Wheel of Fortune speaks of control that she can take over her life,
and that she is able to pass from the Devil to the Pope. Like the Sphinx at the top of the
Wheel, she has the sword of power in her hand and can leave this problem behind: the
Wheel, which besides resembles an abacus.
In the future : The Pope speaks to us of transmission. He is regarding The Emperor:
someone who brings their ideas into reality. Brigitte must take action to transmit to
others the understanding she has gained of herself, to help them surmount their own
Finally, The Emperor represents someone who knows how to count, who is at ease in
the material world.
During dialogue with her, she said, "when I was young, I was always the smallest, and I
always had the sense that I didn’t count…" She simply needs to learn and then pass
along to others: how to count.
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An example of reading for a career-related question:
Serge the Pastry Chef
Philippe Camoin Method Spread using the Minor Arcana in solution
First, in this reading, we will emphasise the symbols.
Serge’s Question (he is about 50): is the professional proposal that I’ve been given a
good idea, will it succeed? I am a pastry chef.
Serge draws the Ten of Coins, the King of Wands and the
Nine of Cups.
In the future position, the Nine of Cups represents water.
And there is also water in the card the Sun. In the future
column, what they have in common is therefore water,
and also, there is no water present in the other cards. The
Tarot is telling us that we need to pay attention to this.
Philippe Camoin: is this work located by the water?
Serge: yes, precisely.
We know already that the Tarot has spoken. We can give him confidence for the rest of
the reading. That is important.
Philippe Camoin: what is this professional proposition?
Serge: I’m a pastry chef. I’ve been offered an opportunity to continue my trade in a more
important structure, undoubtedly close to Nice.
In order for the Sun to be put upright, He must pass through the Nine of Cups. The Nine
of Cups, or the Hermit in the world of Cups.
Philippe Camoin: for a time you have to be separate from your wife and family in order
to be able to do this work.
The Lover reversed indicates doubt and indecision à l’envers indique le doute et
l’indécision in regard to accepting the job. The Ten of Coins, which provides the solution,
shows that this job is completely feasible and financially very positive.
In the present, the Popess indicates an offer of a contract (the book). When the card is
reversed, the commitment is not completely accepted. The solution to this problem, this
hesitation, is the King of Wands. The King of Wands is holding a kind of pen as if he
were signing something. The Tarot is telling us that he should sign the contract.
Serge: it’s not a real contract at the moment, it’s more of a moral contract.
Philippe Camoin: that’s not important. The Tarot expresses itself in parables. But there
will surely be something to sign later on. You ought to accept this proposition.
The Lover reversed indicates a problem with with his spouse, which is solved by the Ten
of Coins. The Ten of Coins represents financial success.
Philippe Camoin: If you bring home lots of money, it will all work out (bursts of laughter)
Serge: Yes, this job pays well.
We can place the Hermit over the Nine of Cups.
Philippe Camoin: The King of Wands is looking at the
Nine of Cups, which is also the Hermit (IX) in the world
of cups.
Thus, the King of Wands and the Hermit regard each
other. The Hermit lights the way for the King of Wands.
This King of wants is a builder. His wand—could it be
also a rolling pin for pastries? He is surrounded by plates
and glasses (Coins and Cups). He regards the Hermit.
This means the solitude for a time that he must face is
also his experience which he must transmit to others.
He will thus become someone who helps others in time
to become master pastry chefs.
Serge: yes, indeed, I will have to train some young apprentices.
It is by training the young apprentices (the Hermit who lights the way for others) that he
will resolve his problem with the Sun in reverse, which means a problem communicating
with others. He will gain confidence and no longer be shy. The communication problem
is confirmed by the Lover reversed.
Turn the cards upright now that the problem has been
Conclusion: The Tarot is unambiguous. Serge is
hesitating to accept this proposition and the Tarot
tells him that he should sign, which means to accept.
There will surely be a contract.
We had confirmation from Serge some time later that
he had assumed his new post and responsibilities
and that all was going very well. He is very happy.
Reading by Philippe Camoin
Geneniève, funcionário do banco
Lembrete: Quando um cartão está de cabeça para baixo, há um problema. Em seguida,
colocamos uma carta acima, que está sempre no local que representará o arquétipo que
trata o problema.
Pergunta de Geneviève: vou encontrar o companheiro da minha vida este ano?
Geneviève tira as seguintes cartas.
No presente há o eremita. Também representa a solidão.
Geneviève está sozinha no momento.
