Service Manual: Ohaus Corporation 19A Chapin Road, P.O. Box 2033, Pine Brook, NJ 07058-2033 (973) 377-9000
Service Manual: Ohaus Corporation 19A Chapin Road, P.O. Box 2033, Pine Brook, NJ 07058-2033 (973) 377-9000
Service Manual: Ohaus Corporation 19A Chapin Road, P.O. Box 2033, Pine Brook, NJ 07058-2033 (973) 377-9000
Ohaus Corporation 19A Chapin Road, P.O. Box 2033, Pine Brook, NJ 07058-2033 (973) 377-9000
Pioneer™ Balances
The information contained in this manual is believed to be accurate at the time of publication, but Ohaus
Corporation assumes no liability arising from the use or misuse of this material. Reproduction of this
material is strictly prohibited.
Page No.
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Service Facilities........................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Tools and Test Equipment Required .........................................................................1-2
1.3.1 Special Tools ......................................................................................................1-2
1.3.2 Standard Tools and Test Equipment ..................................................................1-2
1.4 Specifications.............................................................................................................1-2
1.5 Balance Operation .....................................................................................................1-5
1.5.1 Overview of the Controls ....................................................................................1-5
1.5.2 Overview of the Display Indicators .....................................................................1-6
1.5.3 Power On ...........................................................................................................1-7
1.5.4 Power Off ...........................................................................................................1-7
1.5.5 Menu Setup ........................................................................................................1-7
1.5.6 Menu Structure ...................................................................................................1-7
1.5.7 The Load Cell .....................................................................................................1-8
1.6 Connecting the RS232 Interface................................................................................1-9
1.7 RS232 Commands ..................................................................................................1-10
2.1 Troubleshooting .........................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 General Procedures for Troubleshooting ...........................................................2-1
2.2 Diagnostic Guide .......................................................................................................2-1
2.2.1 Diagnosis............................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Error Codes ...............................................................................................................2-4
Page No.
3.3.20 Block Style Load Cell Disassembly & Replacement with Load Cell Kit............3-35
3.3.21 Progressive Disassembly of Block Style Load Cells ........................................3-35
3.3.22 Internal Calibration Testing ..............................................................................3-36
3.3.23 InCal Motor Removal & Replacement ..............................................................3-36
3.3.24 InCal Mechanism Removal...............................................................................3-37
3.3.25 InCal Mechanism Installation ...........................................................................3-38
3.3.26 Position Sensor Assembly Removal/Installation on MFR Load Cell ................3-39
3.3.27 Removing the Block Style Load Cell from the Base Plate................................3-40
3.3.28 Installing the Block Style Load Cell on the Base Plate .....................................3-41
3.3.29 Removal and Installation of the Block Style Load Cell PC Board.....................3-42
3.3.30 Removing the Ratio Beam on Block Style Load Cells......................................3-43
3.3.31 Installing the Ratio Beam on Block Style Load Cells........................................3-47
3.3.32 Installing the InCal Weight Arm ........................................................................3-49
3.3.33 Installing the Load Cell PCB-Temperature Sensor-Position Sensor ................3-51
3.2.34 Setting the Up/Down Stop Screw on Block Style Load Cells ...........................3-53
4.1. Testing .......................................................................................................................4-1
4.1.1 Test Masses Required .......................................................................................4-2
4.2 Operational Test ........................................................................................................4-1
4.3 Segment Display Test................................................................................................4-1
4.4. Performance Tests ....................................................................................................4-2
4.4.1 Precision Test.....................................................................................................4-2
4.4.2 Off-Center Load Test..........................................................................................4-3
4.4.3 Off-Center Load Adjustment for Precision Models .............................................4-4
4.4.4 Off-Center Load Adjustment for Analytical Models.............................................4-5
4.4.5 Off-Center Load Adjustment for Block Style Models ..........................................4-6
4.4.6 Repeatability Test...............................................................................................4-7
4.4.7 Linearity Test......................................................................................................4-9
Page No.
C.1 Restore EEPROM Data ............................................................................................ C-2
C.2 Replace Load Cell .................................................................................................... C-3
C.3 Install new Main Printed Circuit Board...................................................................... C-4
C.4 Update Software in the Balance ............................................................................... C-5
C.5 Diagnostics ............................................................................................................... C-6
C.5.1 Incal Weight Mechanism Testing ......................................................................... C-6
1-1 Specifications: External Calibration Models (includes M Models) .........................1-2
1-2 Specifications: Internal Calibration Models (C & CM) ...........................................1-3
1-3 Specifications: Carat Models.................................................................................1-3
1-4 Specifications: Gold Models (External Calibration) ...............................................1-4
1-5 Specifications: Gold Models (Internal Calibration) ................................................1-4
1-6 Admissible Ambient Conditions.............................................................................1-5
1-7 Functions of Display Controls................................................................................1-5
1-8 Display Indicators ..................................................................................................1-6
1-9 COM 1 Interface Pin Connections.........................................................................1-9
1-10 RS232 Command Table......................................................................................1-10
2-1 Diagnostic Guide ...................................................................................................2-2
2-2 Error Codes ...........................................................................................................2-4
4-1 Test Masses Required ..........................................................................................4-1
4-2 Tolerances – Precision Models .............................................................................4-2
4-3 Tolerances – Analytical Models.............................................................................4-2
4-4 Repeatability Worksheet .......................................................................................4-8
5-1 Precision Top Load Balance Housing & Internal Parts .........................................5-3
5-2 Round Pan Block Style InCal Balance: Housing & Internal Parts .........................5-5
5-3 Square Pan Block Style Square Pan Balance: Housing & Internal Parts..............5-7
5.4 Precision Draft Shield Balance with Draft Shield: Housing & Parts.......................5-9
5.5 Analytical Balance: Housing & Internal Parts ......................................................5-11
5.6 Precision Balance Load Cell & Parts...................................................................5-13
5.7 Analytical Balance Load Cell & Parts ..................................................................5-15
5.8 Block Style InCal Load Cell & Parts ....................................................................5-17
1-1 Pioneer, Carat and Gold Series Displays..............................................................1-5
1-2 Pioneer Display Indicators.....................................................................................1-6
1-3 Pioneer Menu Structure ........................................................................................1-7
1-4 Load Cell Assembly...............................................................................................1-8
1-5 COM 1 Connector .................................................................................................1-9
1-6 Soldering points J1 and J2 ....................................................................................1-9
3-1 Top panel lifts up and slides out............................................................................3-2
3-2 Groove in side panel’s base liner aligns with tab on Housing ...............................3-2
3-3 Precision Load Cell with Incal ...............................................................................3-3
3-4 Analytical Load Cell with Incal...............................................................................3-3
3-5 Precision Load Cell ...............................................................................................3-3
3-6 Analytical Load Cell...............................................................................................3-3
3-7 Precision Block Style Load Cell with InCal............................................................3-4
3-58 Screws removed from Bottom Mounting Plate inserted into the Hanger.............3-23
3-59 Shims are inserted between the Hanger and the Load Cell................................3-23
3-60 Analytical balance Load Cell with Top Bracket visible ........................................3-23
3-61 Vertical Flexure and screws, Lock Plate, washers, and bushings, removed.......3-23
3-62 Top Flexure Arm (Analytical)...............................................................................3-23
3-63 Bottom Flexure Arm (Analytical)..........................................................................3-23
3-64 Hanger with two screws ......................................................................................3-25
3-65 Service Fixture attached to the front of Load Cell after removing Hanger ..........3-25
3-66 The Vane is secured by two screws near the rear of the Load Cell ....................3-25
3-67 The Vane removed..............................................................................................3-25
3-68 Two solder points on PSB, and two screw holes for removing the board ...........3-26
3-69 Contact Board with 3-wire ribbon cable soldered to it .........................................3-26
3-70 Four screws secure the Magnet Half to the Ratio Beam.....................................3-26
3-71 The Magnet Half, when removed, should be cleaned .........................................3-25
