Z1+ P1 ρ g V1 Z2+ P2 ρ g V2 Z3+ P3 ρ g V3 constant

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To determine the characteristics of a pipe consisting of four pipes of various size in

a. Introduction:

In fluid dynamics, head is a concept that relates the energy in a fluid to the height of
an equivalent static column of that fluid. From Bernoulli's principle, the total energy
at given point in a fluid is the energy associated with the movement of the fluid, plus
energy from pressure in the fluid, plus energy from the height of the fluid relative to
an arbitrary datum. Head is expressed in units of height such as meters or feet.

Losses due to friction.

In a real pipe line there are energy losses due to friction - these must be taken into
account as they can be very significant. the energy loss due to friction written as
a head and given the symbol  . This is often know as the head loss due to friction.

b. Theory:

For any incompressible fluid flowing through a pipe, the following equations apply:
Continuity equation:
Q = V1 A1 = V2 A2 = V3 A3 ; where Q=volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
V1 = the velocity (m/s); A = cross-sectional area (m2)
Bernoulli's equation:

P 1 V 12 P 2 V 22 P 3 V 32
Z 1+ + =Z 2+ + =Z 3+ + =constant
ρg 2 g ρg 2g ρ g 2g
Head Loss:
The loss through a piping system is due to two effects:
 Due to viscous resistance extending throughout the total length of the circuit.
 Due to localized affects such as valves, sudden changes in area of flow and

Head Loss can be calculated from Darcy's equation:

hf = f ( )¿)
where f : Darcy friction factor.
hf : head loss due to friction.
L: length of the pipe.
V: average velocity of the fluid flow.
g: acceleration due to gravity.
ii. Apparatus and Procedure:
1) Apparatus:

2) Procedure
1- Connect the part with parallel two discharge on the end of pipe dimeter 13mm
2- Make sure the manometer connected perfectly
3- Switch on the pump and open the flow rate valve
4- Note the head loss on manometer scale
5- Determine the volumetric flow rate of fluid using the tank and stop watch
6- Repeat the procedure for increasing volumetric flow rates
3) Data

Pipe Volum Tim Q exp Rm Fraction Average Q amp

dimeter e e Volumetric Reading Head velocity
(m) (M3) (s) flow rate manometer loss (m/s)
(m3/s) (m) Hf (m)
0.013 0.001 5.18 0.000193 0.03 0.378 1.45517 0.000265
0.013 0.001 4.34 0.00023 0.045 0.567 1.736816 0.000265
0.013 0.001 4.14 0.000242 0.06 0.756 1.820721 0.000265
0.013 0.001 3.39 0.000295 0.075 0.945 2.223535 0.000398
0.0175 0.001 6.1 0.000164 0.03 0.378 0.681906 0.000168
0.0175 0.001 5.94 0.000168 0.045 0.567 0.700274 0.00024
0.0175 0.001 5.09 0.000196 0.06 0.756 0.817215 0.00024
0.0175 0.001 4.44 0.000225 0.075 0.945 0.936853 0.00024
2 0.00602 0.006232
2 0.009029 0.006232
2 0.012039 0.006232
3 0.006689 0.005644
0.7 0.06615 0.007548
1 0.04862 0.006885
1 0.064827 0.006885
1 0.081034 0.006885
4) Simple calculation

Trail no 1
π π
A= r 2= 0.132=0.00013 m 2
4 4
Rm∗( ρm −ρw ) 0.3∗( 13600−1000)
hF= = =0.378 m
ρw 1000
f∗L 2
di 2 g∗hf ∗di 2∗9.81∗0. 0.378∗0.01
hF=4 =f ∗v 2= = =0.02 4
2g 4L 4
f= …………..1
0.125 0.125
F=0.0014+ 0.32
=0.0014+ 0.32
) ( 0.013∗1∗10 6 ) ∗v 0.32

F=0.014+ 6.0318∗10−3∗v−0.32………………..2
Combine between 1 and 2
0.024 0.125
=0.0014 + 0.32
v ( 0.013∗1∗106 ) ∗v 0.32
Q 0.00193
v act= = =1.46 m/s
A 0.000132
v gas =2 m/s

0.024 0.024
L . H . F= = 2 =0.00 6
v2 2
0.125 0.125
R . H . F=0.0014+ =0.0014 + =0.006 2
6 0.32 0.32 0.32
( 0.013∗1∗10 ) ∗v ( 0.013∗1∗106 ) ∗20.32

R . H . F=L. H . F

Qamp=v gas∗A=2∗0.000132=0.000264 m3 / s
5) Graph

DI 13mm

HF exp and Hf amp

HF Exp 13mm
HF amp 13mm


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Q exp

DI 17.5 mm
HF exp and Hf amp

HF amp 17.5 mm
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Q exp

Q exp and Q amp


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
iii. Analysis

From the graph Q exp and Q amp the approximately the value of Q exp is equal to the
value of Q amp
From the graph of fraction in both diameter shows that the when increase the flow
rate the fraction loss will increase in both diameter
iv. Conclusion and Recommendations:

In conclusion, I learned how to determine the head loss and the head friction versus
the volumetric flow rate. I also learned effects of valves, sudden changes in area and
bends throughout a piping system.

v. References:
 Laboratory Manual CHM 323

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