As duas mulheres estão de cabeça para baixo. Há um
problema para Geneviève. O Eremita representa uma
crise, uma mudança de consciência. Ela passará da
Imperatriz no passado para A Papesse no futuro, de uma
mulher orientada para o material para uma mulher
voltada para a espiritualidade. A imperatriz de cabeça para baixo mostra que sua
mente, representada pela águia, está em repouso, adormecida. Podemos imaginar que
a mão azul de L'Hermite é a mesma mão que toca a águia. A águia representa a mente,
pensamentos, idéias. O Eremita representa um personagem mais ou menos iniciado
que a ajudará a acordar, para que ela se torne mais espiritual.
O que La Papesse está olhando e o que The Empress está olhando? A carta que um
personagem está olhando é a
demanda que ele tem, o que ele quer,
o que ele está pensando?
Nós atraímos a temperança e o
mundo. No passado, ela tinha um
pedido para o anjo, Temperance. Ela
teve que rezar muito por mudanças
quando teve seus problemas. No
futuro, este Papesse aspira a uma realização. Essa realização de seu desejo parece
inevitável. O desejo se tornará realidade. O eremita olha para a pequena serpente da
imperatriz e a imperatriz olha para as cobras da temperança. Um ser realizado (o
Eremita) curará suas energias (a serpente). Olhando para as duas cobras da
temperança, ela ansiava pela cura dessas energias. As duas cobras representam
energias e cura (é o símbolo dos médicos). Além disso, a equipe do Eremita na forma
de uma cobra. A cobra representa energia na coluna vertebral.
Para os especialistas: a imperatriz olhava para o anjo no passado, ela queria alcançar o
estágio do anjo, ajuda invisível, a meta do segundo ciclo de 7. A papa vê o caráter do
mundo No futuro, ela gostaria de alcançar o estágio de realização espiritual, a meta do
terceiro ciclo de sete.
Quais são as cartas que tratam a Imperatriz e o Papa?
Aqui temos a confirmação de que o
que é material deve se tornar
espiritual. O imperador se torna o
Vemos aqui aparecendo dois casais
perfeitos, A Imperatriz e O Imperador,
mais O Papesse e O Papa, cada um
desses dois casais na mesma
coluna. É claro que ela deve passar
de um casal material para um casal
O conceito de casal aparece duas
vezes de uma maneira muito
marcada. O casal é algo importante para ela. O Tarô sempre confirma as coisas duas
vezes. Duas vezes a mulher está de cabeça para baixo em um casal ou o homem está
de cabeça para baixo. Isso significa que Geneviève tem um problema em se realizar
como mulher. No passado, o casal Imperatriz-Imperador representa um casal humano,
temporal, interessado na matéria. No futuro, o casal Papesse-Pape anuncia um novo
casal espiritual, baseado em valores mais sólidos. Um casal humano dura apenas um
tempo. Geneviève: Meu último casal durou um ano e três meses. (Imperatriz-Emperor)
Nesta fase do sorteio, dado o casal Papa-Papesse presente em um futuro próximo,
pode-se dizer que o Tarô respondeu favoravelmente à sua pergunta. O Papa representa
o companheiro de sua vida e eles se encontram (no ano).
Nós poderíamos parar o empate lá. Mas é melhor estudar o que o Tarô queria
acrescentar, porque há, sem dúvida, muitos detalhes sobre o que ela precisa entender
de seu inconsciente.
É importante notar que em cada casal é a mulher que está de cabeça para baixo.
Cada vez, a carta colocada acima e que vem curar o problema representa um homem. É
sempre um homem que vem tratar seu problema. Geneviève precisa de um homem
para viver. Esta é a principal mensagem deste sorteio, que é confirmada três vezes.
É o anjo (temperança), um ser ou energia invisível que fez a passagem da primeira
mulher (a estrela) para a segunda (a imperatriz). Agora é um ser real (o Eremita) que o
ajudará a se transformar em outra mulher mais espiritual (O Papa).
O que o Papa está
Puxamos The Bateleur
para trás, depois
Julgamento e Justiça.
O Bateleur representa
Vejamos as cartas que
estavam de cabeça para
baixo desde o início. São
eles que indicam os
problemas que existem na
vida da pessoa. Você tem
que ter um pouco mais de
cuidado do que os outros.
Philippe Camoin: Você tem
algum problema com o seu trabalho? Geneviève: Sim, na verdade não sabemos como
isso vai evoluir. Pode fechar onde estou, mas em um ano, em quatro anos ou ser
transportado para Aix ou Toulon. Nossa sociedade está mudando com as outras
agências da mesma empresa.
