GI Bleeding HX

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Medicine Hx - Gastrointestinal System

History of GI Bleeding

A. Overview:

Patients may present with the problem of haematemesis, melaena or haematochezia. You have to
differentiate between upper and lower
GI Bleed because the DDx and management vary.
UGIB: Proximal to the ligament of Treitz, Duodenum,stomach,esophagus
LGIB: Distal to the ligament of Treitz, small intestine & Colon.

B. Differential diagnosis:

DDx What support this diagnosis?
Upper gastrointestinal tract
Risk factors:
NSAIDS, h pylori infection, Zollinger Ellison.
Typical Symptoms:
Peptic ulcer abdominal pain, bloating, hematemesis, melena
GI Bleed, perforation
Esophageal varices Caused by portal hypertension secondary to cirrhosis
Lower gastrointestinal tract
Risk factors:
old age, constipation, low dietary fiber, connective tissue disorders,
Diverticulosis Typical Symptoms:
Hematochezia, Cramps and tenderness
Complication: anemia, abscess
Risk factors: old age
Angiodysplasia Typical Symptoms: GI Bleeding
Complication: anemia
Risk factors:
old age,male, diet,obesity,smoking IBD, familial adenomatous
Colonic carcinoma or polyposis and non-polyposis
polyp Typical Symptoms:
Rectal bleeding, constipation, decrease thickness of stool, loss of
apetite, weight loss, N&V
Risk factors: constipation, lack of activity, low fibers,pregnancy
Hemorrhoids or anal
Typical Symptoms: painless or painfull, rectal bleeding

C. Questions to Ask the Patient with this presentation

Questions What you think about !

Melena suggest UGIB or slow LGIB, hematochezia
What was the color of the stool?
suggest LGIB or massive UGIB
Is it mixed with stool? Bleed from an anorectal source

How many times? And when did it start? Repeated episodes suggests significant blood loss
Have you been passing large amount of
Indicates the amount loss and severity
Last time you passed blood? If no in the last 4-6 hours bleeding slowed or stopped
Have you had any dizziness ? Indicates significant volume loss
Weight loss? Neoplasm
Diarrhea or constipation association? Colon cancer, IBD
Ask about Hematemesis, if yes then ask:
Fresh= ongoing bleeding , coffee-grain= slowed or
Fresh blood or coffee-grain stained?
Before you saw the blood, did youexperience
Mallory-weisse tear
intense reching or vomiting
Have you been taking NSAIDS? Peptic ulcer
Do you drink alcohol or do you have liver
Esophageal varices
Have you had peptic ulcer ? Another peptic ulcer
When did it start ? how many times for how Ongoing hematemesis with hematochezia or melana
long suggest Esophageal varices, peptic ulcer.
Past history
History of peptic
therapy,CAD,CKD,liver disease?
History of immunodefeciancy?HIV? CMV ulcers, Kaposi sarcoma, fungal
Warfarin,heparin? Potentiate bleeding
Immunosupressent? infections
Family history of IBS,IBD Cancer?
History of blood disorders?
Have you had symptoms like this before?

D. Review of symptoms related to the system of interest.
Pain on swallowing?
Jaundice,acitis,palmar erythema,etc
Bloody diarrhea
Straining with deification
Abdominal pain
E. Systematic Review Go to Medicine Hx General topic!


DONE BY: Ibrahim AlQasir

OSCE TEAM LEADERS: Shaimaa AlRefaie & Roqaih AlDueb

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