GE Power Management: Bus Bar Protection Bus Bar Protection Bus Bar Protection Bus Bar Protection
GE Power Management: Bus Bar Protection Bus Bar Protection Bus Bar Protection Bus Bar Protection
GE Power Management: Bus Bar Protection Bus Bar Protection Bus Bar Protection Bus Bar Protection
GE Power Management
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The BUS1000 is a high-speed static protection system aimed at detecting phase to phase and to ground
faults in buses at high voltage substations.
The main unit is an overcurrent three phase differential relay with percentage restraint and stabilization
The relay is provided with a very sensible overcurrent differential unit which provides an alarm and blocks
the output of any protection trip in case of an accidental disconnection of any of the measuring units’ inputs
during the normal operation of the substation.
As an option, the protection system may include a detection device for breaker failures, associated to the
differential protection and overcurrent units for individual supervision of tripping from each breaker.
The modular feature of the system allows to carry out various configurations adapted to the specific
characteristics of the buses to be protected (multiple or single-bus, breaker and one half, special
dispositions, etc.)
Depending on the complexity of the application, the protection system is housed in one or more 19
inches standard racks or, as an option, in complete cabinets.
• Measuring "units" for line currents and operation and restraint magnitudes in order to ease the set up and
• An optional testing system to check the operation of the alarm and measuring units in normal operation
• Optional overcurrent units for the supervision of the breaker tripping in every position.
The information given hereafter does not intend to cover all the different details or variations of
the described equipment neither does it intend to foresee any event that may arise during its set up,
operation or maintenance.
Should any further information be requested, or in the event of a specific problem that may need
any information other than that provided, refer to GE POWER MANAGEMENT, S.A.
BUS 1 - - - - - - - - - - DESCRIPTION
1 Single busbar
2 Double busbar
3 Split busbar
4 Triple busbar
- - Specify the number of lines + bus coupler
A Without cabinet
D In cabinet (2000mmx800mmx800mm)
1 Without breaker failure
2 With breaker failure
2 With test rack & short-cicuitable resistors
3 Without test rack & short cicuitable
1 50 Hz
2 60 Hz
C Auxiliary voltage: 125 Vcc.
D Auxiliary voltage: 250 Vcc.
E Auxiliary voltage: 220 Vcc.
F Auxiliary voltage: 110 Vcc.
- - Correlative numbers
Because of the great variety of options and configurations in the BUS1000 systems, a complete list of the
models is not included in this document. The specific information corresponding to the customer's model is
provided with the chosen equipment. The most usual types of models as well as the basic system
components are described below:
• Frequency: 50/60Hz
• Auxiliary voltage: 110 Vdc or 125 Vdc or 220 Vdc
• Operation ranges: 80%to 120% of nominal values
• Nominal current: 1 amp
• Thermal capacity current circuits:
Input circuits:
Continuously................................................... 2 x In
For three seconds ........................................ 50 x In
For one second ...........................................100 x In
Total current going through the bar:
Continuously..................................................20 x In
• Thermal capacity for voltage circuits:
Continuous: ..................................................... 2.5x Vn
During 1min: ...................................................... 3.5xVn
• Loads:
Current: 15VA (depending on the tap of the auxiliary transformer used)
Voltage: 0.2 VA at Vn= 63 V
The BUS1000 units comply with the following standards, including the GE standard for insulation and
electromagnetic compatibility and the standard required by the EU directive 89/336 for the CE marking,
according to the harmonised European standard:
This law states that the vectorial sum of all currents flowing into a closed area must be zero. This law
applies, in the first instance, to dc current. It applies to ac current for instantaneous values. Thus, the sum of
the currents in all feeders of a busbar must be zero at any instant in time.
I1 I2 I3 .... In
Assuming that the currents I1 , I2 ,I3 ... In flow in the feeders ( Fig 3.1) connected to the busbar, the following
equation applies in the fault-free condition ( the currents flowing towards the busbar are defined as positive,
and the currents flowing away from the busbar as negative ) :
I1 + I2 + I3 ... + In = 0
If this equation is not fulfilled, then there must be some other-impermissible-path through which a current
flows. This means that there is a fault in the busbar region.
This law is superior, as the basis for busbar protection, to any other known way of measurement. A single
quantity, the sum of currents, characterises and can be used to detect faulty conditions. This sum of all
currents can be formed at any time and if formed as such, using instantaneous current values, full use of
above law can be made. Above law is always valid, whereas with a comparison of only the zero crossing
points of the currents or of the current directions may involve phase displacements that would have to be
considered accordingly. For instance, in a fault-free three-phase load, the instants of zero current are
displaced by 50º or 120º with respect to e. Unbalanced load may produce other displacements. The sum of
the currents, on the other hand, remains constantly zero as long as no currents flow through some other
path due to a fault.
The above considerations apply strictly to the primary conditions in a high-voltage switching station.
Protection systems, however, cannot carry out direct measurements of currents in high-voltage systems.
Protection equipment measurement systems, performing the current comparisons, are connected through
current transformers. The secondary windings provide the currents scaled down according to the
transformation ratio while retaining the same phase relation. Furthermore, the current transformers, due to
the isolation of their secondary circuits from the high-voltage system and by appropriate grounding
measures, can keep dangerous high voltages away from the protection system.
The current transformers are an integral part of the whole protection system and their characteristics are an
important factor for the correct operation of the protection. Their physical locations mark the limits of the
protection zone covered by the protection system.
Figures 1 and 2 represent the simplified connection diagram of the differential protection and its
behaviour with internal and external faults respectively, without any saturation on C.T. cores.
Auxiliary intermediate current transformers are aimed at equalising the currents received by the relay for
every input position, since the main transformers may have a different transformation ratio. They have been
specially designed to provide a homogeneous response (same saturation characteristic) for all the inputs to
the measure unit, thus allowing the use of main transformers with different characteristics.
The VD current is the operation magnitude and it is proportional to the differential current. The VF voltage
is the restraint magnitude and it is proportional to the sum of the currents of all the positions associated to
the bus to be protected.
In ideal conditions, for an external fault, current flows through the input circuits of the different positions
without differential current; thus, VD is zero and VF is equal to twice the value of the fault current, whereas for
an internal fault, all the fault current goes through the differential circuit which makes VD and VF equal.
Figure 15 shows the block diagram of the percentage restraint differential unit and the supervision
differential unit.
For the main measure unit, VD and VF voltages are applied to a sum circuit which subtracts from the VD
value part of the VF restraint voltage value obtaining thus a combined signal which is applied to a level
detector. The restraint current ratio K subtracted from the differential voltage is called restraint percentage
and it determines the operation characteristic of the unit as well as its sensitivity.
The level detector is a fixed VO threshold level comparator (factory adjusted), with an operation time of
1.5 milliseconds and a reset time of 40 milliseconds in order to ensure a constant signal in the output relay.