3-72 A screw connects the Contact Board to the Load Cell ........................................3-26
3-73 Use a smaller screw to temporarily fasten it to the Ratio Beam..........................3-26
3-74 The Sideways Motion Stop Plate and the black Up/Down Stop screw ...............3-27
3-75 Position Sensor Board (Analytical)......................................................................3-28
3-76 Adjust Position Sensor Board vertically until Err8.X does not appear.................3-28
3-77 The Ratio Beam needs to clear the groove in the Up/Down Stop Screw............3-29
3-78 Service Fixture is installed prior to installing Ratio Beam Flexures.....................3-29
3-79 Sideways Motion Stop Plate and Up/Down Stop Screw .....................................3-29
3-80 Elongated holes on Ratio Beam Flexures go on the bottom ...............................3-29
3-81 Installing the Magnet Half....................................................................................3-30
3-82 Four screws on Magnet Half ...............................................................................3-30
3-83 Position Sensor Board.........................................................................................3-30
3-84 3-wire cable soldered to Contact Board ..............................................................3-30
3-85 Installing the Vane...............................................................................................3-30
3-86 Screws removed from Bottom Mounting Plate inserted into the Hanger.............3-31
3-87 Insert shims between the Hanger and the Load Cell on both sides ....................3-31
3-88 Bottom Flexure Arm ............................................................................................3-31
3-89 Top Flexure Arm..................................................................................................3-31
3-90 Vertical Flexure ...................................................................................................3-31
3-91 Vertical Flexure and screws, Lock Plate, washers, and bushings, removed.......3-31
3-92 Analytical InCal Load Cell with Top Bracket visible.............................................3-32
3-93 Analytical balance Load Cell with Top Bracket visible ........................................3-32
3-94 Bottom Mounting Plate on Analytical Load Cell ..................................................3-32
3-95 Ribbon cable connects PSB to Main PCB...........................................................3-32
3-96 When Position Sensor Board shows normal weight, tighten its screws ..............3-33
3-97 Block Style Load Cell ..........................................................................................3-34
3-98 Service Toolset for Block Style Load Cells. PN 476000-030 .............................3-35
3-99 InCal Motor..........................................................................................................3-36
3-100 InCal Motor Removal...........................................................................................3-36
3-101 Motor Coupler .....................................................................................................3-36
3-102 Motor Shaft in counter-clockwise position ...........................................................3-37
3-103 Mounting Screws holding InCal Mechanism .......................................................3-37
3-104 Removing the InCal Mechanism .........................................................................3-37
3-105 InCal Mechanism Alignment................................................................................3-38
3-106 Centering InCal Weight .......................................................................................3-38
3-107 Removing Position Sensor ..................................................................................3-39
3-108 Ratio Beam Pin Alignment ..................................................................................3-39
3-109 Base Plate Removal............................................................................................3-40
3-110 Load Cell Mounting Components ........................................................................3-41
3-111 Load Cell Alignment to Base Plate......................................................................3-41
3-112 Block Style Load Cell PC Board Item Locations .................................................3-42
3-113 Block Style Load Cell PC Board Removed from Load Cell .................................3-42
3-114 Load Cell PCB-Temperature Sensor-Position Sensor assembly ........................3-43
3-115 Position Sensor ...................................................................................................3-43
3-116 Removing Temperature Sensor ..........................................................................3-43
3-117 Load Cell PCB.....................................................................................................3-44
3-118 Contact Board Cover is removed by squeezing the plastic post .........................3-44
3-119 Contact Board with cover holder off ....................................................................3-44
3-120 Centering Pins.....................................................................................................3-44
3-121 Centering Pins Installed ......................................................................................3-44
3-122 Contact Board Location.......................................................................................3-45
3-123 Contact Board with cover holder off ....................................................................3-45
3-124 Loosening Ratio Beam Nuts................................................................................3-45
3-125 Ratio Beam Screws and Washers removed........................................................3-45
3-126 Loosening InCal Weight Arm nuts.......................................................................3-46
3-127 Weight Arm Screws and Washers removed........................................................3-46
3-128 InCal Weight Arm removal ..................................................................................3-46
3-129 InCal Weight Arm removed .................................................................................3-46
3-130 Aluminum Sleeves removed................................................................................3-47
3-131 Up/Down Stop Screw ..........................................................................................3-47
3-132 Centering Pins removed......................................................................................3-47
3-133 Removing the Ratio Beam ..................................................................................3-47
3-134 Ratio Beam Removed .........................................................................................3-47
3-135 Removing the Ratio Beam ..................................................................................3-47
3-136 Ratio Beam Removed .........................................................................................3-47
3-137 Removing the Aluminum Sleeves .......................................................................3-47
3-138 Ratio Beam Weight Removal ..............................................................................3-48
3-139 Load Cell Critical Area.........................................................................................3-48
3-140 Magnet Area........................................................................................................3-48
3-141 Ratio Beam Vane Slotted Area ...........................................................................3-49
3-142 Four Ratio Beam sleeves are larger than the four Weight Arm sleeves .............3-49
3-143 Replacing the Ratio Beam...................................................................................3-49
3-144 Positioning the Ratio Beam over the Magnet ......................................................3-49
3-145 Centering Pin goes into first hole after upward bend in Ratio Beam...................3-49
3-146 InCal Weight Arm before insertion ......................................................................3-50
3-147 Inserting InCal Weight Arm .................................................................................3-50
3-148 Weight Arm must be lifted slightly to insert Centering Pin...................................3-50
3-149 Proper method for tightening nuts while holding screw head stationary .............3-50
3-150 Centering pins in Ratio Beam..............................................................................3-51
3-151 Tightening Ratio Beam nuts ................................................................................3-51
3-152 Up/Down Stop Screw ..........................................................................................3-51
3-153 Repositioning the Contact Board and Screw.......................................................3-51
3-154 Load Cell PCB, Temperature Sensor and Position Sensor.................................3-52
3-155 Groove on left of PCB fits tab on Load Cell frame ..............................................3-52
3-156 Temperature Sensor extends into a hole in the Magnet .....................................3-52
3-157 Position Sensor on the Magnet ...........................................................................3-53
3-158 Pin centered in PSB ............................................................................................3-53
3-159 Load Cell PCB Test Connector ...........................................................................3-54
3-160 Test Connector Detail..........................................................................................3-54
3-161 Up/Down Stop Screw ..........................................................................................3-54
4-1 Segment Display ...................................................................................................4-1
4-2 Mass Placement Locations for Off-Center Load Test ...........................................4-3
4-3 Off-Center Load Adjustment Screws on Analytical models...................................4-4
4-4 Off-Center Load Adjustment Screws on Precision models ...................................4-4
4-5 Off-Center Load Adjustments................................................................................4-4
5-1 Precision Top Load Balance Housing & Internal Parts..............................................5-2
5-2 Round Pan Block Style InCal Balance: Housing & Internal Parts..............................5-4
5-3 Square Pan Block Style Square Pan Balance: Housing & Internal Parts ..................5-6
5.4 Precision Draft Shield Balance with Draft Shield: Housing & Parts ...........................5-8
5.5 Analytical Balance: Housing & Internal Parts ..........................................................5-10
5.6 Precision Balance Load Cell & Parts .......................................................................5-12
5.7 Analytical Balance Load Cell & Parts ......................................................................5-14
5.8 Block Style InCal Load Cell & Parts.........................................................................5-26
C-1 Com Port Configuration Menu.............................................................................. C-1
C-2 The Software Service Tool’s Restore EEProm Tab ............................................. C-2
C-3 The Software Service Tool’s Replace Load Cell Tab........................................... C-3
C-4 The Software Service Tool’s Replace PCB Tab................................................... C-4
C-5 The Software Service Tool’s Download Software Tab ......................................... C-5
C-6 The Software Service Tool’s Diagnostics Tab...................................................... C-6
This service manual contains the information needed to perform routine maintenance and
service on the Ohaus Pioneer Precision and Analytical balances. The contents of this manual
are contained in five chapters:
Chapter 1 Getting Started – Contains information regarding service facilities, tools and test
equipment, measuring masses, specifications, and the mechanical and electronic functions of
the balance.