O cartão de trabalho é cercado por cartões bonitos. Há uma boa comitiva. O chefe é
benevolente (O Papa). Este chefe, o Papa olha para o seu trabalho, está interessado
nela, neste problema de trabalho. Geneviève: De fato, eu já mudei para a estrutura
comunitária da sociedade que existirá a partir de então.
Agora, o que o imperador está olhando?
Puxamos o Enforcado para trás, depois o Arcano XIII e A Lua.
Philippe Camoin: Você tem filhos? Geneviève: Sim, desde o primeiro casamento. O
primeiro casamento é representado por L'Etoile e Le Chariot. No segundo casamento,
sob as cartas principais, existe essa energia para matar a maternidade, para matar a
Agora vamos dar uma olhada no primeiro casal. Vamos considerar que ela entendeu o
problema que ela tinha no passado e vamos colocar a Estrela de volta no local. O que a
Carruagem está olhando e o que a Estrela está olhando?
Vamos estudar esse primeiro casal, Etoile-Chariot, com sua coluna e a coluna de cartas
que eles estão vendo. A estrela representa ela
já se voltando para o anjo (temperança) em
seu problema do primeiro casal.
Vamos substituir a estrela no lugar certo, pois
o problema das mulheres foi entendido por
As cartas à esquerda da Carruagem e da Estrela podem representar o que os dois
protagonistas deste primeiro casal estavam pensando, como as bolhas dos
personagens de uma história em quadrinhos. L'Etoile (Geneniève) pensou Le Mat de
cabeça para baixo. Ela pensou em ir embora quando estava com ele. Geneviève: Sim, eu
pensei nisso por anos. Levei anos para tomar a decisão. Ele imaginou que eu estava
traindo ele quando não era verdade.
A Carruagem (o marido) pensou o Amante de cabeça para baixo. No Amante, existe
essa noção de escolha amorosa entre duas pessoas. Quando o cartão está de cabeça
para baixo, é mal vivido, há decepção amorosa. O marido estava obcecado com um
ciúme doentio e ao mesmo tempo ele pensava em traí-la. Ele a traiu e estava obcecado
por sua esposa poder fazer o mesmo. Geneviève: Sim, ele também estava me traindo.
Vamos dar uma olhada no segundo casal imperatriz-imperador, que é sintetizado pelas
colunas a seguir, ou seja, a coluna imperatriz-imperador mais a coluna das cartas que
eles estão vendo.
Para concluir, colocando as mulheres e seu trabalho de volta no local, que também é
um ato simbólico, obtemos:
Philippe Camoin: Veja essa mulher que aparece no futuro, com o que ela está cercada: o
Eremita, o Papa, o Mundo. Se você me disser que é clarividente, eu, vendo essas cartas,
acredito em você imediatamente. Você terá que olhar para suas experiências passadas
como se fossem vidas passadas. Geneviève: Eu sou uma nova mulher. Philippe Camoin:
É por isso que a última carta, da extrema direita, é a carta do renascimento (Le
Os problemas foram entendidos. Agora podemos devolver todos os cartões ao local. É
como um ato de cura pelo seu passado.
Para os especialistas: Esta mulher é clarividente. Na linha superior, há La Roue de
Fortune na extrema esquerda e Le Monde à direita. Ainda temos a confirmação de que
uma nova mulher aparecerá. De fato, essas duas cartas têm em comum a noção dos
quatro elementos sublimados, tornam-se vivas. A Esfinge da Roda da Fortuna contém
os quatro animais do mundo, mas no mundo há mais uma evolução e uma nova mulher
Em uma linha, sempre compare as duas cartas colocadas nas extremidades. Na linha
do meio, vamos de Amante ao Julgamento. Essas duas cartas são sempre muito
significativas, porque são semelhantes. Nos dois casos, existem três caracteres com
um anjo no topo. No Amante, os personagens não vêem o Anjo. No julgamento, a figura
à direita pode ver o anjo. Existe, portanto, uma evolução para Geneviève em direção a
um estado em que o que ela chama de clarividência poderá florescer plenamente. Se
temos certeza de que os anjos existem ou não, não importa! O que importa é o que o
Tarô enfatiza e as crenças da pessoa que vem consultar. Aqui, a pessoa acredita nos
anjos em seu mundo e deve respeitar isso. O Tarô enfatiza que no passado, um anjo
tenta entrar em contato com ela enviando flechas enquanto no futuro haverá uma
comunicação real com esse anjo. Se este anjo realmente existe ou é um produto de sua
imaginação não é de grande importância neste estágio! O Tarô diz que ela viverá isso e
o que importa é que ela se sinta bem e que não tenha mais problemas. Ela tem o direito
de acreditar no que quer.