The Vo level of the detector is calculated so that the unit may produce an output when the ID - K IF
magnitude is over 0.1 Rms. Figure 3 shows the operation characteristic corresponding to this equation.
In the case of internal faults, we assume that no current transformer is saturated and therefore the
equivalent circuit with its corresponding current distribution is that of fig. 1.
Note that in these conditions all the fault current will pass through the differential unit. From the design of the
circuit we have:
By analysing the behaviour of the differential unit in the first half cycle of the current at a 50 Hz rated
frequency in the network we will have:
90 -9T
0 90 180
VD = RMS voltage in the differential circuit.
VF = RMS voltage in the restraint circuit.
VO= Threshold voltage in the level detector.
ID = RMS current in the differential circuit.
IF = RMS current in the restraint circuit.
K= Restraint percent in unit value.
T= Detector time (in ms.).
VD = I D * N ED * RD = I D * N * R
VF = I F * N EF * RF = I F * N * R
On the other hand, the differential unit will produce an output when the VA value is above the V O one, that is,
I D − K * I F ≥ VO * (1 / 2 * sen(90 − 9T )) * (1 N * R) [6]
Vo = 0.137 V
T = 1.5 ms.
N = 0.01
R = 100 ÿ
I D − K * I F ≥ 0 .1 [7]
From this equation we obtain the relay's sensitivity in amperes for the different values of K.
During the time prior to the saturation of any of the main C.T's and assuming ideal conditions for an external
fault, the fault current flows through input circuits of the various positions without any differential current.
In these conditions the value of VD = 0 and in our case, the value of VF will be proportional to twice the fault
current. See fig. 2.
In the case of an external fault, saturation may be produced in the current transformers associated to any of
the protected bus positions. In this case, the inputs' currents will not be compensated; thus a differential
current will be produced which must not lead to the operation of the relay. The combination of the percent
restraint operation characteristic together with the RE stabilization resistance in the differential circuit ensures
the correct behaviour of the unit in these circumstances.
The worst case from the point of view of the possibility of false operations with external faults is that of a
complete saturation (total absence of signal in the secondary) of only one of the main C.T's while the rest
behave correctly.
In our case, the equivalent circuit is shown in fig. 4. Here, the fault current provided by the rest of the current
transformers is divided between the totally saturated IX circuit and the ID differential circuit in an inversely
proportional way to the resistance of every circuit.
Thus, when the RE resistance value increases in the differential circuit, the differential current flowing
erroneously in case of saturation of a current transformer decreases. In the same way, when the K restraint
percent value increases, a greater differential current is allowed without providing a trip in the unit since VF
will increase.
I D = I FAULT − I X [9]
I D * RE = I X * RMAX [10]
I FAULT = I D + I D * ( RE / RMAX ) =
= I D * (1 + ( RE / RMAX ))
I F = I D * (1 + 2 * ( R E / RMAX )) [12]
I D − K * I F ≥ 0.1
I D ≥ K * I D * (1 + 2 * ( R E / RMAX ))
For more security we can say that the unit will not trip if:
1 − K * (1 + 2 * ( R E / R MAX )) < 0
2 * K * RE
RMAX < [20]
1− K
The RE has a fixed value set at 250 , so the RMAX value must be such that the below equation is
accomplished in order to avoid false operations with external faults, even in the worst saturation conditions
of the main C.T's
The supervision differential unit consists of a level detector with similar characteristics to that of the main
unit, to which is applied the VD voltage only, proportional to the differential current. Its operation threshold is
directly adjustable in Amps from 0.2 A to 2 A and independently from the K adjustment of the main unit (see
block diagram in figure 3).
The combination of both units described provides a great security to the protection, thus guarantying that
any failure of a component will not provide a non-desired trip to all the positions associated to the protected
bus. Both units must operate simultaneously so that a trip output is produced. In the case where due to a
failure only one of the units is operating incorrectly, the alarm unit described below will detect it, thus
providing a signalling output and the blocking of the protection.
The alarm unit associated to the differential protection consists of a very sensitive overcurrent unit (0.027
amps) connected in series to the differential circuit through its own input transformers.
It is aimed at detecting unbalances in the differential circuit due to leaks or accidental disconnection of any of
the inputs to the measure unit. It is also provided with a circuit that detects discordance among the outputs
of the main measuring units and the outputs of the main measuring and supervision units.
These units are optional and may belong to a complete BUS1000 system (current supervision only,
breaker failure only or both).
Figures 6 show the block diagrams of a double bus system with both functions for three-phase trip line
protection and single-phase trip respectively.
The units are connected in series to the inputs of every position of the bus differential (one for each position),
through their own input transducers and signal conditioning. Signals coming from each phase are combined
in a selection circuit of the larger before going on to the level detectors of the trip supervision unit (50) and of
the breaker failure unit (BF).
The breaker failure unit picks up its timer only when an external signal comes from line protection relays. In
the case of lines with single-phase trip protection, the level detector receives only signals from those phases
which have been tripped, in order to avoid the operation of the unit with the load current of the non faulted
phases. (See drawing 226B6429F20,21,22). Signals 89AY and 89BY provide information to the bus to which
the line is connected (double-bus systems), in order to lead the trip to the positions connected to the
corresponding bus.
As an option, the bus differential protection may be provided with a testing element, whose aim is to
check the differential circuit operation (including the stabilization resistors) and the alarm and differential
units. These includes the following modules:
This element is provided with elements (latching relays: 3B/87) for the connection and disconnection of the
trip of the differential units (see drawing 22B6429F26).
The test box unit is housed in a 19" rack and consists of the following elements:
• HLB100 (3B/87 in the schemes) latching relay (one for every differential). This relay inhibits the trips of
the corresponding differential units (see drawing 22B6429F26).
• HLA100 (3P/87 in the schemes) auxiliary relays (one for every differential). This relay is in charge of
introducing the test current in the corresponding differential unit (see drawing 22B6429F16).
• DPR test module. This module is provided with the following elements:
• Connection button (green color): This button operates on the HLB100 (3B/87) latching relay
allowing the trip output of the differential units.
• Disconnection button (red color): This button operates on the HLB100 (3B/87) latching relay
• Test button (white color): This button operates on the HLA100 (3P/87) auxiliary relay following
the below sequence:
a) Disconnection of the trips of the differential unit through the HLB100 (3B/87) latching relay (if
connected), while memorising whether it was connected or disconnected. Trips from the
breaker failure logic are not disconnected.
b) It blocks the reset of the HLB100 (3B/87) relay during the whole time the test is being carried
out and until all the elements which make up the trip circuits have been reset.
c) It operates on the HLA100 (3P/87) relay introducing the test current in the differential circuit.
d) When releasing the button, it carries out the opposite operation firstly disconnecting the test
current and connecting secondly (if it were memorised) the trips of the differential units, once
the trip circuits have been completely reset.