Chapter 4 Testing – Contains an operational test, segment display test, performance tests and
Chapter 5 Drawings and Parts Lists – Contains exploded views of Pioneer balances and
Load Cells identifying all serviceable components.
Before servicing the balance, you should be familiar with the Instruction Manual which is packed
with every balance.
To service a balance, the service area should meet the following requirements:
• Should be temperature controlled and meet the balance specifications for temperature
environmental requirements. See specifications for temperature ranges of the various
• Must be free of vibrations such as fork lift trucks close by, large motors, etc.
• Must be free of air currents or drafts from air conditioning/heating ducts, open windows,
people walking by, fans, etc.
• Area must be clean and air must not contain excessive dust particles.
• Work surface must not be exposed to direct sunlight or radiating heat sources.
Complete specifications for the Ohaus Pioneer Balances are listed in Tables 1-1 – 1-5.
When a balance has been serviced, it must meet the specifications listed in the table.
Before servicing the balance, determine what specifications are not met.
1.5.3 Power ON
Press >O/T<. All segments will appear briefly followed by a software revision number
(when plugged in first time, or after a power interruption), and then * 0.00g.
Allow one hour warm-up time. The balance should be calibrated before use.
To turn the balance OFF, press and hold >O/T< until the display indicates OFF, then release.
Programmable features of the Pioneer balances are contained in menus which are accessed
through the Display Panel’s control switches. See the Instruction Manual for a full description of
the menus and how to access them.
ENTER MENU – When the balance is on, press and hold Unit/Menu until mMENU appears.
Release the button and the Calibrate [.CAL.] menu will display.
MENU NAVIGATION – To select menus, menu items and settings, press Yes or No. Solid
arrows point to content displayed when Yes is pressed, dashed lines when No is pressed.
CHANGE SETTINGS – To select the displayed setting, press Yes. To move to the next setting,
press No.
EXIT MENU – When [.END.] appears, press Yes to exit the menu function, or No to return to
the Cal menu. Note: Press and hold No at any time to exit quickly.
Figure 1-4 illustrates a typical Magnetic Force Restoration (MFR) Load Cell.
The force of a weight placed on the Weighing Pan moves the Hanger which is guided by the
Upper and Lower Flexure Arms. The Load Flexure transfers the force vertically to the Ratio
Beam. The Ratio Beam Flexures form a pivot for the Ratio Beam. When the Ratio Beam is
moved, the Force Coils mounted on the Ratio Beam are moved. The Force Coils are located in
the magnetic field created by the Permanent Magnets. The magnetic forces are affected by
temperature. A Temperature Sensor is attached near the magnets to measure the temperature
and allow the electronics to compensate for the changes in temperature.
A mass placed on the Pan applies a downward force to the Load Flexure by means of the
Hanger. The Load Flexure moves one end of the Ratio Beam which pivots, moving the Force
Coil up into the air gap of the Magnet. The Force Coils are located in the field of the Permanent
Magnets. The movement of the Vane (which is connected to the Ratio Beam) is detected by the
Position Sensor. The Position Sensor contains a sender and receiver. When the Vane moves,
the amount of light sent to the receiver also changes. The change in the position of the Sensor
Vane is measured and used along with the Temperature Sensor signal to adjust the current in
the Force Coils. The current in the Force Coils produces a magnetic field which restores the
Ratio Beam to its normal position.
Beam Pan
Vane Force
Coils Upper Flexure Arm
Position Top Bracket
Temperature Ratio Beam
Sensor Flexure
Printed Circuit
Board Vertical
When the interface is connected to a computer, two-way communication between the computer
and balance is possible using the commands outlined in the RS232 Command Table 1-10.
RS232 Commands
All communication is accomplished using standard ASCII format. Only the characters shown in
the RS232 Command Table 1-10 are acknowledged by the balance. Invalid command
response "ES" error indicates the balance has not recognized the command. Commands sent
to the balance must be terminated with a carriage return (CR) or a carriage return-linefeed
(CRLF). Data output by the balance is always terminated with CRLF.
On the rear of the balance, the 9-pin female subminiature "D" connector COM 1, is provided for
interfacing to other devices. The pin connections are shown in the illustration below.
*External PRINT and/or ZERO/TARE switches may be installed as shown in the diagram.
Use only momentary contact switches.
Commands listed in the following table will be acknowledged by the balance. The balance will
return "ES" for invalid commands.
This section of the manual provides guidelines for evaluating the condition and performance of a
balance, and a standard troubleshooting methodology to follow. Follow all directions step by
step. Make certain that the work area is clean. Handle balance components with care. Use an
appropriate Electro-Static Device.
Table 2-1 is a Diagnostic Guide designed to help locate the problem area quickly and easily.
The probable causes are listed with the most common cause first. If the first remedy does not
fix the problem, proceed to the next remedy. Before attempting to repair the balance, read all
chapters of this manual to be familiar with the balance components and operation.
2.2.1 Diagnosis
If more than one symptom is observed, approach one area at a time,
and remember that the symptoms may be interrelated.
If a problem arises that is not covered in this manual, contact Ohaus Corporation for further
2.2.1 Diagnosis
Balance will not turn Main power source is off Check the main power source outlet for
on with AC adapter proper voltage.
Adapter defective Check the AC adapter voltage output
which should match the specified
voltage on the adapter. If voltage is
low or nonexistent, replace the AC
adapter. If OK, proceed.
Input connector at rear of Open the balance. Leave the cable
Balance may be defective connected to the Top Housing.
Reconnect the AC adapter. Check AC
voltage at the input connector
terminals. It should read 12 V AC. If
voltage is not present, replace the input
connector. If OK, proceed.
Main PC Board defective. Replace the Main PC Board.
Balance does not Main PC Board is defective Replace the Main PCB.
respond to front panel
Balance can be turned Incorrect weights. Verify that proper weights are used.
on but will not calibrate
Balance not level. Level the balance.
Balance is unstable. Perform Automatic Internal Calibration.
(See Appendix A.1.)
Enter Service mode (Appendix B) and
perform a Span Calibration. If this fails,
check the InCal Weight Assembly and
the Load Cell Assembly. Ensure that
all parts are clean and properly aligned.
Load cell assembly Repair the Load Cell.
defective. (See Chapter 3.)
Balance will not Unstable environment. Move the balance to a location without
calibrate using internal draft or vibration.
calibration, but InCal Mechanism may be Level the balance using leveling feet on
calibration motor is misaligned, or not moving rear of chassis, together with leveling
working. smoothly. bubble.
Use software tool to test mechanism.
(See Section C.5.1, Appendix C.)
To correct problem, see Section 3.3.
Unable to display Weighing Balance not Use Units menu to set desired units.
weight in a particular enabled in menu
weighing Balance.
When a problem occurs using the balance, the display will indicate an error code.
Table 2-2 describes the various error codes and specifies the probable cause and remedy.
Ohaus balances are precision instruments and should be carefully handled, stored in a clean,
dry, dust-free area, and cleaned periodically. Follow these precautionary steps:
– When a balance has had chemicals or liquids spilled on it, all exterior surfaces should be
cleaned as soon as possible with warm water on a damp cloth.
– Do not leave a mass on the balance when the balance is not in use.
