AWP (Antenna Measurement) PDF
AWP (Antenna Measurement) PDF
AWP (Antenna Measurement) PDF
B.Hemalatha - AP/ECE 1
n a
Elementary Antennas te n
low cost – flexible solutions Transmission An R=Z0
Long Wire Antenna
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Poor Efficiency:
Transmit power
-50% of transmit power radiated
-50% dissapated in termination resistor
Receive power
-50% captured EM energy converted to signal for reciever
- 50% absorbed by terminating resistor
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According to their applications and technology available,
antennas generally fall in one of two categories:
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According to length of transmission lines available,
antennas generally fall in one of two categories:
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The radiation pattern of an antenna is a plot of the relative field strength
of the radio waves emitted by the antenna at different angles.
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The radiation of many antennas shows a pattern of maxima or "lobes" at
various angles, separated by “ nulls", angles where the radiation falls to
This is because the radio waves emitted by different parts of the antenna
typically interfere, causing maxima at angles where the radio waves arrive
at distant points in phase, and zero radiation at other angles where the
radio waves arrive out of phase.
The other lobes usually represent unwanted radiation and are called
“sidelobes". The axis through the main lobe is called the "principle axis" or
“boresight axis".
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Gain is a parameter which measures the degree of directivity of the
antenna's radiation pattern. A high-gain antenna will preferentially
radiate in a particular direction.
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The gain of an antenna is a passive phenomenon - power is not
added by the antenna, but simply redistributed to provide more
radiated power in a certain direction than would be transmitted by
an isotropic antenna.
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For example, a dish antenna on a spacecraft is a high-gain device
that must be pointed at the planet to be effective, whereas a typical
Wi-Fi antenna in a laptop computer is low-gain, and as long as the
base station is within range, the antenna can be in any orientation in
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The polarization of an antenna is the orientation of the electric field
(E-plane) of the radio wave with respect to the Earth's surface and is
determined by the physical structure of the antenna and by its
A simple straight wire antenna will have one polarization when
mounted vertically, and a different polarization when mounted
Reflections generally affect polarization. For radio waves the most
important reflector is the ionosphere - signals which reflect from it
will have their polarization changed
LF,VLF and MF antennas are vertically polarized
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It is expressed in degrees
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Easier to construct
Its i/p impedance and radiation pattern are relatively constant
over range of frequencies.
Maximum efficiency
High gain can be obtained.
Large site area and large side lobes.
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Long distance communication, high frequency transmission
and reception.
Point to point communication.
Radio communication.
Short wave radio broadcasting.
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It is a directional antenna consisting of a driven element (typically a
dipole or folded dipole) and additional parasitic elements (usually a
so-called reflector and one or more directors).
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Typical spacing between elements vary from about 1/10 to 1/4
of a wavelength, depending on the specific design.
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They are used in systems such as
Radio broadcasting
Broadcast television
Two-way radio
Communication receivers
Cell phones
Satellite communications.
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The space available for an antenna
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A loop antenna is a radio antenna consisting of a loop of wire with
its ends connected to a balanced transmission line
Small loops have a poor efficiency and are mainly used as receiving
antennas at low frequencies. Except for car radios, almost every AM
broadcast receiver sold has such an antenna built inside of it or
directly attached to it.
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A technically small loop, also known as a magnetic loop, should have
a circumference of one tenth of a wavelength or less. This is
necessary to ensure a constant current distribution round the loop.
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A turnstile antenna is a set of two dipole
antennas aligned at right angles to each other
and fed 90 degrees out-of-phase.
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Biconical Antenna
Types of Biconical
Infinite Biconical
Finite Biconical
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Log Periodic Antenna
The antenna is ideally suited for reception
of VHF/UHF point-to-point communication
where its directional characteristics can
significantly improve rejection of
interfering signals.
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Sleeve Antenna
The sleeve antenna is used
primarily as a receiving antenna. It
is a broadband, vertically polarized,
omnidirectional antenna.
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Spiral Antenna
Vertically polarized
Frequency Independent
Designed to minimize finite lengths and maximize
angular dependence
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Helical Antenna
Circularly Polarized
Polarization changes with
Both high gain and wide
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D= diameter of helix
C= circumference of helix
α= pitch angle =
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Axial Mode
Circular Polarization
C/λ=1:near optimum
S= λ/4
Half-Power Beam width: 50 x 50 degrees
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Helix Applications
Space Telemetry Applications of satellites, space probes,
and ballistic missiles
Signals have undergone Faraday rotation
Directional applications
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Adaptation of Single Antenna for Multi-band Use.