• AL, DIF selector switch: It allows for selection between the differential unit test and the alarm
unit test.
• Current level selector switch: It allows for selection of three different test current levels.
The testing element, which may be optionally provided with bus differential protection, has been designed to
check the alarm and differential units, during maintenance.
In the alarm and differential units test it is not necessary to disconnect the protection through its OFF button.
The TEST button itself is, as a step prior to the application of test current, in charge of disconnecting the
trips and not allowing for reset until all the elements in the trip circuits have not been reset.
Bear in mind that while doing the test there will come out the Differential Tripping signalling caused by the
test, and the Blocking signalling. Do not forget to reset the alarm and the differential modules, whose LED
will lit as a probe that each unit has no problem.
The differential units test will be carried out separately in every phase and with the current level
corresponding to the restraint measured in the protection measuring terminals.
Set the AL - DIF selector to the DIF position and we shall then select the phase to be tested and the level
corresponding to the restraint, with the appropriate switches.
Once the previous adjustments have been carried out, push the TEST button and check that the selected
unit has operated and the unit trip signalling the corresponding LED remains lit.
The alarm unit test will be carried out separately in every phase. Set the AL - DIF switch to the AL position
and we shall then select the phase to be tested with the phase selector switch. In this case the test current is
fixed and does not depend on the current level selector switch.
Once the previous adjustments have been carried out, push the TEST button and do not release it until the
unit operates (usually 10 seconds). Check that the unit selected has operated and the unit trip signalling
LED remains on.
The BUS1000 system has been designed for bus protection in high voltage substations from 30 KV to 500
KV. Its main characteristics are:
• Short operation time, especially where fault levels are high, in order to minimise damage to the
switchgear and assist system stability. The BUS1000 is characterised by a high speed selective
detection and clearing of any fault produced in the protected area.
• Careful design to operate on internal faults. Busbar faults are rear, only by regular comprehensive
routine testing of the BUS1000 can the desired reliability be achieved.
• Remain stable during all external faults. Since many more faults occur externally to busbars than
internally, busbar protection is called upon to stabilise many more times than to operate. The protection
stability (correct operation with severe external faults that result in a saturation of one of the line current
transformers), is assured by selecting the adequate restraint percentage, depending only on the total
resistance of the saturated circuit seen from the relay.
• Discriminate correctly, that is decide on which section of the busbars the fault has occurred, and then
trip rapidly only those circuit breakers connected to that section.
• The protection does not require the use of dedicated current transformers, neither need the latter
be of the same relation and characteristics for all the positions associated with the protected bus. Special
intermediate current transformers with the appropriate characteristics and relation are provided as part of
the protection system. This BUS1000 feature makes its application possible in existing facilities.
• The BUS1000 system is provided for its application in double bar arrangements with air switches per
each position, with latching relays. These relays type HLB connects the secondary currents of the
auxiliary CT's (1 Amp. rated current) to the input of its corresponding differential unit (the same bar to
which the position is connected.
In order to select adequately the protection system required, the following data must be considered:
• System frequency
• Auxiliary infeed voltage
• Bus disposition
• Transformer relation and characteristics (including burdens and cable lengths) of the current
transformers for each position
• Optional functions required:
• Position overcurrent supervision
• Breaker failure logic
• Tests system
• Housing in separate 19-inch racks or in complete cabinets.
For a correct application of the BUS1000 protection system and selection of its adjustments, the following
points must be considered:
The BUS1000 system does not require the use of dedicated current transformers for bus differential
protection. Current transformers with positions associated to busses may be of different types and ratios.
Check that the relation between the highest and lowest transformation ratios of the current
transformers associated with the protected bus is not greater than 10.
Check that the saturation voltage in every current transformer is at least equal to the quotient between 500 V
and the transformation ratio of the auxiliary transformer connected to it. For example, for a position with an
auxiliary transformer of a 5/1 ratio, the saturation voltage of the main current transformer must be equal or
greater than 100 Volts.
The transformation ratio of the auxiliary transformers provided for every position must be selected in such a
way that the global transformation ratio (resulting from the relation of the main transformers multiplied by the
auxiliary transformers) for every position associated to the busses to be protected is the same.
The first step to be taken is to start with the position whose main transformer has the greatest ratio, selecting
the lowest possible ratio for its auxiliary transformer, but without overloading the input to the bus protection
relay (2 IN maximum).
As an example, for a bus whose positions are provided with current transformers with 1000/5, 600/5 and
300/5 ratios, 5/1.67, 5/1 and 5/0.5 ratios will be selected respectively. This selection will provide a 600/1
global ratio for bus protection and will result in a full load current of 1.67 amps for inputs corresponding to
the circuits with CT ratio of 1000/5 A (full load primary current of 1000 A).
Check that the total of the currents of all the positions applied to the differential protection in maximum
current conditions going through the busses is not above 20 I N.
The auxiliary transformers must be placed preferably as near as possible from the main current
transformers, in order to reduce the cable resistance seen by the differential protection and thus allow a
lower stabilization resistance value or a lower restraint value. This arrangement also reduces the possibility
for an accidental opening of the main current transformers secondary circuit. Fig 17 represents the
secondary saturation characteristic of the auxiliary transformers.
Figure 1 shows a simplified diagram of the differential unit and its operation with an internal fault.
Figure 3 shows the operation characteristic of the BUS1000 system percentage restraint differential unit,
whose equation is:
ID > K IF + 0.1
The K restraint percentage value is defined as the ratio between the current needed in the differential circuit
for the operation of the relay I D and the total in absolute values of all the currents in the I F relay input circuits
(not the current going through the bus).
This unit's sensitivity for internal faults (differential current equal to restraint current) depends on the K
adjustment selected according to the table:
0.5 0.2
0.6 0.25
0.7 0.33
0.8 0.5
The selection of the K value is related, as will be shown below, to the RE (stabilization resistance in the
differential circuit, 250 Ω). The value of the K required for a complete stability of protection for external faults,
which may produce saturation in any of the current transformers.
The K value must be selected in order to obtain the required sensitivity for protection according to the fault 's
minimum current.
Figure 9 shows a simplified diagram of the differential unit and its operation on an external fault that
produces saturation in the faulted line current transformer.
The selection of the adequate stabilization resistance value in the differential circuit and the operation
characteristic of the measuring unit percentage restraint, cause a lack of sensitivity in the protection in these
conditions if the following equation is true:
RMAX (1-K)
RE >-------------------
RMAX being the total resistance seen from the relay terminal supposing the main current transformer is
completely saturated, for the most unfavourable position (greatest resistance value).