– Allow time for the balance to stabilize after moving it from an area which is at a different
temperature than the area where it is to be operated. Allow one hour for each 5° F or
3° C temperature change before using the balance. Following temperature stabilization,
allow an additional hour after connecting power to the balance, for the balance to
1. Remove the Pan and Pan Support to inspect and clean the area beneath the Pan.
2. Clean the outside of the balance using a damp cloth with warm water.
4. Make a visual inspection for faulty connectors, wiring, and loose hardware.
Opening the Pioneer balance varies slightly according to the specific model, as detailed below.
Differences are detailed in the text. Use these procedures in order to:
– Gain access to the Load Cell for removal, cleaning, parts replacement and alignment.
Turn the balance off and unplug the power cord before you begin.
Preliminary Steps:
For a balance with a Draft Shield:
1. Remove the Draft Shield components from the balance:
– Remove the top panel: lift its plastic handle and slide it forward to remove it.
(See Figure 3-1.)
– Remove the side doors: when they are closed, a groove in the plastic door guide
aligns with the tab on the Housing. (See Figure 3-2.) Align the groove and lift
the panel straight up, then out and down to disengage it from the top.
– To remove the front and back panels, press on the tab in the middle of the top
frame and gently press the panel out.
Figure 3-1. Top panel lifts up and slides out. Figure 3-2. Groove in side panel’s door guide
aligns with tab on Housing.
After completing the preliminary steps, turn the balance over and remove two screws from the
rear, and one near the front, under a plastic sliding tab. Lift off the Top Cover. Then lift off the
Load Cell cover. You now have access to all components of the balance.
Figure 3-3. Precision Load Cell with InCal: Figure 3-4. Analytical Load Cell with InCal:
Section 3.3.2, p. 3-5. Section 3.3.6, page 3-7.
Figure 3-5. Precision Load Cell: Figure 3-6. Analytical Load Cell:
Section 3.3.6, page 3-7. Section 3.3.14, page 3-20.
Figure 3-7. Precision Block Style Load Cell Figure 3-8. Analytical Block Style Load Cell
with InCal: Section 3.3.11, page 3-28. with InCal: Section 3.3.11, page 3-28.
Precision balances that have InCal require additional disassembly procedures. (See Section
3.3.2, page 3-4.) This section explains the additional steps required to disassemble, service
and reassemble the Precision balances with InCal mechanism.
Figure 3-9 shows the balance with Top Cover and Load Cell Cover removed.
Screws in InCal
Weight Cover
3.3.7 Removing the Load Cell – Precision Balances without Internal Calibration
The following steps require the Service Fixture for the Load Cell you will be disassembling.
Do not attempt repairs without the correct fixture.
1. Install the Service Fixture on the front of the Load Cell, using the six screws supplied
with the Fixture – tighten screws finger-tight until completing next step.)
(See Figures 3-21 and 3-22.)
Ratio Beam Flexures Ratio Beam Flexures
Figure 3-21. Service Fixture for 150g to Figure 3-22. Service Fixture for 510g to 4100g
410g Precision Load Cell, attached to Precision Load Cell, attached to Hanger, Ratio
Hanger, Ratio Beam, and Load Cell frame. Beam, and Load Cell frame.
2. Loosen (do not remove) the two screws shown in Figures 3-19 and 3-20 that secure
the top and bottom Flexure Arms at the end closest to the Position Sensor Board.
Figure 3-19. Precision Load Cell top. Figure 3-20. Precision Load Cell bottom.
3. Remove the two screws and washers that secure the Vertical
Flexure, and remove the Vertical Flexure.
4. Remove the two screws and washers that secure each Ratio
Beam Flexure, and remove the Flexure.
6. Turn the Load Cell over and remove the four screws and
washers on the Bottom Flexure Arm. Carefully remove it.
When handling the Flexure Arms, do not bend the Flexures.
13. If the Ratio Beam is to be removed, unsolder the 3-wire ribbon cable from
the Contact Board. (See Figure 3-25.) Wires glued to post
on Ratio Beam
glued to
Figure 3-25. Contact Board with ribbon cable. Figure 3-26. Fine wires connected to the
Contact Board, and affixed to Ratio Beam.
14. Carefully pry the Contact Board off
the Load Cell frame, and tape it to
the Beam. Take care not to
stress or break the fine wires
connected to the Contact Board.
If they are broken, the Ratio Beam
must be replaced.
Note: The fine wires are glued to Figure 3-27. Contact Board taped to Ratio
a post on the Ratio Beam. (See Beam after removal from frame.
Figure 3-27.) This same glue
provides insulation. If the wires are disconnected from the Ratio Beam, the
insulation may be damaged, causing a short circuit. If this happens, the Ratio Beam
must be replaced.
16. Remove the two screws from the Magnet Half. (See Figure 3-29.) Pull the Magnet
Half away from the Ratio Coil. (Pull hard to overcome magnetic force and any
possible corrosion.)
17. Remove the screws in the Sideways Motion Stop Plate, Hole in vane must
and lift it off. (See Figure 3-30.) be clear.
Figure 3-29. Two screws secure Magnet Half. Figure 3-30. Sideways Motion
Stop Plate.
18. Note the position of the opening and then turn the black Up/Down Stop Screw, so the
Ratio Beam can clear the stop, and gently lift out the Ratio Beam.
Figure 3-31. Ratio Beam clearing stop on Figure 3-32. Magnets must be clean.
Up/Down Stop Screw as it is lifted out.
To reassemble the Load Cell, see Section 3.3.11, Load Cell Reassembly – Precision Balances.
If the Position Sensor Board is defective and requires replacement, proceed as follows:
1. Open the balance, and remove the Load Cell.
2. Un-solder the wires that attach to
the Position Sensor Board. The 3-
wire Ribbon Cable is connected to
the Contact Board. The two white
wires at the top are thermistor
wires: polarity is not important. The
two wires at the bottom-right must
be placed back in their original 3-wire Ribbon
position. (See Figure 3-33.) Cable
Thermistor cables
White, Red
12. After completing the adjustment, turn the balance off and remove the Pan and Pan
Mounting Screws
13. If a new Position Sensor Board has been installed, see Appendix C and follow the
instructions to restore the EEPROM.
If the Display persistently shows Error 1 (invalid checksum data) or 2 (overload or underload
condition), and normal remedies fail to solve the problem, the PCB may need to be replaced.
1. Disconnect the Load Cell Cable, RS232 Cable, and Power Cable.
2. Remove the screws on the Main PC Board which secure it to the Base.
3. Install replacement Main PC Board in the reverse order as removed. Check the LCD
display on the new board and remove the protective plastic covering if in place.
5. Complete the PCB installation using the Pioneer Software Service Tool – see
Appendix C.3, Install New Main Printed Circuit Board.
6. After assembly, verify that the balance meets all specifications. (See Chapter 1.)
Perform all tests. (See Chapter 4.)
Fixture to Screws connecting
Hanger Service Fixture to Hanger
Figure 3-37. Service Fixture for 150g to Figure 3-38. Service Fixture for 510g to 4100g
410g Precision Load Cell, attached to Precision Load Cell, attached to Hanger, Ratio
Hanger, Ratio Beam, and Load Cell frame. Beam, and Load Cell frame.
4. Adjust the Up/Down Stop Screw so the groove is half way above and below the
stop tab. (Close it completely, then open it completely counting the turns, then
close it half-way.)
Figure 3-39. Sideways Motion Figure 3-40. Two screws secure Magnet Half.
Stop Plate.
Figure 3-43. Precision Load Cell top. Figure 3-44. Precision Load Cell bottom.
13. Install the Vertical Flexure, Ratio Beam Vertical Ratio Beam
with the elongated hole down. Flexure Flexure Flexure
(See Figure 3-45.)
