PANCE Review
PANCE Review
PANCE Review
Infective endocarditis – Duke criteria (1 major + 3 minor or 5 minor)
o Major: typical microorganism (strep viridans, strep bovis, staph aureus, or
enterococci) from 2 separate blood cultures; positive echo
o Minor: predisposing risk factor (CHD, RHD, catheter, prosthetic valve, IVDU);
fever >38; evidence of emboli (arterial, pulmonary, janeway, conjunctival);
immune problems (glomerulonephritis, osler nodes); positive blood culture
(that isn’t major)
Rheumatic heart disease – Jones criteria (known GAS plus 2 major or 1 major and 1
o Major: joints; heart; nodules; erythema marginatum; syndenham chorea
o Minor: arthralgia; elevated ESR/CRP; prolonged PR; leukocytosis; hx of RH
“Boot shaped heart” = tetralogy of fallot
“Wall to wall heart” = ebstein’s anomaly
APGAR – at 1 and 5 mins
o Activity: absent, arms/legs flexed, active movement
o Pulse: absent, below 100 bpm, over 100 bpm
o Grimace: flaccid, some flexion of extremities, active motion
o Appearance: blue, body pink/extremities blue, all pink
o Respiration: absent, slow/irregular, vigorous cry
Infant growth: 10g/kg/day
o Triple birth weight at 1 year
o Ok to lose 5-10% of birth weight, then regain by 10-14 days
Caloric requirement for growth: 100-120kcal/kg/day
Formula/breast milk = 20kcal/oz
o Vit D supplement until 6 mo if breastfeeding (6400 IU maternal)
FTT = <3rd percentile or drop of 2 or more centile spaces (on growth chart)
Overweight = >85%, obese = > 95%
“Barking” cough = croup, “steeple sign” on CXR
“Sausage shaped mass” (in RUQ) or “donut/target” appearance on US or “currant
jelly stool” = intussusception
“Olive shaped mass” = pyloric stenosis
AOM: 1st line = amoxicillin, 2nd = augmentin
Strep: PCN or amoxicillin. If PCN allergy erythromycin
“Thumb sign”/tripod position= epiglottitis
“Steeple sign” = croup
Salter-Harris classification
o I: widening of physis
o II: fx through metaphysis
o III: fx though epiphysis
o IV: fx through metaphysis and epiphysis
o V: crush injury of physis
Greenstick fx: one side of cortex disrupted
Torus (buckle): compression force