The measuring of RMAX must be done calculating the value of R for every position:
R = (RsTI + Rp)(NTIX)² + Rs
Rp Total resistance (wires and other connected circuits)between the main transformer and the
auxiliary transformer
NTIX Transformation ratio of the auxiliary transformer
Rs Total resistance between the auxiliary transformer and the relay
R values can be determined through direct resistance measurements from the relay terminals, short-
circuiting the main current transformer secondary. It is recommended to include these measurements in the
protection set up guides.
KX = 2K/(1-K)
The supervision unit included in the differential protection is an overcurrent unit independently adjustable
between 0.2 and 2 amps. Both the main differential unit and the supervision unit described must operate so
that the bus differential relay may trip.
This unit has a double purpose. Firstly, it provides the relay with security, thus avoiding any false trips which
may be produced in the case where one of its components should fail; and secondly, it makes it possible to
limit the sensitivity of the protection (for example, if the protection operation is to be avoided in the case
where the overcurrent transformer secondary circuit opens up) without modifying the restraint characteristics
of the main unit.
Should there be no need to limit the relay sensitivity, the adjustment of this unit must be equal to the
operation value of the main unit, determined be the selected K unit.
The BUS1000 module incorporates electronic components that might be affected by electrostatic
discharge currents flowing through certain component terminals. The main source of electrostatic
discharges is human body, especially under low humidity conditions, with carpet floors or isolating
shoes. If such conditions are present special care should be taken while manipulating BUS1000’s
modules and boards. Operators, before even touching any component, must make sure that their
bodies are not charged by either touching a grounded surface or by using an antistatic grounded
wrist bracelet.
The following hardware description is general, and includes those relevant aspects that are common to the
different equipment included in the BUS1000 system.
BUS1000 systems are provided in complete cabinets. They are made up of standard 19 inches wide and
four units high racks, fully wired to connecting blocks placed in the back. Connections between the different
cases are achieved only from their connecting blocks.
All the auxiliary elements, such as stabilization resistors, supply resistors, etc, are provided by the factory in
the cabinets, except for the intermediate adapting auxiliary transformers. These are provided separately for
their set-up near the main transformers, or in the boards to which their secondary currents are wired for
every position.
The cabinets are provided with a transparent front gate and a back gate, both removable for an easy access
to the cabinet during its installation.
The racks provided separately for the installation of BUS1000 board mounted systems are standard, 19
inches wide and their dimensions are shown in figure 22.
The external connections are provided in terminal blocks mounted in the rear part of the rack.
The front cover is made up of plastic material and fits over the case making pressure over a rubber joint
located around the enclosure. This produces a tight proof sealing avoiding the entrance of dust. The
resetting of the targets is achieved without having to take off the cover, through pushbuttons.
The modules provided with the various protection functions are assembled vertically on the racks. Several
types of modules are available depending on their type of installation and extractability.
BTR Optional test rack for single or double bus systems 1 DPR
(figure 7.3) 2 HLB100
2 HLA100
All the modules are identified by means of a number located in the front plate, which specifies its function
and characteristics.
The various configurations available in a bus protection system are carried out combining the number of
modular components requested in order to obtain the whole of the desired functions and the number of input
and output circuits requested. The BUS1000 is a flexible and modular system made up of the components
described below.
Each module consists of a printed circuit board with a front plate mounted on it through two supports. Over
this plate, there are two elements that fit into two nuts on the box that serve the purpose of pulling the
module out of the rack or pushing it into it.
The electrical connections are made through a male connector which fits into a female connector located in
the box.
They are similar to the printed circuit modules except for their structure which consists of a metal plate for
the assembly of the output relays and other components. They also use a different connector.
They are used for assembling current transformers input transducers and other components.
They consist of a plate which supports their various components and several connecting blocks with the rest
of the modules and with the system.
In order to remove these modules it is necessary to reach the rear part of the rack unscrewing its rear cover
and removing the screws which hold the module as well as removing the connecting blocks. The module is
drawn out though the front part of the rack. This operation has to be done with the protection system
completely out of service and with its current inputs short-circuited.
They are unpluggable with their own connection bases located and wired in the racks.
They are provided with their own transparent cover and are removed through the front part of the rack.
They must not be removed without having previously checked that the protection system is out of service
and that their current inputs are short-circuited, given that their contacts may be part of the secondary circuit
of the current intermediate transformers, which means that their removal could mean the opening of these
circuits; this would cause the protection to trip or it would cause the operation of the alarm units, as well as
possible permanent damage to the intermediate transformers.
They are located in the front plates of the restraint modules (DFI) . They consist of 2 or 3 rows of terminals
according to the number of restraint inputs (2 maximum). The lower terminals correspond to the references
of each phase and the upper terminals to the inputs in each line, per phase.
The a.c. voltage measured in these terminals corresponds to the current flowing through the line on the 1 A
They are located on the front plate of the differential module (DDI), in the upper row. The terminals in the
lower row correspond to the reference, which is also common for the measurement of the differential
The continuous voltage measured in these terminals corresponds to 90% of the arithmetical sum of the
currents of all the lines in the 1 A side.
It is done by means of a red LED located in the front part of the boards in every differential single-phase unit.
It is a continuous signalling and the reset is carried out manually by means of a push-button located in the
front part of the same board.
It is done by means of three red LEDs (one for every phase) located in the front part of the board, in the
alarm unit.
The signalling is continuous and the reset is achieved by means of a push-button placed in the front part of
the board itself.
It is carried out by means of microswitches placed in the front part of the breaker failure board (SFI).
The minimum adjustment (all the microswitches placed at the left), is 0.2 A on the 1 A side, plus the number
corresponding to every microswitch located to the right. The unit adjustment ranges from 0.2 to 3.3 A on the 1
A side, in 0.1 steps.
It is carried out by means of microswitches placed in the front part of the breaker failure board (SFI).
The minimum adjustment (all the microswitches placed at the left) is 0.2 s, plus the number corresponding to
every microswitch, positioned to the right. The adjustment ranges from 0.1 to 1.6 s in 0.1 steps.
Two versions are available for the operation level of the overcurrent unit. In the first case, the level depends
on the level adjustment of the breaker failure unit, and in the second the level is totally independent.
Dependent adjustment:
It is done by means of microswitches placed in the front part of the breaker failure board (SFI).
The minimum adjustment (all the microswitches placed at the left) is 0.25 times the adjustment of the breaker
failure unit, plus the number corresponding to every microswitch, positioned to the right. The adjustment
ranges from 0.25 to 1 time, in 0.05 steps.
Independent adjustment:
The same as the operation level adjustment of the breaker failure unit.
It is done by means of microswitches placed in the front part of the switching module (MDF).
The minimum adjustment (all the microswitches placed at the left) is 0.2 s, plus the number corresponding to
every microswitch, positioned to the right. The adjustment ranges from 0.2 to 1.7 s, in 0.1 steps.