14. Install the two Ratio Beam
Flexures, with the elongated holes
15. Remove the Service Fixture.
(See Figures 3-37 and 3-38.)
Follow these steps to remove the InCal Weight Covers and Weights:
1. Remove the screws that
hold Weight Covers on
both sides of Load Cell.
(See Figure 3-48.)
Before reinstalling the InCal mechanism, be sure all of its components are clean and free of
debris. If the InCal Motor or its Cam is defective, it must be replaced.
1. Insert the InCal Motor’s Cam in the hole of the InCal Motor Assembly (see Figure
3-51), insert the four screws that hold the motor to the frame and tighten them.
2. Mount the InCal Motor Assembly in the Bottom Housing. (See Figure 3-50.)
3. Before inserting the screws, carefully place the motor’s ribbon cable in the groove in
the Housing, and thread it beside the RS232 cable along the outside of the Housing.
Insert its plug in the PCB.
4. Insert and tighten the screws that hold the assembly to the Housing.
5. Position the Weight Lifter as in Figure 3-50, insert and tighten the screws holding it to
the Housing.
6. Install the Load Cell in the Housing, carefully place the InCal Weights in the Weight
Holders, position the Weight covers above them, insert and tighten the screws.
7. Test the InCal mechanism: see Appendix C, Section C.5.1, Incal Weight Mechanism
The following steps require the Service Fixtures for the Load Cell you will be disassembling.
Do not attempt repairs without the correct fixture.
The Service Fixture for the Analytical balances includes two shims. (See Figure 3-55.)
Figure 3-55. Service Fixture, screws and shims for Analytical balances.
1. Remove the three screws and washers from the Mounting Plate, and lift it off.
Set aside two of the screws to use in the next step. (See Figure 3-56.)
Screws on
Bottom Mounting
Figure 3-56. Bottom Mounting Plate and Figure 3-57. Top Mounting Plate and Flexure
Flexure Arms, Analytical balance’s Load Cell. Arms, Analytical balance’s Load Cell.
2. Loosen the screws that secure the Flexure Arms to the Load Cell (not the Hanger).
(See Figures 3-56 and 3-57.)
3. To protect the Flexures, secure the Hanger to the Load Cell with two screws and the
shims supplied with the Service Fixture. Use two screws that were removed from the
Bottom Mounting Plate earlier. Insert them finger-tight in the holes of the Hanger.
(See Figure 3-58.)
4. Insert the shims (from the Service Kit) between the Hanger and the Load Cell on the
right and left of the Hanger. (See Figure 3-59.) Keep the screws finger-tight while
inserting the shims, to avoid risk of damaging the Flexures.
inserted in Hanger to secure it
Figure 3-58. Screws removed from
Bottom Mounting Plate inserted
finger-tight into the Hanger. Figure 3-59. Shims are inserted between
the Hanger and the Load Cell on the left
and right of the Hanger.
Do not touch the two rear-most screws
with nuts on top. These are adjustment Top Bracket
7. Remove the Vertical Flexure, which is located in the center of the Hanger. Loosen
the two screws that secure the Vertical Flexure to the Hanger. Carefully remove the
Lock Plate, washers and bushings, keeping track of their order (for later reassembly),
as illustrated in Figure 3-61.
Note: Be sure to lay the Flexure on a flat surface, to avoid bending it.
Top Screw
Top Bushing
8. Carefully loosen and remove the four screws that secure the Top Flexure Arm to the
Load Cell, and remove the Top Flexure Arm. (See Figure 3-62.) Place the Flexure
Arm on a flat surface. Note that the Flexure screws on the Analytical balances have
two washers each: a thicker silver-colored one on the bottom, and a smaller black
one on top.
Figure 3-62. Top Flexure Arm (Analytical). Figure 3-63. Bottom Flexure Arm (Analytical).
9. Turn the Load Cell over and remove the four screws that secure the Bottom Flexure
Arm to the Load Cell, and remove the Bottom Flexure Arm. (See Figure 3-63.)
Place it on a flat surface.
When handling the Flexure Arms, be careful not to bend the Flexures.
10. Carefully examine each Flexure to see if it is bent. If uncertain, place the Flexure on
a clean flat surface and check that both sides rest evenly on the surface. If a Flexure
is bent even slightly, it must be replaced for the balance to operate properly.
11. Remove the Hanger from the Load Cell by removing the two screws inserted earlier.
(See Figure 3-64.)
12. Install the Service Fixture, using the finger screws provided, in order to stabilize the
moving parts. (See Figure 3-65.)
13. Remove the Ratio Beam Flexures.
14. Carefully examine each Flexure to see if it is bent. If uncertain, place the Flexure on
a clean flat surface and check that both sides rest evenly on the surface. If a Flexure
is bent even slightly, it must be replaced for the balance to operate properly.
15. Remove the two screws that secure the Vane as shown in Figure 3-66.
Then lift the Vane out and set it aside.
16. Unsolder the two white wires connected to the Position Sensor Board. Then remove
the two inset screws that secure the board to the Load Cell. Carefully lift the Position
Sensor Board away from the Load Cell. (See Figure 3-68.)
18. Use an ohm meter to measure resistance from the middle wire to each side wire.
The readings should be approximately equal, at around 400-460 Ω (ohms). The
resistance from any wire to the frame should be open or infinity. If any resistance is
measured, the Ratio Beam must be replaced.
19. Remove the four screws that secure the Magnet Half. (See Figure 3-70.) Grasp the
Magnet Half from the top, and lift it out. It may be necessary to pull hard, to
overcome the magnetic force, as well as possible resistance caused by corrosion.
Figure 3-70. Four screws secure the Magnet Figure 3-71. The Magnet Half, when
Half to the Ratio Beam. removed, should be cleaned.
Use extreme caution in moving the Contact Board to avoid stressing or breaking the
fine wires underneath it. (If one of these wires is broken, it must be replaced.)
20. Remove the screw in the Contact Board that had the 3-wire Ribbon Cable soldered
to it. Move the Board with great care, to protect the extremely delicate, fine wires
connected to it from underneath. (See Figure 3-72.)
21. Use a smaller screw to temporarily fasten the Contact Board to the screw hole on the
top of the Ratio Beam, as shown in Figure 3-73.
Up/down Stop
Screw Screws holding
Sideways Motion Figure 3-74. Two screws hold the Sideways
Stop Plate Motion Stop Plate on top of the Load Cell.
The black Up/Down Stop screw holds the
Ratio Beam in place.
To reassemble the Load Cell, see Section 3.3.17, Reassembling Analytical Load Cells.
When the Position Sensor PC Board is defective and requires replacement, proceed as follows:
Figure 3-77. Ratio Beam needs to clear the Figure 3-78. Service Fixture is installed prior
groove in the Up/Down Stop Screw. to installing Ratio Beam Flexures.
2. Install the Service Fixture.
3. Adjust the Up/down Stop Screw
so the groove is half way above
and below the stop tab. (Close it
completely, then open it
completely, counting turns, then
close it half-way.)
4. Position the Sideways Motion
Stop Plate so the small post in the
Ratio Beam is centered in the Figure 3-79. Sideways Motion Stop Plate and
hole in the Plate. Then insert and Up/Down Stop Screw.
tighten the two screws
(See Figure 3-78.) Screw holding Contact Board
10. Solder the 3-wire Ribbon Cable to the Figure 3-84. 3-wire cable soldered to
Contact Board. (See Figure 3-84.) Contact Board.
13. Install the Hanger: insert two screws loosely. Distance shown by arrows should be
8mm. Insert shims on each side and tighten screws. (See Figures 3-86 and 3-87.)
Figure 3-86. Screws from Bottom Mounting Figure 3-87. Insert shims between the Hanger
Plate inserted finger-tight into the Hanger. and the Load Cell on both sides.