Sorteio de Philippe Camoin
Martine, enfermeira e sua dor nas costas
Martine faz uma pergunta: minhas costas doem. Por que esse
bloqueio? De onde vem? E quando isso vai
Martine tira três cartas.
A primeira coisa que você nota é que uma mulher
que estava vestida no passado quer se despir no
presente. A papaia está vestida e está de cabeça
para baixo. No passado, ela estava enclausurada, e
isso representava um problema para ela. A estrela
está nua. Hoje, ela quer tirar proveito de seu corpo.
O problema da coluna vertebral é representado pela Maison Dieu ao contrário.
Martine: sim, é exatamente isso, moro sozinha com meu filho há vários anos.
Martine coloca duas cartas em cima das que estão
de cabeça para baixo. Esses dois cartões
fornecerão a solução para cada problema. Ela posa
O amante e O imperador.
O Amante indica que um relacionamento romântico
é necessário porque ela não aceita sua solidão (La
Papesse àverso). Além disso, o imperador parece
indicar que a solução para o problema nas costas
passa por um homem.
Colocamos um mapa à esquerda do L'Empereur
para ver o que o L'Empereur está olhando.
O Tarô confirma esse relacionamento romântico. No
final das contas, agora temos um casal de verdade se
olhando, L'Impératrice e L'Empereur, e L'Amoureux
indica qual é o relacionamento desse casal. É de fato
um relacionamento romântico.
Martine: sim, mas meu filho, em tudo isso.
Participante: De fato, você tem impedido de manter
relacionamentos românticos há anos, para não
desagradar seu filho. Mas a papess atrasada indica
que ela experimenta isso muito mal. A Casa de Deus
de cabeça para baixo indica que pode muito bem
haver um problema no futuro em suas relações com
o filho em sua própria casa. O que vem para curar esse problema é o imperador,
ou seja, um homem. Colocamos La Maison Dieu e La Papesse de volta no lugar,
agora que a solução para o problema foi encontrada. Agora, colocamos um
cartão à esquerda de La Papesse para ver o que ela está olhando. Desenhamos
Le Bateleur e novamente colocamos um mapa à esquerda para ver para onde
Le Bateleur está olhando. Nós desenhamos a força.
O Tarô chega para confirmar o que ele já havia dito com o casal
Imperatrice-Imperador. O Papa olha gentilmente para um casal Force-Bateleur
que é harmonioso. De fato, La Force e Le Bateleur
se entreolham, portanto o encontro é possível.
Além disso, eles têm o mesmo chapéu na forma de
oito virados e combinam bem.
O importante neste sorteio é que o Tarô revelou
duas vezes um casal que se olha e se dá bem,
L'Amoureux confirma que é realmente um
relacionamento romântico que curará sua
Isso pode parecer ter pouco a ver com a questão, e
ainda assim o tarô foi aprofundado no
inconsciente. Se ela não se aceita como mulher,
seu corpo corre o risco de se colocar em uma
posição contrária à sua natureza, quando dorme e
durante o dia, o que causa dores nas costas.
O Tarô, portanto, anuncia um encontro romântico, que será a solução para sua
dor nas costas. No entanto, ainda é necessário aconselhar essa pessoa a ir a um
médico porque é um problema médico. O Tarô deve ser usado apenas para
fornecer ajuda psicológica adicional ao medicamento e não deve substituí-lo.
Martine retornou após esta consulta. Uma segunda impressão revelou que ela
morava sozinha e que o único homem que ela finalmente olhava todos os dias
era um jovem autista com um defeito espinhal particularmente acentuado. O
excesso de trabalho e a pressão que ela experimenta nessa estrutura
psiquiátrica em que trabalha como enfermeira a tornaram particularmente
vulnerável e todos os presentes naquela noite puderam notar que ela estava de
pé e se comportando como essa jovem autista. por uma espécie de imitação.
Por ficar do mesmo jeito que ele, causou dor nas costas, pois suas vértebras são
normais. Essa posição ruim tinha que encontrar sua pior expressão à noite
enquanto dormia. O conselho do sorteio anterior, que o aconselhou a ter um
homem para tratar sua dor nas costas, foi, portanto, muito sábio. De fato,
pensando em um homem, ela emergirá dessa imitação em relação aos jovens
Martine voltou pela terceira vez três semanas depois. Ela está completamente
satisfeita e não tem mais problemas.
Sorteio de Philippe Camoin