It is done by means of a red LED placed in the front part of the boards, in every breaker failure unit.
This signalling is continuous and the reset is achieved manually through a push-button placed in the front
part of the board.
It is done by means of a red LED placed in the front part of the boards, in every breaker failure unit.
This signalling is not continuous and stops signalling when the unit is reset.
It is placed in the differential board (DDF) and it is achieved by means of a Cambion jumper. The range
values are: 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8
It is placed in the differential board (DDF) and it is achieved by means of a Cambion jumper. The range
values are: 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.
It is placed in the alarm board (DAL) and it is achieved by means of the P1 potentiometer. It is adjusted at 10
It is placed in the breaker failure board (SFI) and it is done by means of a jumper.
NOTE: The potentiometers described above are factory adjusted and it is not recommended to change their
original adjustment positions.
5.3.8. Accessories
In systems provided separately, the following accessories are provided for installation inside the board:
They are single phase units (three for every position and measuring unit) provided separately. Their
dimensions and panel drilling are shown in figure 17.
One for each measuring unit. A diagram box is shown in figure 19.
One for every differential rack and one for each breaker failure rack.
They are single-phase units (three for every bar) provided mounted inside the cabinet.
The systems are provided to the customer in a special packing unit that properly protects it during
transportation, provided it is done under normal conditions.
Immediately after receiving the equipment, the customer should check if there is any evidence of the system
having suffered damage during transportation. If injury or damage resulting from rough handling is evident,
file a damage claim at once with the Transportation Company and promptly notify the factory.
Reasonable care should be exercised in unpacking the relay in order not to lose the accessories provided in
the box.
If the equipment is not going to be installed immediately, it is convenient to store it in its original packing, in a
place free from moisture and dust.
It is important to check that the inscription on the nameplate matches the data in the order.
It is recommended, once the equipment is received, that a visual inspection and the tests given below be
performed to make sure that the relay has not suffered any damage in transportation and the factory
calibration has not been altered.
In the description of each test instructions for the calibration of every measuring unit are included. The units
must only be readjusted if the values measured are beyond the indicated tolerance limits.
The tests described in chapter 12, can be carried out as installation or acceptance tests, depending on the
criteria of the user. Since most users have different procedures for installation and acceptance tests, this
section explains all the tests that can be performed on the systems.
Check that the model or models indicated in the plates match the data given in the order. Unpack the
equipment and check there are no broken parts and no signs that the system has suffered any damage
during transportation.
General Considerations on the Power Supply Network and the Measuring Equipment
The bus protection equipment has been calibrated in the factory using a 50 and 60 Hz network with a
minimum content of harmonics. In order to achieve consistent results, the tests must be carried out using a
power supply network whose wave shape does not contain harmonics.
The dc auxiliary infeed voltage used for tests must not be obtained with rectified a.c. because if this power
supply is not properly smooth, it is possible the measuring units do not operate correctly due to possible
voltage drops in the power source. Zener diodes, for example, may stop conducting because of power
supply voltage drops. As general rule, the dc power supply must not have a ripple higher than 5%.
The ammeters and chronometers used must be calibrated and their precision must be better than that of the
relay. The power supply network used in the tests must remain stable, mainly in the levels near the operation
thresholds and during the whole operation time of the relay.
It is important to point out that the accuracy with which the test is performed depends on the network and on
the instruments used. Functional tests performed with unsuitable power supply network and instruments are
useful to check that the relay operates properly and therefore its operating characteristics are verified in an
approximate manner. However, if the relay would be calibrated in these conditions, its operational
characteristics would be outside the tolerance range values.
− Check the value in Ohms of the stabilization resistor for every phase.
− Adjust the resistors “correderas" to obtain the resistance value calculated for the operation, and check the
value in Ohms once the "correderas" bolts have been screwed.
− Check the transformation ratio in the different taps, according to the model.
− Apply 300 Va.c. volts to the transformer secondary, with the primary opened and check that the current
consumption ranges between 30 and 60 miliamperes.
According to drawing 226B6429H44 check out the following connections between cabinets:
1. Connect A and B and N terminal of each cabinet to their corresponding A and B and N terminal of the
rest of the cabinet. (A1 to A1, B1 to B1, N1 to N1, A2 to A2...).
2. Connect X1 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y1 terminal of cabinet 2,
3. Connect X2 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y2 terminal of cabinet 2.
4. Connect X3 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y3 terminal of cabinet 2.
5. Connect X4 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y4 terminal of cabinet 2.
6. Connect X5 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y7 terminal of cabinet 2.
7. Connect X6 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y8 terminal of cabinet 2.
8. Connect X7 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y11 terminal of cabinet 2.
9. Connect X8 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y12 terminal of cabinet 2.
10. Connect X9 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y15 terminal of cabinet 2.
11. Connect X10 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y16 terminal of cabinet 2.
12. Connect X34 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y19 terminal of cabinet 2.
13. Connect X161 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y20 terminal of cabinet 2.
14. Connect X162 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y21 terminal of cabinet 2.
15. Connect X163 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y22 terminal of cabinet 2.
16. Connect X164 terminal of cabinet 1 to Y23 terminal of cabinet 2
Feed the equipment by connecting the positive of a dc voltage source to X1 borne, and the negative to X2
Make sure that there is also dc voltage in X7 (+), X8 (-), in Y11 (+), Y12 (-), all the signalling LEDs on the
differential (DDF) and alarm (DAL) boards are lit up after pressing the reset button.
Press also the reset buttons of the breaker failure boards (SFI) making sure that the breaker failure LED
lights up, in all positions.
7.6.1. BUS A
Set the latching relay corresponding to Bus A, in the line 7 (89AX/P7) to the ON position, that is, applied
positive to P7- 15 and make a jump between P7-11 & P7-12.
Set the block latching relay corresponding to this differential to the ON position (3B/87A), check that X33-
X34 is opened. The green light corresponding to bus A in the test box will be on. If not so, switch it on by
pressing the green button.
Apply current through terminals 23 and 26 of the position for phase 1, through 24 and 26 for phase 2,
through 25 and 26 for phase 3 and check that in all 3 instances, the corresponding main units operate
according to the following table:
Also check that contact 1, 2 of the position closes. (if the alarm operates, the contact will open)
Each time the differential unit operates the following contacts will close: X29-X30, X31-X32. These contacts
will remain closed until the reset button (place in cabinet 1 front panel) is pushed.