Figure 3-88. Bottom Flexure Arm. Figure 3-89. Top Flexure Arm.
14. Install the Bottom Flexure Arm, screw-side down. Each screw has two
washers: a silver-colored one near the Flexure, a black one near the
screw. (See Figure 3-88.)
15. Install the Top Flexure Arm, screw-side down. (See Figure 3-89.)
16. Install the Vertical Flexure, bottom screw last. Figure 90. Vertical Flexure.
Note the order of parts, as shown in Figure 3-91.
Top Screw
Top Bushing
17. Install the top bracket. (See Figures 3-92 and 3-93.)
Figure 3-92. Analytical InCal Load Cell Figure 3-93. Analytical balance Load Cell
with Top Bracket visible. with Top Bracket visible.
Screws on
Bottom Mounting
Figure 3-94. Bottom Mounting Plate on
Analytical Load Cell.
The Position Sensor Board contains an Optical Sensor which must be positioned in
the Ratio Beam’s center of travel for the balance to function properly.
21. Adjust the Position Sensor Board: power on the balance with the Top Housing off but
the Weighing Pan in its normal position. The On/Off switch is the second button
from the right on the main PCB.
Typical Block Style Load Cells with InCal Mechanisms installed are shown in Figure 3-97.
The Load Cell illustration may vary from actual Load Cells. Major components are shown.
Aluminum Sleeves
Ratio Beam
Base Plate
InCal Mechanism Up/Down Stop Screw InCal Weight Arm
Load Cell PCB Cone InCal Weight
Position Sensor
InCal Motor
InCal Motor
Ratio Beam
Figure 3-97. Block Style Load Cells: Precision (above) and Analytical (below).
Block style Load Cells are repairable. However, if serious damage has occurred, it may be
necessary to replace the Load Cell.
Load Cell Kits are available for replacement purposes for all Block Style model balances. Each
kit is assembled and consists of metal base plate, a Load Cell, the InCal Weight Assembly
mounted to the base plate, and a package of labels. Check the label on the balance and verify
the capacity and model before ordering a new Load Cell kit.
Note: Analytical and Precision Block Style Load Cells are different, but the service procedures
are the same.
3.3.20 Block Style Load Cell Removal & Replacement with Load Cell kit
Use the following procedure to replace a Block Style Load Cell using a Load Cell kit.
1. Remove the Top Housing. (See Section 3.2.1.)
2. Remove the Load Cell Shield by grasping the sides and pulling upwards.
3. Remove the four screws and washers that secure Load Cell to the Bottom Housing.
Remove the Load Cell.
4. Disconnect the cable(s).
5. Install the replacement Load Cell using the four screws previously removed and
connect the flexible cables.
6. Replace the Load Cell Shield over the Load Cell. Press it firmly into place.
7. Reassemble the balance.
Exercise extreme care not to twist or
deform the Load Cell in any way. Do
not drop or hit the Load Cell. Serious
damage to the Load Cell can make it
necessary to replace the Load Cell.
This section describes how to test the internal calibration in a Block Style Load Cell. There can
be several reasons that internal calibration does not function, including a broken or jammed
InCal Mechanism, a defective InCal Motor, or a defective Main PC Board. To test the internal
calibration, proceed as follows:
1. Connect an RS232 cable and a computer to the balance.
2. Follow instructions in Appendix C, Section C.5.1, Incal Weight Mechanism Testing.
3. Observe the motion of the InCal Weight when you press Raise or Lower.
If the weight does not move, replace the InCal Motor. (See Section 3.3.21.)
4. If the operation is not smooth, replace the entire InCal Mechanism. (See Section
InCal Motor
InCal Motor
Screws holding Screws
InCal Motor
Figure 3-99. InCal Motor. Figure 3-100. InCal Motor Removal.
5. Install the InCal Motor to the InCal Mechanism. The Motor Shaft must be in the
position shown in Figure 3-102.
6. Secure the InCal Motor and InCal Motor Shield to the InCal Mechanism with the
screws previously removed.
8. If the test is successful, re-install the Load Cell. (See Section 3.3.19.)
NOTE: Replacement InCal Mechanisms are available assembled with the InCal Motor installed.
1. Open the balance and remove the Load Cell as described earlier.
2. Remove the three Mounting Screws from the InCal Mechanism. (See Figure 3-103.)
3. Slide the InCal Mechanism as shown to remove it. (See Figure 3-104.)
Adjust Spacing
Figure 3-105. InCal Mechanism Alignment. Figure 3-106. Centering InCal Weight.
4. Make sure the InCal Weight is lined up properly on the InCal Weight Arm. It must be
centered in the slots of the Weight Arm. (See Figure 3-106.) When the Weight
Mechanism is properly aligned, tighten the three screws and re-check alignment.
5. Test the InCal Mechanism with software. (See Section 3.3.21.
Unsolder 6 Contacts
3 Screws
Sensor Assembly
3.3.27 Removing the Block Style Load Cell from the Base Plate
This procedure is necessary before proceeding with other repairs to the Load Cell.
1. Remove the Weigh Below Hook and Screw. (See Figure 3-109.)
2. Hold the Block Style Load Cell and remove the two Load Cell Mounting Screws.
(See Figure 3-109.)
Note: At this point, other repairs may be made to the Load Cell.
3.3.28 Installing the Block Style Load Cell on the Base Plate
Block Style
Load Cell
Base Plate
Weigh Below Hook & Screw
Alignment Area
3.3.29 Removal and Installation of the Block Style Load Cell PC Board
1. Remove the Load Cell from the Mounting Plate.
(See previous section.)
2. Unsolder the Temperature Sensor Board wires.
(See Figure 3-112.)
3. Unsolder the Position Sensor Assembly from the Block Style Load Cell PC Board.
5. Remove the Load Cell Board Screw and change the Board. (See Figure 3-112.)
6. Install new board, ensuring the slot in the board is inserted in the slot in the Load Cell
Frame. (See Figure 3-113.)
When screwing in, first turn the self-tapping Cell Board Screw in a counterclockwise
direction until the first screw thread engages and then tighten it. (See Figure 3-111.)
7. Re-solder the Temperature Sensor Board and the Position Sensor Assembly.
Mounting Screw
Figure 3-113. Block Style Load Cell PC Board Removed from Load Cell.
Position Sensor
Figure 3-114. Load Cell PCB-Temperature Sensor-Position Sensor assembly.
Centering Pins
Figure 3-120. Centering pins.
Centering Pins Centering Pins
installed installed
Note: The screw changes Figure 3-123. Contact Board with cover holder off.
from the lower to the
upper hole on the Contact Board before inserting it into the hole on the Ratio Beam.
5. Carefully loosen and remove the nuts on the Ratio Beam while holding the screw
heads to prevent movement. This is very important! (See Figure 3-124.)
Ratio Beam
Figure 3-124. Loosening Ratio Beam Nuts. Figure 3-125. Ratio Beam Screws and
Washers removed.
Note: Not all Load Cells require a Weight Arm as shown. If the Load Cell does not
have this style Weight Arm, proceed to Step 9.
6. Remove the screws, washers and nuts holding the InCal Weight Arm.
(See Figure 3-126.)
Figure 3-126. Loosening InCal Weight Arm Figure 3-127. Weight Arm Screws
nuts. and Washers removed.
Centering Pins
10. Remove the centering pins. Figure 3-132. Centering Pins removed.
(See Figure 3-132.)
11. Carefully lift out the Ratio Beam. (See Figures 3-135 and 3-136.)
Figure 3-135. Removing the Ratio Beam. Figure 3-136. Ratio Beam Removed.
1. If a new Ratio Beam is being installed, remove the existing weights from the old
Ratio Beam and install them on the replacement Ratio Beam. (See Figure 3-138.)
