LTE Simplify The Migration To 4G WP - c11-602886 PDF
LTE Simplify The Migration To 4G WP - c11-602886 PDF
LTE Simplify The Migration To 4G WP - c11-602886 PDF
This paper outlines how mobile operators can prepare their networks to support fourth-generation (4G) broadband
services that will improve the user experience and yield new revenue opportunities. Specifically, it addresses the
role of Long-Term Evolution (LTE), a Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard that provides much
greater spectral efficiency than the most advanced 3G networks. Benefits of an LTE network include:
● Simple migration from 2G or 3G to 4G without a complete equipment upgrade - in a single common core
● Fast, smooth transition to Evolved Packet Core (EPC), an all-IP core network that supports higher
throughput, lower latency, and mobility between 3GPP and non-3GPP radio access technologies
● Core network solution that optimizes backhaul
● Converged mobility and policy management so operators can choose any access technology without a
complete overhaul of existing IP core or IP core overlay
● Intelligence in the network to deliver higher-bandwidth multimedia services - interacting with and
understanding key elements within the multimedia core
Designated as a fourth-generation (4G) mobile specification, LTE is designed to provide multimegabit bandwidth,
more efficient use of the radio network, latency reduction, and improved mobility. This combination aims to
enhance the subscriber's interaction with the network and further accelerate the demand for mobile multimedia
services. With wireless broadband, users can more readily access their Internet services, such as online
television, video streaming, blogging, social networking, and interactive gaming - all while mobile.
Changes in mobile communications have always been evolutionary, and the deployment of LTE will be the same.
It will be a transition from 3G to 4G over a period of several years, as is the case still with the transition from 2G to
3G. As a result, mobile operators must look for strategies and solutions that will enhance their existing 3G
networks while addressing their 4G deployment requirements without requiring a complete equipment upgrade.
Specifically, mobile operators need the multimedia core network to be readily upgradable to meet the
requirements of the System Architecture Evolution (SAE), the 4G core network architecture of the LTE standard.
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Solutions already deployed in the market may include many of the elements required of the 4G network, including
integrated intelligence, simplified network architecture, high bandwidth performance capabilities with on-demand
scalability, and enhanced mobility. Only solutions capable of supporting multiple functions in a single node through
a software upgrade will protect today's investment for tomorrow's network and avoid a costly replacement of the
existing systems.
As a result, mobile operators are looking for the best multimedia core solutions to deliver an optimum user
experience and build an efficient network. Key considerations for the multimedia core network include:
● Integration of intelligence at the access edge: As a greater variety of services and user types cross the
mobile network, it is critical to increase network and subscriber intelligence. Through this intelligence,
including quality of service (QoS) and policy enforcement, mobile operators will better understand
individual users and their transactions and be able to shape the service experience and optimize network
● Simplified network topology: In order to deliver the enhanced performance of LTE effectively, the network
will need to be simplified and flattened, with a reduction of elements involved in data processing and
● Optimized backhaul: With the introduction of 4G, the transport backhaul is a critical consideration that
many are realizing after the fact. It is very important to deploy a core network solution that is flexible
enough to offer smooth migration from centralized (longer backhaul) to distributed (shorter backhaul) core
network nodes.
● Converged mobility and policy: Maintaining the subscriber session is an important consideration during 4G-
to-2G or 4G-to-3G mobility events. Additionally, unified policy management in the network is critical for
offering efficient service delivery over mixed 4G and 2G or 3G networks and providing differentiated
services and applications with flexible charging and billing options. It is therefore important to deploy a core
network based on a single mobility and policy control paradigm.
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● Increased performance characteristics: Clearly the intent of LTE is to improve the performance and
efficiency of the network. To realize the full potential of LTE, mobile operators must deploy core solutions
that can meet the flexible demands generated by increased mobile multimedia services and a growing
subscriber base, including increased network capacity requirements. These core solutions also must be
able to scale multidimensionally in thousands of call transactions per second, higher numbers of sessions,
and significant increase in throughput over a heterogeneous access network.
● Migration from 2G or 3G to 4G: As mobile operators migrate their networks to LTE (Figure 1), they will seek
to minimize costs and maximize subscriber usage. These goals will require core solutions that can address
2G and 3G network requirements while being used for 4G network introductions. Operators will want to
avoid a complete equipment upgrade while deploying best-in-class solutions based on open standards.
Additionally, mobile users will expect a uniform service experience across both networks, with
consideration to the bandwidth differences.
Figure 1. Migration to Wireless Broadband: LTE Is the Next Step on the Migration Path to Wireless Broadband
Although it is likely that the evolution to 4G technologies will take many years, it is imperative for mobile operators
to identify the multimedia core elements now that will most effectively migrate them to a 4G network in the future.
Solutions designed for the specific requirements of the next-generation multimedia core network include the
capability to support 2G, 3G, and 4G functions in a single platform (Figure 2). These solutions will provide major
benefits to mobile operators who want to migrate their networks smoothly, maximize their investments, and offer
their customers an exceptional experience.
Figure 2. Integrated Multimedia Core for 2G, 3G, and 4G: As Mobile Operator Evolve to LTE, They Will Benefit from
Solutions That Can Integrate 2G, 3G and 4G Functions in a Single Node
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Standard Interfaces and Protocols
EPC also supports standard interfaces and open protocols aimed at enabling operators to launch services and
applications with Internet speed while also reducing the overall cost per packet through the inherent advantages of
going all-IP.