NOTE: Should the alarm go off as a result from the current having been applied for over 10 s, the differential
will be blocked and the corresponding red light in the test box will light up, and a message will show
up on the alarm’s screen. In such event, to proceed with the test, the differential should be reset by
pressing the corresponding green button, and acknowledge the alarm to clear up the screen of the
Apply current through terminals 23 and 26 of the position for phase 1, through 24 and 26 for phase 2,
through 25 and 26 for phase 3 and check that in all 3 instances, the corresponding supervision units operate
according to the following table:
Also check that contact 1, 2 of the position closes. (if the alarm operates, the contact will open)
Each time the differential unit operates the following contacts will close: X29-X30, X31-X32. These contacts
will remain closed until the reset bottom (place in cabinet 1 front panel) is pushed.
NOTE: Should the alarm go off as a result from the current having been applied for over 10 s, the differential
will be blocked and the corresponding red light in the test box will light up, and a message will show
up on the alarm’s screen. In such event, to proceed with the test, the differential should be reset by
pressing the corresponding green button, and acknowledge the alarm to clear up the screen of the
Undo the bridges of the stabilization resistors and, applying current through the previous terminals. Check
that both the alarms of the three phases operate with 28 mA (range: 27- 29mA) and that the red light of
differential A goes off while the red light lights up.
Bear in mind that every time the alarm operates, the differential must be reset by pressing the corresponding
green button.
7.6.2. BUS B
Set the latching relay corresponding to Bus B, he line 7 (89B/P7) to the ON position, that is, make a jumper
between P7-11 & P7-14.
Set the BUSY/AB latching relay to the ON position, contact X45-X46 is closed. Apply positive to P7-13 and
these contacts will open.
Set the block latching relay corresponding to this differential to the ON position (3B/87B), check that X41-X42
is opened. The green light corresponding to bus B in the test box should be lit up. If not so, light it up by
pressing the green button.
Apply current through terminals 23 and 26 of the position for phase 1; through 24 and 26 for phase 2;
through 25 and 26 for phase 3 and check that in all three instances, the corresponding main units operate
according to the following table:
Check as well that contacts 1 and 2 of the position close. (if the alarm operates, the contact opens).
Each time the differential unit operates the following contacts will close: X37-X38, X39-X40. These contacts
will remain closed until the reset bottom (place in cabinet 1 front panel) is pushed.
NOTE: Should the alarm go off as a result from the current having been applied for over 10 s, the differential
will be blocked and the corresponding red light in the test box will light up, and a message will show
up on the alarm’s screen. In such event, to proceed with the test, the differential should be reset by
pressing the corresponding green button, and acknowledge the alarm to clear up the screen of the
Apply current through terminals 23 and 26 of the position for phase 1, through 24 and 26 for phase 2,
through 25 and 26 for phase 3 and check that in all 3 instances, the corresponding supervision units operate
according to the following table:
Also check that contact 1, 2 of the position closes. (If the alarm operates, the contact will open)
Each time the differential unit operates the following contacts will close: X37-X38, X39-X40. These contacts
will remain closed until the reset bottom (place in cabinet 1 front panel) is pushed.
NOTE: Should the alarm go off as a result from the current having been applied for over 10 s, the differential
will be blocked and the corresponding red light in the test box will light up, and a message will show
up on the alarm’s screen. In such event, to proceed with the test, the differential should be reset by
pressing the corresponding green button, and acknowledge the alarm to clear up the screen of the
Undo the bridges of the stabilization resistors and applying current through the above terminals check that
the alarms in all 3 phases operate with 28 mA (range: 27- 29mA); that the operation time is 10 s. (9.5, 10.5)
and that the green target of the differential B goes off as the red target lights up.
Check as well that contact X43-X44 closes taking into account that every time the alarm operates the
differential must be reset by pressing the corresponding green button.
Remove jumpers from U3 and U4, P7-11 and P7-14. Apply positive to P7-15.
This test has to be repeated for all positions and both bus bars.
Check that the contacts (see table 3: Differential output contacts and table 4: lock out contacts) are open.
Connect the latching corresponding to bus bar A of the feeder being, simulating this situation in terminal
blocks applying dc (+) to the corresponding terminal tested, see table 2: Bar connection & disconnection).
Check that the lock out contact is closed (see table 4: lock out contacts).
Connect the corresponding bus bar differential. Put the corresponding jumper between terminals U1-U2 for
Bar A and U3-U4 for Bar B. Apply 1,2 Amp to terminals (see table 1: Input current)
Check that when the differential trips, contacts (see table 3: Differential output contacts) are closed and the
lock out contact is open (see table 4: lock out contacts).
NOTE: When the alarm starts, it will disconnect the tripping contacts but the lock out contacts will remain
closed until they are reset (see drawing 226B6429H28):
• Pushing the button located in the BPP module (see cabinet front view 226B6430F15)
• Using an external contact connected between X23-X24.
Check that when the blocking differential A, using its blocking unit (pushing the OFF button of the test block),
and applying the previous current, the above mentioned contacts do not close.
Disconnect the latching corresponding to bus bar A, and connect the latching of bus bar B (this can be
simulated in terminal blocks applying dc (+) to the corresponding terminals, see table 2: Bar connection and
disconnection), and repeat the process.
Repeat the same procedure for phase 2 and for phase 3 (see table 1: Input current).
Repeat the same procedure for bus bar B, for each phase.
12 13 14 15
This test should be done for each one of the positions and both bus bars.
Set the adjustment 50 of the position to 100% and BF to 0.9 A and the time of B.F. to 0.4 s, that is first step
100ms (all switches on SFI module should be on the left), second step 300ms (switches on DTE module,
common for all positions).
Set up the latching relay of bus A (89AX/P) to the ON position (see table 2: Bar connection & disconnection)
that of bus B (89BX/P) in the OFF position (see table 2: Bar connection & disconnection), put a jumper
between terminals (see table 6: Compound blocking contacts), initiate the breaker failure protection by
applying +P to the terminal (see table 4: Breaker failure initiation) of this position and apply 0.9 A of current
through the corresponding terminals of this position (see table 1: Input current) and checking that:
• When testing bar A check that there is voltage in X5 (+P) after 100ms (first step) and in X9 after 300ms
(second step).
• When testing bar B check that there is voltage in X6 (+P) after 100ms (first step) and in X10 after 300ms
(second step).
• Contacts X25-X26 and X27-X28 are closed for Bar A and contacts X37-X38 and X39-X40 are closed for
Bar B.
• the restraint measured in the corresponding terminal of the differential module is 0.9;
• contacts (see table 3: breaker failure tripping output contacts) of the position are closed;
Apply the same current through phase 2 (see table 1) and phase 3 (see phase 1).
Disconnect the latching relay of bus A (89AX/P) of the position tested, applying +P to terminal (see table 2:
Bar connection & disconnection) of the position. Connect the latching relay of bus B (89BX/P) to the
position, applying positive +P to terminal (see table 2: Bar connection & disconnection) of the position.
Set the line latching relays of the next position and repeat the whole process for every position. Repeat the
above steps for bar B.