Note: Some Load Cells require one Ratio Beam weight, some require two, and some
do not require Ratio Beam weights.
Ratio Beam
Critical Area
Weight Arm
Ratio Beam
Slotted Area
Figure 3-142. Four Ratio Beam sleeves are
Figure 3-141. Ratio Beam Vane Slotted Area. larger than the four Weight Arm sleeves.
6. Carefully place the Ratio Beam into position on the Load Cell. Do not install the
screws yet. (See Figures 3-143 and 3-144.)
Figure 3-143. Replacing the Ratio Beam. Figure 3-144. Positioning the Ratio Beam over
the magnet (right).
7. Insert a Centering Pin to hold the
Ratio Beam in position, as shown in
Figure 3-145.
Figure 3-146. InCal Weight Arm before insertion. Figure 3-147. Inserting InCal Weight Arm.
2. Be sure the notch at the end of the Weight Arm aligns with the pin (inserted in Step 7
on the previous page) through the Ratio Beam’s screw holes..
3. Gently lift the Ratio Beam and insert a second Centering Pin in the InCal Weight Arm
near the Magnet. (See Figure 3-148.)
Figure 3-148. Weight Arm must be lifted slightly to insert Centering Pin.
Position Sensor
Figure 3-154. Load Cell PCB, Temperature Sensor and Position Sensor.
2. Gently hold PCB in position while inserting and tightening the screw that secures it.
Ratio Beam
Pin centered
in PSB hole
under PSB
clears Ratio
Beam Vane
Figure 3-157. Position Sensor on the Magnet. Figure 3-158. Pin centered in PSB.
6. Install the Ratio Beam Ribbon Cable on the PCB and the Contact Board.
3.3.34 Setting the Up/Down Stop Screw on Block Style Load Cells
This procedure is required when either the Ratio Beam has been removed or replaced, or when
the Position Sensor has been replaced.
1. Disconnect the Ribbon Cable from the Contact Board to the Load Cell PCB.
2. The Load Cell must be completely reassembled and installed in the balance
3. Plug the Ribbon Cable from the top of the Load Cell PCB into the Main PC Board.
4. Attach a Voltmeter (DC range) to the pins on the Load Cell PCB test connector, as
shown in Figure 3-159.
5. Apply power to the balance.
Test Connector
Test Connector
To Voltmeter
Figure 3-159. Load Cell PCB Test Connector. Figure 3-160. Test Connector Detail.
6. Measure the voltage with the Ratio Beam at the bottom of the Up/Down Stop Screw.
7. Carefully lift the Ratio Beam with
thumb and forefinger until it is at
the top of the Up/Down Stop
Screw. Measure the voltage again.
8. If the two voltage values either side
of zero are not of the same
magnitude, e.g. +2 V and –1.6 V,
the vertical stop must be adjusted
until the values are symmetrical.
Maximum difference is 0.2 Volts.
Figure 3-161. Up/Down Stop Screw
9. To adjust the Up/Down Stop Screw,
turn the Screw and repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the readings are within specifications.
(See Figure 3-161.)
Before and after servicing the balance, an operational test and various performance tests
should be made to confirm that the balance meets specifications. Turn the balance on and
allow it to warm up. After it reaches ambient temperature, allow it to run for at least one more
hour before performing these tests.
Make sure the test area is free from drafts and that the balance rests on a level
and vibration-free surface.
The following performance tests are used to evaluate balance operation before
and after repairs. The balance must meet the requirements specified in each test
as well as the specifications listed in Tables 1-1 – 1-4.
Before proceeding with the following tests, the balance should be warmed up for
at least five minutes, and calibrated. (See Appendix A.)
The Precision Test measures the Standard Deviation of a set of similar weight readings, which
should match the specification for each model, listed in Tolerance Tables 4-1 and 4-2.
2. Select a mass weighing near the maximum capacity of the balance, and place it on
the center of the Pan. Observe and record the reading.
4. Repeat this test three times. The reading should be within ±1 count of the reading
recorded. If so, the balance passes the Precision Test.
5. If the deviation for any set of readings (using the same mass placed on the center of
the Pan) is greater than the tolerance listed in Table 4-1 or 4-2, the balance does not
meet the precision specification. Inspect and correct the following areas:
5.1. Check for mechanical obstructions. Any foreign object touching any part of the
moving assemblies will cause a balance to fail the Precision Test. Inspect and
correct as necessary.
5.2. An error in the Off-Center Load Adjustment can affect the results of the
Precision Test. Inspect and correct if necessary. See the next section.
Mass Locations
Do not attempt these adjustments unless the balance is free from drafts.
The balance is very sensitive and adjustments will be affected.
– Do not file at the edge at the flexible
bearing positions.
– On completion of the adjustments, clean
the filing sites by removing the grindings
with adhesive tape (do not blow the
grindings away!).
1. Set Auto-Zero to Off, in Menu
7. Correct any error by filing at one or two of the marked positions. (See Figure 4-7.)
– To perform this test a single mass must be used for all readings.
– The test mass should be approximately ½ of the capacity of the instrument.
– Wear gloves when handling the mass.
Set Up:
Enter the menu and adjust and record the following settings:
A. Set the Filter level to medium or the center of its range.
B. Set the AZT (Auto Zero Tracking) to .5d or its lowest setting. Do not turn it off.
C. Set the instrument to display the same units as the performance specifications.
(Usually kg, g, or mg)
Record Settings:
Filter Level Setting = ____________
Auto Zero Tracking Setting = ____________
Displayed Units = ____________
Mass Used = ____________
1. Zero the instrument, if it does not read zero.
2. Using a test mass approximately half the capacity of the instrument, place the mass on
the center of platform. Record the reading on the worksheet provided.
3. Remove the mass from the platform.
4. Repeat this test starting at Step 1 until you record a total of ten readings
Fill in the worksheet (Table 4-4) with the ten (10) readings.
5. Add the ten readings and divide the total by 10 to find the Mean (average).
6. Mean = (Reading 1 + Reading 2 + Reading 3 + Reading 4 + Reading 5
Mean =________
7. Calculate the Delta for each reading and record in the work sheet.
Note: If the balance does not meet specifications, move it to a suitable location, ensure
that it is level, and try again. If it still does not meet specifications, perform a service
calibration, and try again. (See Appendix B for Service Calibration.)
This test is used to determine the linearity of the unit throughout its operating range.
The displayed readings are compared with the tolerances listed in the specifications for the
instrument. (See Specifications Tables, Chapter 1.) Tolerance values are expressed in counts.
A one-count change is equal to the last digit shown on the scale display.
The balance must be warmed up prior to performing these tests, and must pass the
Precision, Off-Center Load Test and Repeatability Tests, and be calibrated before
the Linearity Test may be performed.
The Reference Mass should be approximately 1/8 of the full capacity of the balance.
2. Place the Reference Mass in the center of the pan and record the exact value (all
decimal places) displayed.
3. Remove the Reference Mass and verify that the display returns to zero. If it does not,
disregard the reading, press ZERO to re-zero the display, and repeat the process.
4. Place a mass equal to ¼ of the full scale capacity on the platform and press ZERO.
5. Add the Reference Mass to the center of the platform and record the value.
6. Remove the Reference Mass and verify that the display returns to zero. If it does not,
disregard the reading, press ZERO to re-zero the display, and repeat the process.
7. Place a mass equal to ½ of the full-scale capacity on the platform and press ZERO.
8. Add the Reference Mass to the center of the platform and record the value.
9. Remove the Reference Mass and verify that the display returns to zero. If it does not,
disregard the reading, press ZERO to re-zero the display, and repeat the process.
10. Place a mass equal to ¾ of the full scale capacity on the platform and press ZERO.
11. Add the Reference Mass to the center of the platform and record the value.
12. Remove the Reference Mass and verify that the display returns to zero. If it does not,
disregard the reading, press ZERO to re-zero the display, and repeat the process.