Standardized interfaces and protocols also enable operators to achieve a best-in-class approach with their
network infrastructure. By eliminating proprietary protocols, operators can operate an open network that empowers
them to select the vendors they deem most qualified to deliver a specific network function without having to worry
about interoperability problems.
With a single comprehensive architecture, EPC supports all access technologies, including 2G, 3G, and 4G, from
all standards-defining organizations. The basis of this convergence is the use of an IETF-defined mobility
management protocol such as Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6). If an operator wants to deploy any access technology
with an EPC, a single mobility management protocol such as PMIPv6 is all that is required. This reality is a
significant step toward building a single common IP core for future access technologies with seamless mobility.
It gives operators the freedom to choose any access technology without having to worry about a complete
overhaul of their existing IP core or an IP core overlay.
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Figure 3. Combining Network Functions Into a Single Carrier-Class Platform: Support for Multiple Network Technologies and
the Corresponding Multimedia Core Network Functions in a Multiaccess, Multiservice Environment
For instance, the MME, SGW, and PGW can be combined into one carrier-class platform. By collapsing these
functions, operators could reduce the signaling overhead, distribute session management, and use the control and
user plane capabilities of the carrier-class node.
Alternatively, an operator could deploy the MME separate from the combined SGW and PGW, resulting in reduced
signaling overhead (S5 and S8 would be internal), fewer hops on the bearer path, less backhaul, reduced
signaling on the S7 interface, and a lower session requirement for the PGW. This setup also provides for a single
location for policy enforcement and charging data generation.
Additionally, colocation of 2G and 3G Serving GPRS Support Nodes (SGSNs) with the MME will significantly
reduce signaling and context transfer overhead. This colocation will also be critical to 2G, 3G, and 4G mobility and
session management. The advantage of integrating or collapsing functional elements into one carrier-class node
is paramount to the goals of simplifying and flattening the network while also reducing latency.
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enhanced mobility. Some solutions are capable of supporting 2G
EPC Network Functions
EPC defines a series of new network functions that and 3G today on a single platform, and through software upgrades
flatten the architecture by reducing the number of can support 4G functions when LTE networks are deployed.
nodes in the network. Decreases in capital and
operational expenditures should occur, followed by a
reduction in the overall cost per megabyte of traffic Mobile operators will benefit from solutions that can provide 2G and
running over the EPC, and better network
performance. 3G functions now and evolve to 4G functions later without replacing
● Mobility Management Entity (MME): The MME costly systems and equipment that will still be needed to support
resides in the control plane and manages states
(attach, detach, idle, RAN mobility), legacy networks while subscribers transition to the new network.
authentication, paging, mobility with 3GPP 2G
and 3G nodes (SGSN), roaming, and other
bearer management functions.
Whether existing systems are deployed as SGSN, Gateway GPRS
● Serving Gateway (SGW): The SGW sits in the Support Node (GGSN), Packet Data Serving Node (PDSN), Cisco
user plane where it forwards and routes packets
to and from the eNodeB and Packet Data Mobile Wireless Home Agent, or other gateway functions, they must
Network Gateway (PGW). The SGW also serves be designed to be integrated with or upgraded to the 4G functional
as the local mobility anchor for inter-eNodeB
handover and roaming between two 3GPP elements - MME, SGW, PGW, and Cisco Evolved Packet Data
● Packet Data Network Gateway (PGW): The
Gateway (ePDG) - through a simple software upgrade.
PGW (sometimes called the PDN Gateway) acts
as the interface between the LTE network and
Packet Data Networks (PDNs), such as the
Intelligence in the Network
Internet or SIP-based IMS networks (fixed and
mobile). The PGW is the mobility anchor point for Key to creating and delivering high-bandwidth multimedia services in
intra-3GPP access system mobility and for 2G, 3G, and 4G networks - and meeting subscriber demand - is the
mobility between 3GPP and non-3GPP access
systems. The function is responsible for IP capability to recognize different traffic flows, thereby allowing
address allocation, charging, deep packet
inspection, lawful intercept, policy enforcement, functional elements to shape and manage bandwidth while
and other services.
interacting with applications to a very fine degree and delivering the
● Evolved Packet Data Gateway (ePDG): The
ePDG is the primary element responsible for quality of service required. This goal is achieved through session
interworking between the EPC and untrusted non-
3GPP networks, such as a wireless LAN. The intelligence that uses deep packet inspection technology, service
ePDG uses Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) to
interact with the PGW when the User Equipment
steering, and intelligent traffic control to dynamically monitor and
(UE) is in an untrusted non-3GPP system. The control sessions on a per-subscriber and per-flow basis.
ePDG is involved in the Policy and Charging
Enforcement Function (PCEF), meaning it
manages QoS, flow-based charging data The interaction with and understanding of key elements within the
generation, gating, deep packet inspection, and
other functions. multimedia call - devices, applications, transport mechanisms, and
policies - requires:
● Sharing information with external application servers that perform value-added processing
● Exploiting user-specific attributes to launch unique applications on a per-subscriber basis
● Extending mobility management information to non–mobility-aware applications
● Enabling policy, charging, and QoS features
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