12 13 14 15
Set the three latching relays 52 EB/CS to the OFF position and connect them, applying +EB to terminal
EB11, make sure that -EB is applied to terminal EB-13.
7.9.1. BUS A
Set the adjustment 50 of the coupling to 0.9 and set the time to 0.4 s that is:
Remove the positive from EB11 to EB10. Apply current through EB23 and EB26, checking that:
• the restraint measured in the corresponding lead of the differential A is between 0.77-0.85.
Apply the same current through terminals EB24, EB26, checking as above (phase 2).
7.9.2. BUS B
Successively, apply current (0.9 A) through EB27, EB30 (phase l), EB28, EB30 (phase 2), EB29, EB30
(phase 3) and check that in all three cases, the restraint measured in the corresponding terminal of the
restraint module of differential B is between 0.77 and 0.85.
Check that the differential and the 50 + B.F. do not operate, making sure that contacts from EB1-EB2 EB3-
EB4 EB 9-EB10 and X25-X26, X27-X2 are open.
Set the timer of the coupling to the maximum. Apply a jumper from the positive to terminal EB10. Apply 1.2 A
through terminals EB27 and EB30, checking that:
• contact EB1, EB2 closes as soon as the differential trips and opens again after about 1 s.
• the three latching relays 52EB/CS are now in the reset position.
Slope: 0.8
Supervision: 0.5
Connect position 7 to bus B applying +P to terminals (see table 2: Bar connection & disconnection). The rest
of the line latching relays must be in STANDBY position (0). If not so, apply positive to terminals (see table 2:
Bar connection & disconnection), corresponding to the positions where there is a latching relay connected
Apply 1 A through terminals (see table 1: Input current, phase A). Trip phase 1 of differential B.
Apply Vdc between X11 (positive) and X12 (negative). In that moment, the three latching relays BUS/AB will
operate (they go to 1); differential A trips, while differential B stops tripping.
Connect bus B pushing the green button on the test rack, and reset the DAL module and the DDF module of
the phase under test.
In such conditions, check by measuring in the leads of the differential module corresponding to bus A (phase
1) that the restraint is 0.9 Vdc and the differential is 0.9 Vdc. Bus B (phase 1) restraint and differential
corresponding measures will be 0.
Disconnect direct current in terminals X11 (+) and X12 (-). In that moment, the three latching relays BUS/AB
will operate (they go to O); differential B trips while differential A stops tripping.
In such conditions, check by measuring in the leads of the differential module corresponding to bus B (phase
A) That the restraint is 0.9 Vdc and the differential is 0.9 Vdc. Bus A (phase A) restraint and differential
corresponding measures will be 0.
Connect bus A pushing the green button on the test rack, and reset the DAL module and the DDF module of
the phase under test.
Remove the current applied to terminals (see table 1: Input current, phase A), applying it now, through
terminals (see table 1: Input current, phase B). Repeat the same steps, taking into account that the one
under test is phase B now.
Remove the current applied to terminals (see table 1: Input current, phase B), applying it now through
terminals (see table 1: Input current, phase C). Repeat the same steps, taking into account that the one
under test is phase C now.
Remove current and DC from X11 (+), X12 (-), when these terminals had it applied.
Connect the corresponding latching relay of bus A to the position 7, applying positive to terminal (see table 2:
Bar connection & disconnection) (1). In that moment, having the bus B latching relay connected (1), the three
BUS/AB latching relays will operate (they go to 1).
Disconnect bus A latching relay of position 7, applying positive to terminal (see table 2: Bar connection &
disconnection). In that moment, the BUS/AB latching relays will operate again (they go to 0).
Set the AL-DIF switch to position DIF; the TAKES switch (I, II, III) to position II; and switch 01,02,03 to
position 01.
Press the TEST button and check that the phase 1, corresponding to the pressed button, trips.
Set switch 01,02,03 to position 03. Press the TEST button and check that the phase 3, corresponding to the
button pressed, trips.
Set switch AL-DIF to position DIF; the TAP switch (I, II, III) to position III and proceed with the same check ,
as above.
NOTE: to test position l of the switch, slope and supervision adjustments must be lowered.
Set AL-DIF switch to position AL; TAP switch (I, II, III) to any position; and 01,02,03 switch to position 01.
Press the TEST button and check that after 10 s., the alarm in phase 1, as well as the alarm corresponding
to the button pressed, go off.
Set 01,02,03 switch to position 02. Press the TEST button and check that after 10 s., the phase 2 alarm of
the differential corresponding to the button pressed, goes off.
Set 01,02,03 switch to the position 03. Press the TEST button and check that after 10 s., the phase 3 alarm
of the differential corresponding to the button pressed, goes off.
Check that the differential can be connected and disconnected with the ON and OFF push-buttons; for this
purpose, check the following:
When the green light of differential A is on, the latching relay 3B/87A will be in (1) whereas with the red one
on , it will be in (0) .
Do the same check with the other differential and with its corresponding 3B/87B latching relay.
With the green light on, check that as you push the test button, the green light goes off as well as the red
one, and the corresponding 3B latching relay goes to (1).
Also check that when releasing the TEST button everything is automatically reset.
Check that while doing the same but with the red light on, this light will stay on with or without pushing the
NOTE: Should any of the tests not be satisfactory, refer to UNITS CALIBRATION.
The units must only be readjusted if the values measured are beyond the indicated tolerance limits.
Prior to the measure units calibration, the currents should be lead to the corresponding differential (double
bus). For this purpose, a positive must be applied to terminals (see table 2: Bar connection & disconnection
or differential A, and to terminals (see table 2: Bar connection & disconnection) for differential B. These
terminals correspond to the position to be used for the carrying out of the test.
Before starting these tests, adjust the SUP. units of every differential board to 0.2 ( Instruction Book FIG 20
back Cambion ) and shorting the stabilization resistors.
Set the cambion slope (Instruction Book FIG 20 front Cambion ) to 0.8. Apply 0.5 A through the leads
corresponding to each phase, according to the above list, and adjust with P1 potentiometer of each board for
the differential of the corresponding phase to operate with that value.
Check the rest of the pickup currents of each differential for each phase and for each of the rest of the
slopes (Instruction Book FIG 20 front Cambion).
Before starting with these tests, adjust the slope of the differential units to 0.5 (Instruction Book FIG 20 front
Cambion), Check that the stabilization resistors are shorted.
Set the supervision of the differential boards to 0.5 (Instruction Book FIG 20. back Cambion). Apply 0.5 A
through the leads corresponding to each phase, according to the above, and adjust with the P4
potentiometer of each board for the differential of the corresponding phase to operate with that value.
Check the rest of the pickup currents of each differential for each phase and for each of the rest of the
adjustment values (Instruction Book FIG 20 back Cambion).