13. Calculate the weight differences between the readings as shown below.
14. The maximum difference should be less than or equal to the Linearity specification
for the instrument. (See Specification Tables, Chapter 1.)
Record Readings
Calculate Differences
The difference in the weights of the test mass should be within the tolerance in Table 1-2. If not,
perform a Standard Calibration – both Span and Linearity (see Appendix A) and repeat the test.
If the balance remains out of tolerance, the Load Cell may need to be repaired.
This section contains exploded views of the Pioneer series balances. The exploded view
drawings are designed to identify the parts which can be serviced on the balance in the field.
There are many Pioneer models that have the same parts. There are eight diagrams and parts
lists, covering the full range of models, as follows:
Precision Balances
Section 5.1: Precision Round Pan Balance: Housing & Parts
Section 5.2: Precision Round Pan Balance, InCal: Housing & Parts
Section 5.3: Precision Square Pan Balance, InCal: Housing & Parts
Section 5.4: Precision Draft Shield Balance: Housing & Parts
Analytical Balances
Section 5.5: Analytical Balance: Housing & Parts
Load Cells
Section 5.6: Precision Load Cell & Parts (including InCal)
Section 5.7: Analytical Load Cell & Parts (including InCal)
Section 5.8. Block Style Load Cell Assembly (including InCal)
In all cases where a part is replaced, the balance must be thoroughly checked
after the replacement is made. The balance MUST meet the parameters of all
applicable specifications in this manual.
For all Pioneer Models, see specific parts lists through your Ohaus distributor.
Figure 5-2. Precision Round Pan, InCal Balance: Housing & Parts.
*For details on Load Cell and InCal Mechanism parts, see Section 5.6.
Figure 5-3. Precision Square Pan, InCal Balance: Housing & Parts.
Drawing Item Description
1 Weigh Below Cover
2 Leveling Feet (2)
3 Bottom Housing & Legal-for-Trade Lock
4 Cable Set
5 Load Cell
6 Load Cell Cover
8 EMC Plate
9 Pan Support
10 Weighing Pan
12 Function Label
13 Top Housing
14 Main Printed Circuit Board
15 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
80 Power Adapter
*For details on Load Cell and InCal Mechanism parts, see Section 5.6.
80 10
14 4
Precision Balance with Draft Shield: Housing & Parts
*For details on Load Cell and InCal Mechanism parts, see Section 5.6.
*For details on Load Cell and InCal Mechanism parts, see Section 5.7.
Drawing Item Description
1 Top Flexure Arm Assembly
2 Ratio Beam
3 Position Sensor Board
4 Ratio Beam Flexures
5 Vertical Flexure
6 Bottom Flexure Arm Assembly
7 Ribbon Cable from PSB to Contact Board
8 Hanger
9 LED Assembly
10 InCal Weight Arm Assembly
11 InCal Motor Assembly
12 InCal Weight Covers
13 InCal Weight Lifters
14 InCal Weights:
14a=InCal Weights for Balance up to 410g
14b=InCal Weights for Balance over 410g
Pioneer Analytical
InCal Parts Load Cell w/ InCal Parts
There are two types of standard calibration for Pioneer balances: Span and Linearity. Span
calibration sets the balance's weighing range, within pre-set limits, for zero and a weight value
at or near the balance's capacity. Linearity calibration minimizes deviation between actual and
displayed weights within the balance's weighing range. Three weight values are used: zero, a
weight value in the middle of the balance's weighing range and a weight value at or near the
balance's specified capacity.
Before beginning calibration, ensure that masses are available. If you begin calibration and
realize calibration masses are not available, exit the menu. The balance will retain previously
stored calibration data. See Table 4-1 for specified masses for all Pioneer models. Masses
must meet or exceed ASTM Class 1 or OIML E1 Tolerance. Calibration masses are available
as accessories from any Ohaus dealer.
This section describes the Service Menu and sub-menus, which allow authorized service
personnel to perform factory calibrations.
The first sub-menu in the Service Menu is Ramp. The ramp display shows the percentage of
use of the A to D circuit. The actual value is not as important as how it changes. It should
increase as the weight on the balance is increased. The ramp display should remain constant
without fluctuations.
To exit the ramp function, press No.
The balance advances to the Span calibration menu.
Press Yes to perform Span Calibration.
(See next page.)
Span calibration from the service menu allows you to set a new zero and maximum setting.
This is distinct from user level span calibration, which allows a user to adjust the zero and
maximum setting within the range established by the service menu span setting.
The balance should be perfectly level before attempting a span calibration.
Use the balance’s leveling feet (at the rear of the balance), together with the
leveling bubble which is just to the right of the Display.
Be careful not to touch the scale or the table while calibration is in progress,
as it will cause the process to fail
Linear calibration automatically follows Span calibration. To start from the Service Menu,
press and hold On/Zero Off and Unit together. As the balance powers up, SERVICE appears
followed by RAMP. Press No twice, to bypass Ramp and Span calibration.
5. For diagnostics.
Install the software on a Personal Computer running Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or later, or
Microsoft Windows 98 or later. Insert the CD and run Setup.exe.
After installation, run the program Service Tool. The program has 5 tabs across the top of the
screen. Click on the tab for the function you wish to perform. If the default settings for
communication have been changed, click on settings and change the settings in the software
to match.
1.1. Serial Number from the label on the back of the balance.
1.2. Model Number from the label on the back of the balance.
1.3. IDNR Number, just above the label on the back of the balance.
2. Contact Ohaus Corporation in Pine Brook NJ, and request the data file to download.
Provide the information recorded above.
3. After receiving the data file from Ohaus, continue with the following steps.
4. Connect the balance to the PC and start the Pioneer Software Service Tool.
7. Enter the path to the image file, or click the Change button to locate the file.
9. The software will indicate the download progress. When complete, disconnect the
power from the back of the balance, then re-connect.
10. Perform Service Calibrations (see Appendix B). Test the balance.
1. Follow the steps in Section 3-2 to replace the defective load cell.
2. Open the packet containing labels that was supplied with the replacement Load Cell.
These labels each contain a model number followed by the IDNR number.
Carefully select the label that matches exactly the model number of the balance.
Figure C-3. The Software Service Tool’s Replace Load Cell Tab.
8. Enter the IDNR number (xxx.xx.xx.xxxx) from the label on the back of the balance.
10. The software will indicate the download progress. When complete, disconnect the
power from the back of the balance, then re-connect.
11. Perform Service Calibrations (see Appendix B). Test the balance.
1. Follow steps in Sections 3.1.3 to replace the PCB. Then connect the balance to your
4. Enter the Serial Number value from the label on the back of the balance.
5. Enter the IDNR number (xxx.xx.xx.xxxx) from the label on the back of the balance.
7. The software will indicate the download progress. When complete, disconnect the
power from the back of the balance, then re-connect.
4. Enter the path to the file to download, or click the Change button to locate the file.
6. When prompted, disconnect the power from the back of the balance, then re-connect.
7. The software will indicate the download process. When complete, disconnect the power
from the back of the balance, then re-connect.
C.5 Diagnostics
4. To test communications, click the Print button, or enter an RS232 Command String (from
Table 4-6), and click the Send button.
Note: This procedure is used to test that the Incal Weight(s) move(s) smoothly. When the
weight(s) is in the lowered position, the display reading should be STABLE.
A fluctuating display value indicates the weight is not stable. This could be because the weight
is not fully lowered and/or because it is touching something. To correct this symptom, follow the
procedures in Section 3.3.7 – 3.3.8 for Precision Load Cells; Sections 3.3.12 – 3.3.13 for
Analytical Load Cells; and Sections 3.3.17 – 3.3.19 for Block Style Load Cells with Internal