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Antenna Characterization
• antennas generate EM field pattern
• not always possible to model mathematically
• difficult to account for obstacles
• antennas are studied in EM isolated rooms to extract key
performance characteristics
180o 0o
270o + 4dB
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radiated field shaping lens & visible light
• application determines required direction & focus of signal
• antenna characteristics
(i) radiation field pattern
(ii) gain
(iii) lobes, beamwidth, nulls
(iv) directivity
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Measuring Antenna Field Pattern
field strength meter used to measure field pattern
• indicates amplitude of received signal
• calibrated to receiving antenna
• relationship between meter and receive antenna known
measured strength in uV/meter
received power is in uW/meter
• directly indicates EM field strength
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Determination of overall Antenna Field Pattern
form Radiation Polar Plot Pattern
• use nominal field strength value (e.g. 100uV/m) 90o
• measure points for 360o around antenna
• record distance & angle from antenna
• connect points of equal field strength
180o 0o
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Why Shape the Antenna Field Pattern ?
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Antenna Gain Amplifier Gain
• antenna power output = power input – transmission line loss
• antenna shapes radiated field pattern
• power measured at a point is greater/less than that using
reference antenna
• total power output doesn’t increase
• power output in given direction increases/decreases relative to
reference antenna
a lamp is similar to an isotropic antenna
a lens is similar to a directional antenna
- provides a gain/loss of visible light in a specific direction
- doesn’t change actual power radiated by lamp
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• transmit antenna with 6dB gain in specific direction over isotropic
antenna 4 transmit power in that direction
• receive antenna with 3dB gain is some direction receives 2 as
much power than reference antenna
Antenna Gain
often a cost effective means to
(i) increase effective transmit power
(ii) effectively improve receiver sensitivity
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Center Frequency = optimum operating frequency
Antenna Bandwidth -3dB points of antenna performance
Bandwidth Ratio: Bandwidth/Center Frequency
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Antenna Design Basics
Main Trade-offs for Antenna Design
• directivity & beam width
• acceptable lobes
• maximum gain
• bandwidth
• radiation angle
Bandwidth Issues
High Bandwidth Antennas tend to have less gain than
narrowband antennas
Narrowband Receive Antenna reduces interference from adjacent
signals & reduce received noise power
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Antenna Dimensions
• operating frequencies determine physical size of antenna elements
• design often uses as a variable (e.g. 1.5 length, 0.25 spacing)
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Testing Receiver
• test & adjust receiver and transmission line without antenna
• use single known signal from RF generator
• follow on test with several signals present
• verify receiver operation first then connect antenna to
verify antenna operation
• EM field has specific orientation of E-field & M field
• Polarization Direction determined by antenna & physical orientation
• Classification of E-field polarization
- horizontal polarization : E-field parallel to horizon
- vertical polarization: E-field vertical to horizon
- circular polarization: constantly rotating
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Transmit & Receive Antenna
• must have same Polarization for maximum signal energy induction
• if polarizations aren’t same E-field of radiated signal will try to induce
E-field into wire to correct orientation
- theoretically no induced voltage
practically – small amount of induced voltage
Circular Polarization
• compatible with any polarization field from horizontal to vertical
• maximum gain is 3dB less than correctly oriented horizontal or
vertically polarized antenna
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Antenna Fundamentals
Dipole Antennas (Hertz): simple, old, widely used ½
- root of many advance antennas
¼ ¼
• consists of 2 spread conductors of 2 wire transmission lines
• each conductor is ¼ in length
• total span = ½ + small center gap
Distinct voltage & current patterns
driven by transmission line at midpoint
• i = 0 at end, maximum at midpoint
• v = 0 at midpoint, vmax at ends +v
• purely resistive impedance = 73
• easily matched to many transmission lines
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3-dimensional field pattern is donut shaped
antenna is shaft through donut center
radiation pattern determined by taking slice of donut
- if antenna is horizontal slice reveals figure 8
- maximum radiation is broadside to antenna’s arms
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½ dipole performance – isotropic reference antenna
• in free space beamwidth = 78o
• maximum gain = 2.1dB
• dipole often used as reference antenna
- feed same signal power through ½ dipole & test antenna
- compare field strength in all directions
Actual Construction
(i) propagation velocity in wire < propagation velocity in air
(ii) fields have ‘fringe effects’ at end of antenna arms
- affected by capacitance of antenna elements
1st estimate: make real length 5% less than ideal – otherwise introduce reactive
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Multi-Band Dipole Antennas
use 1 antenna support several widely separated frequency bands
e.g. HAM Radio - 3.75MHz-29MHz