In order to carry out this test, remove the jumpers in the stabilization resistors.
Apply current through the same terminals as in the previous tests and check for every unit and phase the
pickup values of the alarm units and their operation times.
The operation values will be approximately 28 mA and the operation time will be 10 s. If not, adjust with the
P1 potentiometer of the alarm board.
NOTE: The terminals to be used for the STOP of the chronometer depend on the type and construction of
the equipment.
Set the operation level adjustment of the breaker failure unit to 0.9A Set the unit operation time adjustment to
the minimum (0.1 s).
Simulate the pickup of the unit and apply 0.9 A current by adjusting with potentiometer P1 of the board so
that the unit may operate with that current (check with an oscilloscope that there are no pulses in D22
anode). Remember that it is timed.
Set the operation time adjustment of the breaker failure unit to 0.5 s and that of the operation level to 0.2 .
Apply 0.5 A and adjust with the P5 potentiometer of the board so that the unit may operate en 0.5 s.
Set the adjustment of the overcurrent unit to 0.9 . Apply 0.9 A and adjust with the P2 potentiometer of the
board so that the unit may operate with that value.
Check that the model or models indicated in the plates match the data given in the order. Unpack the
equipment and check there are no broken parts and no signs that the system has suffered any damage
during transportation.
In each phase (A, B, C) there are two setpoints that must be accomplished
1. The value of K: If there is no high resistance consideration of loop or other, the value that it must of be
adopted is that of K = 0.8. With this have a sensibility of 0.33 In.
• Current level adjustment: The minimum level should be at least 150% of the maximum nominal current.
Bear in mind that to calculate this value it must be considered the global ratio of the Substation or Power
• Time setting: This value must be inferior to the time set for zone 2 of the distance relays or of the
backup protections of the power transformers. The value must also be higher than the trip time of the
main protections (zone 1), plus the opening time of the associated breaker, plus a safety margin (i.e., if
zone 2 is set to 500 ms., the breaker failure will be adjusted in 300 ms - have assumed a tripping time of
distance relay in zone 1 of 30 ms. and a breaker time of 80 ms.).
All the units must be mounted in vertical surface which allows access to the front and rear sides of the
equipment. It is not necessary to have access to the lateral surfaces of the equipment mounted.
Check that the equipment has not suffered any damage during transportation and that its characteristics
and adjustments have not been altered
Check that the ratios of the auxiliary transformers are accurate according to the selected global ratio. (See
figures from 226B6429H1 to 226B6429H8)
Measure for each line and phase the total impedance of the loop on the 1 A side, from the protection input
leads, shorting the main transformer s secondary.
Check that the maximum value obtained in the measurements is less than:
Leave the current circuits of the main transformers secondaries shorted until these currents are applied to
the differential protection.
• Check that the values of each of the Stabilization Resistance measured 250 ÿ.
• Disconnect the trips that go from the differential busbar protection and breaker failure protection, to the
circuit breakers of the Substation or Power Plant. It should be done by disconnecting the physical
elements (cables), or by the use of switching terminal boards .
• Check that all the leads are down except for the d.c. power supply X1(+)-X2 (-) and X7(+)-x8(-) for the
control of the bar connection and disconnection of the feeders.
Take into account that terminals mentioned in this chapter are referred to the set of drawings 226B6429. For
each scheme, depending on the arrangement of the substation or power plant, and the needs of each utility,
the identification and number of the terminals may defer from the ones that appear in 226B6429.
This test uses the real currents that go through each circuit. Trips must be disconnected, for the differential
units it will be enough to push the red button, but for the breaker failure protection check that all the tripping
output terminals are brought down, so any mistake during the tests, will not cause a problem in the
• The magnitude of the current of restrain is increasing and corresponds to the sum of the absolute values
of all the currents connected to it.
• The differential current will increase or decrease weather the line currents are compensated or not.
• The voltage (ac) measured at the front of the panel DFI is proportional to the input current.
Upon connecting the last circuit, the value of differential voltage must be of the order of 0.0 mV, 3 milivolt as
maximum (upper values, indicate that there is a wrong connection). The alarm unit should be able to reset by
pushing the reset button, the LEDs on the DAL module should be off.
Now transfer all the feeders, one by one to differential B following the same steps as above, and check the
magnitudes of the current restrain and the differential current.
Upon connecting the last circuit, the value of differential voltage must be of the order of 0.0 mV, 3 milivolt as
maximum (upper values, indicate that there is a wrong connection). The alarm unit should be able to reset by
pushing the reset button, the LEDs on the DAL module should be off.
• Arrange the differential according to the actual arrangement of the Substation, and check that the entire
alarm unit can be reset (no LED is on), and that the LEDs on the DDF modules are also off.
-NOTE: The alarm units in the differentials will remain operated during installation, until all the currents are
For the measures of the voltage is sufficient the use of in digital multimeter with the range and precision of
Please make sure that the short circuit of the stabilization resistors is disconnected before at the end of the
A very extended criterion is not to connect immediately the trips, but to maintain this situation within a period
enhance between 6 months to 1 year (depending on the weather conditions and the customs of the utility).
This procedure is based on the importance of not having an undesired trip. Whose origin may be caused by
various sources: mistake of some polarity in a current circuit, auxiliary contacts of disconnector switches that
they do not are operating correctly, some loose cable, etc.). Therefore is preferred to have the protection in
service under real operation environment during a period of test, but unable to trip, although it will give all the
signals to the control panels.
Once this period has finished and the performance of the protection is considered as appropriated, the trips
should be connected.
Given the importance of the protection relays in the operation of any equipment, a periodical test program is
The interval between periodical tests varies normally for different types of relays, types of equipment as well
as the users’ experience on periodical tests.
For systems which are not provided with testing equipment, it is recommended that the points described in
CALIBRATION AND RECEIVING TESTS be checked every 1 or 2 years.
The optional equipment described in previous sections, allows for checking on the correct operation of the
measure and alarm units and of the output elements, without having to remove the protection. In systems
provided with testing equipment, this check can be carried out in short intervals, and does not require
specialised personnel. In this case the frequency of the tests described in RECEIVING AND EQUIPMENT
CALIBRATION can be reduced
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
FAULT. (226B2211F1)
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
External Fault
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ
4 AGIJS. 7
22 22
S2 S1 P2 P1
130 133
4 AGIJS. 7
22 22
1 0 1 ,5
1 78
3 8 ,2 5
3 8 ,2 5
• Test rack.
• PK: test blocks located at the current inputs.
• PK: test blocks located at the tripping contact outputs.
• 86 block contacts
• Breaker failure of two steps
• Test rack.
• PK: test blocks located in the current input.
• PK: test blocks located in the tripping output contacts.
• 86 lock out contacts
• Breaker failure with two steps
• Undervoltage supervision. (27)
P8 (226B6429F42)