Traps: L,C elements inserted into dipole arms
• arms appear to have different lengths at different frequencies
• traps must be suitable for outdoor use
• 2ndry affects of trap impact effective dipole arm length-adjustable
• not useful over 30MHz
2/4 2/4
C 1/4 1/4 C
Transmission Line
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Transmit Receive Switches
• allows use of single antenna for transmit & receive
• alternately connects antenna to transmitter & receiver
• high transmit power must be isolated from high gain receiver
• isolation measured in dB
e.g. 100dB isolation 10W transmit signal 10nW receive signal
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Folded Dipole Antenna /2
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Loop & Patch Antenna – wire bent into loops
Patch Antenna: rectangular conducting area with || ground plane
V = k(2f)BAN N-turns
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Radiation Pattern
• maximum to center axis through loop
• very low broadside to the loop
• useful for direction finding
- rotate loop until signal null (minimum) observed
- transmitter is on either side of loop
- intersection with 2nd reading pinpoints transmitter
• Loop & Patch Antennas are easy to embed in a product (e.g. pager)
• Broadband antenna - 500k-1600k Hz bandwidth
• Not as efficient as larger antennas
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Name Shape Gain (over Beamwidth - Radiation Pattern
isotropic) 3 dB
Isotropic 0 dB 360
2.14 dB 55
Turnstile -0.86 dB 50
Yagi 7.14 dB 25
Helical 10.1 dB 30
14.7 dB 20
Horn 15 dB 15
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Radiation Pattern Measurements (1)
Measured antenna in receiving Measured antenna in transmitting
mode mode
The antenna is rotated (or The antenna is rotated (or the
the radiowave source is field-strength meter is moved
moved around) around)
The power received (output The field-strength is registered
voltage) is registered vs. the vs. the direction angle
direction angle (azimuth, (azimuth, elevation)
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Radiation Pattern Measurements (2)
Laboratory Field
Special test site In-situ measurements
Open field Measuring instruments in
Anechoic chamber car, balloon, aeroplane,
Near-field / Far field or helicopter
calculation Actual distance /
Scaling standard distance
Environmental effects
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Electric Field Measurement
Dipole antenna
Balance matching
Impedance matching
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Wideband Antennas
Wideband antennas
Conical antennas
Equi-angular antennas
Log-spiral antennas
Log-periodic antennas
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Impedance Matching
For maximum power transfer the BALANCED
load impedance must match the
source impedance:
Transmission line must terminate in
its characteristic impedance
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Gain Measurements: 2 Antennas
Reciprocity method 2
2 identical antennas are
used: one as the
transmitting antenna and
another as receiving GT GR G
The ratio of the power PR 4r
received to power
transmitted is measured
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Gain Measurements: 3 Antennas
The 3-antenna method can be
P12 PT G1G2
used to calibrate 3 arbitrary
3 measurements are made,
P23 PT G2 G3
giving 3 equations with 3
unknown gains
It is the only method applicable
P13 PT G1G3
to active antennas that cannot
be used in transmit mode.
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Calibrating Test Antennas (1)
Simulation of free-space
Removing the reflected ray
by using absorbers
Exploiting directivity
(radiation nulls)
Practical with vertical
Does not require anechoic
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Calibrating Test Antennas (2)
Exploiting reflection
Using conducting surface
Adjusting antenna height to
receive maximum
Practical with horizontal
Does not require anechoic
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Measurements in the Field
Relative (comparative)
measurements using
Auxiliary antenna
an auxiliary antenna of
known radiation pattern
eliminate the distance under test
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Far-Field Conditions
1. R >> (/2)
2. R >> 2L2 /
R R2 + 2R + 2 = R2 +(L/2)2
2R + 2 = (L/2)2
1. 300 MHz ( = 1 m)
• /2 = 1/ 6.28 ~ 0.16 m
• 2L2/ = 8 / 1 = 8 m
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2. OTA Performance Test
* CTIA : “Test Plan for Mobile Station Over the Air Performance”
- March 2003, Revision 2.0
- Method of Measurement for Radiated RF Power
and Receiver Performance
* Contents
- Test Site Characteristics and Quiet Zone Accuracy – Requirements
and Test Method and Procedure
- Substitution Part : Measurement for Path Loss Calibration
- Radiated Power Measurement
- Receiver Performance(Sensitivity) Measurement
- Measurement Uncertainty Analysis
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3. Anechoic Chamber
* CTIA’s Minimum Requirement
- Quiet Zone Size : Sphere of 300mm Diameter for
involving Head Phantom
- Minimum Test Length : 1.19m
- +/- 1.0dB Ripple to Guarantee the Uncertainty Level of
including EUT Positioner
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3. Anechoic Chamber
* Specifications
QZ Transmit Ante Receive Anten Guaranteed Guaranteed
Diameter * nna Gain na Gain Q. Z. Reflectivity Q. Z. Ripple
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3. Anechoic Chamber
F loor V iew S ection V iew -A S ection V iew -B
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4. Measurement Antenna
AZ Positioner (AP-6209)
(AP-6209) + (AP-6917)
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5. Positioners
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5. Positioners
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